Recto and Called As The Noli-Fili Bill With The Same Purpose of Teaching and Learning The Works of DR

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Activity 1.

1 Now that you know the essential terms and historical background on the course on the
life and works of Dr. Jose Rizal; Let us try to check your understanding by defining the following

a. Bill - a formal statement that are proposed by a legislature for enactment of becoming a law

b. Law – is a set of rules decided by a state that meant for the purpose of principles and regulations
for the community.

c. Executive Order – A presidential policy that implements a general or permanent character of

constitutional statutory powers.

d. NCCA – The national commission for culture and arts is a government agency that coordinates the
preservation, development and promotion of the culture and arts of the Philippines

e. RA 1425 – Known as Rizal Law the Republic Act 1425 is an act of mandating all public and private
schools including colleges and universities to learn and tech the life, works and writings of Dr. Jose
Rizal as a course across programs.

f. SB 428 - Before becoming a law it was a senate bill that was propose by the Senator Claro M.
Recto and called as the Noli-Fili Bill with the same purpose of teaching and learning the works of Dr.
Jose Rizal. As a part of the oppositions The Roman Catholic Church was against of the censorship of
the novels since some of the storyline are attacking the Catholic Church itself.

g. HB 5561 – The House of Representative created a similar bill that was led by Cong. Jacobo
Gonzales to aligned the proposed bill of the senate which is led to the Law we all know the R.A

h. National Hero – In the Philippines a National Hero is based on its contribution, recognition,
character and achievements as a Filipino citizen.

i. Provisions – is a clause of legal document or law that are intended to protect of one or both
parties in a contact or a condition to a legal document.

J. Compromise – is a contract where by the parties, by making reciprocal concessions to avoid

litigation or put an end to one already commenced.

k. Gobernador General – The highest ranking official during the Spanish colonial when the
Philippines was under the Spanish government they are representative of the King of Spain who had
the power to control the country.

l. Royal Audencia – The Royal Audiencia job is to served as an advisory body to the Gobernador
General and had the power check and report on his abuses. The Audiencia also audited the
expenditures of the colonial government and send a yearly report to Spain.

m. General Segundo Cabo – Known as Lieutenant General it is the second highest rank in the Spanish
colonial empire.

n. Alcalde Mayor – Governs the provinces that had been fully subjugated and who manages the
operations of the provinces and implemented laws from the government also to supervise the
collection of Taxes.
o. Vista – is a visitor coming from Spain to observe conditions in the Spanish Colony, called the
Visitador General, The Visitador General report his findings directly to the King of Spain.

p. Residencia- is a special judicial court that investigates the performance of the Gobernador General
and reports his findings to the King of Spain.

q. Gobernadorcillo – Governs on little towns in the provinces, Whose main concern were efficient
governance and tax collection, of which aided with Four Lieutenants. “Teniente Mayor” (Chief
lieutenants) “Tieniete de Policia” (Police lieutenants)“Teniente de Sementeras”( Field Lieutenants)
“Teniente de Ganados” (Livestock Lieutenants)

r. Cabeza de Barangay – Barangay captains who is responsible for Peace and Order of the barrio,
They are the one who recruits men for public works.

s. Mestizo – is a mixed notion of a person whose blood is coming from two different origins example
half-Filipino or half-Spaniards

t. Peninzulares – Peninsulares are pure blooded Spaniards born from Spain and sent to spanish
colonies to govern. Most likely they are the highest class in the Philippines during the Spanish

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