English Homework: Lesson A Past Modals

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Lesson A Past modals

Choose the correct option:

“I_________________ at you yesterday. I’m sorry.”

 Shouldn’t have yelled

 Should not have yelle
 Shouldn’t has yelled

“She________________the gold medal if she hadn’t fallen three times.”

 She could won

 She could have won
 She could have win

“If I had brought my umbrella, I__________________ wet in the rain.”

 Would have
 Wouldn’t have gotten
 Would not have got

Lesson B Past modals for speculation

Choose the correct option:

“The thief__________had a key. The door was locked, and nothing was broken.”

 Must has have

 Must have have
 Must have had

“Police think the suspect______________the country using a fake passport. ”

 May have leave

 May has left
 May have left

“I thought I saw Erick this morning, but it couldn't have been him, he´s is in Loja this week.”

 Could have been

 Couldn’t have been
 Couldn’t been

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