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Test 03 Specific Gravity and Dry Density

This lab test is performed to determine the specific gravity of fine soils passing through
sieve# 4.75 mm.

Significance and Scope:

Determination of specific gravity of soil will help in the calculation of void ratio, degree
of saturation and other different soil properties.

Apparatus/ Equipment Required

I. Alcohol and either
II. Balance to weight the materials ( accurate up to10 gm)
III. Wash bottles with distilled water.
IV. Density bottle of 50ml with stopper having capillary hole.

Fig:3.1. Density bottles

Related Theory

Specific gravity
Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of unit volume of soil at a stated temperature to
the mass of the same volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature.
Dry density
The weight of a unit volume of a dry sample of soil, after the latter has been heated at a
temperature of 103 degrees C.

1. Completely clean the density bottle and dry it as much it is possible.
a. Now wash this bottle with the clean water and let it to dry.
b. After this wash it with alcohol in order to remove water from it.
c. Now wash the density bottle with ether to remove alcohol from it.
2. Weight the empty bottle with stopper and take this weight as W1.
3. Now again weight the same bottle but this time having 10 to 20 g oven dry soil
sample which is cooled in vacuum desiccator and take this weight as W2.
4. This weight W2 is the sum of weight of dry soil plus empty bottle.
5. Now pour 10 g of distilled water in this bottle and let it o soak completely. It
should be given 2 hours to this process.
6. Once fill this bottle with the distilled water, put stopper on it keep this bottle under
constant temperature water bath.
7. Now take this bottle clean and wipe it to remove extra soil from outside boundary
and weight it as W3.
8. At the end empty this bottle, clean it thoroughly and now weight this empty bottle
filled with only distilled water as W4.
9. In order to take exact and accurate results repeat this procedure and take average
of readings.

Observations and Calculations

No. Items Symbols (unit) Values

1 Weight of empty density bottle 𝑊1 (𝑔) 190.9
2 Weight of density bottle + dry 𝑊2 (g) 205.7
3 Weight of bottle + water+ dry 𝑊3 (𝑔) 696.9
4 Weight of bottle + soil 𝑊4 (g) 688.9
5 Specific Gravity of Soil 𝑾𝟐 −𝑾𝟏 2.17
𝑮𝒔 =(𝑾
Particles 𝟒 −𝑾𝟏 )−(𝑾𝟑 −𝑾𝟐 )

Table: 3.1.Observations and calculations

No. Items Symbol (g) Values
1 Density of water 𝑟𝑤 (g/cc) 1
2 Dry density of soil in – situ 0.7551
𝑟𝑑 (g/cc)
3 Specific gravity of soil 𝐺𝑠 2.17
4 Void Ratio 𝑮𝒔 𝒓𝒅 0.6385
e= -1
Table:3.2. Observations and calculations

i. Specific gravity of this soil is 2.17.
ii. Void ratio was found to be 0.6385.

• As the value of specific gravity is more than 2 and less than 3, its mean that the
soil neither has heavy substances who have value of specific gravity more than 3,
nor have porous particles who have specific gravity les than 2.
• Higher the value of void ratio less dense the soil is as in our case value of void
ratio is almost 0.6 so the sol is loose soil.

Test 07 Permeability Test with Fixed Head

The main objective of this test is to determine the coefficient of permeability of soil using
constant head method.

Significance and Scope

Soil permeability is the property of the soil to transmit water and air and is one of the
most important qualities to consider for fish culture. A pond built in
impermeable soil will lose little water through seepage.
High permeability will allow fluids to move rapidly through rocks. Sandy soils are known
to have high permeability, which results in high infiltration rates and good
drainage. Clay textured soils have small pore spaces that cause water to drain slowly
through the soil.

Apparatus/ Equipment Required

I. Drainage bade: A bade with a porous disc, 12 mm thick which has the
permeability 10 times the expected permeability of soil.
II. Drainage cap: A porous disc of 12 mm thick having a fitting for connection to
water inlet or outlet.
III. Graduated glass cylinder to receive the discharge.
IV. Stop watch to note the time.
V. Constant head tank: A suitable water reservoir capable of supplying water to them.
VI. Permeameter mold of non-corrodible material having a capacity of 1000 ml, with
an internal diameter of 100 mm and internal effective height of 127.3 mm.
VII. The mold shall be fitted with a detachable base plate and removable extension
VIII. Compacting equipment: 50 mm diameter circular face, weight 2.76 kg and height
of fall 310 mm as specified in I.S 2720 part VII 1965.
IX. A meter scale to measure the head differences and length of specimen.

Fig:7.1. Apparatus for permeability Test

Related Theory:

Permeability is the property of soil that is an indication of the ability for fluids (gas or
liquid) to flow through soil. High permeability will allow fluids to move rapidly through

Coefficient of Permeability
The rate of flow of water under laminar flow conditions through a unit cross-sectional
area of a porous medium under a unit hydraulic gradient and a standard temperature,
usually 20 degrees C.

The coefficient of permeability (k) is obtained from the relation

Constant Head Method test:
The constant head permeability test is a laboratory experiment conducted
to determine the permeability of soil. The soils that are suitable for this tests are sand and
gravels. Soils with silt content cannot be tested with this method. The test can be
employed to test granular soils either reconstituted or disturbed.

(Preparation of remolded sample for test)
1. Weight the required quantity of oven dried soil sample. Evenly sprinkle the
calculated quantity of water corresponding to the OMC. Mix the soil sample
2. Clean the mold and apply a small portion of grease inside the mold and around
the porous stones in the base plate. Weight the mold and attach the collar to it. Fix
the mold on the compaction base plate. Keep the apparatus on solid base.
3. The soil sample is placed inside the mold, and is compacted by the standard
Proctor compaction tools, to achieve a dry density equal to the pre- determine3d
MDD. Weight the mold along with the compacted soil.
4. Saturate the porous stones. Place the filter papers on both ends of the soil
specimen in the mold. Attach the mold with the drainage base and cap having
saturated porous stones.
Saturation of soil specimen:
5. Connect the water reservoir to the outlet at the bottom of the mold and allow the
water to flow in the soil.
6. Wait till the water has been able to travel up and saturate the sample. Allow about
1 cm depth of free water to collect on the top of the sample.
7. Fill the remaining portion of cylinder with de-aired water without disturbing the
surface of soil.
8. Fix the cover plate over the collar and tighten the nuts in the rods.
Constant head test:
9. Place the mould assembly in the bottom tank and fill the bottom tank with water
up to the outlet.
10. Connect the outlet tube with constant head tank to the inlet nozzle of the
permeameter, after removing the air in flexible rubber tubing connecting the tube.
11. Adjust the hydraulic head by either adjusting the relative height of the
permeameter mold and constant head tank or by rising or lowering the air intake
tube with in the head tank.

Observations and Calculations

No. Items Values 1

1 Specific gravity of soil 𝐺𝑠 2.56
2 Diameter of the specimen, d (cm) 6.5
3 Length of the specimen, L (cm) 15.2
4 Volume of the specimen, V (𝑐𝑚 ) 504.38
5 Weight of the dry specimen, 𝑊𝑠 (g) 7.64
6 Moisture content, e (%) 24%
Table:7.1, observations and calculations

No. Item Symbols (units) 1 2 3

1 Length of the specimen L (cm) 15.2 15.2 15.2
2 Area of specimen A (𝑐𝑚2 33.18 33.18 33.18
3 Time T (sec) 6.19 8.85 12.68
4 Discharge Q ( 𝑐𝑚3 ) 200 300 400
5 Height of water h (cm) 85.8 85.8 85.8
6 Coefficient of permeability 𝑄𝐿 0.17 0.18 0.17
( )
Table:7.2. observations and calculations
k = 0.181 (cm/s)

Coefficient of permeability of this soil is 0.181 ( cm/s).

• Clay is the most porous sediment but is the least permeable. Clay usually
acts as an aquitard, impeding the flow of water.
• Gravel and sand are both porous and permeable, making them good aquifer
materials. Gravel has the highest permeability.
• Our soil has k value as 0.181 (cm/s), since this value is very low so the
permeability of this soil is very low.
Test 11- Unconfined Compressive Strength

The purpose of this test is to find the shear strength of the soil.

Significance and Need

Shear parameters of the soil can be found by using bearing strength test but it is not
always possible to conduct bearing strength test.
Direct shear test is ideally suited for conducting drained tests on cohesionless soils. •
The apparatus is relatively cheap. Demerits of direct shear test • The stress condition is
known only at failure. The conditions prior to failure are indeterminate and, therefore, the
mohr circle cannot be drawn.

I. Unconfined compression device (electrically driven strain-controlled device).
II. Remolding device
III. Deformation dial gage
IV. Balance, capable of weighing to the nearest 0.01 gm
V. Miscellaneous tools and equipment; spatula, moisture tins etc.
VI. Loading frame of capacity of 2 t, with constant rate of movement. What is the
least count of the dial gauge attached to the proving ring.
VII. Proving ring of 0.01 kg sensitivity for soft soils; 0.05 kg for stiff soils.
VIII. Soil trimmer.
IX. Evaporating dish (Aluminum container).
X. Soil sample of 75 mm length.
XI. Oven thermostatically controlled with interior of noncorroding material to
maintain the temperature at the desired level.
XII. Sample extractor and split sampler.
XIII. Vernier calipers

Fig:11.1 Unconfined Compression Test Machine

Related Theory

Unconfined Compressive Strength

Unconfined compressive strength of cohesive soil “qu” is defined as the load per unit
area at which an unconfined prismatic or cylindrical specimen of soil will fail in a simple
compressive test.
It is taken as the maximum load attained per unit area or the load per unit area at 20%
axial strain, whichever is secured first during the performance of a test.

Length to Diameter Ratio of Test Specimen

The length to diameter ratio of the test specimens should be large enough to avoid
interference of potential 45° failure planes and short enough that we do not obtain a
"Column" failure. The length/diameter ratio to satisfy this criterion is. 2 < L/d < 3.

1. If density and moisture content of the soil is known calculate the weight of the
soil needed for preparation of three soil samples of 1.5 inch diameter and 3 inch
2. Add specified moisture to the dry soil and mix thoroughly. Put some of the soil
for moisture content determination.
3. Prepare three soil samples of required density by packing the soil in the specimen
4. If the sample specimen crumbles easily or a good bearing surface for the platen
cannot be obtained it is permissible to cap the end using Plaster of Paris.
5. If evaporation from the soil is expected, the samples should he sealed by
encapsulation the specimens in a thin latex membrane or sprayed on plastic
immediately following specimens preparation.
6. Carefully align the specimen in the compression machine.
7. Set the load dial gauges to zero. At this time a very small load should be on the
sample (order of ideal 1 unit of a load gage).
8. Turn on machine and take load and deformation dial readings until of the
• Load decreases on sample significantly.
• Load holds constant for 4 readings
• Deformation is significantly past 20 percent strain.
9. Remove the specimen from compression machine and sketch the failed specimen.
10. Determine the water content of the sample
11. Test at least two more samples. Compute the unit strain ε, the corrected area and
the unit stress for enough of the readings to define the stress strain curve
12. Plot the results on the graph paper from the test results, show qu the Peak stress of
exact test and show the average value of qu for three tests. Be sure to plot strain ε
the abscissa.

Observations and Calculations

Area of specimen, A = 47.78 (cm2)

Initial Height of Specimen, H = 9 (cm)

Weight of the container = 618.6 g
Weight of container + Soil = 1825.7 g
Weight of the soil = 1207.1 g
Weight of water for 20% moisture content = 1207.1 *0.2 = 24.2g
Volume of water = 241.2 ml
Total weight = 821.8 g
Weight of water= 821.8 * 692.8 = 129 g
Moisture content = ( 129 / 692.8) * 100 = 18.6 %
No. Time( ∆𝐿 𝜀(%) 𝐴𝑐 Proving ring P (in Compressive
min) (𝑐𝑚2 ) reading, 𝑅𝑠 Kg) strength (
0.5 62 6.888889 51.319 2 2 0.0389
1 88 9.777778 52.962 25 25 0.4720
1.5 89 9.888889 53.027 77 77 1.4520
2 90 10 53.093 150 150 2.8252
2.5 90 10 53.093 225 225 4.2378
3 90 10 53.092 330 330 6.2155
3.5 90 10 53.092 440 440 8.2873
4 90.3 10.03333 53.112 563 563 10.6001
Table: 11.1. Observations and calculations
Unconfined compressive strength = 10.60012 kg/cm2
Shear strength = 5.300062 kg/cm2

• The factors that affect the shear strength of the soil are conditions of drainage,
stress, rate of strain, the density of the particles and the strain's direction.
• Compressive Strength of Soil Improved with Cement.

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