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University Examination-Mid Term-I

B.Tech, 2nd year, 3rd semester (2016-2017)
Course Code-M301 Total Marks –20
Course Title- Mathematics-3 Time Duration – 1 hr
All the answer should be in brief and to the point.
Strike off all the blank pages of copy, after completing your work.
The units are indicated against the respective question on right hand side.
Start answering a new question from a fresh page, and all the parts of a question should be attempted at one place.
(Answer any five questions) [5 x 2=10]

1. Check wither the following functions are even or odd:

 x   x  0   a l  x  0
f  x   f  x  
(a) 2  x 0  x   (b) a 0 xl
0 0  x  l
f  x  
2. Find the value of a0 in the Fourier Series expansion of the periodic function  a l  x  2l

3. Write the Dirichlet’s condition for the convergence of Fourier series of a function.
f  x   e  x , x  0.
4. Find the Fourier sine transform of

F  f  x  cos ax  F  s  a   F  s  a   , F  s   F  f  x  ; s .
5. Show that 2 

6. Write the convolution of two functions and convolution theorem for fourier transform.

z  axe y   1/ 2  a 2 e 2 y  b.
7. Find a PDE by eliminating a and b from the equation

(Answer any two questions) [2 x 5=10]
f  x   x2 ,    x  
8. Obtain the Fourier series for the function and deduce the following
2 1 1 1
 1  2  2  2  .....
6 2 3 4
f  x   x, 0  x  l.
9. Find the half range sine series for the function 2

Find the Fourier transform of f  x   e .

 2 z z
 ,
x 2 y
11. Find the solution of which satisfied the following conditions
u  0, t   u  3, t   0 and u  x, 0   5sin 4 x.

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