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It was Saturday after morning prays. She went down to the kitchen to make tea. Because her
mum liked to boast that she is the only one that can make her husband tea. Dad took a sip and
said it was good. Bet mum took a look at the tea and said that couldn't be true, that he only said it
to make me feel good. She found out her mum was right. She never gave up. But all her attempts
ended the same way. If the milk was not too much, the sugar would be too much or little. She
asked her mum to teach her. Mum laughed and asked me to pay her for the coaching, because
she took a great risk to loose her husband to her if she teach her. I Told mum I will ask dad to
pay her. Mum said," that one? He has Araldite in his hands. He won't pay. Later she taught me
her magic on how she makes dad tea.
It was on Saturday I got to make dad tea and took it to his room, he thanked me, he then took the
first sip at the tea, You have mastered this thing," he said.
She told her Dad that she don't want to be a Doctor but a lawyer. Her dad taught she decided it
because she wanted to get away from her chemistry problems. Bet she proved him wrong by
getting her result to him she got A in chemistry. He congratulated her. She said it was hard like
further maths." Her reminded her the only way to success is hard work. She told him about a girl
that cheated during exams. She guessed that is better to fail and fail and fail and keep trying than
to cheat and pass. She tanked me for not exposing her and gave me a reason that she said that her
parents compares her to her younger sister. Dad didnt agree with the parents attitude. He said no
parents should make a child feel that way. Besides when a child is not doing well at all, or not
doing well in a particular subject, that is when the child all the support she can get from the
He said No one likes to fail, he continued. "but failure is not always a bad thing. There is a
redeeming side to it. failure can actually empower us in ways that success cannot. failure can
teach us humility, strength and perseverance. it can also teach us to ask for help. that reminds me
of one of the greatest poem ever. Ulysses, by Alfred Lord Tennyson, an Englishman. it says,
That which we are, we are; one equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and faith, but
strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield." she remember her dad she wanted to
be a lawyer and her father told her it doesn't matter the course you choose, bet let it be what your
heart tells you. Aliya told her father their was a boy named Soho, his father want him be a lawyer
to follow his foot steps. He told her Kahlil Gibran quote. Bet she don't understand what Given
means by 'For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in
your dreams'?" He said! I think he meant that parent should not try to determine the future of
their children, much of which they will not be part of. He also seem to be saying that life keeps
changing and the world that our children would live in would be very different from our own in a
way that we cannot even imagine."

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