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‘Wa Ho Sho Wee-33004/99 JNd The Gazette of India EXTRAORDINARY ‘am Ive 3_z0-avE (i) PART Section 3—Sub-sceti wifi & wetter a PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY % 387) 3 Facet, greater, sr 1, 2013/aTaUT 10, 1935 No. 3871 NEW DELHI, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019SHIRAVANA 10, 1935 ‘afro te eit arora (otra sifir aire ren fra) afer ag feet, | a1, 2013 aren, 523( 31) oar Fees Fes, 2002 a ah re ae fare wf Fe an, Free asta ee ‘Bae Fes ae, 1999 (1999 3 47) a e157 gr Te Rea a na Raa a Weare a, Frater sree ae wre at save (4) FY ovdargaTe Fa wh maar at sr a fry, fore ae ama et at err 8, wont form or ae ae yarn ral fan ree, Fe ate, free os fe age aioe i, a ‘ai goa wu feo ar, archaea rath ah waa a see ray fara farm Se, 2S and on gare et ates oti aT ona we ga ree a Prema a a aa, ita aren gra fran fem oe; 7 smh a gare a ai at, wy ate, sen UeeTe, ate se sein sexe, sts fa we wea Faun, ‘sc ser freeft-110011 tS ST RA REGD.NO.D.L.-3300099 @ en frat 1. fae are afte ure — (1) Fre ar ate am am Fares (.... Wai) Fram, 2013 & 1 (2) Ara A sae af vee a ata Bag gH 2. ome Fires Fret, 2002 (Fat weet ea wea AR Free wer 8) wi we SEH a3 a, (CH) HE 13.4.5 6 ait 7-H art oT are wfafeai "3500.00" & ear we “ 4000.00" wPete Teh se; st (a) HK 71 err Te fie 12500.00 # ze = “20000.00" ate Tate 1 3. 3 Freel rey oral emf -1 fate "3500" @ eet we" 4000" seis Tat ae | 4.349 Pol # sree & wast ae srg we-52 A afafie 3500" & ears we “ao00" WP cat aT 5.7 Frat urea oa, Fa.-63 & wfatie "12500" a eur we" 20000/—" a wafee Ta STE (1 H. 8/26/2013-anedtoTE-IV] Sia va, dpa faa feu : ye Fae ne a STIs, STATE, ST I, Vs 3, Seas (i) A ofr S, weaLA, 114 (31), ae 26 Feat, 2002 BR wafea feeq Ty a otk earany Saar Peeafeaa gro aves fas AA: 1. MARL 428 (31) mite 20 AE, 2010; 2. Mant, 1024 (31) arte 29 Fear, 2010 3303 Gu2019 » 2 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY __[Pant See. 3] MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY | (Department of Industral Policy nnd Promotion) NOTIFICATION ' New Delhi the Ist August, 2013 | GS.R.523 (£)—The following draft of certain rules to further amend the Trade Marks Rules, 2002, which the | ‘Central Government proposes to make in exercise of the powers conferred by section 157 ofthe Trade Marks Act, 1999 (47 i (01999), is hereby published, as required by sub-section (4) ofthe said section, fr the information of al persons likely to be affected thereby and notice is hereby given thatthe said drat shall be taken into consideration on or after the expiry fa period of forty five days from the datcon which the Official Gazette, containing the notification, are made available to the public; Any objections or suggestions which may be recived from any person with respec to the said draft before the expiry ofthe aforesaid period will be considered by the Central Govemment; ‘Objections or suggestions, if any may be sent o the Joint Secretary tothe Government of India in the Ministry ‘of Commerce and Industry, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion), Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi-110 011 DRAFT RULES 1. Short side and commencement- (2) These rules may be called the Trade Marks (-Amendment) Rules, 2013, (2) They shall come into force on the date of their inal publication in the Official Gazette. 2. In the Trade Marks Rules, 2002 hereinafter refered to as principal rales), inthe First Schedule, in column 3, 4.56 and 7 fr the entries "3500.00", the entry, "4000.00" shall be substituted: and (2) aginst seria ambers (©) agains serial number 7 forthe entry 1250000", the entry “20000 0" shall be substituted | 3. the principal rales, in FORM TM-1, forthe entry"3500", the entry "4000" shal be substi sein Be eel es INFORM MST mg FORM TY fects 350th ny 40 sb subsites 5. Inthe Principat rules, in FORM T™M.63, forthe entry of “12500” the entry "R, 20000 shall be seb {Fo 8262013.0R1Y) D.V PRASAD, i Sey ‘The principal rules were published inthe Get of india, Extraordinary, Par, Section 3, Sub-seton vide notification number GS 114 (Edt, 26th day of Febrary 2002, nd subsequently amended as follows {GSR 428 (E) dated, 200 May 2010; and 2.GSR 1024(€) dated, 294 December 2010 Note Pind by th Managen Governa of Tala Prese Ring ond. Mayopr, New Dens li08 i ‘in Pulihed by the Cone of Pablistions, Deli 0088

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