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Radiation from Planets and Stars

- Wien’s law is applied all across the universe

- Every object in space (star, planet) has a temperature that defined the peak wavelength
of its thermal radiation
- Astronomers can measure the exact colours of the radiation emitted by a star to figure
out its surface temperature by using a telescope
- Stars colours
- Reddish stars have temperatures around 3000K
- White stars are around 5000K to 6000K
- Bluish stars are around 10,000K to 20,000K

Structure of the Atom

- Electron: A negatively charged particle orbiting around the atomic
nucleus and is the lightest atom known, with mall 9.1 x 10<sup>-
- Atom: A particle of matter composed of a nucleus surrounded by
orbiting electrons
- Alpha Particles: Tiny projectiless that are emitted at high speed by
some radioactive materials
- They have a positive electric charge and they are much more
massive than the electron
- Have the mass of an atom of a light element like helium
- Atomic Nucleus: The dense core of every atom, atomic nuclei are positively charged and
contain most of the mass of each atom, in the form of protons and neutrons

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