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Sison, Pangasinan

STUDENT: Alayza Joy A. Gasmen
DATE: September 11, 2020

1. How influential culture to your self-understand?

“Understanding my culture means understanding myself” How we
see ourselves shapes our lives, and is shaped by our cultural
context. Culture shapes the development of our identity and
personality. Our family culture that has brought up in, self-
understanding develops from birth and is shaped by the values
and attitudes prevalent at home and my surrounding.
2. Do you consider your family a traditional one? Why or why
Both traditional and modern. In terms of family structure, we are
in a modern family because we are not living already with our
grandparents and relatives, while in terms of discipline, there ia a
blended traditional and modern, I am molded by our family
culture. Growing up, our assumptions about what is right and
wrong, good and bad, reflect the beliefs, values and traditions of
our family culture. There are certain cultural attitudes, traditions
and responses passed down from our great grandparents and
carried into adulthood in our childhood.
3. How has mobile phones influence your daily life

Ethics and morality is the way we describe what actions and things are
beneficial and good to us. Only Human Beings can act morally, we need
to be ethical because it defines who we are individually and as a society.
Humans have a moral sense because of their the ability to anticipate the
consequences of one's own actions, make value judgments; and choose
between alternative courses of action.

Module I page 1

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