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Pakistan J. Agric. Res. Vol 22 No1-2, 2009.




Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai and Samina Khalil*

ABSTRACT: A small scale survey of Islamabad bakeries was conducted to de-
termine the microbial contamination in the most commonly consumed bakery
products i.e., biscuit, cake, and bread. Samples were randomly collected from 12
sectors (main markets and sub-sector markets). These samples were analyzed for
total plate count (TPC), total coliforms, fecal coliforms, E. coli, yeasts and moulds.
None of the sample was found contaminated with E. coli, contamination of moulds
was also negligible. TPC ranged from 1.0x102 to 1.0x104 cfu g-1 except in three
cases, whereas total coliform ranged from 0 to 93 except in two cases, where yeast
was 0-1600 g-1 and mould upto 250 g-1. All these samples were within permissible
limits except one bread sample from I-9 and one cake sample from G-7 in which
coliform count was higher than the permissible limit.

Key Words: Bread; Cake; Biscuit; Microbial; Contamination; E.coli; Pakistan.

INTRODUCTION production steps such as cooling, slicing

In Pakistan baking industry com- (unhygienic handling), transport, and pack-
prises an important portion of food indus- ing as well as storage.
try. Another source of baking foods is food Within this production and storage
service industry including restaurants and chain, the bakery products are contami-
hospitals. Bakery products are an impor- nated with moulds, yeasts and occasionally
tant part of a balanced diet and today, a wide by bacteria such as the rope-causing heat-
variety of such products can be found on resistant endospore-forming Bacillus
the supermarket shelves (Smith et al., subtilis (Earle and Putt, 1984). Mould spores
2004). Several studies in both industrial- are killed in the baking process (Knight and
ized and developing countries showed that Menlove, 1961), leaving often contamina-
bakery products provide a considerable por- tion to be the source of spoilage problems.
tion of energy intake (Vanelli et al., 2005; Contaminants of bread are mainly Penicil-
Bartrina et al., 2004; Agte et al., 2002). lium but Cladosporium and Aspergillus also
Differentiated from the quickly perish- occur (Legan and Voysey, 1991), the latter
able bakery products are cake, bread and especially in warmer climates. Penicillium
biscuits. These products may be distributed tends to be more important in sour dough
over a wider area from manufacturing in- breads and in breads stored at cooler tem-
dustry. Microorganisms play a useful role peratures. Bacillus spores are very heat
in the production of bakery products (con- resistant and can survive baking in the
sistency, formation of flavoring). However interior of bread loaves and then germinate
microorganisms also attack bakery prod- and start growing as the bread cools (Legan,
ucts and cause damage or even spoilage 1993). Mould spores are also present in the
(Ponte, 1987). air. Extremely high level of air contamina-
In addition to bacteria, moulds and tion is due to the naturally high spore con-
yeasts are the main cause of such spoil- tent of flour, old bread deposits, contami-
age. Freshly baked products are sterile and nated air conditioning system etc. Air con-
do not contain viable microorganisms but ditioning system, in particular, spreads
soon become contaminated upon exposure spores to all production and storage area.
to air and surfaces. Contamination also This results in considerable contamination
occurs, after baking process, during the of the bakery products with fungal spores.
* Grain Quality Testing Laboratory, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Moulds and fungi also produce different count, coliform, E. coli, yeast and moulds
types of “mycotoxin” (poisons), which have were determined (FAO, 1992). According
been scientifically linked to many differ- sample was homogenized with Butterfield’s
ent diseases including cancers, diabetes, phosphate buffer (pH 7.2). Serial dilution of
internal organ damage etc. Even small the sample was prepared, 1 ml volumes
quantities of these fungi can multiply ex- were transferred to petri dishes with plate
ponentially inside the body and produce count agar and mixed with medium in trip-
large quantities of disease and death caus- licate. After incubation at 350C for 48 h colo-
ing mycotoxins. Very few medical profes- nies formed on the surface and in the me-
sionals recognize the cause and effect con- dium were counted. The total plate count
nection between bread, mould, fungi and was calculated from the mean count of trip-
disease. Most medical doctors have almost licate of petri dishes, taking the dilution
no formal training in these issues. Some into consideration.
mycologists are a valuable exception (Reiss, Similarly yeast growth was checked on
1981). plate count agar + chloramphenicol (added
In many bakery products, water activ- as antibacterial agent) Petri plates were
ity is the most important single factor af- incubated at 25ºC. Moulds were checked
fecting the type and rate of spoilage (Horner on potato dextrose agar. Coliform and E. coli
and Anognostopoulos 1973). Microorgan- were determined by Most Probable Number
isms (bacteria, yeast and mould) can grow (MPN) method (FAO, 1992).
well when water activity or moisture con-
Some strains cause a defect called According to WHO standard (1994) the
ropiness, a soft sticky texture caused by maximum permissible limits in baked
starch degradation and slimy exopolysac- products (cake, bread and biscuits) for total
charides often accompanied by a fruity odor. plate count (TPC) is 2.0x105 cfu g-1, coliform
Yeast may also be involved in spoilage of bacteria <200 MPN g-1, E. coli absent, yeast
breads and fruitcakes, causing a chalky ap- and mould is <1.0x104 cfu g-1. Results are
pearance on surfaces and off odors. expressed as mean value of 9 sample
High sugar content of cake also favors (Table 1).
moulds over other spoilage microbes but Total plate count was high in biscuit
some species of yeasts and bacteria may sample received from F-6 while in cake and
also attack cakes. Bakery products contain- bread other counts (coliform, fecal coliform,
ing cream and/or fruit filling are targets of yeast and mould) were within range. In bis-
other spoilage organisms (Peppler, 1977).
cuit and bread samples collected from F-7
E. coli 0157 has been considered to be
sector, all the parameters were within
an important pathogen that can cause se-
range but in cake only TPC was high, while
rious illness. It is a typical organism of the
remaining parameters were within per-
intestinal tract; it is transmitted through
missible limits.
contaminated hands and is reported to be
Biscuit and cake samples collected
the cause of diarrhoea (Karnali, 1989).
from F-8 sector were within acceptable limit
The main objective of this study was
but bread sample had higher bacterial
to determine the microbial contamination
count while other counts were within
in the most commonly consumed bakery
range. Results of TPC, total coliform, E. coli,
products i.e. cake, biscuits and bread avail-
yeast and mould of G-8, G-9 and G-10 were
able in different bakeries of Islamabad.
satisfactory because all these parameters
were within limits, except in cake sample
MATERIALS AND METHODS collected from G-7 in which coliform and
Bakery samples were randomly col- fecal coliform were higher than the range.
lected from three sub sector markets of 12 Samples collected from I-8, I-9, and I-
sectors i.e., F-6, F-7, F-8,F-10, G-6, G-7, G- 10 were fit for consumption because their
8, G-9, G-10, I-8, I-9 and I-10 and samples TPC, coliform, E. coli, yeast and mould were
were analyzed in triplicate. Total plate within permissible limits. Total coliform

and fecal coliform in bread sample obtained
abuse and poor hygienic practices and the
from I-9 were higher than the acceptableuse of equipment (Food Standards Austra-
limit. lia Newzealand, 2002).
Overall, TPC was high in 3 samples out It has been reported that chemical pro-
of 36 samples. E. coli was nil in all bakery
file such as pH, water activity and mois-
samples. Coliform and fecal coliform were
ture content are the most important fac-
present in 2 out of 36 samples. Yeast and
tors influencing the microbiological qual-
mould in these samples were also within ity of these products. High moisture prod-
permissible limits. Unacceptable levels of
ucts, those with a high water activity, are
bacteria might result from temperature most likely to present food safety concerns
Table 1. Microbial contamination in commonly consumed bakery products
( Results are mean values of 9samples)
Sector Commodity TPC Coliform Fecal E. coli Yeast Mould
(cfu g-1) (MPN g-1) coliform (MPN g-1) (cfu g-1) (cfu g-1)
(MPN g-1)
F-6 Biscuit 8.7x105 9 9 nil 150 nil
Cake 2.7x104 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Bread 1.2x104 <3 <3 nil 1600 250
F-7 Biscuit 7.7x103 <3 <3 nil 150 nil
Cake 2.7x105 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Bread 1.2x105 <3 <3 nil 250 nil
F-8 Biscuit 1.6x105 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Cake 5.5x104 23 23 nil 150 nil
Bread 4.7x105 21 21 nil 250 nil
F-10 Biscuit 3.2x104 9 9 nil 150 nil
Cake 5.3x104 23 23 nil 200 nil
Bread 3.2x104 93 93 nil 250 nil
G-6 Biscuit 8.3x102 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Cake 6.2x102 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Bread 7.4x103 23 23 nil 250 nil
G-7 Biscuit 5.9x104 93 93 nil nil nil
Cake 5.1x104 460 240 nil nil nil
Bread 3.6x104 23 23 nil nil nil
G-8 Biscuit 3.4x104 9 9 nil nil nil
Cake 8.1x103 4 4 nil nil nil
Bread 7.7x104 23 23 nil nil nil
G-9 Biscuit 4.4x104 23 23 nil 50 nil
Cake 3.7x104 9 9 nil nil nil
Bread 3.6x104 <3 <3 nil nil nil
G-10 Biscuit 2.6x104 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Cake 3.5x104 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Bread 2.8x104 <3 <3 nil nil nil
I-8 Biscuit 6.8x104 28 4 nil nil nil
Cake 3.4x104 <3 <3 nil nil nil
Bread 4.2x103 <3 <3 nil nil nil
I-9 Biscuit 5.8x103 9 7 nil nil nil
Cake 3.3x104 15 15 nil nil nil
Bread 5.5x103 460 460 nil nil nil
I-10 Biscuit 2.7x104 11 11 nil nil nil
Cake 5.7x104 75 23 nil nil nil
Bread 2.7x103 28 12 nil nil nil
5 -1 -1
Permissible limits
4 -1
of bakery products:
Colony count<2.0x10 g , coliform count, <200 g ; yeast and mould
count,<1.0x10 g and E. coli, 0 g (WHO, 1994).
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