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Present tense in English

Simple present
Uses and structures
Reapeated actions: The action Facts or Generalizations: the Scheduled events in the near Things that are happening now:
can be a habit, a hobby, a daily speaker believes that a fact future: This is most commonly Speakers sometimes use the
event, a scheduled event or was true before, is true now, done when talking about public simple present to express the
something that often happens and will be true in the future. It transportation, but it can be idea that an action is happening
is not important if the speaker is used with other scheduled or is not happening now
correct about the fact events as well.

Does he play tennis? Do cats like milk? Does the train leave Is she there?
Do you play the Is California in tonight at 6pm? Do you need help?
piano? America?
Yes, He plays tennis. Yes, Cats like milk. Yes, the train leaves Yes, she is there.
Yes, I play the piano. Yas, California is in at 6pm. Yes, I need help.
No, He doesn’t play No, Cats don’t like No, the train doesn’t No, She isn’t there.
tennis. milk. leave at 6pm. It No, I don’t need
No, I don’t play the No, California isn’t in leaves at 7pm. help.
piano. America.
Present continuous or present progressive
Uses and structures
We use the present We can also use this We can use the present Another present The next use is for
continuous for things tense for other kinds of continuous for temporary continuous use is for definite future
that are happening at temporary situations, or new habits (for normal habits that are not arrangements (with a
the moment of speaking even if the action isn't habits that continue for a regular, but that happen future time word). In this
happening at this long time, we use the very often. In this case case we have already
moment. present simple). We we usually use an made a plan and we are
often use this with adverb like 'always', pretty sure that the event
expressions like 'these 'forever' or 'constantly'. will happen in the future.
days' or 'at the moment'.

Are you working Are you Is he eating a lot Is she always Are you meeting
right now? Reading a great these days? smiling? your father
book? tomorrow?
Yes, I’m working Yes, I’m reading Yes, he’s eating Yes, she’s Yes, I’m meeting
rigth now. a great book a lot these days. always smiling. my father
No, I’m not No, I’m not No, he isn’t No, she isn’t No, I’m not
working right reading a great eating a lot always smiling. meeting my
now. book. these days. father tomorrow.

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