Problems With Christmas Curriculum

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The article, Problems with Christmas Curriculum was very eye opening for me

because I have been blessed with a wonderful Christmas every year filled with family,

gifts, a meal, and sometimes I forget about the families in our world that can’t provide a

Christmas to their children and not everyone celebrates Christmas as Christians

religiously . I want to focus more on the giving rather than receiving aspect of


In terms of school, school activities surrounding Christmas can have

unintentional negative consequences like reinforcing commercialism, focusing on “good”

and “bad” behavior and isolating students who don’t celebrate the holiday.

At my high school, we had a Christmas basket that the seniors were in charge of

and our whole student body donates gifts to all the families in our communities. A small

group of seniors who go visit a low income family, get their needs and wants wish list,

go back to a classroom and ask the class to bring in gifts. The seniors would then wrap

all the gifts and deliver all of it to the family. This project taught me to be grateful for

everything I have and to recognize and help others who are below me. I learned that I

can make a difference in the world.

There are some key facts from this article that I would like to point out. Limit

Christmas activities to 2 or 3 days, and make it as close to the holiday as possible.

Emphasize the giving aspect of the holiday rather that of the receiving of presents. Give

parents room to communicate their personal beliefs to children by neither encouraging

nor discouraging Jesus or Santa Claus. To become aware of important celebrations in

other religions represented by children in the school or center recognizing these at their
appropriate times of year. Lastly, maintain professional judgment in the face of

pressures of the holiday season.

The Christmas season can be a special and powerful aspect in a school if you do

it in the right way!

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