Group 2 Error Detection

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Mobile CSP POGIL Handouts

Break into POGIL teams of 4 and assign each team member one of
the following roles.

Student Name Role Responsibility

Ye Yao Facilitator Manages interaction with the Parity Magic widget to help test
the team’s algorithms.

Lochlan montanus Spokesperson Reports the team’s results to the teacher and other teams.

Kirby Jacobs Quality Control Records all answers & questions, and provides the team’s
reflection to team and instructor.

Juan Nunez Process Considers how the team could work and learn more
Analyst effectively.

Watch​ this video​ as a class

Error Correction: Critical Thinking Questions

Each team will use the ​Error Detection Trick symbol worksheet​. You will use letters and *
symbols to represent 0/1. A satisfactory outcome for this activity is that the team can
successfully demonstrate the trick to the class. That means, someone will lay out a 5x5 table of
letters and symbols randomly. Then a member of the team will layout the 6th row and column
and will successfully identify the changed character when someone from the class secretly
changes a single character.

1.) In the video, are the 6th row and 6th column being laid out in a truly random way or is
some kind of rule or algorithm being used? If so, what's the rule?

The rows are not random, they are using a ratio rule

2.) ​HINT​: Count the number of letters in each row and column. What pattern or rule do you
see if you do that?

- See Other Side -

Mobile CSP POGIL Handouts

If there are 2 stars and 3 letters or 4 stars and 1 letter, you would put a letter in the 6th to
make it an even ratio. If there are 3 stars and 2 letters or 1 star and 4 letters, you would put a
star there. Then when you go back over, see which ratios have changed.

3.) ​Practice​: Everyone on the team should practice the "trick" using the ​worksheet​.

4.) (​Portfolio​) What is the "trick"? Of course, it's not really a trick. It's an algorithm. So,
describe an algorithm in pseudocode that solves the problem of identifying the changed

The trick is to complete the row/column next to the extra box on the 6th row, either completing
it as a 4/2 ratio of stars to letters or letters to stars. Now, when you look back, you can see
which ones have an uneven ratio, and then cross reference it to pinpoint the exact spot that
was changed.

5.) (​Portfolio​) The card "trick" shows that it is always possible to identify the character that
was changed as long as only one character was changed. Would it be possible always to
determine if an error occurred if two characters changed? Experiment with the characters to
help answer this question.

No, because if any two characters were changed, then you could no longer use the same
system because if two variables were changed in the same line and made it an even ratio
again, it would be difficult to find the one that changed.
Mobile CSP POGIL Handouts

6.) In this case, the 25 original characters (bits) are data and the 11 additional bits are for error
detection, meaning that 25/36 = 69% of the bits are data and 31% are redundant bits used for
error detection. Suppose the original array was 3x3. How many error detection bits would you
need in that case and what percentage of the total bits would now be data bits?

You would need 7 error detection bits and around 56% of the bits would now be data.

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