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Lesson A

Causative get and have

Choose the correct sentence to express ¨I Ask my mother to cook for me because I do
have to go to the university ¨ Showing who you ask:

 I get my mother to cooked for me because I do have to go to the university.

 I had my mother to cook for me because I do have to go to the university.
 I get my mother to cook for me because I do have to go to the university.

Choose the correct sentence to express ¨ A cleaner cleaned my house this morning
before going to work. ¨ Not showing who you ask:

 I had my house cleaned this morning before going to work.

 I have my house clean this morning before going to work.
 I get clean my house before going to work.

Lesson B

What needs to be done?

Choose the correct sentence to express ¨Somebody needs to clean this house before the
party ¨

 The house needs to be cleaned before the party.

 The house is needed to clean before the party.
 The house is need to clean before the party.

Choose the correct sentence to express ¨The lessor needs to fix the toilet because the
water is watering ¨

 The toilet needs fixing because the water is watering.

 The toilet needs to be fixing because the water is watering.
 The toilet needed to be fixed because the water is watering.

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