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Determination of Trace Impurities in High Purity

Tellurium (7N Pure) Using ICP-MS and

Transversely Heated Electrothermal AAS
M.A. Reddy, N.N. Meeravali, and *Sunil Jai Kumar
National Center for Compositional Characterization of Materials
ECIL PO, Hyderabad - 500 062, India

Techniques such as Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
The purity of tellurium (Te) is A rapid method for the deter- (ICP-MS) with powerful detection
very important in the manufacture mination of trace impurities in limits and Transversely Heated
of compound semiconductors such 7N pure (99.99999%) tellurium Electrothermal Atomic Absorption
as CdTe and CdHgTe (1) which (Te) metal is described. In this Spectrometry (TH-ETAAS) with
have a strategic application in night method, Te is precipitated as the
effective Zeeman background cor-
vision equipment and in infrared oxide in a solution containing
rection are highly suitable for the
and γ-ray detectors. For such appli- 1:1 nitric acid; while trace impu-
analysis of high purity materials.
cations, high purity Te is required. rities remain in solution. The
amount of acid required for pre- However, the sample has to be
The semiconductor industry cur- brought into solution for analysis
cipitation has been optimized.
rently requires the level of metal The quantification of trace impu- by these techniques. For ICP-MS,
impurities at 5.0 × 109 atoms/cm2 rities such as Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, additional chemical processing is
(2). Analyzing such high purity Fe, In, Ni, and Pb is possible by needed for the removal of major
samples is very difficult in normal this precipitation method. amounts of matrix; this means that
laboratories because of contamina- Accuracy of the procedure for analyzing materials that are
tion from sources such as the envi- was obtained by comparing the
6N–7N pure, single-step matrix
ronment, containers, reagents, and results of both ICP-MS and TH-
ETAAS, whose results agree well. separation and pre-concentration
the analyst (3). Methods to prevent procedures using minimum
sample contamination from these The one-step matrix separation
procedure described reduces the amounts of reagents would be pre-
sources are now well documented ferred. This lowers the process
process blank by enabling the
(4) and include a metal-free, clean characterization of 7N pure Te. blank and hence improves confi-
environment where contamination Using this method, a number of dence on the final results.
from the surroundings is minimized high purity Te samples were
by cleaning the room air through analyzed. In this work, the suitability of
an HEPA filter; the use of plastic ICP-MS and TH-ETAAS is examined
containers such as PFA, PTFE, etc.; for the characterization of 7N pure
the use of high purity reagents; and Te inside metal-free class 100 clean
the use of clean lab garments by rooms with a class 10 laminar
the analyst. samples requires a procedure with workbench. The method described
a minimum number of sample uses a simple chemistry for the sep-
Methods for the determination preparation steps and also using a aration of the matrix, and the
of trace impurities in Te have been minimum amount of analytical results obtained by ICP-MS and TH-
reported in the literature (5–7). reagent (high purity) along with ETAAS analysis are compared.
Most of these involve ion exchange clean lab protocols. The process
separation, precipitation of Te, sol- blanks must be at the 1–10 ng/g EXPERIMENTAL
vent extraction, and matrix levels for quantification of these
volatilization. These methods samples. Instrumentation
require a number of chemical pro-
cessing steps and the use of various Solid analysis techniques (8) A Model VG Plasma-Quad3 ICP-
reagents which increase the such as Spark Source Mass Spec- MS (VG Elemental, U.K.) and a
process blank, and hence, are only trometry (SS-MS) and Glow PerkinElmer® Model 4100 ZL TH-
suitable for analyzing 4N (99.99%) Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GD- ETAAS with Zeeman background
– 5N (99.999%) pure samples. The MS) have also been used for analyz- correction (PerkinElmer Life and
analysis of 7N (99.99999%) pure ing high purity Te, but the lack of Analytical Sciences, Shelton, CT,
appropriate reference standards is USA) were the instruments used.
a problem. Therefore, the results An Inductively Coupled Plasma
obtained are only semi-quantitative Optical Emission (ICP-OES) Model
*Corresponding author. in nature. JY-2000 (Jobin Yvon, France) was
E-mail: used for direct analysis of 3N to 4N
Atomic Spectroscopy
Vol. 25(6), November/December 2004
Te. The instruments were operated RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ficient acid should be present in
under the conditions recommended the solution to dissolve all of the
by the manufacturer, except that Optimization of (1:1) Nitric Te. Therefore, 1.0–1.2 g Te was dis-
the drying step in TH-ETAAS was Acid for Maximum Precipitation solved in 4 mL (50%) nitric acid.
modified to 50 s. of Te
Initially, different amounts of Te Optimization of TH-ETAAS
Reagents and Standard in the range of 0.2–1.5 g were Temperature Program and
Solutions added to 4 mL (1:1) nitric acid by Interferences
Nitric acid was purified by sub- diluting concentrated sub-boiled The instrumental operating
boiling distillation. Deionized water nitric acid with equal volumes of parameters were optimized and
was purified by passing tap water deionized water. Major amounts of found to be the same as those rec-
through a reverse osmosis (R.O.) Te precipitated as tellurium oxide ommended by the manufacturer,
system (from BARC, Mumbai), then (TeO2). The amount of Te remain- except that the drying time was
through a deionization system, and ing in the solution was determined increased from 30 s to 50 s. With a
finally through a Milli-Q™ and the results are illustrated in Fig- 30-s drying time, a 25–50% lower
(Millipore Corporation, Bedford, ure 1, curve-a. It was observed that absorbance signal was observed for
MA, USA) water purification system with 0.2–0.4 g Te, nearly 28% of Te all elements due to incomplete dry-
to get better than 18 MΩ cm–1 pure remained in the solution, while ing at the recommended tempera-
water. The water was collected in a with larger amounts of 0.8–1.2 g, ture of 130oC. Adding various
class 100 environment. All stock only 2–3% remained in the solution; amounts of standard to the matrix
standards were prepared by dissolv- the remaining Te precipitated. Tel- checked the interference due to
ing 99.99% pure metals in nitric lurium appears to have some solu- residual Te. Recovery obtained for
acid. The working standards were bility in (1:1) nitric acid medium. the elements Al, Cd, Co, Cu, In, Ni,
prepared by subsequent dilution. Therefore, by reducing the amount Pb, and Zn was nearly 90–100%
of acid, the quantity of Te in solu- (see Table I). This indicates that
Procedure tion could be reduced. Figure 1, matrix interference was negligible
Tellurium metal chunks weigh- curve-b, shows the Te remaining in for these elements. For Mn, Cr, and
ing 1.0–1.2 g were dissolved in the solution by maintaining the Te Fe, a 70–85% recovery was
4 mL (1:1) nitric acid diluted with to acid ratio constant, i.e., by reduc- observed, while only a 50% recov-
Millipore water and warmed with ing the volume of acid for smaller ery was obtained for Na, K, and Ca
an infrared (I.R.) lamp in a class 10 amounts of samples. However, suf- in comparison to the aqueous
clean workbench. After 30 minutes,
the reaction ceased and the super-
natant solution was taken into a
PTFE evaporation disk with Eppen-
dorf pippettes. The white precipi-
tate was washed 2 times with 2-3
mL cold water, and the washing
was added to the evaporation disk.
Excess nitric acid was removed by
heating on an I.R. lamp in the class
10 clean workbench, and the vol-
ume was made up to 2-mL volume.
Half a mL of the above solution was
taken for analysis by TH-ETAAS.

Fig. 1. Amount of Te (%) retained in the solution.

Curve-a: Adding different amounts of Te to 4 mL (50%) nitric acid.
Curve-b: Ratio of Te to nitric acid fixed by reducing the total volume.

Vol. 25(6), Nov./Dec. 2004

standard. Therefore, the standard acid, then made up to 2-mL volume TABLE I
addition curve was used to quantify for TH-ETAAS and to 20-mL volume Recovery of Trace Elements
these elements. for ICP-MS analysis. These experi- in the Presence of Te Matrix
ments were carried out separately. by TH-ETAAS
Optimization of ICP-MS The results obtained by both ICP-
Operating Conditions and Ele- Amount Amount Recovery
MS and TH-ETAAS are listed in ments of Matrix of Analyte
Interferences Tables IIa and IIb. In both cases, Added Added
The ICP-MS operating parame- recoveries between 90–110% were (µg) (pg) (%)
ters were optimized using a tuning obtained for most of the elements
Al 200 600 93
solution containing 10 µg/L each of (Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, In, Ni, and
9Be, 59Co ,115In, and 209Bi. At first, Pb); Fe was only determined by TH- Ca 200 25 50
the parameters such as nebulizer ETAAS. The higher values obtained Cda 380 75 100
gas flow and position of the Ni sam- for Ni by ICP-MS are due to the Ni Co 200 100 92
pler cone were adjusted by chang- sampler cone. For Bi, Ge, Sb, Sn, Ti, Cr 100 450 75
ing the x, y, and z axis of the and V, a recovery between 1–26% Cu 200 800 93
plasma torch. Then the voltages of was observed by ICP-MS analysis,
indicating a loss of these elements Fe 40 100 86
the ion lenses (extractor and collec-
tor) were varied to get optimum from the solution. Sb was also not In 200 500 104
counts for these elements. In order recovered by TH-ETAAS, confirm- K 200 50 50
to check the interferences due to ing the findings of ICP-MS. A 65% Mn 200 250 71
residual Te and the nitric acid recovery for As and an 81% recov- Na 40 10 50
matrix, a spectrum of one of the ery for Zn was obtained by ICP-MS.
The high value of 123% obtained Ni 200 500 90
samples in scan mode was
obtained. Spectra in the region m/z for Cr by TH-ETAAS may be due to Pba 200 650 95
contamination. Good recovery for b
7.4–26.6, 27.4–43.6, 55.4–56.6, Zn 20 75 89
79.4–81.6, and 120–130 were not 9–10 elements without adding any a
complexing agent such as EDTA 5 µg Mg(NO3)2+50 µg PO4
acquired (to protect the detector b
was found indicating that these ele- 5 µg Mg(NO3)2
from high counts due to ionization
of gases present in the atmosphere ments can be determined using this
and due to Ar+, ArO+, Ar2+, and procedure.
120–130 Te+). Due to nitric acid in
the matrix, large peaks at m/z 52, TABLE IIa TABLE IIb
54, and 55 were observed. These Recovery of Spiked Solution Recovery of Spiked Solution
were due to 38Ar14N+, 40Ar14N+, and Obtained With TH-ETAAS to Obtained with ICP-MS to
40Ar15N+, which will interfere in the
Assess the Loss of Trace Elements Assess the Loss of Trace Elements
determination of Cr and Mn. Peaks During Precipitation During Precipitation
observed between m/z 136–146
were due to the formation of Ele- Amount of Analyte Amount of Analyte
120–130 ments Spiked Recovered Recovery Ele- Spiked Recovered Recovery
Te16O+. ments (ng/mL) (ng/mL) (%)
(ng/mL) (ng/mL) (%)
Recovery After Spiking the Al 6 6.5 108 Al 6.3 6.8 108
Solution Before Precipitation Cd 1 0.98 98 As 5.0 3.4 68
With Known Standards Co 5 4.5 90 Bi 8.0 1.8 23
In order to check the loss of Cr 8.5 10.5 124 Cd 7.7 7.5 98
trace elements from the solution Co 5.1 5.0 98
Cu 8 8.2 103
during precipitation, known
amounts of standards were added Fe 5 5.3 106 Cr 8.8 8.0 91
to 4 mL (1:1) nitric acid before In 10 10.5 105 Cu 8.0 7.6 95
adding the Te metal. Reaction Ni 5 4.9 98 Ge 5.0 0.15 3
started almost immediately after Te Pb 10 10 100 In 5.0 4.6 92
was added. The mixture was Sb 20 0 0 Ni 8.8 8.5 97
warmed with an I.R. lamp to
enhance the reaction, and precipi- Zn 2 2 100 Pb 6.5 6.2 95
tation was started. The solution was Sb 5.2 0.2 3.9
analyzed after removing excess Zn 4.8 3.9 81

Comparison of Process Blanks Obtained by Comparison of Limit of Detection by
Proposed Method and Precipitation and TH-ETAAS and ICP-MS
Ion Exchange Procedure Reported in the Literaturea Elements Limit of Detection (ng/g)
Proposed Method TeO2 Ion TH-ETAAS ICP-MS
Elements Precipi- Exchange
TH- ICP- tation (5) Separation Al 1 1.2
ETAAS MS at pH 4.5b (5) Ca 5 –
Al 2 2 – – Cd 0.05 0.1
Ca 30 – – – Co 5 1
Cd <0.05 1.8 50 40 Cr 3 3
Co <5 1.8 – – Cu 2 3
Cr <3 120 500 160 Fe 5 –
Cu <2 <2 1000 560 In 5 0.5
Fe 25 – – – K 5 –
In <10 2.0 – – Mn 0.5 0.5
Mn >0.5 – 300 160 Na 5 –
Na <5 – – – Ni 3 3
Ni 3 – 850 160 Pb 3 3
Pb <3 <3 650 200 Zn 3 3
Zn 10 10 – –
a Based on ng/g in normal laboratory conditions.
b In normal laboratory conditions.

Process Blank and Limit of values, are given in Table IV. By TABLE V
Detection using TH-ETAAS, Cd shows a two Results of Trace Impurities in
The process blank obtained by times lower detection limit com- 3N to 4N Te Samples (n=3)
this procedure and the one involv- pared to ICP-MS because of lower (µg/g) Obtained by Direct
ing the precipitation of TeO2 in the dilution; In shows 10 times higher Dissolution and Proposed
pH 4–5 range are compared in detection limits with TH-ETAAS in Precipitation Methods
Table III. In the latter case, the comparions to ICP-MS because of Using ICP-OES and TH-ETAAS
blank was recalculated in ng/g. The loss of In as InO in the graphite fur-
Ele- Sample
low blanks obtained by this proce- nace. ments Direct Proposed
dure are due to the minimal chemi- Method Method
cal processing steps which are RESULTS a
Al 7±2 10±2
precipitation, evaporation of excess In order to check the accuracy Aga 3.3±0.2 3.3±0.1
nitric acid, and minimal use of of the method, a Te sample with
reagents (nitric acid and high purity Cda 82±6 98±8
3N–4N purity was analyzed by b
water, both of which can be direct dissolution as well as by pre- Co 0.02±0.01 0.02±0.01
obtained in highly pure form). cipitation using the proposed Crb 0.4±0.2 0.3±0.1
Additional processing steps such as method. The results are given in Cua 6.3±0.4 6.3±0.4
pH adjustments and addition of Table V. The elements Al, Ag, Cd, Inb <0.1 <0.1
complexing agents such as EDTA and Cu were determined by ICP- b
are completely avoided as in the Mn 0.94±0.08 0.86±0.06
OES, while Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, and
TeO2 precipitation method (5). The Zn were determined by TH-ETAAS. Nib 3±1 2.5±0.5
limits of detection, based on three It can be seen that the results are in Pbb 10±2 10±2
times the fluctuation in the blank agreement within experimental Zn b
1.6±0.2 1.4±0.3
error. a
Determined by ICP-OES.
Determined by TH-ETAAS.

Vol. 25(6), Nov./Dec. 2004

The results obtained on three 7N TABLE VI

samples by both techniques (ICP- Results of Trace Impurities in Te Samples (n=3) (ng/g)
MS and TH-ETAAS) are presented in Ele- Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Table VI and the values agree well. ments ICP-MS TH-ETAAS ICP-MS TH-ETAAS ICP-MS TH-ETAAS
However, the results for Cr and Ni
were higher by ICP-MS. In the case Al 18±3 15±2 7.4±2 6±2 5.3±2 5±1
of 52Cr, the higher values obtained Ag 9.3±0.8 8±1 11±1 9±1 8.5±0.9 10±1
are due to the interference of Cd 2±0.2 1±0.5 0.5±0.2 1±0.5 – –
38Ar14N+, even though the spiked
Co 2.5±1 <5 1.6±1 <5 1.5±1 <5
samples showed good recovery.
Cr 60±4 <5 60±6 <3 50±6 <3
This may be due to the differences
in the residual nitric acid in the Cu 8.0±1 <10 6±2 <10 6±2 <10
process blank and sample. For the In 1.0±0.5 <10 – <10 1.0±0.5 <10
spiked samples, the process blank Mn <1 <0.5 <1 <0.5 <1 <0.5
is the unspiked sample; hence, Ni 350±15 <3 430±13 <3 470±20 <3
residual nitric acid is the same,
Pb <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
resulting in good recovery. For Ni,
the contamination in ICP-MS mea- Zn <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5
surements are due to the sampler
cone. All remaining values are in
good agreement with both REFERENCES
techniques, thus indicating the 1. D.J. Ando and M.G. Pellatt, Fine
accuracy of the proposed method. Chemicals for the Electronics
Industry II, The Royal Society of
CONCLUSION Chemistry, UK (1991).
A fast and simple method for the ITRS/Homr.htm
characterization of trace elements
in 7N pure Te samples is reported. 3. T.J. Murphy, Proceedings of the Sev-
The values obtained with both ICP- enth Materials Research Sympo-
sium, U.S. Government Printing
MS and TH-ETAAS analysis agree Office, Washington, D.C.,USA,
well, except in the case of Cr and 509–539 (1976).
Ni. The difference is due to isobaric
interferences; therefore, the ICP-MS 4. J.R. Moody, Anal. Chem. 54, 1359A.
values must also be cross-validated
by TH-ETAAS. 5. N.N. Meeravali and J. Arunachalam,
Fresenius’ J. Anal. Chem. 358, 484
6. N.G. Kulish, G. V.Verevkin, T.A.
The authors are grateful to Dr. J. Chanysheva, and I. G. Yudelevich,
Arunachalam, Head, CCCM, for his Zh. Anal. Khim. 43, 1648 (1988).
constant encouragement during the 7. B.M. Sargar and M.A. Anuse, Talanta
course of this work. We also thank 55, 469 (2001).
G. Venkateshwaralu for the ICP-
OES data. 8. K. Swenters, J. Verlinden, and
R. Gijbels, Fresenius’ Z. Anal.
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Received May 4, 2004.


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