Central Nervous System Infection in The Pediatric

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Review Article

Central nervous system infection in the

pediatric population
Rabi Narayan Sahu, Raj Kumar, A. K. Mahapatra
Department of Neurosurgery, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Rabi Narayan Sahu, Department of Neurosurgery, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical
Sciences, Rae Bareli Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh-226 014, India. E-mail: drrnsahu@gmail.com

Infection of the central nervous system is a life-threatening condition in the pediatric population. Almost all
agents can cause infection within the central nervous system and the extent of infection ranges from diffuse
involvement of the meninges, brain, or the spinal cord to localized involvement presenting as a space-occupying
lesion. Modern imaging techniques define the anatomic region infected, the evolution of the disease, and help
in better management of these patients. Acute bacterial meningitis remains a major cause of mortality and
long-term neurological disability. Fortunately, the incidence of infection after clean craniotomy is < 5%, but it
leads to significant morbidity as well as fiscal loss. The most significant causative factor in postcraniotomy
infections is postoperative CSF leak. Cerebral abscess related to organic congenital heart disease is one of
the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population. The administration of prophylactic
antibiotics is indicated for contaminated and clean-contaminated wounds.

Key words: Cerebral abscess, meningitis, pediatric, post-craniotomy infection, prophylactic antibiotics

Introduction of potent newer antibiotics, the mortality rate due to acute

bacterial meningitis remains significantly high (16–32%) in
Infection of the central nervous system is a life-threatening India and other developing countries.[1-4]
condition, especially in children, that demands immediate
attention from the attending physician or surgeon and the
clinical pathologist as well as the microbiologist. Almost Bacteriology of Infection and
all agents can cause infection within the central nervous Host Defenses
system and the extent of infection ranges from diffuse
involvement of the meninges, brain, or the spinal cord to Almost every infective agent can cause infections within
localized involvement presenting as a space-occupying the CNS, although agents vary in their tendency to do so.
lesion. Epidemiological considerations, appreciation of the
Infective agents generally gain access to the CNS either
presenting clinical syndrome (acute bacterial meningitis,
by the hematogenous route or by direct extensions. Most
acute aseptic meningitis, chronic meningitis or space-
agents that can invade the blood stream can be carried to
occupying lesions) and cerebrospinal fluid analysis facilitates
the CNS. The rare exceptions include rabies virus, herpes
diagnosis. Modern imaging techniques define the anatomic
region that has been infected and the evolution of the disease, simplex virus 1, and Naegleria fowleri. In rabies, the virus
help to evaluate the treatment efficacy, and can frequently travels along the peripheral nerves from the site of infection
help to determine extra-central nervous system sources of to the CNS. However, in herpes and Naegleria infections,
infection, such as sinusitis or mastoiditis. Acute bacterial the inoculation occurs directly through the olfactory bulbs.
meningitis remains a major worldwide cause of mortality Bacterial agents commonly cause infection of the CNS in
and long-term neurological sequelae. Despite the availability infants and children. By far, the most common presentation of
such infection is meningitis. Less often, intracranial abscesses
are found in the epidural, subdural, or intracerebral tissues.
DOI: 10.4103/1817-1745.49102 The incidence of bacterial meningitis is high in the first few
Online full text at months of life and continues to be high until two years of age,
http://www.pediatricneurosciences.com after which it declines considerably.[5,6] Neonates usually
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derive their colonization from the maternal gastrointestinal Specific CNS Infections
or genitourinary tracts. In the first two weeks of life, group
B Streptococci and Escherichia coli are the most common Craniotomy infections
infective agents, accounting for approximately 80–85% In most hospitals, the incidence of infection after clean
of all cases.[7] The bulk of the remaining cases are caused craniotomy is < 5%. There are several contributing factors
by other coliforms such as Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus such as the duration of surgery, re-exploration surgery, age
mirabilis, Citrobacter freundii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and of the patient, and postoperative CSF leaks.[12,13] However,
Salmonella enteritidis. Group B Streptococci type-I are still the most significant causative factor in postcraniotomy
the most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis in infants infections is the postoperative CSF leak.[14] CSF fistulae
between three and six weeks of age. [8] A comprehensive offer routes for bacterial entry and should be treated
age-wise etiology of meningitis is given in the Table 1.[9] promptly.[12] A few stitches in time when the skin is healthy,
solve the problem in most cases. Sometimes, repeated
Fortunately, the central nervous system is well protected lumber punctures or a spinal drain help and enables the
against most micro-organisms because of its unique location CSF fistula to scar.
deep in the body where it is protected by skin, muscle, bone,
and tough fibrous tissue. Surgical interventions transcend Amongst the further complications of craniotomy infections are
these barriers and directly expose the CNS to the possibility postoperative meningitis, empyema, abscess formation, wound
of microbiological attacks. However, the body executes a gap, and bone flap infections. Postoperative meningitis is not
complex series of host defenses to reduce the likelihood very common but it is a potentially lethal complication[15] with
that such microbiologic contaminations will proceed to Staphylococci sp. being common pathogens in such meningitis.
frank infection. Whether a bacterial inoculum in a wound Lumber puncture should be done to exclude meningitis in the
will proceed to a frank infection can be predicted by many postoperative period if the patients show signs of meningismus
factors such as the size and virulence of the inoculum and with fever. Choosing a proper antibiotic is as important as
the level of the host defense present. administering these antibiotics in proper doses.[16]

Bone flap infection

Imaging in Infection The incidence of bone flap infection following craniotomy is
greater when the bone is devascularized. Bone flap infections
Imaging is extremely important in the diagnosis and are characterized by a local inflammation and a nonhealing
management of intracranial infections. It defines the fistula. The standard treatment is removal of the infected
anatomic region affected: the epidural or subdural bone flap and cranioplasty at a later date.[17,18]
spaces, the pia-arachnoid, the cerebral parenchyma, or
the ventricles. It also helps to define the evolution of the CSF shunt infection
process, i.e., the transitions from meningitis to cerebritis
CSF shunt infections are one of the most important infections
to abscess formation. The primary imaging techniques for
encountered by neurosurgeons. According to several studies,
demonstrating the presence of inflammation and their
the incidence varies from 5–39% of all shunts [19,20] and
effects are computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic
the infective etiology is responsible for hydrocephalus in
resonance imaging (MRI). The intravenous injection of a significant number of children (36%).[20] The possibility
an iodinated contrast agent is essential in the CT-assisted of TORCH infection as a cause of hydrocephalus should
diagnosis of cerebritis, cerebral abscess, and ventriculitis. be considered during antenatal check-up even among the
Similarly magnetic resonance contrast agents such as children of screened mothers. As colonization of shunt
gadolinium-DTPA cross the blood brain barrier in areas tubing occurs most frequently during surgery, the organisms
of cerebritis or abscess.[10,11] MRI is superior to CT scans in are usually skin pathogens, especially Staphylococci sp., both
showing meningeal enhancement from meningitis because coagulase-positive and coagulase-negative types. Staphylococci
of the absence of bony artifacts of adjacent skull bones epidermidis, (coagulase-negative) makes up the largest group
seen with CT scans. However, evidence of bony erosion of microorganisms that colonize shunts.[21] There is some
or abnormalities due to inflammation is more clearly controversy about whether antibiotic-impregnated shunts
demarcated in CT scans than in MRI. help in preventing infection.[22,23] Sometimes, brain abscess

Table 1: Age-wise etiology of meningitis

Within 2 weeks 3 to 6 weeks 7 weeks to 15 years > 15 years
Group B Streptococcus Group B Streptococcus Haemophilus inßuenzae b Streptococcus pneumoniae
Escherichia coli Haemophilus inßuenzae b Streptococcus pneumoniae Neisseria meningitides
Enterococcus Streptococcus pneumoniae Neisseria meningitides Streptococcus
Listeria monocytogenes Neisseria meningitides Staphylococcus
Escherichia coli Listeria monocytogenes
Listeria monocytogenes

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and other uncommon complications can occur due to shunt begins subsequently with capsulation consolidating around
insertion.[24,25] the necrotic center. The late capsule phase occurs around
14 days with dense collagen capsulation surrounded by a
gliotic pseudocapscule.[33] The treatment of the brain abscess
Intracranial Abscess is usually nonsurgical, but surgical aspiration or excision of
the whole abscess in necessary in most cases.[34] Occasionally,
The incidence of brain abscess is higher in India. Bhatia et spontaneous evacuation of intracranial abscesses has been
al, reported that abscess comprised 8% of all intracranial reported through normal or abnormal pathways.[35]
spinal space-occupying lesions.[25] Brain abscess is initiated
when micro-organisms are introduced as a result of trauma,
contiguous infection, or hematogenous dissemination. Neurosurgical Infections in the
Sometimes, the abscess confines itself to subdural spaces
and is then known as subdural empyema [Figure 1]. The
Immunocompromised Host
source of infection is frequently found and the cause
Infection involving the CNS is often devastating in patients
remains obscure in 10–37% of patients. [26] Suppurative
with compromised immune function. The incidence of
infections of the paranasal sinus, middle ear, and mastoid
CNS infection in immunocompromised patients is 0.6–14%
are the most common sources of underlying infection in
with a mortality rate of 42–77%. Sometimes, intracranial
most clinical series.[27-29] Metastatic abscesses occur through
infections harbor unusual organisms such as Nocardia sp.
hematogenous dissemination of micro-organisms from a
etc. [36] Meningitis and encephalitis represent most CNS
remote site of infection. Common primary foci include skin
infections in immunocompromised patients and do not usually
pustules, pulmonary infections (empyema, bronchiectasis,
require neurosurgical attention. The developments of brain
abscess and pneumonia), osteomyelitis, dental abscess, and
abscess in the compromised host signals a neurosurgical
subacute bacterial endocarditis. Metastatic abscesses occur in
emergency. Organ transplantation and cancer patients
multiples and tend to occur at the cortico-medullary junction
comprise the majority of immunocompromised patients
where the blood flow is slowest.[30] Cerebral abscess related to
who are prone to brain abscess formation.[37] The duration
organic congenital heart disease is one of the leading causes
of immunosuppressant therapy is a major determining
of morbidity and mortality in the pediatric population.[31]
factor for the development of CNS infection. After organ
Tubercular brain abscess (TBA) is a rare manifestation of
transplantation, the maximal risk of CNS infection for
CNS tuberculosis. It is characterized by an encapsulated
transplants recipients is for the first four months. Potential
collection of pus containing viable tubercular bacilli without
infections including Pseudomonas sp, E. coli, and Proteus sp
any evidence of tubercular granuloma.[32] Britt et al, divided
are more common. Among fungal infections, Aspergillus sp
abscess formation into four stages based on histopathologic
is common.[38,39]
data.[33] The early celebrities (days one to three) stage is
characterized by the presence of a necrotic center accompanied Tubercular abscess formation has been described in some
by a local inflammatory response surrounding the adventitia cases.[40]
of blood vessels [Figure 2]. In the late celebrities phase
(days four to nine), pus formation occurs leading to the
enlargement of the necrotic center, which is surrounded by Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Neurosurgery
a zone of inflammatory cells and macrophages; maximum
edema occurs during this phase. Early encapsulation phase Due to a low risk of infection (2–3%), prophylactic use of

Figure 1: Brain abscess in contrast-enhanced CT scan Figure 2: Interhemispheric subdural empyema

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