Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws: Equipment

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By: Osvel Cabrera

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents 1

Equipment 4

Weapons 4

Archery 5
Bows 5

Big Guns 6
Flame Weapons 6
Grenade Launchers 7
Machine Guns 9
Miniguns 10
Mortars 11
Rocket Launchers 12

Energy Weapons 13
Laser 13
Plasma 15
Special 17

Melee Weapons 21
Axe 21
Bludgeon 23
Daggers 26
Pole Arm 28
Sword 30
None 32

Shields 33

Small Guns 34
Pistols/Revolvers 34
Submachine Guns 37
Assault Rifles 39
Rifles 41
Shotguns 44

Throwing Weapons 46

Unarmed Weapons 54

Ammo Chart 58

Ammunition List 59
Arrows 59
Bullets 60
Energy 62
Explosives 63
Shells 64
Special 65

Armor 66

Under Armor 75

Clothing 76

Helmets 77

Power Armor Plating 79

Modifications 81
Ammo Mods 81
Archery Mods 83
Armor Mods 84
Energy Weapon Mods 87
Gun Mods 89
Melee Mods 93
Scopes 95

Implants 97

Cybernetics 99

Cybernetic Pulse Effect 102

Robot Upgrades 103

Head Helm 104
Head 105
Torso 108
Modifications 110

Arms 114
Legs 117
Armor Plating 119

Wasteland Gear 122

Tools 127

Books & Magazines 129

Materials 131

Chems 134

Drinks 137

Fallout is filled with wonderful pre-war items that could save your butt more times than you can
count. Determining how great an item depends on its rarity. The rarity of an item defines the
likeliness of finding it in the wasteland. There are six rarities which are Common, Uncommon,
Rare, Very Rare, Legendary, and Epic. With Common being the lowest rarity, any common item
can be found practically anywhere, but an Epic rarity, being the highest rarity, are extremely
powerful items that exist in the deepest, darkest, pre-war military bunker. If vendors are selling
schematics of a weapon, armor, etc., the selling price is doubled. Equipment may also be
referred as items.
Single Attack: S Minimum Strength: Min. ST
Targeted Attack: T Weight: W
Burst Attack: B Damage: Dmg
Special Move: SM AP: Action Points

A weapon can be anything. It can be a stick, a rock, a hammer, a Fatman, etc. There are many
options in the world of Fallout. Some choose to specialize, a few choose everything. It all
depends on one thing, do you have enough ammo?

Any weapon within the Big Guns, Energy Weapons, and Small Guns categories are considered
Ranged Weapons. The weapon associated in their category is the skill you use for the weapon
unless it’s specified in the description. Throwing Weapons and Unarmed are considered One-
Handed. Weapons that state that it can be used with more than one skill can be used with
either of the skills it states. For energy weapons, all of them function as a battery, when you
insert the Energy Cell, Microfusion Cell, etc. into the weapon, you’ll have a limit as to how many
times you can shoot from the ammunition. The limit is the magazine size. If a weapon states it
uses a specific ammo, you may also use the AP, or Armor Piercing variant of it. You can’t mix
different bullets into the same magazine. Some weapons may use different types of ammo than
in the lists below. The ammunition is upon the Overseer’s discretion and should refer to the
lists below as the base for all Ranged Weapons.



Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Blowgun 1 20 2 +1 75 S: 2 Ammo: Dart and Syringe Dart. Common

T: 3 Two-Handed.
B: -

Crude Bow 1 50 5 +3 100 S: 2 Ammo: Any Arrow. Common

T: 3 Requires 0.25 lbs of Cloth to
B: 3 craft.

Short Bow 2 150 5 +6 200 S: 3 Ammo: Any Arrow. Common

T: 4 Requires 0.25 lbs of Cloth to
B: 4 craft.

Crude Slingshot 1 20 2 +2 40 S: 3 Ammo: Anything roughly the Common

T: 4 size of a Bottlecap.
B: - Requires 0.25 lbs of Cloth to

Hunting 2 60 2 +4 60 S: 3 Ammo: Anything roughly the Uncommon

Slingshot T: 4 size of a Bottlecap.
B: - Requires 0.25 lbs of Cloth to

Longbow 3 300 6 +10 300 S: 4 Ammo: Any Arrow. Uncommon

T: 5 Requires 0.25 lbs of Cloth to
B: 5 craft.

Tactical 3 100 3 +8 150 S: 2 Ammo: Dart and Syringe Dart. Uncommon

Blowgun T: 3 Two-Handed.
B: -

Tactical 2 100 2 +6 80 S: 3 Ammo: Anything roughly the Rare

Slingshot T: 4 size of a Bottlecap.
B: - Requires 0.25 lbs of Cloth to

Yumi Bow 8 700 7 +17 250 S: 4 Ammo: Any Arrow. Legendary

T: 5 Requires 1 lb of Cloth to craft.
B: - Two-Handed.

Big Guns

Flame Weapons

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Flamer Pistol 10 1500 4 +20 25 S: 4 Magazine Size: 3 Rare

T: - Ammo: Flamer Fire Pack
B: - It can be used as a Small
Gun/Energy Weapon.
Anyone hit by this takes 10 Fire
Damage at the beginning of
their turn till put out. A range
bonus cannot increase this

Flamer 18 2000 6 +30 50 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: Flamer Fire Pack
B: - Anything in the line of attack
also hits. Apply AC first.
Anyone hit by this takes 10 Fire
Damage at the beginning of
their turn till put out. If anyone
walks through or ends their
turn in the fire, you take the
damage as well. Flames that
hit the environment last for 2
turns. Range cannot be
increased for this weapon.

Heavy 19 3000 6 +40 75 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Legendary

Incinerator T: - Ammo: Flamer Fire Pack
B: - Upon impact, everyone and
everything 5 ft from the center
of the splash of fire takes fire
damage. Anyone hit by this
takes 20 Fire Damage at the
beginning of their turn till put
out. Flames that hit the
environment last for 2 turns.
Special circumstances may
extend the life span of the
flames. If anyone walks
through or ends their turn in
the fire, you take the damage
as well.

Grenade Launchers

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Grenade Pistol 5 1200 4 +5 60 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Uncommon

T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: - Plasma
Can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun

Grenade Rifle 12 2000 5 +10 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: - Plasma
Can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun

Grenade 70 9000 7 +15 125 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Very Rare

Launcher T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: - Plasma
If set up, your range increases
to 200 ft.

China Lake 9 5000 5 +15 75 S: 5 Magazine Size: 4 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: - Plasma
Can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun

Milkor MGL-140 75 11500 6 +20 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 8 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: - Plasma

MK-19 AGL 75 13000 7 +20 N/A S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Legendary

T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: 6 Plasma
It cannot be used unless set
It does not require a bipod nor
pintle mount for setup.
When set up, your range
increases to 600 ft.
Can fire up to a 5 Round Burst.

MK-47 AGL 75 15000 7 +30 N/A S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Epic
T: - Ammo: 40mm Frag and 40mm
B: 6 Plasma
It cannot be used unless set
It does not require a bipod nor
pintle mount for setup.
When set up, your range
increases to 600 ft.
Can fire up to a 5 Round Burst.

Machine Guns

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

B.A.R. 20 2500 7 +10 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

MG3 30 2800 7 +10 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

MG42 34 3000 7 +12 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

RPD 17 3000 6 +12 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: 6 Reload Cost is 2 AP.

Browning M2 35 3950 7 +12 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 100 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: 6 Uranium
When set up, your range
increases to 450 ft.

M249 SAW 25 3200 6 +15 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56 and 5.56 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

L86A1 20 4750 6 +20 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: .223 FMJ and .223 AP
B: 6 When set up, your range
increases to 350 ft.

M60 23 4000 7 +18 175 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

XM806 40 6000 7 +24 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: 6 Uranium


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Rockwell CZ53 28 3800 7 +5 175 S: - Magazine Size: 120 Rare

T: - Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 5 FMJ, and .223 AP
When set up, your range
increases to 350 ft.

Avenger 28 5500 7 +9 200 S: - Magazine Size: 120 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 5 FMJ, and .223 AP
When set up, your range
increases to 400 ft.

Vindicator 28 6000 7 +13 150 S: - Magazine Size: 100 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: 4.7mm
B: 5 When set up, your range
increases to 300 ft.

Browning M2HB 30 7500 7 +22 150 S: - Magazine Size: 100 Legendary

T: - Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: 5 Uranium
When set up, your range
increases to 450 ft.

M3M FN Herstal 30 12500 7 +30 150 S: - Magazine Size: 100 Legendary

MG T: - Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: 5 Uranium
When set up, your range
increases to 600 ft.

K9000 Cyberdog 25 15000 7 +30 150 S: - Magazine Size: 100 Epic

Gun T: - Ammo: .357 and .38
B: 4 Two-Handed.

MEC Gauss 40 25000 10 3d12+21 200 S: - Magazine Size: 120 Epic

T: - Ammo: 2mm EC
B: 5 When set up, your range
increases to 600 ft.
DT Ignore
DR -50%


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

M2 Mortar 30 40000 5 +40 750 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Legendary

T: - Ammo: 60mm and Mini Nukes
B: - The explosion radius is 30 ft
from the center. Roll AG -2 to
avoid full damage.
It can only be fired on the

M29 Mortar 35 45000 6 +50 875 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Legendary

T: - Ammo: 81mm and Mini Nukes
B: - The explosion radius is 45 ft
from the center. Roll an AG -2
to avoid full damage.
It can only be fired on the

M30 Mortar 40 50000 7 +60 1000 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

T: - Ammo: 107mm and Mini
B: - Nukes
The explosion radius is 60 ft
from the center. Roll an AG -2
to avoid full damage.
It can only be fired on the

Rocket Launchers

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

M72 LAW 15 2200 6 +25 200 S: 6 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

T: - Ammo: Explosive Rocket,
B: - Plasma Rocket, and Pulse

RPG-7 15 2100 6 +22 200 S: 6 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

T: - Ammo: Explosive Rocket,
B: - Plasma Rocket, and Pulse

L72 15 2300 6 +28 200 S: 6 Magazine Size: 1 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: Explosive Rocket,
B: - Plasma Rocket, and Pulse

Broadsider 30 4000 6 6d6+20 250 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Legendary

T: - Ammo: Cannonball
B: - +10 Concussive Damage.

Fatman 25 5000 6 +50 250 S: 6 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

T: - Ammo: Mini Nuke
B: - Two-Handed.

Junk Jet 25 6000 6 +20 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

T: - Ammo: Anything from 1 - 10
B: - lbs
Normal Damage.
Add a d4 to the damage per
pound of the object.

Red Glare 20 15000 7 +40 400 S: 6 Magazine Size: 15 Epic

T: - Ammo: Explosive Rocket,
B: 7 Plasma Rocket, and Pulse
Can fire up to a 5 Round Burst.

Energy Weapons


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Laser Pistol 4 1400 3 6d4+6 175 S: 4 Magazine Size: 12 Common

T: 5 Ammo: EC
B: 5 One-Handed.

Laser Carbine 11 3500 5 5d4+15 175 S: 4 Magazine Size: 20 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: MFC
B: 5 Two-Handed

Laser Rifle 12 5000 6 5d6+20 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: 6 Two-Handed.

Recharger Laser 2 4000 4 2d4+2 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: Infinite Uncommon

Pistol T: 4 One-Handed.
B: 4

Recharger Laser 4 4000 4 1d4+2 200 S: 3 Magazine Size: Infinite Uncommon

Rifle T: 4 One-Handed.
B: 4

Auto Laser Rifle 14 5500 6 5d4+10 175 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: 6 Two-Handed.
Can do up to a ten round burst.

Compliance 5 4500 3 6d4+6 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

Regulator T: 6 Ammo: EC
B: - Blue Laser Beam.
This can stun opponents by
-10% ER for 1d2 turns.

Laser Musket 7 3000 5 8d6+20 150 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: MFC
B: - Two-Handed.
DT Ignore

Laser Rapid 7 2500 4 6d4+5 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 60 Rare

Capacitor T: 5 Ammo: ECP
Weapon B: 5 Two-Handed.
Can do up to a ten round burst.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Salvaged 8 3000 3 2d20+40 250 S: 6 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

Assaultron Head T: - Ammo: MFC
B: - One-Handed.
DT Ignore
DR -30%

Advanced Laser 13 9000 6 5d6+25 275 S: 5 Magazine Size: 25 Very Rare

Rifle T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: 6 Two-Handed.

Gatling Laser 24 7500 5 4d6+16 200 S: - Magazine Size: 50 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: MFC
B: 6 It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.
Burst Fire ranges from five to
ten round bursts.
Reload Cost: 3

Institute Pistol 13 3000 4 6d4+15 275 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: 6 Blue Laser Beam.

Institute Rifle 10 10000 6 6d6+30 275 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: 6 Blue Laser Beam.

Holorifle 8 10000 6 4d6+30 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: - Two-Handed.

Tesla Cannon 20 15000 8 10d6+40 250 S: 6 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

T: - Ammo: EPC
B: - It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.
Reload Cost: 3
DT Ignore
DR -10%


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Plasma 4 3000 4 10d4+10 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 32 Rare

Defender T: 5 Ammo: EC
B: - One-Handed.

Plasma Pistol 4 2000 4 8d4+5 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 16 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: EC
B: - One-Handed.

Auto Plasma 15 4000 5 5d4+15 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Very Rare

Rifle T: 6 Ammo: PC
B: 6 Two-Handed.

Plasma Rifle 12 4000 6 5d8+25 125 S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: PC
B: - Two-Handed.

Turbo Plasma 14 10000 6 5d8+40 175 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Very Rare

Rifle T: 5 Ammo: PC
B: - Two-Handed.

Tesla Rifle 14 6000 5 5d4+20 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Legendary

T: - Ammo: MFC
B: - The electrical discharges will
chain if any target is within 5 ft
of anyone hit by this. This deals
Plasma Damage and it can stun
opponents by -15% ER.
Damage dealt is not split.
Everyone takes the same
amount of damage.

Arc Welder 15 9000 5 6d6+20 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: - Ammo: ECP
B: - The electrical discharges will
chain if any target is within 5 ft
of anyone hit by this. This deals
Plasma Damage and it can stun
opponents by -20% ER.
Damage dealt is not split.
Everyone takes the same
amount of damage.

LAER 8 10000 5 6d10+30 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Epic

T: 6 Ammo: MFC
B: - Blue Plasma Beam.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Plasma Cannon 30 16000 7 5d10+45 125 S: 6 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: - Ammo: PC
B: - It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.
Anything within 10 ft also takes
Roll AG -3. If you succeed you
take half damage.
Reload Cost: 3

Plasma Caster 20 11000 7 +20 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Epic

T: - Ammo: Plasma Pack
B: 6 It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapons.
Can do up to a 3 round burst.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Spasm Gun 5 2200 3 5d4+5 75 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Rare

T: - Ammo: EC
B: - Counts as a Small Gun/Energy
Weapon. -10% ER to stun a
target for 1d4 rounds.
Laser Damage.
For the purposes of perks and
mods, this weapon is
considered an Energy Weapon.

Gamma Gun 3 5000 3 100 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Very Rare

T: - Ammo: Gamma Round
B: - One-Handed.
Damage does not affect HP.
Damage is instead applied to
Radiation Resistance.
It can be used as an Energy
Weapon/Small Gun.
For the purposes of perks and
mods, this weapon is
considered an Energy Weapon.

Solar Scorcher 5 2000 3 10d4+10 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Legendary

T: 5 Ammo: Sunlight
B: - Recharge magazine every 30
seconds. This weapon only
works when the sun is out.
Laser Damage.

Pulse Gun 5 5000 3 4d4+4 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 12 Legendary

T: - Ammo: EC
B: - Counts as a Small Gun/Energy
Exo Suits hit get an ER -25%. If
they fail the ER check they’re
stunned for one turn. If they
succeed nothing happens.
Deals True Damage to Robots

Alien Atomizer 3 18000 2 12d4+20 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 20 Epic

T: 4 Ammo: APC
B: - One-Handed.
Plasma Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Alien Blaster 2 20000 2 20d4+40 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Epic

T: 5 Ammo: APC
B: - One-Handed.
Plasma Damage.

Alien 6 19000 3 16d4+30 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 20 Epic

Disintegrator T: 5 Ammo: APC
B: - Two-Handed.
Plasma Damage.

Cryolater 6 25000 4 6d4+15 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Epic

T: - Ammo: Cryo Ammo
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.
Upon hit roll EN -2. If you
succeed, take half damage. If
you fail, you can’t Run, Sprint,
Charge, Defending, Dodge, and
Focus for 1d4 turns.
It can be used as an Energy
Weapon/Small Gun.

Drone Cannon 15 25000 6 8d8+20 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Epic

T: 6 Ammo: APC
B: - Two-Handed.
Anything within 10 ft of the
explosion also suffers damage,
and takes an additional 1d6
concussion damage. Roll AG -3.
If you succeed, take half
Plasma Damage.

Gauss Minigun 20 10000 6 4d6+10 150 S: - Magazine Size: 50 Epic

T: - Ammo: 2mm EC
B: 6 It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.
Reload Cost: 3
AC -20
DT Ignore
DR -10%
Explosive Damage.

Gauss Pistol 5 5250 4 6d6+20 250 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Epic

T: 5 Ammo: 2mm EC
B: 5 It can be used as an Energy
Weapon / Small Gun.

Explosive Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Gauss Rifle 10 8250 6 6d6+60 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: 6 Ammo: 2mm EC
B: - It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.
Reload Cost: 3
AC -20
DT Ignore
DR -30%
Explosive Damage.

Gauss Shotgun 8 7000 5 4d6+20 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Epic

T: 5 Ammo: 2mm EC
B: 5 It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.
Reload Cost: 2
AC -30
DT Ignore
DR -10%
Explosive Damage.
Can do up to a 2 round burst.

Mesmetron 5 10000 4 0 30 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

T: - Ammo: Mesmetron Power Cell
B: - One-Handed.
Reload Cost: 3
If this hits, the target rolls IN
-1. If the target succeeds, they
are unaffected by the
Mesmstron. If they fail, they
roll CH. If they succeed the CH
check they’re stunned for 12
seconds. If they fail the CH
check they go into a berserker
rage for 12 seconds attacking
anyone in sight, then they’re
head explodes. Instantly killing
the target.
No Damage.

Prototype Gauss 10 8250 6 8d8+30 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

Rifle T: 6 Ammo: 2mm EC
B: - It can be used as a Big Gun/
Energy Weapon.

Reload Cost: 3
DT -7
DR -20%
Explosive Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Pulse Rifle 5 7000 4 4d6+6 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: - Ammo: EC
B: - Counts as a Small Gun/Energy
Exo Suits hits get an ER -25%. If
they fail the ER check they’re
stunned for one turn. If they
succeed nothing happens.
Can do up to a 3 Round Burst.
Deals True Damage to Robots

Sonic Emitter 5 8000 3 6d6+20 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: - Ammo: EC
B: - Counts as a Small Gun/Energy
Weapon. -100% ER to stun
robots for 1d10 rounds.
Electronics are instantly
stunned for the duration. This
can shutdown shields that are
smaller than 15 ft high and 15
ft long.
Deals True Damage to Robots
This is considered a Pulse

YK32 Pulse 5 12500 3 2d4+2 75 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

Pistol T: 5 Ammo: EC
B: - Counts as a Small Gun/Energy
Exo Suits hits get an ER -25%. If
they fail the ER check they’re
stunned for one turn. If they
succeed nothing happens.
Can do up to a 3 Round Burst.
Deals True Damage to Robots

Melee Weapons
Special Moves that don’t specify a targeted area can do targeted attacks but cost 1 AP more.
Non-Targeted Special Moves cost the same as a Targeted Attack. There are five types of Melee
Weapons: Axe, Bludgeon, Daggers, Pole Arm, Swords, and None.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Multi-Purpose 5 200 4 1d8+8+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Wood to Common

Axe T: 4 craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Hatchet 3 40 3 1d6+4+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Wood to Common

T: 4 craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Tomahawk 2 30 2 1d6+2+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lbs of Wood to Common

T: 3 craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Fire Axe 3 350 4 1d10+10+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Wood to Uncommon

T: 4 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Pick Axe 4 400 4 2d6+10+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Wood to Uncommon

T: 4 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

War Axe 5 500 4 2d8+6+MD 5 S: 3 Two-Handed. Uncommon

T: 4 Normal Damage.
B: -

Battleaxe 10 700 5 2d10+10+MD 10 S: 4 Two-Handed. Rare

T: 5 Normal Damage.
B: - It can either be one-sided or

Auto Axe 20 2500 5 4d8+15+MD 5 S: 4 Requires gasoline. A gallon can Very Rare
T: 5 last you 20 attacks.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Requires 5 lbs of Scrap
Electronics, 5 lbs of Rubber to
craft, and 10 lbs of Scrap

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Chainsaw 15 2000 6 3d10+24+ MD 5 S: 4 Normal chainsaws require Very Rare

T: 5 gasoline. A gallon can last you
B: - 20 attacks.
Electrical chainsaws require an
EC to function. EC lasts for 20
Normal Damage.
Requires 5 lbs of Scrap
Electronics to craft and 10 lbs
of Scrap Machinery.

Grognak’s Axe 12 3000 6 4d10+10+MD 10 S: 3 SM: Armor Piercer- When Legendary

T: 4 targeting the chest, ignore DR.
B: - Normal Damage.

Proton Axe 5 9000 4 4d10+5+MD 10 S: 3 -50% against Robots and Epic

T: 4 Electronics Electricity
B: - Resistance. If they fail they’re
stunned for 1d4 turns.
Uses EC to power and lasts for
one hour.
Requires 2 lbs of Scrap
Electronics to craft.
Normal Damage.

Thermal Axe 14 10000 8 6d10+20+MD 5 S: 4 Type: Axe Epic

T: 5 Two-Handed.
B: - Plasma Damage.
Requires 4 lbs of Plasma
Weapon Parts to craft.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

2x4 3 20 2 1d6+2+MD 5 S: 2 Can only be crafted with Common

T: 3 Wood.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Claw Hammer 3 30 2 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 2 SM: Hammer Time- Ignore DT Common

T: 3 and DR -20% and hit them
B: - where it hurts!
Requires 1 lb of Rubber to
Normal Damage.

Crowbar 5 25 2 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 3 SM: Bird Down- When hitting a Common

T: 4 prone target, +10 Critical Hit
B: - Chance.
Normal Damage.

Gun Melee - N/A N/A 1d8+6+MD 5 S: 4 Normal Damage. Common

Attack T: 5 This applies to all Big Guns,
B: - Small Guns, and Energy

Lead Pipe 2 10 2 1d8+2+MD 5 S: 3 One-Handed. Common

T: 4 Normal Damage.
B: -

Police Baton 3 10 3 1d6+MD 5 S: 2 SM: Stop Resisting- Can Common

T: 3 execute a Hold or Choke Hold
B: - with Melee Weapons.
Can only be crafted with
Normal Damage.

Rolling Pin 3 10 2 1d6+1+MD 5 S: 2 Can only be crafted with Common

T: 3 Wood.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Shovel 4 15 5 1d6+7+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Wood to Common

T: 4 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Staff 3 20 2 1d10+5+MD 5 S: 3 Can only be crafted with Common

T: 4 Wood.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Tire Iron 5 25 2 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 3 One-Handed. Common

T: 4 Normal Damage.
B: -

Wrench 3 5 2 1d4+6+MD 5 S: 3 One-Handed. Common

T: 4 Normal Damage.
B: -

Baseball Bat 4 650 4 1d10+5+MD 5 S: 3 SM: Homerun!- When Uncommon

T: 4 targeting the head, get a +10
B: - Critical Chance Bonus.
It can only be crafted with
Normal Damage.

Golf Driver 6 600 4 1d12+8+MD 5 S: 3 SM: Fore!- When targeting the Rare
T: 4 head, get a +15 Critical Chance
B: - Bonus.
Normal Damage.

Rebar Club 16 800 6 2d12+10+MD 5 S: 4 Two-Handed. Rare

T: 5 Normal Damage.
B: -

Sledgehammer 12 700 5 2d8+15+MD 10 S: 4 SM: Knockback- When Rare

T: 5 targeting the chest, knockback
B: - opponent 5 ft back. It does not
provoke an attack of
Requires 4 lbs of Wood to
Normal Damage.

Cattle Prod 3 500 4 4d4+8+MD 5 S: 3 Non-Robots hit have to roll EN Very Rare
T: 4 -1. If they fail, they’re knocked
B: - unconscious. Hit or miss it uses
a charge. 20 charges of Energy
Normal Damage.
Requires 1 lb of Scrap
Electronics and 2 lbs of Plastic

to craft.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Three Section 6 100 4 1d12+6+MD 10 S: 4 Two-Handed. Very Rare

Staff T: 5 Normal Damage.
B: - Requires 4 lbs of Wood to

Super Cattle 4 800 4 4d4+16+MD 5 S: 3 Non-Robots hit have to roll EN Legendary

Prod T: 4 -2. If they fail, they’re knocked
B: - unconscious. Hit or miss it uses
a charge. 20 charges of Energy
Normal Damage.
Requires 2 lb of Scrap
Electronics and 2 lbs of Plastic
to craft.

Super 20 3000 6 6d4+20+MD 10 S: 4 SM: Knockback- When Legendary

Sledgehammer T: 5 targeting the chest, knockback
B: - opponent 15 ft back. It does
not provoke an attack of
Normal Damage.
Requires 4 lbs of Scrap
Electronics to craft.

Louisville 4 650 4 2d10+10+ MD 5 S: 3 SM: Homerun!- When Epic

Slugger T: 4 targeting the head, get a +15
B: - Critical Chance Bonus.
Normal Damage.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Knife 2 10 1 1d6+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Rubber/Wood Common

T: 3 to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Scalpel 1 10 1 1d4+MD 5 S: 2 One-Handed. Common

T: 3 Normal Damage.
B: -

Shiv 1 5 1 1d4+MD 5 S: 2 Can be crafted with Ceramic/ Common

T: 3 Glass/Plastic/Scrap Metal/
B: - Wood
Normal Damage.

Switchblade 1 60 1 1d8+1+MD 5 S: 2 SM: Tunnel Snakes Rule- Common

T: 3 Ignore DT and DR when aiming
B: - for the Neck.
Normal Damage.

Throwing Knife 1 20 2 1d4+2+MD 5 S: 2 One-Handed. Common

T: 3 Normal Damage.
B: -

Combat Knife 2 80 2 1d8+2+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Rubber/Wood Uncommon

T: 3 to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Ice Pick 2 30 3 1d8+3+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Plastic/Wood Uncommon

T: 3 to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Sharpened 2 150 2 1d10+3+MD 10 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Rubber/Wood Uncommon

Combat Knife T: 3 to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Bowie Knife 3 500 3 2d8+10+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Wood to craft. Rare

T: 4 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Butterfly Knife 3 500 3 2d8+5+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Scrap Rare

T: 3 Machinery to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Chakram 2 400 2 2d6+10+MD 5 S: 2 One-Handed. Rare

T: 3 Normal Damage.
B: -

Ripper 4 700 4 2d10+12+MD 5 S: 3 30 charges of Energy Cells. Rare

T: 4 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.
Requires Engineer instead of
Blacksmithing to craft.
Requires 1 lb of Scrap
Electronics and 1 lb of Scrap
Machinery to craft.

Cultist Dagger 4 450 3 2d6+5+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Cloth craft. Very Rare

T: 3 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Trench Knife 2 600 4 2d6+15+MD 5 S: 3 One-Handed. Very Rare

T: 4 This can also be used as an
B: - Unarmed Weapon.
Normal Damage.

Cosmic Knife 2 200 2 1d8+1+MD 5 S: 2 One-Handed. Legendary

T: 3 Ignores Limb Resistance.
B: - Normal Damage.
It can only be crafted with

Clean Cosmic 2 300 2 1d8+6+MD 5 S: 2 One-Handed. Epic

Knife T: 3 Ignores Limb Resistance.
B: - Normal Damage.
It can only be crafted with

Pole Arm

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Pole Hook 3 50 3 1d10+2+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Wood to Common

T: 4 craft.
B: - Great for fishing. +25 Survival
when fishing.
Normal Damage.

Pitchfork 2 10 3 1d6+2+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Wood to craft. Common

T: 4 Two-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Pool Cue 2 10 2 1d6+1+MD 10 S: 3 Can only be crafted with Common

T: 4 Wood.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Spear 4 35 4 1d8+4+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 3 lbs of Wood to Common

T: 4 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Scythe 5 35 4 2d6+6+MD 10 S: 4 Requires 3 lbs of Wood to Uncommon

T: 5 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Sharpened 4 70 4 1d10+6+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 3 lbs of Wood to Uncommon

Spear T: 4 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Halberd 6 100 5 1d10+10+MD 10 S: 4 Requires 4 lbs of Wood to Rare

T: 5 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Hook Spear 4 150 4 2d6+4+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 3 lbs of Wood to Rare

T: 4 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Pike 10 250 6 3d4+10+MD 20 S: 4 Requires 8 lbs of Wood to Rare

T: 5 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Trident 6 350 5 3d6+4+MD 10 S: 3 Requires 4 lbs of Wood to Rare

T: 4 craft.

B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Glaive 6 650 5 4d4+6+MD 10 S: 4 Requires 3 lbs of Wood to Very Rare

T: 5 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Buzz Blade 10 2100 5 2d10+18+ MD 10 S: 4 Requires an EC to function. EC Very Rare

T: 5 lasts for 20 attacks.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.
Requires 5 lbs of Scrap
Electronics and 2 lbs of Scrap
Machinery to craft.

War Scythe 7 500 5 2d8+8+MD 10 S: 4 Requires 4 lbs of Wood to Very Rare

T: 5 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Cosmic Knife 5 1000 5 2d8+10+MD 10 S: 3 Two-Handed. Legendary

Spear T: 4 Normal Damage.
B: - It can only be crafted with

Clean Cosmic 5 2000 5 3d8+15+MD 10 S: 3 Two-Handed. Epic

Knife Spear T: 4 Normal Damage.
B: -

Thermal Scythe 17 3000 6 4d10+10+MD 10 S: 4 Plasma Damage. Epic

T: 5 Requires 7 lbs of Plasma
B: - Weapon Parts to craft.

Thermic Lance 14 10000 8 6d8+20+MD 10 S: 4 Two-Handed. Epic

T: 5 Plasma Damage.
B: - Requires 5 lbs of Plasma
Weapon Parts to craft.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Machete 3 50 4 2d6+3+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Wood to craft. Uncommon

T: 4 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Sickle 3 50 4 2d8+4+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Wood to craft. Uncommon

T: 4 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Ski Sword 4 100 4 4d4+4+MD 5 S: 3 Can only be crafted with Uncommon

T: 4 Plastic/Wood.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Assaultron 3 500 2 1d12+8+MD 5 S: 3 SM: Stealth Slash - When sneak Rare

Blade T: 4 attacking, get a -10 Hit Chance
B: - and a +15 Critical Chance.
Normal Damage.

Chinese Straight 4 500 4 3d4+8+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Leather/Wood Rare

Sword T: 4 to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Cultist Blade 5 450 4 2d10+6+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 2 lbs of Cloth to craft. Rare

T: 4 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Machete 4 300 4 1d12+8+MD 5 S: 3 SM: Bull Charge- When Rare

Gladius T: 4 charging get a +10 Hit Chance
B: - and +10 Critical Chance.
Requires 1 lb of Any
Leather/Wood to craft.
Normal Damage.

Revolutionary 4 600 4 2d8+6+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Wood to craft. Rare

Sword T: 4 One-Handed.
B: - Normal Damage.

Scimitar 4 500 4 2d6+10+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Any Rare

T: 4 Leather/Wood to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Wakizashi Blade 2 400 2 1d12+4+MD 5 S: 3 Requires 1 lb of Any Leather/ Rare

T: 4 Wood to craft.
B: - One-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Bumper Sword 14 2000 8 4d6+10+MD 10 S: 4 Two-Handed. Very Rare

T: 5 Normal Damage.
B: -

Claymore 5 1000 3 4d8+6+MD 5 S: 4 Requires 1 lb of Any Leather to Very Rare

T: 5 craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Katana 5 800 3 4d6+6+MD 5 S: 4 Requires 1 lb of Any Leather/ Very Rare

T: 5 Wood to craft.
B: - Two-Handed.
Normal Damage.

Verti-Claymore 16 5000 8 6d6+15+MD 10 S: 4 Two-Handed. Legendary

T: 5 Normal Damage.
B: -


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

One-Handed - - 2 1d4+2+MD 5 S: 3 Weapons that can be held with Common

Improvised T: 4 one hand that aren't listed in
Weapon B: - the Melee Weapons. One-
Handed Weapons that require
charges that have no charge
use this damage instead.

Two-Handed - - 3 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 4 Weapons that can only be held Common

Improvised T: 5 with two hands that aren't
Weapon B: - listed in the Melee Weapons.
Two-Handed Weapons that
require charges that have no
charge use this damage

Hand-Held Taser 8 500 4 N/A 5 S: 2 -25% against an individual’s Rare

T: 3 Electricity Resistance. If they
B: - fail they’re stunned for 1d2
Uses EC and it lasts for 10
Requires 5 lbs of Scrap
Electronics and 1 lb of Plastic
to craft.

Whip 3 350 3 2d6+2+MD 15 S: 4 Can execute the Unarmed Rare

T: 5 Special Moves: Hold and
B: - Choke Hold.
Can only be crafted with
Cloth/Any Leather.
Normal Damage.

Chain Whip 5 650 4 2d10+4+MD 10 S: 4 Can execute the Unarmed Very Rare
T: 5 Special Moves: Hold and
B: - Choke Hold.
Requires 1 lb of Cloth/Leather.
Normal Damage.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Small Shield 3 500 4 1d6+2+MD 5 S: 3 Type: Bludgeon Common

T: 4 Successful Hits: 5
B: - Cover Penalty: -15%
Armor Class: 5
Can only be crafted with Scrap
Normal Damage.

Medium Shield 6 750 5 1d10+4+MD 5 S: 4 Type: Bludgeon Common

T: 5 Successful Hits: 10
B: - Cover Penalty: -25%
Armor Class: 10
Can only be crafted with Scrap
Normal Damage.

Large Shield 6 1000 5 1d12+6+MD 5 S: 5 Type: Bludgeon Uncommon

T: 6 Successful Hits: 15
B: - Cover Penalty: -50%
Armor Class: 20
Can only be crafted with Scrap
Normal Damage.

Riot Shield 10 2000 5 1d10+8+MD 5 S: 4 Type: Bludgeon Rare

T: 5 Successful Hits: 20
B: - Cover Penalty: -50%
Armor Class: 30
Can only be crafted with
Ballistic Fiber.
Normal Damage.

Energy Shield 8 10000 5 2d6+10+MD 5 S: 3 Type: Bludgeon Epic

T: 4 Successful Hits: 30
B: - Cover Penalty: -50%
Armor Class: 40
Normal Damage.
Requires 1 Fusion Core and 1 lb
of Plastic to craft.

Small Guns


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Police Revolver 4 200 1 +7 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Common

T: 5 Ammo: .32
B: 5 One-Handed.

9mm Pistol 3 200 2 +4 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 12 Common

T: 4 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 4 9mm Ball

10mm Pistol 4 250 3 +7 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 12 Common

T: 4 Ammo: 10mm and 10mm AP
B: 4 One-Handed.

Browning HP 6 275 4 +5 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 12 Common

Pistol T: 4 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 4 9mm Ball

Chinese Pistol 2 200 3 +5 125 S: 3 Magazine Size: 10 Common

T: 4 Ammo: 10mm and 10mm AP
B: 4 One-Handed.

Dart Gun 4 75 3 +2 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 1 Common

T: 4 Ammo: Dart
B: - One-Handed.

Handmade 5 100 3 +4 75 S: 3 Magazine Size: 1 Common

Pistol T: 4 Ammo: Varies
B: - One-Handed.

Light Crossbow 5 200 4 +4 150 S: 3 Magazine Size: 1 Common

T: 4 Ammo: Bolt and Bolt AP
B: - Requires 5 lbs of Scrap Metal
to craft.

Pipe Pistol 2 100 2 +4 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Common

T: 5 Ammo: .38, .45, 9mm
B: - One-Handed.

.22 Pistol 5 500 1 +12 60 S: 3 Magazine Size: 16 Uncommon

T: 4 Ammo: .22
B: 4 Built-in Silencer but the range
radius is 10 ft.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

.357 Revolver 5 300 4 +9 95 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: .357 and .38
B: 5 One-Handed.

Beretta M9 2 600 2 +8 125 S: 3 Magazine Size: 15 Uncommon

T: 4 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 4 9mm Ball

Colt M1911 4 400 3 +11 85 S: 3 Magazine Size: 7 Uncommon

T: 4 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: 4 One-Handed.

Flare Gun 2 250 4 +5 500 S: 3 Magazine Size: 1 Uncommon

T: 4 Ammo: Flare
B: - It can be used as an Energy
Weapon/Small Gun.
For the purposes of perks and
mods, this weapon is
considered a Small Gun.

Makarov 2 150 1 +3 75 S: 3 Magazine Size: 8 Uncommon

T: 4 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 4 9mm Ball

Single Action 6 500 5 +15 50 S: 5 Magazine Size: 6 Uncommon

Revolver T: 6 Ammo: .44 and .44 AP
B: 6 One-Handed.

Walther PPK 4 400 2 +9 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 9 Uncommon

T: 4 Ammo: .32
B: 4 One-Handed.

.44 Revolver 5 450 5 +12 75 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: .44 and .44 AP
B: 5 One-Handed.

5.56mm Pistol 5 1500 5 +10 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP
This weapon is considered a

9mm Mauser 3 400 3 +7 110 S: 4 Magazine Size: 7 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 5 9mm Ball

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

12.7mm Pistol 5 2000 5 +18 80 S: 4 Magazine Size: 7 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 12.7mm and 12.7mm
B: 5 AP

Desert Eagle 5 1500 5 +13 95 S: 4 Magazine Size: 9 (.357 and .38) Rare
T: 5 Magazine Size: 8 (.44 and .44
B: 5 AP)
Magazine Size: 7 (.50 AE)

Needler Pistol 4 1200 3 +12 120 S: 3 Magazine Size: 10 Rare

T: 4 Ammo: HN Needler and HN
B: 4 Needler AP

14mm Pistol 7 2500 6 +10 120 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Very Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 14mm and 14mm AP
B: 5 One-Handed.

Hunting 5 3000 5 +15 70 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Very Rare

Revolver T: 5 Ammo: .45-70 Gov’t
B: 5 One-Handed.

Ranger Sequoia 6 4000 5 +20 90 S: 5 Magazine Size: 6 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: .45-70 Gov’t
B: 6 This weapon is considered a

.223 Pistol 5 700 4 +20 150 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Legendary

T: 5 Ammo: .223 FMJ and .223 AP
B: 5 This weapon is considered a

Black Powder 5 1000 5 +30 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Legendary

Pistol T: 5 Ammo: .50 Ball
B: 5 Reload Cost: 4

Magnum 5 3000 6 +15 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Legendary

Research BFR T: 6 Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: 6 Uranium

This weapon is considered a

Submachine Guns

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

9mm Grease 5 700 4 +4 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Common

Gun T: 5 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 5 9mm Ball

10mm SMG 5 1100 5 +5 125 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Common

T: 5 Ammo: 10mm and 10mm AP
B: 5 One-Handed.

MP5 5 900 4 +5 125 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Common

T: 5 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 5 9mm Ball

Nail Gun 3 800 3 +3 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 90 Common

T: 5 Ammo: Nail
B: 5 One-Handed.

.22 SMG 6 1100 4 +5 140 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: .22
B: 5 Built-in Silencer but the range
radius is 10 ft.

TEC-9 5 1200 5 +5 150 S: 4 Magazine Size: Varies in Tens Uncommon

T: 5 up to 50
B: 5 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
9mm Ball

Thompson SMG 7 1200 6 +4 160 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: 6 One-Handed.

Uzi 7 900 4 +3 125 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: 6 One-Handed.

Hudson Grease 7 1750 4 +10 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Rare

Gun T: 6 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: 6 One-Handed.

MP40 8 2300 4 +10 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 32 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 5 9mm Ball

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Steyr AUG 7 2000 5 +8 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 40 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

PPSH-41 8 2500 5 +6 100 S: 3 Magazine Size: 70 Very Rare

T: 4 Ammo: 9mm, 9mm AP, and
B: 4 9mm Ball

P90 8 2500 5 +12 150 S: 4 Magazine Size: 50 Very Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 5.7mm and 5.7mm AP
B: 5 One-Handed.

12.7mm SMG 10 3500 6 +15 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Legendary

T: 5 Ammo: 12.7mm and 12.7mm
B: 5 AP

Assault Rifles

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

AK-47 9 1200 5 +7 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Common

T: 6 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

AK-112 7 1300 5 +8 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 24 Common

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

Combat Rifle 11 1000 5 +8 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Common

T: 6 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

Pipe Auto Rifle 6 700 5 +5 100 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Common

T: 6 Ammo: .38, .45, .357, 5.56,
B: 6 7.62, .308

M14 14 1000 6 +7 175 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Common

T: 6 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

Service Rifle 8 800 5 +7 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Common

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP
Can do only up to a 3 Round

AK-74 11 1500 5 +7 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: 5.45 and 5.45 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

M16A1 10 1600 5 +9 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

FN FAL 9 1500 5 +8 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: 7.62, 7.62 AP, 5.56, and
B: 6 5.56 AP

M16A2 9 1700 6 +10 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Uncommon

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

FAMAS G2 8 2100 5 +13 150 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

M16A3 9 2000 6 +12 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

M4 9 2100 5 +13 250 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

FN SCAR 13 2500 6 +14 175 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Very Rare

T: 6 SCAR-L: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP
Magazine Size: 20
SCAR-H: .308 and .308 AP

SA80 9 3000 5 +14 175 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP

C1A1 10 7000 5 +16 225 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: 6 Two-Handed.

G11 8 8000 5 +15 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 50 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: 4.7mm
B: 6 Two-Handed.

XM8 10 10000 5 +17 200 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: 6 FMJ, and .223 AP


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

BB Gun 5 50 1 +0 110 S: 3 Magazine Size: 100 Common

T: 4 Ammo: BB
B: - Two-Handed.

M17-A 7 500 4 +9 125 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Common

T: 5 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Medium 7 400 5 +6 175 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Common

Crossbow T: 5 Ammo: Bolt and Bolt AP
B: - Requires 7 lbs of Scrap Metal
to craft.

Pipe Rifle 10 100 5 +6 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Common

T: 5 Ammo: .38, .45, .357, 5.56,
B: - 7.62, .308

Varmint Rifle 5 350 3 +5 150 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Common

T: 5 Ammo: 5.56, 5.56 AP, .223
B: - FMJ, and .223 AP

Cowboy 5 1200 3 +9 150 S: 4 Magazine Size: 7 Uncommon

Repeater T: 5 Ammo: .357 and .38
B: - Two-Handed.

Heavy Crossbow 12 500 6 +8 250 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: Bolt and Bolt AP
B: - DR -10%
Requires 12 lbs of Scrap Metal
to craft.

Hunting Rifle 9 1000 5 +9 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Long Colt 9 2000 4 +11 300 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

M1 Garand 6 1300 5 +9 250 S: 4 Magazine Size: 8 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

M19 Rifle 11 1100 5 +10 175 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Rangemaster 9 1200 4 +10 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Uncommon

T: 5 Ammo: .223 FMJ and .223 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

DKS-501 8 2500 5 +15 250 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: .308 and .308 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Spear Gun 10 1400 4 +2 75 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: Spear and Sharpened
B: - Spear

SVD-4000 15 2400 5 +14 375 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Syringer 6 2000 5 0 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 2 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: Syringe
B: - Two-Handed.

Trail Carbine 5 3000 5 +16 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 8 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: .44 and .44 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Barrett M107 30 5000 7 +30 300 S: 5 Magazine Size: 10 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: - Uranium
It can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun.

G3 13 2600 6 +13 250 S: 5 Magazine Size: 20 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: 6 Can fire up to a 5 Round Burst.

Mini Ballista 35 2500 9 +15 300 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Very Rare

T: 6 Ammo: Bolt and Bolt AP
B: - It can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun.

PSG1 15 2500 5 +16 200 S: 4 Magazine Size: 20 Very Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 7.62 and 7.62 AP
B: - Two-Handed.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Black Powder 8 3000 5 +50 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Legendary

Rifle T: 5 Ammo: .50 Ball
B: - Reload Cost: 4

Bozar 20 5250 7 +25 300 S: 5 Magazine Size: 30 Legendary

T: 6 Ammo: .223 FMJ and .223 AP
B: 6 Can do up to a five-round
It can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun.

Radium Rifle 10 2000 5 +12 250 S: 4 Magazine Size: 30 Legendary

T: 5 Ammo: .45 and .45 AP
B: - Every shot deals 50 Radiation.

Red Ryder BB 5 3500 3 +24 160 S: 4 Magazine SIze: 100 Legendary

Gun T: 5 Ammo: BB
B: - Two-Handed.

AS50 30 5500 7 +40 350 S: 5 Magazine Size: 5 Epic

T: 6 Ammo: .50, .50 BMG, and .50
B: - Uranium
It can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun.

PTRS 38 7000 8 +50 350 S: 5 Magazine Size: 3 Epic

T: 6 Ammo: 14mm and 14mm
B: - It can be used as a Big Gun/
Small Gun.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Caravan 5 400 4 +12 70 S: 4 Magazine Size: 2 Common

Shotgun T: 5 Ammo: 20 Gauge, 20 Gauge
B: 5 AP, and 20 Gauge Pulse
Can fire up to a 2 Round Burst.

Sawed-off 4 700 4 +14 35 S: 4 Magazine Size: 2 Common

Winchester T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: 5 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse
Can fire up to a 2 Round Burst.
AC -20

Single Shotgun 4 300 4 +10 60 S: 4 Magazine Size: 1 Common

T: 5 Ammo: 20 Gauge, 20 Gauge
B: - AP, and 20 Gauge Pulse

Winchester 5 800 4 +12 70 S: 4 Magazine Size: 2 Common

Shotgun T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: 5 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse
Can fire up to a 2 Round Burst.

Pump-Action 4 1200 4 +14 75 S: 4 Magazine Size: 4 Uncommon

Shotgun T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: - Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse

Remington 5 1600 4 +16 50 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Uncommon

Shotgun T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: - Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse

Combat 10 2750 5 +21 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 12 Rare

Shotgun T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: 5 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse
It can only do up to a three-
round burst.
Uses a clip.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Lever-Action 5 1000 4 +12 70 S: 4 Magazine Size: 5 Rare

Shotgun T: 5 Ammo: 20 Gauge, 20 Gauge
B: 5 AP, and 20 Gauge Pulse
Can fire up to a 2 Round Burst.

SPAS-12 6 2000 4 +19 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 6 Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: 5 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse
It can only do up to a three-
round burst.

AA-12 5 4750 6 +23 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Very Rare

T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: 5 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse
Can do up to a five-round
Uses a clip.

Pancor 12 5500 5 +25 100 S: 4 Magazine Size: 10 Legendary

Jackhammer T: 5 Ammo: 12 Gauge Buckshot, 12
B: 5 Gauge Slug, 12 Gauge AP, and
12 Gauge Pulse
Can do up to a five-round
Uses a clip.

Blunderbuss 5 6000 6 +10 20 S: 5 Magazine Size: 1 Epic

T: - Ammo: Anything from 0.1 - 1
B: - lb.
Normal Damage.
Add a 1d6 to the damage per
object loaded.
DT Ignore
DR -30%

Throwing Weapons

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Axe Throw - - - Varies 30 S: - Damage Varies on Weapon Varies

T: - Basic attack for all Axe Type
B: - Weapons.
AP Cost depends on the
Add your ST x 5 to the Range.

Bludgeon Throw - - - Varies 20 S: - Damage Varies on Weapon Varies

T: - Basic attack for all Axe Type
B: - Weapons.
AP Cost depends on the
Add your ST x 5 to the Range.

Dagger Throw - - - Varies 50 S: - Damage Varies on Weapon Varies

T: - Basic attack for all Dagger Type
B: - Weapons.
AP Cost depends on the
Add your ST x 5 to the Range.

Other Throw - - - Varies 30 S: - Damage Varies on Weapon Varies

T: - Basic attack for all weapons
B: - with no Weapon type.
AP Cost depends on the
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Pole Arm Throw - - - Varies 80 S: - Damage Varies on Weapon Varies

T: - Basic attack for all Spear Type
B: - Weapons.
AP Cost depends on the
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Sword Throw - - - Varies 20 S: - Damage Varies on Weapon Varies

T: - Basic attack for all Sword Type
B: - Weapons.
AP Cost depends on the
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Bola 5 50 4 N/A 50 S: 5 No Damage Common

T: - If successful, the bola wraps
B: - around the target and knocks
them down prone. They’re
immobile until they succeed a
ST -2 check to break free.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Molotov 1 50 3 4d4+5 60 S: 5 Fire Damage Common

Cocktail T: - Anything 5 ft away from the
B: - center takes damage. Anyone
hit by this takes 5 Fire Damage
at the beginning of their turn
till put out.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Rock 1 N/A 1 1d6+MD 50 S: 4 Normal Damage Common

T: 5 Add ST x 5 to the Range.
B: - One-Handed.

Dynamite 2 150 3 2d10+30 75 S: 4 Explosive Damage Uncommon

T: - Anything 5 ft away from the
B: - center also takes damage, and
they also take 1d6 concussion
damage. Land-based dynamite
traps deal the same damage
but require a successful
Engineer Penalty -20. Roll AG
-1. If you succeed, take half
damage. If you fail you take full
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Gas Bomb 5 100 2 2d6+10 20 S: 4 Explosive Damage Uncommon

T: - Deals and additional 2d6+10
B: - Fire Damage. Anything 5 ft
away from the center also
takes damage, and they also
take 1d6 concussion damage.
Land-based dynamite traps
deal the same damage but
require a successful Engineer
Penalty -20. Roll AG -1. If you
succeed, take half damage. If
you fail you take full damage.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Lasso 8 150 2 N/A 30 S: 4 Normal Damage. Uncommon

T: 5 Can execute the Unarmed
B: - Special Move: Hold.
Requires 8 lbs of Cloth to craft.
Rope can be used as a lasso.
One hand is used to throw the
rope while the other holds it.

Pipe Bomb 2 75 2 2d6+15 75 S: 4 Explosive Damage Uncommon

T: - Anything 5 ft away from the
B: - center also takes damage, and
they also take 1d6 concussion
damage. Land-based dynamite
traps deal the same damage
but require a successful
Engineer Penalty -20. Roll AG
-1. If you succeed, take half
damage. If you fail you take full
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Tin Grenade 2 100 4 2d10+30 80 S: 4 Explosive Damage Uncommon

T: - Anything 5 ft away from the
B: - center also takes damage, and
they also take 1d6 concussion
damage. Land-based dynamite
traps deal the same damage
but require a successful
Engineer Penalty -20. Roll AG
-1. If you succeed, take half
damage. If you fail you take full
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Throwing Stars 1 15 1 1d4+2+MD 75 S: 3 Normal Damage Uncommon

T: 4 One-Handed.
B: -

Boomerang 1 150 1 1d8+5+MD 100 S: 3 Normal Damage Rare

T: 4 If the boomerang doesn’t hit
B: - anything, it’ll arc around and
return to you.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Flash Grenade 1 100 4 N/A 75 S: 4 Anyone facing a flash grenade Rare

T: - who doesn’t know to look
B: - away will suffer blindness for
1d10 rounds after it explodes.
Anything within 10 ft is also
subject to blindness. To evade
roll AG -1.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Fragmentation 3 400 1 10d4+30 75 S: 4 Explosive Damage Rare

Grenade/ T: - Anything within 10 ft of the
Landmine B: - explosion also suffers damage,
and they also take 1d6
concussion damage.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -25. Roll
AG -2. If you succeed, take half
damage. You can also jam it
into a Baseball and make a
Baseball Grenade.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Rope Dart 6 700 3 3d4+4+MD 20 S: 4 Normal Damage. Rare

T: - Can execute the Unarmed
B: - Special Moves: Hold and Choke
Requires 1 lb of Scrap Metal
and 5 lbs of Cloth to craft.
One hand is used to throw the
rope while the other holds it.

Smoke Grenade 1 100 4 N/A 75 S: 4 Anything within 20 ft of the Rare

T: - explosion radius is covered in a
B: - thick fog. All attacks going
through or inside the smoke
take the Fog Environmental
Penalty for 1 minute. This is a
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Tear Gas 1 200 4 N/A 75 S: 4 Anything within 10 ft of the Rare

Grenade T: - explosion radius is covered in a
B: - thick fog. All attacks going
through or inside the smoke
take the Fog Environmental
Penalty for 1 minute. Those
who succeed get a PE -3 to
checks for one hour. This is a
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Incendiary 3 500 4 5d6+20 75 S: 4 Fire Damage Very Rare

Grenade/ T: - Anything within 15 ft spaces of
Landmine B: - the explosion also suffers
damage, and they also take
1d6 concussion damage.
Anyone hit by this takes 10 Fire
Damage at the beginning of
their turn turn till put out.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -30. Roll
AG -3. If you succeed, take half
damage. If you fail you take full
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

MFC Grenade 3 1000 4 3d10+30 75 S: 4 Plasma Damage

T: - Anything within 10 ft of the
B: - explosion also suffers damage,
and they also take 1d6
concussion damage.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -40. Roll
AG -2. If you succeed, take half
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Satchel Charge 5 1000 4 12d4+20 75 S: 4 Explosive Damage Very Rare

T: - Anything within 15 ft of the
B: - explosion also suffers damage,
and they also take 1d6
concussion damage.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -25. Roll
AG -4. If you succeed, take half
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Electro 3 1000 4 N/A 75 S: 4 Any creature that’s not a robot Legendary

Grenade/ T: - within 10 ft of the explosion is
Landmine B: - affected by the blast.
Landmines require a successful
Engineer -35. Roll AG -3. If you
succeed you take -25% ER. If
you fail you take -50% ER. The
stun duration is 1d6 turns. This
doesn’t affect Exo Suits. Refer
to Electricity Resistance rules
for more information.
Electronics are instantly
stunned for the duration.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Plasma 3 1000 4 10d6+60 75 S: 4 Plasma Damage Legendary

Grenade/ T: - Anything within 10 ft of the
Landmine B: - explosion also suffers damage,
and they also take 1d6
concussion damage.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -40. Roll
AG -4. If you succeed, take half
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Pulse Grenade/ 3 700 4 6d6+10 75 S: 4 True Damage Legendary

Landmine T: - Any electronics within 10 ft of
B: - the explosion are affected by
the pulse. Robots are the only
ones that take damage from
this. Landmines require a
successful Engineer -35. Robots
and those in Exo Suits roll AG
-1. If they succeed, Robots take
half the damage and the ER for
Exo Suits -25%. If they fail,
Robots take full damage and
those in Exo Suits take -50%
ER. The stun duration is 1d4
turns. Refer to Electricity
Resistance rules for more
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Cryo Grenade/ 3 3000 4 10d4+30 75 S: 4 Normal Damage Epic

Landmine T: - Anything within 20 ft of the
B: - blast also suffers damage, and
they also take 1d6 concussion
damage. Landmines deal the
same damage but require a
successful Engineer -50. Roll
EN -4. If you succeed, take half
damage. If you fail, you can’t
Run, Sprint, Charge, Defending,
Dodge, and Focus for 1d6
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

HalluciGen Gas 3 4000 4 0 75 S: 4 Normal Damage Epic

Grenade T: - Anything within 20 ft of the
B: - blast that doesn’t have 100%
GR will begin to attack the
closest creature or thing near
them until they’re dead. You
can roll EN -3 every turn to
break free from the madness.
If you fail you’ll continue to
attack. If you succeed the gas
leaves your body and you
regain control of yourself. This
is a gas.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.


Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Holy Hand 3 99999 4 20d20+100 75 S: 4 True Damage Epic

Grenade T: - Anything within 30 ft of the
B: - explosion also suffers damage,
and they also take 1d6
concussion damage.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -75. Roll
AG -7. If you succeed, take half
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Nuka Grenade/ 3 5000 4 10d10+60 75 S: 4 Plasma Damage Epic

Landmine T: - DT Ignore DR -30%
B: - Anything within 20 ft of the
explosion also suffers damage,
and they also take 1d6
concussion damage.
Landmines deal the same
damage but require a
successful Engineer -75. Roll
AG -6. If you succeed, take half
Leaves a residue of radiation
that deals 15 rads an hour.
Add ST x 5 to the Range.

Unarmed Weapons

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Boxing Gloves 5 10 1 1d4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Common

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Super Mutants can’t use this.
It can only be crafted with

Brass Knuckles 1 40 2 1d4+2+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Common

T: 3 Super Mutants can’t use this.
B: - It can only be used on your

Fist & Feet 0 N/A 1 1d4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Common

T: 3 Mods cannot be attached. This
B: - counts for any Unarmed
attacks from the body.

Metal Fist 0 N/A 1 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Common

T: 3 Only for Robots.
B: - This counts for any Unarmed
attacks from the body.

Sapper 2 60 1 1d4+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Common

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Super Mutants can’t use this.
Requires 1 lb of Cloth/Any
Leather to craft.

Super Mutant 0 N/A 1 2d4+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Common

Fist & Feet T: 3 Mods cannot be attached.
B: - This counts for any Unarmed
attacks from the body.

Boot Dagger 1 30 1 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Uncommon

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - feet.

Plated Boxing 10 20 2 1d4+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Uncommon

Gloves T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Super Mutants can’t use this.
Requires 5 lbs of Scrap Metal
and 5 lbs of Cloth/Any Leather
to craft.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Punch Dagger 4 100 1 1d8+4+MD 5 S: 2 Requires 1 lb of Plastic/ Uncommon

T: 3 Rubber/Wood to craft.
B: - Normal Damage.
It can only be used on your
Super Mutants can’t use this.

Shredder Claws 2 100 1 2d4+2+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Uncommon

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Requires 1 lb of Cloth to craft.

Spiked Knuckles 1 60 2 1d6+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Uncommon

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Super Mutants can’t use this.

Tiger Claws 1 200 1 1d6+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Uncommon

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.

Ballistic Fist 7 400 2 2d4+10+MD 5 S: 3 Normal Damage. Rare

(+Ammo) T: 4 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
2 shotgun shells in the
chamber. Reload is 1 AP.
Super Mutants can’t use this.
Requires 3 lbs of Small Gun
Parts to craft.

Bear Trap Fist 10 200 2 3d4+10+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Rare

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Super Mutants can’t use this.
Requires a Bear Trap to craft.

Exo Suit Fist & 0 N/A 1 3d4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Rare

Feet T: 3 It only applies when in an Exo
B: - Suit. Cannot equip any
Unarmed Weapon to hands
and feet.

Mace Glove 10 300 3 3d4+10+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Rare

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Requires 2 lbs of Any
Leather/Cloth to craft.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Mole Miner 8 1000 4 4d4+15+MD 5 S: 3 You cannot do any grab action Rare
Gauntlet T: 4 while wearing it. Cannot
B: - execute Hold, Choke Hold, or
Disarm. It cannot be used
while in power armor.

Mutant Ballistic 8 600 3 3d4+20+MD 5 S: 3 Normal Damage. Rare

Fist (+Ammo) T: 4 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
2 shotgun shells in the
chamber. Reload is 1 AP.
Only Super Mutants can use
Requires 4 lbs of Small Gun
Parts to craft.

Mutant Punch 6 200 2 3d4+4+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Rare

Dagger T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.
Only Super Mutants can use
Requires 2 lbs of Plastic/
Rubber/Wood to craft.

Razor Claw 5 700 3 6d4+5+MD 5 S: 2 Normal Damage. Rare

T: 3 It can only be used on your
B: - hands.

Steel Toe- 5 100 3 4d4+5+MD 5 S: 3 Normal Damage. Rare

TIpped Boots T: 4 It can only be used on your
B: - feet.
DR -20%
Requires 3 lbs of Leather to

Power Fist 7 3000 5 4d4+20+MD 5 S: 3 It can only be used on your Very Rare
T: 4 hands. You cannot do any grab
B: - action while wearing it. Cannot
execute Hold, Choke Hold, or
Normal Damage.
Requires 3 lbs of Scrap
Machinery and 1 lb of
Cloth/Any Leather to craft.

Name W Value Min. ST Damage Range AP Cost Description Rarity

Yao Guai 10 4000 5 5d4+15+MD 5 S: 3 It can only be used on your Very Rare
Gauntlet T: 4 hands. You cannot do any grab
B: - action while wearing it. Cannot
execute Hold, Choke Hold, or
Normal Damage.
Requires a Yao Guai’s Paw to

Deathclaw 12 5000 6 5d4+20+MD 5 S: 3 It can only be used on your Legendary

Gauntlet T: 4 hands. You cannot do any grab
B: - action while wearing it. Cannot
execute Hold and Choke Hold.
Normal Damage.
Requires a Deathclaw Hand to

Mega Power 15 7000 7 4d6+30+MD 5 S: 3 It can only be used on your Legendary

Fist T: 4 hands. You cannot do any grab
B: - action while wearing it. Cannot
execute Hold, Choke Hold, or
Normal Damage.
Requires 6 lbs of Scrap
Electronics and 1 lb of
Cloth/Any Leather to craft.

Displacer Glove 10 10000 4 2d6+15+MD 5 S: 2 It can only be used on your Epic

T: 3 hands.
B: - Normal Damage.
-50% ER to stun for one turn.
Requires an EC to function. EC
lasts for 10 attacks. Reload
costs 2 AP.
Requires 4 lbs of Scrap
Electronics and 1 lb of
Cloth/Any Leather to craft.

Ammo Chart
Each bullet, aside from arrows, bolts, darts, spears, and bbs, each has a weight of 0.1 lbs. You
need the clip in order to fire the gun. Keep track of extended magazines. The prices go
according to a single round, except for the Energy Cell and Microfusion Cell. Caps cost for gun
magazines cost the same as how many bullets it can fire before it reloads. AP in this section
stands for Armor Piercing.

Ammo Weight

Arrow / Bolt / Five Bullets / Ten BBs 0.1

Energy Ammo 1

Mortar Shell 3

Rocket 5

Cannonball 15

Mini Nuke 20

Magazine Clip 1

When shopping, the prices below are one-to-one. Bullet schematics are often the price of 100
of the same ammo type put together.

Ammunition List

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

Blunt Arrow 1 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal None Common

Bolt 3 0 0 0% 1d10 Normal None Common

Bolt AP 6 0 0 -10% 1d6 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

Bullet Point Arrow 2 0 0 0% 2d4 Normal None Common

Field Point Arrow 2 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal None Common

Fishing Arrow 5 0 0 0% 1d10 Normal Hooks into the target. If Uncommon

removed, the target takes
1d6 True Damage.

Broadhead Arrow 8 -10 0 0% 3d4 Normal None Rare

Explosive Arrow 50 0 0 0% Varies Varies Attach Throwing Explosive. Rare

Explosive Bolt 50 0 0 0% Varies Varies Attach Throwing Explosive. Rare

Incendiary Arrow 5 0 0 0% 4d4 Fire None Rare

Incendiary Bolt 5 0 0 -10% 4d4 Fire None Rare

Bodkin Arrow 10 0 0 -10% 2d4 Normal Ignore DT Very Rare

Cryo Arrow 750 0 0 -10% 3d4 Normal Upon hit, the target rolls EN Legendary
-2. If they succeed, take half
damage. If they fail, they
can’t Run, Sprint, Charge,
Defending, Dodge, and Focus
for 1d4 turns.

Cryo Bolt 1000 0 0 -10% 5d4 Normal Upon hit, the target rolls EN Legendary
-2. If they succeed, take half
damage. If they fail, they
can’t Run, Sprint, Charge,
Defending, Dodge, and Focus
for 1d4 turns.

Plasma Arrow 1000 0 0 0% 5d4+10 Plasma None Legendary

Plasma Bolt 1500 0 0 0% 6d4+15 Plasma None Legendary

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

.22 1 -10 0 0% 1d6 Normal None Uncommon

.223 FMJ 2 0 0 -10% 1d10 Normal None Uncommon

.223 AP 3 -15 0 0% 1d6 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

.308 4 -5 0 -20% 3d6 Normal None Uncommon

.308 AP 5 -15 0 -40% 1d12 Normal Ignore DT Rare

.32 1 0 0 0% 1d8 Normal None Common

.357 3 -10 0 -10% 2d6 Normal None Common

.38 1 0 0 0% 1d8 Normal None Common

.44 3 0 0 -10% 3d8 Normal None Uncommon

.44 AP 4 -10 0 0% 3d6 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

.45 2 0 0 -10% 2d6 Normal None Uncommon

.45 AP 3 -10 0 0% 2d4 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

.45-70 Gov’t 40 -10 -5 -20% 4d6 Normal None Very Rare

4.7mm 5 -10 0 -10% 1d10 Normal None Very Rare

.50 AE 10 0 0 -20% 4d8 Normal None Legendary

.50 50 -10 0 -20% 6d8 Normal None Legendary

.50 Ball 500 -10 -5 -30% 8d8 Normal None Legendary

.50 BMG 150 -15 0 -30% 3d12 Normal None Legendary

.50 Uranium 200 -30 0 -50% 6d8 Normal Ignore DT Epic

5mm 1 -10 0 -10% 1d8 Normal None Common

5.45 3 0 0 -20% 2d6 Normal None Common

5.45 AP 4 -10 0 -35% 2d4 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

5.56 3 -10 0 -20% 2d6 Normal None Common

5.56 AP 4 -10 0 -35% 2d4 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

5.7mm 2 -10 0 -10% 1d8 Normal None Uncommon

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

5.7mm AP 3 -10 0 -20% 1d6 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

7.62 4 0 0 -15% 2d8 Normal None Common

7.62 AP 5 -5 0 -20% 3d4 Normal Ignore DT Common

7.65 4 0 0 -15% 4d4 Normal None Common

7.65 AP 5 -5 0 -20% 2d6 Normal Ignore DT Common

9mm 1 -10 0 0% 1d6 Normal None Common

9mm AP 1 -10 0 -10% 1d4 Normal Ignore DT Common

9mm Ball 1 0 0 0% 1d8 Normal None Common

10mm 1 0 0 0% 2d6 Normal None Common

10mm AP 1 -10 0 -10% 2d4 Normal Ignore DT Common

12.7mm 10 0 0 -10% 6d6 Normal None Rare

12.7mm AP 15 -10 0 -20% 4d6 Normal Ignore DT Rare

14mm 200 0 0 -20% 8d10 Normal None Legendary

14mm AP 300 -20 0 -40% 8d8 Normal Ignore DT Legendary

HN Needler 30 0 0 0% 3d10 Normal Works the same as a Syringe Uncommon

as well.

HN Needler AP 40 0 0 -10% 2d8 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

Works the same as a Syringe
as well.

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

2mm 600 0 0 0% Varies Laser None Very Rare

(2mm EC)

Alien Power Cell ??? 0 0 0% Varies Plasma It’s out of this world! Epic

Electron Charge 600 0 0 0% Varies Laser None Very Rare

Pack (ECP)

Energy Cell (EC) 40 0 0 0% Varies Laser/Plasma None Common

Gamma Round 1000 0 0 0% Varies Radiation None Very Rare

Mesmetron Power 1000 0 0 0% None None Can only be used in Epic

Cell Mesmetron.

Microfusion Cell 100 0 0 0% Varies Laser None Uncommon


Plasma Cartridge 500 0 0 0% Varies Plasma None Rare


Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

40mm Frag 200 0 0 -10% 2d12+10 Explosive Anything within 10 ft of the Rare
explosion also suffers
damage, and takes an
additional 1d6 concussion
damage. Roll AG -1. If you
succeed, take half damage.

40mm Plasma 400 0 0 -10% 5d10+10 Plasma Anything within 10 ft of the Very Rare
explosion also suffers
damage, and takes an
additional 1d6 concussion
damage. Roll AG -3. If you
succeed, take half damage.

60mm Shell 6000 0 0 0% 10d10+20 Explosive 1d10 True Damage Legendary

81mm Shell 8000 0 0 0% 15d10+30 Explosive 2d10 True Damage Legendary

107mm Shell 9000 0 0 0% 20d10+40 Explosive 3d10 True Damage Epic

AP Rocket 3000 -10 0 -30% 6d6 Explosive Anything within 10 ft of the Very Rare
explosion also suffers
damage, and anything within
takes 1d6 concussion
damage. Roll AG -2. If you
succeed, take half damage.
Ignore DT.

Explosive Rocket 2000 0 0 -20% 6d8 Explosive Anything within 15 ft of the Rare
explosion also suffers
damage, and takes an
additional 1d6 concussion
damage. Roll AG -2. If you
succeed, take half damage.

Plasma Rocket 4000 0 0 -10% 6d8 Plasma Anything within 20 ft of the Very Rare
explosion also suffers
damage, and takes an
additional 1d6 concussion
damage. Roll AG -3. If you
succeed, take half damage.

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

Pulse Rocket 6000 0 0 0% 6d8 True Any electronics within 20 ft Epic

of the explosion are affected.
Robots are the only ones
that take damage from this.
Robots and those in Exo Suits
roll AG -1. If they succeed,
Robots take half the damage
and the ER for Exo Suits
-25%. If they fail, Robots take
full damage and those in Exo
Suits take -50% ER. The stun
duration is 1d6 turns. These
rockets don’t explode, they
attach to wherever they
land. Damage from Weapon
is added to damage result.

Mini Nuke 9000 -20 -15 -50% 24d20 Plasma Anything with 30 ft of the Epic
explosion also suffers
damage. Roll AG -2. If you
succeed, take half damage. If
you fail you take full damage.
Explosion Radius deals 50
rads an hour for a decade.

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

12 Gauge 3 -10 0 0% 3d8 Normal None Common


12 Gauge Slug 2 0 0 -20% 2d10 Normal None Common

12 Gauge AP 5 -20 0 -30% 2d6 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

12 Gauge Pulse 10 -10 0 0% 1d8 True Damage from Weapon is Rare

added to damage result.

20 Gauge 2 -10 0 0% 3d6 Normal None Common

20 Gauge Slug 1 0 0 -20% 2d8 Normal None Common

20 Gauge AP 5 -10 0 -20% 2d6 Normal Ignore DT Uncommon

20 Gauge Pulse 10 -20 0 0% 1d6 True Damage from Weapon is Rare

added to damage result.

Ammo Value AC DT DR Damage Damage Type Description Rarity

BB Pellet 1 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal None Common

Bottlecap 1 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal None Common

Dart 1 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal None Common

Nail 1 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal None Common

Flare 5 0 0 0% 1d6 Fire None Uncommon

Syringe 10 0 0 0% 0 Varies Pour liquid into it such as Uncommon


Syringe Dart 15 0 0 0% 1d4 Normal Works just like a syringe. Uncommon

Upon contact with the target
the effect in the syringe dart

Flamer Fire Pack 500 0 0 -10% 3d10 Fire None Rare

Railway Spike 100 -10 0 -15% 4d10 Normal None Rare

Cannonball 100 0 0 0% 0 Normal Refer to weapon. Very Rare

Flamer Gas Pack 600 0 0 0% Varies Poison Damage depends on Poison. Very Rare

Ultracite Bullets Varies 0 0 0% Varies Normal Adding Ultracite deals 20% Very Rare
more damage to Scorched
but -20% Damage to
everything else. The damage
and effects are the same as
the bullet. The cost is double
of the original round.

Plasma Pack 3000 -10 0 -20% 5d10+40 Plasma None Legendary

Cryo Ammo 4000 0 0 0% Varies Normal None Epic

Fallout has a wide variety of armor to loot off the dead bodies you find. Armor can be worn by
anyone and it's highly recommended you put some on or you’ll end up dead very quickly.

As shown below, armor has value because it can be bought in the shops. The Armor Class from
the armor is added with your AG, Under Armor, and Shield, to create your Total Armor Class.
Damage Threshold (DT) and Damage Resistance (DR) are set as DT/DR in correspondence to the
damage. Refer to the Combat and AP Cost Section on determining the equation for damage and
how the Total Armor Class is applied. The max Damage Resistance anyone can have is 90%. For
more details on armor descriptions and their appearances, refer to the games.

Normal Damage: N Successful Hits: SH

Laser Damage: L Resistance: Res.
Fire Damage: F Electrical Resistance: ER
Plasma Damage: P Radiation Resistance: RR
Explosion Damage: Ex Gas Resistance: GR
Poison Resistance: PR

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity

Leather Armor 700 15 8 N: 2/25% 5 ER: 20% -Leather 15 lbs N/A Common
MK I L: 0/20% RR: 0%
F: 0/20% GR: 0%
P: 0/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/20%
Legionary 700 15 10 N: 3/40% 10 ER: 10% -Leather 10 lbs N/A Common
Armor L: 1/20% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 5
F: 1/30% GR: 0% lbs
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/20%
Raider Armor 350 10 8 N: 2/20% 5 ER: 10% -Leather 4 lbs Variants Common
L: 1/10% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 4 Painspike: +10 Intimidation
F: 1/10% GR: 0% lbs Sadist: +5 Melee Weapons
P: 1/10% PR: 0% and Unarmed
Ex: 1/10% Badlands: +5 Energy
Weapons and Small Guns
Blastmaster: +5 Big Guns and
Only clothes can be worn as
Under Armor when wearing
Raider Armor.

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
Robe 90 5 5 N: 0/0% 1 ER: 10% -Cloth 5 lbs It can only be worn over Common
L: 0/0% RR: 0% armor, except Power Armor.
F: 0/0% GR: 0%
P: 0/0% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/0%
Tribal Armor 90 10 7 N: 1/30% 1 ER: 0% -Cloth 4 lbs N/A Common
L: 0/20% RR: 0% -Leather 3 lbs
F: 1/30% GR: 0%
P: 0/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/20%
Armored Vault 1500 15 10 N: 5/25% 7 ER: 30% -Cloth 4 lbs Only clothes can be worn as Uncommon
Jumpsuit L: 4/20% RR: 0% -Leather 4 lbs Under Armor when wearing
F: 2/20% GR: 0% -Ballistic Fiber 2 the Armored Vault Jumpsuit.
P: 3/20% PR: 0% lbs
Ex: 1/20%
Decanus 1200 20 12 N: 4/50% 10 ER: 20% -Leather 8 lbs N/A Uncommon
Armor L: 2/40% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 4
F: 2/20% GR: 0% lbs
P: 2/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 2/30%
Fire Leather 1200 20 10 N: 3/30% 12 ER: 35% -Fire Gecko N/A Uncommon
Armor L: 1/30% RR: 0% Leather 10 lbs
F: 5/60% GR: 0%
P: 1/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/25%
Leather Armor 1000 20 10 N: 3/30% 12 ER: 35% -Leather 10 lbs N/A Uncommon
MK II L: 1/30% RR: 0%
F: 1/20% GR: 0%
P: 1/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/25%
Leather Armor 1300 22 12 N: 4/35% 13 ER: 40% -Leather 12 lbs N/A Uncommon
MK III L: 2/40% RR: 0%
F: 2/20% GR: 0%
P: 2/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 2/30%
Metal Armor 1100 10 30 N: 4/30% 15 ER: -20% -Scrap Metal 30 Sneak: -20 Uncommon
MK I L: 6/75% RR: 0% lbs Limb Resistance: +1
F: 4/10% GR: 0%
P: 4/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 4/25%

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
N.C.R. Soldier 800 15 7 N: 3/30% 5 ER: 20% -Cloth 5 lbs N/A Uncommon
Armor L: 1/20% RR: 0% -Kevlar 2 lbs
F: 0/20% GR: 0%
P: 0/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30%
Plated Leather 1500 18 15 N: 4/30% 14 ER: 0% -Leather 8 lbs N/A Uncommon
L: 4/30% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 7 lbs
F: 3/30% GR: 0%
P: 2/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 3/30%
Trapper Armor 1000 20 10 N: 3/30% 12 ER: 10% -Leather 6 lbs N/A Uncommon
L: 2/30% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 2 lbs
F: 1/20% GR: 0% -Cloth 2 lbs
P: 2/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/30%
Assaultron 3500 20 25 N: 6/40% 10 ER: -20% -Assaultron Parts Limb Resistance: +1 Rare
Armor L: 7/80% RR: 45% 25 lbs
F: 5/30% GR: 0%
P: 4/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 4/30%
B.O.S. Scribe 600 10 5 N: 2/20% 3 ER: 20% -Cloth 3 lbs Increase Carry Weight by 50 Rare
Outfit L: 1/10% RR: 10% -Kevlar 2 lbs lbs.
F: 1/10% GR: 0%
P: 0/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/10%
Centurion 1600 20 20 N: 7/30% 20 ER: -20% -Leather 10 lbs N/A Rare
Armor L: 8/50% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 10
F: 6/30% GR: 0% lbs
P: 6/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 6/40%
Combat Armor 6000 20 20 N: 5/40% 15 ER: 35% -Ballistic Fiber 20 Limb Resistance: +3 Rare
MK I L: 8/60% RR: 20% lbs
F: 4/30% GR: 0%
P: 4/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 6/40%
Combat Armor 7000 20 22 N: 6/40% 16 ER: 40% -Ballistic Fiber 22 Limb Resistance: +4 Rare
MK II L: 8/70% RR: 20% lbs
F: 5/40% GR: 0%
P: 5/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 7/40%

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
Enclave 1500 15 10 N: 1/10% 5 ER: 10% -Cloth 10 lbs You cannot wear a helmet. Rare
Scientist Outfit L: 1/10% RR: 100%
F: 1/10% GR: 100%
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/10%
Flak Jacket 6000 17 30 N: 2/25% 15 ER: -100% -Kevlar 20 lbs Sneak: -20 Rare
L: 2/30% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 10 Limb Resistance: +2
F: 7/50% GR: 0% lbs
P: 1/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 10/60%
Kevlar Armor 5000 20 20 N: 5/40% 18 ER: 10% -Kevlar 20 lbs Limb Resistance: +3 Rare
L: 5/30% RR: 0%
F: 2/30% GR: 0%
P: 3/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 3/20%
Metal Armor 1900 15 35 N: 5/30% 17 ER: -30% -Scrap Metal 35 Sneak: -30 Rare
MK II L: 7/80% RR: 0% lbs Limb Resistance: +2
F: 4/20% GR: 0% Immune to Targeted Attacks
P: 4/30% PR: 0% to the Groin.
Ex: 4/30%
Metal Armor 2400 20 40 N: 5/40% 20 ER: -40% -Scrap Metal 40 Sneak: -40 Rare
MK III L: 8/85% RR: 0% lbs Limb Resistance: +3
F: 4/20% GR: 0% Immune to Targeted Attacks
P: 4/30% PR: 0% to the Groin.
Ex: 4/40%
N.C.R. Ranger 7000 20 25 N: 8/40% 17 ER: 30% -Ballistic Fiber 25 Limb Resistance: +3 Rare
Patrol Armor L: 7/40% RR: 20% lbs
F: 6/30% GR: 0%
P: 6/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 7/40%
Radiation Suit 5000 5 20 N: 0/20% 1 ER: 30% -Lead 5 lbs Can’t wear a helmet. Rare
L: 0/10% RR: 100% -Leather 5 lbs
F: 0/20% GR: 100% -Rubber 5 lbs
P: 0/10% PR: 0% -Scrap Metal 5
Ex: 0/10% lbs
Riot Gear 7000 20 23 N: 7/40% 17 ER: 35% -Ballistic Fiber 23 Limb Resistance: +4 Rare
L: 8/50% RR: 20% lbs
F: 6/30% GR: 0%
P: 5/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 8/40%

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
Salamander 3000 20 15 N: 3/40% 12 ER: -10% -Gulper Leather Sneak: +25 Rare
Scale L: 5/40% RR: 10% 15 lbs
F: 2/30% GR: 0%
P: 2/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 3/20%
Ursa Coat 3500 20 20 N: 4/40% 15 ER: 20% -Yao Guai Limb Resistance: +1 Rare
L: 4/30% RR: 15% Leather 20 lbs
F: 4/30% GR: 0%
P: 3/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 4/20%
Vault Security 2000 15 20 N: 4/30% 16 ER: 0% -Cloth 5 lbs Limb Resistance: +2 Rare
Armor L: 4/40% RR: 0% -Kevlar 15 lbs
F: 3/30% GR: 0%
P: 2/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 3/20%
Advanced Riot 9000 25 25 N: 8/40% 20 ER: 55% -Ballistic Fiber 25 Limb Resistance: +6 Very Rare
Gear L: 9/60% RR: 30% lbs It can also be considered
F: 7/40% GR: 0% N.C.R. Ranger Combat Armor.
P: 6/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 10/50%
Cayman Guard 4000 20 20 N: 4/30% 15 ER: -10% -Gatorclaw Limb Resistance: +2 Very Rare
L: 6/30% RR: 20% Leather 20 lbs
F: 3/30% GR: 0%
P: 4/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 5/20%
Combat Armor 8000 25 25 N: 8/40% 18 ER: 45% -Ballistic Fiber 25 Limb Resistance: +5 Very Rare
MK III L: 8/70% RR: 20% lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 7/50% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 7/60% PR: 0%
Ex: 8/40%
Deep-Sea Scale 4500 20 20 N: 4/20% 15 ER: -30% -Angler Leather Angler Leather. Very Rare
L: 6/40% RR: 15% 20 lbs
F: 5/20% GR: 0%
P: 3/20% PR: 0%
Ex: 4/20%
Environmental 9000 18 30 N: 5/40% 17 ER: 50% -Lead 5 lbs Sneak: -50 Very Rare
Armor MK I L: 5/50% RR: 100% -Leather 10 lbs Limb Resistance: +2
F: 4/40% GR: 100% -Rubber 5 lbs You cannot wear a helmet.
P: 5/50% PR: 0% -Scrap Metal 10 Ignore Extreme Weather
Ex: 6/40% lbs Effects above 95 and below
32 degrees Fahrenheit but
not equal to or below
absolute zero.

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity

Environmental 10000 20 40 N: 6/40% 18 ER: 60% -Lead 7 lbs Sneak: -50 Very Rare
Armor MK II L: 6/60% RR: 100% -Leather 8 lbs Limb Resistance: +4
F: 5/40% GR: 100% -Rubber 10 lbs You cannot wear a helmet.
P: 6/60% PR: 0% -Scrap Metal 15 Ignore Extreme Weather

Ex: 9/45% lbs Effects above 95 and below
32 degrees Fahrenheit but
not equal to or below
absolute zero.
Exo Suit 5000 10 30 N: 4/10% 10 ER: -10% -Scrap ST +3 to Checks Very Rare
L: 4/10% RR: 0% Machinery 5 lbs Sneak: -75
F: 4/10% GR: 0% -Scrap Sleight of Hand: -10
P: 4/10% PR: 0% Electronics 5 lbs Limb Resistance: +1
Ex: 4/10% -Plastic 5 lbs Carry Weight: +200 lbs
-Titanium 10 lbs Gain Exo Suit Fist & Feet
-Cloth/Any Attack. Ignore Weapon ST
Leather 5 lbs Requirements.
Melee Damage +10
Only Medium sized
humanoids can enter this.
While in this, your size
category is considered Large.
Knight Armor 5000 30 40 N: 6/40% 20 ER: -50% -Scrap Metal 40 Sneak: -40 Very Rare
L: 10/90% RR: 0% lbs Limb Resistance: +4
F: 5/30% GR: 0% Immune to Targeted Attacks
P: 5/30% PR: 0% to the Groin.
Ex: 6/40%
Recon Armor 3000 20 23 N: 5/40% 14 ER: 30% -Cloth 10 lbs Sneak +20 Very Rare
L: 7/60% RR: 20% -Kevlar 13 lbs Limb Resistance +2
F: 5/40% GR: 0%
P: 6/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 6/40%
Salvaged 9000 25 60 N: 10/20% 20 ER: -20% -Scrap Metal 50 Sneak: -50 Very Rare
Power Armor L: 15/50% RR: 25% lbs Sleight of Hand: -10
F: 9/40% GR: 0% -Cloth/Any Limb Resistance: +3
P: 7/30% PR: 0% Leather 10 lbs It doesn’t require a fusion
Ex: 15/30% core and isn’t considered
Power Armor Plating.
MD +5
Immune to Targeted Attacks
to the Groin.
AG -2 to checks.

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity

Scout Armor 9000 25 20 N: 7/50% 15 ER: 20% -Ballistic Fiber 20 Variants Very Rare
L: 10/60% RR: 20% lbs Desert, Forest, Urban, and
F: 6/30% GR: 0% Winter. Terrain related to
P: 6/40% PR: 0% armor gives Sneak +25.
Ex: 7/40% Limb Resistance: +4
Immune to Targeted Attacks
to the Groin.
Sea King’s 5000 25 20 N: 5/30% 18 ER: -20% -Mirelurk King Limb Resistance: +1 Very Rare
Cloak L: 5/50% RR: 20% Leather 20 lbs
F: 2/20% GR: 0%
P: 4/40% PR: 0%

Ex: 5/30%
Sentry Bot 5000 25 50 N: 10/40% 20 ER: -40% -Sentry Bot Parts Limb Resistance: +5 Very Rare
Armor L: 13/70% RR: 50% 50 lbs Sneak: -50
F: 8/40% GR: 0% Immune to Targeted Attacks
P: 7/20% PR: 0% to the Groin.
Ex: 14/30%
Tesla Armor 4500 15 35 N: 4/20% 17 ER: 60% -Scrap Metal 35 Limb Resistance: +4 Very Rare
L: 19/90% RR: 0% lbs
F: 4/10% GR: 0%
P: 10/80% PR: 0%
Ex: 4/20%
Astronaut Suit 10000 25 36 N: 0/0% 5 ER: 50% -Cloth 10 lbs Ignore Extreme Weather Legendary
L: 0/0% RR: 100% -Kevlar 10 lbs Effects from temperatures
F: 0/0% GR: 0% -Leather 10 lbs above 100 degrees
P: 0/0% PR: 0% -Nomax Weave Fahrenheit and absolute zero
Ex: 0/0% 6 lbs and below.
Combat Armor 9500 25 25 N: 9/75% 20 ER: 50% -Ballistic Fiber 25 Limb Resistance: +6 Legendary
MK IV L: 8/70% RR: 20% lbs
F: 8/70% GR: 0%
P: 7/60% PR: 0%
Ex: 9/45%
Death Mail 6000 25 20 N: 6/40% 20 ER: 20% -Deathclaw Limb Resistance: +2 Legendary
L: 8/30% RR: 20% Leather 20 lbs
F: 5/30% GR: 0%
P: 6/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 6/30%
Elite Riot Gear 11000 30 30 N: 10/50% 20 ER: 60% -Ballistic Fiber 30 Limb Resistance: +7 Legendary
L: 11/60% RR: 40% lbs
F: 9/50% GR: 0%
P: 8/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 12/50%

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
Marine Armor 10000 35 30 N: 10/60% 20 ER: 40% -Ballistic Fiber 30 Limb Resistance: +7 Legendary
L: 12/60% RR: 50% lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 9/50% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 8/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 11/50%
Chinese 10000 30 20 N: 5/40% 15 ER: 20% -Ballistic Fiber 15 Built-in Stealth Boy MK III Epic
Stealth Suit L: 7/50% RR: 70% lbs When worn with the Chinese
F: 4/30% GR: 0% -Leather 5 lbs Stealth Helmet you gain 30%
P: 4/40% PR: 0% RR.
Ex: 5/40%
Courser Coat 13000 25 15 N: 10/40% 20 ER: 40% -Ballistic Fiber 6 Limb Resistance: +5 Epic
L: 7/80% RR: 10% lbs Sneak +25
F: 7/60% GR: 0% -Leather 6 lbs
P: 9/50% PR: 0% -Plastic 3 lbs
Ex: 7/50%
Legate Armor 10000 30 30 N: 10/40% 20 ER: -30% -Leather 10 lbs Limb Resistance: +6 Epic
L: 12/60% RR: 0% -Scrap Metal 20 Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 10/40% GR: 0% lbs to the Groin.
P: 8/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 13/40%
Scorched Plate 10000 30 25 N: 8/40% 20 ER: 30% -Scorchbeast Limb Resistance: +3 Epic
L: 9/40% RR: 30% Leather 25 lbs
F: 6/40% GR: 0%
P: 5/40% PR: 0%
Ex: 6/40%
Secret Service 13000 30 35 N: 12/60% 20 ER: 60% -Ballistic Fiber 25 Limb Resistance: +8 Epic
Armor L: 10/50% RR: 50% lbs
F: 11/40% GR: 0% -Titanium 5 lbs
P: 10/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 14/60%
Synth Armor 12000 25 25 N: 9/50% 20 ER: 30% -Ballistic Fiber 5 Limb Resistance: +5 Epic
L: 8/70% RR: 30% lbs
F: 8/50% GR: 0% -Plastic 15 lbs
P: 7/60% PR: 0% -Scrap Metal 5
Ex: 8/40% lbs

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
Y-17 Trauma 1500 20 20 N: 4/20% 2 ER: 40% -Cloth 5 lbs Designate a home base to Epic
Override L: 4/20% RR: 20% -Scrap return to upon death. If
Harness F: 4/20% GR: 0% Electronics 10 nothing is designated, the
P: 4/20% PR: 0% lbs suit will walk around
Ex: 4/20% -Scrap Metal 5 aimlessly.
lbs The suit learns how to move
and fight and it copies your
movements, but the Overseer
has control of your character
if you are wearing this suit
and at 0 HP.

Under Armor

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity

Clothes Varies 5 - N: 0/0% 1 ER: 0% -Cloth/Leather Weight varies on the Cloth. Varies
L: 0/0% RR: 0% These stats apply to all
F: 0/0% GR: 0% Clothing.
P: 0/0% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/0%
Greaser Outfit 250 8 5 N: 0/10% 2 ER: 25% -Leather 5 lbs Tunnel Snakes Rule! Common
L: 0/10% RR: 0%
F: 0/10% GR: 0%
P: 0/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/10%
Leather Rags 100 10 10 N: 2/10% 5 ER: 10% -Leather 10 lbs N/A Common
L: 1/10% RR: 0%
F: 1/0% GR: 0%
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/0%
B.O.S. Uniform 200 10 5 N: 2/10% 3 ER: 20% -Cloth 3 lbs Comes in red, black, and Rare
L: 1/10% RR: 0% -Leather 2 lbs green.
F: 1/10% GR: 0%
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/10%
Enclave Officer 300 10 5 N: 2/10% 3 ER: 10% -Cloth 2 lbs N/A Rare
Uniform L: 2/10% RR: 0% -Leather 3 lbs
F: 1/0% GR: 0%
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 1/0%
Military 150 10 5 N: 1/10% 3 ER: 10% -Cloth 3 lbs N/A Rare
Garment L: 1/10% RR: 0% -Leather 2 lbs
F: 1/10% GR: 0%
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/10%
Vault-Tec 100 10 5 N: 2/10% 2 ER: 20% -Cloth 3 lbs The Vault number is upon Rare
Jumpsuit L: 1/15% RR: 0% -Leather 2 lbs the Overseer’s discretion.
F: 0/10% GR: 0%
P: 1/10% PR: 0%
Ex: 0/10%
Secret Service 500 15 10 N: 2/10% 3 ER: 23% -Ballistic Fiber 6 N/A Legendary
Uniform L: 2/10% RR: 0% lbs
F: 2/10% GR: 0% -Cloth 2 lbs
P: 2/10% PR: 0% -Leather 2 lbs
Ex: 2/10%


Name W Value Description Rarity

Hat 0.5 50 Any hat will do. Sheriff Hat, Fedora, Trilby, etc. All of them give you Common

a PE +1.

Normal Clothes 3 5 Normal set of clothes. Common

Pre-War Casualwear 3 10 CH +2 Common

Scavenger Outfit 4 50 Investigation & Survival +10 Common

Business Suit 3 100 CH +1 Barter & Charm +10 Uncommon

Gambler Suit 3 100 Gambling +10 LK +1 Uncommon

Mechanic Jumpsuit 4 100 Engineer +10 Uncommon

Mercenary Garments 4 100 Small Guns +10 Uncommon

Regulator Duster 3 70 CH +1 Small Guns +10 Uncommon

Roving Trader Outfit 5 10 Barter +10 CW +25 Uncommon

Blacksmith Overalls 5 100 Blacksmith +10 Rare

Child of Atom Rags 3 150 EN +2 RR: 25 Rare

Gunsmith Overalls 3 100 Gunsmith +10 Rare

Lab Coat 3 150 Doctor & Nature Sciences +10 Rare

Military Fatigues 4 100 AG +2 Rare

Naughty Nightwear 2 200 LK +1 Charm +10 Rare

Tuxedo 3 25 Barter & Charm +10 Rare

Vault-Tec Lab Coat 3 250 IN +1 Computer Science & Doctor +10 Rare

Wasteland Surgeon Outfit 3 20 Doctor +10 Rare

Winter Clothes 6 300 You don’t have to roll EN for Cold Weather unless you’re in Rare
absolute zero. EN -1 is applied for this and stacks every hour. This
can be worn with another Under Armor.

Chinese Officer Uniform 4 300 EN +1 Small Guns +10 Legendary

General’s Coat 4 500 CH +1 Energy Weapon & Small Guns +10 Legendary


Name Value W Material(s) Description Rarity

Gas Mask 100 2 -Scrap Metal 1 lb It can be worn with Metal Helmet, Combat Helmet, Common
-Glass 1 lb and Advanced Combat Helmet.
GR: 100%

Metal Helmet 50 5 -Scrap Metal 3 lbs Ignore 1 Targeted Head Attack. Common
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs
Combat Helmet 100 6 -Ballistic Fiber 4 lbs Ignore 2 Targeted Head Attacks. Uncommon
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs
Eyebot Helmet 500 6 -Eyebot Parts 4 lbs Ignore 3 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Uncommon
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs
Trapper Helmet 200 6 -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Ignore 1 Targeted Head Attack. Uncommon
-Wood 2 lbs
-Cloth 2 lbs
Advanced Combat 250 7 -Ballistic Fiber 5 lbs Ignore 3 Targeted Head and Eye Attacks. Rare
Helmet -Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs
Assaultron Helmet 1000 6 -Assaultron Parts 4 lbs Ignore 5 Targeted Head and Eye Attacks. When out of Rare
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs combat, the front will open, but when in combat it’ll
close and protect the eyes. +20 AC to Head and Eyes
when the helmet closes.
Centurion Helmet 300 6 -Scrap Metal 4 lbs Ignore 4 Targeted Head and Eye Attacks. Rare
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs
Flak Jacket Helmet 350 7 -Kevlar 7 lbs Ignore 5 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Rare
Immune to flashbangs.
Riot Helmet 800 4 -Ballistic Fiber 3 lbs Ignore 8 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Rare
-Cloth/Any Leather 1 lbs Night Vision up to 50 ft.
GR: 100%
Vault Security Riot 700 5 -Kevlar 5 lbs Ignore 8 Targeted Head and Eye Attacks. Rare
Helmet Immune to Flashbangs.
Advanced Riot 1200 6 -Ballistic Fiber 4 lbs Ignore 10 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Very Rare
Helmet -Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs Night Vision up to 100 ft.
PE +1 to checks.
GR: 100%
Sentry Bot Helmet 1500 6 -Sentry Bot Parts 4 lbs Ignore 8 Targeted Head and Eye Attacks. Very Rare
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs

Name Value W Material(s) Description Rarity

Scout Mask 1500 6 -Ballistic Fiber 4 lbs Ignore 10 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Very Rare
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs Variants: Desert, Forest, Urban, and Winter.
Night Vision up to 150 ft.
GR: 100%
Synth Field Helmet 600 5 -Ballistic Fiber 5 lbs Ignore 4 Targeted Head and Eye Attacks. Very Rare
Synth Helmet 300 4 -Ballistic Fiber 4 lbs Ignore 4 Targeted Head Attacks. Very Rare
Elite Riot Helmet 1800 8 -Ballistic Fiber 6 lbs Ignore 12 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Legendary
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs Night Vision up to 150 ft.
PE +2 to checks.
GR: 100%
Legate Helmet 700 8 -Ballistic Fiber 6 lbs Ignore 9 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Legendary
-Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs
Marine Helmet 2000 5 -Ballistic Fiber 4 lbs Ignore 10 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Legendary
-Cloth/Any Leather 1 lbs Immune to Flashbangs.
Night Vision up to 200 ft.
GR: 100%
Chinese Stealth 3000 6 -Ballistic Fiber 5 lbs Ignore 10 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks. Epic

Helmet -Cloth/Any Leather 1 lbs Immune to Flashbangs.
Night Vision up to 200 ft.
GR: 100%
Power Armor 5000 10 -Cloth/Any Leather 2 lbs This refers to all Power Armor Helmets. You need to Varies
Helmet -Scrap Electronics 2 lbs be in an Exo Suit or be considered Large in size
-Varies category in order to gain the benefits of the Power
Armor Helmet. All Power Armor Helmets come with a
headlight that is equivalent to a Flashlight.
Super Mutants can put on the helmet normally.
The second material for the helmet depends on the
helmet in correlation to the Power Armor.
Ignore 20 Targeted Head, Neck, and Eye Attacks.
Immune to Flashbangs.
GR: 100%

Power Armor Plating

Name Value AC W DT/DR S Res. Material(s) Description Rarity

Raider Plating 10000 25 140 N: 12/20% 25 ER: 10% -Scrap Metal 140 Limb Resistance: +4 Rare
L: 16/50% RR: 25% lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 10/40% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 11/35% PR: 0%
Ex: 18/30%
T-45 12500 30 85 N: 12/30% 30 ER: -50% -Scrap Metal 85 Limb Resistance: +6 Rare
L: 18/70% RR: 30% lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 11/50% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 10/30% PR: 0%
Ex: 20/40%
T-51 15000 40 100 N: 13/40% 35 ER: -40% -Titanium 100 lbs Limb Resistance: +8 Very Rare
L: 19/70% RR: 30% Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 14/60% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 13/40% PR: 0% It can also be considered
Ex: 20/50% Midwestern B.O.S. Power
T-60 18000 45 110 N: 14/50% 35 ER: -40% -Titanium 110 lbs Limb Resistance: +10 Very Rare
L: 19/70% RR: 50% Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 15/50% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 14/40% PR: 0% It can also be considered
Ex: 20/50% Midwestern B.O.S.
Advanced Power Armor.
T-65 19000 48 115 N: 15/60% 35 ER: -40% -Titanium 115 lbs Limb Resistance: +11 Legendary
L: 19/70% RR: 55% Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 15/50% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 14/50% PR: 0% Only the Secret Service has
Ex: 20/50% worn this armor in
X-01 20000 50 120 N: 15/60% 40 ER: -40% -Black Titanium Limb Resistance: +12 Legendary
L: 20/70% RR: 60% 120 lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 16/60% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 15/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 20/55%
X-02 30000 55 130 N: 18/70% 45 ER: -40% -Black Titanium Limb Resistance: +14 Legendary
L: 21/70% RR: 70% 130 lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 16/60% GR: 0% to the Groin.
P: 18/50% PR: 0%
Ex: 20/60%

Name Value AC W DT/DR SH Res. Material(s) Description Rarity
Excavator 15000 40 120 N: 13/30% 35 ER: -40% -Black Titanium Limb Resistance: +7 Legendary
L: 15/40% RR: 75% 120 lbs Carry Weight: +200
F: 8/60% GR: 0% Immune to Targeted Attacks
P: 10/30% PR: 0% to the Groin.
Ex: 20/40%
Hellfire 40000 60 140 N: 17/70% 50 ER: -40% -Black Titanium Limb Resistance: +16 Epic
L: 21/70% RR: 80% 120 lbs Immune to Targeted Attacks
F: 19/80% GR: 0% -Nomax Weave to the Groin.
P: 17/50% PR: 0% 20 lbs
Ex: 20/60%
Ultracite 45000 50 110 N: 19/70% 60 ER: -40% -Titanium 100 Limb Resistance: +16 Epic
L: 22/70% RR: 100% lbs Only 5 lbs of Ultracite are
F: 17/80% GR: 0% -Ultracite 10 lbs Required to craft.
P: 18/50% PR: 0% Immune to Targeted Attacks
Ex: 22/60% to the Groin.

Modifications are a small upgrade that is interchangeable among a wide variety of weapons.
Most mods are specific to the type of weapon.

Ammo Mods
Ammo mods are applied to the various ammunition types.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Energy - 300 Can only be done to EC, MFC, and ECP. DR -20%. Crafting -Two of the same Energy Rare
Maxcharge materials are converted into one Energy Ammo after Ammo of Choice.

Energy - 200 Can only be done to EC, MFC, and ECP. Increase Damage by -Two of the same Energy Rare
Overcharge 10. Crafting materials are converted into one Energy Ammo Ammo of Choice.
after crafting.

Explosive - 200 Can only be done to Bullets/Shells (Except for Pulse). -Gunpowder 5 lbs Rare
Bullets/Shells Changes the damage type from Normal to Explosive for the -5 of the Same Bullets of
specified bullet and it’s applied to all five bullets used.

40mm - 300 Can only be applied to 40mm Fragmentation. Changes the -40mm Fragmentation Very Rare
Incendiary damage type from Explosive to Fire. Anyone hit by this takes -Gunpowder 5 lbs
15 Fire Damage at the beginning of their turn till put out. If
anyone walks through or ends their turn in the fire, you take
the damage as well. Flames that hit the environment last for
4 turns.

Fire Rocket - 3000 Can only be applied to AP Rocket and Explosive Rocket. -Rocket of Choice Very Rare
Changes the damage type from Explosive to Fire. Anyone hit -Gunpowder 5 lbs
-Gasoline 5 lbs
by this takes 20 Fire Damage at the beginning of their turn till
put out. If anyone walks through or ends their turn in the
fire, you take the damage as well. Flames that hit the
environment last for 4 turns.

High Explosive - 3000 Can only be applied to AP Rocket, Explosive Rocket, and Fire -Rocket of Choice. Very Rare
Rocket Rocket. Increase damage by 20 and DR -20% -Gunpowder 10 lbs

High Plasma - 5000 Can only be applied to Plasma Rocket. Increase damage by -Rocket of Choice. Very Rare
Rocket 20 and DR -20%. -Fully Charged PC 5

High Velocity - 3000 Can be applied to any Rocket. AP -1. -Rocket of Choice. Very Rare
Rocket -Scrap Electronics 10 lbs
-Scrap Metal 10 lbs

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Heat Seeking - 4000 Can be applied to any Rocket. Increase Hit Chance by +50. -Rocket of Choice. Legendary
Rocket -Scrap Electronics 10 lbs

Archery Mods
These mods are meant for Bows and Arrows. Allow and Composite Bow can be combined as
one bow.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Alloy Bow 10 600 Apply (ST x 5) + 10 ft to the Range and increase the damage -Scrap Metal 10 lbs Rare
by 5. It can be found as a Short or Long Bow.

Grapple Arrow 5 350 Attach to an arrow and shoot it. The grapple arrow will stick -Scrap Metal 5 lbs Rare
to almost every surface. Tip: Attach a rope to it first. The
Engineer skill can be used to craft this as well.

Carbon Arrow 2 100 Add ST to Damage of Arrow. It cannot be applied to -Cloth 2 lbs Very Rare
Shafts Explosive, Incendiary, and Plasma Arrows. It comes in sets of

Composite Bow 5 500 Apply ST x 5 ft to Range and increase damage by 10. It can be -Scrap Metal 5 lbs Very Rare
found as a Short or Long Bow. Bow rarity is that of the
Composite Bow. The Engineer skill can be used to craft this
as well.

Auto Quiver 10 2000 Attach a modified magazine with a mechanical pull release to -Scrap Metal 10 lbs Legendary
a bow of your choice. All attacks with bows cost -1 AP. The
Engineer skill can be used to craft this as well.
Magazine Size: 6
The reload cost is 2.

Armor Mods
Only one Armor Mod per Armor can be added except for the Exo Suit.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Kevlar Weave 10 3000 Reinforces your Clothing and Under Armor with Kevlar. -Kevlar 10 lbs Rare
N: +2/0%
L: +1/0%
F: +1/0%
P: +1/0%
Ex: +2/0%

Lead-lined 5 2000 Increase Radiation Resistance by 20%. -Lead 5 lbs Rare

Metal Plate 10 2000 Adds a drop-in metal insert to your Armor. -Scrap Metal 10 lbs Rare
N: +2/0%
L: +3/0%
F: +2/0%
P: +2/0%
Ex: +3/0%
ER: -20%

Nomax Weave 5 1500 Reinforce your armor/clothing with Nomax Weave. -Nomax Weave 5 lbs Rare
F: +4/20%

Rubber Lining 10 2000 Increase ER +20%. -Rubber 10 lbs Rare

Wrist Mounted 1 3000 Mount a small spring-loaded holster on your wrist. Just press -Scrap Metal 1 lb Rare
Spring Holster the button and your weapon jumps into your hand as a Free
Action. It only works with really small guns or knives. Adds
+10 Sequence when initiating combat with Pistols, Revolvers,
and Daggers.

Ceramic Plate 20 4000 Adds a drop-in ceramic insert to your Armor. This cannot be -Ceramic 20 lbs Very Rare
applied to Power Armor.
N: +4/10%
L: +2/10%
F: +3/10%
P: +2/10%
Ex: +4/10%

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Hardening 10 7000 Hardens your armor. Apply Ballistic Fiber to any Combat -Ballistic Fiber 10 lbs Very Rare
Armor, Riot Gear, Scout Armor, and Marine Armor.
N: +3/10%
L: +3/10%
F: +3/10%
P: +3/10%
Ex: +3/10%

Model F 5 8000 Harden your Power Armor Plating with titanium. -Titanium 5 lbs Very Rare
N: +5/0%
L: +5/0%
F: +5/0%
P: +5/0%
Ex: +5/0%

Night Vision 1 8000 Can be attached to helmets that don’t already have Night -Glass 1 lb Very Rare
HDU Vision. Ignore Night-Time penalties up to 75 ft.

CTA System 5 10000 Installs a Computer Targeting Assistant System which uses -Computer Parts 5 lbs Legendary
the helmet's visor as a display. Reduces all weapon AP costs
by 1, as well as a +20 Hit Chance for Targeted Attacks. This
can only be installed in Combat, Riot Gear, and Power Armor
Helmets. Requires Computer Science to craft and Blacksmith
to install.

EMP Shielding 30 5000 It can only be put onto an Exo Suit. This doesn’t require -Scrap Electronics 20 lbs Legendary
dismantling to learn to craft. Gives +40% to Electricity -Lead 10 lbs

Hydraulic 20 6000 It can only be applied to Exo Suits. ST +1, EN +1, and AG +1 to -Scrap Electronics 5 lbs Legendary
Amplifier checks when in the Exo Suit. When equipped onto the Exo -Scrap Machinery 10 lbs
-Scrap Metal 5 lbs
Suit, ignore its weight.

Nuclear Reactor 15 7000 Install a nuclear reactor onto your Exo Suit. You never need -Scrap Electronics 5 lbs Legendary
to worry about recharging the Exo Suit for the next 100 -Scrap Metal 5 lbs
-Nuclear Waste 5 lbs
years. This can only be installed onto Exo Suits.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Power Armor 20 3500 It can only be added to Exo Suit with T-51, T-60, X-01, and X- -Tesla Coil Parts 20 lbs Legendary
Tesla Mod 02 Power Armor equipped. Tesla coils and a pack are added
onto your armor which boosts your capabilities with Energy
Weapons and Big Guns Energy Weapons. Connect the tesla
pack to one Energy Weapon and it’s Damage Modifier
increased by 0.25. If you wish to switch the connector to
another weapon during combat it costs 5 AP. When
equipped onto the Exo Suit, ignore its weight.

Servo Boost 20 4000 It can only be applied to an Exo Suit. Gain 2 Free Movement Scrap Metal Scrap Legendary
and AG +1 to checks while in the Exo Suit. When equipped Electronics
onto the Exo Suit, ignore its weight.

Jetpack 50 10000 It can only be applied to Exo Suits. Grant the Flight ability Scrap Metal Scrap Epic
from the Bestiary. Jetpacks last for only 10 minutes total. 5 Electronics
lbs of Gasoline is required for a full tank. When equipped
onto the Exo Suit, ignore its weight.

Energy Weapon Mods
These mods are meant for Energy Weapons. Only one capacitor can be installed into an Energy
Weapon. Only one attachment can be installed at the end of the weapon.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Bayonet 5 700 Attach a Dagger Melee Weapon underneath the barrel. The -1 Dagger Type Weapon Common
Melee Damage is increased by 5 and AP for Bayonet melee
attacks is that of the dagger, but you use Melee Weapons
Skill to attack. This will be considered a Pole Arm for Attacks.
You ignore having to equip the weapon because it’s already
equipped onto the weapon. The Ripper still requires its own
ammo. This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft.

Flashlight 1 40 Able to attach a flashlight to any weapon. Turning it on and -Flashlight Uncommon
Attachment off is a free action. -Scrap Metal 1 lb

Beam Focuser 2 2000 Attach to a Laser Rifle or Laser Pistol. Ignores DT and DR -Laser Weapon Part 1 lb Rare
-20%. This is attached to the end of the weapon. -Glass 1 lb

Beam Splitter 4 2500 Attach a Duo or Tri-Beam to your Laser Rifle. You’ll only be -Laser Weapon Part 2 lbs Rare
able to fire a burst depending on which one is attached and it -Glass 2 lbs
works the same way as Overwatch in range. You can also
shoot all the beams at one person. Each beam costs a charge
even if it splits. Can’t do Targeted Shots and you don’t get
the penalty from burst firing. It cannot be attached to Big
Gun/ Energy Weapons. This is attached to the end of the

Lighter Frame 2 600 Can be attached to any Big Gun/Small Gun. Reduce Weapon -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Rare
ST Requirements by 1 but reduce Weapon Resistance by 2.

Longer Barrel 2 2500 There are two versions. One is for Laser Weapons and the -Laser/Plasma Weapon Rare
other for Plasma. Both have the same effect which their base Parts 2 lbs
range is 500 ft with no Penalties. Depending on the Energy
Weapon you wish to install this into, use the specific parts.
Cannot be attached to Energy Weapons that share the Big
Guns skill. This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft.

Boosted 4 3000 Increase the Damage Modifier by 0.1. Depending on the -Laser/Plasma Weapon Very Rare
Capacitor Energy Weapon you wish to install this into, use the specific Parts 4 lbs

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Efficient 4 4000 Double the magazine size. Depending on the Energy Weapon Laser/Plasma Weapon Very Rare
Capacitor you wish to install this into, use the specific parts. Depending Parts 4 lbs
on the Energy Weapon you wish to install this into, use the
specific parts. Cannot be attached to Energy Weapons that
share the Big Guns skill.

Gamma Wave 4 5000 Laser/Plasma Damage is now considered Fire Damage. This Laser/Plasma Weapon Very Rare
Emitter counts as a capacitor. Whatever is struck by a weapon with Parts 4 lbs
this mod is lit on fire and will take 10 Fire Damage a turn till
they put themselves out. Depending on the Energy Weapon
you wish to install this into, use the specific parts. This is
attached to the end of the weapon.

Burst Beam 8 3000 Attach a powerful but short distance beam that doubles 6 lbs Laser Weapon Part Legendary
Laser Damage, but your range is only 100 ft. Scopes, Perks, Glass 2 lbs
Mods, and PE do not increase its range. It can shoot through
wood easily. Weapons must be modified for this attachment
and it can only fire six charges before reload. It cannot be
attached to Big Gun Energy Weapons. This is attached to the
end of the weapon. Damage is applied after capacitors.

Ultracite Beam 2 7000 Install an Ultracite crystal into a Laser Weapon. The beam -Ultracite 2 lbs Epic
changes to a green color. The damage type changes from
Laser to Plasma. A beam will still come out of the weapon.

Gun Mods
Only one attachment can be installed at the end of the weapon and under the barrel of the
weapon. Some mods are attached under the base. Only one receiver can be installed in a gun.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Bayonet 5 700 Attach a Dagger Melee Weapon underneath the barrel. The -1 Dagger Type Weapon Common
Melee Damage is increased by 5 and AP for Bayonet melee
attacks is that of the dagger, but you use Melee Weapons
Skill to attack. This will be considered a Pole Arm for Attacks.
You ignore having to equip the weapon because it’s already
equipped onto the weapon. The Ripper still requires its own
ammo. This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft.

Extended Barrel 2 Varies This modification can be installed on any Big Gun or Small -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Common
Gun. Increase the range of the weapon by 50%, rounded up
to 5 ft. Get a -20 Hit Chance when shooting below half your
weapons range. Based on the weapon, the Overseer may
also give you penalties when attempting to conceal the
weapon. This modification costs 20% of the base cost of the

Flash Hider 0.5 150 This functions as a suppressor except it does not prevent -Scrap Metal 0.5 lbs Common
auditory detection, only against characters trying to use the
muzzle flash of your weapon to locate you. This mod cannot
be installed on Flame Weapons, Grenade Launchers,
Miniguns, Mortars, or Rocket Launchers. This is attached to
the end of the weapon.

Shortened 0.5 Varies This modification can be installed on any gun. Reduce the -Scrap Metal 0.5 lbs Common
Barrel range of the weapon by 50%, rounded up to 5 ft. Get a +20
Hit Chance. Based on the weapon, the Overseer may also
give you bonuses when attempting to conceal the weapon.
This modification costs 10% of the base cost of the weapon.

Bipod 1 250 +10 Hit Chance for Burst Fire. Extends range by 250 ft. Must -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
be prone or have something to prop it on. This is only for Big
Guns and Assault Rifles. This is attached under the barrel.
This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Compensator 1 100 +5 Hit Chance and increase range by 150 ft. It can be -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
attached to any Small Gun except Revolvers. It can also be
attached to MGs and Anti-Tank Rifles. This is attached to the
end of the weapon.

Flashlight 1 40 Able to attach a flashlight to any weapon. Turning it on and -Flashlight Uncommon
Attachment off is a free action. -Scrap Metal 1 lb

Jungle Taped 2 50 Tape two magazines together. Reload AP Cost is 1 AP for the -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Uncommon
Magazines magazine. This lasts for five reloads.

Muzzle Brake 1 200 +10 Hit Chance per shot for Burst Shot. The downside is the -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
detection range for enemies hearing you is doubled. For
Assault Rifles and SMGs. This is attached to the end of the
weapon. This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft.

Quick Eject 1 Varies It can be used with any weapon that uses magazines. Reduce -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
Magazine the cost of reloading the weapon by 1 AP. Costs 1.5x the
price of a normal magazine.

Retention Grip 0.5 100 This modification can be installed on any weapon. You get +1 -Rubber 0.5 lbs Uncommon
to your AG when resisting Disarm attempts.

Advanced 2 1000 Increase the Ranged Attack base damage of Big Guns and/or -Big/Small Gun Parts 2 Rare
Receiver Small Guns by +10. lbs

Double Tube 5 250 It can only be installed in Rocket Launchers Increase the -Big Gun Parts 5 lbs Rare
magazine size of Rocket Launchers by 1.

Extended 2 Varies Double the magazine size for a Big Gun or Small Gun. This -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Rare
Magazine modification costs 50% of the base cost of the specific
weapons magazine.

Foregrip 1 500 Can only be attached to Assault Rifles and Shotguns when -Scrap Metal 1 lb Rare
holding with two hands. This gives a +20 Hit Chance.

Lighter Frame 2 600 Can be attached to any Big Gun/Small Gun. Reduce Weapon -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Rare
ST Requirements by 1 but reduce Weapon Resistance by 2.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Silencer 1 600 Anyone further than 30 ft spaces from you won't hear the -Scrap Metal 1 lb Rare
shot. Anyone closer has to make a Detection Skill Penalty of
-30. This doesn't apply if they can see you. This mod cannot
be installed on any Revolvers, a Barrett M107, Bozar, AS50,
Flame Weapons, Grenade Launchers, Miniguns, Mortars, and
Rocket Launchers. This is attached to the end of the weapon.

Shotgun Choke 5 500 Increase the weapons range by 50 ft. This can only be added -Scrap Metal 5 lbs Rare
to Shotguns.

Grenade 2 1000 Attach a small grenade launcher attachment to your weapon. -Big Gun Parts 2 lbs Very Rare
Launcher Roll your Small Guns with a penalty of -20 Hit Chance. Only
for Assault Rifles. Loads one 40mm. Reload is the same as if it
was a Big Gun. M79 Grenade Rifle Stats. This counts as a
Small Gun. This is attached under the barrel.

Laser Sight 1 1500 Can only be attached to Small Gun Pistols and SMGs. When -Small Gun Parts 1 lb Very Rare
executing a Targeted Attack, the AP Cost is -1 and a +20 Hit

Tripod 5 2000 +30 Hit Chance with Big Guns. This is attached under the -Scrap Metal 5 lbs Very Rare
base of the gun. When placed the weapon becomes
stationary. This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft.

Triple Tube 10 250 It can only be installed in Rocket Launchers Increase the -Big Gun Parts 10 lbs Very Rare
magazine size of Rocket Launchers by 2.

Critical Receiver 2 2000 It can only be installed into Pistols, Revolvers, Rifles, Assault -Small Gun Parts 2 lbs Legendary
Rifles, and SMGs. Increase the Critical Chance by +5 to the
weapon. Increase Weapon Weight by 2.

Junk Cannon 5 2000 Increase magazine size for the Junk Jet from 1 to 5. You can -Big Gun Parts 5 lbs Legendary
only fire one junk at a time.

Quad Tube 15 250 It can only be installed in Rocket Launchers Increase the -Big Gun Parts 15 lbs Legendary
magazine size of Rocket Launchers by 3.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Rechamber 0 4000 It can be used to rechamber a weapon's ammo. Have N/A Legendary
common sense. No 9mm to .50 Caliber. No, Rebecca, you
can’t rechamber your Decaf to .308 either. Overseer
Discretion. Gunsmith -50 Penalty for installing the mod into a
weapon. It can be removed and put onto another weapon
for a Gunsmith -50 Penalty.

Recoil- 1 3000 This mod can be installed on any weapon capable of Burst -Scrap Metal 1 lb Legendary
Compensating attacks. +60 bonus to Burst Attacks. Due to the complicated
and fragile nature of the stock, using the weapon to make a
Gun Melee attack deals 20% less damage. This modification
cannot be installed on Miniguns, as they lack a stock or
means to mount one.

Anti-Material 10 3000 Anyone further than 50 ft spaces from you won't hear the -Small Gun Parts 10 lbs Epic
Suppressor shot. Anyone closer has to make a Detection Skill Penalty of
-20. This doesn't apply if they can see you. This mod can only
be installed on the Barrett M107, Bozar, and AS50.

Experimental 5 5000 Can only be added to the Fatman. You can fire 3 Mini Nukes -Big Gun Parts 5 lbs Epic
MIRV at the same time.

FIDO 5 5000 It can only be added to the K9000 Cyberdog Gun and its -Big Gun Parts 5 lbs Epic
renamed FIDO. It changes the ammo type of the weapon
from .357 to .44.

Penta Tube 20 5000 It can only be installed in Rocket Launchers Increase the -Big Gun Parts 20 lbs Epic
magazine size of Rocket Launchers by 4.

Melee Mods
There is no limit on how many Melee Mods you can attach to a Melee or Unarmed Weapon.
But only one can be put for each.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Barbed 2 500 It can only be added to Bludgeon Melee Weapons. Wrapped -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Uncommon
Wire/Nails around the weapon is barbed wire with nails driven offering
more damage. +10 Bonus Damage.

Razor Blades 2 200 It can be added to any Unarmed Weapon. Add an additional -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
+4 Normal Damage. -Cloth 1 lb

Retention Grip 0.5 100 This modification can be installed on any weapon. You get +1 -Rubber 0.5 lbs Uncommon
to your AG when resisting Disarm attempts.

Saw Blade 4 500 It can only be added to Bludgeon Melee Weapons and -Scrap Metal 4 lbs Uncommon
Unarmed Weapons. Add a Saw Blade to the weapon. DT -4
and DR -20%.

Serrated Blade 1 300 It can only be added to Swords, Daggers, Pole Arm, and Axes. -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
+4 Damage.

Spikes 1 400 It can only be added to Bludgeon Melee Weapons and -Scrap Metal 1 lb Uncommon
Unarmed Weapons. A 6-inch set of spikes is hammered
through the weapon deal that extra bit of pain into your
enemy. +4 Damage DR -10.

Electrical 5 900 It can be added on any melee weapon. -15% ER to stun for -Scrap Metal 2 lbs Rare
Discharge one turn. Use an Energy Cell for the charge. 5 Charges. The -Tesla Coil Parts 3 lbs
player must state if they’re going to stun before the attack is
made. If the attack hits or misses the charge is still used up.

Pistons 6 600 It can be added to any Unarmed Weapon except for Power -Scrap Machinery 6 lbs Rare
Fist, Mega Power Fist, DIsplacer Glove, Yao Guai Gauntlet,
and Deathclaw Gauntlet. DT -4 upon hit.

Shishkebab 5 400 It can be added on any melee weapon. Add an additional -Scrap Metal 4 lbs Rare
2d8+4 Fire Damage if the attack is successful. Those hit will -Gasoline 1 lb
take 10 Fire Damage a turn till put out. Use a Flamer Fire
Pack for the charge. The Flame Torch will last for 10 minutes.
After a full 10 minutes of usage, you'll need to refuel.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Toxin Reservoir 1 1000 This modification can be applied to any edged or piercing -Scrap Metal 0.5 lbs Rare
weapon. The reservoir can hold up to 5 doses of poison, -Glass 0.5 lbs
which do not evaporate over time due to how they are
contained. In addition, any creature struck by a weapon and
damaged while there is poison still in the reservoir rolls their
poison resistance at -20%. You may choose when to use this.

Ripper 2 500 This modification can only be applied to the Ripper. Add +6 -Scrap Metal 1 lb Very Rare
Extended Blade to the weapon’s base damage. In addition, a Ripper with this -Scrap Electronics 1 lb
modification inflicts 6 true damage to any creature damaged
by the weapon at the end of each of the target’s turns. This
damage continues to persist until the target receives healing,
or someone uses the Stabilize action on them, but in this
case, there is no penalty to the Doctor roll. This bleed
damage is cumulative with multiple strikes. Due to the
increased length of the weapon, a Ripper using this
modification increases the AP cost of its Standard and
Targeted attacks by +1.

Rocket Booster 10 2000 It can only be attached to Bludgeon Melee Weapons. Adds a -Scrap Metal 8 lbs Very Rare
rocket propeller to increase damage. +15 Normal Damage -Gasoline 2 lbs
and DT -5% upon hit. A pound of gasoline has ten uses. The
maximum storage is 2 lbs. of gasoline. The mod will not
activate if you don’t have gasoline.

Tempered 4 1000 It can only be added to Daggers, Polearms, Swords, and Axes. -Titanium 4 lbs Very Rare
Blade Increase the damage of the weapon by +10 and for all
attacks DT -2 and DR -20%. Also, increase the Weapon
Resistance by +2

Hi-Cap Valves 6 2000 It can only be attached to Power Fist, Mega Power Fist, and -Scrap Electronics 2 lbs Legendary
the Displacer Glove. Add +10 Melee Damage to these -Scrap Metal 2 lbs
-Scrap Rubber 2 lbs

Ported 6 3000 It can only be attached to Power Fist, Mega Power Fist, and -Scrap Electronics 2 lbs Legendary
Chambers the Displacer Glove. Get a -1 AP Cost to attacks with -Scrap Metal 2 lbs
weapons with this mod.
-Scrap Rubber 2 lbs

Only one scope can be attached to the top of the weapon. Scope range is only applied to
Targeted Attacks.

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Glow Sights 1 100 This modification can be installed on any gun or energy -Scrap Metal 1 lb Common
weapon. Hit Chance penalties based on Night or Darkness
are halved. This modification cannot be used while a Scope
or other Sight is attached to the weapon.

Red Dot Sight 2 300 Removes all range penalties up to 300 ft. Cannot be added to -Glass 1 lb Uncommon
Pistols, Revolvers, Shotguns, and Big Guns (Except for LMGs). -Scrap Metal 1 lb
It does not stack with the current range. This doesn’t require
dismantling to learn to craft.

Bow Scope 2 500 Increase range for Single and Targeted Attacks by 100 ft. It -Glass 1 lb Rare
can only be added to Bows. It can be crafted with -Scrap Metal 1 lb

Night Sight 3 1500 Ignore darkness penalties. It cannot be added to Pistols, -Glass 1 lb Rare
Revolvers, and Big Guns (Except for LMGs). It can be used for -Scrap Electronic 1 lb
Single and Burst Attacks. -Scrap Metal 1 lb

Reflex Scope 2 500 Removes all range penalties up to 500 ft. It cannot be added -Glass 1 lb Rare
to Pistols, Revolvers, Shotguns, and Big Guns (Except for -Scrap Metal 1 lb
MGs). It does not stack with the current range. This doesn’t
require dismantling to learn to craft.

Sniper Scope 3 1200 Remove all range penalties up to 1500 ft. Hit Chance -40 -Glass 1 lb Rare
Penalty if the target is closer than 100 ft and increases the AP -Scrap Metal 2 lbs
cost by 1. It cannot be added to Assault Rifles, Pistols,
Revolvers, Shotguns, SMGs, and Big Guns. It does not stack
with the current range.

Combat Scope 2 700 Removes all range penalties up to 1000 ft. It cannot be added -Glass 1 lb Very Rare
to Pistols, Revolvers, Shotguns, and Big Guns (Except for -Scrap Metal 1 lb
MGs). It does not stack with the current range. This doesn’t
require dismantling to learn to craft.

Holographic 3 1000 Removes all range penalties up to 400 ft. It cannot be added -Glass 1 lb Very Rare
Sight to Big Guns (Except for LMGs). -Scrap Metal 2 lbs

Name W Value Description Material(s) Rarity

Thermal Scope 3 3000 Thermal lets you see through smoke and darkness, but -Computer Part 1 lb Very Rare
they’re less effective in daylight, -25 Hit Chance during the -Glass 1 lb
day. It cannot be added to Pistols, Revolvers, Shotguns, and -Scrap Metal 1 lb
Big Guns (Except for MGs).

Night / Thermal 3 5000 Night Scope ignores Night-Time Modifiers. Thermal lets you -Scrap Electronics 1 lb Legendary
Scope see through smoke and darkness, but they’re less effective in -Glass 1 lb
daylight, -25 Hit Chance during the day. It cannot be added -Scrap Metal 1 lb
to Pistols, Revolvers, Shotguns, and Big Guns (Except for

Recon Scope 3 8000 Remove all range penalties within 1000 ft. Track enemy -Computer Part 1 lb Epic
movements even when they’re invisible. It can only track up -Glass 1 lb
to 10 individuals for an hour. It can be reset by marking them -Scrap Electronics 1 lb
again. The range for the mark on the scope is 2500 ft. Once
someone is beyond 5000 ft, the mark disappears. They can’t
be tracked if they are invisible beforehand. Can be tracked if
they used a Stealth Boy after they’ve been marked. It cannot
be added to Pistols, Revolvers, Shotguns, and Big Guns
(Except for MGs). It does not stack with the current range.

Implants are permanent body enhancements installed in your brain. They can vary from
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. increases to additional Free Movement. At least one person crafting an Implant
must have 125 in the Doctor skill. Implants aren’t affected by Pulse and Electricity, and the
bonuses are permanent increases.

The first step is to acquire 20 lbs of Scrap Electronics. Once you have the materials you must
then craft a Blank Implant. A Blank Implant is a small electronic device that is the base of all
implants. The Engineer skill must be rolled per hour for forty-eight hours with the skill penalty
being -100. If more than half the checks are failed, you don’t lose progress, but you must gather
all materials used.

Once a Blank Implant is crafted, you must first then decide what Implant in the list below to
craft. You cannot change the Implant once the first roll is made. You roll the Nature Science skill
per hour for twelve hours with the skill penalty being -100. If more than half the checks are
failed, the implant will break and you’ll have to make it all over again.

Lastly, you use the Doctor skill with a -100 skill penalty per hour for six hours. You cannot install
the Implant onto yourself through this. Someone has to do it for you. This process cannot be
done on separate occasions. Meaning you have to do the surgery for six hours straight, maybe
more if any checks fail. If more than half the checks are failed, the individual you’re installing
the Implant into gets a Level of Exhaustion and you’ll have to do the surgery all over again. The
same rules are applied when removing an Implant.

Implant Value Description

Hypertrophy Accelerator 8000 Increase your ST by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Optics Enhancer 8000 Increase your PE by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Nociception Regulator 8000 Increase your EN by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Empathy Synthesizer 8000 Increase your CH by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Logic Co-Processor 8000 Increase your IN by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Reflex Booster 8000 Increase your AG by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Probability Calculator 10000 Increase your LK by 1. It can exceed the racial maximum and this is a permanent bonus.

Regeneration 15000 Regenerate 5 HP an Hour and double the HP you gain from a short rest.

Speedster 15000 Gain 2 Free Movement.

Action Booster 15000 Gain +2 AP in Combat.

Trigger Happy 20000 Increase Hit Chance by +25 for Archery, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Small Guns, and

Combat Ready 20000 Increase Hit Chance by +25 for Melee Weapons, Throwing, and Unarmed.

Cybernetics allows you to create wonderful monstrosities with beautiful mechanical limbs that
wreak havoc on the world. At least one person crafting a Cybernetic must have 100 in the
Doctor skill. Cybernetics are affected by pulse weapons and they are not counted as part of
your Carry Weight. If they are hit they’ll shut off and require repairs.

After you decide what Cybernetic you want to craft, gather the materials listed. After, the
Engineer skill must be rolled following the same rules for Implants. It’ll take forty-eight hours
with the skill penalty depending on the Cybernetic. Following the Engineer skill is the Computer
Science skill penalty requiring forty eight hours as well following the same rulings as Implants
with the skill depending on the Cybernetic. You’ll need a Terminal in order to complete this

Lastly is the Doctor skill when you install the cybernetic onto someone. Follow the same rules
as the Doctor skill for Implants with the skill penalty depending on the Cybernetic. This will take
twelve hours to install. For adding Cybernetics onto animals, you’ll need at least 100 in
Animalism skill.

Cybernetic Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Robot Arm 20000 ST +1 to checks. -Scrap Electronics 5 Computer Science: -50

AC +5 lbs Doctor: -50
If both arms are robotic, bonuses are doubled. -Scrap Machinery 10 Engineer: -50
For Super Mutants and Intelligent Deathclaws, the lbs
parts required are doubled. -Scrap Metal 5 lbs

Robot Foot 15000 Must specify which foot is robotic. Unarmed Attack -Scrap Electronics 5 Computer Science: -50
depends on race. For Super Mutants and Intelligent lbs Doctor: -50
Deathclaws, the parts required are doubled. -Scrap Machinery 5 lbs Engineer: -50
-Scrap Metal 5 lbs

Robot Hand 15000 Must specify which hand is robotic. Unarmed -Scrap Electronics 5 Computer Science: -50
Attack depends on race. lbs Doctor: -50
Can add modification to switch between a One- -Scrap Machinery 10 Engineer: -50
Handed Weapon and a Robot Hand. Requires lbs
Gunsmith/Blacksmith for four hours to complete. -Scrap Metal 5 lbs
Replacing the weapon also takes four hours. You
can now grab equipment.
For Super Mutants and Intelligent Deathclaws, the
parts required are doubled.

Cybernetic Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Robot Arm 40000 Add a Big Gun, Energy Weapon, Melee Weapon or -Robot Arm Doctor: -50
Weapon Small Gun. If you attach a two-handed weapon, -Scrap Electronics 10 Gunsmith: -50
you’ll use your other hand to wield it as well. lbs
You still have to reload. -Weapon for
Cannot have a Robot Hand. Attachment
Gunsmith process takes four hours to complete and
follows the same rules for the Implants. The
Weapon won’t break if this craft action fails.
Replacement also takes four hours.

Robot Leg 25000 Free Movement +1 -Scrap Electronics 10 Computer Science: -50
If both legs are robotic, bonuses are doubled. lbs Doctor: -50
For Super Mutants and Intelligent Deathclaws, the -Scrap Machinery 10 Engineer: -50
parts required are doubled. lbs
-Scrap Metal 10 lbs

Brain Casing 20000 Ignore Targeted Head Attacks 5 times. A cybernetic -Scrap Electronics 25 Computer Science: -75
brain cannot be placed in the brain case. You can lbs Doctor: -75
only have one. -Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -50

Cybernetic 30000 Immune to Targeted Head Attack Effects. You can -Scrap Electronics 25 Computer Science: -100
Brain only have one. lbs Doctor: -100
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -100

Cybernetic Eye 30000 Ignore range penalties for 250 ft. You can only have -Scrap Electronics 25 Computer Science: -75
two. lbs Doctor: -75
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -75

Cybernetic 50000 Immune to poison. Increase Max HP by 25% -Scrap Electronics 25 Computer Science: -100
Heart rounded up. You can only have one. lbs Doctor: -100
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -100

Cybernetic 40000 Can never be addicted to drinks. You can only have -Scrap Electronics 50 Computer Science: -100
Liver one. lbs Doctor: -100
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -100

Cybernetic 40000 100% Gas Resistance. You can only have one. -Scrap Electronics 50 Computer Science: -100
Lungs lbs Doctor: -100
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -100

Cybernetic 40000 Double your carry weight. You can only have one. -Scrap Electronics 50 Computer Science: -100
Spine lbs Doctor: -100
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -100

Cybernetic Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Cybernetic 50000 You don’t need to eat or drink. You can only have -Scrap Electronics 50 Computer Science: -100
Stomach one. lbs Doctor: -100
-Scrap Metal 50 lbs Engineer: -100

Voice Change 15000 Change your voice. You can only have one. -Scrap Electronics 20 Computer Science: -50
lbs Doctor: -50
-Scrap Metal 20 lbs Engineer: -50

Cybernetic Pulse Effect
For those with cybernetics it works the same as electronics when stunned. However, if you are
stunned for more than 30 seconds consecutively, your Cybernetic shuts off permanently and
will require repairs.

Cybernetic Effect

Eye PE 1 if you only have one Cybernetic Eye. If both eyes are Cybernetic Eyes, you suffer from Blindness.

Robot Arm/Hands Bonus from Robot Arm/Hand aren’t in effect. Cannot use Two-Handed Weapons or the weapon
installed into the arm. If both arms are Robot Arms you cannot use any weapons in your hands.

Robot Leg/Foot Bonus from Robot Legs/Foot aren’t in effect. Cannot Run nor Sprint. If both legs are Robot Legs, you
become prone and can only move while prone.

Brain Casing/ You’re instantly unconscious for the duration of the pulse. You will die if these cybernetics shut down.
Cybernetic Heart/ Chems can’t revive you.
Brain / Spine

Cybernetic Liver Bonus from Cybernetic Liver isn’t in effect. You’ll feel sick and die in 8 days if the Liver is not repaired.
Chems can’t revive you.

Cybernetic Lung Bonus from Cybernetic Lung isn’t in effect. If you have one cybernetic lung and one normal lung, you’ll
be fine, but if you have two Cybernetic Lungs, you’ll start to suffocate. Follow the Suffocation rules in
the combat page.

Cybernetic Stomach Bonus from Cybernetic Stomach isn’t in effect. You have to eat and drink again.

Voice Change Your voice may change or you’ll become mute. Roll 1d2 to determine what happens.

Robot Upgrades
Now the best part about having your own robot, or being a robot, are all the possible upgrades
you can craft. Ballistics weapons will require ammo but Energy Weapons will run off their
power supply. Robot Upgrades are separated into seven categories: Head Helm, Head, Torso,
Modifications, Arms, Legs, and Armor Plating. All parts follow the same crafting process. Once
all materials are gathered for the part of choice, you roll for the time associated with the part
per skill with the skill penalty specified (Example: A Head Part takes four hours to craft per skill.
If a part only requires one skill, it’ll take four hours. If the part requires two skills, you’ll have to
roll four hours for one skill, and four hours for the other). The failure rules are the same as
crafting an Implant with the Engineer skill. For Computer Science checks you need a working
Terminal. You don’t need to have a blueprint to craft Robots but depending on the robots lore
you may not be able to craft it (Example: Think Tanks Robots can only be crafted if you’ve been
to the Big MT and learned how to make one). You may choose to not add a part to your robot.
Switching robot parts and mods take an hour but require no penalty checks.

Below that, are the specific combat skills each robot can access. The heart of a robot is a
holotape which can reside in the Head or Torso. The holotape can only be removed manually
and it may be inserted into any robot or a terminal. The holotape can be scanned for
information but this is upon the Overseer’s discretion. Most Robots found in the wasteland are
corrupt and glitchy. All levels, XP, Tagged Skills, and skill points are retained in this holotape. It’ll
take thirty minutes with an Engineer Penalty of -25 to remove the holotape of a robot and
another ten minutes with the same penalty to install it. Failing the check will result in being
unable to install it and you’ll have to try again. Also, a robot's power may last for hundreds of
years and all non-player character robots have a base PE 6, CH 5, IN 7, and LK 5, unless
specified. Robots also get the same abilities as for the Robot Race in the Dweller’s Guide under
the Race section.

Robot Approved Combat Skills

Scurry Bot Unarmed

Eyebot/Hover Bot Energy Weapons (No Big Guns) and Small Guns.

Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr. Gutsy/Security Robot Melee Weapons, Energy Weapons (No Big Guns) and Small Guns.

Assaultron/Protectron/Securitron/Robobrain/Sentry Archery (C-27 Only), Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Melee Weapons, Small
Bot/C-27/Humanoid Brain Robot Guns, Unarmed.

Head Helm
Head helm is the same as a helmet on a person. Protecting your head. For robots this is their
head casing. Robots without heads cannot get these upgrades. Head helm upgrades will take
three hours to complete.

Head Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Conductor Helm 10 1000 Increase Electricity Resistance by 10%. -Scrap Metal 8 lbs Engineer -50
-Rubber 5 lbs

Helmet Install Varies Varies From the equipment documents, apply the -Helmet of Choice Blacksmith -25
stats and abilities of the helmet you Engineer -25
installed of your choice. You cannot install
Sentry Bot, Assaultron, and Eyebot Helmet.

The head of a robot is the brain. Without it a robot can’t retain its memories or knowledge. The
head of Mr. Handys, Ms. Nannys, Mr. Gutsys, Eyebots, Hover Robots, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, Think Tanks, and Securitrons is the entire body, minus any limbs attached. Head cannot
be attached to these robots but they can take any other upgrades. Robots can only have one
head. Head upgrades will take four hours to complete. An MFC must be fully charged for this
part to be installed properly. The Head does not provide armor stats.

Head Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Assaultron Head 8 2000 Gain Assaultron Death Ray attack. -Assaultron Parts 8 Energy
Ignore 5 Targeted Head Attacks. lbs Weapons -50
-MFC Engineer -50

C-27 Head 10 2500 Ignore 3 Targeted Head Attacks. -C-27 Parts 10 lbs Engineer -25
-MFC Engineer -25

Duraframe Eyebot 10 1500 Gain Flight ability. -Eyebot Parts 10 lbs Engineer -50
Apply Bonus Movement Rank 3. -MFC
Gain Duraframe Eyebot Arc Blast Attack.
Only Head Helm, Mods, and Armor Plating
can be installed.
Size Category: Small
Can’t use Archery, Big Guns, Melee
Weapons, Throwing, and Unarmed skills.
ST 4
EN 5
AG 9

Eyebot 5 1000 Gain Flight ability. -Eyebot Parts 5 lbs Engineer -25
Apply Bonus Movement Rank 3. -MFC
Gain Eyebot Laser Shot attack.
Only Head Helm, Mods, and Armor Plating
can be installed.
Size Category: Small
Can’t use Archery, Big Guns, Melee
Weapons, Throwing, and Unarmed skills.
ST 2
EN 2
AG 11

Head Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Hover Robot 8 1500 Gain Flight ability. -Eyebot Parts 8 lbs Engineer -25
Apply Bonus Movement Rank 3. -MFC
Only Head Helm, Mods, and Armor Plating
can be installed.
Size Category: Small
Can’t use Archery, Big Guns, Melee
Weapons, Throwing, and Unarmed skills.
ST 4
EN 7
AG 10

Humanoid Brain 8 1000 Ignore 1 Targeted Head Attack. -Humanoid Brain Engineer -25
Robot Head Robot 8 lbs
-Intact Brain

Liberator 20 2000 Gain Liberator Laser Shot attack. -Liberator Robot Engineer -25
Only Head Helm, Liberator Legs, Mods, and Parts 20 lbs
Armor Plating can be installed. -MFC
Size Category: Small
Can’t use Archery, Big Guns, Melee
Weapons, Small Guns, and Throwing skills.
EN 3

Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny 10 1500 Only Head Helm, Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr. -Mr. Handy/Ms. Engineer -25
Gutsy Limbs/Thrusters, Mods, and Armor Nanny Parts 10 lbs
Plating can be installed. MFC
Size Category: Medium
Cannot move without Thruster.
EN 5

Mr. Gutsy Body 15 1500 Only Head Helm, Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr. -Mr. Gutsy Parts 15 Engineer -50
Gutsy Limbs/Thrusters, Mods, and Armor lbs
Plating can be installed. -MFC
Size Category: Medium
Cannot move without Thruster.
EN 7

Protectron Head 5 100 Gain Protectron Laser Shot attack. -Protectron Parts 5 Engineer -25

Head Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Robobrain Head 12 4000 Brain may be installed after completion. -Robobrain Parts 12 Doctor -25
Gain the Mesmetron ability. lbs Engineer -75
-Intact Brain
-MFC 2

Security Robot 15 3500 Gain Flight ability. -Security Robot Engineer -50
Only Head Helm, Security Limbs, Mods, and Parts 15 lbs
Armor Plating can be installed. -MFC
Size Category: Medium
Can’t use Archery, Big Guns, Throwing, and
Unarmed skills.
ST 5
EN 5
AG 3

Scurry Robot 30 3000 Only Head Helm, Scurry Robot legs, Mods, -Scurry Robot Parts Engineer -25
and Armor Plating can be installed. 30 lbs
Size Category: Medium -MFC
Can’t use Archery, Big Guns, Throwing, and
Unarmed skills.
ST 3
EN 3
AG 7

Sentry Bot Head 5 500 Ignore 8 Targeted Head Attacks -Sentry Bot Parts 5 Engineer -50

Think Tank Body 20 5000 Brain may be installed after completion. -Bio Med Gel 5 lbs Computer
Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1. -Think Tank Parts 10 Science -50
Size Category: Medium lbs Doctor -25
ST 3 -Scrap Electronics 5 Engineer -50
EN 5 lbs
AG 5

All robots have a torso. This is where all of their limbs connect and where their power source
lies. However, these torso upgrades refer to the main body and special abilities. The base armor
comes from the Armor Plating section. Having the torso of a protectron doesn’t mean it has it’s
base DT/DR. You can apply Assaultron plating to a Protectron with Engineer and Blacksmithing.
You need a base Torso before you can attach anything to them minus the Eyebot, Mr.
Handy/Ms. Nanny, Mr. Gutsy, Think Tanks, and Securitron. Robots can only have one Torso.
Torso upgrades will take eight hours to complete for each skill required. The Torso does not
provide armor stats.

Torso Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Base Assaultron Torso 20 500 Only one head, two arms, and legs can be -Assaultron Parts 15 Engineer -25
installed. lbs
Size Category: Medium -Scrap Electronics 5
ST 2 lbs
EN 6
Max HP +10
CW +30

Base C-27 Torso 30 700 Only one head, two arms, and legs can be -C-27 Parts 20 lbs Engineer -25
installed. -Scrap Electronics
Size Category: Medium 10 lbs
ST 4
EN 8
Max HP +30
CW +50

Base Humanoid Brain 60 3000 Only one head, two arms, and legs can be -Humanoid Brain Engineer -50
Robot Torso installed. Robot Parts 50 lbs
Size Category: Large -Scrap Electronics
ST 4 10 lbs
EN 10
Max HP +50
CW +30

Base Protectron Torso 15 200 Only one head, two arms, and legs can be -Protectron Parts 10 Engineer -25
installed. lbs
Size Category: Medium -Scrap Electronics 5
ST 3 lbs
EN 5
Max HP +10
CW +20

Torso Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Base Robobrain Torso 20 600 Only one head, two arms, and legs can be -Robobrain Parts 15 Engineer -50
installed. lbs
Size Category: Large -Scrap Electronics 5
ST 4 lbs
EN 6
Max HP +20
CW +40

Base Securitron Torso 35 6000 Only one two arms, and a Securitron Wheel -Securitron Parts 30 Engineer -50
can be installed. lbs
Size Category: Medium -Scrap Electronics 5
EN 7 lbs
Max HP +20
CW +75

Base Sentry Bot Torso 40 8000 Only one head, two arms, and legs can be -Sentry Bot Parts 30 Engineer -50
installed. lbs
Size Category: Large -Scrap Electronics
ST 4 10 lbs
EN 10
Max HP +50
CW +100

First Generation Synth 40 5000 Parts cannot be attached. -Scrap Electronics Engineer -25
Size Category: Medium 25 lbs Computer
ST 5 -Scrap Metal 25 lbs Science -25
EN 5 -Fusion Core Doctor -25
AG 7
Can only be crafted by those who are from
the Institute. Can do the Climb, Long Jump,
High Jump, and Vaulting Action.

Second Generation 60 8000 Parts cannot be attached. -Scrap Electronics Engineer -50
Synth Size Category: Medium 20 lbs Computer
ST 6 -Scrap Metal 20 lbs Science -50
EN 6 -Plastic 20 lbs Doctor -50
AG 8 -Fusion Core
Can only be crafted by those who are from
the Institute. Refer to the Robots Race
section in the Dweller’s Guide for additional
information. They can wear Under Armor
and Armor like a Human.

Robot modifications, or mods, are customizable upgrades that can make your robot unique.
They can vary from increased HP to more AP. Robot Mods that have module in the name can
only be installed once. Robots can only have one module installed at a time. You can have up to
eight mods installed. Mods that can be repeated aren’t counted as part of the limit. (Example:
More Wires at its max only counts as one mod). Robot Mods will take five hours to complete for
each skill required. Unlike other robot parts, you’ll only need 100 in Computer Science or
Engineer to be able to have access to all the modifications (Mods like Securitron MK II Upgrade
can only be accessed through special circumstances upon the Overseer’s discretion).

Modifications W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Blacksmith Module 20 5000 Increase Blacksmith by 25 and get one reroll -Blacksmith Tools Blacksmith -50
a day for the skill. Computer
Science -50

Brewer’s Module 20 4000 Increase Nature Science and by 25 and get -Brewer’s Kit Computer
on reroll a day for the skill. Science -50
Nature Science

Chef Module 10 1000 Increase Survival by 25 when cooking only, -Cooking Tools Computer
and get on reroll a day for the skill. Science -50
Survival -25

Constructor Module 50 2000 Increase Blacksmith and Engineer by 25 -Blacksmith Tools Blacksmith -50
when building structures only, and get one -Tool Set Computer
reroll a day for each skill. Eyebots and Science -50
Liberators cannot get this module. Engineer -50

Doctor Module 1 5000 Increase Doctor by 25 and get one reroll a -Doctor’s Bag Computer
day for the skill. Science -50
Doctor -50

Engineer Module 10 500 Increase Engineer by 25 and get one reroll a -Tool Set Computer
day for the skill. Science -25
Engineer -50

Gunsmith Module 5 5000 Increase Gunsmith by 25 and get one reroll -Gunsmith Tools Gunsmith -50
a day for the skill. Computer
Science -50

Hacking Module 1 2000 Increase Computer Science by 25 and get -Working Terminal Computer
one reroll a day for the skill. Science -75

Modifications W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Lockpick Module 1 1000 Increase Sleight of Hand by 25 for the -Any Lockpick Set Computer
purposes of lockpicking and get one reroll a Science -50
day for the skill. Sleight of Hand

Dual Modules 10 10000 You’re able to have 2 Modules installed. -Scrap Electronics Computer
This doesn’t count as a module. Only one 10 lbs Science -75
can be installed. This counts as part of the Engineer -75
mod limit.

Action Program 0 1000 Increase Max AP by 1. Only three can be -Scrap Electronics Computer
installed. 10 lbs Science -50
Engineer -50

Detector 5 1000 Multiply Detection Range by 3 instead of 2 -Sensor Module Computer

and increase Detection by 25. Only one can Science -50
be installed. Engineer -50

EMP Shielding 30 5000 Gives a +30% to Electricity Resistance. Only -Scrap Electronics Computer
one can be installed. 15 lbs Science -50
-Lead 15 lbs Engineer -50

Extreme Heat Mod 20 7000 Ignore Extreme Weather Effects above 95 -Scrap Metals 20 lbs Computer
degrees Fahrenheit. Only one can be Science -100
installed. Engineer -100

Floaties 40 8000 Robots don’t sink anymore and instead can -Plastic 20 lbs Blacksmith -50
move around in water like a human. -Scrap Electronics Computer
10 lbs Science -50
-Scrap Machinery Engineer -50
10 lbs

Hardened 20 6000 DT +5 to All -Scrap Metal 40 lbs Blacksmith -75

DR +10% to All Engineer -75
AC +20
Max HP +60
Only one can be installed per Armor Plating
and it cannot be removed from the Armor
Plating. This does not count for the mod

Increased Storage 0 250 Increase carry weight by 100. Only two can -Hiking Backpack or Engineer -25
be installed. Leather 5 lbs

Lucky Charm 5 7000 Increase Critical Chance by 5. Only two can -Scrap Electronics 5 Engineer -100
be installed. lbs

Modifications W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

More Wires 10 5000 Increase your Max HP by 30. Only three can -Scrap Electronics Computer
be installed. 10 bls Science -75
Engineer -75

Radio 5 50 Play music while on the road and pick up -Handheld Radio Engineer -25
radio broadcasts and transmissions. You can -Scrap Metal 4 lbs
also communicate with others who have

Night Vision 10 1000 Ignore Night Time Penalties. -Glass 5 lbs Engineer -50
-Scrap Electronics 5

Overdrive 1 2000 Increase Total AP by 2. Only one may be -Fusion Core Computer
installed. Fusion Core must have some Science -75
charge. Engineer -75

Pulse Resistance 5 5000 Ignore 50% of the damage you’d take from -Scrap Electronics Computer
Pulse related damage. Only one can be 10 lbs Science -50
installed. Engineer -50

Radiation Coils 5 6000 Emit 50 rads instantly to anything around -Tesla Coils 5 lbs Computer
within 15 ft. This costs 4 AP. Only one may -Radioactive Science -50
be installed. Material 5 lbs Engineer -50

Recon Sensors 2 8000 Apply Recon Scope benefits. -Recon Scope Computer
Science -50
Engineer -50

Self Destruct 5 1500 When they die or with a press of a button, -Fragmentation/ Engineer -25
immediately self-destruct. The explosive Plasma/Etc.
and/or power source determines the Grenade
explosive. The explosion damage is cut in
half. Only one may be installed.

P.C.I.L. Boost 5 5000 Increase PE, CH, IN, or LK by 1. Only three -Scrap Metal 10 lbs Computer
can be installed. -Scrap Electronics Science -50
10 lbs Engineer -50

Modifications W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Securitron MK II 10 1000 Gain access to Weapons in Shoulders and -Scrap Electronics Computer
the Self Repair ability from the Bestiary. Can 10 lbs Science -100
only be applied to Securitron Base Torso.
Requires the platinum chip or a really good
Hacker to unlock this.
This does not count for the mod limit.
Max HP +50

Stealth Drive 5 4000 A unique piece of pre-war technology that -Stealth Boy Computer
allows the user to be invisible for one hour Science -50
and it takes 24 hours to recharge. Gives a Engineer -50
+50 to Sneak. Only one may be installed.

Tesla Coils 10 4000 Increase Energy Weapons Damage Modifier -Tesla Coils Parts 10 Computer
by 0.25. It can only be connected to one lbs Science -50
Energy Weapon. Only one may be installed. Engineer -50
Weapons -50

Thermal Vision 5 3000 Apply Thermal Scope benefits. -Thermal Scope Engineer -50

Winterized Mod 20 7000 Ignore Extreme Weather up to absolute -Scrap Metal 20 lbs Computer
zero. Only one can be installed. Science -100
Engineer -100

Arms are used to carry weapons, or a common means for the robots to attack with. When
making an arm, you make one at a time. Arm upgrades will take four hours to complete.
Attachments take two hours. If a weapon is attached to each arm, the robot cannot grab
anything or use some skills, Overseer discretion, unless you attach a hand switching mechanic.
When an arm is attached you gain the Metal Fist attack unless the arm is attached with another

Arm Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Assaultron Arm 12 350 All weapons must be attached in order to -Assaultron Parts 12 Engineer -25
use. Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe lbs
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +2

C-27 Arm 14 500 Can grab weapons normally like a human. -C-27 Parts 14 lbs Engineer -50
Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +2

Humanoid Brain 15 500 All weapons must be attached in order to -Humanoid Brain Doctor -50
Robot Arm use. Robot Parts 15 lbs Engineer -50
Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +3

Mr. Handy/Ms. 6 100 All weapons must be attached in order to -Mr. Handy/ Ms. Engineer -25
Nanny/Mr. Gutsy use. Only the specified robot can have these Nanny/ Mr. Gutsy
Limb limbs attached. They can have up to three Parts 6 lbs
of these. Can only be added Mr. Handy/Ms.
Nanny/Mr. Gutsy and Think Tank.
ST +1

Arm Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Protectron Arm 10 250 All weapons must be attached in order to -Protectron Parts 10 Engineer -25
use. Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe lbs
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +1

Robobrain Arm 15 450 All weapons must be attached in order to -Robobrain Parts 15 Engineer -50
use.Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe lbs
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +1

Securitron Arm 15 500 Gain the perk Two For One for this arm. All -Securitron Parts 15 Engineer -50
weapons must be attached in order to use. lbs
Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +3

Security Robot Arm 15 250 Gain Security Laser Shot Attack. All weapons -Security Robot Engineer -50
must be attached in order to use. Parts 10 lbs
Can only be added to Security Robots. -Energy Weapon
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm. Parts 5 lbs
ST +1

Sentry Bot Arm 25 700 Gain the perk Two For One for this arm. All -Sentry Bot Parts 25 Engineer -75
weapons must be attached in order to use. lbs
Cannot be added to Eyebot, Duraframe
Eyebot, and Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr.
Gutsy, Hover Robot, Security Robot, Scurry
Robots, and Think Tanks.
Must specify if it's the Left or Right arm.
ST +3

Arm Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Think Tank Arm 5 500 Monitor is attached to the arm and it -Think Tank Parts 5 Engineer -50
displays an eye or mouth. You cannot grab lbs
anything or equipment. Can only be -Scrap Electronics 5
attached to Think Tank. lbs
-Computer Parts 5

Big Guns Attachment N/A Varies Attach a Big Gun of choice. Price and weight -Big Gun Gunsmith -50
depend on the weapon. Mr. Handy/Ms.
Nanny/Mr. GutsyArms cannot get this

Energy Weapons N/A Varies Attach an Energy Weapon of choice. Ammo -Energy Weapon Gunsmith -50
Attachment not required for the weapon is powered by
the Robot’s power source. This does not
change the damage and the Reload action
doesn’t have to be taken. Price and weight
depend on the weapon.

Melee Weapons N/A Varies Attach a Melee Weapon of choice. Price and -Melee Weapon Blacksmith -50
Attachment weight depend on the weapon. Charges
from Melee Weapons are ignored.

Small Guns N/A Varies Attach a Small Gun of choice. Price and -Small Gun Gunsmith -50
Attachment weight depend on the weapon.

Unarmed Weapon N/A Varies Attach an Unarmed Weapon of choice. Price -Unarmed Weapon Blacksmith -50
Attachment and weight depend on the weapon.
Replaces Metal Fist attack. Charges from
Unarmed Weapons are ignored.

Unarmed-Melee 10 5000 With the same arm, switch from Melee -Scrap Metal 10 lbs Blacksmith -50
Weapons Switch Weapons to Unarmed, and vice versa for 2 Engineer -25

Legs work differently with robots. Not every robot has legs but that doesn’t stop them from
moving. Mr. Handys, Ms. Nannys, Mr. Gutsys, Eyebots, Hover Robots, Security Robots, and
Securitrons cannot benefit from this section. Leg upgrades will take eight hours to complete.
Sentry Bot Legs take twelve hours to complete for each skill required.

Torso Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Assaultron Legs 50 500 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 2 ability. Can -Assaultron Parts 50 Engineer -50
crouch and prone. Apply Targeted Attack lbs
condition for Assaultron. Can execute the
High Jump and Long Jump Actions.
AG 10

C-27 Legs 60 700 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 2 ability. Can -C-27 Parts 60 lbs Engineer -50
crouch and prone. Apply Targeted Attack
condition for C-27 Series Humanoid Robot.
Can execute the High Jump and Long Jump
AG 7

Humanoid Brain 60 800 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1 ability. Can -Humanoid Brain Engineer -50
Robot Legs crouch and prone. Apply Targeted Attack Robot Parts 60 lbs
condition for Humanoid Brain Robot.
AG 8

Liberator Legs 20 300 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 2 ability. -Liberators Robot Engineer -50
Apply Targeted Attack condition for Parts 20 lbs
Liberator. Cannot crouch or prone. Gain
Climber ability. Can only be added to
AG 8

Mr. Handy / Ms. 20 250 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1 ability. -Mr. Handy/ Ms. Engineer -50
Nanny Thruster Cannot crouch and prone. Ignore difficult Nanny Parts 20 lbs
terrain. Apply Targeted Attack condition for
Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny.
AG 7

Mr. Gutsy Thruster 30 250 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 2 ability. -Mr. Gutsy Parts 30 Engineer -75
Cannot crouch and prone. Ignore difficult lbs
terrain. Apply Targeted Attack condition for
Mr. Gutsy.
AG 8

Torso Upgrades W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Protectron Legs 40 100 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1 ability. -Protectron Parts 40 Engineer -25
Cannot crouch and prone. lbs
Apply Targeted Attack condition for
AG 5

Robobrain Rollers 60 1000 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1 ability. -Robobrain Parts 60 Engineer -50
Cannot crouch and prone. lbs
Apply Targeted Attack condition for
AG 6

Scurry Robot Legs 60 3000 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 2, Burrow, -Scurry Robot Parts Engineer -50
and Climber ability. 60 lbs
Cannot crouch and prone.
Apply Targeted Attack condition for Scurry
ST 4
AG 10

Securitron Wheels 30 2500 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1 ability. -Securitron Parts 30 Engineer -50
Cannot crouch and prone. lbs
Apply Targeted Attack condition for
AG 8

Sentry Bot Legs 120 5000 Apply Bonus Movement Rank 1 ability. -Sentry Bot Parts Engineer -75
Cannot crouch and prone. 120 lbs
Limb Resistance +2 only for the legs.
Increase size category from medium to
Apply Targeted Attack condition for Sentry
AG 6
Sneak -75

Armor Plating
Armor Plating is the same as a person having on armor, except for robots. Armor plating has to
be adjusted for the specific robot. The cost of materials varies on the robot. All the armors
below can be added to any robot. But understand that weight can be a problem for small
robots. Armor Plating upgrades will take twenty four hours to complete. Power Armor takes
seventy two hours. Mr. Handys, Ms. Nannys, Mr. Gutsys, and Eyebot cannot get Power Armor

Armor Plating W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Assaultron Plate 25 3000 Assaultron Stats from the Bestiary. -Assaultron Parts 25 Blacksmith -50

C-27 Plate 30 3200 C-27 Stats from the Bestiary. -C-27 Parts 30 lbs Blacksmith -50

Eyebot Plate 10 100 Eyebot stats from the Bestiary. -Eyebot Parts 10 lbs Blacksmith -25

Duraframe Eyebot 20 250 Duraframe Eyebot stats from the Bestiary. -Eyebot Parts 20 lbs Blacksmith -25

Hover Robot Plate 15 1000 Hover Robot stats from Bestiary. -Hover Robot Parts Blacksmith -25
15 lbs

Humanoid Brain 50 800 Humanoid Brain Robot Stats from the -Humanoid Brain Engineer -50
Robot Plate Bestiary. Robot Parts 50 lbs

Liberator Plate 15 1000 Liberator stats from Bestiary. -Liberator Parts 15 Blacksmith -25

Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny 20 500 Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny stats from the -Mr. Handy / Ms. Blacksmith -50
Plate Bestiary. Nanny Parts 20 lbs

Mr. Gutsy Plate 20 1000 Mr. Gutsy stats from the Bestiary. -Mr. Gutsy Parts 20 Blacksmith -50

Protectron Plate 10 400 Protectron stats from the Bestiary. -Protectron Parts 10 Blacksmith -25

Robobrain Plate 20 2500 Robobrain stats from the Bestiary. -Robobrain Parts 20 Blacksmith -50

Securitron Plate 30 3500 Securitron stats from the Bestiary. -Securitron Parts 30 Blacksmith -50

Sentry Bot Plate 50 5000 Sentry Bot stats from the Bestiary. Mr. -Sentry Bot Parts 50 Blacksmith -75
Handys, Ms. Nannys, Mr. Gutsys, and lbs
Eyebots lose their Bonus Movement Ability.

Armor Plating W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

Ballistic Plate MK I 20 6000 Combat Armor MK I Stats. -Ballistic Fibers 20 Blacksmith -25

Ballistic Plate MK II 20 7000 Combat Armor MK II Stats. -Ballistic Fibers 20 Blacksmith -50

Ballistic Plate MK III 25 8000 Combat Armor MK III Stats. -Ballistic Fiber 25 lbs Blacksmith -75

Ballistic Plate MK IV 25 9500 Combat Armor MK IV Stats. -Ballistic Fiber 25 lbs Blacksmith -100

Metal Plate 30 1100 Metal Armor MK I stats. -Scrap Metal 30 lbs Blacksmith -25

Metal Plate MK II 35 1900 Metal Armor MK II stats. -Scrap Metal 35 lbs Blacksmith -50

Metal Plate MK III 40 2400 Metal Armor MK III stats. Mr. Handys, Ms. -Scrap Metal 40 lbs Blacksmith -75
Nannys, Mr. Gutsys, and Eyebots lose their
Bonus Movement Ability.

Salvaged Power Plate 60 9000 Apply Salvaged Power Armor stats. -Salvaged Power Blacksmith -50
All robots lose their Bonus Movement Armor

Raider Power Plate 140 10000 Apply Raider Power Armor stats. -Raider Power Blacksmith -50
All robots lose their Bonus Movement Armor

T-45 Plate 85 12500 Apply T-45 Power Armor stats. -T-45 Power Armor Blacksmith -75
All robots lose their Bonus Movement

T-51 Plate 100 15000 Apply T-51 Power Armor stats. -T-51 Power Armor Blacksmith -75
All robots lose their Bonus Movement

T-60 Plate 100 18000 Apply T-60 Power Armor stats. -T-60 Power Armor Blacksmith -75
All robots lose their Bonus Movement

X-01 Plate 100 20000 Apply X-01 Power Armor stats. -X-01 Power Armor Blacksmith -100
All robots lose their Bonus Movement

Armor Plating W Value Description Material(s) Skill Penalty

X-02 Plate 120 30000 Apply X-02 Power Armor stats. -X-02 Power Armor Blacksmith -100
All robots lose their Bonus Movement

Hellfire Plate 100 40000 Apply Hellfire Power Armor stats. -Hellfire Power Blacksmith -100
All robots lose their Bonus Movement Armor

Excavator Plate 100 13000 Apply Excavator Power Armor stats. -Excavator Power Blacksmith -75
All robots lose their Bonus Movement Armor Engineer -75

Ultracite Plate 110 45000 Apply Ultracite Power Armor stats. -Ultracite Power Blacksmith -100
All robots lose their Bonus Movement Armor Engineer -100

Wasteland Gear
Items are found around the world of Fallout and are mostly used for utility. Some are craftable.

Name W Value Description Rarity

Auto Doc 20 20000 The Auto-Doc is a machine that features four autonomous arms (mounted with Epic
a surgery light, a combination scalpel/syringe, tongs and a multipurpose
"hand") attached to a boxy central unit with a CRT control panel attached to its
side. Requires a power source in order to function and it can pass Doctor skill
penalties up to 100.

Auto-Injector 1 2000 For free, equip and use this auto-injecting syringe for drugs that require a Very Rare
syringe. Using this on yourself is free. This can be applied to Stimpak, Super
Stimpak, Ultra Stimpak, Psycho, and Med-X. Requires 1 lb of Scrap Electronics
and a Syringe to craft with Engineer Skill.

Bandolier 5 350 Place two clips in the bandolier and ignore the Reload AP Cost for the two. Rare
Does not work with single bullets. Can work with Energy Cells and Microfusion
Cells. Does not work with Big Gun magazines. Compatible with Speed Reloader.
You can also put in a Stimpak, or a container of some sort and it’ll be a Free
Equip Item Action. Must be prepared beforehand. Can be crafted with 5 lbs of
any Leather with Survival Skill.

Bear Trap 50 300 An old but effective trap that’s pressure sensitive. A successful Engineer roll can Uncommon
allow you to prepare the trap and anyone caught in it is instantly crippled and it
ignores Limb Resistance unless you’re wearing Exo Suit. It deals 2d20 True
Damage. It requires a ST -1 in order to remove the trap from your body. Can be
crafted with 50 lbs of Scrap Metal with Blacksmith or Engineer Skill. You cannot
Run, Sprint, or Charge till this is removed.

Binoculars 1 50 Used to only see far distances. Binoculars have a range of 300 ft and give a PE Common
+2 to checks. Can be crafted with 1 lb of Scrap Metal with Engineer Skill.

Bobby Pin 0 1 A classic way to open a lock. You’ll need a screwdriver as well. If you fail a Common
Sleight of Hand check, the bobby pin breaks.

Bottlecap Mine 3 400 Anything within 20 ft of the explosion also suffers damage, and they also take Rare
1d6 concussion damage and the Engineer Skill Penalty is -50. Roll AG -3. If you
succeed, take half damage. Cannot be thrown. It deals 10d6+40 Explosive

Name W Value Description Rarity

C4 Plastic 5 1000 C4 is an improved version of the classic C4 plastic explosive. If someone Very Rare
Explosive attempts to dodge, they must roll AG -2. If they succeed, they take half
damage. Everything 5 ft adjacent to the center suffers 1d6 concussion damage.
C4 can be compounded on itself to make bigger bombs, too. For each pound,
add an additional 1d20+5.

Can of Food 1 10 A large can that if rationed. Has two servings of Food. Common

Dagger Sheath 1 150 Similar to the bandolier, you can have up to two Dagger Sheaths that can only Uncommon
be used to place Melee Weapon Type Daggers. You can equip, for free, the
dagger you have in that sheath. Can be crafted with 1 lb of any Leather with the
Survival Skill.

Deck of Cards 1 20 A set of 52 cards. Maybe play some Caravan, 21, Poker, 52 Pick-Up? Common

Dice Bag 1 20 A small pouch with types of dice. D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, and a Percentile Common
Die. What are these for exactly?

Flare Stick 1 10 A chemical-packed stick that, when ignited, will provide light for about an hour Common
within 15 ft.

Flashlight 1 15 A small flashlight (torch) that runs off of a special energy cell. Usually provides Common
about 30 hours of light before going out up to 25 ft of light in a cone. Can be
attached under or on the side of a Ranged Weapon. Ignore the half Night Time
penalty in the direction of the light.

Fusion Core 4 1000 Can be used to power up Power Armor and other electronics. Some devices Rare
may require additional Fusion Cores. A Fusion Core could last from 100 - 200
years with standard activity. Somehow there are special machines that can be
used to recharge them.

Garrote 1 50 A wire connected to two wooden handles proved effective for assassins. Rare
Instead of someone being choked to death in 2 minutes, it’ll take one minute
and you get a ST +2 to checks.

Geiger Counter 5 300 This useful little device not only detects how much radiation is in a person, it Rare
can detect harmful radiation in the surrounding area. Useful when you are
wondering if that big glowing crater in the ground is dangerous.

Name W Value Description Rarity

Handheld Radio 1 300 A small handheld radio used to communicate with someone with another Rare
handheld radio and pick up on nearby radio transmissions. This requires an EC
to be functional and has a radius of one mile. You can manipulate the volume
and they last virtually forever.

Hiking Backpack 0 100 Increase carry weight by 50 lbs. Can be crafted with Leather. Can be crafted Common
with 10 lbs of any Leather with the Survival Skill.

Holotape 0.1 50 A data storage device for terminals and robots. A necessary component for Uncommon
creating your own robots. They’re not affected by pulse. Storage space is upon
the Overseer’s discretion.

Inhaler 1 25 A modified inhaler used for the popular junkie drug Jet. Can be crafted with 1 lb Common
of Scrap Metal and 1 lb of Plastic with Engineer Skill.

Lighter 1 10 When you need to get that molotov cocktail going, or burn that town on fire. Common
Typically they have 20 uses before their fuel runs out. You can refill it with
gasoline. Each use is equal to 1 minute. This gives off 10 ft of light around you.

Lockpick Set 1 40 Gives the user a +25 bonus to Sleight of Hand skill for the purposes of picking Uncommon
basic locks. Can ignore five break failures.

Mister Fix-It 10 1000 A powered up rod that can heal Robots. The Robot Repair Kit heals for 1d10+10 Very Rare
instantly to Robots only. The Kit is powered by an EC with five uses.

Expanded 2 150 Gives a +50 bonus to Sleight of Hand skill when used. Can ignore ten break Rare
Lockpick Set failures.

Lucky Rabbit’s 1 1000 While you have this Lucky Rabbit’s Foot, get a +25 to the Gambling Skill. You Epic
Foot only get the benefit from this once.

Make-Up Kit 2 300 Customize your appearance with some lip gloss, blush, hair dye, etc. Uncommon

Medical Kit 4 300 A first-aid kit that, when used heals 1d10+5 hit points of damage in 1d10 Uncommon
minutes. Can be used up to ten times. The time determines how long the
individual must take to heal.

Pip-Boy 3000 5 2000 A unique piece of pre-war technology that lets you organize, learn about your Legendary
health, a built in geiger counter, a map, and it picks up on radios. It can even
play holotapes! Time to start my game collection. A variant of this is the Pip-

Name W Value Description Rarity

Portable Air 5 1000 When a tire goes flat you’ll need to fill it up with air. Plug this into a tire and just Legendary

Compressor Pump turn it on. Requires an EC to activate. An EC lasts for one hour. FIlling up a tire
takes 5 minutes.

Post-War 1 400 A book containing knowledge after the Great War. Get a +25 to Lore during Very Rare
Almanac situations that call for post-war knowledge.

Pre-War Almanac 1 200 A book containing knowledge before the Great War. Get a +25 to Lore during Uncommon
situations that call for pre-war knowledge.

Quiver 0 200 Holds 50 arrows. Can be crafted with Leather. Can be crafted with 10 lbs of any Uncommon
Leather. This is mostly flavor.

Rifle Sling 2 500 Can be attached to a Two-Handed Ranged Weapons (Except Bows). As a free Rare
action, equip the Two-Handed Ranged Weapons attached to the Rifle Sling. You
can only have one Rifle Sling equipped. Can be crafted with 2 lbs of Leather
with the Survival Skill.

Rope 10 25 What role playing game would be complete without a rope? Perhaps one of the Common
most useful items in the world. Consider this to be about 50 ft long unless
specified. Can be crafted with Cloth. For every 50 ft you can craft with 10 lbs of

Rubber Soles 2 500 Increase Sneak by 10. Wearer ignores electricity based floor traps. Doesn’t Uncommon
count as an Armor Mod. This doesn’t require dismantling to learn to craft. Can
be crafted with 2 lbs of Rubber with the Engineer Skill. This is for both shoes.
Bonus does not stack.

Saddle 10 500 Can only be put onto animals. This brings down the cost of mounting a creature Rare
by AP -2. Can be crafted with 10 lbs of any Leather with the Survival Skill.

Sensor Module 5 2000 Notifies you of any movement within 30 ft with a +25 Bonus to the Detection Very Rare
skill. If crafted into landmines it cannot exceed it’s explosive radius.

Solar-Powered 20 5000 A large device used to recharge your EC, MF, and ECP. There's one slot for each Legendary
Recharger one. It takes about four hours for each ammunition to recharge. This only
works in the sun.

Stealth Boy 5 4000 A unique piece of pre-war technology that allows the user to be invisible for Very Rare
one hour and it takes 24 hours to recharge. It has five charges per energy cell.
Offers +50 to Sneak. Someone attempting to attack you while the Stealth Boy is
active will have a -50 Hit Chance Penalty. You cannot stack Stealth Boys.

Name W Value Description Rarity

Stealth Boy MK II 7 7000 A unique piece of pre-war technology that allows the user to be invisible for Legendary
four hours and it takes 12 hours to recharge. It has five charges per energy cell.
Offers +50 to Sneak. Someone attempting to attack you while the Stealth Boy is

active will have a -50 Hit Chance Penalty. You cannot stack Stealth Boys.

Stealth Boy MK III 7 7000 A unique piece of pre-war technology that allows the user to be invisible for six Epic
hours and it takes 6 hours to recharge. It has five charges per energy cell. Offers
+50 to Sneak. Someone attempting to attack you while the Stealth Boy is active
will have a -50 Hit Chance Penalty. You cannot stack Stealth Boys.

Sword Sheath 2 300 Similar to the bandolier, you can have up to two Sword Sheaths that can only Rare
be used to place Melee Weapon Type Swords. You can equip, for free, the
sword you have in that sheath. Can be crafted with 2 lbs of any Leather with
the Survival Skill.

Syringe 1 10 Necessary component for most drugs. Can be crafted with 1 lb of Scrap Metal Common
and 1 lb of Plastic with the Engineer Skill.

Thief Gloves 1 200 Get a +25 to the Sleight of Hand skill while wearing these gloves. You only get Rare
the benefit once.

Torch 2 10 Light it up to see where you’re going. The damage is equal to that of a Claw Common
Hammer but it also deals 2 FIre Damage per hit. Torches last for an hour. This
gives off light up to 50 ft around you. Can be crafted with wood and cloth. This
takes 1 minute to craft and requires no checks.

Utility Belt 5 500 You wear it around your waist and it's pretty. This has all the same benefits and Legendary
rules as the Bandolier, but you can store up to 4 items instead. You can even
have stored a Pistol/Revolver. Can be crafted with 5 lbs of any Leather with the
Survival Skill.

Tools are used for crafting and provide bonuses that stack with clothing. Sadly you can’t use
them with Crafting Stations unless specified. You can only use one set of tools when crafting.
Choose carefully. Tools cannot be crafted.

Name W Value Description Rarity

Blacksmith Tools 20 200 These tools are necessary for armorsmiths and weapon crafters alike. This may Rare
or may not come with a plasma cutter. Adds +15 to the Blacksmith skill.

Brewer’s Kit 10 200 A kit designed to make all of your favorite drinks like beer, whiskey, vodka, etc. Rare
Sadly you can’t make Nuka Cola and Sunset Sarsaparilla because no one knows
the secret ingredient. Adds +15 to the Nature Science and/or Survival skills
when making drinks and poisons. These tools provide everything that you need
for brewing.

C.A.M.P. 50 15000 The Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform is a luxury for tinkers all Legendary
around. You can use this to craft just about any structure you desire. Within
reason of course. This gives advantage to Blacksmith and Engineer with a +20
Bonus to each.

Chemistry Kit 10 1000 A science kit designed to craft all sorts of chems. Add +15 to the Nature Rare
Science/Survival skill when making chems.

Cooking Tools 5 50 A set of tools that can be used to cook just about anywhere you travel. Comes Common
with a fire starter, pots, pans, knives, forks, and spoons. +20 to the Survival skill
when cooking.

Detective’s Kit 10 100 A set of tools that every detective needs to solve crimes. Comes with a Rare
magnifying glass, specimen swabs, fingerprinting kit, flashlight, mini plastic
bags, whisk broom, fingerprint lifting tape, a journal, a camera with a few rolls
of film, and a pen. Gives a +25 to the Investigation Skill.

Doctor’s Bag 10 500 The Doctor’s Bag contains various instruments for diagnosing and treating Rare
various maladies. If a character has a Doctor’s Bag, it effectively raises the
Doctor skill by 15 for the purposes of performing surgery.

Name W Value Description Rarity

G.E.C.K. 5 20000 The Garden of Eden Creation Kit. A terraforming device created by Stanislaus Epic
Braun in Future-Tec, a division of Vault-Tec Corporation. The appearance is a
silver briefcase emblazoned with the letters “G.E.C.K.” It contains all the seeds,
fertilizer, cold fusion generator, and a basic replicator. Provides one reroll a day
on Nature Science checks with a +20 to the skill. This can be used with the
Chemistry Workbench.

Gunsmith Tools 15 200 These tools are necessary for those who wish to make mods and eventually Rare
make new weapons. This may or may not come with a plasma cutter. Adds 15
to the Gunsmith skill.

Leather Craft 10 350 Used for the art of leatherworking. When crafting cloth or leather attire get a Rare
Tools +15 to Blacksmith and Survival.

Roboticist Kit 15 500 An advanced set of tools that can be used for more than basic repairs. +15 to Rare
the Blacksmith and Engineer Skill when repairing or crafting robots.

Skinning Kit 5 100 Found in hunting grounds of pre-war and within the slums of wasteland Uncommon
hunters. This makes taking the skin and meat from animals much easier with a
+20 Survival when trying to skin a creature.

Tool Set 15 50 A set of basic tools, such as small wrenches, pliers, screwdrivers, and a Uncommon
hammer. For basic repairs. +15 to the Engineer Skill when repairing or crafting.
This can be used for tinkering with weapons, armor, items, etc.

Vehicle Repair Kit 40 1000 A toolbox containing some necessary equipment for repairing a vehicle. Legendary
Contains a computer for interfacing with the vehicle to analyze the problem
and a lot of repair tools. It can also be used for tinkering with large machinery.
+20 to the Blacksmith and Engineer Skill when tinkering with Vehicles.

Books & Magazines

Name Value Type Description Rarity

Astoundingly 20 Magazine Investigation and Lore +1 Rare

Awesome Tales

Big Book of Science 50 Book Computer Science and Nature Science +5 Very Rare

Boxing Times 20 Magazine Unarmed +1 Uncommon

Chinese Army: 50 Book Unarmed, Detection, and Sneak +5 Legendary

Special Ops Training

D.C. Journal of 50 Book Doctor and Nature Science +5 Very Rare

Internal Medicine

Dean’s Electronics 50 Book Engineer +5 Rare

Fixin’ Things 20 Magazine Blacksmith and Engineer +1 Rare

Future Weapons 20 Magazine Energy Weapons and Gunsmith +1 Rare


Grognak the 20 Magazine Melee Weapons and Unarmed +1 Rare


Guns and Bullets 50 Book Big Guns and Small Guns +5 Very Rare

Hot Rodder 20 Magazine Blacksmith, Engineer, and Pilot +1 Very Rare

La Coiffe 20 Magazine Charm and Deception +1 Rare

¡La Fantoma! 20 Magazine Detection, Sleight of Hand, and Sneak +1 Very Rare

Lad’s Life 20 Magazine Archery, Nature Science, and Survival +1 Very Rare

Live and Love 20 Magazine Charm, Deception, and Insight +1 Rare

Locksmith’s Reader 20 Magazine Sleight of Hand +1 Uncommon

Lying Congressional 50 Book Charm, Deception, and Insight +5 Legendary


Massachusetts 20 Magazine Doctor +1 Uncommon

Surgical Journal

Meeting People 20 Magazine Charm, Deception, Insight, and Intimidation +1 Very Rare

Milsurp Review 20 Magazine Big Guns, Small Guns, and Gunsmith +1 Very Rare

Name Value Type Description Rarity

Nikola Tesla and You 50 Book Energy Weapons +5 Rare

Patriot’s Cookbook 20 Magazine Engineer and Nature Science +1 Rare

Picket Fences 20 Magazine Blacksmith and Engineer +1 Rare

Programmer’s Digest 20 Magazine Computer Science +1 Uncommon

Pugilism Illustrated 50 Book Unarmed +10 Rare

RobCo Fun 20 Magazine Computer Science and Engineer +1 Rare

Salesman Weekly 20 Magazine Barter and Charm +1 Rare

Scouts Life 50 Books Animalism and Survival +5 Very Rare

Taboo Tattoos 20 Magazine Intimidation +1 Uncommon

Tæles of Chivalrie 20 Magazine Melee Weapons +1 Uncommon

Tales of a Junktown 20 Book Barter and Insight +5 Very Rare

Jerky Vendor

Tesla Science 20 Magazine Energy Weapons +1 Uncommon

Today’s Physician 20 Magazine Doctor and Nature Science +1 Rare

Total Hack 50 Book Computer Science +10 Rare

True Police Stories 20 Magazine Detection, Investigation, and Survival +1 Very Rare

Tumbler’s Today 50 Book Sleight of Hand +10 Rare

U.S. Covert 50 Book Small Guns, Detection, and Sneak +5 Legendary

Operations Manual

Unstoppables 20 Magazine Engineer, Investigation, and Sneak +1 Very Rare

Wasteland Survival 50 Book Survival +10 Rare


You’re SPECIAL! 10000 Book Add one S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point. Cannot exceed Epic
racial max.

Materials in Fallout are used to craft various items like weapons and armor. Best keep some on
you at all times. You’ll never know when you’ll need to use them, or sell them. The value
matches a pound of the material.

Name Value Description Rarity

Ballistic Fiber 100 A unique material used to craft combat armor. Very Rare

Big Gun Parts 20 A necessary component in order to craft all sorts of Big Guns. Uncommon

Bio Med Gel 300 A unique liquid designed to enhance the regeneration processes of organic tissue Legendary
and used as a healing agent before the Great War. Think Tank robots need this in
order to preserve the brain.

Black Titanium 300 This material is used to craft X-01, X-02, and Excavator Power Armor. Legendary

Brewing Supplies 50 Each material below corresponds to a general Drink. This is generalized for post-war Varies
Beer/Bourbon/Vodka/Whiskey: Grain - 1 Common
Mead: Honey - 5 - Uncommon
Moonshine: Corn - 1 - Common
Rum: Molasses - 5 - Rare
Sake: Rice - 1 - Common
Wine: Grape - 10 - Uncommon

Ceramic 250 A strange material used to reinforce armor. Legendary

Cloth 10 A necessary component used to make clothes, blankets, bags, etc. Common

Computer Parts 25 Unlike scrap metal and scrap electronics, computer parts are specific towards Uncommon
making working computers. You can use this to make new hardware systems to
make your computer stronger.

Cooking 1 Different spices and items can be found to cook and bake food. These can be found Uncommon
Essentials in the wasteland or bought in stores as a pound.
Eggs: 0.2 lbs. (This goes for any other creature)
Deathclaw Egg: 1 lb.
Mirelurk Egg: 1 lb.
Radscorpion Egg: 1 lb.
Pepper, Salt, and Sugar: Usually found in packets that weigh 1 lb.

Name Value Description Rarity

Gasoline 100 Finding gasoline is a rare find. Maybe check out a few cars every now and then to Very Rare
look for this. You’ll need this to power up cars.

Glass 10 It’s glass. Rare

Gold 1000 It’s bloody gold. Epic

Gunpowder 75 Only found and made by those who know where to look. Gunpowder has many Rare
explosive applications.

Oil 100 If you’re lucky enough to find a small bottle of oil in an old car workshop, you’ll be Very Rare
golden for a long time.

Kevlar 30 A common self defense item. Typically found in bullet proof vests. Very Rare

Laser Weapon 50 A necessary component in order to craft all sorts of Laser Weapons. Rare

Lead 5 A necessary component for crafting bullets. Common

Leather Varies Found on animals, leather can be used to make clothes, armor, bags, etc.
Below is their value and their rarity. Hide is half the cost of the leather. Leather
cannot be acquired from Radscoprions and Mirelurks.
Basic Hide can be acquired from any animal not stated below. Once turned into
Leather the price is doubled.
Hide: 2 - Common
Fire Gecko Hide: 5 - Uncommon
Gulper Hide: 10 - Uncommon
Yao Guai Hide: 30 - Rare
Gatorclaw Hide: 40 - Very Rare
Angler Hide: 45 - Very Rare
Mirelurk King Hide: 50 - Very Rare
Deathclaw Hide: 60 - Very Rare
Scorchbeast Hide: 200 - Epic

Nuclear Waste 300 Nuclear waste looks like it's everywhere, but obtaining it without turning into a Very Rare
horrific mutant is a site to behold.

Pharmaceutical 200 Base materials used to craft all types of Chems. You just gotta make sure you know Very Rare
Supplies how to make it.

Plasma Weapon 100 A necessary component in order to craft all sorts of Plasma Weapons. Very Rare

Name Value Description Rarity

Plastic 50 The most versatile material on the planet, and it’s used to make a frisbee. Rare

Robot Parts Varies These parts are found across the wasteland. Below is their value and their rarity. Varies
Assaultron Parts: 50 - Rare
C-27 Parts: 60 - Rare
Eyebot Parts: 5 - Uncommon
Duraframe Eyebot Parts: 20 - Rare
Humanoid Brain Robot Parts: 50 - Rare
Hover Robot Parts: 5 - Uncommon
Liberator Parts: 5 - Uncommon
Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny/Mr. Gutsy Parts: 20 - Common
Protectron Parts: 10 - Common
Robobrain Parts: 75 - Rare
Securitron Parts: 50 - Rare
Sentry Bot Parts: 100 - Very Rare
Security Robot Parts: 10 - Uncommon
Scurry Robot Parts: 5 - Uncommon
Think Tank Parts: 200 - Legendary

Rubber 50 A fine material used to make tires for your vehicles. It’s rare to find one in decent Rare
condition for usage. A good tinkerer can work their way around that.

Saturnite 500 A space age alloy found only in the Big MT. Epic

Scrap Electronics 2 The second most common material in the wasteland. This can be used to craft Common
almost anything related to technology.

Scrap Machinery 5 A more refined scrap metal that comprises pistons, gears, cogs, etc. Uncommon

Scrap Metal 1 The most common material in the wasteland. This can be used to craft almost Common

Small Gun Parts 10 A necessary component in order to craft all sorts of Small Guns. Common

Tesla Coil Parts 300 An extremely rare component used to amplify energy. Legendary

Titanium 200 This material is necessary to craft power armor. Legendary

Ultracite 100 A rare green crystalline material that’s highly effective against the Scorch. Epic

Wood 1 It’s wood. Use it to make a campfire or a torch. Common

Chems are drugs that can amplify your wastelander, but it comes with the backlash of
addiction. If the Addiction Threshold is 0, you can never be addicted to it. As a variant rule, you
can ignore addiction for all Stimpaks. Refer to Addiction Resistance under the Endurance
Statistic in the Dweller’s Guide.
Addiction Chance: ACH Exhaustion: Exh
Addiction Effect: AE Minute: Min.
Addiction Threshold: AT

Name Value W ACH Effect Duration AE AT Description Rarity

After 350 0.5 30% ST +1 PE +1 AP +1 10 Min. ST -2 PE -4 30 Meth gum. Three uses Rare
Burner Gum per unopened pack.

Addictol 1000 1 0% Cure all addictions Instant None 0 One time use. Gain Legendary
Inhaler upon use.

Buffout 200 1 30% Max HP +30 3 Hours Exh Level 2 100 Full bottle has 4 uses. Rare
CW +200

Bufftats 400 1 50% Max HP +50 2 Hours Exh Level 3 100 Full bottle has 4 uses. Very Rare
CW +300 Can only be crafted by
ST +1 mixing a full bottle of
Mentats and a full bottle
of Buffout.

Calmex 1500 1 50% Sneak +25 1 Hour ST -2 IN -2 120 One time use. Gain Epic
Critical Chance AG -2 Syringe upon use.
AP +2

Daddy-O 800 1 30% PE +4 IN +4 CH -2 1 Hour PE -3 IN -3 100 One time use. Gain Legendary
Syringe upon use.

Day Tripper 600 1 40% ST -1 CH +3 LK +3 1 Hour CH -4 IN -3 100 Full bottle has 4 uses. Legendary
Charm +25
Deception +25

Disease 1000 1 0% Cure one disease Instant None 0 One time use. Disease Epic
Cure cured is upon the
Overseer’s Discretion.

Jet 25 1 50% ST +1 PE +1 AG +1 30 Min. ST -1 PE -1 50 One time use. Gain Common

AP +1 Max AP -1 Inhaler upon use.

Name Value W ACH Effect Duration AE AT Description Rarity

Med-X 350 1 40% DR +20% to all 1 Hour DR -20% to all 50 One time use. Gain Rare
Natural Armor Natural Armor Syringe upon use.
stats stats

Mentats 280 2 30% PE +2 IN +2 CH +1 1 Hour PE -4 CH -3 80 Full bottle has 10 uses. Rare

Overdrive 650 1 50% +10 Critical 1 Hour LK -5 120 One time use. Gain Very Rare
Chance Syringe upon use.

Psycho 400 1 60% IN -3 1 Hour Exh Level 1 200 One time use. Gain Rare
Increase Damage Syringe upon use.
Modifier by 0.1

Psychobuff 600 1 70% ST +3 30 Min. Exh Level 2 200 One time use. Gain Very Rare
IN -3 Syringe upon use.
Max HP +40 Can only be crafted by
Increase Damage mixing Psycho and a full
Modifier by 0.1 bottle of Buffout.

Psychotats 600 1 50% IN -1 30 Min. Exh level 3 200 One time use. Gain Very Rare
Increase Damage Syringe upon use.
Modifier by 0.1 Can only be crafted by
DR +20% to all mixing Psycho and a full
Natural Armor bottle of Mentats.

Turbo 600 1 80% Total AP*2 1 Hour S.P.E.C.I.A.L -5 300 One time use. Gain Very Rare
Inhaler upon use.

Healing 50 1 5% 1d10 HP Instant Max HP -5 0 One time use. Uncommon


Healing 100 1 0% 1d20 HP Instant None 0 One time use. Rare


Stimpak 150 1 10% 1d10+10 HP Instant Max HP -10 10 One time use. Gain Rare
Syringe upon use.

Super 500 1 15% 3d10+30 HP Instant Max HP -20 15 One time use. Refer to Very Rare
Stimpak Death Save Rules. Gain
Syringe upon use.

Ultra 1000 1 20% 6d10+50 HP Instant Max HP -30 20 One time use. Refer to Legendary
Stimpak Death Save Rules. Gain
Syringe upon use.

Radaway 400 5 0% Rads -100 Instant None 0 Full bag has 5 uses. Rare

Rad-X 200 1 0% RR +25% 6 Hours None 0 Full bottle has 4 uses. Rare

Name Value W ACH Effect Duration AE AT Description Rarity

Cateye 1000 1 0% Ignore Night Time 2 Hours None 0 Full bottle has 2 uses. Legendary

X-Cell 2000 1 90% S.P.E.C.I.A.L. +3 1 Hour S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 200 One time use. Gain Epic
AP +5 -5 Inhaler upon use.

Sometimes a tasty beverage can give you a bit of a boost. The weight of all drinks is 1 lb. Upon
use you gain an empty bottle that weighs 0.5 lbs. For servings, refer to the Surviving the Wastes
section in the Dweller’s Guide. It’s always assumed a drink is in a bottle unless the Overseer
states otherwise.

Name Value ACH Effect Duration Serving Description Rarity

Nuka Cola 50 10% Max AP +1 10 min. 1 One time use. Upon use, gain 1 cap. Rare

Nuka Cola 200 15% Max AP +2 10 min. 1 One time use. Upon use, gain 1 cap. Very Rare

Nuka Cola 500 20% Max AP +3 10 min. 1 One time use. Upon use, gain 1 cap. Legendary

Sunset 10 5% Max AP +1 5 min. 1 One time use. Upon use, gain 1 cap. Rare

Absinthe 15 10% PE +1 CH +1 IN -1 10 min. 1 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Beer 5 10% ST +1 CH +1 IN -1 10 min. 1 One time use. Upon use, gain 1 cap. Common

Bourbon 10 10% ST +1 EN +1 IN -1 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Moonshine 20 10% EN +2 CH +1 IN -2 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Max AP +1

Rum 10 10% ST +1 IN -1 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Vodka 10 10% ST +1 EN -1 IN -1 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Max HP +10

Whiskey 15 10% ST +1 EN +2 IN -1 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Wine 20 10% ST +1 CH +1 IN -2 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Mead 20 10% EN +1 CH +1 IN -1 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Sake 20 10% ST +1 CH -1 IN +1 10 min. 2 One time use. Alcohol. Common

Irradiated Water 5 0% Rads +100 Instant 1 One time use. Common

Dirty Water 10 0% Rads +20 Instant 2 One time use. Common

Boiled Water 15 0% Rads +5 Instant 2 One time use. Common

Purified Water 20 0% Nothing Instant 2 One time use. Uncommon

Addiction Effect AT

Nuka Cola/Sunset Sarsaparilla Max AP -2 50

Nuka Cola Quantum Max AP -3 70

Alcohol Addiction ST -1 EN -2 CH -2 IN -2 AG -1 100


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