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Family is one of Be Strong Families core values, beginning with respect for and appreciation of

others no matter how old, how young, where they come from, what they’ve experienced, where
they are, how capable they are, how healthy they are, who they love. It extends to individual’s
choices of who they call family – what intentional, meaningful relationships they form. Our
value of family extends to community and to sisterhood and brotherhood. Although we are
united by this value, family means something different to each of us. Hear from our Board of
Directors what family means to them:

“My family is and has been supportive in helping me raise my children. They represent the
foundation of who I have become in life. It was my aunt and uncle who drove me around looking
at colleges as a high school student and encouraging me for higher education. My grandparents
financed my college education. My family has always been there for me, in good times and not
so good times. If it wasn’t for my mother, I am not sure where I would be today. Since I got
divorced 12 years ago, my mother has helped me financially to stay in my home and meet the
needs of my growing kids.”

- Nina Aliprandi (Board Chair), Director of Program Services, Maryville Academy

“Family for me represents the foundation of self, and a unity of acceptance, unconditional
sacrifices, joy, support and love that is built on a continuum of resilience, and journey in
humility from the past, current and future generations.”

- Sandy Baba, Ph.D., Education Researcher

“I feel family goes beyond bloodlines, last names or obligations. To me, the word ‘family’
includes all the people in our lives who commit to love and support us unconditionally. It is not a
passive birthright but a choice, a discipline of kindness that helps us thrive both as individuals
and as a society.”

- Fernando Barcelona, President / Creative Director, Barcelona and Friends

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