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Junzen Ralph V.

Yap Grade 12-ABM 1

As we conducted our taping in Personal Development about our individual talents, I

experienced a lot of things. I spent a lot of time with my friends and we enjoyed the rest of our
time to bond and laugh out loud. I experienced also on how to be an actor that all of the scene
were just focused on me but I realized that being an actor is very stressful and I felt that way.
Being a leading star in our video presentation was a little bit embarrassed because I took the role
to impersonate Zander Ford which is very popular to all TV networks and the reigning handsome
guy in this generation. But I felt so blessed in this opportunity because it is the first time to
impersonate him, a guy who id very handsome, and I felt happy also because once in a lifetime it
will happen to my life so I took the opportunity without hesitation.

Another role I took was being s sporty guy. They took me a video while dribbling the
ball, making moves, crossover, and a hesitation moves and last was shooting. It was little bit
embarrassing for me because I didn't prepared myself to take a video while making moves but
for the sake of our grade and fellow friends or classmates I will do anything even if it is
embarrassing. Afterwards, I took it again as opportunity to show another talent to my friends and
became successful. But there was another thing that was so embarrassed in my whole life and it
was to became a model and they instructed me to put a bottle of water on my head down to body
and sadder than that I took up my shirt and my whole body was undressed and the saddest part
was the exposure of my belly and that time I felt so down and hopeless because I never show my
belly part in public of with my friends since I was in secondary stage up to Grade 11 Senior High
School. But that challenge would never be an implication to give up my dignity and reputation.
All of that challenges are just barricades to encounter difficulties in life to reach my own goals
and overcome or to conquer my fears.

And last but not the least was to be a singer. A singer is defined as a person who sings,
especially a trained or professional vocalist but the definition of singer was bot suited in me
because first of all I'm not highly trained and professional and also a gifted person who has a
great background in this variety of talent. But I always think to myself that one day I will be a
singer and now the opportunity was opened to try another talent. As a hardworking student, I
tried it and the outcome was unexpected because at the end, was unsuccessful and my voice was
truly frustrating and no one would wanted to hear it. But always remember, there should be a
solution in every problem so my friend tried the best way to solve the problem and thereafter it
was successful.

In conclusion, having a different talents are very stressful.

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