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Multiple Choice Questions a.

or the contractor has substantial capital or

investment in the form of tools, equipment,
1. Which of the following best describes the test which machineries, work premises, and other
determines the existence of an employment materials which are necessary in the conduct
of his business.

a. An employer-employee relationship exist

b. and the contractor has substantial capital or
investment in the form of tools, equipment,
where the person for whom the services are machineries, work premises, and other
performed exercises the right to control not materials which are necessary in the conduct
only the end to be achieved, but also the of his business.
manner and means to be used in reaching the c. and the contractor has substantial capital and
end. investment in the form of tools, equipment,
b. An employer-employee relationship exists machineries, work premises, and other
where the person for whom the services are materials which are necessary in the conduct
performed exercises the right to control the of the business.
manner and means to be used in reaching the d. or the contractor has substantial capital or
end. investment in the form of tools, equipment,
c. An employer-employee relationship exist machineries, work premises, and other
where the person for whom the services are materials which are necessary in the conduct
performed reserves the right to control not of his business.
only the end to be achieved, but also the
manner and means to be used in reaching the e. None of the above.

5. If a person is engaged to perform activities which are

d. An employer-employee relationship exists usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or
where the person for whom the services are
performed reserves the right to control the trade of the employer, he is:

a. A regular employee
end to be achieved.
b. A project employee
e. None of the above

2. Why is it important to determine if there exists an

A seasonal employee
All of the above

employer-employee relationship?
e. None of the above

a. It determines the jurisdiction of the labor

6. A casual employee:

a. is always a casual employee

b. It determines the liabilities for labor standards
benefits. b. can never be a regular employee
c. It determines labor relations obligations. c. is sometimes a probationary employee
d. A, B, and C. d. all of the above

e. B and C
e. none of the above

3. Which of the following determines the jurisdiction of

7. The probationary period of employment may be:

the labor courts?

a. If there is a “reasonable causal connection”

less than six months
exactly six months
between the claim asserted and employee- c. more than six months
employer relations to put the case under the d. all of the above

provisions of Article 217.
If the Labor Code has any relevance to the e. none of the above

8. Under Article 84 of the Labor Code, hours worked shall

reliefs sought by the plaintiffs.
c. Article 212 (I) of the Labor Code defining a
“labor dispute”.

a. Time during which an employee is required to

d. All of the above
be on duty or to be at a prescribed workplace.
e. None of the above

4. Legitimate job contracting exits when a contractor

b. Time during which an employee is suffered or
permitted to work.
carries on an independent business and undertakes the c. Rest periods of short duration.
contract work on his own account under his own d. A and B
responsibility according to his own manner and
method, free from the control and direction of his e. A, B, and C

9. Can a project employee be suffered to work in a job or

employer or principal in all matters connected with the
performance of the work except as to the results undertaking which is regular and usual in the ordinary

course of business of the employer?
Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

a. No, as if he is so suffered to work as such, he c. Can never attain the status of exclusive
will be considered a regular employee under bargaining agent.
Article 280 of the Labor Code. d. Can never represent its members in dealing
b. Yes, as the activity, which a project employee with the employer.
is suffered to work, is immaterial to determine
his employment status. e. None of the above

c. It depends, as the industry wherein the

employer is engaged in is a material
consideration to resolve the question.

14. The duty of bargains means:

a. Mutual bargaining
d. All of the above b. Prompt bargaining

e. None of the above

10. Article 212 (I) of the Labor Code defines a “labor

c. Good faith bargaining
d. All of the above

dispute” as:

a. any controversy or matter concerning a

15. The subsitutionary doctrine;

a. applies to instances where there is a change

conflict between management and labor, in the exclusive bargaining agent, with the
including union representation or affiliation. provisions of a validly executed CBA cannot be
b. any controversy or matter concerning terms avoided by the simple means of changing the
or conditions of employment. bargaining representative.
c. any controversy or matter concerning b. applies to substitute the obligations of the
conditions of employment or the employer to the employee, wherein the
representation of persons in negotiating, employer is liable for any and all benefits
fixing, maintaining, changing or arranging the granted to an employee who substitutes
terms and conditions of employment. another.
d. any controversy or matter concerning terms c. applies to instances where there is a change
or conditions of employment or the of employer, hence in case or a valid sale of
association or representation of persons in the business, the existing CBA with the prior
negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing or employer is not binding on the buyer.
arranging the terms and conditions of d. applies in successes of the union against the
employment employer, with the liability of the employer

e. None of the above. accruing to all members of the bargaining

11. No specific provision of law prohibit confidential
employees from engaging in union activities, however e. None of the above.

such employees are prohibited from assisting and

joining labor organizations. Such principle is supported
16. Successorship doctrine:

by the following legal principle:

a. The Doctrine of Confidential Exclusionary

a. applies to instances where there is a change
in the exclusive bargaining agent, with the
provisions of a validly executed CBA cannot be
Principle. avoided by the simple means of changing the
b. The Doctrine of Necessary Implication. bargaining representative.
c. The Doctrine of Exclusionary-Implication b. applies to substitute the obligations of the
Principle. employer to the employee, wherein the
d. All of the above employer is liable for any and all benefits

e. None of the above

12. Which of the following are factors in determining the c.

granted to an employee who substitutes
applies to instances where there is a change

proper bargaining unit:

a. Will of the employees (Globe Doctrine)

of employer, hence in case of a valid sale of
business, the existing CBA with the prior
employer is not binding on the buyer.
b. Religious affiliation d. applies in successes of the union against the
c. Employment status, such as temporary, employer, with the liability of the employer
seasonal probationary employees accruing to all members of the bargaining
d. A and B unit.

e. A and C

13. A “Labor Organization” as defined under Article 212

e. None of the above.

17. Can a probationary employee vote in certification

(g) of the Labor Code:

a. Can file a petition for and participate in


a. No, he should first attain the status of a

certification elections. regular employee.
b. Can be declared as exclusive bargaining b. Yes, because all employees can vote in
agent. certification elections

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Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

No, he must first be a member of a union.
Yes, so long as he has passed at least one

22. Is an employer, who requires returning striking
evaluation. employees to sign an undertaking not to destroy
e. It depends; he should become a regular company property and commit acts of reprisals against

employee, until such time his votes are
segregated. non-striking employees, guilty of ULP?

a. Yes, the imposition of any condition in order to

18. An “apprenticeable occupation” is defined as:

a. any trade, form of employment or occupation b.

accept striking workers back is violative of
their right to self organization
No, the employer has legitimate concerns for
which requires training on the job t h e s a f e ty o f h i s p r o p e r ty a n d o t h e r
supplemented by related theoretical employees.
instruction. c. Yes, to require such a condition would be to
b. any trade, form of employment or occupation discriminate against employees who joined
which requires more than one month but less the strike.
than two months of practical training on the d. No, the employer is reasonably expected to
job supplemented by related theoretical exercise his instincts for self-preservation.

any trade, form of employment or occupation e. Both B and D.

which requires more than two months but less

than three months of practical training on the
job supplemented by related theoretical

23. Statement No. 1 – “A company that exercises its
instruction. prerogative to dismiss is not allowed to turn around
d. any trade, form of employment or occupation
which requires more than three months of
practical training on the job supplemented by
and deny employer-employee relationship.”

Statement No. 2 – “Alleging abandonment indicates

related theoretical instruction.
None of the above. employer-employee relationships.”

a. Both statements are true

19. The Labor Code is applicable to:

a. Agricultural workers
Both statements are false
Only statement No. 1 is true
Only statement No. 2 is true
Employees of labor organizations
Employees of non-stock, non-profit
e. It depends

24. Statement No. 1 – It is employers’ duty to inform the

All of the above
None of the above. probationary employee reasonable work standards.

Statement No. 2 – The employer may terminate the

20. In the absence of a certified or duly recognized services of a probationary employee without valid
bargaining representative, any legitimate labor cause as long as such termination be done within the

organization may declare a strike.

a. True, the right to strike is a basic human right.

six months trial period.

a. Both statements are true

b. False, only an executive bargaining agent can b. Both statements are false
declare a strike. c. Only statement No. 1 is true
c. True, but only in cases of ULP d. Only statement No. 2 is true
d. False, but only in cases of bargaining
deadlocks. e. It depends

e. Both B and D

21. Can an employer dismiss a sickly employee on the

25. Statement No. 1 – It does not necessarily follow that
where the duties of the employee consist of activities
usually necessary or desirable in the usual business of
ground that the same constitutes analogous causes the employer, the parties are forbidden from agreeing

under Article 282 of the Labor Code?

a. Yes, it is within management’s prerogative to

on a period of time for the performance of such

discipline its workers. Statement No. 2 – Temporarily hired contractual

b. No, to terminate under Article 282 requires a employees are not regular even they perform
wilful act of the employee. necessary and desirable function in the usual business

Yes, otherwise the principle of no-work, no-
pay becomes meaningless.
No, as dismissals for health reasons require
of employer.

a. Both statements are true

that the illness of the employee be incurable b. Both statements are false
and prejudicial to his co-employees. c. Only statement No. 1 is true
e. Both A and C. d. Only statement No. 2 is true

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Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

e. It depends a. Both statements are true

26. Statement No. 1 – Job contracting is permissible b. Both statements are false
only if the contractor carried an independent business c. Only statement No. 1 is true
and his substantial capital but without investment in d. Only statement No. 2 is true

the form of tools equipment machineries of other
materials in the conduct of business.
e. It depends

It is define as going through the motion of

Statement No. 2 – It is a badge of labor–only negotiating without any legal intent to reach an
contracting when there is a correlation between the
nature of work of employees to the usual business or agreement.

trade of the employer or principal.

a. Both statements are true

Hard Bargaining
Unwillingness to bargain in good faith
Surface bargaining
b. Both statements are false d. Blue-sky bargaining
Only statement No. 1 is true
Only statement No. 2 is true e. None of the above

e. It depends

Statement No. 1 – Labor laws particularly those

32. Statement No. 1 – A labor only contractor shall be
treated as an agent of the direct employer and the
latter shall be responsible for such worker as if he
granting rights and benefits are not mandatory and can
be withdrawn or can be waived by agreement of the
management and the union in a contract or trough CBA
directly employed the workers.

Statement No. 2 – In statement No. 1, therefore, the


Statement No. 2 – Doubts in construction of Labor

workers can unionize and if necessary can sue the
direct employer for back benefits.

Contracts are interpreted in favour of safety and decent a. Both statements are true

living of worker.

a. Both statements are true

Both statements are false
Only statement No. 1 is true
Only statement No. 2 is true
Both statements are false
Only statement No. 1 is true
Only statement No. 2 is true
e. It depends

33. This is a situation where an increase in prescribed

e. It depends

28. Suppose you and I enter into a contract. The

wage rates results in elimination or severe contraction
of intentional qualitative difference in wage as salary
rates between or among employee groups in an
contract is for the construction of a waiting shed. I give establishment as to effectively obliterate distinction
you the specifications and the plan for the shed, which embodied in such wage structure based on skills,

you must follow.

a. Are you my employee

length of service or other logical basis of

b. Are you an independent contractor a. Wage increases

c. Are you a project employee b. Wage crediting
d. Are you a contractual employee c. Wage differential

e. None of the above.

29. Statement No. 1 – Aliens cannot work without permit

Wage distortion
None of the above.

from DOLE. 34. Statement No. 1 – Person worked lass than one (1)
month in a calendar year is entitled to pro-rate of 13th
Statement No. 2 – Alien who works here with permit
can be pirated by another company provided that there month pay.

is DOLE approval. Statement No. 2 – If Christmas bonus is less than the

required 13th month pay, employer should pay the
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
Only statement No. 1 is true

a. Both statements are true

d. Only statement No. 2 is true b. Both statements are false

e. It depends c.
Only statement No. 1 is true
Only statement No. 2 is true
30. Statement No. 1 – The right to self-organization

necessarily includes the right to collective bargaining. e. It depends

35. It is a method of resolving disputes over collective

Statement No. 2 – Duty to bargain does not mean duty interests of labor vis-à-vis those of capital arrived at
to agree. through negotiation.

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Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

a. Mediation
a. Work slowdown
b. Arbitration b. Wild strike
c. Conciliation c. Strike
d. Collective bargaining d. Protest

e. None of the above.

36. Example of Union security clause that immediate

e. None of the above

42. It shall be exercised when in the opinion of the

membership is required if you want to remain secretary of labor there is a labor dispute causing or


a. Union shop
likely to cause a strike or lockout in an industry
indispensable to national interest is:

b. Maintenance of membership a. Certify to compulsory arbitration

c. Closed shop b. Assumption or jurisdiction
d. Agency shop c. Mediation of conciliation of NCMB

e. None of the above

37. During the freedom period of the CBA, which of the

Endorse to voluntary arbitration
None of the above

following can be done?

a. Make proposal for a new CBA

43. This refers to legislation intended to benefit all
persons not only workers. It provides benefits in case
of contingencies or for other needs in order that we
File a petition for Certification election
Resign/disaffiliate from a union
Re q u e s t f o r f i n a n c i a l s t a t e m e n t f r o m
may have decent and adequate living.

a. Labor Standards Law

management b. Social legislation

e. All of the above c.

Administrative Legislation
Welfare Legislation
38. There shall be no certification election conducted
within one year from a final certification election e. B and D

results. What is this BAR rule?

a. Deadlock BAR rule

44. Some of the benefits from the Social Security Act are

a. Retirement
b. Contract BAR rule b. Disability
c. Certification Year rule c. Survivorship
d. Prejudicial question d. Death

e. None of the above

39. The Med Arbiter in a certification election will resort

e. B and D

45. The prescriptive period for claims of benefits from

to this kind of election if there is a valid election which
is being contested by three (3) or more choices of
union but no choice received a majority of the valid
GSIS from the date of the contingency is:

a. Three (3) years

votes cast and the total number of votes for all union is b. Two (2) years

at least 50% of the valid votes cast. c.

Four (4) years
Five (5) years

Re-run election
Run-off election (second election)
e. Ten (10) years

46. Any person in the employ of an employer including

c. Consent election those individual whose work class as a result of a labor

Certification election
None of the above or industrial dispute is a:

a. Project employee
40. These are acts done by a group of employees with b. Independent contractor
the end of pressing a demand, whether or not related c. Employee

to a dispute is:

a. Concerted actions
Casual worker
None of the above

b. Wild strike 47. He is a contractor who carries on an independent

c. Protest business and undertakes contract work on his own
d. Picket account, under his own responsibility according to his

e. None of the above. own manner and method free from control and
discretion of the principal except as to result and
41. It is a temporary stoppage of work by concerted
action of employees as the result of a labor or
industrial dispute:
having a substantial capital to carry on his business:

a. Labor contractor

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Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

b. Job contractor d. The findings are contrary to those of the trial

c. Project employees court.

None of the above e. All of the above

54. Article 280 of the Labor Code provides the legal

48. Compose of those whose primary duty consists of
management of establishment in which they are
bases for the following employees:

employed or of a department or subdivision thereof:

a. Supervisory employees
Confidential employees
Probationary employees
Term employees
b. Department heads d. All of the above
Board of directors
Managerial employees e. None of the above

e. None of the above

49. They perform services in employer’s home which are

55. Reinstatement, as a relief in illegal dismissal cases,

cannot be granted in the following instances when:

usually necessary or desirable for maintenance and a. The doctrine of stained relations applies
employment thereof or minister to the personal b. The position of the employee had been
comfort, convenience, or safety of employer as well as abolished

members of his household are: c.

The company has ceased to operate
The employee does not want to be reinstated
Domestics/servants/house helpers
Regular employees e. All of the above

Confidential employees
Managerial staff
56. Article 263 (g) of the Labor Code finds application in:

e. None of the above

50. The following are allowed by law to be deducted from


cases where the industry is indispensable to
national interest.
in instances of lock-out by management.

his wages, except: c.
in instances of strikes
A and C only
Insurance premium with his consent
Check-off, where authorized
e. All of the above

57. The doctrine of res judicata is inapplicable to petitions

SSS, Pag-ibig
Contribution for death of co-workers approved
for certification elections as:

by union officers

51. It is that power to inspect and investigate the

The substitionary doctrine
The successorship doctrine
Certification elections are the sole prerogative
employer’s premises and records to determine violation of the employees.
of law for any other matter to aid in enforcement of the d. Certification of elections is not adversarial.

code or labor laws is:

e. None of the above

Enforcement power
Inspection power
Visitorial power

58. The principle of social justice:

a. Always tilts the scales of justice in favor of the

d. All of the above

52. Which of the following rules is used to appeal from a

Is not intended to oppress the employer.
Is premised on the principle that those who

decision of the LA?
have less in life should have more in law.
A and B
Rule 45 to the Court of Appeals
Rule 45 to the Supreme Court
Rule 65 to the Court of Appeals
e. B and C

59. Which of the following principles limit the exercise of

Rule 65 to the Supreme Court
None of the above
management prerogatives?

a. A fair day’s wage for a fair day’s labor.

53. Findings of fact of the lower courts are conclusive, b. A penalty commensurate to the offense.

except in the following instances when: c.
A CBA is the law between the parties.
All of the above

The inference made is manifestly mistaken,
absurd, or impossible.
The judgment is based on a misapprehension
e. None of the above

60. A corporate officer is jointly and severally liable with

of facts.
The findings of fact are conflicting. the corporation for illegal dismissals if:

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Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

a. He is the person ultimately responsible for the c. They unconditionally offered to return to work
termination. but it was refused by the employer
b. He acts within the scope of his authority. d. All of the above
He is not in good faith.
A and B e. None of the above

e. A and C

61. The prescriptive period for reinstatement that

68. In illegal strike, the officers of the union are liable for

dismissal on the ground of:

involves injury to the worker’s right under Art. 1146 of a. Principle of incompatibility

the Civil Code is:

a. 10 years
Principle of vicarious liability
Principle of no-work, no-pay
All of the above
4 years
3 years
1 year
e. None of the above

69. To stage a strike, the following are the legal

e. None of the above


62. The components of retirement pay are:

a. ½ month salary
There must be collective bargaining.
There must be notice of strike.
There must be compliance of the 7-day strike
b. cash equivalent of (5) days service incentive ban rule.
leave d. There must be compliance of the 24-hour
c. 1/12 of 13th month pay prior notice rule.

all of the above
None of the above e. All of the above.

63. The legal requirements for downsizing are:
70. The following strikers are illegal:

a. wild-cat
a. 30 day notice to DOLE and employees b. quickie
b. Reasonable criteria c. sit-down
c. Done in good faith d. sympathetic
d. Proof of financial losses e. all of the above

e. All of the above

f. none of the above

64. The just causes for dismissal are:

a. serious misconduct
71. What are the modes of determining representative


b. insubordination a. voluntary recognition

c. neglect of duty b. consent election
d. Breach of trust c. certification election

e. All of the above

65. Three days after the 6-month probationary period, an

run-off election
all of the above

employee was dismissed. The employee is a:

a. regular employee
72. What is the machinery in determining the eligibility

list of voters in certification election?

b. fixed-term employee a. referendum

c. probationary employee b. pre-execution conference
d. project employee c. pre-election conference

e. none of the above

66. The award of full back wages in illegal dismissal shall

mandatory conference
all of the above

be reckoned from:

a. March 16, 1989

73. Certification election is legally known as:

a. best forum rule

b. March 21, 1989 b. by-stander rule
c. March 21, 1999 c. sole-concern rule

d. None of the above

67. Strikers are not entitled to back wages, the

all of the above
none of the above

exceptions are:

a. They were discriminately dismissed

74. The following employees can join a labor union:

a. managerial employees
b. They were illegally locked-out b. members-employees of cooperatives

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c. confidential employees entrusted with

confidential information not related to labor
a. half month pay for every year of service
relations matters b. one month pay for every year of service
d. all of the above c. no separation pay

e. None of the above

d. none of the above

75. It is settled that in ULP, there must exist employer-

employee relationship. What are the exceptions?
82. The requirements for wilful disobedience are:

a. workers’ assailed conduct is wilful or

a. feather bedding intentional
b. yellow-dog contract b. company rule violated is reasonable
c. principle of innocent by-stander c. All of the above

captive unionism
(b) and (c) d. None of the above

76. Among the union security clauses, which should not

be agreed upon by the parties as it is already provided by

83. What are the types of non-project employees?

a. probationary


a. closed-shop
all of the above
agency shop
hiring hall agreement
e. none of the above

84. Seafarers were constantly hired by Marine Manning

e. all of the above

77. Under Rule 65 in relation to Rule 46 of the Rules of

Agency, are:

a. regular employees
Civil Procedure, the petition shall be accompanied by a b. fixed-term employees
clearly duplicate original or certified true copy of the c. probationary employees
judgment/order/ruling. The submission of certified Xerox d. all of the above

copy is:

a. not a substantial compliance for the Rules are

e. none of the above

85. If there is no basis for the award of moral damages,

specific as there is no convincing evidence to prove the same,
b. a substantial compliance for the operative
word is “certified”
there is no basis for the award of:

c. None of the above

78. From the denial of the petition for reconsideration by

exemplary damages
moral damages
attorney’s fees
the NLRC, how many days the appellant should file d. all of the above
initially the Petition with the CA under the St. Martin’s

Ruling? e. none of the above

60 days from receipt of judgment
60 days from receipt of denial

86. Government employees cannot strike because it is:

a. against the law

c. None of the above

79. Assumption of jurisdiction of the Secretary of Labor

a civil service offense
a violation of the principle of state sovereignty
all of the above


a. financial assistance
e. none of the above

87. The legal affects of an Assumption (Pre-emptive)

payroll reinstatement
actual reinstatement
order of the Secretary of Labor are:

d. None of the above

80. In a just-cause dismissal for the violation of the

parties are automatically enjoined
strikers should return to work
strikers who defy the order will be dismissed
notice requirement, the sanction to be imposed upon d. all of the above

the employee is:

a. tempered
e. None of the above

88. The decision of the voluntary arbitration falls within

None of the above
the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the:

a. Court of Appeals under Rule 43

81. In closure of business grounded on business losses, b. Secretary of Labor under exhaustion of
the separation pay is: administrative remedies

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c. Supreme Court under Rule 65 d. filing fee

All of the above
None of the above e. all of the above

95. The appellant filed a motion to reduce bond within

89. The voluntary arbitrator has jurisdiction over the the period to appeal without posting a reasonable


a. Interpretation/Implementation of CBA
amount of a bond. What the effects, if any?

a. stops the running of the period to appeal

b. Interpretation/Implementation of company b. does not stop the running of the period to
personnel policies appeal
c. All labor disputes by agreement of the parties c. NLRC has jurisdiction
d. All of the above d. NLRC has no jurisdiction

e. None of the above

e. (b) and (d)

96. Mr. Pakyaw, a government employee, due for

retirement, went to the United States of America.
After 11 years, he returned to the Philippines and filed
90. In case of declaration of failure of certification his retirement claim. His employer and the GSIS

election by the election officer, the one-year bar rule:

denied the claim for it has already prescribed. Will the
claim prosper?

a. applies a. The claim will not prosper because it

b. does not apply prescribes in 4 years

c. None of the above

91. Despite compliance of the 25% subscription


The claim will not prosper because
prescribes in 10 years
The claim will prosper because it prescribes

requirement in certification election, the same cannot be 20 years

conducted under the following: d. The claim will prosper because it

contract-bar rule
one year-bar rule
deadlock-bar rule
e. None of the above

97. A housekeeper was illegally dismissed. Among the

d. appeal-bar rule benefits due her, what is/are the benefit/benefits

e. All of the above

92. The parties in collective bargaining agreement are


a. 15 day salary as indemnity

required to bargain in good faith. What are those that b. salary already earned

violate good faith bargaining?

a. blue-sky bargaining
None of the above

b. surface bargaining 98. A pregnant woman failed to avail of the maternity

c. run-away shop benefits for the 4 deliveries. On the fifth delivery, she

all of the above
None of the above
filed a maternity benefit claim. Is she entitled?

a. She is entitled because she did not avail of the

93. In collective bargaining agreement, the employer fails 4 deliveries.
to submit counter CBA proposal. What is/are the effect/ b. She is entitled because the benefits accrue

effects of the failure to submit?

a. the old CBA subsists under the principle of

only for 4 deliveries.
She is not entitled because the fifth delivery is
not within the four deliveries contemplated by
automatic renewal clause law.

the union should compel the employer to
the proposed CBA of the union shall be the
d. None of the above

99. The employer and the workers are mandated by law

governing CBA in the company premises. to resolve wage distortion problems. Who has

all of the above
None of the above
jurisdiction over said problems?

a. voluntary arbitration in case of unionised

94. What are the requirements for appeal from the labor establishments.

arbiter to the NLRC?

a. notice of appeal

labor arbiter in case of non-unionized
All of the above
appeal memorandum
appeal bond d. None of the above

For Private and Personal Use Only !9

Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

100. Generally, bonus is not treated as part of wages. In

the following cases, it is part of a wage.

a. the grant is without any condition

b. the grant is with a condition
c. it has ripened to a practice
d. (a) and (c)

e. None of the above

For Private and Personal Use Only !10

Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. E
7. D
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. E
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. D
19. D
20. E
21. D
22. E
23. A
24. C
25. D
26. D
27. D
28. C
29. A
30. A
31. C
32. A
33. D
34. A
35. E
36. C
37. B
38. C
39. B
40. D
41. C
42. B
43. E
44. E
45. C
46. C
47. B
48. D
49. A
50. E
51. D
52. C
53. E
54. D
55. E
56. A
57. D
58. E
59. D
60. E
61. B
62. D
63. E

For Private and Personal Use Only !11

Labor Law Multiple Choice Questions

64. E
65. A
66. B
67. D
68. B
69. E
70. E
71. E
72. C
73. D
74. C
75. E
76. C
77. B
78. B
79. C
80. A
81. C
82. C
83. D
84. B
85. D
86. D
87. D
88. C
89. D
90. B
91. E
92. D
93. C
94. E
95. B
96. D
97. D
98. A
99. C

100. A

For Private and Personal Use Only !12

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