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Harnessing the Power of Sun

Energy Scenario in India
• Energy Resources

 17% of World population which is growing at 1.34%

lives in 2.4 % land area (3.2 Million Sq Km) of the
world which will never grow

 Only 6.7 % of Coal , 0.3 % of oil and 0.6 % of gas

reserves of the world

We import > 80% of our oil requirements

Energy Scenario in India
• Installed Capacity
MW Percentage
Total Thermal 218,330 66.80
(Coal-60%, Gas- 9%, Oil-0.5%
Hydro 44,478 13.60

Nuclear 6,780 2.07
Renewable Energy 57,260 17.51
Total current capacity 326,841 100

3 3
Energy Scenario in India

Energy Scenario in India
• Demand Drivers

 Population YOY 1.34%

Economic Growth YOY 6-8%

Increase in per capita income and lifestyle

300 Million people have no access to Electricity

 City STP plants requiring reliable electricity source

Energy Scenario in India
• Energy Demand

USA Europe China India World

KWH/person/ 12000 5391 4310 800 3000

Generation capacity installed from 1945 to 280,000 MW

To be Installed for reaching world’s average 800,000 MW
ie 2500 units per person per year

Energy Scenario in India
• Options to fulfil demand
 Conventional ways are tried from last 68 years

 Time, Resources and money required is


Will these reduce

 Global warming ?
 Environment pollution ?
 Risk to mother earth ?
Solar Ideal for India
• How about Solar option
Parameter for any Power Plant Solar

Cost of Generation ~Rs. 4.3

Less then coal fired Thermal
Modular Yes
(Constructed where needed) Ex. Narmada Kanal Project
 Time to construct ~3 months for 1 MW

Technology Matured
Plants installed 25 years from now
Success stories 12 GW already installed

Polluting Zero emission

Supply constraint Yes

Solar Ideal for India
• Availability
 India has high solar insolation

 Maximum Sunny days ~300 to 325

 Vast waste land.

Ex. 35,000 km2 area of Thar Desert is sufficient to
generate 700 to 2100 gig watts

Solar Ideal for India
Measure of availability of Solar Power
• Availability
 Solar irradiance is the power per unit area received from
the Sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation in the
wavelength range of the measuring instrument. Irradiance
may be measured in space or at the Earth’s surface after
atmospheric absorption and scattering. It is measured
perpendicular to the incoming sunlight
The solar irradiance integrated over time is called solar
irradiation, solar exposure or insolation. However,
insolation is often used interchangeably with irradiance in

Solar Ideal for India
Solar Irradiation world map

Solar Ideal for India
Solar Irradiation India

Solar Ideal for India
Cost of Generation:-
 Solar generation cost dropped to Rs.4.34 per kWh
i.e ~18 % lower than the avg price of coal fired plants

 PV module cost reduced by 50 % in last 5 years

Infinite resource :-
Great thing about solar power is that it is a technology and
not a fuel.
It is unlimited and the more it is deployed the cheaper it
would be.
 While the more limited fossil fuels are used, the more
expensive they become.

Solar Ideal for India
Saving in monthly electricity

Attempt to reduce your Carbon

Foot print

Earn a great return on


Demonstrate your commitment

to sustainability

Lock your Electricity Tariff for 25


About us
GeWiS Group
Members of the GeWiS group
• GeWiS GmbH -1979 Est
• GeWiS Slovakia s.r.o.- 1991
• GeWiS USA, Inc. - 2007
• GeWiS India Pvt. Ltd. -2008

Last certification / Certificate expiry

• ISO 9001: 2008 / August 2015 - Aug 2018
• ISO/TS 16949: 2009 / August 2015 - Aug 2018
• ISO 14001: 2004 / May 2016 - Sep 2018
• OHSAS 18001: 2007 / May 2016 - Sep 2018

About us
GeWiS Group stands for • Success
Economic success is necessary to be able to retain one’s position in the
market long term. It is the foundation of motivation and investments.
• Employee
The skills and expertise of our employees are our assets. Each employee is
responsible for the quality of their own work. We foster and honour goal-oriented ideas
and actions, which guarantee quality improvements, process optimizations, work-safety
and environment.
• Work-, Health- and plant safety
The well-being of our employees is our highest value. Therefore, we
undertake all necessary actions to create and maintain safe working
The goal of the GeWiS Group is to take the needs of our employees
Environments. The main focus of our Health and Safety policies is the
into account, while performing our work to satisfy our customers. To
prevention of accidents and industrial mishaps, with the aim being the
achieve this goal, we define planning and decisions in a company
improvement of company standards. Preventive and reactive maintenance,
policy in 9 basic principles, that allow us to build our long term market position
as well as regularly scheduled examinations of all facilities and manufacturing
and sustain to keep jobs for our employee.
equipment are a major part of our business policy.
• Environment
• Customers
GeWiS takes the effects of our manufacturing processes on the environment
Through competent customer care, flexibility towards customer
seriously, by using resources in a professional and sustainable manner.
requirements and simplified order processing, we lay the foundations for
We also see it as our goal to sustain all resources and energy under the
a colleague working relationship. We prove our tenacity and competence
aspects of environmental protection.
for quality in long standing collaborations.
• Supplier
The GeWiS Group forms close alliances with our suppliers that share the
• Quality
same values we do and will anticipate or exceed our expectations. We only
Our business success is due to our commitment to quality without any
work together with suppliers, who are willing to support and share our
goals cooperatively without reservation.
• Laws
• Business processes
At GeWiS, we commit ourselves to act in accordance with all regulations
We emphasise to continually improve all processes in order to achieve our
as they relate to environment, work safety at the State, National and
aim of „zero mistakes”. Every employee is encouraged to contribute own
International levels. Facilities, products, emissions and recycling are being
ideas and suggestions to achieve this aim. We achieve quality by avoiding
supervised in our own responsibility. Everything that is being judged
mistakes early.
necessary is being done – also without any obligations or regulations.
About us

About us
GeWiS India Credentials

+ MEDA Channel partner

About us
GeWiS India
• Our Dedicated Team:
Engineering team driven by curiosity & detailing with extensive solar expertization
reaching up to MW of Solar PV Installations. GeWis has its in house team of
Mechanical, Electrical and IT engineers.

• Software tools:
For Designing we have the best in class tools and softwares for detailed and
designs that go with physical conditions.

 Solidworks , AutoCAD


 Sketch up Pro


 ERP system and Project Management tools

We offer
All services under one roof for
your Solar Power plant

We offer
Consultation -
Requirement Analysis
Roof Top is Ideal solution Why?

Roof Top is Ideal solution Why?

Wheeling Trans. Trans.

Loss Charges Losses

Cross Additional Electrical

Banking Subsidy Surcharge Duty
Charges (CSS)

• You don’t end up paying any of above which changes as per wish of Discom
• Approvals are faster. Max 2 weeks
• Project completion is Max 12 week
•Limitation is state policy and space available

Roof Top is Ideal solution Why?
Net-Metering & Govt Liasioning

The surplus energy supplied shall be utilized to offset the energy consumed.
Application Process

•Registration for installation starting at Rs.500/-

•MSEDCL registers application within 3 working days.

•Within 15 days of the receipt of application, the DISCOM does the feasibility analysis.

•DISCOM confirms installation of rooftop system within 7 days of completion of feasibility


•Applicant installs rooftop system & submits work completion details to MSEDCL along with the
request for
testing & commissioning of net-meter.

•Within 10 days of the request, MSEDCL tests & commissions the net-meter.

•Net-metering connection agreement between the consumer and DISCOM.

Roof Top is Ideal solution Why?

• Not more than contract demand or

Capacity of rooftop system sanctioned load of the consumer or State
net metering policy which ever is lower

• DISCOM calculates bill on the net import,

Energy Accounting & Settlement
and the surplus energy is carried forward

• Installation by DISCOM
Metering Arrangement • Cost of the meter is borne by the DISCOM/

State Wise Details of Net Metering Policies
State - Wise details of net metering policies
Limit of Solar Capacity
State / UT Policy Scope Cost of Power for net export Eligibility
At and individual Site At a particular distribution transformer #

Andhra Pradesh Up to 1MWp APPC All Consumers 100 percent of annual consumption --

Arunachal Pradesh (Draft) 1kWp to 1MWp APPC All Consumers -- 15

Assam 1kWp to 1MWp APPC All Consumers 40 percent of the contracted load --

Bihar 1kWp to 1MWp -- -- 90 percent of annual consumption 15

Chattishgarh 50kWp to 1MWp 50 percent of regulated solar tariff -- 49 percent of the net generation --

Delhi > 1 kWp APPC All Consumers 100 percent of the contracted load 20

Goa & Uts 1kWp to 500kWp As per regulated solar tariff All Consumers -- 30

85 percent of the APPC for industrial,

commercial and other consumers
Gujarat 1kWp to 1MWp utilizing the renewables attribute fro All Consumers 50 percent of the sanctioned load 65
RECs*, APPC for all other categories of

Haryana 1kWp to 1MWp No Payment All Consumers 90 percent of annual consumption 15

Himachal Pradesh upto 1MWp Rs. 4.50 - Rs. 5 per kWh All Consumers 80 percent of the contracted load 30
Jammu 7 Kashmir 1kWp to 1MWp No Payment All Consumers 50 percent of the sanctioned load 20

Rs. 5.20 - Rs. 7.08 per kWh (without

All except domestic
Karnataka upto 1MWp subsidy ) and Rs. 4.43 - Rs. 6.03 per upto 150 percent of the sanctioned load 80
kWh (with 15 percent capital subsidy)

All consumers categories,

Kerala 1kWp to 1MWp APPC -- 50
upto 11kV

State Wise Details of Net Metering Policies
State - Wise details of net metering policies
Limit of Solar Capacity
State / UT Policy Scope Cost of Power for net export Eligibility
At and individual Site At a particular distribution transformer #
Madhya Pradesh -- APPC All Consumers -- 15
Maharashtra Up to 1MWp APPC All Consumers 100 percent of the contracted load 40
Manipur & Mizoram 1kWp to 1MWp APPC All Consumers 100 percent of the contracted load 40
Meghalaya upto 1MWp No Payment All Consumers 90 percent of annual consumption 15
Odisha -- No Payment All Consumers 90 percent of annual consumption 30
As per retail supply tariff of the consumer
Punjab 1kWp to 1MWp All Consumers 80 percent of the contracted load 30
Rajasthan 1kWp to 1MWp As per regulated solar tariff All Consumers 80 percent of the contracted load 30
Tamil Nadu -- No Payment All Consumers 90 percent of annual consumption 30
Telangana (Draft) 1kWp to 1MWp APPC All Consumers 50 percent of the sanctioned load 30

APPC ( for upto 10 percent of the total

Tripura 1kWp to 1MWp All Consumers -- 15
units generated during the year)

Rs. 0.50 per kWh for unadjusted electricity

Uttar Pradesh >1kWp All Consumers 100 percent of the contracted load 15
credits at the end of the settlement period

Uttarakhand upto 500kWp Rs. 9.20 per kWh ( with subsidy) All Consumers -- --

Only for institutional

consumers like hospitals,
West Bengal >5kWp APPC 90 percent of annual consumption --
government departments,
academic institutions, etc.

# Percentage of the peak capacity of the distribution transformer; * After adjustment of consumption in a 15 minute time block ; ** Gross metering
APPC : Average power purchase cost ; Rec : Renewable Energy Certificate
Uts include Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Chandigarh, Dadar & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, Lakshadweep, & Puducherry
Source : Renewable Energy Watch

Different Financial Models
•CAPEX Model
• Build Own Operate Transfer (BOOT)
Different Financial Models
•CAPEX Model

Customer Invests into Solar Project conceptualization

project I Project approvals
I Engineering,
Saves Electricity bill on the Procurement &
number of units generated Construction (EPC)
I Operation, Maintenance
& Energy monitoring
Claims Depreciation (40%) (O&M)
Under IT Act
<5-year payback / >25-year
asset life
Different Financial Models
•CAPEX Model

•Solar plant is investment in technology which gives Energy with predictable

running cost which in not affected by Fossil fuel or commodity economics

•So Tomato and Onion prices cant be predicted but Solar Energy Tarrif can be
predicted for 25 Years
Smart High Quality & Guaranteed
Lifetime support
Investment Safe Installation Performance

• Invest your • Highest quality • Life time • System performs

money in solar Installations in support and as promised
and get collaborations insurance for a with predictive
guaranteed cost with Global hassle free generation and
savings OEMs. experience. optimum
• Highest quality outputs and
of installation to greater savings
ensure plant life later turning to
of almost 30 earnings.

Different Financial Models
•CAPEX Model :- Grid Tariff vs. Solar Plant cost

Different Financial Models
•BOOT Model
• Zero capital Investment by customer •Arranges 100% project funding
for customer
•Customer signs long-term PPA
•Project draft report for
•Pays Tarrif as per PPA to Investor for Customer and Investor
the Solar energy generated from on-
site system (Roof / Land) •PPA legal drafting & Project
•Provides space and access
•Engineering, Procurement &
•Solar plant is owned & maintained Construction
by Investor for PPA period
•Operation, Maintenance &
•Plant handed over to monitoring
customer at the
end of PPA
Investor GeWiS
Different Financial Models
•Boot Model
Different Financial Models
•Boot Model
GeWiS Solution

• Energy Consumption pattern is analyzed and

Energy future Energy growth estimated.

• With Best Software tools and technical

Designing expertise optimum space utilization is done
along with shadow analysis.
• Components are procured, delivered and
Project installed on time along with documentation in
predetermined time phase.

• Components are tested and installed with

Testing and
Commissioning standard procedures.

• Real time monitoring of Array O/P and inverter

Energy Monitoring O/P and other parameters.
and service

Best in Class Component Selection
System Reliability & Safety
Maintenance and Service

• Remote Monitoring of power plant

Predictive • Module De soiling /cleaning frequency
• Thermography and cable Diagnostics

• Array inspection once a year or more.

Preventive • Routine Inspection and testing
• Spares Management

• Customer Information of a failure by email

Corrective • Implementation of the warranty
• Piloting Repair Operations
• Realization of corrective work
• Supplying and installation of spare parts

Remote Monitoring and MIS


“Bringing more than 50 years of German Engineering

Marvel together”


India: 182 MWp constructed.

Our Projects

Commercial Roof ,
Mumbai - 5kWp

Commercial office
,Pune - 14kWp
Our Projects

Trust Temple, Virar -


Commercial Roof,
Mumbai -5kWp
Our Projects
Projects in pipeline

1 MW ground mount
Our Projects
Projects in pipeline

Industrial Roof, MP- 800kWp

The Earth will love you back
For a greener and sustainable future,
Happy to achieve your Renewable Goal

GeWiS Renew power Pvt.Ltd

705,Nyati Emporius, Radha Chowk,Baner ,Pune-411045.India |
Office: +91-20-67122400

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