Graded Discussion 1

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Introductory Calculus

Graded discussion 1

Dane Sinclair

For a function to be continuous it must satisfy three conditions, the first of which is the function
must be define at the given the point, i.e the denominator cannot be equal to zero (0) at f (a). a
must be in the domain of the function. Secondly the limit of the function must exist lim
x →a
f ( x) and
( )
be the same as it approaches the left and as it approaches from the right. Thirdly lim
x →a
f ( x) =f (a)
( )
must exist, i.e the first two conditions must be equal. If it fails to satisfy all three conditions the
function is said to be discontinuous (Adikesavan, 2016).

f ( x )−f (a)
A function is diffrerentiable if it is continuous and if lim f ( x )= as it approaches from
x→ a x −a
the left and from the right (Khan Academic, 2016).

(i) (−1,3 )
f (−1 ) =3
lim f (x )=f (a)
x→ a
lim ¿ uses x 2
x→−1 f (x)¿
lim ¿
−¿ 2
x→−1 x ¿
lim ¿
−¿ 2
x→−1 (−1) =1 ¿

lim ¿ uses x 2
x→−1 f (x)¿
lim ¿
+¿ 2
x→−1 x ¿

lim ¿
+¿ 2
x→−1 (−1 ) =1 ¿

Since lim f (x )≠ f (a)

x→ a

The function is not continuous at ( -1, 3) and is therefore not differentiable. This is also
illustrated by the graph by th open circle at x = -1 suggesting removeable discontinuity at
that point.

ii. (2,4)
f ( a )=x 2 when x=2
f ( 2 ) =22
f ( 2 ) =4

lim f (x )=f (a)

x→ a

lim ¿ uses x 2
x→ 2 f (x)¿

lim ¿
−¿ 2
x→ 2 x ¿
lim ¿
−¿ 2
x→ 2 2 =4 ¿
lim ¿ uses −2 x+ 8
x→ 2 f (x)¿

lim ¿
x→ 2 −2 x+ 8¿
lim ¿
x→ 2 −2 ( 2) +8=4 ¿

Since lim f ( x )=f (a) the function is continuous at the point (2,4)
x→ a

f (x )−f (a)
lim f (x )= if the function is differetiable
x →2 x−a
lim ¿
−¿ x −4
x→ 2 f (x)= ¿
lim ¿
−¿ ( x−2 )(x+2 )
x→ 2 f (x)= ¿
lim ¿
x→ 2 f (x)=x +2¿
lim ¿
x→ 2 f (x)=2+2 ¿
lim ¿
x→ 2 f (x)=4 ¿

lim ¿
+¿ −2 x+8−4
x→ 2 f (x)= ¿
lim ¿
+¿ −2 x+4
x→ 2 f (x)= ¿

lim ¿
+¿ −2 (x−2)
x→ 2 f (x)= ¿
lim ¿
x→ 2 f (x)=−2 ¿
Therefore the function is not differentiable

Adikesavan, A. (2016). What are the three conditions necessary for the function f(x) to be continuous
at the point x = c? | Socratic. Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

Khan Academy. (2016). Differentiability at a point: algebraic (function is differentiable) (video) |

Retrieved 23 June 2020, from

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