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Question 1 ° Cahn Municah Mohd BK16110004) —_—a“a There are mainly three (3) main modes of shear failure Marly general shear failure, local shear failure and punching shear failure. From the igure, it con be identified that general shear failure has occurred 40 the fOokng foundation, Thit can be further Proved with the clearly defined slip surface that forms Under the footing and develops Outward toward one side and eventually to the ground surface. Usually, this kind of failwe occurs in dense and stigg Soil. This is probably caused by the low Compressibility, ability of dense and etige soil: Also, this failure may Ocair cue to low Value of ultimate bearing, capacity oF 4he whole soil and foundation structure, Lastly, it may be caused by the Soil condition itself or its capobility to resist from dividing into zones whch may move pully or partially and tangentially with respect tv each other, Jong itt slip curgace Scanned with CamScanner Question 2 Faain Munirah Mohd. B16 0009) —=—=rvr"—“_— There are three (3) general consideration criteria in foundation design mainly = 4. Foundation must be located properly Cboth verticat and horizontal orientation) $0 as not to be adversely affected by outside ingluences. Q. Foundation must be Safe from bearing capocity failure Ccolapse). 3. Foundation must be Sage from excessive settlement. In order +o fulgill these considerctions, alternatives thal may be done include encuring adequate depth of foundation of at least 2m tu prevent frost action ana at least Sm gor preventing volume change. Also, setlement should be limited with accordance to it guidelines with cand of maximum settlement of 4omm and clay with Maximum settlement of 60mm. Also, factor of sagety to be use in dewign against shear failure is to be more than 3.0. Scanned with CamScanner Guestion 3 Cfada Munirah Mohd. BKieI10D04) Tem? + Wa 120 eNym* asm aa ted % Since water table 's leaded at 2 depth of 2.5m below the foundation, erefore, Which is exceeding the base width of goundasion of 2m, thereto the efpect of water table can be ignored. @) Ultimate bearing copacity , Vue Fup = ACNe + WDENG + O-4VABNy © = Qu = 120 KN = 6o kN/m™ a 2 Ht Mt NA Det 25m B= 2m Using €70, 0 = 0°; Ne = 5:14 Na = 1-0 N=0 ure = 1:2. €607 (5.14) + FRCA-52C1-0) + 0-4 CIF) 00) = 4l2.6 kKNymt xe b) 4+ 35 ~ By garg loo = 144-4 EN An® OF due Factor of Saety = A126 WNZT 144-4 kN Am = 2:86 x3 Scanned with CamScanner Question 4 CFedin Munirah Mohd. 6x16 110004) | For gine soil consisting of loose sand and soft doy, [Que = Ne” + VDE Ng? + 0-57 BNd” 6 = tan! (3 tan 0) | * ton! (2 tan B) = 875° co Be + 8 (90) * 60 HN An Tor 6-975"; 1 Nq= 2 Ny = 0.3 Quy = 60(@) + 19CL-EICAD + O-5C147CBI(0-3) Guz = 537+ 2-958 “N/m aap, actual = 400 KNYm req co c . B te BF Core Aue Factor of Sopety = tute Factuad roo = Ault g x 5374+ 2858 Ne - S3P+RESE a ons 3 30°) = 537+ 2.958 eS 200 « 537 +a.9581,x8 = 5398 +2858" 1200 g caal or B= 190-63 Therefore, breadth oF Strip footing, B Is 2.21 metre. Scanned with CamScanner snencis a Cfectin Muni@h Mohd- Tor gine soil consisting o¢ dense sand and stige Clay, Butenoooay Fue = CNe + ¥,0pNq +O-STABNY For g = 13°, as 3-3 Np = 0-8 Lim = FOLIA? + ACL EDCEAT + SSCA BOSD = 446.05 .+ +68 Facuas = 42° B Fos = Gut Vactucd 3 = 196-054 768 408 8 L 1200 _ aag.0o5+76B8 TXB = 476.058 +76B° 1200 = ee a Bz -laa.6s Therefore, breadth of st? footing ,B ts 122m. Scanned with CamScanner

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