ICA-172-28-00001 (Fuel Qty Indication)

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7572 ENGINEERING RELEASE SHEET Pace 004 ‘CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY DATE 08/16/10, WICHITA, KANSAS DOCUMENT NUMBER: I¢A~172-28-00001 DocuMENT sTATUS DOCUMENT TITLE :SINGLE ENGINE RESTART FUEL QUANTITY INDICATION SYSTEM TCA SU DOCUMENT REV/ VENOOR DOC REL. EcR/vo SUPPLEMENT REV DATE SUPERSEDED BY NOTE NUMBER MODEL RPT = 072008 os9s02 182 1206 472 4728 482 RPT A 061610 ossso2 182 1208 4128 482 206 Document Notes 1. PRINTS WILL NOT ACCOMPANY THIS RELEASE 6. CANCELLED 2! RELEASING P/L TO REFLECT ESTABLISHED EFFY 7. INACTIVE 8] SERIAL CONFIRMED 2) NEVER USED 3. EXPERIMENTAL, RELEASE 9. oasoLere. 5! SUPERSEDED IN ENG FILES ONLY N’ DOC NOT REQD FOR CERTIFICATION GENERAL NOTES bistareuTION: CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY AIRCRAFT DIVISION WICHITA, KANSAS 67277 Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement MODEL NO: 172R, 1728, 182, 182T, T182T, 206H, & T206H SUPPLEMENT NO: ICA-172-28-00001 SUPPLEMENT DATE: 01/30/2009 PREPARED BY: Original Signed by MOK CHECKED BY: Original Signed by ETP APPROVED BY: Original Signed by i APPROVED BY: Original Signed by BAM APPROVED BY: Original Signed by MOM APPROVED BY: Original Signed by 2S ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 08/26/2008) Form 2261 ‘Cessna Aircraft Company Page i Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel! Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00001 Rev | Date By ‘Approved By = [0173072009 MK See Title Sheet ECR 069402 [A) Section Description Initial Release All initial Release Rev | Date By ‘Approved By A | 03/24/2010 ETP PRH = PRK 4/23/coi0 MDM bby ogftufio ssp BSP 4/26/2e10 BAM Bay S/es/ro_ BKR kf no ECR 069402 Section Description Revisions Pgi Revised ECR for Rev -, “ECR 069402" was “ECR 065743" 3.2 “will” was “with” 41,284.22 “Install the” was "INSTALL THE” 41.2.1 & “hole” was “sensors” 41.21 & 4.2.21 Added comma 6.1.22 & 6.1.24 “6.5.1 Software Configuration and CAN Communication Check” was “6.4.1 Software Configuration and Communication Check" 6.1.36 & 6.1.39 Added note for “EMPTY” softkey location 6.2 Revised header to be bold 65.124 ‘Added step to unlock calibration page 7 Removed “Maintenance interval for this system check is 600 hours or 1 year, whichever comes first.” JCA Supplement dot (Rev. 0926/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page i Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas. 672: Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00001 CONTENTS Section / Title Page REVISIONS i il CONTENTS. TABLES FIGURE 1, INTRODUCTION. 4.4, Purpose 2. APPLICABILITY, so 2.1. Erffectivity ..... 2.2. Complete ICA Documents. 3, DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION....... 3.1, Description... 3.2. Operation, 3.3. System Component(s). 3.4. Aircraft Wiring... 4, REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION... 7 4.1. Left CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206 4.2. Right CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206. 5. MAINTENANCE AND SPECIAL TOOLS... 5.1, Maintenance. 5.2. System Wiring .. 24 24 Ea 6, TESTING, RETURN TO SERVICE AND TROUBLESHOOTING. 21 6.1. AajustmentTest (Fuel Quanity Indication Caliration) fr arplanes wih CAN Bus Ful Level ‘Sensors with Garmin G1000 (NAV II}. 2 62. Inspection/Check. = 33 63. Troubleshooting for ailanes with foat pe fuel level senders without Gt000...........2 64, Troubleshooting for airplanes with float type fuel level senders with G1000.... 34 6.8, Troubleshooting for airplanes with CAN bus type fuel level senders with G1000 A2 7. AIRWORTHINESS LIMITATIONS. 7.1. Limitations and Replacement Intervals 55 55 ICA Supplement dot (Rev, 09/26/2008) Form 2281 Cessna Aircraft Company Page ii Aircraft Division ‘Single Engine Restart Fue! Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001, ‘TABLES Table / Title Page Table 1 Installation ICA Effectivity. a seed, ‘Table 2 Fuel Quantity Indication Component Configurations... 23 ‘Table 3 Effectivity for Airplanes With CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors Installed 3 Table 4 Verification Table for 172 with CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensors .. 29 Table 5 Verification Table for 182 or 206 with CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensors : 30 Table 6 Troubleshooting Table (Float-Type Fuel Level Senders without Garmin G1000)......33 Table 7 Troubleshooting Table (Float-Type Fuel Level Senders and Garmin G1000) 35, Table 8 Troubleshooting Table (CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors and Garmin G1000). 42 Table 9 Table to check resistance at pins related to CAN bus communication. ee 52 FIGURES Figure / Title Page Figure 1 Block Diagram of Fuel Quantity Indication Components for Airplanes Without Garmin 61000 (NAV Ill) a . = Figure 2 Block Diagram of Fuel Quantity Indication Components for airplanes with Garmin 61000 (NAV Ill) and Float Type Fuel Level Senders. te Figure 3 Block Diagram of Fuel Quantity Indication Components for airplanes with Garmin 61000 (NAV Ill) and Can Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors... Figure 4 View of LEFT Sensor Installed (Electrical Connector Not Connected, 7 Figure 5 Illustration of Structure Near the Sensor (pn 76-207-4) in the LEFT Tank of a 182 or 206. : 7 Figure 6 View of LEFT Sensor Before Rotation.. Figure 7 View of LEFT Sensor After 90° Counter-Clockwise Rotation. Figure 8 View of LEFT Sensor, Maneuvering Sensor Through Mounting Hole... 210 Figure 9 View Looking Outboard at LEFT Sensor Mounting Location... srr Figure 10 Views Looking Outboard (left picture looking slightly FWD) al at LEFT Sensor Oriented as It Will Be When Installed...... ey "1 Figure 11 View of LEFT Sensor Starting To Be Installed 12 12 13 9 10 10 Figure 12 View of LEFT Sensor, Maneuvering Sensor Through Mounting Hole. Figure 13 View of LEFT Sensor Before Rotation... ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 08/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Pageiv Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas. 67277 ‘Supplement No. IGA-172-28-00004 Figure 14 View of LEFT Sensor After 90° Clockwise Rotation 13 Figure 15 Illustration of Structure Near the Sensor in the LEFT Tank. 14 Figure 16 View of LEFT Sensor Installed (Electrical Connector Not Connected) oN Figure 17 View of RIGHT Sensor Installed (Electrical Connector Not Connected)... 15 Figure 18 Illustration of Structure Near the Sensor (pn 76-207-5) in the RIGHT Tank of a 182 or 206. se 15 Figure 19 View of RIGHT Sensor Before Rotation Figure 20 View of RIGHT Sensor After 90° Clockwise Rotation . Figure 21 View of RIGHT Sensor, Maneuvering Sensor Through Mounting Hole... Figure 22 View Looking Outboard at Right Sensor Mounting Location, Figure 23 View of RIGHT Sensor Oriented As It Will Be When Installed 17 Figure 24 View Looking Outboard and Slightly Aft at RIGHT Sensor Starting To Be Installed...18 Figure 25 View of RIGHT Sensor, Maneuvering Sensor Through Mounting Hole 18 Figure 26 View of RIGHT Sensor Before Rotation .. Figure 27 View of RIGHT Sensor After 90° Counter-Clockwise Rotation Figure 28 Illustration of Structure Near the Sensor in the RIGHT Tank... Figure 29 View of RIGHT Sensor Installed (Electrical Connector Not Connected)... Figure 30 Fuel Quantity Indicators on a 172 showing No Red X's vs. Red X's Figure 31 GRS Group GRS/GMU CALIBRATION Page for a 172... Figure 32 Example of How a CAL Group, FUEL TANK CALIBRATION Page Should Look on a 172 With CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors Installed and the G1000 Configured Properly 124 (the differences for a 182 or 206 are described), : Figure 33 Example of How to Verify CALIBRATED VALUES are Correct (182 information shown), 28 Figure 34 GRS Group GRS/GMU CALIBRATION Page for a 172.. 36 Figure 35 GIA Group, CAN CONFIGURATION Page Shown For a 172, 182, or 206 Configured For Float Type Fuel Level Senders z 37 Figure 36 Example of How a CAL Group, FUEL TANK ‘CALIBRATION Page ‘Should Look on a 172 With Float Type Fuel Level Senders Installed and the G1000 Configured Properly (the differences for a 182 or 206 are described). 39 Figure 37 GRS Group GRS/GMU CALIBRATION Page for a 172.. 43 Figure 38 GIA Group, CAN CONFIGURATION Page Shown For a 172, 182, or 206 Configured 45 For CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors. ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 0972872006) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page v Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001 Figure 39 Example of How a CAL Group, FUEL TANK CALIBRATION Page Should Look on a 172 With CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors Installed and the G1000 Configured Properly (the differences for a 182 or 206 are described). AT Figure 40 Diagram of CAN Bus Related Wiring ICA Supplemnt dot (Rev, 09/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 1 Aircraft Division ‘Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001 4. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Purpose 1.1.1. The purpose of this Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Supplement is to provide the maintenance technician with the information necessary to ensure the correct functionality and performance of the Fuel Quantity Indication system on the Cessna Model 172R, 172S, 182S, 182T, T182T, 206H, & T206H. 1.1.2. This supplemental document is designed to satisfy the required14 CFR 23.1529 “Instructions for Continued Airworthiness” requirements associated with this installation. This document is a supplement to the Cessna Aircraft Company Model 172R/172S, 1828/182T/T182T, or 206H/T208H Maintenance Manual and may or may not be incorporated. 1.1.3. If this information is incorporated into the Model 172R/172S, 182S/182T/1182T, or 208H/T206H Maintenance Manual, the maintenance manual shall take precedence over chapter and section of the respective Maintenance Manual for the status of all ICA is supplemental document. Refer to the application ATA. Supplements applicable to your model. NOTE: document must be placed wit the aircraft operator's Technical Library CD- ROM or Maintenance Manual and incorporated into the operator's scheduled ‘maintenance program. ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 09/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 2 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 uupplement No: IGA-172-28-00001 2. APPLICABILITY 2.1. Effectivity This Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) supplement is effective for the following aireraft model(s) and serialization: Beginning Ending Model Effectivty Effectivity 172R -080001 -and On 1728 ~008001 and On| 182S 080001 080944 182T ~080945 -and On. T182T ~008001 -and On 206H ~008001 -and On ‘T206H -008001 -and On Table 1 Installation ICA Effectivity 2.2. Complete ICA Documents 2.2.1. The following document(s), in conjunction with this supplement, constitute the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness for the Fuel Quantity Indication system. All items must be available to the operator at initial delivery. 2.2.2. Model 172R/172S, 1828/182T/1182T, or 208H/T206H Maintenance Manual 2.2.3. Model 172R/172S, 182S/182T/T182T, or 206H/T206H Wiring Diagram Manual. 2.2.4, Model 172R/172S, 1828/1821/T182T, or 206H/T206H Illustrated Parts Catalog ICA Supplement dot (Rev, 09/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 3 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 6727 ‘Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00004 3. DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION 3:1. Description There are three possible fuel quantity indication component configurations; each configuration with its own maintenance practices. The various component configurations are shown in Table 2. The airplane serial numbers that have factory installed CAN Bus ‘Type Fuel Level Sensors are in Table 3. Earlier airplanes had Float Type Fuel Level Senders installed at the factory. Indicator Low Fuel Annunclator Stand-Alone Fuel Quantity indicator reas (round gauge) nunc Garmin 1000 Garmin 61000 (NAV Ill) (NAV Ill Avionics System Avionics System Garmin G1000 Garmin G1000 (NAV II} (NAV III) iat Avionics System ‘Avionies System CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensor Table 2 Fuel Quantity Indication Component Configurations er Beginning Ending Effectivity Effectivity T72R ~081457 and On 1728 -010656 -and On 182T ~082046 -and On T1627 -008807 -and On 206H -008303 -and On T206H -008801 -and On Table 3 Effectivity for Airplanes With CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors Installed ICA Supplement det (Rev. 09/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 4 Aircraft Division ‘Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 6727 ‘Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00001 3.2. Operation All the configurations have a fuel level sensor that measures the height of fuel in each tank (left and right). The fuel height is converted to fuel quantity (gallons) in the indicator and the fuel quantity is displayed. If the fuel quantity is within the low fuel caution range for more than 60 seconds the LOW FUEL annunciator is illuminated. If the sensor inputs to the indicator are outside of their acceptable range the needle will go below zero on a stand- alone indicator or the indication will Red X on an airplane with G1000 to show that there is something wrong with the system, 3.3. System Component(s) 3.3.1. Components for airplanes without Garmin G1000 (NAV III) Note: See Figure 1 for a block diagram of the system components. Float Type Fuel Level Sender — variable resistance sender (30 +20 with float arm at lower stop, 900 +50 with float arm at upper stop) that varies with the height of fuel in the tank. One sender is located in each fuel tank., Fuel Quantity Indicator (Gauge) ~ measures the resistance of the float type fuel level sender and displays the associated fuel quantity. If fuel ‘quantity indication is less than 5 gallons per side on a 172 or 8 gallons per side on a 182 or 206 for more than 60 seconds it provides a ground to the annunciator to turn on the LOW FUEL annunciator for the applicable tank. To indicate that there is a problem with the system if the indicator measures a resistance less than 10 (including a short circuit) or greater than 1030 (including an open circuit) the needle will go below zero and the i icator will provide a ground to the annunciator to tum on the LOW FUEL annunciator. The indicator also has potentiometers used to calibrate the indication. The indicator is located on the instrument panel. Annuneiator ~ Turns on a LOW FUEL L or LOW FUEL R annunciation when it receives a ground on the applicable pins from the i icator. The annunciator is located either near the upper part of the instrument panel or in the glareshield depending on the airplane. ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 09/26/2008) Form 2251 Cessna Aircraft Company Poge 5 Aircraft Division ‘Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00001 LOW FUEL Annunciator Fuel Quantity Indicator be ight Fel Tank Fioat Type Fuel Level Sender Float Type Fuel Level Sender Tek Foer Figure 1 Block Diagram of Fuel Quantity Indication Components for Airplanes Without Garmin G1000 (NAV I!) 3.3.2, Components for airplanes with Garmin G1000 (NAV Ill) and Float Type Fuel Level Senders Note: See Figure 2 for a block diagram of the system components., Float Type Fuel Level Sender — variable resistance sender (30 £20 with float arm at lower stop, 900 +50 with float arm at upper stop) that varies with the height of fuel in the tank. One sender is located in each fuel tank. Signal Conditioner — receives power from GEA and limits current to the sender for safety reasons. GEA— provides power through the signal conditioner to the sender and measures the resulting voltage across the sender. Converts voltage across sender to fuel quantity and sends the fuel quantity through the GIA’s to the displays (MFD and PFD). If it measures a voltage outside the normal range (less than about 0.01V or greater than about 0.93V) it sends a value that causes the indication on the MFD to Red X. 3.3.24. GIA- provides a data path between the GEA and the PFD or MFD. MFD— Receives fuel quantity from GEA and displays it. The indication will Red X if the value coming from the GEA is outside the normal operating range. CA Supplement dot (Rev. 09/26/2008) Form 2281 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 6 Aircraft Division ‘Single Engine Restart Fue! Quantity indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001 PFD Displays a LOW FUEL L or LOW FUEL R annunciation if the fuel quantity indication is less than 5 gallons per side on a 172 or 8 gallons per side on a 182 or 206 for more than 60 seconds. The PFD is used in configuration mode to calibrate the fuel quantity indication also. Garmin 61000 System PFD MFD exten UW FUEL Coca tt eanty Prostata feet hela pee eet [SC lCUhLCe T thos ‘00 1 1 GIA 63 #1 GIA 63 #2 ' vmepeted Aone unt |_| imepated one Un i rales rates i l 1 i 3 GEA71 2 i Enon Ata Unt Left Signal Right Signal Conditioner Conditioner Float Type Fuel Level Sender Teh Fuel Tank ight Fuel Tank Figure 2 Block Diagram of Fuel Quantity Indication Components for airplanes with Garmin G1000 (NAV Ill) and Float Type Fuel Level Senders ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 09/26/2008) Form 2281 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 7 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 6727 ‘Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00001 3.3.3, Components for airplanes with Garmin G1000 (NAV III) and Can Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors Note: See Figure 3 for a block diagram of the system components. CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensor ~ Measures the height of fuel in the tank and sends the % of Height and a status bit (valid/invalid) over the CAN data bus to the GIA. GIA- Receives the % of Height and status bit from each sensor and sends them to the displays (MFD and PFO). MFD - Receives fuel quantity from GIA and displays it if the status bit is “valid”. The indication will Red X if the GIA is not receiving CAN data from the sensor or ifthe status bit is “invalid” PFD - Displays a LOW FUEL L or LOW FUEL R annunciation ifthe fuel quantity indication is less than 5 gallons per side on a 172 or 8 gallons per side on a 182 or 206 for more than 60 seconds. The PFD is use‘ configuration mode to calibrate the fuel quantity indication also. PFD MFD (location of LOW FUEL (location of fuel quantity annunciaons) Indication wren MFD is In normal mode or f— tsa —sreversionary mode) T T spe 08 4 1 GIA 63 #1 GIA 63 #2 Inert Avionics Unt | | Integrated Avionics Unt ‘CAN Data Bus ‘GAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensor CAN Bus Type Fuel Level Sensor Tek Fuel Tank ight Fuel Tank Figure 3 Block Diagram of Fuel Quantity Indication Components for airplanes with Garmin G1000 (NAV Ill) and Can Bus Type Fuel Level Sensors ICA Supplement dot (Rev, 09/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 8 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 6727 ‘Supplement No. IGA-172-28-00001 3.4. Aircraft Wiring 3.4.1, Avionics/Electrical Wiring Refer to the applicable Model 172R/172S, 182S/182T/1182T, or 206H/T206H Wiring Diagram Manual for wiring definition of the Fuel Quantity Indication system, 4, REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION NOTE: If applicable, make sure that the aircraft is configured for maintenance as defined by the associated system the maintenance manual or in this document, including the removal of electrical power, avionics power, etc., prior to removal or installation of aircraft components. ‘The majority of the removal and installation instructions are in the maintenance manuals. ‘The CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensors on the 182 and 206, however, need to be turned certain directions to avoid structure both inside and outside the tank when removing and installing them. This document gives instructions on removing or installing left and right CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensors in a 182 or 206. The panel shown in the pictures is for demonstration purposes only. The actual airplanes have additional structure in the area shown and the aircraft ground studs are located differently. The MAIN THINGS TO REMEMBER when removing or installing the sensors are: 1) BE GENTLE! There is structure near the sensor both inside and outside the tank. The sensor will not operate properly if it is bent. 2) The SENSOR TIP is DOWN when INSTALLED 3) The SENSOR TIP and HOUSING should be FORWARD of the mounting hole when being REMOVED OR INSTALLED 4.4. Left CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206 4.1.1, Remove the Left CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206., Take note of LEFT sensor orientation. In Figure 4 Notice the “index’ hole is aft. The sensor ground stud is in the Forward-Upper quadrant. The sensor tip is down in this orientation. ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 08/26/2008) Form 2261, Cessna Aircraft Company Page 9 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001 Follow Figure 4 to Figure 8 to Remove the LEFT Fuel Level Sensor Disconnect the Ground Braid from the Sensor Ground Stud, Loosen the five ‘mounting screws and completely remove at least the aft three. 8 g ‘Aircraft ground stud is located on an | adjacent rib on the actual aircraft (not as shown in this picture) Its best to puta protective cap over the electrical connector during handling, Figure 4 View of LEFT Sensor Installed (Electrical Connector Not Connected) This illustrates the structure inside the tank. Sensor Ground Stud ff View Looking Forward ; View Looking Outboard Figure 5 Illustration of Structure Near the Sensor (pn 76-207-4) in the LEFT Tank of a 182 or 206 ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 08/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 10, Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001 ‘Be careful not to bend the sensorl Notice the Sensor Gently pull the sensor part ofthe way out of the hole as shown Ground Studis in while gently rocking the housing up & down & aft. Ifall of the the Forward- excess sealer (as shown in Figure 9) was not removed before the || Upper quadrant sensor was installed you will feel some resistance. Leave the when the sensor sensor partially out ofthe hole (as shown) until after itis rotated. || tip is down. f= —{ sensor Tio ‘Sensor Housing : Figure 6 View of LEFT Sensor Before Rotation Be careful not to bend the sensor! While gently rocking the housing up & down & aft gently rotate the sensor so the tip is forward (80° counter-clockwise) This helps clear the structure in the tank illustrated in Figure 5. Notice the Sensor Ground Stud isin the Aft-Upper quadrant \ when the tube is horizontal and the sensor tip is forward. La Figure 7 View of LEFT Sensor After 90° Counter-Clockwise Rotation Be careful not to bend the sensor! Gently remove the sensor while moving the housing forward. The housing should be forward lke this when removing (or installing) the sensor. ‘The tube should go between the two lobes of the nutring shown in Figure 9. Figure 8 View of LEFT Sensor, Maneuvering Sensor Through Mounting Hole ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 09/28/2008) Form 2281 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 11 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantiy Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No. ICA-172-26-00004 4.1.2. Install the Left CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206. Inspect Mounting Hole for Excess Sealer. Nutrings are sealed inside the fuel tanks. If excess sealer isin the hole, the fuel level sensors that mount in the hole will not be able to be installed or removed easily. This increases the tisk of the sensors being damaged if they are forced into or out of the hole. | [topes of || Nutring Excess sealer that needs to be carefully removed. Be careful not to get loose pieces of sealer in the tanks. Figure 9 View Looking Outboard at LEFT Sensor Mounting Location Remove excess sealer if necessary. 44.23. Take note of LEFT sensor orientation. In Figure 10 Notice the “index’ hole is aft. The sensor tip is down. The sensor ground stud is in the Forward- Upper quadrant. Ground Braid (Jumper) Sensor Ground Stud (take note of orientation) Leave Protective Cap : J—==| on during handling Install forward two mounting screws used to hold gasket in place. Figure 10 Views Looking Outboard (left picture looking slightly FWD) at LEFT ‘Sensor Oriented as It Will Be When Installed ICA Supplement det Rev. 09/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 12 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement Ni 72. Follow Figure 11 to Figure 16 to Continue to Install the LEFT Fuel Level Sensor Aircraft ground stud is located on an adjacent rib on the actual aircraft (not as shown in this picture) ‘Sensor Elbow Sensor Tip forward like this when installing (or removing) the sensor. ‘The tube should go between the two lobes of the nutring shown in Figure 9, Bo careful not to bend the sensor! TCA Supplement dot (Rev. 08/26/2008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 13 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 6727 uupplement No. ICA-172-28-00004 Notice the Sensor Ground Stud is in the ‘Aft-Upper quadrant when the tube is, horizontal and the sensor tip is forward. i} | | i | Leave the sensor partially out of the hole unti after it is rotated. Gently rotate the sensor so the tip is down (80° clockwise) while Notice the Sensor ‘gently rocking the housing up & down & aft. This helps clear the | | Ground Stud is in structure in the tank illustrated in Figure 15. Be careful not to the Forward- bend the sensor! After the sensor is in the position shown in Upper quadrant these pictures gently push the sensor the rest of the way into the | | when the sensor hole and thread in all five mounting screws (torque to 20 in-Ibs). tip is down, Figure 14 View of LEFT Sensor After 90° Clockwise Rotation IA Supplement cot (Rev. 0872672008) Fom 2261 Page 14 Cessna Aircraft Company Aircraft Division ‘Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No.: ICA-172-28-00001, This illustrates the structure inside the tank. Sensor Ground Stu : 7 wo View Looking Forward View Looking Outboard CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor (pn 76-207-4) Illustrated In LEFT Tank of a 182 or 206 Figure 15 Illustration of Structure Near the Sensor in the LEFT Tank Connect the Ground Braid to the Sensor Ground Stud. Remove the protective cap, Connect the aircraft electricat connector, check for leaks, verify system operation, and perform a fue! calibration. ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 0972672008) Form 2261 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 15 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No. ICA-172-28-00001 4.2. Right CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206 4.2.1. Remove the Right CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206, 4.2.11. Take note of RIGHT sensor orientation. In Figure 17 Notice the index" hole is aft. The sensor ground stud is in the Forward-Lower quadrant. The ‘sensor tip is down in this orientation. Follow Figure 17 to Figure 21 to Remove the RIGHT Fuel Level Sensor It's best to put a protective cap over the electrical connector during handling, “~~ @ ‘Sensor Ground Stud 4 (take note of orientation) Loosen the five ‘mounting screws and completely remove at least the aft three, | [rndex hoe T ‘Aircraft ground stud is, é located on an adjacent rib on the actual aircraft (not | Disconnect the Ground Braid from the Sensor Ground Stud. voll as shown in this picture) 5 [Fwo: Figure 17 View of RIGHT Sensor Installed (Electrical Connector Not Connected) This illustrates the structure inside the tank. ‘Sensor Ground Stud | vane? View Looking Aft i View Looking Outboard Figure 18 Illustration of ‘Structure Near ‘the Sensor (pn 76-207-5) in the RIGHT Tank of a 182 or 206 ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 0972672008) Form 2281 Cessna Aircraft Company Aircraft Division Wichita, Kansas 67277 Page 16 Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity Indication System ICA Supplement ‘Supplement No,: IGA-172-28-00001 Be careful not to bend the sensor! Gontly pull the sensor part of the way out of the hole as shown while gently rocking the housing up & down & aft. Ifall of the excess sealer (as shown in Figure 22) was not removed before the sensor was installed you will feel some resistance, Leave the sensor partially out of the hole (as shown) unti after itis rotated. Notice the Sensor Ground Stud is in the Forward-Lower quadrant when the sensor tip is down. Be careful not to bend the sensor! ‘While gently rocking the housing up & down & aft gently rotate the sensor so the tip is forward Coe ICA Supplement dot (Rev. 0972672008) (80° clockwise) This helps clear the structure in the tank illustrated in Figure 18. Notice the Sensor Ground Stud is in the Forward-Upper quadrant when the tube is horizontal and the sensor tip is forward, Be careful not to bend the sensor! Gently remove the sensor while moving the housing forward. The housing should be forward like this when removing (or installing) the sensor. ° @ d The tube should go between is 5 these two lobes of the nutring. FWD: flew of RIGHT Sensor, Maneuvering Sensor Through Mounting Hole Form 2281 Cessna Aircraft Company Page 17 Aircraft Division Single Engine Restart Fuel Quantity indication System ICA Supplement Wichita, Kansas 67277 ‘Supplement No,: IGA-172-28-00001 4.2.2. Install the Right CAN Bus Fuel Level Sensor on a 182 or 206. 42.2.1. _ Inspect Mounting Hole for Excess Sealer. Nutrings are sealed inside the fuel tanks. If excess sealer is in the hole, the fuel level sensors that mount in the hole will not be able to be installed or removed easily. This increases the risk of the sensors being damaged if they are forced into or out of the hole. Excess sealerthat needs to be carefully > removed. Be careful A not to get loose pieces }~ @ of sealer in the tanks. Figure 22 View Looking Outboard at Right Sensor Mounting Location 42.2.2. Remove excess sealer if necessary. Take note of RIGHT sensor orientation. In Figure 23 Notice the “index” hole is aft. The sensor tip is down. The sensor ground stud is in the Forward- Lower quadrant. ircraft ground stud is located on an adjacent rib on the actual aircraft (not Ground

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