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1. What did they study?

 Paloma Faith: She studied dance

 Dr. Christian Jessen: He studied medicine
 Jessica Ennis: She studied psychology
 Locutor Katie Derham: He studied economics
 Huw Williams: He studied Philosophy and the history of philosophy of
 Mark Watson: He studied English
 Jimmy Doherty: He studied zoology
 Bridget Phillipson: She studied history

2. Which story identifies you the most?

I felt a bit identified with the story of Dr. Christian Jessen because both he
and I were terrified the first day of school.

3. Have you had similar experiences as a student?

Yes, the first day of school I was a little late so I missed and entered a class
that was not

4. What do you think the purpose of telling those stories is?

For me the purpose of telling these stories is to make known how we

students are in the universities, they can also serve as councils for those who
are just going to enter and thus not make the same mistakes that those in the
stories made

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