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Gonzales, Kit Ian

Guttierez, Joshua
Ibaretta, Romeo
Lechuga, Kim
Tanchico, Gemuel
Villasan, Gedryl

Chapter 1

Problem and its Background


In this modern period, as the technology has become a way of life, advancements in

everything were introduced. One of the most influenced aspects of this advancement is the

education, where in technology specifically, digital tools were used to improve the quality of

education. Digital tools means software and platforms for teaching and learning that can be used

with computers or devices to work on texts, images, audios, and videos. Hundreds of digital

educational tools have been created with the purpose of giving autonomy to the students,

improving administration of academic processes, encouraging collaboration, and facilitating

communication between teachers and learners.It features the use of digital tools such as the

Edmodo, Socrative, Projeqt, Thinglink, TED-Ed, etc. These digital tools has the same purpose and

objective which is to create a learning process that is more enriching, personalized, and aligned

with the opportunities broughtby the technology and the digital environment.

Here in 21st Century where technology knows no bounds, the phase of radical development

where technology is taking over every corner. During this phase, the education system is evolving

for the sake of betterment, as this generation’s students were not born to be confined by limits of

simple learning; their curiosity is vast and cannot be catered with educational systems that were

designed earlier.

The world is transforming with lightning speed since digital technology has taken off. And as

technology advances, so does its use in education. These days, classrooms and learning practices are

a world away from those of old generation knew. Tools such as educational platform, cloud

computing, visual presentation or gamification are enhancing the learning experience in a dynamic

and accessible way. The future of educational technology has introduced to the country, particularly

to the prestigious schools and university. And now the other school was being open to this idea for

the sake of the betterment of education quality. But the real question is: how can we assure that a

successful outcome bound to happen if this senior high school department of Green Fields Integrated

School of Laguna adapt to this advancement like the other school where in students’ capabilities to

produce designated levels of performance and engagement in class happen to improve.

Student engagement was viewed as one of the keys to addressing problems such as low

achievement, boredom and alienation, and high drop rates (Jonathan Martin on Importance of

Student Engagement). One of the factors of poor student engagement is the lack of creative learning

and teaching due to the use of traditional way rather than to adapt to the advancements as this

generation of students were born in digital period where in they prefer an interaction fused with

technology; that is why they find traditional learning boring (Amada Torres). The student

engagement varies directly to the self-efficacy as the more engage the student is, the more he/she

believe on what his/her capable of. Such beliefs produce diverse effects through four major processes

which include cognitive, motivational, affective, and selection processes. A strong sense of efficacy

enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many ways. People with high

assurance in their capabilities approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered rather than as
S E N I OA.R Self-efficacy.
threats to be avoided (Bandura, H I G H S C InH OV.S.
O LRamachaudran
D E P A R T M EEd,
N TEncyclopedia of human


According to the Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA), Philippines has a high dropout rate of 3

out of 10 students every year which is equivalent to 3.3 million aged 16-24 years old who are

supposed to be in Senior High School and College. And as the past researchers’ study on academic

performance and motivation, senior high school students of Green Fields Integrated School of

Laguna lack on what it takes to have an ownership of learning due to the poor engagement and self-

efficacy. This is viewed as a cause of tardiness, absentees, and even poor academic marks that may

lead to repetition and drop-outs, which were the major crisis of the school. Researchers made a study

on these problems and come up with the idea of studying the factors for improving the teaching and

learning quality with the help of digital tools that will help the students gained interest in studying,

achieved a self-efficacy and ownership of learning, as this was viewed as possible solution according

to their background of study.


Statement of the Problem

This study will find out the effectiveness of digital tools to the academic performance of


The study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the following respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Strand

2. What are the benefits of using digital tools in terms of:

2.1 Self-Efficacy

2.2 Student Engagement

2.3 Ownership of Learning

3. Is there any significance difference in the effectiveness of using digital tools to the students’

academic performance of Senior High School?

Theoretical Framework



Technology- Comprehension
based Teaching Fluency
and Learning

Figure1. Theoretical

According to Liane Wardlow, Ph.D. (2016) on his study

in Behaviorist Philosophy of Learning, teaching should emphasize ways to increase desired

behaviors, which can occur through technology-based teaching. Many digital tools serve to increase

drill practice such as learning language, mathematics and science, which will help on overall

learning. Digital resources allow for faster updates than textbooks and offer a wider variety of

sources to all students. It is also showed in his study the massive effect of technology-based teaching

on students’ engagement, as it catches students’ interest and attention better. This two benefit of

technology-based teaching: the motivation and engagement was viewed as key factors of improving
S E of
cognition or overall learning N Ithe
OR H I G HInSconclusion,
students. C H O O L technology-based
D E P A R T M E Nteaching
T is viewed as a

solution for improving education quality.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Effectiveness of
Digital Tools
Profile of the Independent
Towards the
Respondents Variables
Age Self-Efficacy Performance of
Gender Student Senior High School
Strand Engagement Students of Green
Ownership of Fields Integrated
Learning School of Laguna,


Figure2. Research Paradigm

The proposed framework includes the various directly associated with the core aim of the

study that explain how effective digital tools in developing student engagement, self-efficacy, and

ownership of learning to improve the academic performance and give solution to the problem the

subject has been facing which is the high dropout rate and poor education quality due to lack of

student interest, motivation, beliefs in their self, cognitive ability, and overall learning. The proposed

framework has guided this research in investigating the effectiveness of digital tools towards the

academic performance of senior high school students of Green Fields Integrated School of Laguna,


Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining the effectiveness of using digital tools in the learning system.

Moreover, the results of the study will be beneficial to the following:

1) Students – The students will have an awareness on the opportunities they will get in this

study, especially this study will provide a solution for the betterment of their learning quality.

2) Teachers/Faculty – The result of this study will provide an idea for the teachers on how they

will enhance their teaching quality in a more effective way.

3) School Administration – The same with the teacher, the result of this study will also provide

an idea for them to improve the quality of learning their school might get.

4) Parents – The result of the study will help the parents of the students to feel an ease and

worthiness on the sacrifices they made to give an education to their children as this study will

provide an idea for the betterment of the students’ learning qualitythat the teachers and

administration might consider.

5) Future Researchers – This research will help the future researchers conducting a study related

to this research because they can use this in their background study and review study.

Definition of Terms
 Digital tools – this is software and platforms for teaching and learning that use on

teaching aids, learning activities, assessments, data storing, etc. This viewed as a

solution to improve the engagement of the students, self-efficacy, and ownership of


 Ownership of Learning – it means that a learner is motivated, engaged, and self-

directed. It means they can monitor their own progress and are able to reflect on the

knowledge they have learn. This is the sum of having a student engagement and self-


 Self-Efficacy – defined as one’s belief in one’s ability to succeed in specific situations or

accomplish task. This is having a confidence on oneself, as he/she knows that he/she

can do a certain work.

 Student Engagement – it refers to the degree of attention, interest, and passion that

students show when they are learning.

 Vicarious Experience Information (VEI) – it is the information or knowledge gained by

experiencing a viewing of demonstration, hearing of information, or reading about how

a task must done rather by doing something yourself, it comes from someone else or

some tools.

Chapter II – Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies after the thorough and in-depth search

done by the researchers. The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of digital tools have

on student’s engagement, self-efficacy, and ownership of learning. This will be followed by an

S Ehas
exploration of research that N I already
O R H Ibeen
G H conducted
S C H O O Lwhich
D E Prelates
ARTM to Ethe
NTuse of digital learning

tools in education. In doing so, a context of existing knowledge will be established from which to

examine and to synthesize participant responses in the following chapters.

Foreign Literature


Natalie Wilde (2019) findings showed that individuals with low general self-efficacy to find

vicarious experience information significantly less beneficial for their self-efficacy in completing a set

task when compared to others with high general self-efficacy. Those with low general self-efficacy

were more likely to make negative self-comparisons to the vicarious experience information (VEI),

restricting its potential to increase their self-efficacy. In contrast, participants with high general self-

efficacy found many of the VEI presented to be beneficial to their self-efficacy to complete the set task

as they were more likely to dismiss any information they interpreted to be negative. Results from her

study highlight the importance of more research into how vicarious experience information can be

designed and presented in a way that ensures benefit to the task-specific self-efficacy of all

individuals, regardless of their general self-efficacy beliefs at the time.

Levels of self-efficacy are not static and have the ability to increase through exposure to

influential information sources, one of which is vicarious experience information (VEI). If an

individual experienced or watched, heard, and read how a task should accomplish or how another

individual accomplished a certain task, it raises their own belief that they too can succeeded at a the

same task. It is said that VEI have the most instant and direct effect on an individual’s self-efficacy

rather than by doing a task all by itself.

In the education, it is suggested that to gain vicarious experience information (VEI), educators

should teach the students with visual aids, demonstration, and exemplification so that students will
get an idea in the whole Sconcept,
ENIOR onHhow
doC aHcertain
task. AR is Talso
M Esuggested
NT that educators

should focus on giving students hands-on activities and practical test rather than answer sheets.

Moreover, this suggestion will best utilize with the help of digital technology or digital tools as the

background study of researchers said.

Caroline Meriaux (2019) stated on her article that teaching without technology is nowadays

impossible, not only because technology is part of people’s everyday life, but also because digital

tools can really improve learning, if used effectively. Research shows that digital tools increase

attention and engagement; discussion boards facilitate collaborative learning; and digital media are

an effective way of engaging students and support their understanding.

New technologies for education are rapidly changing and there are more and more providers

offering new solutions. The problems school they are facing now is how to adapt to this fast-changing

environment in education. Caroline Meriaux suggested that there is a need to know first what the

school lacks, be informed about all of these new tools, and test them if it is a solution that will add

value to course. Like many schools in the world, they have Learning Management System (LMS),

which is now used by most of the professors to share teaching material, create online activities or

assignments, or even to deliver small online courses. On top of that, many schools offer a range of

various solutions like live-polling apps, a virtual classroom tool, telepresence robots, a mini-video

studio, etc. And based on the statistic monitoring of student achievements, these schools has a high

rate of student achievements that made them globally competence.

Student Engagement

Jim Parsons (2015) found that this generation’s students live in world that engages them

differently than the world their parents experienced. Students have changed over the last twenty
years; perhaps because of SaEtechnology
N I O R H rich
I G Hsociety
S C Hupbringing,
O O L D E Pthey
A R appear
T M E NtoThave different needs,

goals, and learning preferences than students in the past. Classroom practices reported to engage

learners are predominantly inquiry-based, problem-based, and exploratory. It is also stated that

today’s learners ask for the opportunity to explore and to find solutions and answer for themselves.

Linguist James Paul Gee and Educator Elisabeth Hayes (2015) on their recent Language and

Learning in the Digital Age suggests that digital technologies are reshaping learning. Gee and Hayes

note that new forms of digital tools draw student increasingly toward alternative ways of learning.

Their insightful work explores how alternative methods of learning might create a paradigm shift for

schools. Hay (2000) reports that students want more hands-on, inquiry based approaches to learning

and are less willing to simply absorb what is put before them.

One common prerequisite for engaging learners is “relevancy”. Today’s learners ask that their

learning apply to real-life scenarios whenever possible as opposed to being theoretical and text-

based. Working with authentic problems or community issues engages students and builds a sense of

purpose to the learning experience. However, the problem is how to simulate a scenario where they

gain experience. Now, this is where technology will take place. Technology has a capability of

enhancing experiences through the digital media or digital tools. It is suggested that digital tools can

fill this problem and improve the engagement of students, as the relevancy will also not neglect.

Ownership of Learning

David T. Conley (2017) stated that ownership of learning could not compensate entirely for

fundamental deficits in content knowledge mastery. However, students with strong motivation, a

desire to achieve goals, a belief in their own capacity of success, the ability to reflect on their learning

strategies, and a willingness to persist in the face of obstacles can overcome specific shortcomings in
content knowledge or obtain IO
the R H I G Hnecessary
knowledge SCHOO toLsucceed.
D E P AItRisT also
MEN T that ownership of

learning is one of the several key indicators of college readiness that is not sufficiently taught or


It is stated that ownership of learning is the summation of having a belief on own capacity of

success, desire to achieve goals or strong motivation, and a knowledge on a subject that will gain if a

student is interested enough on the learning. So basically, ownership of learning will be gain if a

student has an engagement and self-efficacy. And to gain those two key factors, the reviewed

literature above suggested that digital tools could be a solution because digital tools provide a lesson

that is more engaging to the students. If a student is engaged enough there is a definite positive

outcome which is he/she will learn. And if he/she learns, his/her efficacy will improve and improve

as he/she achieved a task.

Richard Osborne (2019) stated on his article that there are barriers to the effective use of

digital technologies in education from the fundamentals such as stable and secure infrastructure,

through the social such as agreed and well-communicated policies, to the pragmatic such as

professional development and training. It is given that digital technologies can make difference in

education, but the same research shows that it is difficult to show precisely how to get the right

alignment between the needs of teachers, and the affordance provided by the digital technologies

(Higgins et al., 2012).

It is also stated in the research that learning is recognized as something that happens in a

place, it is situated (Brown et al., 1989). Learning and the environment in which learning takes place

are inextricably linked (Dewey, 1916). So it is concluded that implementing of digital technology is
S E Nneeded.
still depends on what a school I O R HItI G H S Calways
should H O Ostart
L DinE Pthe
AR T M E and
bottom N T should adapt slowly

to become effective.

Local Literature


Trisha Jean V. De Leon (2019) stated that with the K-12 curriculum, graduates will be more

confident with whatever path they will choose since the curriculum continues to adapt to the

digitalization. The education system will be equipped with information, media and technology skills.

Considering how fast digitalization is taking over society, these will help them cope with the ever-

changing world.

The Department of Education considered the use of digital tools to improve self-efficacy as

they also working on a roadmap to fast-track the digital transformation of the Philippine public

school system. At the National Information and Communications Technology Summit, an ICT plan

for schools unveiled. This plan will lean toward the introduction of digital tools that make learning

more fun and convenient for students. Education Secretary Leonor Briones also consider the use of

innovative gizmos, such as e-readers, as an alternative to the traditional textbooks. Apart from these,

the Department of Education wants to incorporate innovative digital tools such as gaming technology

to the learning system of the country. Gamification is an effective instructional tool for different

subject matters.

The introduction of Digital tools in this developing country may seem a hard task for the

government and to the nation itself, it is still a good move to adapt to the development that is known

as the solution for a better education. The government sees digital tools to improve student
S E N I O R study
performance as their background HIGH S Cthat
says HOO L D Etools
digital P A Rdo
T Mreally
E N T a factor in student

engagement and to their self-efficacy.

Angelo Reyes Dullas (2018) stated on his article that the some of the sources of self-efficacy

are mastery experiences and vicarious experiences or seeing the task on how to manage it

successfully. It is stated that of all sources of information or learning experiences, personal

performance accomplishments has the most powerful influence on the status of self-efficacy. This

source leads to a development of self-efficacy for a given behavior or domain of behavior.

Mastery of experiences or the results of one’s own previous attainment are gained not only on

easy successes but in overcoming obstacle through perseverant effort. Vicarious experiences, on the

other hand, serve as a source of self-efficacy through interaction. In the academic context, seeing

people sharing and demonstrating a way to succeed by sustained effort raises observers’ beliefs that

they may possess the capabilities, master comparable activities to succeed.

And these students can get an engagement to an advance learning which will showcase their

mastery of skills. And with sources of self-efficacy can relate to digital tools as the digital tools

provide the platforms of learning which the digital tools-based teaching, a vicarious experience can

develop with high possibilities and efficacy.

Ownership of Learning

As per Iva Kubickova (2019), since these days classroom and learning practices are a world

away from those of grandparents knew. The use of digital tools is the key to enhance the learning

experience in a dynamic and accessible way. This is how EdTech was introduced. EdTech (which is
S E N Itechnology)
an abbreviation for education O R H I G Hcombines
SCHOO L D E P Alearning
innovative R T M E Ntechniques
T with digital

technology. EdTech is a set of tools providing digital alternatives to delivering education to students.

Many educators, as well as parents, understand that technology has the power to elevate education.

So, it’s no surprise that the demand for digital tools is increasing, as well as the Government taking

an action on how to adapt to this innovation.

Digital Learning tools are important for Filipino students as it helps them to access global

education and enhance their potential. It is also important for the Government as it brings students

global opportunity for national economies and helps them develop in-demand skills.

John Paul Espinosa (2016), the convenience and effectiveness of digital tools had long been

recognized by educational institutions and education officials. A number of schools in the country

have embraced with enthusiasm emerging education technology in that lectures are boosted by

computer-based or gadget-based learning. In correlation to the survey conducted by Pearson

Foundation in the United States which found out that 10 in 10 college students and high school

seniors agree that they learn more efficiently with the teachers who associate digital tools in their

teaching, educational institutions considered digital tools in improving education quality in the


The author also concluded that despite the minor negative effect of digital tools such as

distraction, this technological tool is still a big help in learning. The Philippines should not be left

behind when it comes to applying technology in education. The ethical and responsible use of digital

tools can greatly enhance the efficacy of students, for it has been shown through studies that students

can be better grasp and understand their lessons in a more advance learning environment.
S E N I the
Teresa Umali (2019), OR H I G H S C HDepartment
Philippines’ OOL DEPA ofR TEducation
M E N T advocates digital

transformation in education ─ the Cyber Expo. The Cyber Expo enhanced the (Information and

Communications Technology) Information and Communications Technology (ICT) literacy and

related competencies of higher education. The Schools Division Office of Imus City, Cavite,

Philippines recently staged the first-ever division cyber expo in the country, through the Information

and Communications Technology (ICT) Unit. According to a Schools Division Superintendent,

Hermogenes M. Panganiban in a press release, ICT will continuously strengthen and become more

pervasive as computing devices such as computer, smartphones and tablets are being perfected in

mass production. These devices are used to utilize digital tools.

The Cyber Expo advocates digital transformation of education, which is one of the K to 12

features that the Department is actively promoting among its teachers and learners (Republic Act No.

10533). Industry experts and practitioners at the expo facilitate various session, which covered the

latest methods and approaches in education technology. One of these sessions is to practice best ICT

innovations, strategies, and practices that will drastically improve the learning and education quality

(DepEd Imus 2019). It is facilitated in the session that the innovative type of teaching which is the

teaching strategy associated with digital tools is the key to enhance learning skill, ICT literacy, and

global competencies.

Foreign Studies

Student Engagement

Simin Ghavifekr (2015), technology-based teaching and learning is more effective in compare

to traditional classroom. The study concludes that using digital tools and equipment will prepare an
S E that
active learning environment N I OisRmore
interesting O Leffective
and D E P Afor
R Tboth
teachers and students as

the use of ICT as lesson designed are more engaging. The results are in line with the findings of

Jonathan Martin (2013) that proved using ICT in education would enhance students’ engagement.

This study is closely related to the current study for it directly stated that digital tools and

equipment creates an effective engagement of students even in teachers. An active learning

environment that is more interesting and effective for both sides which is caused by the help of

digital tools can be the solution to a problem in ownership of learning. The present study like the

study reviewed aims to prove a solution to improve the quality of education by with the help of

digital tools. These solutions are the student engagements, self-efficacy, and ownership of learning

which is present in this reviewed study.

James Francis findings in his study “The Effects of Technology on Student Motivation and

Engagement in Classroom-Based Learning” (2017), technology as integrated into the daily life of the

student, giving that student connection to an immense amount of information. The use of this

technology, particularly digital tools, in the classroom in the proper manner has the benefit of helping

to raise academic achievement from the students as well as from the teachers from all levels of skill. A

paradigm shift regarding appropriate implementation of technology in education is necessary to

ensure a successful 21st century classroom and to set up students for success in their future career.

The authors found out that students were more likely to engage in an activity simply because

technology is being used. The study concluded that students enjoyed interacting to technology and

experienced increased motivation to learn. It is also observed in the study that whenever students

arrived at the computer lab, it was noted that the students exhibited a marked change in behavior.

Students began to get excited about learning, and showed pride in their work. All students reported

enjoying the assignment and stated that they feel more motivated.
This study shows Sa Eclose
N I Orelation
R H I Gto
H the
S Ccurrent
H O O Lstudy
D E Pfor
A RitT directly
M E N T stated the effects of

technology on student motivation and engagement. The present study like the reviewed study aims

to effectiveness of technology, particularly, digital tools in the betterment of learning quality. The

current study will show an explanatory data on the key factors for the betterment of education: the

ownership of learning, self-efficacy, and student engagement.


Ming-Hung Lin and Huang-Cheng Chen’s “Study of the Effects of Digital Learning Tools

on Learning Motivation and Learning Outcome” (2017) concluded that:

1. Digital learning presents better positive effects on learning motivation than traditional

teaching does

2. Digital learning shows better positive effects on learning outcome than traditional teaching


3. Learning motivation reveals significantly positive effects on learning effect in learning

outcome, and

4. Learning motivation appears remarkably positive effects on learning gain in learning outcome

The investigation reveals that students agree with the assistance of digital learning in the

subject learning. Particularly, the increasing learning time for students with digital learning relatively

enhances the learning performance.

It relies on teachers matching with the class teaching to make good use of teaching strategies,

according to the class climate and create the learning situation for students being willing to use

digital learning so that students bravely propose questions in the discussion and increase the online
interactive learning with Steachers.
E N I O RIntegrating
H I G H Sdigital
CHOO L D E Pinto
learning A Rclass
T M Eteaching
NT does not simply

benefit students, but teachers would also have different gains. In addition to the promotion of

personal professionalism, teachers could perceive that students realize teachers’ efforts and passion

on teaching.

This study is closely related to the current study for it directly mentions the impacts of digital

learning tools on student engagement and self-efficacy. It showed how digital learning tools provide

better positive effect on learning motivation and learning outcome. The present study like the article

reviewed aims to relate the student engagement and ownership of learning as key factors for the

betterment of education quality.

The Impacts of Teachers’ Efficacy and Motivation on Students’ Academic Achievement

study of Anna Boiarchuk (2017) showed that there is a statistically significant relationship between

teacher self-efficacy and student academic achievement. The result of the first hypothesis, which

proposed the impact of teacher self-efficacy on academic achievement of secondary and high school

students were found to be significant. A moderate significant, positive relationship between teacher

self-efficacy and students’ academic achievement was found and further, it was revealed that each

dimensions of teacher self-efficacy (instructional strategies, classroom management and student

engagement) were significantly and positively related to students’ academic achievement. Since the

positive correlations between teacher self-efficacy and student achievement have been demonstrated

by a number of studies in the extant literature, the current findings are consistent with the previous

studies (Bietenbeck, 2011; Cardenas &Cerado, 2016; Gavora, 2010; Henson, 2001; Mojavezi&Tamiz,

2012; Porter &Brophy, 2008; Rink, 2013; Rivkin et al., 2005; Wayne &Youngs, 2003). Thereby, it is

confirmed that either form of teacher’s self-efficacy increase students’ academic achievement.
S Efindings
On the other side, the N I O R of
H this
IGH S C determined
study HOOL DE P Alearning
that R T M Emotivation
NT of students as

measured with their perceptions of self-efficacy regarding classes, active learning strategies, value

given to learning, performance goals and achievement goals had significant impact on academic

achievement in school. Along with the suggestions of Poledňová et al. (2014) and the implications of

social-psychological perspective, the interactions of one’s social relationships, self-evaluations and

motivation reveals how his/her achievement orientation is shaped. Moreover, since motivation refers

to reasons that underlie behavior that is characterized by the students’ interests, willingness, and

volition (Beal & Stevens, 2011), the impact of motivation in digital learning is accrued to be the factor

that adds to their achievements in school. Thus, the finding of this study is also consistent with the

background theories and other studies that addressed the influence of learning motivation of

students’ academic achievements (Tella, 2007; Bullock & Muschamp, 2006; Tuan et. al., 2005;

Reynolds & Walberg, 1992; Napier & Riley, 1985; Uguroglu& Walberg, 1979).

This study stated the teacher’s efficacy is one of the key for the students’ academic

achievement. As the teacher’s efficacy present in the learning environment, the students within its

range will have an increase in their motivation. This system of learning will help the students not to

have a motivation only, but to have a self-efficacy too. In addition, this invested trait will lead to have

an ownership of learning which the main goal of education is.

Ownership of Learning

Wan Athirah Wan Rosdy (2015) findings indicated that teachers have positive attitude

regarding the use of ICT tools in education. They have well integrated internet into teaching and

learning so far. Teachers’ knowledge about ICT and network technology may be limited. Likewise,

most of the teachers think that ICT integration for students in learning is effective. Because students

can develop the confidence to have better communication and able to express their thoughts and
ideas; digital tools helps StoE N I O R Hstudents’
improve I G H S Cability
H O OinL reading,
D E P A Rwriting,
T M E Nand
T speaking English;

students are more behaved and under control with the use of ICT; with the help digital tools,

students increases confidence in actively participating in classes; digital tools helps students to be

more creative imaginative as their knowledge paradigm expend; and digital tools helps students to

possess all four skills in learning when they are able to acquire necessary information and


This study concluded that with the help of digital tools, self-efficacy and student engagement

happened to improved. It is closely related to the current study for it showed the effective of using

digital tools to improve the ownership of learning as the key factors to achieve it was mentioned ─

the self-efficacy and student engagement. The present study aims to show the effectiveness of using

digital tools in education like the study reviewed.

Local Studies


Angelo Reyes Dullas on “The Development of Academic Self-Efficacy Scale for Filipino

Junior High and Senior High School Students” stated that self-efficacy is one of the strongest

predictor of student’s academic performance. It is a belief that he or she can accomplish whatever

that individual is doing. Self-efficacy is the process from person to behavior to outcome (Brown et al.,

2013). Moreover, students’ self-efficacy beliefs influence the choices they make and the effort they put

in their performance. In addition, self-efficacy plays an important role in a student’s engagement in

the classroom. When facing need, students with high self-efficacy tend to manifest high help seeking

behavior; whereas students with low self-efficacy are more reluctant to seek help. Students who have

positive and relatively high self-efficacy beliefs will more likely engage in the classroom in terms of
their behavior, cognition,Sand
E N Imotivation;
OR HIGH andS C H Othe
that O Lhigher
D E Pacademic
A R T M Eself-efficacy
NT the students

have, the higher their cognitive awareness. In addition, self-efficacious students have higher

academic performance for they regulate and monitor their impulses effectively in facing academic

challenges. Moreover, in predicting desirable educational outcome, academic self-efficacy has greater

effect or influence on students’ ability than academic self-concept (Jansen et al., 2015).

Ownership of Learning

Chuchan Monserate, PhD (2019) shows that one of the impacts of technology is to have a

better student engagement and self-efficacy as the students in this generation are more interested and

known to technology that will help enhance their academic performance. There is also a correlation in

this study to the effectiveness of teaching as the data gathered results shows that most of the students

and teachers agree that with the help of technology such as digital tools, the quality of education has

a big difference than the education that not bound in technology. This shows in the gathered data of

Department of Education academic performance statistics as private schools, which is more bound in

the use of technology has a better academic performance than the public schools, which is recently

adapting to the modernization of education.

In accordance to this modernization of education, the study of Jimson Mariano (2017) stated

that the Philippine government has created a way to further education in our country. The

Department of Education (DepEd) began in 1996 a computerization program with the aim of
preparing Filipino students forI O R H I G H Sand
employment C Hcareer
O O L competencies
D E P A R T Mthrough
E N T teaching them to

master new forms of technology, and they aim to stabilize technology in the country and to boost the


Learning with technology devices made life changed and speed of knowledge acquisition

improved. The descriptive study explores the experiences and insights of Senior High School (SHS)

students on how technology devices affect their learning process. It was conclude in the study that

with the parameter of 50 private schools in the Philippines, through the help of technology devices,

the Filipino students’ learning process do really improve. Since technology device is the machine to

utilize digital tools, it can also conclude that digital tools have positive impact on learning process.

Patricia Arinto (2015) study found out that academics’ use of digital tools and resources

relates to the importance that they give to independent learning and collaborative learning. Her

qualitative study examines the educators’ perspectives and priorities supporting the curriculum

practices of 10 academics engaged in digitalization at the institution in the Philippines. However, the

study also found that academics hold orientation to teaching and learning with digital technologies

that do not necessarily agrees with the extremes identified in the literature. Rather than subscribing

to either an independent learning approach or a collaborative learning approach, which are presented

in some studies and theoretical discussions as opposing approaches supported by contrasting

orientations to learning, some teachers adopt different educational approaches for different learning

contexts, and/or they attempt to balance seemingly oppositional educational approaches.

The study concluded that educators’ effective teaching approach still depend on the contexts,

there are circumstances that academics’ use of digital tools is more effective, and there are also

circumstances that they are less effective. In other words, if a teacher is oriented on how to execute

digital tools, it will become effective. And if the subjects they teach are more likely should associate
S E Nalso
with digital tools, they will I O Rbecome
H I G Heffective.
S C H O These
O L D factors
EPART M E N also
should T be considered in

implementation of academics’ use of digital tools. The study suggests that if a subject fits in the

adaption of digital tools, then it should associate with digital tools. And if it is not, it can stay at it is;

the traditional way.

Student Engagement

Dr. Amado P. Delfino (2019), findings on his study on behavioral engagement of students in

some State Universities in the Province of the Philippines revealed that the majority of students were

working on how to get good grades and attained it by focusing and staying up on the lesson.

However, majority of the students cannot manage to stay up on class as they get bored or lose

interest frequently in class. No matter how they want to learn, this obstacle is very difficult for them

to overcome. The study identified the rationale to this particular problem, and the main cause, which

builds up the 82% out of all the factors, is the lack of engaging devices in the facilities. Since it is a

state university in the provinces of a third world country, it is given that the access to the

technological advancement is limited.

Dr. Delfino viewed this problem also as the cause of high drop rate in state universities as he

compare it to the drop rate in prestigious college or universities in the capital wherein 76% comes

from colleges outside of Manila, which 53% of those due to the poverty and the other 46% is due to

poor education approaches and poor engagement.

One of the recommendations of Dr. Delfino in his study is the use of technology in education,

which is part of it is the academic use of digital tools. He viewed this as a key solution to the said

problem as the technology in education provide a drastically change in student engagement based on

his background study.


Chapter III: Research Methodology


This study explores the effectiveness of digital tools towards the academic performance of

senior high school students of Green Fields Integrated High School. As has been mentioned in the

previous sections, digital tools have a huge role in improving self-efficacy, ownership of learning,

and engagement of student. The purpose of this research is to the give an explanatory study on how

effective digital tools in that three factors of good education quality. The study was conduct using

survey design because the study intended to investigate the effectiveness of digital tools in education

and on how to improve the education quality of the Green Fields Integrated High School of Laguna.

Research Instrument

The study was descriptive in nature, with the use of a survey to gather the data. The research

method selected for this study was a survey approach because it allowed for a larger sample of

survey. The survey comes in different flavors, be it interviewing people face to face or handling out

questionnaires to fill out. The study adopted the research design. Researchers considered this method

appropriate, as it is useful for the study of non-measurable events such as opinions, experience and

observations. In order for the researchers to investigate the effectiveness of digital tools in self-
efficacy, ownership of learning, R H
engagement ofOstudents
O L D Ein
P Asenior
R T Mhigh
E N Tschool department of

Green Fields Integrated School of Laguna, researchers will be using handling out of surveys.

Sample Size

The sample size involves grade 11 and grade 12 students of Green Fields Integrated School of

Laguna. The total sample size was compute with the use of Slovin’s Formula (With LOS 5%)

n = n=
1+ N (e)2

n= 2
1+ 324(0.05)

n = 179 samples

Validation of Instrument

The questionnaires were constructed by the researchers and validated by their teacher in

Research 1 who made face validation and ascertained the stability of the instrument. The questions 1

to 7 of part A and part B questionnaires came from the study of Chuchan Monsedate, Phd,

titled“Impact of Technology on the Academic Performance of Students and Teaching Effectives”. The

questionnaire number 8 of part A came from “The Impacts of Teachers’ Efficacy and Motivation on

Students’ Academic Achievement” study of Anna Boiarchuk. The questionnaire number 9 of part A

came fromJames Francis’ study “The Effects of Technology on Student Motivation and Engagement
in Classroom-Based Learning” R H the
while I G Hquestion
S C H Onumber
O L D E10
P Ain
R Tpart
M EAN Twas gathered in the

Data Gathering Procedures

These are the steps or process in order to gather data needed in the research.

1. A researcher writes a letter to ask permission and approval to Grade 11 and Grade 12 students of Green

Fields Integrated School of Laguna.

2. A researcher explains the survey questionnaire to the Grade 11 and 12 students of Green Fields

Integrated School of Laguna.

3. A researcher gives the survey questionnaire to the Grade 11 and 12 students of Green Fields Integrated

School of Laguna.

4. A researcher collects the survey questionnaire after the respondents answer it.

5. A researcher interprets the collected data from Grade 11 students of Green Fields Integrated School of


6. A researcher interprets the gathered data from the respondents into percentage form.

7. A researcher interprets the collected data by using his own words.

8. A researcher writes a conclusion to the collected data.

9. A researcher gives the recommendation to the Grade 11 and 12 students, teachers and administration of

Green Fields Integrated School of Laguna.

10. A researcher summarizes the gathered data from Grade 11 and 12 students of Green Fields Integrated

School of Laguna.

Statistical Treatment of Data

1. Percentage. In order for the researchers to gathered data in their research, they will be using the

percentage formula in order to get the ranking of the answers of the respondents.


% = F/n*100


% = percentage

F = frequency

n = total number of respondents

100 = constant value to convert decimal into percentage

2. Mean. In line with the formula above, researchers will be using the mean formula in order to get

the average of the profile of the respondents. (age, course, gender, and average of each answer)


%=∑ Fx /n


% = mean

F = frequency

x = given

n = number of cases

3. Slovin’s Formula. Use to know the exact sample size needed in the research.


1+ N (e)2


n = sample size

N = population size

e = LOS

1 = constant

4. ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

SOURCE SS (Sum of DF (Degree of Ms (Mean Frequency

Squares) Freedom) Square)



SS between
Df total = N – 1 Ms between =
Df between

Df Within = N - k

Df Between = k – 1

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