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American International University –Bangladesh

Subject: Software Development Project Management

Section: A

Mid Term Assignment Task

Group Members List:

Sl. Name ID

01 Sakib, Jamil Mahmud 17-33732-1

02 Sarker,Urmi 17-33799-1

03 Hride,Shanjida Akter 17-33570-1

04 Hasibul Hasan Nobin 17-34558-2

Assignment 1: American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) is one of the prestigious private
universities in Bangladesh. Few years back, AIUB has moved from its temporary campus located in
Banani, Dhaka to its permanent campus in Kuril, Dhaka. Identify the negative stakeholders.

Answer: A stakeholder is a party that has an interest in a company and can either affect or be affected
by the business. The primary stakeholders in a typical corporation are its investors, employees,
customers and suppliers. However, the modern theory of the idea goes beyond this original notion to
include additional stakeholders such as a community, government or trade association. Stakeholders
can be internal or external. Internal stakeholders are people whose interest in a company comes
through a direct relationship, such as employment, ownership or investment. External stakeholders are
those people who do not directly work with a company but are affected in some way by the actions
and outcomes of said business. Suppliers, creditors and public groups are all considered external

There are also another two types of stakeholders who are more or less connected to any project or any
kind of business association for individual work purpose. These two types are (i) Positive Stakeholder,
(ii) Negative Stakeholder. Negative stakeholders are sometime is a part of external stakeholder where
they are not directly connected with the project or organization still has effect and outcome on the

From the given scenario, American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) which is one of the
prestigious universities in Bangladesh moved to its permanent campus which is located in Kuril, Dhaka.
By moving to its new location things are changed in many ways. There are so many changes happens
when a large institution like AIUB get placed to a new location. There are at around 15,000 people
connected with this organization who take entries into the institution almost 6 day of a week. The local
area was not similar as it is now. From a research on Kuril area localization before the movement of
AIUB it comes to a result like, the place was filled with low- or middle-class-income earning people.
These people used to have small businesses in the area and most of the business are centralized with
the local people. The business categories are like – Local merchant shop, Automobile workshops,
Tailors, Small food shops, Raw food market, Fish Market, Small electronics shop, Hair Saloon,
Construction Material Shop and so on. This marketplace does not have big industrial or urbanized
institutions. As big institution like AIUB moved into a location like this there are so many changes
happened in the local business market. The project named as – AIUB Permanent Campus Construction
created some external stakeholders where a short percentage of stakeholders came out as negative
stakeholders. There are few of the negative stakeholders whom are – (i) Roadside construction
material shop, (ii) Electronic component shops, (iii) Automobile workshops, (iv) Local Raw food and
Fish market, (v) Local families and civilians.

There are number of negative stakeholders mentioned who are externally connected with the project –
AIUB Permanent Campus Construction. Below it is going to be defined that for which reason these
external stakeholders who are not directly connected with the project getting affected on there
business by the project and why they are counted as negative stakeholders.
 Roadside construction material shop: The business of a construction materials can be defined
as these shops sell construction related material which are mostly used in building construction
or civil project development. Before the movement of AIUB the big deliveries of these
construction materials could easily enter the area and loads could easily deployed in the stores.
But as the university moved the area got populated and large number of students daily coming
and going in the area. The traffic is often jammed which affects the business most.

 Electronic Components Shops: The electric shops need security purpose as they need spaced
area and low populated place because the greater number of people are around the shop are
the more accidental risks are in listings.

 Automobile Workshops: Automobile workshops always deal with various vehicles repairing and
constructing works. But due to the university high amount of people are coming to this narrow-
localized area and walking in the congested roads. So, vehicle owners do not prefer this area to
repair their vehicles as it will cost them high amount of time.

 Local Raw food and Fish market: Local raw food markets are affected because of densely
population because in previous time the roads are wide open and there were less people in the
area. Food & Fish deliverable vehicles could easily come to deliver products but now the
situation changed. Also, the hygienic option is another matter to count because foods need to
be fresh and hygiene when it is sold but now area gets more polluted and possibilities are rare.

 Local Families and Civilians: Local civilians are highly affected as a result they are the biggest
negative stakeholders. Due to huge student people up-down in a week because of university.
The area gets polluted, noise pollution happens and traffic in the road is common now. In the
rainy season the road gets flooded still these students have to come for the educational
purpose which makes local people more affected. They are one of the important negative

By all the mentioned points it is clearly defined that due to the movement of American International
University-Bangladesh (AIUB) a portion of negative stakeholders are sectioned. They are not directly
connected with the movement or construction project but still they are the stakeholders because they
are part of the business eco-system. Every project is connected with a business environment where all
possible stakeholders are part of the business eco-system. In all business structure stakeholders are
highly concerning matter and the smaller number of negative stakeholders exists in the structure the
higher amount of profit can be achieved in any business or project.

Assignment 2: ABC University is a higher education institute which used to be managed

by a local government authority but has now become autonomous. Its payroll is still
administered by the local authority and pay slips and other output are produced in the
local authority’s computer center. The authority now charges the university for this
service. The university management is of the opinion that it would be cheaper to obtain
an ‘off-the-shelf’ payroll system and do the payroll processing themselves.
Would the project to implement an independent payroll system at the ABC
University be an objective-driven (objective-based) project or a product-driven
(product-based) project? Explain.

Answer: Brief for commercial “Off-the-Shelf”, a descriptive word that describes software or
hardware products that are already exists or readymade and accessible for deal to the general public.
As example, Microsoft Office is a COTs product that is packaged software solution for business. COTs
products are designed to be implemented effortlessly into existing frameworks without the required
for customization.

There are two steps of project analysis-

(i) Product Driven - A Product Driven projects creates products defined before the start of the

(ii) Object Driven - A Object Driven project will often have come first which will have defined
the general software solution that is going to be implemented.

Improving efficiency, reducing the cost of non-quality and optimizing product strategies are goals in
practically all companies in order to stay competitive, to continuously improve business and to survive
in a fast changing environment. It is thus crucial for most companies to simultaneously improve project
management, product development and engineering processes. 
In our given scenario we are told to find out the category of the project named as independent payroll
system. In case of implementing an independent payroll system the software can be built in several
ways, contract management and outsourced, these are the two examples for building a software.
Whichever the option is there is only one motive behind the project management. We can categorize
the software project by several viewpoints. We already know the steps of project analysis. It defines us
as the main theme of a project. A project might be to create a product, the details of which have been
specified by the client. The product is determined by the clients, how it is going to be and what kind of
feature it is going to be contained. It is fully up to the customers how it is going to be. In other words,
we can say that it is the client who has the responsibility for justifying the product. The other one is an
objective-driven project. An objective-driven project will often have come first which will have defined
the general software solution that is going to be implemented. This approach can be used for
implementing a full software system that has a specific goal or objectives that has to be full-filled. Or it
can be a new feature to an existing software system that has to meet the specific requirement. In main
words we can say that the main goal of a product-driven project is to build a product and for an
objective-driven project the main goal is to meet some objective by the specific system.

Process improvement will fail if we do not consider these basic requirements. By focusing on the
essence of the processes, integrating processes elements with each other and providing complete tools
solutions, organizations can tailor processes to meet specific needs and allow localized and problem- or
skill-specific software practices, while still ensuring that the basic objectives of the organization are
achieved. Development processes along the product life cycle determine how things are done—end to
end. They provide guidance to those who do and focus on what to do. Guidance means understanding
and ensures repeatability. Focus means achieving targets both effectively and efficiently, without
overheads, frictions and rework. Good processes are as lean and agile as possible, while still ensuring
visibility, accountability and commitment to results. Insufficient processes reduce business
opportunities and performance due to not keeping commitments and delivering below expectations.
Processes must be usable by and useful to both practitioners and managers. They must integrate
seamlessly, and they must not disturb or create overheads. Objective -driven improvement is a goal-
oriented improvement approach towards measurable and sustainable performance improvement. It has
several components that distinguish ODPI from the more traditional approach with a focus on certification
and therefore insufficient buy-in from stakeholders:
 Focus on concrete business needs
 Incremental deliveries of tangible progress
 Broadening scope of the improvement project from engineering to a product and customer
 Usage of improvement frameworks as support for methodology and best practices, but not as
an end in itself

To continuously improve and thus stay ahead of competition organizations need to change in a
deterministic and results-oriented way. If you do not know where you are and where you want to go,
change will never lead to improvement. Looking towards improved process maturity will help in setting
up an improvement trail.
In ABC university management, they want to obtain off-the-shelf payroll system. They have some
general requirement for the system. Project may distinguish by whether their aim is to produce the
system or meet the certain objective. In object driven projects the main objective of the final outcome
is considered. But doesn’t take much effort to build the finalized fully functioning expected version at
the initial iteration. Incremental approach is considered until the final objective is accomplished. There
may be several downsides with the objective driven products. Not matching the finished version with
expectations, over going with the budgeted price, delays in project finish time are some of them.
Productivity improvement needs several related steps that are carefully implemented. There is no
silver bullet, despite all the promises by tools vendors and others. Broad experience in engineering and
product life-cycle management helps in selecting the right actions with most value in a certain
environment. Clear objectives, an objective-driven improvement program and excellent change
management are keys in introducing such changes.
Linking planning and operations can improve transportation decision making and the effectiveness of
transportation systems by helping planners and operators consider the full range of relevant strategies
to address regional goals and objectives. The recommended approach focuses on working toward
desired system performance outcomes rather than just responding to problems.
The benefits of the objectives-driven, performance-based approach include:

1.A more objective approach to addressing operations in the transportation planning process,
allowing resource and investment decisions to be made with a clearer focus on outcomes.
2. Focused transportation investment prioritization.
3. Improved resource allocation.
3. Increased accountability and measurement of performance.

So, for the independent payroll system at the ABC university be an object driven product.

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