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Chapter Two

Literature Review

This chapter reviews that growing body of literature has discussed various issues and problems of the
first language learning over the second language learning. It also discusses that the first language and its
literature brings several hindrances to the second language learning and its literature. It argues that
students face challenges to achieve the second(foreign) language acquisition and English(foreign)
literature. It demonstrates that low proficient students of English language can not give way to read
English literature as required. It identifies that low proficient students of English language, due to
several weakness, prefer to read their ingenious literature, Sindhi literature, rather than ( foreign)
English literature.

Review of Literature

Houmanfar, J.Hayes, and A.Herbst (2005) claim, “ The dominancy of first language over the second
language and interference of one language over the other were established” This statement suggests
that some IELL's students are over trained and over learned with their first language. This term over
trained brings several difficulties and challenges in learning the second language and its literature.
Indeed, there are factors superior to English language and its literature, for example, when students go
for translation of first into the second language, they can not do that because of over learned first
language. These three authors discover that when it comes to verbal and writing phases and to
understand purpose and themes of literary text, students can not do that accurately as they can do
dealing with the first language acquisition. Similarly Sharma(2015) highlights that in order to learn
second language and its literature, we have come across the interference of prevalent first language
over the other. She suggest there is need of most people to learn second language to survive in the
civilized, competitive and educated society. After, the first language is over trained; now to learn the
second one, there are errors of errors and in-coherent sentences structures. She advises that to get
command in learning second language, one need to regularly learn strategies; like reading, writing,
listening, and speaking. She also insists that to get command over the second language, one must be
expert in the first language, because then he can apply all efforts similarly to deal with the second
language acquisition. Hashmas (2007) demonstrates that students give way themselves to study
ingenious language and its literature, because they do not know more about second language, and due
to this they feel shame, they want to escape from English society and all other participations.
Harida( 2014) proves that students can not deal with second language as they can do with the first
language. Because their grammar is weak, they don’t have treasure of vocab to understand literary
pieces, they don’t have related past knowledge of these pieces, and they are unable to connect
knowledge to the context, they don’t have reading habits; therefore, they don’t get more ideas to
interpret them easily. Iqbal, Noor and Kazemiem (2015) similarly find the weaknesses of students who
do not have stock of words remembered. These authors discover that students read and do cramming
to only pass the exams but not for their future advantages. Students become unable to answer the
question, because they do not use words in sentences and in colloquial, but they crame for temporary
to pass the exams. They don’t have techniques to guess words' meaning in literary pieces to understand
the concept if them.

Students who are not good at English language can not understand literature well, as compared to
those who are expert at first language can understand their ingenious literature better,
Muhammad(2013) acknowledges. He opines that those students who keep themselves way from
reading English literary texts will face embarrassments and confusions in learning English language. He
portrays two phases that those students who are expert in English language literature for them is
pleasure reading, while other who are poor in English language literature for them is depression. English
literature is source and inspiration of learning English language if it is learnt through creative and
innovative manner rather than only through syllabus and academic purposes. Familiarly Al- Mahrooqi
( 2012) identifies two factors of reading English literature; some students are optimistic and others are
pessimist. Earlier study for pleasure, they enjoy doing text's interpretations and analysis easily, while for
latter, who do not want to read, literature is headache. Because of their low proficiency in English
language and they possess no related knowledge of history for connecting it to literature. In English
department, due to lack of activities, students do not get supportive environment to discuss literary
genres and cultural values of English language. There is an other major defects that due to lengthy
academic syllabus, students do not read text and other suggested articles completely:, this, then, make
them failure in their career. In conclusion, Othman ( 2015) instructs that English department should
choose appropriate literature syllabus for teaching in classrooms so that these suitable genres can bring
students interest and pleasure, and with this opportunity candidates will greatly learn English language.
And this process will bring students closer to English literature rather than any other or ingenious
literature. Hodges( 2010) Familiarly demonstrates the creation of preventions in pleasure reading by set
curriculums for annual exams. Students do not have vast of knowledge because they do not read news
writes up from technologies and other resources but they are compelled to read texts of syllabus
selected by the department. They read confined texts because they long for grades and positions only.
The liberal study of different genres of English literature leads students towards self-understanding,
moral aspects and emotional education; therefore, they become round to enter the rational and
imaginative worlds. There are reasons of reading English literature: some study to get the job, some to
know living standard of others and their culture, some to escape from worries of life, while other read it
for knowledge and their academic purposes.

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