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Preparing Espresso

Espresso is not type of coffee bean, or a type of roast. Espresso is simply a

method, a way to brew coffee. In fact, any coffee can be brewed as espresso—
though some types taste better than others.

1. Coffee production3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

2. Production of coffee• PLANTINGA coffee bean is actually a seed. When dried, roasted and ground, it is
used to brew coffee. But if the seed is not processed, it can be planted and will grow into coffee
tree3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

3. Coffee plant3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

4. HARVESTING THE CHERRIES Depending on the variety, it will take approximately three or four years
for the newly planted coffee trees to begin to bear fruit. The fruit, called the coffee cherry, turns a
bright, deep red when it is ripe and ready to be harvested. Whether picked by hand or by
machine3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

5. Coffee cherry3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

6. PROCESSING THE CHERRIESOnce the coffee has been picked, processing must begin as quickly as
possible to prevent spoilage. Depending on location and local resources, coffee is processed in one of
two ways.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

7. Dry Method - This is the age-old method of processing coffee and is still used in many countries where
water resources are limited. The freshly picked cherries are simply spread out on huge surfaces to dry in
sun3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

8. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

9. Wet Method In wet method processing, the pulp is removed from the coffee cherry after harvesting
and the bean is dried with only the parchment skin left on.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.

10. DRYING THE BEANS• If the beans have been processed by the wet method, the pulped and
fermented beans must now be dried to approximately 11 percent moisture to properly prepare them for
storage.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)

1. 11. TYPES OF COFFEEEspresso is made by forcing

very hot water under high pressure through finely
ground, compacted coffee. This process produces an
almost syrupy beverage by extracting both solid and
dissolved components. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
2. 12. Cafe Americanois a style of coffee prepared by
adding hot water to espresso, giving a similar strength
to but different flavour from regular drip coffee. The
strength of an Americano varies with the number of
shots of espresso added3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
3. 13. Caffè latteA cafe latte is the Italian name for coffee
("cafe") with milk ("latte"). It is a coffee beverage
consisting of strong or bold coffee (sometimes
espresso) mixed with scalded milk in approximately a
1:1 ratio3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
4. 14. Cafe mocha A café mocha is a variant of a caffè
latte. Like a latte, but a portion of chocolate is added,
typically in the form of a chocolate syrup, although
other vending systems use instant chocolate powder.
Mochas can contain dark or milk chocolate.3/13/2012
By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
5. 15. Frappe:-• A big favourite in parts of Europe and
Latin America, especially during the summer months.
Originally a cold espresso, it has more recently been
prepared putting 1-2 teaspoons of instant coffee with
sugar, water and ice3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
6. 16. Cappuccino • Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink
prepared with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk
foam.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
7. 17. Irish Coffee• Irish coffee (Irish: Caifé Gaelach) is a
cocktail consisting of hot coffee, Irish whiskey, and
brown sugar, stirred, and topped with thick cream. The
coffee is drunk through the cream. The original recipe
explicitly uses cream that has not been whipped,
although whipped cream is often used. Sugar should be
brown and not white3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
8. 18. six ounces of hot, freshbrewed coffee1 teaspoon of
brown sugar forsweetness1 ½ ounces of your
favoriteIrish whiskeyheavy cream 3/13/2012 By
Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
9. 19. Turkish coffeeTurkish coffee is a method of
preparing coffee where finely powdered roast coffee
beans are boiled in a pot (cezve), with added sugar
(depending on taste), before being served into a cup
where the grounds settle. This method of serving coffee
is common throughout the Middle East, North
Africa,3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
10. 20. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
11. 21. Macchiato• Macchiato, means stained, is an
Espresso with a dash of foamed milk. At first sight it
resembles a small Cappuccino.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav
Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
12. 22. Oliang• commonly known as Thai iced coffee, is an
iced coffee drink which blends the coffee together with
soybeans, corn, sesame seeds, and other additives. It
is traditionally brewed3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
13. 23. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
14. 24. A flat whiteis a coffee beverage originating from
Australia and New Zealand. It is prepared by pouring
micro foam(steamed milk from the bottom of a pitcher)
over a single shot or double shot of espresso.3/13/2012
By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
15. 25. Cafe Breva A cappuccino made with half and half
milk, instead of whole milk3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
16. 26. Indian (Madras) filter coffee• also known as Filter
Coffee is a sweet milky coffee made from dark roasted
coffee beans (70%-80%) and chicory (20%-30%), It is
served with coffee to milk ratio of usually 3:1.3/13/2012
By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
17. 27. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
18. 28. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
19. 29. Cafe Latte FreddoIt is a type of cold coffee. Cafe
Latte Freddo is an espresso mixed with cold milk in
similar proportions as a Cafe Latte that is usually
shaken well with ice in a cocktail shaker3/13/2012 By
Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
20. 30. Vienna coffee• A "Vienna coffee" is the name of a
popular traditional cream based coffee beverage. It is
made by preparing two shots of strong black espresso
in a standard sized coffee cup and infusing the coffee
with whipped cream (as a replacement for milk and
sugar) until the cup is full. Then the cream is twirled
and optionally topped off with chocolate sprinklings.
The coffee is drunk through the cream top3/13/2012 By
Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst. professor)
21. 31. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
22. 32. Liqueur coffee• A liqueur coffee is a coffee drink
with a shot of liqueur. It is usually served in a special
liqueur coffee glass, often with whipped cream and
sugar.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.
23. 33. Café BombonPopular in Valencia, Spain, and
spreading gradually to the rest of the country, a café
bombón is an espresso served with sweetened
condensed milk in a 1:1 ratio. The condensed milk is
added to the espresso.3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma
Bcihmct( asst. professor)
24. 34. 3/13/2012 By Vaibhav Verma Bcihmct( asst.

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