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Nama : Widyana Aprianti

NIM : 09011181621010

Mata Kuliah : Probabilitas dan Statistik

1.25 The Titanic and class.

On April 15, 1912, on her maiden voyage, the Titanic collided with an iceberg and sank. The
ship was luxurious but did not have enough lifeboats for the 2224 passengers and crew. As a
result of the collision, 1502 people died. 9 The ship had three classes of passengers. The level
of luxury and the price of the ticket varied with the class, with first class being the most
luxurious. There were 323 passengers in first class, 277 in second class, and 709 in third class.
a) Make a bar graph of these data.

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3


b) Give a short summary of how the number of passengers varied with class.
- Second class had the fewest passengers. Third class had the most; over twice as
many as firstclass.

c) If you made a bar graph of the percents of passengers in each class, would the general
features of the graph differ from the one you made in part (a)? Explain your answer.
- A bar graph of relative frequency would have the same features.
1.26 Another look at the Titanic and class.
Refer to the previous exercise.
a) Make a pie chart to display the data.


Class 1

Class 3
Class 2

Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

b) Compare the pie chart with the bar graph. Which do you prefer? Give reasons for
your answer.
- The categories in a bar graph can be put in any order. For other data sets, an
alphabetical ordering or some other arrangement might produce a more useful
graphical display. While, to make a pie chart, you must include all the categories
that make up a whole for all the categories should be 100%.
- Bar graph. Because, Pie chart categories can be used, but sum percent for all
categories must be 100%. These constraints make the bar graph more flexible.
And also on the circle graph if the data you want to enter is a lot, you can't enter
all of them.

1.27 Who survived?

Refer to the two previous exercises. The number of first-class passengers who survived was
200. For second and third class, the numbers were 119 and 181, respectively. Create a
graphical summary that shows how the survival of passengers depended on class.
- A bar graph would be appropriate because each class is now a “whole” of

1.28 Do you use your Twitter account?

Although Twitter has more than 500,000,000 users, only about 170,000,000 are active. A
study of Twitter account usage defined an active account as one with at least one message
posted within a three-month period. Here are the percents of active accounts for 20 countries:
a) Make a stemplot of the distribution of percents of active accounts.
25 25 28 24 26 24 23 19 28 30 26 33 22 26 24 29 25 26 28 28
2 (a)

1 9
2 55846438626495688 (b)
3 03

1 9
2 23444555666688889 ©
3 03
b) Describe the overall pattern of the data and any deviations from that pattern.
a. Write down the stem.
b. Enter data and write each leaf on the correct stem. For example the value
of 1 on the stem is 19. Then the value of 2 on the stem is
25,25,28,24,26,24,23,28,26,22,26,24,29,25,26, 28,28. the value of 3 in
the bars is 30.33 in the order given in the display.
c. Arrange the leaves each stem is sorted from the stem. Stem 1 now has
2,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,6,8,8,8,8, and 9 leaves.

c) Identify the shape, center, and spread of the distribution.

- Identification of the shape, center, and distribution of its distribution. To plot a
sample of this data, use the first digit as the stick and the second digit digits as
leaves. there is a percentage of active twitter accounts for 20 countries. India
states 19 percent appear on the first stem with leaves of 9, while the Japanese
country presentation of 30 appears on the stem labeled 3 with leaf 0. the lowest
percentage, India at 19, is some distance from the next highest score value, 25.
However, this is not very extreme.

d) Identify and describe any outliers.

- There are two basic template modifications that can help different situations. You
can double the number of stems in a plot by separating each stem stem in half:
one with leaves 0 to 9. When observed values have many digits, it is often best to
cut the numbers take off the last digit or digit before making a stamplot.

1.29 Another look at Twitter account usage.

Refer to the previous exercise.
a) Use a histogram to summarize the distribution.

b) Use this histogram to answer parts (b), (c), and (d) of the previous exercise.
c) Which graphical display, stemplot or histogram, is more useful for describing this
distribution? Give reasons for your answer.
- graphic, because it's easier to understand

1.30 Energy consumption.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports data summaries of various energy
statistics. Let’s look at the total amount of energy consumed, in quadrillions of British thermal
units (Btu), for each month in 2011. Here are the data:

a) Look at the table and describe how the energy consumption varies from month to
- energy in April is very low, and at the beginning of the year that is January the
energy is very high.
b) Make a time plot of the data and describe the patterns.
9.33 8.13 8.38 7.54 7.61 7.92 8.41 8.43 7.58 7.61 7.81 8.60
8 (a)

7 .54 .61 .92 .58 .61 .81

8 .13 .38 .41 .43 .60 (b)
9 .33

7 .54 .58 .61 .61 .81 .92

8 .13 .38 .41 .43 .60 (c)
9 .33
a. Write down the stems.
b. Enter the data and write each leaf on the correct stem. For example, the value of 7
on the stem is .54 .61 .92 .58 .61 .81. Then in the order given on the display.
c. Arrange the leaves sorted each stem from the stem. Stem 7 now has .54 .58 .
61.61 .81 and .92 leaves.

c) Suppose you wanted to communicate information about the month-to-month variation

in energy consumption. Which would be more effective, the table of the data or the
graph? Give reasons for your answer.
- If each function is clear, the data is described sequentially, but if a lot of data is
inputted. however, using graphics is more effective.

1.31 Energy consumption in a different year.

Refer to the previous exercise. Here are the data for 2010:

a) Analyze these data using the questions in the previous exercise as a guide.
- 2010 still has the highest usage in December and January.
b) Compare the patterns in 2010 with those in 2011. Describe any similarities and
- The patterns are very similar, but we don’t see the increase between February and
March that occurred in 2011; consumption in May was slightly higher in 2010.
These differences are most likely due to weather.
1.32 Favorite colors
What is your
War na favorite color?
One survey
Warna produced the
45% following
summary of
responses to
that question:
blue, 42%;
25% green, 14%;
20% purple, 14%;
15% red, 8%; black,
14% 14% 7%; orange,
5% 8% 7%
5%; yellow,
3% 3% 3%; brown,
0% 2% 2%
Blue Green Purple Red Black Orange Yellow Brown Gray White 3%; gray, 2%;
and white, 2%.
13 Make a bar graph of the percents and write a short summary of the major features of your

- Bar graph. Because, Pie chart categories can be used, but sum percent for all
categories must be 100%. These constraints make the bar graph more flexible.
And also on the circle graph if the data you want to enter is a lot, you can't enter
all of them

1.33 Least-favorite colors.

Refer to the previous exercise. The same study also asked people about their least-favorite
color. Here are the results: orange, 30%; brown, 23%; purple, 13%; yellow, 13%; gray, 12%;
green, 4%; white, 4%; red, 1%; black, 0%; and blue, 0%. Make a bar graph of these percents
and write a summary of the results.

orange brown purple yellow gray green white red black blue


- opinions about least-favorite color are somewhat more varied than for favorite
color. Interestingly, purple is liked and disliked by about the same percentage of

1.34 Garbage.
The formal name for garbage is “municipal solid waste.” Here is a breakdown of the materials
that make up American municipal solid waste:

a) Add the weights and then the percents for the nine types of material given, including “Other.”
Each entry, including the total, is separately rounded to the nearest tenth. So the sum and the
total may slightly because of roundoff error.
- 349.6
b) Make a bar graph of the percents. The graph gives a clearer picture of the main contributors to
garbage if you order the bars from tallest to shortest.
Chart Title
food scraps glass metals paper, paperboard plastics

weight precent

c) Make a pie chart of the percents. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each
graphical summary. Which do you prefer? Give reasons for your answer.


food glass metals paper plastics rubber

- The categories in a bar graph can be put in any order. For other data sets, an
alphabetical ordering or some other arrangement might produce a more useful
graphical display. While, to make a pie chart, you must include all the categories
that make up a whole for all the categories should be 100%.
- Bar graph. Because, Pie chart categories can be used, but sum percent for all
categories must be 100%. These constraints make the bar graph more flexible.
And also on the circle graph if the data you want to enter is a lot, you can't enter
all of them.

Bar graph. Because, Pie chart categories can be used, but sum percent for all categories must be
100%. These constraints make the bar graph more flexible. And also on the circle graph if the data
you want to enter is a lot, you can't enter all of them

1.35 Recycled garbage.

Refer to the previous exercise. The following table gives the percent of the weight that was recycled
for each of the categories.

a) Use a bar graph to display the percent recycled for these materials. Use the order of the
materials given in the table above.

Chart Title
food scraps glass metals paper, paperboard plastics

weight precent

b) Make another bar graph where the materials are ordered by the percent recycled, largest
percent to smallest percent.
Chart Title
food scraps glass metals paper, paperboard plastics

weight precent
c) Which bar graph, (a) or (b), do you prefer? Give a reason for your answer.
- Preferences will vary, but the ordered bars make it easier to pick out similar
categories. The most frequently recycled types (Paper and Trimmings) stand out
in both graphs.
d) Explain why it is inappropriate to use a pie chart to display these data.
- We cannot make a pie chart because each garbage type is a “whole.

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