Germ Theory

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In the medical schools of the United States and many other Western countries today,

doctors are taught a lie. This lie is a particular viewpoint about disease called The
Germ Theory. The scientist credited with discovering it is Louis Pasteur, also
credited with finding a cure for Rabies. Pasteur has been heralded as making some
of the most important discoveries of all time. Yet, when we look at the historical
evidence, we see that Pasteur was an incompetent fraud! Not only did he NOT
understand the processes which he experimented with and wrote about, but most of
what he is credited with discovering was plagarized from scientists previous to or
contemporary with him. For a thorough rendition of this history, you can read the full
text of the 1940's book "Pasteur, Plagarist, Imposter" by R.B. Pearson at The
Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur .

Basically, it boils down to this: Both Pasteur and a contemporary of his, Antoine
Beauchamp, were experimenting with the process of fermentation. The prevailing
theory was that fermentation was a simple chemical reaction, but the experiments of
Beauchamp showed that fermentation was a process brought about by
microorganisms in the air. Pasteur continued to insist for some time after
Beauchamp's discovery that fermentation was a process that did not require oxygen
because it was a lifeless chemical reaction (called spontaneous generation). It took
Pasteur many years to finally grasp the concept that fermentation of sugars is caused
by yeast fungus, a living organism. When he did grasp and write about these
concepts, he presented them as his own discoveries, giving no credit at all to
Beauchamp. So at the very least, he was a thief and a plagarizer, and at the most, a
poor scientist (1).

Throughout their lives, Pasteur and Beauchamp continued to experiment with

microorganisms. Pasteur continued to adhere to the idea of Monomorphism, the
belief that all microbes and bacteria have only one form. Beauchamp was able to
prove, however, the existence of Pleomorphism, that microbes can alter their form
to appear as different germs. This discovery was confirmed by many scientists that
came after Beauchamp, including Gunther Enderlein.

In his experiments, Enderlein found that every living cell contains two distinct kinds of
microorganisms called endobionts (which means "inside life"). These
microorganisms live inside the cell and cannot be removed from it. They play an
important role in cellular health. The state of a person's health is determined by the
stage of development of these organisms. Enderlein found that all microbes that live
permanently in our bodies go through three stages:

The Primitive Stage (microbe)

The Middle Stage (bacteria)
The End Stage (fungus)

Other scientists were later able to confirm that there was a fourth stage which occurs
only after extreme toxicity in which the fungus goes through a transformation,
mutating into the Virus.

Most of the diseases in modern society today are not caused by the "pathogenic
bacteria" that enter from outside us, as was taught by Pasteur. Disease occurs as
these endobionts are transformed from the microbe stage to more virulent forms of
life. The state of development of these organisms depends upon the state of the
medium in which the germ lives. In other words, the microbes which live in our
cells and assist the cells in maintaining a healthy state will mutate into bacteria,
fungus, and viruses when the tissues of our bodies in which they live change to
provide a medium for their growth. They begin to become "pathogenic" when the pH
of the tissues becomes more acidic.

Primitive phases live in a strong alkaline pH

Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
Fungal forms live in a medium acid pH
Viral forms live in a strong acid pH (2)

These primitive organisms can live in our bodies in the microbe stage indefinitely,
and do not cause disease, but rather perform a restorative function. Bacteria and
other germs consume dead matter. That is their function. Experiments show that if
you put a fresh, raw steak that still has active live enzymes in it, and a cooked steak
outside in the open air, it is the cooked steak that will become infested with maggots.
Microorganisms cannot live in living tissue. It is only when the tissue becomes dead
that they move in to do their job.

That's what happens in your compost pile. You put your table scraps in there, along
with some bacteria, and the bacteria decompose the food scraps into soil.
Everything that exists on this earth eventually BIODEGRADES. It is really true that
when we die, we will return to dust. Bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms
are only doing their jobs. They are able to sense chemically when dead matter is
present, and they go about the business of breaking it down. That is where disease
comes from. The microorganisms in your body are breaking down your dead tissues
in preparation for biodegradation (3).

Most of the germs which enter our bodies from the outside are quickly killed by the
immune system. But it is the microorganisms which live permanently in our bodies
that cause us to get sick. And they cause sickness because we provide them with a
rich growth medium so that they can mutate and transform themselves into deadly
bacteria, fungus, and viruses.

So you see, whether or not we get sick and die has very little to do with what germ
we catch, but has everything to do with whether we keep our bodies free of the dead
matter which these germs feed on. The dead matter these germs feed on is
produced when the pH in our bodies is altered from a slightly alkaline state to a
progressively more acidic state. In the next lesson, we will learn how to properly
equip our bodies so that these microorganisms cannot mutate into virulent forms.

At the end of his life, Pasteur admitted that his theory was a fraud. He said that it was
not the germs that mattered, but the medium in which they lived. And yet, his so-
called "work" is the basis of the whole medical model of disease and healing.

The Germ theory CANNOT account for the fact that if you expose 100 people to what
he called "pathogenic bacteria" that 10 of the people in that room will NOT DEVELOP
THE DISEASE. It's not that germs cause disease at all. The pH of those people's
bodies' was not acidic enough to support the transformation of the germ into a
bacteria, fungus or virus. Because the germ never mutates, the person never gets
Because of what I know about Louis Pasteur and The Germ Theory, there is no way
that I will allow myself to be treated by a medical doctor trained in the United States
or other Western countries. Their diagnoses and treatments inevitably make the
patient sicker by plunging the body into an even more acidic state, and encouraging
the more rapid transformation of microbes into deadly pathogens.

In fact, if a person learns to alter their diet so that it encourages a more alkaline pH in
the body, there is no need to ever visit a medical practitioner of any kind.

Everything I have said here is based upon sound scientific studies, and actual
historical documents. And yet, many people who choose to refuse allopathic medical
treatments are looked at as mentally unbalanced. And if a person refuses to allow
their child to be given medical treatments, they are looked at as guilty of medical
negligence and can have their children taken away. And for what? Because they
don't agree with one particular interpretation of scientific data? The evidence I have
given is sound and proven. I hope anyone who reads this can see that a person
who chooses to reject The Germ Theory does so with much evidence to back them
up, and they are not being negligent with their own health or their children's.

I choose to reject the Medical Model. I choose to take charge of my own health. And
in doing so, I will avoid most all of the plagues of the 20th and 21st centuries,
including Cancer, Anthrax, and AIDS.


(1) Pearson, R.B. (2001). The Dream and Lie of Louis Pasteur. Available online:
[]. Taken from "Pasteur, Plagarist, Imposter" by
the same author, 1940's.

(2) Poehlman, Karl H. (1997). Synthesis of the Work of Enderlein, Bechamps and
other Pleomorphic
Researchers. Explore Vol. 8, No. 2.

(3) Logan, Cordell E. (2000). A Partially Unified Theory of Disease. Priority One
Health and Nutrition. Available online:

n our previous study about The Germ Theory , we learned that germs mutate into
more virulent, pathogenic organisms as the pH of our bodies drops to a more acidic
level. To quickly summarize this progression, we see that:

Primitive phase microbes live in a strong alkaline pH

Bacterial phases live in mild alkaline pH
Fungal forms live in a medium acid pH
Viral forms live in a strong acid pH

Scientific evidence has shown us that the microbes which live in our bodies are
pleomorphic, meaning that as the pH of the body changes toward a more acidic level,
the harmless microbes which are always present there transform themselves into
more dangerous disease-causing bacteria, fungi or viruses. These disease
germs do not originate from outside our bodies, but from inside. They grow and
mutate based upon the kind of internal environment we provide for them to live

In all societies in which the inhabitants live to be between 100 and 150 years of
age routinely, the following factors have been found to be siginificant:

1. After analyzing the mineral content of the water and food of these societies, it
has been determined that
they consume approximately 15,000 mg of calcium per day. This is more than
enough to neutralize any amount of acid produced by the foods they eat or any other
biological processes. By neutralizing the acid in their bodies, they keep their pH high
enough that no so called "infectious diseases" can incubate and grow, because their
endobionts do not mutate into virulent forms. Also, they have no cancer, heart
disease, Lupus, multiple schlerosis, or any of the other plagues of the 20th century.
Their DNA, which requires abundant calcium before it can reproduce, is able to
regenerate their bodies so that they don't grow old.

2. They spend 8 to 10 hours per day in the sun, and there is not a case of skin
cancer among them.

3. They drink 3 to 4 quarts per day of this pure mineralized mountain water which
keeps their bodies from developing disease.

4. They eat all the foods we have been told are bad for us. Fatty, greasy meals, full
of meat, butter, eggs, cheese, milk and as much salt as they want. How can they eat
these things? These foods are highly nutritious, and the high levels of calcium in
their water neutralize any acid and keeps them healthy. Staying out in the sun
makes sure that their bodies convert plenty of Vitamin D, and also balances their
hormones because all your glands are behind your eyes and are activated by light -
pineal, pituitary, hypothalamic, etc. You need light and the high levels of Vitamin D
that the light converts in order to balance your hormones and stay healthy. Also, if
your vdr receptors in the intestinal tract have all the Vitamin D they need, you absorb
100 times more calcium and 10 times more of all other vitamins and nutrients. Being
in the sun is crucial to making sure you have adequate vitamin and mineral levels.

Since I began to teach about nutrition and health, I have almost always
recommended that people try to stay away from dairy products and try to adopt as
close to a vegetarian lifestyle as possible. I taught this because it is what I was
taught, but it was only propaganda! My family and I now eat anything we want,
although we do try to eat organically raised meat, dairy products, fruits and
vegetables to avoid the cancer causing chemicals in them. Other than that, there is
no food group which we try to restrict ourselves from eating. We take coral calcium
each day, get at least 2 hours of direct sunlight each day, as well as taking 5000mg
vitamin D with each dose of calcium, and the changes in our health have been
miraculous. I can highly recommend this way of keeping healthy to all. Click Here
to learn more about calcium's healing effects.
Most importantly, it keeps the body in an alkaline state so that you cannot "catch"
infectious diseases. If we feel we may have been exposed to an infectious agent, we
simply take Nutronix International's New Silver Solution. I highly recommend this
silver product because it has many studies on safety and effectiveness done on it,
and it is more highly effective than any other silver product I have used. It has a
patented nano-silver technology which stengthens and improves immune system

Although the powers that be will not allow us to claim that this product has any
curative value (even though many, many studies have been done on this product),
my personal testimonial is that I have not been sick a day since I started taking it in
2006, and I have suffered no ill effects.

That's how our family equips our bodies to fight off disease:

1. Eat highly nutritious organically grown foods from ALL food groups.
2. Keep your acid level low with Coral Calcium and Vitamins.
3. Improve our immune system's functioning and effectiveness with Nutronix
International's New Silver Solution
4. Drink 3 to 4 quarts of purifed water each day.
5. Get at least 2 hours of direct sunlight each day, full spectrum, without
glasses on.
6. Keep track of how your pH level is doing by testing it each day with your
own pH test paper.
7. And one more thing, we use only natural fats...butter, olive oil. No
margarine, no shortning, nothing that says "partially-hydrogenated" on the
label. No corn oil....did you know that when you squeeze corn, no oil comes
out? You can get corn syrup or corn starch, but corn oil is a 100% man-made
product? There is no oil in corn. Stick to natural fats, and eat all the butter you
want. It's healthy!

This is what we do to improve our family's health. I cannot and will not
diagnose your disease or propose this as a treatment for your specific
condition. But YOU can decide, according to your constitutional rights, to
TREAT YOURSELF with this program. It's up to you.

Now that your body is properly equipped to fight off disease, let's go on to learn about
The Anthrax Bacteria Is No More Dangerous To You Than Any Common Germ
Back to Removing Obstacles to a Healthy Body and Mind

Drop us a line!


(1) National Vaccine Program Office. (2001). "Immunization Laws." Center for
Control and Prevention. Available online: [] .

(2) Profet, Margie. (1995). Protecting Your Baby-to-Be: Preventing Birth Defects in
the First Trimester.
New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

(3) Subcommittee on the Tenth Edition of the Recommended Dietary Allowances,

Food and Nutrition
Board, Commission on Life Sciences, (1989). Recommended Daily Allowances:
10th Edition. National
Research Council. p. 59.

Aspartame: A Dangerous Prenatal

Do you know what the following chemicals are, or what they do?

Methyl alcohol
Phenylalanine [PHE]
Aspartic Acid
Formic acid

These are the chemicals which are the result of the digestive breakdown of
Nutri-Sweet, or Aspartame. In this article, we will discuss exactly what these
chemicals can do in the body of a pregnant woman and her unborn child.
Indeed, these chemicals will affect any person similarly, it's just that with the
pregnant woman, it is affecting her unborn child as well.

The ingredients in Aspartame are phenylalanine (50 percent), aspartic acid (40
percent) and methyl alcohol (10 percent). When you eat or drink something
which contains Aspartame, your digestive systems begins to break it down.
When the temperature reaches 86 degrees, methyl alcohol then breaks down
to formaldehyde and then formic acid (1). So at that point you have five potent
poisons in your system.

Formaldehyde, besides being good old embalming fluid, is a potent adjuvant.

According to Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 17th edition, an adjuvant
is a substance which "increases the antigenic response" (2). An antigenic
response is one in which certain foreign proteins are recognized and destroyed
by the immune system. In other words, formaldehyde in the blood stream of
the pregnant woman can often cause her immune system to target the fetal
tissue as a foreign substance and destroy it, the result being miscarriage,
sometimes even before she knows she is pregnant. Not only that,
formaldehyde is a polymerizing turns human tissue into plastic (3).
Once again, according to Taber's, a mainstream medical dictionary,
formaldehyde "hardens tissues and is often used in histology for tissue
preservation. It has a similar hardening effect on the living skin (4).

Even though both phenylalanine and aspartic acid are amino acids that are
present in the food we eat, and are safe when eaten naturally in foods with
other amino acids present, taken alone and in elevated quantities they are
neurotoxins which can permanently damage the developing brain and nervous
system of the fetus, if the child is lucky enough to survive the potential
destruction by the maternal immune system. Aspartic acid is an excitotoxin,
which stimulates the neurons until they die(5). In one study, when the
phenylalanine levels in the blood of pregnant women were increased five-fold,
there was a 10-point drop in the IQ of the fetuses born to those mothers (6). It
also causes genetic damage which can be passed down to future generations,
not to mention brain tumors, cancer, lupus, and many other diseases. The
book "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills" can be purchased by clicking on the
book at left. It goes into detail about many of the harmful effects of aspartame
and other neurotoxins in our food supply.

The Environmental Protection Agency has stated that a safe level of

consumption of wood alcohol (methyl alcohol) is 7.8 milligrams per day.
However, if you drink one liter of an aspartame-sweetened beverage, you have
consumed 56 milligrams of wood alcohol, or 8 times the EPA limit (7).

In my own case, I noticed that every time I drank a diet soda, I would get this
warm feeling all over, kind of a low level electrical buzz going through my
whole body. Maybe that's because one of the byproducts of aspartame
metabolism, Diketopiperazine, is the substance that causes the bite of a red
fire ant to sting.

There is much, much more, but I leave you some good links and hope that you
will follow them and learn more on your own. Even though sugar is not good
for you , I think it's better than Aspartame, better known as Nutrasweet. Stevia
is a really nice sweetner, and does especially well in teas or fruit drinks. It also
has over 500 studies on it's safety and effectiveness. So, make your own.
Don't rely on the beverage industry to supply your needs.

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