Use of Finite Element Methods

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Applications—Solid Mechanics Problems

Zhuming Bi, in Finite Element Analysis Applications, 2018

8.5 Summary
FEA was developed originally for numerical solutions of complex problems in solid
mechanics. FEA is by far the most widely used and versatile technique for simulating
deformable solids. This chapter gives an overview of the physical and mathematic
background required to understand the FEA implementation for solid mechanics' problems.
The physical behaviors of mechanical structures or systems are analyzed, and the minimum
potential energy principle is used to develop element models. The procedures for FEA
modeling are discussed for a few of classic solid mechanics' problems such as truss structure,
plane stress, plane strain, modal analysis, as well as fatigue analysis.
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Finite element modelling of foam deformation
NJ Mills, in Polymer Foams Handbook, 2007
6.1.1 FEA packages
Finite element analysis (FEA) is used to find the stress distribution for complex geometries.
This chapter explores the background to foam material models in FEA; other aspects of FEA
are covered in texts such as Shames and Dym (1985). Experiments to validate the models will
be critically examined. Further examples of use of FEA occur in the case studies (Chapters
9, 13, 14, 16, and 21) and the analysis of foam indentation (Chapter 15).
The choice of FEA package may be determined by cost. ABAQUS, widely available in
universities, provides detailed explanations of the foam models. Updates, usually on an
annual basis, have changed the foam models; consequently the pre-2002 modelling of
crushable foams is largely ignored here. Other FEA packages, such as LS-DYNA or
RADIOSS, offer a wide range of foam material models, but give little information on their
origin or internal working. The automotive industry uses FEA for the design of car bodies,
and the modelling of occupant protection with rigid foam padded components. It is an
advantage if the same FEA programme can model the deformation of the steel structure, the
rigid foam padding, and the occupant kinematics and injury criteria. Hence they not tend to
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System Analysis and Modeling
Zhuming Bi, in Finite Element Analysis Applications, 2018
5.2.5 What-if models and design studies
FEA-based simulations are used to serve different design purposes. Two basic design
activities are design analysis and design synthesis. In design analysis, all the design variables
and system parameters are given; an FEA model is to find the system state or response to
external loads. It is a type of task for design analysis, which is commonly referred as what–if
simulation. In design synthesis, some design variables are to be determined based on the
specified design criteria. In other words, design variables are given as changeable ranges
rather than values, FEA models are applied to evaluate the responses of a system; although
design variables can vary in a design space. FEA results for different scenarios are compared
to optimize the solution based on the specified design criteria. Design study is a simulation-
based design synthesis. The same FEA model is executed repeatedly under different settings
of design variables to find the best system outcomes against design goals.
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Structure and Mechanical Behavior of Atherosclerotic Plaque
Lambros S. Athanasiou, ... Lampros K. Michalis, in Atherosclerotic Plaque Characterization
Methods Based on Coronary Imaging, 2017
10.2.2 FEA
Atherosclerotic plaques are geometrically complex and composed of different materials.
Therefore, FEA is performed in order to study the biomechanical behavior of plaque, i.e., to
investigate the distribution of wall shear stress (WSS) and plaque shear stress (PSS) on the
plaque under loading. WSS is the parallel force which is applied by the blood flow on the
endoluminal surface. The magnitude of the WSS is influenced by the anatomical location
within the arterial wall, i.e., curvature of the artery, and the velocity of blood flow (Chiu and
Chien, 2011). PSS is the stress which is located inside the arterial wall and is the result
of arterial pressure stress. The magnitude of PSS is highly related to the material properties of
the tissue inside the wall (Yuan et al., 2015).
FEA method (Zienkiewicz et al., 2013) is a numerical technique, which divides complex
structures to small elements and approximate solutions to boundary value problems for partial
differential equations. The strain and stress distribution of each element can be calculated
instead of each complex structure, a procedure which simplifies the solutions of the boundary
value problems. For each plaque tissue and wall area, an automatic mesh can be created using
commercially available software packages (i.e., ANSYS and Abaqus FEA). Each element of
the mesh is set to have certain mechanical properties in correspondence to its tissue type. The
process that is followed in order to define the FEA model is as follows:
Preprocessing: setup of the FEA model along with its environmental factors,
solver: the system of algebraic/ordinary differential equations is solved, and
postprocessing: examination of the variables of interest and validation of the extracted
results. Preprocessing
To be able to perform FEA, solid models should be created. The layer structures of the wall
tissue are created by processing the 3D geometrical reconstructions derived from medical
imaging data, i.e., IVUSOCT, etc. The layer structures are created using 3D CAD software
and are imported to the FEA software. Then, realistic appropriate boundary conditions are
determined which should replicate for instance how the artery is loaded and how it is
constrained from moving. The next step is the construction of mesh. The mesh should be fine
enough in order to acquire accuracy of the results and coarse enough to reduce computational
time. After the FEA mesh is created, the material properties for the each tissue type are
defined. Solver
Using the FEA-meshed model of the preprocessing step, the system of algebraic equations of
the FEA model is ready to be solved. The suitable mathematical model should be chosen to
solve either the linear or the nonlinear equations system. When the equations are nonlinear, a
certain methodology should be followed to linearize the problem. The FEA model is solved
using specific algorithms and numerical methods. Postprocessing
After the solver ends, the results of the FEA model are analyzed. The validity of the results is
assessed and the desired quantities are studied. FEA software can give various displays, i.e.,
the stress, strain, deformation distribution, depending on the nature of the problem and the
variables the user is interested in examining. Such results are depicted in Fig. 10.4, where the
stress distribution of a FEA arterial model is presented in which the stress distribution for the
arterial and plaque component under stent deployment is presented.

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Figure 10.4.  Arterial and plaque stresses under stent deployment where each layer represents different

tissue type.

The figure requires permission from David Chua, S.N., MacDonald, B.J., Hashmi, M.S.J., 2004. Finite element

simulation of slotted tube (stent) with the presence of plaque and artery by balloon expansion. J. Mater. Process.

Technol., 155–156, 1772–1779. (David Chua et al. 2004).

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Avoiding the GIGO Syndrome – Combining the Real and
Virtual Worlds in Analysis of Polymer Product Failures
John Moalli, ... Ming Wu, in Plastics Failure Analysis and Prevention, 2001
FEA is a useful tool for product design and failure analysis; it is widely available and can
provide useful insight into complex problems. However, results of an FEA are only as good
as the input material properties boundary conditions. Because the mechanical properties of
polymers are highly dependant on processing conditions, we recommend the use of actual,
measured mechanical behavior as the best input for constitutive modeling of polymers. Great
care should also be taken to ensure proper application of input thermal and mechanical loads.
Finally, FEA models should be validated by comparison of measured and predicted results
from known load cases.

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