Siga Los Ejemplos y Traduzca Las Siguientes Oraciones.: Possessive Pronouns

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1. Siga los ejemplos y traduzca las siguientes oraciones.

(Belong significa pertenecer)

a) The shoes belong to me. They are my shoes. They are mine.
Los zapatos pertenecen a mí. Ellos son mis zapatos. Ellos son míos.

b) The car belongs to you. It is your car. It is yours.

El carro pertenece a ti. Es tu carro. Él es tuyo.

c) The books belong to her. They are her books. They are hers.

d) The pencil belongs to him. It is his pencil. It is his.


e) The food belongs to us. It is our food. It is ours.


f) The yellow house belongs to them. It is their house. It is theirs.


g) The cat belongs to me. She is my cat. She his mine.


2. Complete las oraciones con una de las opciones entre paréntesis. Algunas palabras están
traducidas al español para que mejor pueda completar el ejercicio.

a) This (este) is _____________ new car (my/mine). The car is ______________ (my/mine).
b) The dog belongs to ____________ (our/ours) children. The dog is ____________ (our/ours).
c) _____________ (my/mine) brother is beautiful.
d) Joana has (tiene) a beautiful dress (un lindo vestido). The dress is ___________ (mine/hers).
e) Anna finished (terminó) _____________ (her/hers) homework.
f) The plumbers are here (aquí). This tool (esta herramienta) is ______________ (his/theirs).
g) The blue table belongs to my uncle and aunt. It is _______________ (hers/theirs).
h) The blue bird (pájaro) belongs to the vet. It is _________________ (ours/his).
i) Mr. and Mrs. Rochester bought (compraron) a plant for ________________ (their/theirs) house.
j) My sister and I walk (caminamos) with (con) the dog because he is ____________ (theirs/ours).
k) The bicycle (bicicleta) is ____________(her/hers), but the car (carro) is _______________
l) You can choose any food to eat. (Tu puedes escoger cualquier comida para comer). The choice
(opción) is ____________ (mine/yours).
m) Angela likes (gusta)_________________ (her/hers) long hair (cabello largo).
n) This pencil belongs to Juan and Carlos. The pencil is ____________ (ours/theirs).

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