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Comparing my days as a child and my days as a young adult

There is something fundamentally different between being a

child and being an adult. There are the obvious differences of course:
height, life experience, pure knowledge, coordination, etc. But, these
things only form the basis for the fundamental difference between
children and adults, they are only surface differences. The not so
obvious difference between children and adults is how we view the
world and our willingness to question the world around us. There is a
certain difference between a child and an adult which is recognized by
how they explore their world. This is what makes children and adults
two separate groups.

Children view and move through the world in a different way.

A child views the world through new, fresh eyes. They have not seen
many things before; their lives are about exploring and learning.
When I was a child I used to hear stories about the world, I was told
what to do and what not to do. However I never took these stories as
pure fact. I used to explore and discover on my own .Time and time I
used to touch something hot or sharp or eat something I was told not
to .Questioning was a huge part of my life .I used to disturb my elders
by questioning about everything. I tried to relate my life with the ferry
stories that I once heard. I used to think that what I say was right and
what others say was wrong. I used to insist people to listen to me. A
common phrase that I used was, “No, but just listen to me” to my
friends and my families. I never did the things what others told me to
do rather I always listened to my heart. I never thought of what is
right or wrong. I just went on doing what my heart told me to do.
There was no tension about the future and no hesitation in my life
what so ever.

Adults, on the other hand, are very different. Adults have heard
society stories all their lives and when they were children they too
questioned these stories. But over time adults begin to lose this
questioning aspect. They just begin to take the stories they hear as fact
or just dismiss them all together. When I grew older and became a
young adult my way of exploring the world had changed. I discovered
that all the stories that I hear is not true. I stopped exploring the world
and started thinking about my future life. I started to get influenced by
others and tried to follow those people who are successful in life. I
stopped questioning to others and started to follow the facts. I stopped
relating me with the stories that I have heard. I figured that I cannot be
always right and I started to hear advises of other people. I started
doing things which are right and avoided doing things which is
thought to be wrong in a society. I started following my brain rather
than my heart. Becoming an adult my life was very complicated and
full of burden.

Many times when we watch children exploring the world

around them, we will witness the child reaching the same conclusion
as the stories they were told. A child will also come to see that the sky
is blue, that hot and sharp things hurt, that some things are not for
eating. Through questioning children cement society’s stories in their
heads. Though, they may forget these stories occasionally, they still
help form the child. On the contrary when an adult hears that we live
in a three dimensional world, they just believe it. They do not bother
to explore and try to figure out whether we actually do. As children
something makes them accept society’s stories.

The difference between adults and children is their willingness

to question. Adults stop questioning the world around them for many
reasons, reasons that may never be fully understood. But children
never stop questioning. They never stop exploring their world. They
are not at all concern of anything. They lead their life without any
tension and without caring about what others think and they only
follow their heart. Adults should learn from the children and lead a
simple and uncomplicated life as children do.

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