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There is some addicts among us. Those who are not capable of giving a proper direction to a nation.

nation can not be great until it’s youth get out from the darkness. The darkness that posses drug,
corruption, cheating, bribery and several crimes. And it’s teachers are playing a vital role of showing
them the path of dishonesty. Cause whenever it comes to the point of playing an honest role, then the
politics that make it impossible for them to act on. The term teacher could not be determined by
dishonesty and lack of

This is a country where you can not a single place without corruption. And place like schools, universities
where people might think of free of politics, there you can find it worse. You can buy seats of public
universities if your father can bribe them with a good amount of money. Not only among civilians but
also among military you can find the procedure of taking corruption get placed. For example, we can say
if you are want to become a police or military officer then all your father have to make a phone call to
that authority and have to give the identity that you are too big hack with the system of the country. It
can be done with the politics or it can be done with your money.

In public exams all you have to do for your good preparation is get connected with any chain that can be
the path to your exam questions what you are going to get in your exam hall.

Let’s come to the point of politics. Here you can find our leaders who are rarely well educated and have
the capabilities to represent a population of a country. They barely can manage their family. Eventually I
saw worse case among the families of several politicians, that they are well organized and can take good
care of their own. It is proofed that if you are loyal to your family then you can not be loyal to your
country. These uneducated fellows are capable of doing only a single thing to our society and that is
constructing a society with illegal guns, drugs and full of addicts with zero percent knowledge of the
common sense. Our educated fellows and my point of view is that not only well educated but also
specialized in their fields are some how acting like an nonsense. Senses those they are making in sake of
building a better Earth, selling these to uneducated or a little educated fellows of our country. And here
is a question arise, for what’s sake they are making themselves as an entity like it. For one’s purpose

Let’s move on to the government job. Here is two categories in our country one is civil jobs and another
one is military jobs. And it is hard to find a single job sector without corruption.

Let’s go to the starting topic of teaching. Whenever you are electing teaching as your profession then it
is pretty common that you have to bring golden sweets near the mouth of those officials, sitting on
those chairs to approve you through the task. The major factor of this country is, if you are not
committing yourself as a part of the corrupted system then basically you can not do a single job of your
desire. Sometimes you can fell that dishonesty is normal and honesty is abnormal in our great country
called Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. Where you can never ever going to find a single honest people.

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