Why Do I Want To Be A Lawyer

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Law school is patience and hard work. My law school journey was unplanned
and was unexpected. My original life plan was to have a business and develop this
while working as a Public Health Nurse. In a turn of events, I became a Public Health
Nurse but found out that my salary was not enough for the four of us - myself, my
husband and my two sons. I was scared but I pursued my law school for career
advancement and to earn higher salary for my growing family because I am the
bread winner.

The days leading up to my first semester were nerve-wracking. I knew

enough about law school to know that the amount of studying required is out of this
world. And honestly speaking, I was never the most studious person. I was worried I
wouldn’t be able to adjust and end up failing my classes. Every time I thought of
backing out and just continue my job and business, I reminded myself that even if I
fail, I’ll be coming out a new person with more knowledge and experience. I really
can’t express how doubtful I was that I would survive even a semester.

Although I never considered myself to be an overachiever, I was used to

seeing results if I put in the work for something. But law school is different. What
used to be near perfect grade for a couple of hours of studying when I was in
college, turned into just passing grade despite days on end of studying. I remember
the first exam I failed was my Preliminary Exams in Constitutional Law 2. I studied so
hard and so efficiently (or so I thought) just to receive a mark of about 75%. It struck
my pride a fair bit, I’ll admit. I was not used to working so hard just to get nothing in
return. I felt very dejected. I was a consistent honor student when I was in pre-school
until I finished my master’s degree in nursing.

But after that first sudden wave of feeling dejected and disappointed, it gets
better. I have learned the ropes of how to study better and I have accepted failures
with a bit more grace. I grow as a person and learn the value of time and effort.
It takes a lot of grit and determination to remain in law school. It’s a challenge to
maintain productivity and clarity in the mind. I have lost both those things many
times. But I am very happy to stay and I am still here struggling and learning.

I admire the Batangas State University that provides quality legal education at
affordable rates to make it available for the masses while still maintaining a good
standard of student welfare. They genuinely care for their students and frequently
look for new ways to provide support to them. I admire my professors who are

diligent in their work and passionate about passing down their knowledge and
experience to their students.

The Batangas State University College of Law surpassed my expectations

prior to entering law school. I am proud to say that I am a student of BSU. And I am
thankful that I took on the challenge to be a part of this experience. I hope others
challenge themselves too. After all, life is too short, so they should live life to the

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