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A Report

“Management Process of an organization
Overview of Grameen Phone”

Supervised By:

Mr. Md. Rubel

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
Jahangirnagar University

Prepared By:
Md. Sayam Siddique
Student ID:20191066

Md.Shahidul Islam
Student ID:20191093
Major: Finance & Banking

Shabuddin Ahmed Rasel

Student ID:20191087

Date of Submission:24/08/2019


A Report
“Management Process of Grameen Phone”

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 24.08.2019
Mr.Md. Rubel
Assistant Professor
Department of Management,
Faculty of Business studies,
Jahangirnagar University.

Subject: Submission of A Report

Dear Sir,
With due respect We would like to submit a report on “Management Process of Grameen
phone” we have completed our report as a part of the course requirement of EMBA program
under your supervision. We are grateful for your guidelines and directions. We have tried my
best to prepare this report in consistence with optimal under your valuable direction.
Hereby, we hope that you would be kind enough to accept our report and oblige thereby. we will
be glad if you kindly accept the report. Your positive action regarding this matter would be very
much helpful for our academic career. It will be our pleasure to answer any clarification
regarding this report.

Yours sincerely,
Md. Sayam Siddique, ID-20191066
Md.Shahidul Islam,ID-20191093
Shabuddin Ahmed Rasel,ID-20191087

Student’s Declaration

We the student of Master of Business Administration (MBA), bearing ID :

20191066,20191087,20191093 Jahangirnagar University hereby declare that the report namely
“Management process of Grameen Phone” has been prepared by us.

I also declare that this paper is my original work and has been prepared for academic purpose
which is a part of MBA

Yours sincerely,
Md. Sayam Siddique, ID-20191066
Md.Shahidul Islam ,ID-20191093
Shabuddin Ahmed Rasel ,ID-20191087


First of all We are grateful to almighty Allah for giving me the power to finish the report with a
well-established way and at a perfect or schedule time period. To make a report it needs a lot of
information, effort, link and so on. The main purpose of this report is to Analysis the
Management process of Grameen Phone. The successful accomplishment of this report is the
outcome of the contribution of many people, especially those who gave me time and shared
their thoughts and gave suggestion to prepare this report.

A special gratitude I give to my supervisor and teacher faculty of Business Mr. Md. Rubel
,Assistant Professor Department of Management, Jahangirnagar University who has provided
me continuous constructive counsel and guidance for completing my report. Without his
guidelines it might not be possible to complete this report successfully .

Executive Summary

. The purpose of the study is to understand the“Management process of Grameen phone”

and for this reason; we had to gain the practical area of responsibility of the employees so that
we could interact with them directly to understand their views and their relation with their

organization. The population for this study was the current employees of Grameen Phone.
Printed questionnaires were distributed among 10 respondents and all the questionnaires have
been collected and taken as the data for the study. The data has been analyzed by MS excel. In
this study, some result was satisfactory, which proved that the items of questionnaires are
appropriate with this study. Despite differences in opinions made by the organization on what the
study was conducted, the study shows that they are satisfied with their job.

Table of Content

Particulars Page N
Chapter -1: Introduction 6-8
1.0 Background of the Study 6
1.1 Objectives of the Study 6

1.2 Methodology of the Study 6
1.2.1 Population 6
1.2 .2. Sampling Technique 6
1.2.3. Sample Size 6
1.2.4 Questionnaires 7
1.2.5 Type of Data Used 7
1.2.6 Data Analysis 8
1.3 Limitation of Study 8
Chapter -2:Overview of Grameen Phone 9-12
2.0 Introduction of Grameen Phone 10
2.1 History of Grameen Phone 11
2.3 Vision of Grameen Phone 12
2.4 Mission of Grameen Phone 12
Chapter -3: Management Process of Grameen Phone 12-14
3.0 Management Process of Grameen Phone 12
3.1 Planning 12
3.2 Organization 13
3.3 Leading 13
3.4 Controling 14
Chapter -4: Analysis & Findings 15-20
Questionnaire Analysis 15-19
Findings 20
Chapter -5: Conclusion & Recomendation 21-22
Conclusion & Recomendation 21
Refference 22

Chapter – 1

1.0 Background of the study
`For the completion of this report, I have chosen a telecommunication company name “Grameen
Phone" and my report is based on Management process of Grameen Phone. I have prepared this
report under Md Rubel sir, Assistant Professor Department of Management, Jahangirnagar

1.1 Objectives of the study

Broad objective
The broad objective of the study is to know “The Management Process of Grameen Phone.”

Specific Objectives

1) To describe the various factors of Management Process

2) To know the opinion of respondents regarding the The Management Process
of Grameen Phone.
3) To give some recommendations to about The Management Process of
Grameen Phone.”

1.2. Methodology of the study:

1.2.1 Population:
The target population was the employees of Grameen Phone.

1.2.2 Sampling technique:

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The non- probability convenient sampling procedure has been used in the survey.

1.2.3 Sample size:

The sample size is 10 respondents.
Table : Sample Size

Designation No. of the respondents

Senior Officer 6

Officer 4

Total 10

1.2.4 Questionnaire:

For the purpose of my study I have designed a questionnaire. There are 10 questions in the
questionnaire, which is enclosed at appendix part of the report.

1.2.5 Type of data used:

Primary data
Primary data is the data, which is collected by the researcher directly by survey, observation and
experience. For example, if the researcher conducts a survey for the collection of data then it is
known as primary data.

Secondary data
Secondary data is the data taken by the researcher from secondary sources, internal or external.
That means the data, which was collected and used previously for another purpose is called
secondary data.

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Sources of data
Both primary and secondary data are used to prepare this report. The collection of these two
types of data is shown respectively.

Primary Sources of Data

 Through questionnaire survey.
 Through observation & face to face conversation.
Secondary Sources of Data
 Annual report
 Web based support from the internet

1.2.6 Data analysis:

The questionnaire used in here are close-ended questions. Primary data and secondary data have
been used. To analyze the gathered data different types of computer software were used such as
Microsoft word, and Microsoft power point.

1.3 Limitations of the study:

 Time limitation: To complete the study time was limited by three months. It was
really very short time to know about an organization like Grameen Phone.
 Inadequate Data: The unwillingness of the busy key persons, necessary data
collection became hard.
 Lack of Record: Large scale research was not possible due to constrains and
restrictions posed by the organization. Unavailability of sufficient written
documents as required making a comprehensive study. In many cases up to date
information was not available.
 Lack of Experiences: Lack experiences have acted as constraints in the way of
meticulous exploration of the topic. Being the temporary member of the
organization, it is not possible on my part to express some of the sensitive issues.

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 Restriction of Collection of Information: Again for formalities constraints
allowance was restricted. That’s why information shortage occurred.

Chapter – 2
“Overview of Grameen Phone”

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2.0 Introduction of Grameen Phone :

Telecommunication media has added a new dimension in modern life. Today nothing is
imaginable without this new dimension. Telephone has become living tools for modern life.
Modern telecommunication technology has shaped different forms of phones, telegraph, fax, E-
mail, Internet, Pagers, Cellular phone and so on. Since 1991, cellular phone companies in
Bangladesh have been playing a vital role in the economic development and life style of the

It is obvious that without widespread use of telecommunication no economic development is

successfully possible. As the fixed phone is more expensive and timely, the government is
encouraging cellular phone companies to run their business in Bangladesh. Other
telecommunication services are also being privatized. Again Wireless Application Protocol
(WAP) is a newly emerging technology that is integrated mobile and Internet technology.

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Mobile phone concept is not a fresh baby in Bangladesh that has already invested a lot and new
opportunities have now been born for Bangladesh and the government is earning more revenue
through its expansion. It has got a riches is the latest addition in the World of smooth and
effective communication so that its demand is increasing day by day. It was first introduced to
the Bangladeshi Market in 1991. There are four companies which have got licensed for this such
as pacific cellular company (known as City Cell), Grameen Phone Ltd., TMI (known as Robi)
and Sheba World Telecom Ltd.. Mobile phones are light, small and pocket size which is easy to
port anywhere and anytime. So people can communicate anyone its coverage limit.

Among these companies, my subject is Grameen phone Ltd. In our country Grameen Phone
started its network on March 26, 1996. At first the company marketed its pre-paid simcards.
Then the company made an agreement with the Grameen Bank in exchange of 10,000/= security
money. The company gave the members the opportunity to pay the cost of the phone set through
weekly installment. The condition is also now on. The only change happened in security money.

In today’s Bangladesh, there is no perfect alternative of Grameen Phone. It is now on the flow of
developing its program so rapidly that it seems that this company is going to capture the master
market of mobile phone in our country. Therefore, no doubt, its future prospect is bright.

2.1 History of Grameen Phone:

The concept of mobile telephony became largely familiar and phenomenal in Bangladesh in the
early 90s. The government of Bangladesh awarded Grameenphone a nationwide digital cellular
license on November 1996.

Grameenphone has been established by a consortium involving Grameen Telecom of

Bangladesh, an affiliate of the world famous Grameen Bank.

Telenor AS, the main Norwegian Telecommunication Company Marubeni Corporation, one the
largest trading and investment companies in Japan; and Gonofone Development Corporation, a

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telecommunication development company in the United States. Besides these shareholder or
ownership, GP’s other investors are – NORAD, CDC IFC, ADB.

Grameenphone launched services in Bangladesh on 26 March 1997 with 72 employees. It has

taken lease of Railway fiber optics on September ’97 for 20 years. In February 2000
Grameenphone received GSM Community Award from GSM World Congress, France and in
June 2000, Grameenphone started service in all 6 divisional towns

Grameenphone started to provide services to all people in the country, irrespective of their
location. Grameenphone was offered a cellular license in Bangladesh by the Ministry of Posts
and Telecommunications on November 28, 1996. The Company launched its service on March
26, 1997, the Independence Day of Bangladesh. In 1996, Bangladesh Government was
arranging an auction off private cell phone licenses; then on behalf of Dr. Muhammad Yunus
(Grameen Bank’s founder) a not-for-profit private company called Grameen Telecom was

created. In turn Grameen Telecom created a for-profit company called Grameenphone, found a
foreign partner, and put in a bid; Grameenphone received one of the four licenses.
Grameenphone makes its profits by serving wealthier urban customers. But from the point of
view of the Grameen family and its strong anti-poverty mission, the for-profit, urban-only
Grameenphone exists for only one reason: To fund, with its profits, the extension of cell phones
into rural Bangladesh in order to provide entrepreneurial opportunity to Grameen Bank members
through Village Phone. As Dr. Yunus puts it, “Grameenphone is merely what we need to do
Grameen Telecom’s Village Phone.”

2.2 Vision of Grameen Phone:

Greameen phone are here to help their customers We exist to help their customers get the full
benefit of being connected. Our success is measured by how passionately they promote us.
2.3 Mission of Grameen Phone:

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Empower societies: We provide the power of digital communication, enabling everyone to
improve their lives, build societies and secure a better future for all.

Chapter 3-Theoritical Aspects

Management process of Grameen phone

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3.1 Planning: Planning means setting an organization’s goal and deciding how best to achieve
them. Planning is decision making, regarding the goals and setting the future course of action
from a set of alternatives to reach them.

The plan helps to maintain managerial effectiveness as it works as a guide for the personnel for
future activities. Selecting goals as well as the paths to achieve them is what planning involves.
Planning involves selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them, it requires
decision-making or choosing future courses of action from among alternatives.
In short, planning means determining what the organization’s position and the situation should
be at some time in the future and decide how best to bring about that situation.

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Grameenphones’s basic strategy is coverage of both urban and rural areas. In contrast to the
“island” strategy followed by companies, which involves connecting isolated islands of urban
coverage through transmission links, Grameenphone builds continuous coverage, cell after cell.
While the intensity of coverage may vary from area to area depending on market conditions, the
basic strategy of cell-to-cell coverage is applied throughout Grameenphone’s network.

3.2 Organizing: Organizing can be defined as the process by which the established plans are
moved closer to realization.Once a manager set goals and develops plans, his next managerial
function is organizing human and other resources that are identified as necessary by the plan to
reach the goal.
Organizing involves determining how activities and resources are to be assembled and
coordinated.The organization can also be defined as an intentionally formalized structure of
positions or roles for people to fill in an organization.Organizing produces a structure of
relationships in an organization and it is through these structured relationships that future plans
are pursued.Organizing, then, is that part of managing which involves: establishing an intentional
structure of roles for people to fill in the organization.It is intentional in the sense of making sure
that all the tasks necessary to accomplish goals are assigned to people who can do the best.The
purpose of an organization structure is to create an environment for the best human performance.

Grammeenphone follows an orgaonogram to organizing activities and to create an environment

favorable for the best human performance.

3.3 Leading: The skills of influencing people for a particular purpose or reason is called
leading. Leading is considered to be the most important and challenging of all managerial
activities. Leading is influencing or prompting the member of the organization to work together
with the interest of the organization.
Creating a positive attitude towards the work and goals in among the members of the
organization is called leading. It is required as it helps to serve the objective of effectiveness and
efficiency by changing the behavior of the employees.

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Leading involves a number of deferment processes and activates.The functions of direction,
motivation, communication, and coordination are considered a part of the leading processor
system.Motivating is an essential quality for leading. Motivating is the function of the
management process of influencing people’s behavior based on the knowledge of what cause and
channel sustain human behavior in a particular committed direction.

As a part of the employee policy, Grameen!Phone is also providing monthly education grants to
children of all employees until the age of 21. his grant is a fixeed monthly sum for each
children furthermore, these children can also apply for financial support to attend university.

In compliance with the local legislation Grameen!hone is building a pension fund for its
employees. Grameen!Phone also invests in provident funds.

3.4 Controlling: Monitoring the organizational progress toward goal fulfillment is called
controlling. Monitoring the progress is essential to ensure the achievement of organizational

Controlling is measuring, comparing, finding deviation and correcting the organizational

activities which are performed for achieving the goals or objectives. Controlling consist of
activities, like; measuring the performance, comparing with the existing standard and finding the
deviations, and correcting the deviations.
Control activities generally relate to the measurement of achievement or results of actions which
were taken to attain the goal

GP Has been providing and maintaining innovative, user-friendly and best-value

telecommunications services to create sustainable stakeholders' value. To reach these objectives,
the Board of Directors of the Company is dedicated to ensuring higher standards of Corporate
Governance to keep the Company's Business integrity and performance on the right track. Being
a responsible corporate entity, GP maintains adequate transparency and encourages sound
Business conduct both in its in-house practices and in its external relationship with the

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community as well as suppliers, customers and business partners. The Company, at the same
time, expects acts of honesty and integrity from its Board of Directors, employees and suppliers.
As a public listed company, GP’s Board of Directors plays a crucial role in upholding the
interests of all its stakeholders. The Board of Directors and the Management Team are also
dedicated to maintaining a well-established culture of accountability, transparency, easy-to-
understand policies and procedures to ensure effective Corporate Governance at every level of its
operations. The Board of Directors and the Management Team also put their best efforts to
comply with all the laws of the country and all the internal regulation policies and procedures to
make GP a thoroughly transparent company. Moreover, recognizing the fact that compliance has
been the corner stone of good governance, the Company meticulously undergoes through the
process of statutory audit and compliance certification as required by laws of the land. As a
result, GP has been able to maintain the highest level of integrity and accountability of global
standards over the years.

Chapter 4
“Findings & Analysis”
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Questionnaire Analysis
Q1. How effectively Grameen Phone Plans to organize its goal ?

Level of statements No. Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agreed 5 50 %
Agreed 3 30%

22 | P a g e
Neutral 2 20%
Dissagreed 0 0%
Strongly Disagreed 0 0%
Total 10 100%


Strongly Agree
50% Neutral
Strongly diAgree

Explanation: From the above graph, it is seen that 50% of respondents are Strongly agreed to
the Plannig Process of Grameen Phone while 30% agreed and 20% responded are neutral .
There is none as strongly dissatisfied/disagreed.
Comment: Most of the employees of Grameen Bank are satisfied with their Plannig process.

Q2. How much organize Grammenphone is to achive its goal

Level of statements No. Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agreed 2 20 %
Agreed 8 80%

Neutral 0 0%

23 | P a g e
Disagreed 0 0%

Strongly Disagreed 0 0%

Total 10 100%

Explanation: From the above graph, it is seen that 80% of respondents are agreed that
Grameenohone is very much organized to achive its goal of while the 20% respondents are
strongly agreed and there is no disagreed respondents.
Comment: Grameen phone is very much organized.

Q3. How effectively Grameenphone lead the organization

Level of statements No. Respondents Percentage

Strongly Agreed 5 50 %
Agreed 3 30%
Neutral 2 20%

24 | P a g e
Dissagreed 0 0%
Strongly Disagreed 0 0%
Total 10 100%

Explanation: From the above graph, it is seen that 50% of respondents are Strongly agreed to
the Leading Process of Grameen Phone while 30% agreed and 20% responded are neutral .
There is none as strongly dissatisfied/disagreed.

Comment: Most of the employees of Grameen Bank are satisfied with their Leading process

Q4. How Grameenphone Control Its Resources?

Level of statements No. Respondents Percentage

Strongly Satisfied 1 10%
Satisfied 4 40%

25 | P a g e
Neutral 2 20%
Dissatisfied 1 10%
Strongly Dissatisfied 0 0%
Total 10 100%

Explanation: From the above graph, it is found that 40% of respondents are satisfied/agreed
with the Controlling process of the Grameen Phone while the 10% responded are Strongly
Satiesfied and another 10% are Dissatisfied. There is 20% who are Neutral.

Comment: So we can say that Grameen Phone Controlling process is very good.


From the questionnaire analysis the followings are found about “ Management Process Of
Grameen Phone”:

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1. Most of the employees of Grameen Bank are satisfied with their Plannig process
2. Grameen phone is very much organized
3. Most of the employees of Grameen Bank are satisfied with their Leading process
4. Grameen Phone Controlling process is very good

Chapter 5
“Conclusion and Recommendation’’

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Conclusion :
Management process is always important in the present day business world, it can help the
organization motivate the working team. To achieve organizational goal it is very much effective
Grammenphone is a well organized organization. They are the market leader of the
telecommunication industries. Nowadays some customer are switching because other
telecommunication firms are giving more offers than them.GP should overlook it and should
come with a new planning if they want to stay as a market leader.

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 Gray Dessler, “Human Resource Management” 14 th edition,2015

 Professor M.A. Akkas & Mohammad Bodiruzzaman, “Human Resource Management Theory and
Practice” 2nd edition,2015


SL Statement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How effectively Grameen

1. Phone Plans to organize
its goal ?

How much organize

2. Grammen Phone is to
achieve its goal?

29 | P a g e
3. Grameenphone lead the
How Grameenphone
4. Control Its Resources?

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