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Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

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Plant-wide modeling and optimization of a large-scale WWTP using T

BioWin’s ASDM model

Abdelsalam Elawwad , Minerva Matta, Mohamed Abo-Zaid, Hisham Abdel-Halim
Environmental Engineering Dept., Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University El-Gamaa St., 12613, Giza, Egypt


Keywords: In this paper, a plant-wide model has been created for an Egyptian WWTP located in Cairo, namely the Gabal El-
Mathematical modeling Asfar, using BioWin 5.3 software. The model has been created according to the Good Modeling Practice protocol
Wastewater treatment where design reports, effluent analysis, and historical data have been collected - along with various site visits and
Plant-wide simulation a detailed sampling campaign. The collected data was used to acquire the necessary analysis for wastewater
characterization and model calibration. The wastewater has been characterized and the model has been cali-
brated according to STOWA protocol for calibration. Then, the model has been dynamically validated using the
analysis acquired over an entire year. The model’s accuracy was acceptable and therefore was created to perform
optimization studies. Multiple operational scenarios were simulated to achieve the highest effluent quality with
nitrogen removal, as the plant currently is not able to perform nitrification-denitrification. Different DO con-
centrations, RAS flows, SRTs and consequently WAS flows were varied to optimize the nitrogen removal. It was
found that nitrification and denitrification percentages of 94 and 62.4%, respectively, could be achieved easily
without modifying the WWTP’s configuration or unit capacities. This was achieved by increasing the SRT from
2.7 to 7 days, while converting some compartments of the aeration tank from aerobic to anoxic. Sludge and
water lines were both included in to assess the effect of any change in the operating conditions on all components
of the plant including sludge units.

1. Introduction BioWin© software (Envirosim, Canada) is a powerful simulator that has

plant-wide, built-in IWA models such as ASM1, ASM2d, and ASM3.
Wastewater contains many water pollutants and must be treated However, BioWin has its own general activated sludge-digestion model
prior to being discharged into the environment. Biological treatment is (ASDM) which allows users to model different aerobic and anaerobic
the most common method for treating wastewater and among the dif- biological processes without the coupling of more than one model [5].
ferent types of biological treatments, the activated sludge process is the The ASDM model has several processes which are divided into six
method most often applied as it removes organic matter and nutrients main models: an activated sludge model, an anaerobic digestion model,
from the wastewater [1]. Anaerobic digestion is the most widely-used settling models, a chemical precipitation model, a pH model, and an
biological process for sludge stabilization and energy recovery in was- aeration and gas transfer model. ASDM has a special anaerobic sludge
tewater treatment plants [2]. model that is characterised by different processes. These processes can
The various biological treatment processes used to treat wastewater be classified into three major categories: heterotrophic growth through
can be described by using mathematical equations and models [3]. fermentation, the growth and decay of propionic acid degrading
Different mathematical models for biological wastewater treatment acetogenic bacteria, and the growth and decay of methanogenic bac-
have evolved in recent decades. Among them, activated sludge models teria. BioWin is used frequently in the literature for optimizing muni-
(ASMs) are those used most often in optimization studies for municipal cipal WWTPs [6,7] and industrial WWTPs [8,9].
and industrial WWTPs [4]. ASM is a representation of microbial growth Few researches applied full-scale plant-wide modeling including
and substrate utilization within an activated sludge system through a anaerobic digesters because of its complexity [10]. In plant-wide
dynamic mathematical expression. ASMs are incorporated at different modeling, the WWTP is treated as a system that is completely in-
recent simulation platforms such as Simba, GPS-X, BioWin, etc. tegrated, where primary settlers and final clarification units, biological

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Elawwad), (M. Matta), (M. Abo-Zaid), (H. Abdel-Halim).
Received 8 December 2018; Received in revised form 2 March 2019; Accepted 29 March 2019
Available online 08 April 2019
2214-7144/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Elawwad, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

reactors, sludge digester units, sludge thickening units, sludge dewa- between 70 and 80% of the biodegradable organic pollutants. After
tering systems, and any other related processes are linked together that, the flow is directed to Zone #3 which represents the remaining
[11]. Regardless of its complexity, plant-wide modeling of WWTPs can two-thirds of the AT’s total volume and receives the other half of the
be used as a base for any future applications, optimization studies, or aeration capacity to biodegrade the rest of organic pollutants and sti-
for developing a process for achieving the highest effluent quality levels mulate the nitrification process. Fig. 1 shows a schematic of the AT and
and energy savings. Use of the BioWin general model is expected to its current aeration routine. Moreover, it has six secondary clarifiers
reduce the time and complexity of plant-wide modeling, especially (FST) that each has a diameter of 52 m and water depth of 3.9 m. Gabal
huge and multi-process modeling. So, in this study, BioWin’s ASDM El-Asfar Contract 19 is equipped with a sludge thickening system
model was used to optimize the case study of Gabal El-Asfar WWTP composed of gravity thickeners (STT) and dissolved air floatation (DAF)
(operated by Degrémont) which is a mega WWTP and the largest in for thickening of primary and secondary sludge, respectively. Then the
Middle East. It treats wastewater with an activated sludge process and thickened sludge is digested in eight primary anaerobic digesters (PD),
has anaerobic sludge digesters for sludge treatment. The effluent is each with a volume of 9760 m3, plus two secondary digesters (SD) each
discharged into a nearby agricultural canal, yet the effluent eventually having a volume of 8753 m3. Finally, the digested sludge is dewatered
reaches El-Manzala Lake through the Bahr El-Baqar agricultural drain - in a mechanical dewatering house (MDH) using a belt press system.
which is already suffering from environmental problems. Operational
decisions for such huge plants should not be taken lightly since they
2.2. Historical analysis and sampling campaign
directly impact the receiving bodies of water. To the best of our
knowledge, plant-wide modelling studies for Mega WWTPs WWTP are
In Gabal El-Asfar Contract 19 WWTP, the flow, oxygen concentra-
rare. In this paper, different operational routines were investigated, and
tion, and pH are measured online, while most of the other parameters
multiple optimization alternatives were proposed with the purpose of
are measured in the lab. These are composite samples that are collected
achieving better effluent quality for Gabal El-Asfar WWTP.
daily from different sampling points throughout the treatment process.
As per the calibration protocol, a sampling campaign was performed to
2. Material and methods verify the historical data; to complete the plant’s routine data; to
measure the mass balance requirements such as flow data, sludge
For the purposes of Gabal El-Asfar modeling, Good Modeling production, and SRT; to calculate the key conversions of N and COD; to
Practice (GMP) protocol is followed to show clear and organized steps. measure the influent characterization, including raw and settled in-
Historical data and design reports have been collected and 11 site visits fluent; to measure the effluent characterization; and to set up a good
have been made, in addition to a sampling campaign for performing base for model calibration.
important analyses that are not included in the plant’s routine analyses The sampling program was executed in five days: 24-hour compo-
for proper wastewater characterization, and a successful model cali- site samples were used for raw water influent, PST effluent and FST
bration according to GMP protocol requirements. treated effluent, while the rest of the measurements were performed
using four grab samples, due to insufficient tools and resources. Sludge
2.1. WWTP process description analysis was also performed for the thickeners influent, effluent, DAF
influent, DAF effluent, primary, and secondary digesters, and finally at
Gabal El-Asfar has different stages, where Gabal El-Asfar Contract the mechanical dewatering houses. During the sampling program, the
19, the case study of this paper, has a design capacity of 500,000 m3/ weather was favourable. There was no rainfall and the plant operated
day. Gabal El-Asfar Contract 19 has six circular primary settling tanks through dry weather conditions at an average air temperature of 24 °C.
(PST), each with a diameter of 53 m and a water depth of 3.2 m, and Wastewater measurements were performed following the Standard
eight biological aeration tanks (AT) with a total volume 109,840 m3. As Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater [12].
shown in Fig. 1, AT has a special configuration where its three-zoned The influent and effluent wastewater characteristics obtained from
circular aeration tanks include a central circular zone divided into two the sampling campaign are summarized in Table 1. Generally, Gabal El-
subzones (Zone #1 and #2), and an external plug-flow ring zone (Zone Asfar has a high effluent quality in terms of BOD, COD, and TSS re-
#3). Zone #1 and #2 represent one-third of the AT’s volume, receive moval, and the influent wastewater is very stable in terms of flow and
half of the aeration capacity, and are constantly aerated to eliminate pollutants. Also, the PST and FST are operated with high solids removal

Fig. 1. Schematic of the Aeration Tanks in Gabal El-Asfar Contract 19.

A. Elawwad, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

Table 1 shown in Table 2.

Raw Influent and Effluent Sampling Campaign Analysis Average Results.
Parameter Unit Influent Effluent 2.5. Model calibration and validation
Flow m /d 502,380 ± 930 532,055 ± 1948
The stoichiometric and kinetic parameters were mainly calibrated
COD mg/l 274.7 26.9 ± 5.5
Filtered COD mg/l 109.9 23 ± 3.6 according to STOWA protocol for calibration [13]. The model was
Acetate mg/l 8.3 – dynamically validated using the data acquired for a whole year, from
cBOD5 mg/l 146.7 11 ± 0.8 May to June of the following year. The calibrated model was used to
Filtered cBOD5 mg/l 60.0 –
perform optimization studies to achieve complete nitrogen removal in
TSS mg/l 202.7 8.1 ± 0.5
VSS mg/l 127.3 5.9 ± 0.3
the effluent and to reduce the operational costs. Optimization was
TKN mg/l 32.7 16 ± 1.3 completed by running multiple simulations on different operational
NH4-N mg/l 21.0 12.4 ± 1.1 routines, such as changing the waste sludge (WAS) and the return
NO3+NO2-N mg/l 2.8 7.5 ± 2.3 sludge (RAS) flow rates and trying different aeration routines in the
PO4-P mg/l 4.8 3.6
aeration tanks, including creating anoxic zones to perform nitrification-
pH – 7.09 7.07
Temp. °C 24 – denitrification, etc.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Model calibration
2.3. BioWin plant-wide model
The default values of stoichiometric and kinetic parameters in
Biowin 5.3 software is used to create a plant-wide model for the BioWin were used for the first run of the model. Then, organic nitrogen
WWTP. The plant-wide model simulates the primary settlers, biological factors were adjusted to match the measured influent TKN and NH4-N
aeration tanks, final clarifiers, gravity thickener, dissolved air floata- values. The inert particulate COD was then adjusted to match the
tion, anaerobic digesters, and the mechanical de-watering of Gabal El- model-predicted sludge production (VSS & TSS) of the aeration tanks
Asfar Contract 19. Fig. 2 shows the BioWin 5.3 platform layout for the and the effluent soluble inert COD. Finally, the parameters shown in
plant-wide model. Table 2 were adjusted with the aid of the sensitivity analysis study
To model the aeration tank shown in Fig. 1 in BioWin, seven bior- performed by [6]. The model calibration was performed according to
eactors were used. For the two compartments (Zone #1 and #2) in the the sequence advised by STOWA protocol for calibration: the ni-
central part of the aeration tank, each one is half-circle in shape and a trification process was calibrated to match the measured effluent am-
completely mixed tank. So, two in-series complete-mix reactors were monia by increasing the decay of autotrophic bacteria from its default
used to simulate these two compartments, as shown in Fig. 2. The ex- value of 0.17 to 0.33 d−1 for ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. This is in
ternal plug flow zone of the aeration tanks (Zone #3) is similar to agreement with [14] who increased it to 0.3 d−1 and also [5] who
oxidation ditches in shape. So, five complete-mix reactors in series increased it to 0.23 d−1. The substrate (NH4) half-saturation parameter
(subzones) with flow recirculation were used to simulate this external was increased from its default value of 0.7–1.20 mg N/L, which is in
zone as recommended by [8] for oxidation ditches. Recirculation of agreement with [14] who increased it to 1.3 mg N/L. The maximum
water inside Zone #3 was modelled by assuming that 1:15 of the flow of specific growth rate of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was reduced from
the aeration tank goes to the final clarifiers, whereas the other flow was its default value of 0.9 to be 0.8 d−1. Different researchers modified this
recirculated. This ratio has been assessed by measuring water velocity parameter in their simulation studies as [10] who reduced it from 1.0 to
inside Zone #3, which founds to be 0.3 m/sec. 0.46 d−1 in ASM/ADM integrated model. The denitrification process
was calibrated to match the measured effluent nitrate by adjusting the
2.4. Wastewater characterization anoxic growth factor from the Biowin default of 0.5 to 0.4. SRT was
calculated based on the model predicted values.
The resulting sampling campaign data was used in wastewater The COD effluent was calibrated by adjusting the maximum specific
characterization. Raw wastewater characterization was performed ac- growth rate, aerobic decay rate and substrate (COD) half saturation
cording to the STOWA protocol for wastewater characterization [13]. (Table 2). The maximum specific growth rate was adjusted from 3.2 to
The calibrated parameters used in the BioWin plant-wide model are 2.5 d−1. This also accords with [15] who reduced this parameter to 2

Fig. 2. Plant-wide BioWin Model Layout for Gabal El-Asfar Contract 19 WWTP (adapted from BioWin 5.3).

A. Elawwad, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

Table 2
Wastewater Characterization and Calibrated Stoichiometric and Kinetic Parameters in BioWin 5.3.
Parameter BioWin Default Value Calculated/ Adjusted Value

Characterization of Raw Wastewater

Fbs – Readily biodegradable including Acetate [gCOD/g of total COD] 0.16 0.105
Fac – Acetate [gCOD/g of readily biodegradable COD] 0.15 0.288
Fxsp – non-colloidal slowly biodegradable [gCOD/g of slowly degradable COD] 0.75 0.57
Fus – non-biodegradable soluble [gCOD/g of total COD] 0.05 0.051
Fup – non-biodegradable particulate [gCOD/g of total COD] 0.13 0.08
Fna – Ammonia [gNH3-N/gTKN] 0.66 0.64
Fnox – Particulate organic nitrogen [gN/g Organic N] 0.5 0.5
Fnus – Soluble non-biodegradable TKN [gN/gTKN] 0.02 0.02
FupN – N: COD ratio for non-biodegradable part. COD [gN/gCOD] 0.035 0.035
Fpo4 – Phosphate [gPO4-P/gTP] 0.5 0.5
FupP – P: COD ratio for influent non-biodegradable part. COD [gP/gCOD] 0.011 0.011
Calibrated Stoichiometric and Kinetic Parameters
Heterotrophic Bacteria Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 3.2 2.5
Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0.62 0.9
Substrate half sat. [mgCOD/L] 5 10
Anoxic growth factor 0.5 0.45
Nitrifying Bacteria Aerobic decay rate [1/d] 0.17 0.33
Substrate (NH4) half sat. [mgN/L] 0.7 1.2
Max. spec. growth rate [1/d] 0.9 0.75
Stoichiometric parameters Particulate substrate COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1.6 1.41
Particulate inert COD:VSS ratio [mgCOD/mgVSS] 1.6 1.41

d−1. Also according to [9], this parameter ranged widely from 1 to 8 in of incoming wastewater characterization - primary sludge flow varia-
the literature. Moreover [16], estimated this parameter using respiro- tions were not taken into consideration during the study. Also, the re-
metric tests to be between 0.25 and 0.52 d−1 in different WWTPs. The moval efficiency of PST and FST in the model was considered constant
aerobic decay rate was increased from 0.62 to 0.9 d−1 as suggested by over the year, but in reality it was variable and dependent on the in-
[7]. According to [13], it can be ranged widely from 0.05 to 1.6 d−1. coming flow’s variation. The model also showed a good prediction for
The substrate (COD) half saturation was adjusted from 5 to 10 mgCOD/ MLSS and MLVSS (Fig. 4) and biogas production (Fig. 5) with ARD
L. This is in agreement with those obtained by [7] who increased this values of 8.5, 10.4 and 20.8%, respectively.
parameter to be 15 mgCOD/L, and [13] who showed that the range of
this parameter was from 3 to 13 mgCOD/L. In another study by [16], 3.3. Optimization of nitrification and denitrification process
the substrate (COD) half saturation was estimated using respirometric
tests to be between 0.23 and 10.7 mgCOD/L in different WWTPs. Generally, Gabal El-Asfar had a high effluent quality in terms of
The model predictions of MLVSS were achieved in BioWin by BOD, COD, and TSS removal, yet it was not operated for nitrification
modifying the ratio of COD to VSS. The particulate substrate and inert and denitrification, even though the plant had the potential to perform
COD: VSS ratios was adjusted from their default values of 1.6 to 1.41 nitrification and denitrification without the deterioration of the quality
(mgCOD/mgVSS), whereas they were adjusted by [3] to 1.48, and by in terms of BOD, COD, and TSS. Thus, a step-wise optimization was
[8] to 1.42. conducted on the validated model to maximize the utilization of the
WWTP with minimal changes in operating costs. The optimization
3.2. Model validation study was carried for the WWTP’ situation on November where the
detailed sampling campaign was conducted in this month. The RAS and
The calibrated model was dynamically validated using the historical WAS flow rates were 77% of the influent flow and 17,000 m3/day, re-
data for one year. As the temperature in Cairo is always warm, inlet spectively, and temperature was 24 °C. The aeration regime that all
wastewater temperature varied between a minimum value of 19 °C in compartments in the aeration tank (Fig. 1) were aerated at constant
winter to a maximum value of 32 °C in the summer. During the vali- dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in the various aeration tank’s
dation period, the operator ran the WWTP at SRTs between two during compartments which are 1.6, 1.2, and 0.8 mg/l in Zones #1, #2, and
summer and four days during winter, to sustain the MLSS in the aera- #3 of the aeration tanks, respectively. Table 3 shows multiple opera-
tion tank in the range between 1000 and 1500 mg/l. The daily values of tional scenarios and the results of these routines which are discussed
temperature and SRT over the whole year were entered into the soft- below.
ware. Fig. 3 shows the comparison between the measured and simu-
lated values of effluent COD, BOD, NH4, and TKN. The measured and 3.3.1. Optimization of nitrification process
simulated values of effluent characteristics were compared and the The first aim of the optimization study was to reach values near to
average relative deviation (ARD) was calculated for the whole year by 95% of nitrification. The current nitrification is 56.8% (Table 3). The
using the simulated data and the measured data as a simple check for ammonia uptake occurred due to first the nitrogen required for bac-
the accuracy of the model as described by [7]. terial growth which represents about 12% of bacterial cell mass, and
The model showed a good representation of the measured data for second due to the conversion of ammonia to nitrate through nitrifica-
COD, BOD, TSS, NH4, and TKN. The average relative deviation between tion process by the action of nitrifying bacteria (nitrifiers). Different
the simulated data and the measured data for the whole year was cal- important factors affect the growth of nitrifiers such as temperature,
culated where ARD values were 19.1, 18.3, 16.7, 18.7, and 17.8% for available DO, RAS ratio of influent flow, and sludge age [1]. Although
BOD, COD, TSS, and TKN and NH4, respectively. ARD values were less the temperature of 24 °C in the current situation is preferable for ni-
than 20% and were considered acceptable according to [7]. ARD in the trification, it seems that nitrifiers growth is not enough.
range of 20% was considered good as the values for effluent measure- It was noticed that MLSS and MLVSS in the aeration tanks are a bit
ments are usually low considering the error in analytical measurements. low which could be increased by increasing the RAS rate. The capacity
Moreover, the operational conditions vary throughout the year in terms of the installed RAS pumps is 100% of the average flow (500 000 m3/d).

A. Elawwad, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

Fig. 3. Validated Model Simulation Results Over a Year for A) Effluent BOD, B) Effluent COD, C) Effluent Ammonia, D) Effluent TKN, and E) Effluent Nitrates.

So, for scenario no. 1 of optimization (Table 3), final clarifiers’ under- to 2 mg/l (Table 3). The maximum aeration capacity of the plant
flow rate was increased from the 424,062 m3/d (RAS = 77% of influent (141,000 m3/hr) was considered so that large changes in the blowers’
flow) to 500,000 m3/d (RAS = 91% of current influent flow). This step capacity could be avoided as this would mean a need for new blowers
was successful in increasing the MLSS, the SRT was increased a bit to and consequently additional costs. No significant enhancement was
2.9 days and consequently, nitrification was increased from noticed thus we considered that DO in the aeration tank was not the
56.8–75.6%. limiting factor for the nitrification process.
For scenario no.2, the aeration was increased to study its effect on For scenarios 3 and 4, the SRT was gradually increased by reducing
the nitrification process, where DO was increased in Zone#3 from 0.8 the WAS flow rate which was successful in achieving high ammonia

A. Elawwad, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

Fig. 4. Validated Model Simulation Results Over a Year A) Effluent TSS, B) MLSS in aeration tanks, and C) MLVSS in aeration tanks.

removal. The required 95% nitrification was achieved at SRT of 5 days. aeration costs (as in the denitrification process), nitrate can be the
The required air-flow was 92,201 m3/hr which was below the max- electron acceptor for denitrifying bacteria. Subsequently, COD is re-
imum blowers' capacity. The MLSS and MLVSS increased from its cur- moved as one gram of nitrate-nitrogen is equivalent to 2.86 g of oxygen
rent values of 1.34 and 0.94 g/l to 1.85 and 1.27 g/l, respectively in removing COD [2]. In Scenario 5, the DO concentrations were re-
(Table 3). Sludge age is an important factor for nitrifiers growth as at duced to 0.8 mg/l in all compartments of Zone #3 which improved the
low sludge ages, nitrifiers are washed out of the system. As in low denitrification to 48.3%. More improvement can be done by removing
sludge ages, the nitrifiers’ growth rate is slower than the disposal rate of the recirculated nitrate with RAS which has been done in Scenarios 6
the nitrifiers through the waste sludge [1]. through 11 (Table 3), where the first part of Zone #3 was converted to
anoxic zone by turning the aeration off. Meanwhile, different DO con-
3.3.2. Optimization of denitrification process centrations were simulated in the different aeration tank zones in these
The second aim of the optimization was to reduce nitrate in the scenarios. Denitrification of 53.4% was obtained in Scenario 11, how-
effluent by converting it to nitrogen gas through the biological deni- ever, nitrification was reduced to 83.8%.
trification process. The results of this step are summarized in Table 3 for In Scenarios 12 through 18, SRT was increased gradually in order to
operational Scenarios 5 through 18. For the current situation, it was improve the nitrification process and therefore convert more ammonia
noted that nitrates with a value of 7.5 mg N/l were disposed of with the to nitrate to be available for denitrification. Meanwhile, different DO
effluent water. This value was increased to 18.3 mg N/l after per- concentrations were experienced in the different zones of the aeration
forming the optimization of nitrification process in scenario 5 and the tanks. In Scenarios 13 and 14, a different approach was tried where
denitrification efficiency was 32.9%. The nitrates in the effluent were Zone #1 was kept aerated to convert more slowly biodegradable to
the result of the conversion of ammonia by nitrifiers. readily biodegradable COD while converting Zone #2 to anoxic zone to
For scenarios 5–11, different DO concentrations were simulated in remove this COD portion and available nitrate by denitrifying bacteria.
the different aeration tank zones while keeping WAS flow rates con- The best performance was obtained in Scenario 18 where ammonia
stant. Some of this nitrate was disposed with effluent water and the rest decreased to 2 mg N/l with nitrification and denitrification efficiencies
was recirculated with RAS to Zone #1 of the aeration tank. This nitrate of 94 and 62.4%, respectively. The required air-flow was 94,284 m3/hr
can be removed by improving the denitrification process in the system. which was below the maximum blowers' capacity. A small increase in
Moreover, improving the denitrification process will help reduce the the effluent COD was noticed, while BOD was decreased a bit which is

Fig. 5. Measured and Simulated Biogas flow rates Over a Year.

A. Elawwad, et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 31 (2019) 100819

Table 3
Multiple Operational Scenarios and Results.
Scenario SRT days Aeration Scheme (DO in mg/l) Effluent Quality (mg/l) Removal % Aeration Tank

Zone#1 Zone#2 Zone#3 COD BOD NH4-N NOx-N TN Nit. De-nit. MLSS g/l MLVSS g/l Air-flow m3/hr

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Current 2.7 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 27.7 10.9 14.1 7.4 23.4 56.8 28.4 1.3 0.9 53,320
1 2.9 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 28.2 10.7 8.0 13.6 23.6 75.6 28.0 1.4 1.0 69,834
2 2.9 1.6 1.2 2 2 2 2 2 27.1 10.0 8.0 11.9 21.9 75.7 33.1 1.4 1.0 68,079
3 4 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 27.9 9.4 2.5 17.8 22.4 92.3 31.6 1.8 1.3 87,139
4 5 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 29.1 9.2 1.6 18.2 22.0 95.1 32.9 2.2 1.5 92,201
5 5 0 1.2 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 29.7 9.7 3.5 11.3 16.9 89.4 48.3 2.2 10.2 78,233
6 5 0 1.2 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 30.2 10.0 7.7 6.3 16.2 76.3 50.6 2.2 1.5 79,310
7 5 2 1.6 0 1.2 0 1.2 0 29.6 9.4 13.1 2.2 17.3 59.9 47.2 2.3 1.5 103,624
8 5 1.6 0 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 29.5 9.6 5.0 9.1 16.3 84.6 50.2 2.2 1.5 100,570
9 5 2 0 0 2 2 2 2 29.4 9.6 3.7 11.6 17.5 88.6 46.6 2.2 1.5 135,266
10 5 0 1.2 0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 30.2 10.0 7.7 6.3 16.2 76.3 50.6 2.2 1.5 79,310
11 5 0 1.2 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 29.8 9.9 5.3 7.8 15.2 83.8 53.4 2.2 1.5 95,664
12 6 0 1.2 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 31.0 9.7 3.3 9.0 14.5 89.9 55.7 2.6 1.7 102,473
13 6 2 0 0 0 2 2 2 30.3 9.3 4.1 5.5 11.8 87.3 63.9 2.6 1.7 114,100
14 6 1.2 0 0 0 2 2 2 30.4 9.4 4.6 4.6 11.4 85.8 65.0 2.6 1.7 106,915
15 6 0 1.2 0 0 2 2 2 30.9 9.7 4.7 6.2 13.1 85.8 60.0 2.6 1.7 109,133
16 7 0 1.6 0 0 2 2 2 32.1 9.5 1.5 9.9 13.7 95.6 58.1 3.0 1.9 117,922
17 7 0 1.2 0 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 32.1 9.5 2.0 8.0 12.3 94.0 62.3 2.9 1.9 92,934
18 7 0 1.6 0 1.2 1.2 0.8 0.8 32.0 9.4 2.0 8.0 12.3 94.0 62.4 2.9 1.9 94,284

attributed to the increase in soluble unbiodegradable products from the Acknowledgements

endogenous respiration of bacteria.
Although a considerable amount of nitrogen still exists in the ef- The authors want to thank the technicians and operation manager at
fluent, however, this was the best denitrification efficiency that can be Gabal Al-Asfar wastewater treatment plant and the technicians at Cairo
achieved considering the existing plant’s configuration and reactors’ University’s Faculty of Engineering Laboratory for their help with the
volumes. Further improvement for TN removal could be achieved by analyses. This research received no specific grant from any funding
increasing the volume of pre-anoxic reactor (Zone #1) which is not agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
applicable and at the same time recycling the effluent flow which
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