Greatest Gift

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The Greatest of All

There are many valuable things in this world that we can get easily for, but

having a mother in our life is the greatest gift of all. To live life without the presence

of our mother is incomplete. There is something a gap or emptiness within our heart.

Our mother provides us the needs we want in life (e.g. happiness), guides us what

path do we like in the future, and dictates us what kind of life is better to be. In the

same way, she is the greatest teacher of all teachers I’ve had. A teacher of

compassion, love, and fearlessness.

Furthermore, we all know that mother is the one, who carries on us when we

are in her womb, gives birth on us, takes care of us, gives physiological needs we

want, and loves us whole-heartedly. She never demands anything just to equate her

efforts and sacrifices she has given to us. She carries all responsibilities we have in

our daily living just to prove that she loves us truly and unconditionally. And the most

important gift that we have from our mother is, she easily apologizes us when we

commit mistakes. Throughout the years of her existence, she never regrets every

moment she spends on us. Likewise, she always motivates and inspires us to try

something new and go beyond our limitations.

As I compare this to my life situation, my mother is one of my greatest assets

I’ve had in my life. She represents my motivation and strength. She has the power to

strengthen my will to live in this world. She has everything that fulfils my emptiness.

But there are times that I abuse her goodness. One is, I lied to her in terms of

payment in the school and the activities we had but the truth is, it was not an activity.

There are instances that we, students, commit this sin because we want to go with

our classmates to the places that are interesting. And the greatest sin that I had
committed to her was disrespecting her specifically when I quickly turned off the

phone while she was not done talking. She really hates that kind of attitude. But for

now, I really try my best to do good for both of us, for the sake of my future and for

the whole family. I want my mother to be proud of me even just a small things of

accomplishments. Seeing my mother smiling makes my heart and soul empowered

again. Even though it is just temporary but what the most important is she has

memories to be remembered in the future.

I want to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my mother in just

a matter of writing.

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