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Name : Novitasari Ahmad

Class/Semester : A/IV

NPM : 0306 1611 049


Intrinsic Elements :

1. Theme : Bravery

In this novel tells Harry Potter and his two friends Ron and Hermione who reveal
who actually descended from the real Salazar Slitheryn by taking as much danger
as entering the giant spider's web, entering the secret chamber to rescue Gon's
brother Ginie and fight the giant " basilisk ".

2. Plot

Mixed Flow

Harry enters the book of Tom Riddle he finds, and then rewrays the story of the
opening of the secret room door fifty years ago (Harry Potter) Harry voices of
supernatural voices "I want to kill you (I'll kill you)" he used to hear , then Harry
finds out about ituberasal (forward flow).

3. Place:

 Privet Drive home number four

This is presented from the beginning of the story where Harry lives with his aunts,
aunts, and his evil stepbrother, as evidenced by the quote of Privet Drive house
number four. Former Mr. Vernon Dursley had woken up blind by the loud 'harsh'
sounds from his niece's room, Harry.

 Harry Potter Room

Still at home Harry's uncle is proved by a quote from the novel one of which is,
Harry is in his compilation room Dobby comes to release him of something
dangerous that he will meet a compilation back to Hogwarts.

 Ottery St Catchpole

Set among the English village houses where the Weasleys live. That's where Ron
and his brother bring Harry a compilation to bring harry away from his uncle's
 Diagon Alley

The place where Hrry Potter and the Weasleys' Family bought the magic
necessary for a new school year that began at Hogwarts School. Proven with
quote "Finally we arrive at Diagon Alley".

 Bank Goblin Gringotts

Where out Weasley and Harry took the money. This is proven by the Quote "The
Weasleys and Harry's family were escorted to their underground iron chamber by
another Gringotts goblin".

 King's Cross

Here is where they will take the train to Hogwarts. This is evidenced by the photo
itself that arrives at King's "Cross at eleven-fifteenth."

 Bathroom at Hogwarts

Share here to see more about mirthle languish, everywhere also places to make
potions and go elsewhere. Can be proved by quoting "this bathroom, where
mirthle languishes haunts students in hogwarts" and "this is where I see red eyes,
then I die right in this bathroom".

 Hogwarts School

Here Harry Potter and friends were reporting a lot of strange irregularities since
they came from summer vacation. This can be proven by the quote "I listen to the
sound of the corridor near the Hogwarts dining room".

4. Time:

Night because almost every page of this novel tells the events of today like Harry
Potter, "I want to kill you" every attack on my friends.

5. Atmosphere:
Scary,When Harry heard a voice that wanted to kill the Muggle (muddy
blood) and compilation Harry faced with Tom Road which is called the
Leman's long time Lord Voldemort.
6. Stretch: make Harry fight a giant basilisk snake that can make us die
instantly, we can see his eyes.
7. Figure and Characterization / Perwatakan

a. Harry Potter: brave

He fought against Lord Voldemort himself and said something that could kill him

b. Hermione Granger: smart

He can make potions to change his face and also find answers from all the
mysteries that ad.

c. Ron Weasley: coward

He was afraid when Harry took him into the forbidden forest and met with a giant

d. Prof. Dumbledore: good and wise

He is very kind to all the inhabitants of the school and still exists at Hagrid who
has been accused of freezing students at Hogwarts without proof.

e. Hagrid: animal and good beast

It is proved by Hagrid who always takes care of the animals even though the
animals look like big spiders and He is always good to Harry and his friends.

f. Prof. Mc gonagal: wise

He punishes the students justly as Harry and Ron do, even though Harry and
Ron's mistakes are quite large, he only gives punishment according to Prof.'s
orders. Lockhart to help him compared the letters of his fans.

g. Prof. Lockhart: cunning

He removes people's memories with magic so that everything he does is

inaccessible to others such as "Kissing Him into the secret room is so frightened
that He knows that, He can not do anything and makes him want to erase Harry's
memory and Ron knows he's a big liar.

h. Prof. Snape: scary

He is a teacher who is very feared by other disciples and always gives excessive
punishment to Harry and friends, except the students of the Slhyterin dormitory
where he is the boarding house.
i. Ginny Weasley: easily instigated

That's because he's played by Tom Riddle / Lord voldemort notes that have the
magic powers that Voldemort left behind to kill the Hogwarts disciples who are
not pure witches or muggles.

j. Draco Malfoy: evil

He was Harry's enemy when he first entered Hogwarts school and He was always
given Harry and his friends.

k. Tom Riddle / Lord Voldemort: evil

He instigated Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley to kill the students at Hogwarts and
also wanted to kill Harry while in the secret room.

l. Arthur Weasley: well

That's because when Harry is at home, he treats Harry well.

m. Molly Weasley: kind and compassionate

That's because when Harry gets into his house, he does it well and even loves him
more than his children.

n. Uncle Vernon: evil

He always makes Harry can not go anywhere just locked Harry in his room as if
Harry was not there.

o. Aunt Petunia: evil

Just like Vernon's uncle, He never assumes Harry exists and never gives Harry
good food just the food he gives.

p. Dursley: evil

He is Harryanak's cousin from Vernon's uncle and Petunia's aunt he likes Harry's
decision during the summer break.
8. Mandate

Never give up to solve the problem, because every problem can definitely be
solved with the help of friends.

9. Viewpoint

The third major person

Because in the novel there is always the word "Harry" as the main novel of this

10. Language style

Easy to understand, but there are some unidentifiable words. Like the meaning of
the magic spell spell that is in this novel.

Extrinsic Elements :

1. The values contained :

 Value of friendship: To solve this mystery Harry is helped by his two best
 The value of courage: With his courage, Harry rescues Ginny and fights
the Basilisk and Voldemort alone.
 Educational Value : We can not give up and be persistent in pursuing our
goals. Whatever happens, we must continue what we have started, despite
many trials and obstacles. We must be sure, because confidence is the
strength in the face of obstacles. If you fail never give up and try again.
 Social Value : A true friend will reveal a problem with us, help to help
between one and the other, willing to sacrifice (Harmonie G.).
 Moral Values : Sometimes we have to do our best to get what we want
most, Don’t judge a person from the outward appearance, finish what you
2. Culture

This novel still has a belief about black magicians evidenced by many people
who do not want to mention the name of the most feared magician is the
magic of Voldemort.

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