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Asbestos Is Still With Us: Repeat Call for a Universal

Collegium Ramazzini
Published online: 12 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Collegium Ramazzini (2010) Asbestos Is Still With Us: Repeat Call for a Universal Ban, Archives of
Environmental & Occupational Health, 65:3, 121-126, DOI: 10.1080/19338241003776104

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Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health, Vol. 65, No. 3, 2010
C 2010 Collegium Ramazzini

Special Communication

Asbestos Is Still With Us: Repeat Call

for a Universal Ban
Collegium Ramazzini
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ABSTRACT. All forms of asbestos are proven human carcinogens. All forms of asbestos cause
malignant mesothelioma, lung, laryngeal, and ovarian cancers, and may cause gastrointestinal and
other cancers. No exposure to asbestos is without risk. Asbestos cancer victims die painful lingering
deaths. These deaths are almost entirely preventable. When evidence of the carcinogenicity of asbestos
became incontrovertible, concerned parties, including the Collegium Ramazzini, called for a universal
ban on the mining, manufacture, and use of asbestos in all countries around the world (J Occup Environ
Med. 1999;41:830–832). Asbestos is now banned in 52 countries, and safer products have replaced
many materials that once were made with asbestos. Nonetheless, a large number of countries still
use, import, and export asbestos and asbestos-containing products. And in many countries that have
banned other forms of asbestos, the so-called “controlled use” of chrysotile asbestos is exempted
from the ban, an exemption that has no basis in medical science but rather reflects the political and
economic influence of the asbestos mining and manufacturing industry. All countries of the world
have an obligation to their citizens to join in the international endeavor to ban all forms of asbestos.
An international ban on asbestos is urgently needed.

sbestos is a term applied to 6 naturally occurring and acoustic insulation. For these reasons, asbestos came into
fibrous minerals. These minerals occur in 2 configu- wide commercial use and gave rise to a burgeoning industry
rations: serpentine and amphibole. The only type of many years before its detrimental health effects, which often
asbestos derived from serpentine minerals, chrysotile, also take years to appear, became known.1
known as white asbestos, accounts for 95% of the asbestos All forms of asbestos cause asbestosis, a progressive, debil-
ever used around the world, and it is the only type of as- itating fibrotic disease of the lungs. All forms of asbestos also
bestos in commercial use today. Amphibole minerals include cause malignant mesothelioma, lung, laryngeal, and ovarian
5 asbestos species: amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyl- cancers, and may cause gastrointestinal and other cancers.2
lite, and actinolite. The 2 forms of serpentine asbestos that Asbestos was declared a proven human carcinogen by the
previously were most commercially important—amosite, or US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Interna-
brown asbestos, and crocidolite, or blue asbestos—are no tional Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World
longer in use. Health Organization (WHO), and the National Toxicology
Asbestos fibers can withstand fire, heat, and acid. They Program (NTP) more than 20 years ago.3–5 The scientific
have great tensile strength. They provide thermal insulation community is in overwhelming agreement that there is no

The Collegium Ramazzini, an international academic society that examines critical issues in occupational and environmental medicine,
is dedicated to the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. The Collegium derives its name from Bernardino Ramazzini, the father
of occupational medicine, a professor of medicine of the Universities of Modena and Padua in the early 1700s. Currently, 180 renowned
clinicians and scientists from around the world, each of whom has been elected to membership, comprise the Collegium. It is independent
of commercial interests. Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health is one of several environmental journals that are publishing this
document in 2010 to support the elimination of asbestos.

2010, Vol. 65, No. 3 121

safe level of exposure to asbestos.6 Moreover, there is no to the airborne dust and the extreme difficulty of control-
evidence of a threshold level below which there is no risk of ling exposures once these materials have been disseminated
mesothelioma.7 into communities where people of all ages, including young
children, are at risk of exposure.15
THE ASBESTOS CANCER PANDEMIC Both community-based and industrial exposures to as-
bestos and asbestiform fibers increase risks for mesothe-
Occupational exposures to asbestos lioma.16 Thus a study of women residing in Canadian as-
Many millions of workers have already been exposed to bestos mining communities found a 7-fold increase in the
asbestos. About 20% to 40% of adult men report past occu- mortality rate from pleural cancer.17 The risk of develop-
pations that may have entailed asbestos exposures.8 In the ing asbestos-related cancer following in-home exposures in
most highly affected age groups, mesothelioma may account communities near Canadian mines over a 30-year period is
for over 1% of all deaths.9,10 In addition to mesothelioma, estimated to be 1 in 10,000.18 Likewise, environmental ex-
5% to 7% of all lung cancers are potentially attributable to posures to asbestos waste on the surfaces of roads and yards
occupational exposures to asbestos.11 in a contaminated community of 130,000 residents in The
Worldwide, the yearly number of asbestos-related cancer Netherlands result each year in several cases of malignant
deaths in workers is estimated to be 100,000 to 140,000. mesothelioma.19 And in a third example, the currently ob-
In Western Europe, North America, Japan, and Australia, served increase in female cases of mesothelioma in the United
Downloaded by [University of California Davis] at 20:33 29 October 2014

20,000 new cases of lung cancer and 10,000 cases of Kingdom, many with no occupational exposure to asbestos,
mesothelioma result every year from exposures to asbestos.12 suggests widespread environmental contamination.10
The British mesothelioma death rate is now the highest in the
world, with 1740 deaths in men (1 in 40 of all male cancer THE POSITION OF INDUSTRY
deaths below age 80) and 316 in women in 2006. About
1 in 170 of all British men born in the 1940s will die of In efforts to sustain markets in the face of a steadily grow-
mesothelioma.10 Australia’s high incidence of mesothelioma ing body of scientific evidence that irrefutably links asbestos
is expected to reach 18,000 by 2020, with 11,000 cases yet to asbestosis and human cancer, the asbestos industry has
to appear.13 attempted to obfuscate the links between asbestos and dis-
The US National Institute for Occupational Safety and ease by provoking spurious scientific debate over the roles of,
Health (NIOSH) estimates that current occupational expo- viruses, fiber types, and genetics in the development of lung
sures to asbestos even at OSHA’s permissible exposure limit cancer and malignant mesothelioma. These tactics closely
will cause 5 deaths from lung cancer and 2 deaths from resemble those used by the tobacco industry.
asbestosis in every 1,000 workers exposed for a working Early on, the asbestos industry blamed malignant mesothe-
lifetime.14 This mortality reflects the fact that an exposure to lioma occurrence on poliovirus vaccines used during the
0.1 fibers of asbestos per cc of inspired air, over the course of 1950s and 1960s that were contaminated with simian virus
a day, amounts to daily inhalation of more than one million 40 (SV40), a monkey virus tumorigenic in rodents. How-

asbestos fibers. ever, age-specific trends in pleural mesothelioma incidence
rates are not consistent with an effect of exposure to SV40-
Environmental exposures to asbestos contamined poliovirus vaccine.20
The industry continues to generate endless debate on the
Nonoccupational, environmental exposure to asbestos relative hazards of asbestos of different fiber type and di-
from the use of asbestos in construction materials is also a se- mension. In these debates, industry spokespersons argue that
rious and often neglected problem in countries throughout the some forms of asbestos are less harmful than others. How-
world. In developed countries, large quantities of asbestos re- ever, epidemiological and statistical efforts to characterize
main as a legacy of past construction practices in many thou- relative cancer potencies for different asbestos fiber types
sands of schools, homes, and commercial buildings. And in and for fibers of different sizes have not been able to over-
developing countries, where asbestos is used today in large come limitations of the exposure data. Nor can these analyses
quantities in construction, asbestos-contaminated dust is now account for the fact that in the real world exposure is almost
accumulating in thousands of communities. always to mixtures of asbestos fibers of different types and
More than 90% of the asbestos used worldwide today is sizes.
used in the manufacture of asbestos-cement sheets and pipes. Epidemiologic, experimental, and molecular evidences
Use of asbestos in these materials continues despite repeated suggest that the arguments for the role of fiber size rela-
warnings that the use of asbestos in these products is highly tive to dose, dose-response effect, and genetic susceptibility
dangerous because of the large numbers of people exposed are fraught with enormous uncertainties.21 Indeed NIOSH
scientists contend that the uncertainties have been so great

The average adult at rest inhales 7 to 8 L of air per minute. That totals
that these estimates should not be used to determine occu-
approximately 11,000 L of air in a day. An exposure standard of 0.1 fiber/cc pational and environmental health policy. The EPA has re-
would then result in 11,000,000 cc × 0.1 fiber/cc = 1.1 million fibers/day. jected and discontinued work on its proposed methods for

122 Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health

quantifying potency factors for partitioned asbestos fiber parliament and former asbestos miner, asks, “If we in the
types and sizes.22 developed world haven’t found a way to handle chrysotile
A third activity of the asbestos industry is to commis- safely, how can we expect them to do so in developing
sion the publication of articles, primarily in toxicology jour- nations?”53
nals, termed “product defense” articles. These articles are The reality of the current use of Canadian asbestos in India
frequently sponsored by asbestos interests such as the defen- was broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in
dants in personal injury asbestos litigation. They are distin- a 2009 documentary.54 This stunning piece of investigative
guished from other science papers in that they are written journalism exposed the fallacy underpinning the asbestos in-
by scientific consultants and consulting firms, who are paid dustry’s commercial propaganda; showing there is no such
substantial sums for their work. Their goal is to defeat lia- thing as the safe use of asbestos. The World Trade Organiza-
bility claims.23–26 Editors of scientific journals must be very tion has accepted this conclusion.55
stringent about the details and wording of authors’ state-
ments on conflicts of interest, and carefully select unbiased
peer reviewers of articles regarding asbestos in accordance
with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
Despite their lack of scientific foundation, these continu- Despite all that is known about the health effects of as-
Downloaded by [University of California Davis] at 20:33 29 October 2014

ing controversies and ploys generated by the asbestos indus- bestos, annual world production remains at over 2 million
try have helped to make the disease experiences and early tons. This level of production has remained steady follow-
deaths of asbestos-exposed workers and people in asbestos- ing a 50% decline in the 1990s. Russia is now the lead-
contaminated communities invisible and uncompensated, al- ing producer of asbestos worldwide, followed by China,
lowing the asbestos industry to escape accountability.28 Kazakhstan, Brazil, Canada, Zimbabwe, and Colombia.
These 6 countries accounted for 96% of the world produc-
tion of asbestos in 2007.56 Russia has mines rich enough in
asbestos deposits to last for more than 100 years at current
Chrysotile represents 95% of all the asbestos ever used levels of production. The majority of the 925,000 tons of
worldwide. It is the only variety in international trade in the asbestos extracted annually in Russia is exported.
21st century. There is general agreement among scientists and Asbestos is now banned in 52 countries, including all Eu-
physicians, and widespread support from numerous national ropean Union (EU) member countries, and safer products
health agencies in countries around the world, United Nations have replaced many that were once made with asbestos. Vir-
agencies, and the World Trade Organization, that chrysotile tually all of the polymeric and cellulose fibers used instead of
causes various cancers, including mesothelioma and lung asbestos in fiber-cement sheets are greater than 10 microns
cancer.29–38 in diameter and hence are nonrespirable. Nonetheless, these
Early suggestions that chrysotile might be less dangerous 52 countries make up less than a third of WHO member
than other forms of asbestos have not been substantiated. And countries.
although chrysotile accounts for almost all the asbestos ever A much larger number of WHO member countries still
used, the asbestos industry continues to claim that asbestos- use, import, and export asbestos and asbestos-containing
related cancers are the result of the amphibole varieties.39,40 products.37 Over 70% of the world production of asbestos
Consultant experts of the Canadian chrysotile asbestos indus- is used in Asia and Eastern Europe, in countries desperate
try contend that “Exposure to chrysotile in a pure form seems for industrial growth and often naı̈ve to the health effects of
likely to present a very low if any risk of mesothelioma.”41 occupational and environmental exposures to asbestos. Most
The Chrysotile Institute, a registered lobby group for the of the world’s people still live in countries where asbestos use
Quebec asbestos mining industry, takes the position that continues with little or no provision for prevention or com-
chrysotile can be handled safely.42 Numerous epidemio- pensation. And in many countries that have banned other
logic studies, case reports, controlled animal experiments, forms of asbestos, the “controlled use” of chrysotile asbestos
and toxicological studies refute the assertion that chrysotile is still exempted from the ban because of the size of the as-
is safe.12,43–48 These studies demonstrate that the so-called bestos industry, its pervasive influence, and the importance
“controlled use” of asbestos is a fallacy.49 Workers exposed of asbestos mining and manufacture to the economy. The toll
to chrysotile fiber alone have excessive risks of lung cancer in most countries still using large amounts of asbestos may
and mesothelioma.50–52 never be fully recorded.
The Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Cancer In developing countries, where too often there exists little
Society, and Canada’s leading health experts oppose the ex- or no protection of workers and communities, the asbestos
port of asbestos to developing countries. The National Public cancer pandemic may be the most devastating. China is by
Health Institute of Quebec (INSPQ) has published 15 reports, far the largest consumer of asbestos in the world today, fol-
all of them showing a failure to achieve “controlled use” of lowed by India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Ukraine, and
asbestos in Quebec itself. Pat Martin, a member of Canada’s Uzbekistan.

2010, Vol. 65, No. 3 123

POSITION OF UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES If global use of asbestos were to cease today, a decrease
ON ASBESTOS in the incidence of asbestos-related diseases would become
evident only 2 or more decades from now.37 The asbestos can-
International organizations have condemned the continu-
cer pandemic may take as many as 10 million lives before
ing use of chrysotile asbestos.1,57 In 2006, WHO called for the
asbestos is banned worldwide and all exposure is brought
elimination of diseases associated with asbestos.37 WHO sup-
to an end.57,60 In this conservative estimate, it is assumed
ports individual countries in developing national plans to ban
that asbestos exposures are going to cease and that the epi-
asbestos and eliminate asbestos disease. The International
demic will run itself out, but currently the world’s produc-
Labour Organization (ILO) has expressed concern about
tion of asbestos continues at an alarming rate, and therefore
an evolving epidemic of asbestos-related diseases, and has
these figures may be underestimates of the true reality of this
drafted a resolution to promote a worldwide asbestos ban.31
The Rotterdam Convention is an international
An international ban on the mining and use of asbestos is
treaty intended to regulate global trade in dangerous
urgently needed. The risks of exposure to asbestos cannot be
chemicals—chemicals that have been banned or severely
controlled by technology or by regulation of work practices.
restricted because of their hazards to human health or the
Scientists and responsible authorities in countries allowing
environment. It was enacted in 2004, and 122 nations are
the use of asbestos should have no illusion that “controlled
currently parties to the Convention. The goal is to protect
use” of chrysotile asbestos is an effective alternative to a ban
the world’s most vulnerable countries—developing coun-
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on all use of asbestos.61–63 Even the best workplace controls

tries and countries with economies in transition—against
cannot prevent occupational and environmental exposures to
importation without their prior knowledge or consent of
products in use or to waste.
hazardous pesticides and other regulated chemicals.
All countries of the world have an obligation to their cit-
Prior Informed Consent (PIC) is the core principle of the
izens to join the international endeavor to ban all forms of
Rotterdam Convention. This legally binding procedure re-
quires that governments in all countries be provided full in-
formation prior to importation about the risks to health and **********
the environment of each of the hazardous materials regulated
For comments and further information, address correspondence to Col-
by the Convention. Annex III of the Rotterdam Convention legium Ramazzini, International Headquarters, Castello dei Pio, 41012
contains a list of the chemicals—37 in number—currently Carpi/Modena, Italy; or Collegium Ramazzini, General Secretariat, Castello
regulated by the Convention. di Bentivoglio, 40010 Bentivoglio, Bologna, Italy.
Repeated efforts to include chrysotile asbestos under the
Rotterdam Convention have failed, because of the Conven- **********
tion’s requirement for unanimity and the determined oppo-
sition of asbestos mining and manufacturing countries.58 At
the 2008 conference of parties on the Convention, opposition
to chrysotile asbestos was led by Canada, Russia, and India. 1. Collegium Ramazzini. Call for an international ban on asbestos. J Occup
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cement (A-C) pipes, sheets, and water storage tanks account Health Service; 1980.
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ease: Guidotti TL, Mille A, Christiani D, Wagner G, Balmes J, 2003;44:540–557.
Harber P, Brodkin CA, Rom W, Hillerdal G, Harbut M, Green 63. Egilman D, Roberts M. Controlled use of asbestos. Int J Occup Environ
FHY. Diagnosis and initial management of nonmalignant diseases Health. 2004;10:99–103.

2010, Vol. 65, No. 3 125


National Asbestos Bans:1

Czech Republic∗
Downloaded by [University of California Davis] at 20:33 29 October 2014

Korea (South Korea)
New Caledonia
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Kingdom (including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Revised Jan 28, 2010.
List periodically updated by International Ban Asbestos Secretariat (IBAS), alpha asb ban 280704.php

1Exemptions for minor uses are permitted in some countries.

2Croatia banned asbestos as of January 1, 2006. Six weeks later, the Ministry of Economy, under political and commercial pressure, forced the
Ministry of Health to reverse its position with the result that the manufacture of asbestos-containing products for export was permitted again.
3An immediate ban on amosite and crocidolite was imposed on August 16, 2005; a grace period of one year was allowed for the phasing out of
the use of tremolite, chrysotile, anthophyllite and actinolite in friction products, brake linings and clutch pads. After August 16, 2006, all forms of
asbestos were banned for all uses.
∗ January 1, 2005 was the deadline for prohibiting the new use of chrysotile, other forms of asbestos having been banned previously, in all 25
Member States of the European Union; compliance with this directive has not been verified in countries with an asterisk (∗ ). As of May 2009 there
are 27 Member States, with Romania and Bulgaria joining the EU in 2007.

126 Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health

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