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Abigail Burns

Eng 111 A

July 2, 2020

In the following essay, identify the following: thesis statement, supporting details,
concluding sentence, topic sentences, title, introduction, body paragraphs, and

A Trip into Darkness and Danger. (Title)


Caves are dark, cold tunnels inhabited by ants, lizards, insects and eyeless fish-weird, color-
less creatures that have never seen sunlight.(Topic Sentence) Little from the world above can
penetrate the black space of caves, except for water that seeps through cracks, occasional
threads of light that sneak between rocks- and human beings who descend bravely into the
dark. Every year, more and more people become interested in the unique hobby of cave
exploring.(Supporting Details) What lures them into the murky depths? What pleasure do
they get from crawling along narrow, jagged passages? As we will see they are searching for
adventure and for a strange beauty unknown in the upper world. (Thesis Statement)

Body paragraph 1:

For would be adventurers, cave exploring offers unusual dangers(Topic Sentence) Cave
passages are seldom marked; therefore, it is quite easy to lose all sense of direction. Water
often fills caves during flash floods, drowning anyone inside. Because of these dangers,
explorers must never risk entering a cave alone.(Supporting Details) They must also be in
good physical condition because manoeuvring inside a cave requires strength for climbing
and crawling. (conclud sen)

Body paragraph 2:

Once the explorer enters a cave’s deep vaults, however, all the difficulties seem
worthwile.(Topic Sent) Cave air is cool and clean. Sounds echo crisply through the vast
emptiness. Magnificent rock creations, shaped over centuries by drops of water seeping
through the earth, dominate the interior like exotic sculptures in a secret museum, formations
called stalactites droop ominously from a cave’s ceiling, while stalagmites rise in massive
pointed shapes from the floor.(Supporting Details) For the cave explorer, the underground is
a hidden realm of beauty. (Conclud sent)
Body paragraph 3:

Many explorers know another secret hidden inside caves: a sense of intimacy with earth’s
geologic past.(Topic Sent) The caves of the Carolina’s and Georgia, for example, were
originally formed out of Limestone Mountains. They were created by water tables-levels of
water in the ground- that rose and fell over centuries, slowly dissolving the limestone bases
of the mountains. The high, dry spaces left when the waters receded are the caves we know
today. The explorer sees these water markings etched into the caves floors and walls.
(Supporting details) They are vivid reminders of the earth’s transformation and development.
(Concluding Sent)


Even more impressive than a cave’s beauty or its record of the past is its pull on the human
imagination.(Topic Sent) A cave is a frontier of adventure, a last unexplored wilderness. Like an
astronaut, a cave explorer is a wanderer into an alien world. Every caver has the pioneer dreams
of being the first to find a new passageway and to take a fresh step into an undiscovered cavern.
(Supporting Det)It is this call of the unknown that lures an explorer into the earth’s depths- to
enter a world where space, darkness and the human imagination merge. (Concluding Sent)

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