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Jonathon Mai


There have been many personal experiences where situations would have ended

horribly due to someone being distracted while driving. Ranging from a family member

at the wheel or a close friend, the possibility of someone at the wheel being distracted

for one second happens more than you think. I’ve come to notice that people around my

age, which are young adults and teenages tend to use their phone while driving. The

usage of phones itself plays a big role into this issue. For instance, the last time I

hopped into the car with my brother we drove to get some lunch. The amount of times

we looked at his phone while the car was in motion was quite nerve racking. It would be

understandable if perhaps we were at a complete stop. However this wasn’t the case.

He would be looking for the next song to play or looking at messages he would recieve.

While I do tell him not to do such things, eventually the bad habits come back again.

Only time will tell if he will fix these bad habits for the better.

Some assumptions I will carry in regards to my issue or problem would be

addressing how the usage of our phones during driving should be avoided as much as

possible. Another would be including statistics to the issue and how that will help my

narrative. The research that I am looking for would be statistics towards accidents in the

U.S. along with technological usage throughout the years. Comparing these statistics

along with other factors when it comes to accidents would also be implemented.

Where I would find conflicting perspectives as I research would be how

technology has been becoming more and more infused with our cars. The electric car

company, Tesla, implemented a touch screen console replacing the standard button
and knobs to control certain functions. Another perspective might question when it is

okay to use a phone will driving or should it be allowed at all? Not all instances are

recorded as far as the usage of phones after an accident. Very few people admit to the

distraction which leaves a grey area as far as finding accurate research to this issue.

Devices that help aid drivers such as connecting your phone to bluetooth for the use of

picking up calls while driving could be another perspective to look into. Other devices

such as bluetooth earphones should also be taken into consideration.

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