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Gabriel Paul A. Tesoro


Sir Emmanuel E. Estabillo


November 4, 2015


What storms or threats have you faced? 1

How did God draw you out at such troubled waters? 2

How would you describe God? 3

What is freedom for you? 4

“There would be no freedom without the law.” 5

Which part of the movie made an impact for you? 6

Movie realizations 7

a. What storms or threats have you faced?

In my experiences, the storms and threats

that I have faced are when I always doing my
homeworks and projects during the last minute.
It is a problem for me because it causes me to
panic and I tend to think irrationally. When I
know that there is too much time, I just sit and
watch T.V., saying that I will do it tomorrow.
Sometimes, I’m making my own schedule but I
never follow it. My plans don’t work even now,
but I always find a way to resolve.

Second is when I have a hard time

answering this question. When I first read it, I
thought the storms or threats are like literal
typhoons that reached our country.

b. How did God draw you out at such waters?

God drew me out of such waters by

answering my prayers and He is always with
me. I know that God has so many surprises in
my life that I can’t believe that I can do my
work in a short time. When I pray to Him, doing
so gives my energy came back again to do my
assignments and projects in time so I know that
He is here to guide me of what will I do and
what will I pick.

I’m glad that I have known God when I

was a child. Without Him, maybe I will be

stressed out from all the work that I’ve been
doing lately. I know what is best for me because
of what God has given me. I always thank Him
because He is listening and that all of the efforts
that I’ve exhausted for my works will be worth

c. How would you describe God? What names describes His glory?

I would describe that God He is my father and

my creator. He is like my father to me because when
I pray to Him, it is like we are having a conversation
like a father and son bonding in a respectful way.
God is my father because He is my creator. He

created me and molds me in his hands. He is always
there for me, and created my hands and feet to reach
somebody that has problems.

Another is that God is my light. He guides me

from what will I do or what will I pick or what is
good to me. When I’m in the darkest room and I’m
all alone He lights that room and says to come to
Him whenever I have problems. I will not just say in
my prayers that I’m sorry for what I’ve done but I
will say that thank you for lighting up my life every

One of the names that describes His glory is

lawgiver. He gave us law to follow it and to bring us
joy and be contented. God protects us and gives us
what we need all the time like a shepherd. There are
others like He is out deliverer, redeemer, and mighty
conquerer but always remember that God is our
savior and our father and He is in our hearts for
d. What is freedom for you? How can you say a person has a freedom?
Why does freedom important
to a person?

For me freedom is when you cleanse your

soul and confess your sins to God. It is said that
when you cleanse your soul you will be free, not
just your soul but yourself too.

I can say a person has a freedom he/she is

happy inside and doesn’t have problems in life.
A person that can express his/her life
confidently and does not stressed out of
everything. A person that confesses his/her
problems to God and isn’t afraid of what’s
coming to his/her life.

Freedom is important to a person because
you can sleep well, breathe well and live well in
your life. Freedom leads to happiness that will
make our lives free from every stress that we
can encounter in our everyday lives.
e. Explain the statement “There would be no Freedom without
the law.”

“There would be no freedom without the

law” is said by Moses in the Mt. Sinai, where he
received the Ten Commandments from God. It
means that if there is no law, we, ourselves, will
be undecided with the way, we live, making us
do something that we know is inherently wrong.

Example is when there is a person who

does something that is prohibited. Then it will
make that person go to jail and when that person
is free from the jail, he/she is not free at all. In

his/her mind heart and soul lies the freedom that
person gets. Maybe that person can forget about
it, but the mind, heart and soul will find a way
to make that person feel like he/she is in a jail
because of what that person did in the past. It
cannot be undone but if that person confesses to
God with heart. Then that person’s mind, heart
and soul will surely be free from what did
he/she do. Let’s just follow the law that God
gave us. It can make us free from our mind,
heart and soul that bring us freedom within our
f. Which part of the movie made an impact for you? How does it
apply to you?

The part of the movie made an impact for

me is when Moses spoke to God through the
burning bush. That part made an impact for me
because that is when Moses talked to God and
this is where it all started. Moses didn’t believe
in himself but he still finished the command of
our God to save the Israelites from the slavery.
It also symbolizes that God has plans for us
even it takes time.

I had applied it to my experiences when I

was a Grade 6 student during my Math exam for
the last quarter. There was an item there that my
teacher hadn't taught us. When the exam was
over, the whole class got low grades on it. We
talked to the teacher to give us another chance
since it was never taught to us, and he promised
that he was going to find a way. The next day,
the teacher announced that we'll be having a
retake for the exam. While studying, I prayed to
God because I lost the ability to believe in
myself. When the results came back, I got the
highest score and I thanked God for it.

g. Share your realizations from the movie.

I realized that if you believe in God you can

taste the freedom because He is there beside us
to protect us no matter what happens. God can
hear you even He doesn’t speak to you, have
faith and you’ll get what you want.

I also realized that if we believe in

ourselves, we can do what we think is
impossible to help people around us. If we love
Him, believe, follow, and have faith in Him. I
realize that God’s promises, prayers and
blessings to us will come in right place and right
time where there is peace in our heart, mind and

We can do better in our world. If we
believe in God, we can have positive and happy


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