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Rectilinear Motion

General Rule:

Let s(t ) Position function <- Ibibigay yung position pag sinubstitute yung time

v( t) Velocity function <- Ibibigay yung velocity pag sinubstitute yung time

a (t) Acceleration function <- Ibibigay yung acceleration pag sinubstitute yung time

[ s ( t ) ] =v (t) <- Derivative ng position function ay velocity function
[ v ( t ) ] =a(t ) <- Derivative ng velocity function ay acceleration function

1. If a rock is thrown upward on the planet Mars with a velocity of 10 m/s , its height (in meters) after t
seconds is given by H=10 t−1.86 t 2.

a. Find the velocity of the rock after one second.


Given yung position function ( H=10 t−1.86 t 2). Para mahanap yung velocity ng rock sa 1 sec, (1)
kukunin una yung derivative ng position function para makuha yung velocity function, tapos (2)
isusubstitute yung t=1 sec sa velocity function.

(1) Kunin yung derivative ng position function para makuha yung velocity function

[ H ] ¿ d [ 10t−1.86 t 2 ]
dt dt
¿ [ 10 t ] − d [ 1.86t 2 ]
dt dt

¿ 10− ( 2 )( 1.86 ) ( t 2−1)

¿ 10−3.72t
(2) Isubstitute yung t=1 sec sa nakuhang velocity function

v ( 1 )=10−3.72 (1 ) =6.28
Answer: The velocity of the rock after 1 sec is 6.28 m/s

b. Find the velocity of the rock when t = a.

Para makuha yung velocity ng rock given na yung time ay equal sa acceleration, Idederivative yung
velocity function para makuha yung acceleration tapos isusubstitute yung acceleration sa velocity

(1) Kunin yung derivative ng velocity function para makuha yung acceleration

d d
[v (t)] ¿ [ 10−3.72 t ]
dt dt
d d
¿ [ 10 ] − [3.72t ]
dt dt
(2) Yung a=−3.72 ay magiging t dun sa velocity function

v (−3.72 ) ¿ 10−3.72 ( 3.72 )

Answer: The velocity of the rock when t=a is −3.84 m/ s

c. When will the rock hit the surface?

Tatama yung rock sa surface pag yung H=0 (Height equal sa 0). Kaya magiging 0=10 t−1.86 t 2 tapos
isosolve na yung value ng t .

Gamit yung quadratic formula,

−b ± √ b 2−4 ac
t ¿

−(10)± √ (10)2−4 (−1.86 ) ( 0 )

2 (−1.86 )
¿0 ¿ 5.38
Answer: The rock will hit the surface at t=5.38 sec

d. With what velocity will the rock hit the surface?

Substitute lang yung t=5.38sa velocity function

v ( 5.38 )=10−3.72 ( 5.38 )=−10.01

Answer: The velocity when the rock hit the surface is 10.01 m/s
2. The displacement (in meters) of a particle moving in a straight line is given by s=t 2−8t +18, where t
is measured in seconds.

a. Find the average velocity over each time interval:

(i) [3, 4]

(ii) [3.5,4]

(iii) [4,5]

(iv) [4, 4.5]

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