Technical Description (Peguit)

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1.) Original Certificate of Title No.


“A parcel of land (Lot No. 3811, Cad-359-D, Case No. 5) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of
Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the S. along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot No. 3816, Cad-
359-D, on the NW., along lines 4-5-6-7 by Lot No. 3812, Cad-359-D; on the N., along line 7-8 by Lot No.
3803, Cad-359-D; on the _____, along lines 8-9-10-11 by Lot No. 3810; and along lines 11-12-1 by Lot
No. 3810, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY THREE (4,323)
SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

2.) Original Certificate of Title No. 67604

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4272, Cad-874-D, Case No. 4) situated in barrio of Cancatac, Municipality of
Corella, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SE. along lines 1-2-3-4-5 by Lot No. 4271; on
the S., along lines 5-6 by Lot No. 4253; on the W., along 6-7 by Lot No. 4269; along lines 7-8-9-10-11 by
Lot No. 4268; along line 11-12-13-14 by Lot No. 4270; on the NW., along lines 14-15-16-17-18-19 by Lot
No. 4213; on corner 19 by Lot No. 4668; on the N., along lines 19-20-21 by Lot No. 4667; on the NE.,
along lines 21-22-23-24-25-26 by Lot No. 4645; on the E., along lines 26-27-28-29 by Lot No. 4275; along
line 29-30 by Lot No. 4276; along line 30-31-1 by Lot No. 4274; on the corner 1, by Lot No. 4253; all Cad.
874-D. Containing an area of TWELVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED SIXTY (12,660) SQUARE METERS, more
or less.”

3.) Original Certificate of Title No. 67330

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4276, Cad-874-D, Case No. 4) situated in barrio of Cancatac, Municipality of
Corella, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the N. along line 1-2 by Lot No. 4605; on the NE.,
along line 2-3-4 by Lot No. 4601; on the E., along line 4-5-6-7-8 by Lot No. 4325; on the E., along lines 8-9
by Lot No. 4324; on the SE., along line 9-10 by Lot No. 4297; on the S., along line 10-11-12 by Lot No.
4295; along line 12-13 by Lot No. 4282; along line 13-14 by Lot No. 4281; on the S., along line 1-4-15-16
by Lot No. 4277; on the SW., along line 16-17 by Lot No. 4274; on the W., along line 17-18 by Lot No.
4272; along line 18-19-20 by Lot No. 4275; along line 20-21 by Lot No. 4669; on the NW., along line 21-
22 by Lot No. 4645; along line 22-23 by Lot No. 4644; on the N., along line 23-24 by Lot No. 4643; along
line 24-1 by Lot No. 4642; all of Cad. 874-D. Containing an area of THIRTY THREE THOUSAND THREE
HUNDRED SEVENTEEN (33,317) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

4.) Original Certificate of Title No. 12159

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4344, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Taguihon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SW. along lines 1-2 by Lot No. 4345, Cad-359-D, on
the W., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 3756, Cad-359-D; on the N., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 4343, Cad-359-D;
on the NE., along line 4-5 by Lot No. 4348, Cad-359-D; and on the SE., along line 5-1 by Lot No. 4346,
Cad-359-D. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY EIGHT (398) SQUARE METERS, more or

5.) Original Certificate of Title No. 12157

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4358, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the NE., along lines 1-2 by Lot No. 7209, Cad-359-D, on
the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 4364, Cad-359-D; on the S., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 4259, Cad-359-D;
along lines 4-5-6 by Lot No. 7487, Cad-359-D; along line 7-8 by Lot No. 4359, Cad-359-D; along line 8-9
by Lot No. 436, Cad-359-D; along lines 9-10-11-12 by Lot No. 4363, Cad-359-D; on the W., along line 12-
13 by Lot No. 4357, Cad-359-D; on the NW., along line 13-14 by Lot No. 4327, Cad-359-D; along line 14-
15 by Lot No. 4324, cad-359-Dp; and on the NE., along line 15-1 by Lot No. 4326, Cad-359-D. Containing

6.) Original Certificate of Title No. 12164

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4360, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the W., & N., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot No. 4359, Cad-359-
D, on the E., along lines 3-4-5 by Lot No. 4364, Cad-359-D; and on the S., along line 5-1 by Lot No. 4361,
Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED NINETY EIGHT (198) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

7.) Original Certificate of Title No. 12158

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4391, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Taguihon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 4390, Cad-359-D, on the
S., and W., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot No. 7202, Cad-359-D; on the NW., along line 4-5 by Lot No. 4393,
Cad-359-D; and on the N., along lines 5-6-1 by Lot No. 4392, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE

8.) Original Certificate of Title No. 12106

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4507, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Tanday, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the E. along line 1-2 by Lot No. 4595, Cad-359-D, on the
SE., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 4584, Cad-359-D; along lines 3-4-5 by Lot No. 4508, Cad-359-D; along line
5-6 by Lot No. 4509, Cad-359-D; on the SW., along line 6-7 by Lot No. 4510, Cad-359-D; along line 7-8 by
Lot No. 4582, Cad-359-D; along line 8-9 by Lot No. 4512, cad-359-D; on the NW., along line 9-10 by
Provincial Road; on the N., & NE., along lines 10-11-12 by Lot No. 4505, Cad-359-D; and on the NE.,
along lines 12-13-1 by Lot No. 4506, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of THREE THOUSAND NINE
HUNDRED SIXTY SIX (3,966) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

9.) Original Certificate of Title No. 12165

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 4548, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Tanday, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 4553, Cad-359-D, on
the S., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 4552, Cad-359-D; on the SW., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 4549, Cad-359-D;
on the NW., along line 4-5 by Provincial Road; and o the NE., along line 5-1 by Lot No. 4547, Cad-359-D.
Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY ONE (1,461) SQUARE METERS, more or

10.)Original Certificate of Title No. 67224

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 5868, Cad-874-D, Case No. 5) situated in barrio of Pandol, Municipality of
Corella, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SE., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot No. 5869; on
the W., along line 4-5 by Lot No. 5976; on the NW., corner 5 by Lot No. 5864; on the N., along lines 5-6-7
by Lot No. 5867; and on the E., along line 7-1 by Lot No. 5871; all of Cad. 874-D. Containing an area of

11.)Original Certificate of Title No. 12108

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 2578, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Landican, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the NW., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 2576, Cad-359-D;
along lines 2-3-4-5 by Lot No. 2577, Cad-359-D; on the NE., along line 5-6 by Lot No. 2598, Cad-359-D;
along lines 6-7-8 by Lot No. 2596, Cad-359-D; on the SE., along lines 8-9-10 by Lot No. 2595, Cad-359-D;
on the S., along line 10-11 by Lot No. 2594, Cad-359-D; and on the SW., along line 11-12 by Lot No. 2580,
Cad-359-D; and along line 12-1 by Lot No. 2599, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND

12.)Original Certificate of Title No. 677223

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 5920, Cad-874-D, Case No. 5) situated in barrio of Pandol, Municipality of
Corella, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the S., corner 1, by Lot No. 5915; on the SW, W
& N., along line 1-2-3-4-5-6 by Lot No. 5921; on the NE., along line 6-7-8 by Lot No. 5919; on the E.,
along line 8-1 by Lot No. 5671; all of Cad. 874-D. Containing an area of SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY NINE
(789) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

13.)Original Certificate of Title No. 5707

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 6564, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of San Roque, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 6563, Cad-359-D, on the
E., and S., along lines 2-3-4-5-6-7 by Lot No. 6540, Cad-359-D; on the SW., along line 7-8 by Lot No. 6537,
Cad-359-D; on the W., along lines 8-9-10 by Lot No. 6565, Cad-359-D; along line 10-11 by Lot No. 6538,
Cad-359-D; on the NW., and N., along lines 11-12-13-14-15-16 by Lot No. 6571, Cad-359-D; and on the
NE., along line 16-1 by Lot No. 6562, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of TEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED
THIRTY (10,730) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

14.)Original Certificate of Title No. 12161

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7201, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the N., & S., along lines 1-2-3 by Lot No. 7204, Cad-359-
D, on the W., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 4400, Cad-359-D; on the NW., & N., along lines 4-5-6 by Lot No.
4395, Cad-359-D; on the NE., along line 6-1 by Lot No. 7202, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE

15.)Original Certificate of Title No. 15914

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7024, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the N., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 7023, Cad-359-D, and on
the E., S., & W., along lines 2-3-4-1 by Lot No. 557, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED AND
THIRTY FIVE (135) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

16.)Original Certificate of Title No. 12163

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7233, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 7219, Cad-359-D, on
the N., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 7223, Cad-359-D; on the E., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 7230, Cad-359-D;
on the NE., along line 4-5 by Lot No. 7472, Cad-359-D; along lines 5-6-7 by Lot No. 7232, Cad-359-D; on
the E., along lines 7-8-9 by Barrio Road; on the SE., along line 9-10 by Lot No. 7235, Cad-359-D; and on
the S., along line 10-1 by Lot No. 7234, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND THREE
17.)Original Certificate of Title No. 12162

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7210, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 7208, Cad-359-D, on the
SE., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot No. 7486, Cad-359-D; on the SW., along line 4-5-6 by Lot No. 7209, Cad-359-
D; on the NW., along line 6-7 by Lot No. 4326, Cad-359-D; along line 7-8 by Lot No. 7213, Cad-359-D; and
on the N., along lines 8-9-1 by Lot No. 7211, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND THREE

18.)Original Certificate of Title No. 12160

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7249, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 7248, Cad-359-D; on
the E., along lines 2-3-4 by Lot No. 7246, Cad-359-D; on the SE., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 7250, Cad-359-
D; on the S., along line 4-5 by Lot No. 3677, Cad-359-D; on the SW., along line 5-6 by Lot No. 4383, Cad-
359-D; on the W., along line 6-7 by Lot No. 4337, Cad-359-D; and on the NW., along line 7-1 by Lot No.
7246, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FIFTY SIX (5,656) SQUARE
METERS, more or less.”

19.)Original Certificate of Title No. 12109

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 8410, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Tanday, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SE., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 8411, Cad-359-D, on
the SW., along line 2-3 by Lot No. 4567, Cad-359-D; on the NW., along line 3-4 by Lot No. 8409, Cad-359-
D; and on the NE., along line 4-1 by Lot No. 4627, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND

20.)Original Certificate of Title No. 34110

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 2303, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of Guiwanon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 2273, Cad-359-D, on
the NW and SW., along lines 2-3-4-5 by Lot No. 2272, Cad-359-D; on the N., and W., along lines 5-6-7-8
by Lot No. 2271, Cad-359-D; on the NE., along lines 8-9-10 by Lot No. 2270, Cad-359-D; and on the E.,
along lines 10-1 by Lot No. 2302, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED
TWENTY NINE (329) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

21.)Katibayan ng Orihinal na Titulo Blg. 69071

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 1060, Cad-359-D, Case No. 3) situated in barrio of Tanday, Municipality of
Corella, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the E., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 1061; on the SE.,
along lines 2-3 by Lot No. 1062; on the S., corner 3 by Lot No. 1063; on the W., along line 3-4 by
Provincial Road (15.00 m. wide); on the N., along line 4-1 by Lot No. 1059; all of Cad-874-D. Containing

22.)Original Certificate of Title No. 20638

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 7210, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of ___________________, Municipality of
Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the W., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot No. 652,
Cad-359-D; along lines 4-5-6 by Lot No. 653, Cad-359-D; along line 6-7 by Private Road; on the N., along
line 7-8 by Lot No. 657, Cad-359-D; along lines 8-9-10-11 by Lot No. 655, Cad-359-D; along lines 11-12 by
Lot No. 657, Cad-359-D; on the Ne., along lines 12-13-14 by Lot No. 634, Cad-359-D; on the E., along line
14-15 by Lot No. 636, Cad-359-D; on the S., along line 15-16 by Lot No. 638, Cad-359-D; along line 16-17-
18-19 by Lot 646, Cad-359-D; and on the SW., along line 19-20 by Lot No. 649, Cad-359-D; and along line
20-1 by Lot No. 650, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FORTY EIGHT
(4,548) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

23.)Original Certificate of Title No. 21598

“A parcel of land (Lot No. 373, Cad-359-D) situated in barrio of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot No. 364, Cad-359-D, on the
E., along lines 2-3 by Lot No. 372, Cad-359-D; along line 3-4 by Lot No. 371, Cad-359-D; on the S., along
line 4-5 by Lot No. 61, Cad-359-D; along lines 5-6-7-8 by Lot No. 60, Cad-359-D; on the SW., along lines
8-9-10 by Lot No. 58, Cad-359-D; on the W., along line 10-11 by Street; on the NW., along lines 11-12-13-
14 by Lot No. 379, Cad-359-D; along line 14-15 by Lot No. 376, Cad-359-D; and on the N., along lines 15-
16-1 by Lot. No. 375, Cad-359-D. Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY
SEVEN (1,727) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

Lot 373-A

“A parcel of land (Lot 373-A, of the subdivision plan, being a portion of Lot 373, Cad-359-D), situated in
the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on
the SE., along line 1-2-3, by Lot 373-F, Road Lot 3.00 m. wide, of the subdivision plan; on the SW., along
line 3-4-5, by Lot 379 Cad-359-D, on the NW., along line 5-6, by Lot 376 Cad-359-D; on the NE., along line
6-7 by Lot 375 Cad-359-D, along line 7-1, by Lot 373-B of the subdivision plan. Containing an area of

Lot 373-B

“A parcel of land (Lot 373-B, of the subdivision plan, being a portion of Lot 373, Cad-359-D), situated in
the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on
the SW., along line 1-2, by Lot 373-A, of the subdivision plan; on the NE. and NW., along line 2-3-4, by
Lot 375 Cad-359-D, on the NE., along line 4-5, by Lot 364 Cad-359-D; on the SE., along line 5-6 by Lot 372
Cad-359-D, along line 6-7, by Lot 371 Cad-359-D; along line 7-1, by Lot 373-F, Road Lot 3.00 m. wide, of
the subdivision plan. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT (278) SQUARE METERS,
more or less.”

Lot 373-C

“A parcel of land (Lot 373-C, of the subdivision plan, being a portion of Lot 373, Cad-359-D), situated in
the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on
the NW., along line 1-2, by Lot 373-F, Road Lot 3.00 m. wide, of the subdivision plan; on the NE., and
NW., along line 2-3, by Lot 371 Cad-359-D, on the SW., along line 3-4, by Lot 61 Cad-359-D; on the NW.,
along line 4-1, by Lot 373-D of the subdivision plan. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY
EIGHT (278) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”
Lot 373-D

“A parcel of land (Lot 373-D, of the subdivision plan, being a portion of Lot 373, Cad-359-D), situated in
the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on
the NE., along line 1-2, by Lot 373-C, of the subdivision plan; on the SE., along line 2-3, by Lot 61 Cad-
359-D, on the SE. and SW., along line 3-4-5-6, by Lot 60 Cad-359-D; and on the NW., along line 6-7, by
Lot 373-F, Road Lot 3.00 m. wide, along line 7-8, by Lot 373-E, along line 8-1, by Lot 373-F, Road Lot 3.00
m. wide, of the subdivision plan. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED NINETY (290) SQUARE METERS,
more or less.”

Lot 373-E

“A parcel of land (Lot 373-E, of the subdivision plan, being a portion of Lot 373, Cad-359-D), situated in
the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on
the SW. and NE., along line 1-2-3-4, by Lot 373-F, Road Lot 3.00 m. wide, and on the SE., along line 4-1,
by Lot 373-D, all of the subdivision plan. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED FORTY TWO (142)
SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

Lot 373-F (Road Lot 3.00 m. wide)

“A parcel of land (Lot 373-F, of the subdivision plan, being a portion of Lot 373, Cad-359-D), situated in
the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon, Province of Bohol, Island of Bohol. Bounded on
the NE., along line 1-2, by Lot 373-D, of the subdivision plan; on the SW., along line 2-3, by Lot 60 Cad-
359-D, along line 3-4-5, by Lot 58 Cad-359-D; and on the NW., along line 5-6 by STREET, on the NE.,
along line 6-7, by Lot 379 Cad-359-D, on the NW., along line 7-8-9, by Lot 373-A, along line 9-10, by Lot
373-B, all of the subdivision plan, on the SE, along line 10-11, by Lot 371 Cad-359-D, along line 11-12, by
Lot 373-C, along line 12-13, by Lot 373-D, on the SW, NE, & NW, along line 13-14-15-1, by Lot 373-E, all
of the subdivision plan. Containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY (407) SQUARE METERS, more or

TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0001-00389 (Residential Building)

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 373) situated in the Barangay of Poblacion, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Containing an area of THIRTY SIX (36) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

Lot 24. TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0003-00401

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 7265) situated in the Barangay of Dasitam, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the North by Lot No. 8216, on the South by Lot No. 7266, on the East by
Provincial Road and on the West by Lot No. 7266. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED FORTY FIVE
(345) SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

Lot 25. TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0003-00405

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 7296) situated in the Barangay of Dasitam, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the North by Lot No. 7297, 7268, on the South by Lot No. 7250, on the
East by Lot No. 7266, 7267 and on the West by Lot No. 7249, 7248. Containing an area of THIRTY FOUR
Lot 26. TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0016-00254

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 1594) situated in the Barangay of Taguihon, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the North by Lot No. 1595, on the South by Lot No. 1592, 1593, on the
East by Lot No. 2324 and on the West by Lot No. 1561, 1565. Containing an area of ONE THOUSAND

Lot 27. TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0003-00408

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 7249) situated in the Barangay of Dasitam, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the North by Lot No. 7246, on the South by Lot No. 3677, on the East by
Lot No. 7248, 7296, 7250 and on the West by Lot No. 4383, 4387. Containing an area of FIVE THOUSAND

Lot 28. TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0005-00590

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 4351) situated in the Barangay of La Libertad, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the North by Lot No. 4352, , on the South by Lot No. 4350, on the East by
Lot No. 3745 and on the West by Lot No. 4350. Containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED NINETY SIX (496)
SQUARE METERS, more or less.”

Lot 29. TAX DECLARATION NO. 2016-05-0014-00280

‘’A parcel of land (Cad Lot No. 7068) situated in the Barangay of San Vicente, Municipality of Baclayon,
Province of Bohol. Bounded on the North by Lot No. 809, on the South by Lot No. 811, on the East by Lot
No. 810 and on the West by Lot No. 808. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND TEN (310) SQUARE
METERS, more or less.”

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