The University of The West Indies Open Campus: FOUN1001 - English For Academic Purpose

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FOUN1001 - English For

Academic Purpose

Evaluation of Sources

Prepared for

Course Coordinator : Ms. Lisa Deer

Prepared by

Mr. Dane Sinclair


Date of submission: February 16, 2020

Evaluation of Source:
Mustard, J.F. (2010) Early Brain Development and Human Development. Encyclopaedia on
Early Childhood Development, Toronto, Canada. Retrieved February 8, 2020 from:

In this scholarly article, Mustard J.F suggests that emotional, social and physical

development of young children has a direct effect on their overall development and the adults

they become. The discourse style used in this article is argument, with a formal registry. The

use of scientific terms suggests that the article was written for the intellectual reader, more so

specialist in the area with a scientific background. The purpose of the article is to convince

the reader that factors influencing the development of early brain has an effect that leads to

adulthood. The writer uses cause and effect along with a formal tone to bring across his

points and demonstrate to his reader how different conditions affect brain functioning.

The author is a medical doctor and has made many contributions to medical science. The

author's knowledge of science enables him to give expert advice on how the brain develop

and factors that affect early brain development. The literature used is supported by many

scholarly sources that speak to its credibility. Throughout the literature, the writer maintains a

formal tone and avoids the use of crooked and fallacious thinking. The strengths of the article

lies in its use of evidence to support its perspectives. Weaknesses however lies in the

diversion of the author studies that focus on animal research.

Kinkead-Clark, Zoyah. (2015). The Role of Teacher Education in Supporting the
Transformation of Early Childhood Education in Jamaica. Caribbean Educational Research
Journal. 3. 3-16.

In this journal written by Zoyah Kinkead-Clark, she argues that early childhood institutions

lack qualified teachers and that a major part of the transformation of Jamaican early

childhood sector rests with the development of teacher training initiatives. The article

focuses on the role teacher qualification plays in early childhood development and is written

in an easy to follow language that maintains a formal registry. The article follows an

expository method of writing with each supporting paragraph given a particular subscript that

highlights the focus. The purpose of this article is to inform, which is accomplished using the

classification of details to ease the transition. The tone of the article is neutral and is written

for the general public.

Dr. Zoyah Kinkead-Clark has been in the field of early childhood education for several years

in the capacity of kindergarten teacher and researcher. She has completed studies in early

childhood education, reading and applied behaviour analysis which makes her a credible

source to speak on the topic at hand. Her writing is well substantiated with relevant in-text

citations and reference entries. Her writing is free of the use of crooked and fallacious

thinking and has many key points that can be used to support my perspective on the topic.

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