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Count and noncount nouns, some vs. any (Count nouns are things we can count. Count nouns can be singular or plural. ‘¢ ‘2 apples aa apple 2 appl + 1 potato 2 potatoes + Tanana 2 bananas. 3 we can use a or an with singular count nouns. umbers pa ae en . We 5. «Ihave an apple. + Thave eras 5 a ‘Noncount nouns are things we can't eon oe ‘count. Noncount nouns have only one form. ‘« We have some milk. Wehovessinidiniban: ‘We can't use a, an, or numbers with noncount nouns. # We have some rice. Wehave-a-rice. We use a singular verb with a noncount noun. ‘« There isn’t any bread on the table. '» There is some cake in the kitchen. jn affirmative statements, we can use some before noncount nouns and plural nouns. © We need some milk. + Thave some apples. and questions, we can use any before noncount nouns and plural nouns, ‘In negative statements ‘* Do we have any apples? ‘+ We don’t need any milk. Now Practice! 1 complete the sentences. Use a, 4. There are _some _ bananas in the kitchen. i ‘magazine on the table. computer. an, some, or any. Grammar Unit 11 The verb be: simple past statements and questions ‘The verb be has two forms in the past: was and were- We You were at home yesterday: They } at home yesterday. In negative statements, we often use contractions. ‘* She wasn't at school yesterday. + My friends weren't at school yesterday. (wasn’t = was not) (weren't = were not) tive short answers but not in affirmative short answers. ‘We use contractions (wasn't, weren't) in negat + Was Ken at school yesterday? + Was Isabella at school yesterday? No, she wasn't. ‘Yes, he was. « Were your parents at work yesterday? + Were your parents at home yesterday? No, they weren't Yes, they were. We form wh- questions with a wh- word + was or were + subject. Now Practice! 4 complete the statements with was, wasn’, were, or weren't. Use information about you. 46K at school yesterday. 2. My friends and 1__at the library last night, 3, My teacher in class yesterday. + We went to a party last night. ‘Some verbs are irregular. There aren't any spelling rules for irregular verbs. Here are some examples. Present Past [read read drive drove {sing sang eat ate | wear wore drink drank go went be he | | she No, SM did not /didn't. stay home? fis qo ee | we | | ‘they to John last week. (not talk) ‘a great movie last week. (watch) my room yesterday. (not clean)

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