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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development
 Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads 
Strengthening the National Rural Transport Programme (SNRTP) 
District Technical Office 
Hetauda, Makwanpur 

Detail Engineering Survey, Hydrological Analysis and Design of

Kali Khola Bridge
at chainage (20+235)
along Chuniya-Namtar-Bharta-Khairang Road (31.410 km),
Makwanpur District

Volume III Design Calculations

Date: January 2018

JB Engineering Consultancy (P) Ltd.

Hetauda – 3, Kanti Rajpath
Phone No.: 9855069533
1.0 IRC Class AA Tracked Vehicle Loading:
Reacion on the Girder will be maximum when the eccentricity is maximum. Eccetricity will be maximum
when the loads are very near to the kerb. Position of loads for maximum eccentrictiy is shown in Figure.

W1 W1
1200 1625 2050 2325 1200

Kerb Kerb

2250 2250


Number of Girder 2.00 Nos

Eccentricity 350.00 mm 0.35
Total Load is W 2.000 W1
Reaction Factor for outer support, RA 0.578 W
Therefore Reaction Factor for RC 0.422 W

2.0 IRC Class 70R Tracked Vehicle Loading:

Reacion on the Girder will be maximum when the eccentricity is maximum. Eccetricity will be maximum
when the loads are very near to the kerb. Position of loads for maximum eccentrictiy is shown in Figure.

W1 W1
1200 1620 2060 2320 1200

Kerb Kerb

2250 2250


Number of Girder 2.00 Nos

Eccentricity 350.00 mm 0.35
Total Load is W 2.000 W1
Reaction Factor for outer support, RA 0.578 W
Therefore Reaction Factor for RC 0.422 W
3.0 IRC Class AA Wheeled Vehicle Loading:
Reacion on the Girder will be maximum when the eccentricity is maximum. Eccetricity will be maximum
when the loads are very near to the kerb. Position of loads for maximum eccentrictiy is shown in Figure.

W1 W1 W1 W1
1200 1350 1000 2450 1200
600 600
Kerb Kerb

2250 2250

Number of Girder 2.00 Nos

Eccentricity 550.00 mm 0.55
Total Load is W 4.000 W1
Reaction Factor for outer support, RA 0.622 W
Therefore Reaction Factor for RC 0.378 W

4.0 IRC Class 70R Wheeled Vehicle Loading:

Reacion on the Girder will be maximum when the eccentricity is maximum. Eccetricity will be maximum
when the loads are very near to the kerb. Position of loads for maximum eccentrictiy is shown in Figure.

W1 W1
1200 1630 1930 2440 1200

Kerb Kerb

2250 2250

2040.0 1630.0
Number of Girder 2.00 Nos
Eccentricity 405.00 mm 0.405
Total Load is W 2.00 W1
Reaction Factor for outer support, RA 0.590 W
Therefore Reaction Factor for RC 0.410 W

5.0 IRC Class A Wheel Vehicle:

Reacion on the Girder will be maximum when the eccentricity is maximum. Eccetricity will be maximum
when the loads are very near to the kerb. Position of loads for maximum eccentrictiy is shown in Figure.
W1 W1 W1 W1
1200 400 1800 1600 1800 400 1200

Kerb Kerb

2250 2250

Number of Girder 2.000 Nos.

Eccentricity, e 0.00 mm
Total Load is W 4.00 W1 0.250
Reaction Factor for outer support, RA 0.500 W 0.5
Therefore Reaction Factor for RC 0.500 W
A. Design of Superstructure, Cantilever slab
1.0 Design Data
1.1.      Materials and its Properties:
Concrete: M45 fck 45 N/mm
Reinforcement: Fe500 fy 500 N/mm
Self weight of materials as per IRC : 6-2000:
Concrete (cement-Reinforced) = 25 kN/m
Macadam (binder premix) = 24 kN/m
1.2.      Geometrical Properties:
Effective Span of Bridge 40.00
Nos. of longitudinal Girder 2 Nos.
Spacing of girder 4.5 m
Overall depth 3200 mm
Width of girder 300 mm
Depth of footpath above deck slab 275 mm
Spacing of cross girder 10 m
Nos. of cross girder 5 Nos.
Rib width of cross girder 200 mm
Overall depth of cross girder 1600 mm
Deck slab thickness 300 mm
Cantilever slab thickness in junction 300 mm
Deck slab thickness at edge 150 mm
Thickness of wearing coat 50 mm
Fillet size (horizontal) 450 mm
Fillet size (vertical) 150 mm
Bridge Width:
Carriageway width 6m
Footpath width 1.2 m
Total Width of deck slab 8.40 m
Total depth of footpath at the end 0.425 m
Thickness of wearing coat 0.05 m
Cantilever span 1.80 m
2.0 Design of Slab
2.1 Design of Cantilever slab: by effective width method.
Thickness of slab, maximum 300 mm at junction with rib
Thickness of slab, minimum 150 mm at end
Self weight of Railing 2.15 kN/m (assumed)
Impact factor 50.0 % (for IRC class A loading)
(P-260-4800/L)*(16.5-W)/15 1.66 kN/m2
Thickness of wearing coat 0.05 mm
Dead Load Bending Moment and Shear Force:
Width Depth Load per Moment
S.No. Item Distance
(m) (m) m width of slab (kNm)
1 Railing/Parapet assumed 2.150 1.725 3.709
2 Concrete for railining 0.15 0.275 0.990 1.725 1.71
3 Footpath 0.45 0.275 2.970 1.425 4.23
4 Pedestrian Load 0.45 1 0.747 1.425 1.064
4 Wearing Coat 1 0.05 1.100 0.600 0.660
5 Slab unif 1 0.3 7.200 0.500 3.600
Total 15.157 14.973
Dead load Shear force at the face of rib 15.157 kN per m width of slab
Dead load Bending Moment at the face of rib 14.973 kNm per m width of slab
Live Load Bending Moment and Shear Force:
IRC Class A Loading:
Average thickness of cantilever slab 225 mm
Bending moment due to load W1:
Wheel load, W1 57 kN
Tyre contact length along Cantilever span, x 0.50 m
Tyre contact length acorss cantilever span, y 0.25 m
Depth of slab 300.00 mm
Depth of slab at x far from the support 220.83 mm
Dispersion width of load along span of cantilever 1.12 < 1.80
Space between kerb and web edge 1.35 m
Thickness of slab at dispersed end of cantilever 190.80 mm Average assumed
Clear distance to be kept from the kerb 150 mm
load length in the cantilever 1.12 m
Portion of load in the cantilever 57.00 kN
UDL over cantilever 50.86 kN/m due to one wheel
Distance of C.G. of load from face of rib, X 0.95 m
bw 0.6 m
Effective width of slab bef = 1.2*X + bw 2.94 m > 1.2 Overlap
Load per meter width of slab due to two wheels 34.60 kN/m per metre width of slab
Shear in cantilever slab 38.78 kN/m per metre width of slab
Shear in cantilever slab including impact 58.16 kN per metre width of slab
Maximum Bending moment due to live load 36.837 kNm per metre width of slab
Bending moment including impact 55.255 kNm per metre width of slab
Bending moment due to load 40kN Wheel:
Wheel load, W1 = 40.00 kN
Tyre contact length along Cantilever span, x 0.30 m
Tyre contact length across cantilever span, y 0.30 m
Depth of slab 300.00 mm
Depth of slab at x far from the support 187.50 mm
Dispersion width of load along span of cantilever 0.92 < 1.80
Thickness of slab at dispersed end of cantilever 442.19 mm
Clear distance to be kept from the kerb 150 mm
load length in the cantilever 0.91 m
Portion of load in the cantilever 40.00 kN
UDL over cantilever 43.94 kN/m
Distance of C.G. of load from face of rib, X 1.35 m
bw 0.850 m
Effective width of slab bef = 1.2*X + bw 2.470 m
Load per meter width of slab 17.79 kN/m per metre width of slab
Shear in cantilever slab 16.194 kN per metre width of slab
Shear in cantilever slab including impact 24.291 kN per metre width of slab
Maximum Bending moment due to live load 21.862 kNm per metre width of slab
Bending moment including impact 32.794 kNm per metre width of slab
Pedestrian load 1.660 kN/m2
Shear force due to pedestrian load 0.747 kN per m width ofslab
Moment due to pedestrian load 1.176 kNm
Factor of safety for Dead load 1.350
Factor of safety for live load 1.500
Factored BM of DL+LL including Impact 104.861 kNm
Factored SF DL+LL including Impact 108.827 kN
Design of Section:
Assummed bar dia 16 mm
Cover 40 mm
Effective Depth, d 252.00 mm
Neutral axis depth factor,
Lever arm factor, j '= (1-0.42*x u/d)) 0.8103
Moment of resistance coefficient K =
Therefore, required effective depth of slab
dreqd. = SQRT(Mu,lim/K*fck*b) 132.0 mm < 252.0 O.K.
Effective depth of slab, provided 252.00 mm > req. O.K.
Neutral axis depth factor, xu = [1.2019231-{1.4446191-
26.879 mm
Lever arm factor, j = (1-0.33/98*21/17*x u/d)) 0.9556
M 2
Area of steel required, Ast = 1000.99 mm
 st  j  d
Minimum Ast % required =0.85*100/f y 0.170 %
Ast 428.40 mm2
Required 12 + 0 φ bar @ 112.98 mm c/c giving Ast 1001.0 mm
Provide 12 + 10 φ bar @ 200.00 mm c/c giving Ast 958.2 mm
Distribution Steel:
Distribution steel provided for 0.3 x live load moment + 0.2 x dead load moment.
Facoted Moment 23.7 kNm Assume φ 10
Effective depth 241 mm
Area of steel required, Ast 228.16 mm
Half reinforcement is to be provided at top and half at bottom.
Provide 10 φ bar @ 200 mm c/c for both top and bottom, Ast 393 mm
Check for min. area of Steel:
Min. area of steel @ 0.12/2 % 180 mm < Provided OK
Design for Shear:
Factored Dead load + Live load shear including impact 108.83 kN
tan  0.150
M  tan 
Shear stress,  v  d 0.184 N/mm

Percentage area of tension steel, 0.380232 %
c =( 0.85*SQRT(0.8*fck)*(SQRT(1+5*α)-1)/6*α) 0.482  N/mm
Permissible shear stress, K´c =  1 x 0.482 = 0.482 N/mm
   x ' a Vs  2 2  3 u    v 
    1   st m  c  1  L 
> 0.184 O.K.

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
Characterstic strength of concrete, f ck 45.00 N/mm2
Ultimate stress of high tensile wires/Strand/Cable f p 1860.00 N/mm2
Number of strand/wire in one Freyssinet cable N s 19 19K13
Area of one wire A w 98.70 mm2
Prestressing efficiency, n e 75.00 %
Top Flange width of girder, b f 4800.00 mm
Top Flange Thickness of Girder, D f 300.00 mm
Web Thickness of Girder, b w 300.00 mm
Web depth, d w 1985.00 mm
Bottom Flange width of girder, b fb 750.00 mm
Bottom Flange Thickness of Girder, D fb 315.00 mm
Adopted area of section of Box girder, A 4301625.00 mm2
Centroid from top fibre Y t 750.1 mm
Centroid from bottom fibre Y b 1849.85 mm
Adopted section modulus of Box girder at top Z t 4176968465 mm3
Adopted section modulus of one girder at bottom Z b 1693833817 mm3
Maximum Eccentricity available emid at mid section 1574.6774 mm
Maximum Eccentricity ex at required section 958.1858 mm
DL of Box Girder 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 20.438 kN
DL due to Foothpath cum Kerb, WC and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Pedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Overall depth of Girder, D 2600.00 mm
Effective depth d 1708.33 mm
Centroid of Cable from bottom fibre 891.67 mm
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 102.19 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 51.09 kN
Characterstic strength at transfer, f ci = 0.8*fck 36.00 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress at transer f tt 0.00 N/mm2 Ist class prestressing
Permissible compressive stress at transer f ct 16.38 N/mm2 <= 18.00 1/2fci
Permissible compressive stress at service fcw 15.00 N/mm2 <= 15.00 1/3fck
N/mm2 st
Permissible tensile stress at service f tw 0.00 I class prestressing
Prestressing efficiency, η 0.75
permissibe stress in the top f tr = fcw - η*ftt 15.00 N/mm2
Permissibe stress in the bottom f br = η*fct - ftw 12.29 N/mm2
permissibe stress in wires/Strands/Cables 0.8f p 1422.90 N/mm2
Breaking load of one Cable 3488.06 kN
Permissible load for one cable 2668.37 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000 Moderate
ILD at, x 0.0000 m FOS for G FOS SG FOS for Q
Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13115.1 kN 1.25 2.00 2.50
Eccentricity, ex 958.186 mm Cabile Profile: Eccentric Parabola, e 2 0.958 m
Eccentricity of prestressed force e x 0.958186 m Cable Equation: ex = 4(emid - e2)x(L-x)/L + e2
Tanθ = d(ex)/dx = 4e(L-2x)/L2 0.0616 Slope Equation:Tanθx = d(ex)/dx = 4(emid - e2)(L-2x)/L2
INPUT RESPONSES FROM ANALYSIS: Governing load case: IRC Class 70R_W
Mements: IRC Class 70R_W Shear Forces: IRC Class 70R_W
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 -4.57 kNm Without FOS, SFg1 1162.68 kN
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 -0.78 kNm Without FOS DL SFg2 256.22 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq -59.51 kNm Without FOS SFq 568.88 kN
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu -156.06 kNm Ultimate SF With FOS SFu 3387.99 kN
Without FOS Prestressing Load Mp 12566.70 kNm Without FOS SFp 1250.94 kN
Permissible stress fsup = ftt - Mg/Zt 2
0.00 N/mm due to prestressing force only at top fibre
Permissible stress finf = ftw/η + (Mg + Mq)/ηzb -0.05 N/mm2 due to prestressing force only at bottom fibre
Min Prqd = (fsup*Zt + finf*Zb)*A/(Zt + Zb) -60.02 kN In total
Max erqd = (finf - fsup)/(finf*Zb+fsup*Zt)*Zt*Zb/A 1047.17 mm > permissible 958.19 revise 'e'
Adopt revised eccentricty, e 958.19 mm DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Min Prqd = A*finf*zb/(zb+A*e) = Pcosθ -63.97 kN
Min Post tensioning force P -64.10 kN
Adopt Total Post Tensioning, P 13140.00 kN DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Achieved Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13115.101 kN In total
Number of Cable Np rqd 4.92436 Nos
Adopt number of Cable N p rqd 6.00 Nos 2190.00
Adopt Post Tensioning/cable P/cable 2190.00 kN <= 2668.37 OK
Factor of safety 1.5927 FOS >= 1.00000 OK
Post Tensioning/cable P for check 2190.00 kN by another method Matching
Area of one cable A cable 1875.30 mm 2

Total Area of cable A p 11251.80 mm2

1. Check of Section Modulus
Section modulus at top, Z t reqd 0.0041 m3 <= 4.1770 OK
Section modulus at top, Z b reqd 0.0050 m3 <= 1.6938 OK
2. Check of stressess
a. At Transfer
Stress at top fibre, f t 0.04 N/mm2 >= 0.000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre, f b 10.47 N/mm2 <= 16.380 OK
b. At Working/Service load Cracking stress = - 0.7*√fck
Stress at top fibre f t -0.0157 N/mm2 <= 15.0000 OK -4.70
Stress at bottom fibre f b 7.8893 N/mm2 >= 0.00000 OK
3) Check for ultimate moment capacity, Mu
a) Failure by yielding of steel, M us = 0.90*fp*Ap*d
Ultimate moment capacity, Mus 24615.67 kNm
b) Failure by crushing of concrete, M uc = 0.176*fck*bw*d2 + 2/3*0.8*(bf-bw)*(d-Df/2)*Df*fck
Ultimate moment capacity, M uc 121985 kNm
Ultimate moment capacity Mu 24615.67 kNm >= 156.06 OK
FOS against moment M u 157.7276 >= 1.00 OK
4) Check for ultimate shear capacity, SFu
Box Area to calculate f cp, A 6667500.00 mm2
At the Support required b w 525.00 mm
At the Support adopted b w 525.00 mm
D 2600.00 mm
Shear area, A sv 2730000.00 mm2
ft =0.24*√fck 1.61 N/mm2
Total Prestressing force, P 13140.00 kN
fcp = P/A 1.97 N/mm2
Emerging slope of cable 0.0616
Shear capacity, SF u = 0.67*bwD*√(ft2+0.8fcp*ft) + η*P*SINθ
Ultimate shear Capacity SF u 4749.34 kN >= 3387.99 Link stirrups required
FOS against shear Stress SF u 1.4018 kN >= 1.00 Link stirrups required
5) Design of Shear reinforcement
Grade of stirrups 500.00 N/mm
Cover for bar 40.00 mm
Effective depth 2556.00 mm
Excess Shear force -1361.34 kN
Required 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 208.24 mm C/C
Provide 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 150.00 mm C/C
Excess shear capacity SF excess 745.18 kN >= -1361.34 OK
6) Design for Torsional Moment (for Shear and Longitudinal reinforcements)
Torsional Moment wrt BM 0.0000 kNm
Torsional Moment wrt SF 729.73 kNm
Web thickness, t 0.525 m
Bottom slab thickness 0.525 m
Dia of Shear stirrups 8 φ
Number of Legs of stirrups 2 Nos
Top slab thickness 0.300 m
at the support section, A o 3.3 m2
Perimeter of Ao, Lo 6.7 m
Thickness of Ao, to = Ao/Lo 0.5 m
Asv/Sv >= T/(Ao*0.87fy), Spacing Sv 200.63 mm
Adopt , Sv 150.00 mm
Area of Longitudinal bars A sL 2244.563 mm2 AsL >= Asv/Sv*(Perimeter of Ao/2)*fyv/fyl
Dia of longitudinal bar provided 12.00 φ AsL >= T/(2to*0.87*fyl) Both the equations are same
Number of bar required 19.85 Nos
AsL spacing both faces along L o 599.44 mm c/c
Provide 12.00 mm φ bars with the Spacing of @ 300.00 mm C/C
Simply Supported Motorable Bridge
Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
Characterstic strength of concrete, f ck 45.00 N/mm2
Ultimate stress of high tensile wires/Strand/Cable f p 1860.00 N/mm2
Number of strand/wire in one Freyssinet cable N s 19 19K13
Area of one wire A w 98.70 mm2
Prestressing efficiency, n e 75.00 %
Top Flange width of girder, b f 3600.00 mm
Top Flange Thickness of Girder, D f 300.00 mm
Web Thickness of Girder, b w 300.00 mm
Web depth, d w 1985.00 mm
Bottom Flange width of girder, b fb 750.00 mm
Bottom Flange Thickness of Girder, D fb 315.00 mm
Adopted area of section of Box girder, A 4331625.00 mm2
Centroid from top fibre Y t 767.0 mm
Centroid from bottom fibre Y b 1883.01 mm
Adopted section modulus of Box girder at top Z t 4294670867 mm3
Adopted section modulus of one girder at bottom Z b 1749308237 mm3
Maximum Eccentricity available emid at mid section 1573.1858 mm
Maximum Eccentricity ex at required section 1180.4563 mm
DL of Box Girder 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 20.438 kN
DL due to Foothpath cum Kerb, WC and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Pedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Cariageway Pedestrian Load 0.000 kN/m
Overall depth of Girder, D 2600.00 mm
Effective depth d 1947.45 mm
Centroid of Cable from bottom fibre 702.55 mm
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 102.19 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 51.09 kN
Characterstic strength at transfer, f ci = 0.8*fck 36.00 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress at transer f tt 0.00 N/mm2 Ist class prestressing
Permissible compressive stress at transer f ct 16.38 N/mm2 <= 18.00 1/2fci
Permissible compressive stress at service fcw 15.00 N/mm2 <= 15.00 1/3fck
N/mm2 st
Permissible tensile stress at service f tw 0.00 I class prestressing
Prestressing efficiency, η 0.75
permissibe stress in the top f tr = fcw - η*ftt 15.00 N/mm2
Permissibe stress in the bottom f br = η*fct - ftw 12.29 N/mm2
permissibe stress in wires/Strands/Cables 0.85*0.9f p 1422.90 N/mm2
Breaking load of one Cable 3488.06 kN
Permissible load for one cable 2668.37 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500 Moderate
ILD at, x 10.0000 m FOS for G FOS SG FOS for Q
Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13133.8 kN 1.25 2.00 2.50
Eccentricity, ex 1419.436 mm Cabile Profile: Eccentric Parabola, e 2 0.958 mm
Eccentricity of prestressed force e x 1.419436 m Cable Equation: ex = 4(emid - e2)x(L-x)/L + e2
Tanθ = d(ex)/dx = 4e(L-2x)/L2 0.0308 Slope Equation:Tanθx = d(ex)/dx = 4(emid - e2)(L-2x)/L2
INPUT RESPONSES FROM ANALYSIS: Governing load case: IRC Class 70R_W
Mements: IRC Class 70R_W Shear Forces: IRC Class 70R_W
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 4858.45 kNm Without FOS, SFg1 770.27 kN
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1120.18 kNm Without FOS DL SFg2 192.17 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 2195.75 kNm Without FOS SFq 486.88 kN
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 13802.78 kNm Ultimate SF With FOS SFu 2564.38 kN
Without FOS Prestressing Load Mp 18642.57 kNm Without FOS SFp 1845.76 kN
Permissible stress fsup = ftt - Mg/Zt 2
-1.13 N/mm due to prestressing force only at top fibre
Permissible stress finf = ftw/η + (Mg + Mq)/ηzb 6.23 N/mm2 due to prestressing force only at bottom fibre
Min Prqd = (fsup*Zt + finf*Zb)*A/(Zt + Zb) 4329.28 kN In total
Max erqd = (finf - fsup)/(finf*Zb+fsup*Zt)*Zt*Zb/A 2113.70 mm > permissible 1180.46 revise 'e'
Adopt revised eccentricty, e 1180.46 mm DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Min Prqd = A*finf*zb/(zb+A*e) = Pcosθ 6879.47 kN
Min Post tensioning force P 6882.72 kN
Adopt Total Post Tensioning, P 13140.00 kN DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Achieved Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13133.792 kN In total
Number of Cable Np rqd 4.92436 Nos
Adopt number of Cable N p rqd 6.00 Nos 2190.00
Adopt Post Tensioning/cable P/cable 2190.00 kN <= 2668.37 OK
Factor of safety 1.5927 FOS >= 1.00000 OK
Post Tensioning/cable P for check 2190.00 kN by another method Matching
Area of one cable A cable 1875.30 mm2
Total Area of cable A p 11251.80 mm2
1. Check of Section Modulus
Section modulus at top, Z t reqd 0.2460 m3 <= 4.2947 OK
Section modulus at top, Z b reqd 0.3004 m3 <= 1.7493 OK
2. Check of stressess
a. At Transfer
Stress at top fibre, f t 0.55 N/mm
>= 0.000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre, f b 9.12 N/mm2 <= 16.380 OK
b. At Working/Service load
Stress at top fibre f t 1.6763 N/mm2 <= 15.0000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre f b 4.2483 N/mm
>= 0.00000 OK
3) Check for ultimate moment capacity, Mu
a) Failure by yielding of steel, M us = 0.90*fp*Ap*d
Ultimate moment capacity, Mus 28061.08 kNm
b) Failure by crushing of concrete, M uc = 0.176*fck*bw*d2 + 2/3*0.8*(bf-bw)*(d-Df/2)*Df*fck
Ultimate moment capacity, M uc 113694.0 kNm
Ultimate moment capacity Mu 28061.08 kNm >= 13802.78 OK
FOS against moment M u 2.0330 >= 1.00 OK
4) Check for ultimate shear capacity, SFu
Box Area to calculate f cp, A 4331625.00 mm2
At the Support required b w 300.00 mm
At the Support adopted b w 300.00 mm
D 2600.00 mm
Shear area, A sv 1560000.00 mm2
ft =0.24*√fck 1.61 N/mm2
Total Prestressing force, P 13140.00 kN
fcp = P/A 3.03 N/mm2
Emerging slope of cable 0.0615
Shear capacity, SF u = 0.67*bwD*√(ft2+0.8fcp*ft) + η*P*SINθ
Ultimate shear Capacity SF u 2967.46 kN >= 2564.38 Link stirrups required
FOS against shear Stress SF u 1.1572 kN >= 1.00 Link stirrups required
5) Design of Shear reinforcement
Grade of stirrups 500.00 N/mm
Cover for bar 40.00 mm
Effective depth 2556.00 mm
Excess Shear force -403.08 kN
Required 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 364.42 mm C/C
Provide 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 200.00 mm C/C
Excess shear capacity SF excess 558.88 kN >= -403.08 OK
6) Design for Torsional Moment (for Shear and Longitudinal reinforcements)
Torsional Moment wrt BM 496.214 kNm
Torsional Moment wrt SF 729.726 kNm
Web thickness, t 0.300 m
Bottom slab thickness 0.300 m
Dia of Shear stirrups 8 φ
Number of Legs of stirrups 2 Nos
Top slab thickness 0.300 m
at the support section, A o 2.0 m2
Perimeter of Ao, Lo 6.7 m
Thickness of Ao, to = Ao/Lo 0.3 m
Asv/Sv >= T/(Ao*0.87fy), Spacing Sv 120.43 mm
Adopt , Sv 100.00 mm
Area of Longitudinal bars A sL 3367.184 mm AsL >= Asv/Sv*(Perimeter of Ao/2)*fyv/fyl
Dia of longitudinal bar provided 12.00 φ AsL >= T/(2to*0.87*fyl) Both the equations are same
Number of bar required 29.77 Nos
AsL spacing both faces along L o 399.62 mm c/c
Provide 12.00 mm φ bars with the Spacing of @ 300.00 mm C/C

Span, L 40.00 m
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Pedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN


ILD at, α = X/L 0.1250
ILD at, x 5.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate, ILD 4.250 kNm/kN
Slab + MG dead load BM 9403.22 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.022 kNm
CG dead load BM 210.66 kNm
WC and HR BM 2240.36 kNm
Pedestrian BM 36.14 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 4858.45 kNm
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1120.18 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 1942.19 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 13168.89 kNm
Load Position Mx Ordinate
68.00 4.00 238.00 3.500
68.00 7.00 280.50 4.125
68.00 10.00 255.00 3.750
68.00 13.00 229.50 3.375
114.00 17.30 323.47 2.837
114.00 18.50 306.37 2.687
27.00 21.70 61.76 2.287
27.00 22.80 58.05 2.150
554.00 Sum 1752.66
ILD at, α = X/L 0.1250
ILD at, x 5.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 4.2500
Slab + MG dead load BM 9403.2 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.022 kNm
CG dead load BM 210.66 kNm
WC and HR BM 2240.4 kNm
Pedestrian BM 36.14 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result: Ultimate TM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 4858.4 kNm 655.81
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1120.2 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 2195.7 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 13803 kNm
Load Position Mx Ordinate
80.00 4.520 316.40 3.955
120.00 8.48 472.80 3.940
120.00 10.00 450.00 3.750
170.00 12.13 592.24 3.484
170.00 13.50 563.13 3.313
170.00 16.55 498.31 2.931
170.00 17.92 469.20 2.760
1000.00 Sum 3362.08


ILD at, α = X/L 0.1250
ILD at, x 5.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 4.2500 kNm/kN
Slab + MG dead load BM 9403.2 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.0 kNm
CG dead load BM 210.66 kNm
WC and HR BM 2240.4 kNm
Pedestrian load BM 36.14 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result: Ultimate TM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 4858.4 kNm 340.618056
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1120.2 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 1622.9 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 12371 kNm
IRC 70R T Position Mx Ordinate
Lower Limit 8.857 3.893
Upper Limit 13.427 2525.03 3.322
Sum 2525.03
Simply Supported Motorable Bridge
Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
Characterstic strength of concrete, f ck 45.00 N/mm2
Ultimate stress of high tensile wires/Strand/Cable f p 1860.00 N/mm2
Number of strand/wire in one Freyssinet cable N s 19 19K13
Area of one wire A w 98.70 mm2
Prestressing efficiency, n e 75.00 %
Top Flange width of girder, b f 3600.00 mm
Top Flange Thickness of Girder, D f 300.00 mm
Web Thickness of Girder, b w 300.00 mm
Web depth, d w 1985.00 mm
Bottom Flange width of girder, b fb 750.00 mm
Bottom Flange Thickness of Girder, D fb 315.00 mm
Adopted area of section of Box girder, A 4301625.00 mm2
Centroid from top fibre Y t 750.1 mm
Centroid from bottom fibre Y b 1849.85 mm
Adopted section modulus of Box girder at top Z t 4176968465 mm3
Adopted section modulus of one girder at bottom Z b 1693833817 mm3
Maximum Eccentricity available emid at mid section 1573.1858 mm
Maximum Eccentricity ex at required section 1390.3498 mm
DL of Box Girder 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 20.438 kN
DL due to Foothpath cum Kerb, WC and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Cariageway Pedestrian Load 0.000 kN/m
Overall depth of Girder, D 2600.00 mm
Effective depth d 2140.50 mm
Centroid of Cable from bottom fibre 459.50 mm
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 102.19 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 51.09 kN
Characterstic strength at transfer, f ci = 0.8*fck 36.00 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress at transer f tt 0.00 N/mm2 Ist class prestressing
Permissible compressive stress at transer f ct 16.38 N/mm2 <= 18.00 1/2fci
Permissible compressive stress at service fcw 15.00 N/mm2 <= 15.00 1/3fck
N/mm2 st
Permissible tensile stress at service f tw 0.00 I class prestressing
Prestressing efficiency, η 0.75
permissibe stress in the top f tr = fcw - η*ftt 15.00 N/mm2
Permissibe stress in the bottom f br = η*fct - ftw 12.29 N/mm2
permissibe stress in wires/Strands/Cables 0.85*0.9*f p 1422.90 N/mm2
Breaking load of one Cable 3488.06 kN
Permissible load for one cable 2668.37 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500 Moderate
ILD at, x 10.0000 m FOS for G FOS SG FOS for Q
Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13133.8 kN 1.25 2.00 2.50
Eccentricity, ex 1419.436 mm Cabile Profile: Eccentric Parabola, e 2 0.958 mm
Eccentricity of prestressed force e x 1.419436 m Cable Equation: ex = 4(emid - e2)x(L-x)/L + e2
Tanθ = d(ex)/dx = 4e(L-2x)/L2 0.0308 Slope Equation:Tanθx = d(ex)/dx = 4(emid - e2)(L-2x)/L2
INPUT RESPONSES FROM ANALYSIS: Governing load case: IRC Class 70R_W
Mements: IRC Class 70R_W Shear Forces: IRC Class 70R_W
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 8324.42 kNm Without FOS, SFg1 397.14 kN
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1920.87 kNm Without FOS DL SFg2 128.11 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 4130.16 kNm Without FOS SFq 404.89 kN
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 24572.67 kNm Ultimate SF With FOS SFu 1764.86 kN
Without FOS Prestressing Load Mp 18642.57 kNm Without FOS SFp 1845.76 kN
Permissible stress fsup = ftt - Mg/Zt 2
-1.99 N/mm due to prestressing force only at top fibre
Permissible stress finf = ftw/η + (Mg + Mq)/ηzb 11.32 N/mm2 due to prestressing force only at bottom fibre
Min Prqd = (fsup*Zt + finf*Zb)*A/(Zt + Zb) 7944.72 kN In total
Max erqd = (finf - fsup)/(finf*Zb+fsup*Zt)*Zt*Zb/A 2018.81 mm > permissible 1390.35 revise 'e'
Adopt revised eccentricty, e 1390.35 mm DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Min Prqd = A*finf*zb/(zb+A*e) = Pcosθ 10743.29 kN
Min Post tensioning force P 10748.36 kN
Adopt Total Post Tensioning, P 13140.00 kN DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Achieved Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13133.792 kN In total
Number of Cable Np rqd 4.92436 Nos
Adopt number of Cable N p rqd 6.00 Nos 2190.00
Adopt Post Tensioning/cable P/cable 2190.00 kN <= 2668.37 OK
Factor of safety 1.5927 FOS >= 1.00000 OK
Post Tensioning/cable P for check 2190.00 kN by another method Matching
Area of one cable A cable 1875.30 mm2
Total Area of cable A p 11251.80 mm2
1. Check of Section Modulus
Section modulus at top, Z t reqd 0.4461 m3 <= 4.1770 OK
Section modulus at top, Z b reqd 0.5447 m3 <= 1.6938 OK
2. Check of stressess
a. At Transfer
Stress at top fibre, f t 0.67 N/mm
>= 0.000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre, f b 8.92 N/mm2 <= 16.380 OK
b. At Working/Service load
Stress at top fibre f t 2.6327 N/mm2 <= 15.0000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre f b 1.8884 N/mm
>= 0.00000 OK
3) Check for ultimate moment capacity, Mu
a) Failure by yielding of steel, M us = 0.90*fp*Ap*d
Ultimate moment capacity, Mus 30842.79 kNm
b) Failure by crushing of concrete, M uc = 0.176*fck*bw*d2 + 2/3*0.8*(bf-bw)*(d-Df/2)*Df*fck
Ultimate moment capacity, M uc 129534.2 kNm
Ultimate moment capacity Mu 30842.79 kNm >= 24572.67 OK
FOS against moment M u 1.2552 >= 1.00 OK
4) Check for ultimate shear capacity, SFu
Box Area to calculate f cp, A 4301625.00 mm2
At the Support required b w 300.00 mm
At the Support adopted b w 300.00 mm
D 2600.00 mm
Shear area, A sv 1560000.00 mm2
ft =0.24*√fck 1.61 N/mm2
Total Prestressing force, P 13140.00 kN
fcp = P/A 3.05 N/mm2
Emerging slope of cable 0.0615
Shear capacity, SF u = 0.67*bwD*√(ft2+0.8fcp*ft) + η*P*SINθ
Ultimate shear Capacity SF u 2973.04 kN >= 1764.86 Link stirrups required
FOS against shear Stress SF u 1.6846 kN >= 1.00 Link stirrups required
5) Design of Shear reinforcement
Grade of stirrups 500.00 N/mm
Cover for bar 40.00 mm
Effective depth 2556.00 mm
Excess Shear force -1208.17 kN
Required 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 364.42 mm C/C
Provide 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 200.00 mm C/C
Excess shear capacity SF excess 558.88 kN >= -1208.17 OK
6) Design for Torsional Moment (for Shear and Longitudinal reinforcements)
Torsional Moment wrt BM 496.214 kNm
Torsional Moment wrt SF 729.726 kNm
Web thickness, t 0.300 m
Bottom slab thickness 0.300 m
Dia of Shear stirrups 8 φ
Number of Legs of stirrups 2 Nos
Top slab thickness 0.300 m
at the support section, A o 2.0 m2
Perimeter of Ao, Lo 6.7 m
Thickness of Ao, to = Ao/Lo 0.3 m
Asv/Sv >= T/(Ao*0.87fy), Spacing Sv 120.43 mm
Adopt , Sv 100.00 mm
Area of Longitudinal bars A sL 3367.184 mm AsL >= Asv/Sv*(Perimeter of Ao/2)*fyv/fyl
Dia of longitudinal bar provided 12.00 φ AsL >= T/(2to*0.87*fyl) Both the equations are same
Number of bar required 29.77 Nos
AsL spacing both faces along L o 399.62 mm c/c
Provide 12.00 mm φ bars with the Spacing of @ 300.00 mm C/C

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN


ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500
ILD at, x 10.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate, ILD 7.500 kNm/kN
Slab + MG dead load BM 16124.51 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.022 kNm
CG dead load BM 421.31 kNm
WC and HR BM 3841.73 kNm
Pedestrian BM 61.97 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 8324.42 kNm
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1920.87 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 3641.65 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 23351.39 kNm
Load Position Mx Ordinate
27.00 5.70 115.42 4.27
27.00 6.80 137.70 5.10
114.00 10.00 855.00 7.50
114.00 11.20 820.80 7.20
68.00 15.50 416.50 6.13
68.00 18.50 365.50 5.38
68.00 21.50 314.50 4.63
68.00 24.50 263.50 3.88
554.00 Sum 3288.92
ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500
ILD at, x 10.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 7.5000
Slab + MG dead load BM 16124.5 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.022 kNm
CG dead load BM 421.31 kNm
WC and HR BM 3841.7 kNm
Pedestrian BM 61.97 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result: Ultimate TM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 8324.4 kNm 445.95
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1920.9 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 4130.16 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 24572.7 kNm
Load Position Mx Ordinate
170.00 8.63 1100.32 6.472
170.00 10.00 1275.00 7.500
170.00 13.05 1145.38 6.738
170.00 14.42 1087.15 6.395
120.00 16.55 703.50 5.863
120.00 18.07 657.90 5.483
80.00 22.03 359.40 4.493
1000.00 Sum 6328.65


ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500
ILD at, x 10.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 7.5000 kNm/kN
Slab + MG dead load BM 16124.5 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.0 kNm
CG dead load BM 421.31 kNm
WC and HR BM 3841.7 kNm
Pedestrian load BM 61.97 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Carriaegway load, RF 0.000 FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Type of Bridge RCC 1.25 2.00 2.50
Impact Factor 0.1000
Analysis result: Ultimate TM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 8324.4 kNm 291.958333
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 1920.9 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 3177.0 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 22190 kNm
For Vehicle Live Load, Method of Iteration:
k1 x1 Wh1 Position Mx
0.221 8.857 For Trial 4950.09
IRC 70R T Position Mx Ordinate
Lower Limit 8.857 6.643
Upper Limit 13.427 4950.09 6.643
Sum 4950.09

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
Characterstic strength of concrete, f ck 45.00 N/mm2
Ultimate stress of high tensile wires/Strand/Cable f p 1860.00 N/mm2
Number of strand/wire in one Freyssinet cable N s 19 19K13
Area of one wire A w 98.70 mm2
Prestressing efficiency, n e 75.00 %
Top Flange width of girder, b f 3600.00 mm
Top Flange Thickness of Girder, D f 300.00 mm
Web Thickness of Girder, b w 300.00 mm
Web depth, d w 1985.00 mm
Bottom Flange width of girder, b fb 750.00 mm
Bottom Flange Thickness of Girder, D fb 315.00 mm
Adopted area of section of Box girder, A 4301625.00 mm2
Centroid from top fibre Y t 750.1 mm
Centroid from bottom fibre Y b 1849.85 mm
Adopted section modulus of Box girder at top Z t 4176968465 mm3
Adopted section modulus of one girder at bottom Z b 1693833817 mm3
Maximum Eccentricity available emid at mid section 1573.19 mm
Maximum Eccentricity ex at required section 1527.48 mm
DL of Box Girder 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
DL due to Foothpath cum Kerb, WC and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Overall depth of Girder, D 2600.00 mm
Effective depth d 2277.62 mm
Centroid of Cable from bottom fibre 322.38 mm
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN
Characterstic strength at transfer, f ci = 0.8*fck 36.00 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress at transer f tt 0.00 N/mm2 Ist class prestressing
Permissible compressive stress at transer f ct 16.38 N/mm2 <= 18.00 1/2fci
Permissible compressive stress at service fcw 15.00 N/mm2 <= 15.00 1/3fck
N/mm2 st
Permissible tensile stress at service f tw 0.00 I class prestressing
Prestressing efficiency, η 0.75
permissibe stress in the top f tr = fcw - η*ftt 15.00 N/mm2
Permissibe stress in the bottom f br = η*fct - ftw 12.29 N/mm
permissibe stress in wires/Strands/Cables 0.85*0.9f p 1422.90 N/mm2
Breaking load of one Cable 3488.06 kN
Permissible load for one cable 2668.37 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750 Moderate
ILD at, x 15.0000 m FOS for G FOS SG FOS for Q
Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13138.4 kN 1.25 2.00 2.50
Eccentricity, ex 1534.748 mm Cabile Profile: Eccentric Parabola, e 2 0.958 mm
Eccentricity of prestressed force e x 1.534748 m Cable Equation: ex = 4(emid - e2)x(L-x)/L + e2
Tanθ = d(ex)/dx = 4e(L-2x)/L2 0.0154 Slope Equation:Tanθx = d(ex)/dx = 4(emid - e2)(L-2x)/L2
INPUT RESPONSES FROM ANALYSIS: Governing load case: IRC Class 70R_W
Mements: IRC Class 70R_W Shear Forces: IRC Class 70R_W
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 10375.92 kNm Without FOS, SFg1 9.98 kN
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 2401.28 kNm Without FOS DL SFg2 64.06 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 5105.68 kNm Without FOS SFq 322.89 kN
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 30536.66 kNm Ultimate SF With FOS SFu 947.80 kN
Without FOS Prestressing Load Mp 20164.21 kNm Without FOS SFp 1993.08 kN
Permissible stress fsup = ftt - Mg/Zt 2
-2.48 N/mm due to prestressing force only at top fibre
Permissible stress finf = ftw/η + (Mg + Mq)/ηzb 14.08 N/mm2 due to prestressing force only at bottom fibre
Min Prqd = (fsup*Zt + finf*Zb)*A/(Zt + Zb) 9868.15 kN In total
Max erqd = (finf - fsup)/(finf*Zb+fsup*Zt)*Zt*Zb/A 2022.48 mm > permissible 1527.48 revise 'e'
Adopt revised eccentricty, e 1527.48 mm DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Min Prqd = A*finf*zb/(zb+A*e) = Pcosθ 12410.63 kN
Min Post tensioning force P 12412.10 kN 1.00
Adopt Total Post Tensioning, P 13140.00 kN DIRECT or MANUAL INPUT for HIT AND TRIAL
Achieved Prestressing force, Pcosθ 13138.447 kN In total
Number of Cable Np rqd 4.92436 Nos
Adopt number of Cable N p rqd 6.00 Nos 2190.00
Adopt Post Tensioning/cable P/cable 2190.00 kN <= 2668.37 OK
Factor of safety 1.5927 FOS >= 1.00000 OK
Post Tensioning/cable P for check 2190.00 kN by another method Matching
Area of one cable A cable 1875.30 mm 2

Total Area of cable A p 11251.80 mm2

1. Check of Section Modulus
Section modulus at top, Z t reqd 0.5533 m3 <= 4.1770 OK
Section modulus at top, Z b reqd 0.6756 m3 <= 1.6938 OK
2. Check of stressess
a. At Transfer
Stress at top fibre, f t 0.73 N/mm2 >= 0.000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre, f b 8.78 N/mm2 <= 16.380 OK
b. At Working/Service load
Stress at top fibre f t 3.0413 N/mm2 <= 15.0000 OK
Stress at bottom fibre f b 0.6191 N/mm2 >= 0.00000 OK
3) Check for ultimate moment capacity, Mu
a) Failure by yielding of steel, M us = 0.90*fp*Ap*d
Ultimate moment capacity, Mus 32818.68 kNm
b) Failure by crushing of concrete, M uc = 0.176*fck*bw*d2 + 2/3*0.8*(bf-bw)*(d-Df/2)*Df*fck
Ultimate moment capacity, M uc 141216.1 kNm
Ultimate moment capacity Mu 32818.68 kNm >= 30536.66 OK
FOS against moment M u 1.0747 >= 1.00 OK
4) Check for ultimate shear capacity, SFu
Box Area to calculate f cp, A 4665000.00 mm2
At the Support required b w 300.00 mm
At the Support adopted b w 300.00 mm
D 2600.00 mm
Shear area, A sv 1560000.00 mm2
ft =0.24*√fck 1.61 N/mm2
Total Prestressing force, P 13140.00 kN
fcp = P/A 2.82 N/mm2
Emerging slope of cable 0.0615
Shear capacity, SF u = 0.67*bwD*√(ft2+0.8fcp*ft) + η*P*SINθ
Ultimate shear Capacity SF u 2758.20 kN >= 947.80 stirrups not required
FOS against shear Stress SF u 2.9101 kN >= 1.00 stirrups not required
5) Design of Shear reinforcement
Grade of stirrups 500.00 N/mm
Cover for bar 40.00 mm
Effective depth 2556.00 mm
Excess Shear force -1810.40 kN
Required 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 364.42 mm C/C
Provide 8.00 mm φ bars with Leg nos 2.00 mm Spacing @ 200.00 mm C/C
Excess shear capacity SF excess 558.88 kN >= -1810.40 OK
6) Design for Torsional Moment (for Shear and Longitudinal reinforcements)
Torsional Moment wrt BM 496.214 kNm
Torsional Moment wrt SF 729.73 kNm
Web thickness, t 0.300 m
Bottom slab thickness 0.300 m
Dia of Shear stirrups 8 φ
Number of Legs of stirrups 2 Nos
Top slab thickness 0.300 m
at the support section, A o 2.0 m2
Perimeter of Ao, Lo 6.7 m
Thickness of Ao, to = Ao/Lo 0.3 m
Asv/Sv >= T/(Ao*0.87fy), Spacing Sv 120.43 mm
Adopt , Sv 150.00 mm
Area of Longitudinal bars A sL 2244.789 mm2 AsL >= Asv/Sv*(Perimeter of Ao/2)*fyv/fyl
Dia of longitudinal bar provided 12.00 φ AsL >= T/(2to*0.87*fyl) Both the equations are same
Number of bar required 19.85 Nos
AsL spacing both faces along L o 599.43 mm c/c
Provide 12.00 mm φ bars with the Spacing of @ 300.00 mm C/C

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Cariageway Pedestrian Load 0.000 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750
ILD at, x 15.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate, ILD 9.3750 kNm/kN
Slab + MG dead load BM 20157.28 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.022 kNm
CG dead load BM 491.53 kNm
WC and HR BM 4802.56 kNm
Pedestrian BM 77.47 kNm


Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Carriaegway load, RF 0.000 FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Type of Bridge RCC 1.25 2.00 2.50
Impact Factor 0.0978
Analysis result:
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 10375.92 kNm
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 2401.28 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 4477.89 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 28967.18 kNm
Load Position Mx Ordinate
27.00 9.50 160.31 5.94
27.00 10.60 178.87 6.62
114.00 13.80 983.25 8.62
114.00 15.000 1068.75 9.37
68.00 19.30 527.85 7.76
68.00 22.30 451.35 6.64
68.00 25.30 374.85 5.51
68.00 28.30 298.35 4.39
554.00 Sum 4043.59


ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750

ILD at, x 15.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 9.3750
Slab + MG dead load BM 20157.3 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.022 kNm
CG dead load BM 491.53 kNm
WC and HR BM 4802.6 kNm
Pedestrian BM 77.47 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result: Ultimate TM correspond to BM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 10375.9 kNm 445.95
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 2401.3 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 5117.60 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 30566.5 kNm
Load Position Mx Ordinate
170.00 10.58 1124.12 6.612
170.00 11.95 1269.69 7.469
170.00 15.00 1593.75 9.375
170.00 16.37 1506.41 8.861
120.00 18.50 967.50 8.063
120.00 20.02 899.10 7.493
80.00 23.98 480.60 6.008
1000.00 Sum 7841.17


ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750
ILD at, x 15.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 9.3750 kNm/kN
Slab + MG dead load BM 20157.3 kNm
Slab + MG dead load BM, Extra 103.0 kNm
CG dead load BM 491.53 kNm
WC and HR BM 4802.6 kNm
Foothpath pedestrian load BM 77.47 kNm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result: Ultimate TM correspond to BM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Mg1 10375.9 kNm 243.298611
Without FOS DL Load Mg2 2401.3 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mq 3971.3 kNm
Ultimate BM With FOS Mu 27701 kNm
IRC 70R T Position Mx Ordinate
Lower Limit 13.286 8.304
Upper Limit 17.856 6187.62 8.304
Sum 6187.62
Cable profile analysis for II-stage of Prestressing
Cable profile analysis for all the cables Prestressing at a time also
Span, L 40.0 m Equivalent Cable of 5 Cables Concentrated into a single
Eccentric parabola e2 -0.958 m Parabolic curve
End coordinate from bottom fibre 0.000 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000
for top-most cable 3.400 m Equivalent parabolic cable after II
Cable vertical spacing at support 0.350 m -1.000 stage of 5 Prestressing cables
Mid coordinate from bottom fibre
to gain max eccentricity for 0.150 m
bottom-most cable -2.000
Cable vertical spacing at mid 0.190 m ex = -2.46 *x*(L-x)/L2) - e2
Overall depth of Box Girder 2.600 m Slope, Tanθ = dex/dx = -2.46 *(L-2x)/L )
CG of Section from the top Yt 0.7501 m
CG of Section from the top Yb 1.8499 m
Support coordinate from top adopt 0.1 m 2T Girder
max eccentricity at mid,emax -1.573 m
Cable1 space from slab bottom -0.4 mm
Max Ultimate BM at x 20.136 m
For Max Ultimate BM, ex 1573.157 mm 0.503
Cable profiles and planning: Let extension box behind support, a = 0.35 m
Support Mid
Cable Profile measured from bottom at a distance from the left support, m
coordinate coordinate
Layer from from INPUT
0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000
No. bottom bottom Nos.
1 2.000 0.530 1.000 2.000 1.357 0.898 0.622 0.530 0.622 0.898 1.357 2.000
2 1.300 0.340 1.000 1.300 0.880 0.580 0.400 0.340 0.400 0.580 0.880 1.300
3 0.950 0.340 1.000 0.950 0.683 0.493 0.378 0.340 0.378 0.493 0.683 0.950
4 0.600 0.150 1.000 0.600 0.403 0.263 0.178 0.150 0.178 0.263 0.403 0.600
5 0.250 0.150 2.000 0.250 0.206 0.175 0.156 0.150 0.156 0.175 0.206 0.250
Total number of cable 6.00
Average eccentricity to provide equivalent single cable
Mid Cable
Calculation of Average Eccentricity (e) to make Equivalent Cable, m REMARKS
No. Nos. 0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000
1 1.000 0.150 -0.493 -0.952 -1.228 -1.320 -1.228 -0.952 -0.493 0.150
2 1.000 -0.550 -0.970 -1.270 -1.450 -1.510 -1.450 -1.270 -0.970 -0.550
2 1.000 -0.900 -1.167 -1.357 -1.472 -1.510 -1.472 -1.357 -1.167 -0.900
3 1.000 -1.250 -1.447 -1.587 -1.672 -1.700 -1.672 -1.587 -1.447 -1.250
3 2.000 -3.200 -3.287 -3.350 -3.387 -3.400 -3.387 -3.350 -3.287 -3.200
Total 6.000 -0.958 -1.227 -1.419 -1.535 -1.573 -1.535 -1.419 -1.227 -0.958 Equivalent curve
Theoritical parabola -0.958 -1.227 -1.419 -1.535 -1.573 -1.535 -1.419 -1.227 -0.958 To compare with
TEST 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TEST
e (-) into e (+) 958.19 1227.2 1419.4 1534.7 1573.2 1534.7 1419.4 1227.2 958.2 unit in mm
Calulations of profiles of cables with respect to eccentricities
Number of Emerging Emerging
Eccentricity (e) of Cables, m
Cables slope angle
No. Nos. 0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 Tanθ θo
1 1.000 0.150 -0.493 -0.952 -1.228 -1.320 -1.228 -0.952 -0.493 0.150 0.147 8.36
2 1.000 -0.550 -0.970 -1.270 -1.450 -1.510 -1.450 -1.270 -0.970 -0.550 0.096 5.48
3 1.000 -0.900 -1.167 -1.357 -1.472 -1.510 -1.472 -1.357 -1.167 -0.900 0.061 3.49
4 1.000 -1.250 -1.447 -1.587 -1.672 -1.700 -1.672 -1.587 -1.447 -1.250 0.045 2.58
5 2.000 -1.600 -1.644 -1.675 -1.694 -1.700 -1.694 -1.675 -1.644 -1.600 0.010 0.57
Total 6

Cable from top, m Cable eccentricity m Y spacing
at end at support at mid at end at mid at mid at end
1 0.904 0.950 2.260 -0.154 -0.200 -1.510 0.340 0.356 Successive spacing of cables
2 1.266 1.300 2.260 -0.516 -0.550 -1.510 0.340 0.362 Successive spacing of cables
3 1.629 1.650 2.260 -0.879 -0.900 -1.510 0.340 0.362 Successive spacing of cables
4 1.984 2.000 2.450 -1.234 -1.250 -1.700 0.150 0.356 Successive spacing of cables
5 2.347 2.350 2.450 -1.596 -1.600 -1.700 0.150 0.362 Successive spacing of cables
0.254 bottom cable measured from bottom
Total depth of T-Girder 2.600
Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.000 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000
ILD at, x 0.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 1.0000
Slab + MG dead load R a 2150.81 kN
Slab + MG dead load React , Extra 93.85 kN
CG dead load Ra 80.70 kN
WC and HR Ra 512.44 kN
Footpath pedestrian load R a 8.27 kN


Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
1. Reactions in a Main-Girder or Maximum Shear Force
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Ra 1162.68 kN
Without FOS DL Load, Ra 256.22 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Ra 485.73 kN
Design ultimate Ra With FOS 3180.12 kN
2. Reactions For Foundation Design without FOS
Total Dead Load Reaction 2837.80 kN
Total Live Load Reaction 971.46 kN
3. Reactions For Bearing Design without FOS RF 0.500
DL Reaction 1418.90 kN
LL Reaction 485.73 kN
Load Position Ra Ordinate
114.00 0.00 114.00 1.000
114.00 1.20 110.58 0.970
68.00 5.50 58.65 0.863
68.00 8.50 53.55 0.788
68.00 11.50 48.45 0.713
68.00 14.50 43.35 0.638
27.00 34.50 3.71 0.138
27.00 35.60 2.97 0.110
114.00 38.80 3.42 0.030
668.00 Sum 438.68


ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000
ILD at, x 0.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 1.0000
Slab + MG dead load R a 2150.81 kN
Slab + MG dead load React , Extra 93.85 kN
CG dead load Ra 80.70 kN
WC and HR Ra 512.44 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load R a 8.27 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
1. Reactions in a Main-Girder or Maximum Shear Force Ultimate TM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Ra 1162.68 kN 655.81
Without FOS DL Load, Ra 256.22 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Ra 568.88 kN
Design ultimate Ra With FOS 3387.99 kN
2. Reactions For Foundation Design without FOS
Total Dead Load Reaction 2837.80 kN
Total Live Load Reaction 965.47 kN
3. Reactions For Bearing Design without FOS RF 0.590
DL Reaction 1418.90 kN
LL Reaction 568.88 kN
Load Position Ra Ordinate
170.00 0.00 170.00 1.000
170.00 1.37 164.18 0.966
170.00 4.42 151.22 0.890
170.00 5.79 145.39 0.855
120.00 7.92 96.24 0.802
120.00 9.44 91.68 0.764
80.00 13.40 53.20 0.665
1000.00 Sum 871.91
ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000
ILD at, x 0.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 1.0000
Slab + MG dead load R a 2150.81 kN
Slab + MG dead load React , Extra 93.85 kN
CG dead load Ra 80.70 kN
WC and HR Ra 512.44 kN
Footpath pedestrian load R a 8.27 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
1. Reactions in a Main-Girder or Maximum Shear Force Ultimate TM
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), Ra 1162.68 kN 389.277778
Without FOS DL Load, Ra 256.22 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Ra 423.61 kN
Design ultimate Ra With FOS 3024.81 kN
2. Reactions For Foundation Design without FOS
Total Dead Load Reaction 2837.799 kN
Total Live Load Reaction 734.28 kN
3. Reactions For Bearing Design without FOS RF 0.578
DL Reaction 1418.90 kN
LL Reaction 423.61 kN
Load Position Ra Ordinate
Lower Limit 0.000 0.00 1.000
Upper Limit 4.570 660.0125 0.886
Sum 660.01

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.00 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.1250
ILD at, x 5.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.8750
Slab + MG dead load V x 1613.11 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -114.70 kN
CG dead load V x 42.13 kN
WC and HR Vx 384.33 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load V x 6.20 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 770.27 kN
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 192.17 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 403.51 kN
Design Ultimate Vx With FOS 2355.94 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
27.00 0.700 -0.47 -0.018
27.00 1.800 -1.22 -0.045
114.00 5.000 99.75 0.875
114.00 6.200 96.33 0.845
68.00 10.500 50.15 0.738
68.00 13.500 45.05 0.663
68.00 16.500 39.95 0.588
68.00 19.500 34.85 0.513
581.00 Sum 364.73
ILD at, α = X/L 0.1250
ILD at, x 5.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.8750
Slab + MG dead load V x 1613.11 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -114.70 kN
CG dead load V x 42.13 kN
WC and HR Vx 384.33 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load V x 6.20 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 770.27 kN 655.81
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 192.17 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 486.88 kN
Design Ultimate Vx With FOS 2564.38 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate IRC 70R W Position Vx Ordinate
170.00 5.00 148.75 0.875
170.00 6.37 142.93 0.841
170.00 9.42 129.97 0.765
170.00 10.79 124.14 0.730
120.00 12.92 81.24 0.677
120.00 14.44 76.68 0.639
80.00 18.40 43.20 0.540
1000.00 Sum 746.91


ILD at, α = X/L 0.1250
ILD at, x 5.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.8750
Slab + MG dead load V x 1613.1 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -114.70 kN
CG dead load V x 42.13 kN
WC and HR Vx 384.33 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load V x 8.27 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 770.27 kN 340.618
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 192.17 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 368.00 kN
Design Ultimate Vx With FOS 2267.16 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
Lower Limit 5.000 0.00 0.875
Upper Limit 9.570 572.5125 0.761
Sum 572.51

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.00 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Pedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5 Nos

ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500

ILD at, x 10.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.7500
Slab + MG dead load V x 1075.41 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -323.25 kN
CG dead load V x 42.13 kN
WC and HR Vx 256.22 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load V x 4.13 kN


Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 397.14 kN
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 128.11 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 326.08 kN
Design Vx With FOS 1567.86 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
27.00 5.700 -3.85 -0.143
27.00 6.800 -4.59 -0.170
114.00 10.00 85.50 0.750
114.00 11.20 82.08 0.720
68.00 15.50 41.65 0.613
68.00 18.50 36.55 0.538
68.00 21.50 31.45 0.463
68.00 24.50 26.35 0.388
554.00 Sum 295.14

ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500

ILD at, x 10.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.7500
Slab + MG dead load V x 1075.41 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -323.25 kN
CG dead load V x 42.13 kN
WC and HR Vx 256.22 kN
Footpath pedestrian load V x 4.13 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 397.14 kN 655.81
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 128.11 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 404.89 kN
Design Vx With FOS 1764.86 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
80.00 10.00 127.50 0.750
120.00 11.37 121.68 0.716
120.00 14.42 108.72 0.640
170.00 15.79 102.89 0.605
170.00 17.92 66.24 0.552
170.00 19.44 61.68 0.514
170.00 23.40 33.20 0.415
1000.00 Sum 621.91


ILD at, α = X/L 0.2500

ILD at, x 10.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.7500
Slab + MG dead load V x 1075.41 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -323.25 kN
CG dead load V x 42.13 kN
WC and HR Vx 256.22 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load V x 4.13 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 397.14 kN 291.958333
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 128.11 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 310.32 kN
Design Vx With FOS 1528.45 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
Lower Limit 10.000 0.00 0.750
Upper Limit 14.570 485.0125 0.636
Sum 485.01

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.00 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Cariageway Pedestrian Load 0.000 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN


ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750
ILD at, x 15.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.6250
Slab + MG dead load Vx 537.70 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -531.79 kN
CG dead load Vx 14.04 kN
WC and HR Vx 128.11 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load Vx 2.07 kN
Carriageway pedestrian Vx 0.00 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 9.98 kN
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 64.06 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 249.02 kN
Design Vx With FOS 763.14 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
27.00 10.700 -7.22 -0.268
27.00 11.800 -7.97 -0.295
114.00 15.00 71.25 0.625
114.00 16.20 67.83 0.595
68.00 20.50 33.15 0.488
68 00 23 50 28 05 0 413
68.00 26.50 22.95 0.338
68.00 29.50 17.85 0.263
554.00 Sum 225.89


ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750

ILD at, x 15.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.6250
Slab + MG dead load Vx 537.70 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -531.79 kN
CG dead load Vx 14.04 kN
WC and HR Vx 128.11 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load Vx 2.07 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 9.98 kN 9.98 655.81
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 64.06 kN 64.06
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 284.15 kN 322.89
Design Vx With FOS 850.95 kN 947.80
Load Position Vx Ordinate
170.00 15.00 106.25 0.625
170.00 16.37 100.43 0.591
170.00 19.42 87.47 0.515
170.00 20.79 81.64 0.480
120.00 22.92 51.24 0.427
120.00 24.44 46.68 0.389
80.00 28.40 23.20 0.290
1000.00 Sum 496.91


ILD at, α = X/L 0.3750

ILD at, x 15.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.6250
Slab + MG dead load Vx 537.7 kN
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -531.79 kN
CG dead load Vx 14.04 kN
WC and HR Vx 128.11 kN
Foothpath pedestrian load Vx 2.07 kN
Carriageway pedestrian Vx 0.00 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx 9.98 kN 243.298611
Without FOS DL Load, Vx 64.06 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 253.67 kN
Design Vx With FOS 774.77 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
Lower Limit 15.000 0.00 0.625
Upper Limit 19.570 397.5125 0.511
Sum 397.51

Span, L 40.00 m
Cantilever beyond the span both sides, a 0.35 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.00 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.00 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Extra UDL due to increased section at the end 41.709 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN


ILD at, α = X/L 0.5000
ILD at, x 20.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.5000
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -740.34 kN
CG dead load Vx 14.04 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.500 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx -363.15 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 171.97 kN
Design Vx With FOS -24.02 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
27.00 15.700 -10.60 -0.393
27.00 16.800 -11.34 -0.420
114.00 20.00 57.00 0.500
114.00 21.20 53.58 0.470
68.00 25.50 24.65 0.363
68.00 28.50 19.55 0.288
68.00 31.50 14.45 0.213
68.00 34.50 9.35 0.138
554.00 Sum 156.64

Reaction Factor, RF 0.590 Moderate

Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.0978 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx -363.15 kN
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 240.89 kN
Design Vx With FOS 148.29 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
170.00 20.00 85.00 0.500
170.00 21.37 79.18 0.466
170.00 24.42 66.22 0.390
170.00 25.79 60.39 0.355
120.00 27.92 36.24 0.302
120.00 29.44 31.68 0.264
80.00 33.40 13.20 0.165
1000.00 Sum 371.91


ILD at, α = X/L 0.5000

ILD at, x 20.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.5000
Slab + MG dead load SF, Extra -740.34 kN
CG dead load Vx 14.04 kN
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 Moderate
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for G FOS for SG FOS for Q
Impact Factor 0.1000 1.25 2.00 2.50
Analysis result:
Shear Force in a Main-Girder Ultimate TM correspond to SF, kNm
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG),Vx -363.15 kN 194.63889
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, Vx 197.03 kN
Design Vx With FOS 38.64 kN
Load Position Vx Ordinate
Lower Limit 20.000 0.00 0.500
Upper Limit 24.570 310.0125 0.386
Sum 310.01

Span, L 40.00 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.00 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.000 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
Grade of concrete 45.00 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete, Ec 33541.02 N/mm2
Moment of Inertia Main Girder, Ixx 3133342643464 mm4 SL+PG DL
For One Girder, I = Ieff = Ixx 4
3.133343 m Assummed
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 KN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 KN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rail 25.622 KN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 KN/m
Cariageway Pedestrian Load 0.000 KN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 KN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 KN


ILD at, α = X/L 0.5000
ILD at, x 20.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.0127
Slab + MG dead load d 34.109 mm
CG dead load d 0.846 mm
WC and HR d 8.127 mm
Foothpath pedestrian load d 0.131 mm
Reaction Factor, RF 0.5000 FOS for G 1.00
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for SG 1.00
Impact Factor 0.0978 FOS for Q 1.00
Analysis result: RF for Beam 0.500
Vehicle Movement Direction Reverse Unit Forward
Calculation of Short term Deflection
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG) ΔD 17.48 mm 21.54
Without FOS DL Load ΔD 4.06 mm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL ΔL 6.94 mm < L/500 80.00
Design d With FOS ΔD+L 28.48 mm < L/300 133.33 assumed
Calculation Long term Deflection
a. Long term shrinkage deflection: Support of Girder Simply Supported
Overall depth of beam D 2600.00
Tensile % bar pt 0.090 %
Compressive % bar pc 0.090 %
Shrinkage strain εs 0.0003
Difference pt - pc 0.000 %
K3 0.125
K4 0.0000 <= 1 =>
Deflection due to shrinkage, Δs 0.000 mm
b. Long term Creep defection: Creep Coefficient θ 1.6000
Ece = Ec/(1+θ) 12900.4 N/mm2
DL initial creep deflection Δci 88.68 mm
(S+L) Deflection Δ = ΔL + Δs + Δci 95.62 mm < L/300 133.33 95.62
Calulation of Maximum Deflection by Prestressing force
Prestressing force/Cable, p 2190.00 KN
Total number of cable 6.00 Nos. Eccentric Parabola
Mid-eccentricity provided,e1 1573.19 mm e2 0.958 m
Total prestressing force, P 13140.0 KN
upward deflection due to P 36.776 mm
Total Deflection including P 58.844 mm < L/400 100.00 assumed
For Vehicle Live Load, Method of Iteration:
k1 x1 Wh1 Position dk=0.5L
0.254 10.146 For Trial 6.26
IRC A Position dk=0.5L Ordinate
68.00 10.15 0.60 0.00883
68.00 13.15 0.73 0.01071
68.00 16.15 0.82 0.01203
68.00 19.15 0.86 0.01265
114.00 23.45 1.39 0.01215
114.00 24.65 1.34 0.01174
27.00 27.85 0.27 0.01014
27.00 28.95 0.26 0.00945
Sum 6.26


Reaction Factor, RF 0.5900 FOS for G 1.00
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for SG 1.00
Impact Factor 0.0978 FOS for Q 1.00
Analysis result: RF for Beam 0.590
Calculation of Short term Deflection
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG) ΔD 17.48 mm
Without FOS DL Load ΔD 4.06 mm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL ΔL 7.85 mm < L/500 80.00
Design d With FOS ΔD+L 29.39 mm < L/300 133.33
Calculation Long term Deflection
a. Long term shrinkage deflection: Support of Girder Simply Supported
Overall depth of beam D 2600.00 2600.00
Tensile % bar pt 0.09 % 0.09
Compressive % bar pc 0.09 % 0.09
Shrinkage strain εs 0.0003 0.0003
Difference pt - pc 0.000 % 0.000
K3 0.125 0.125
K4 0.0000 <= 1 => 0.0000
Deflection due to shrinkage, Δs 0.000 mm 0.000
b. Long term Creep defection: Creep Coefficient θ 1.6000
Ece = Ec/(1+θ) 12900.4 N/mm2 12900.39
DL initial creep deflection Δci 88.68 mm 88.68
Total Deflection Δ = ΔL + Δs + Δci 96.53 mm 96.53 < L/300 133.33 Assumed
Calulation of Maximum Deflection by Prestressing force
Prestressing force/Cable, p 2190.00 KN
Total number of cable 6.00 Nos. Eccentric Parabola
Eccentricity provided,e 1573.19 mm e2 0.958 m
Total prestressing force, P 13140.0 KN
upward deflection due to P 36.776 mm
Total Deflection including P 59.754 mm < L/400 100.00 assumed
Load Position dk=0.5L Ordinate
170.00 14.93 1.97 0.01157
170.00 16.30 2.05 0.01208
170.00 19.35 2.15 0.01267
170.00 20.72 2.15 0.01266
120.00 22.85 1.48 0.01232
120.00 24.37 1.42 0.01184
80.00 28.33 0.79 0.00984
Sum 12.01


Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 FOS for G 1.000
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for SG 1.000
Impact Factor 0.1000 FOS for Q 1.000
Analysis result: RF for Beam 0.578
Calculation of Short term Deflection
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), d 17.48 mm
Without FOS DL Load, d 4.06 mm 21.54
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, d 5.67 mm < L/500 80.00
Design d With FOS 27.21 mm < L/300 133.33
Calculation Long term Deflection
a. Long term shrinkage deflection: Support of Girder Simply Supported
Overall depth of beam D 2600.00
Tensile % bar pt 0.09 %
Compressive % bar pc 0.09 %
Shrinkage strain εs 0.0003
Difference pt - pc 0.000 %
K3 0.125
K4 0.0000 <= 1
Deflection due to shrinkage, Δs 0.000 mm
b. Long term Creep defection: Creep Coefficient θ 1.6000
Ece = Ec/(1+θ) 12900.4 N/mm
DL initial creep deflection Δci 88.68 mm
Total Deflection Δ = ΔL + Δs + Δci 94.36 mm < L/300 133.33 Assumed
Calulation of Maximum Deflection by Prestressing force
Prestressing force/Cable, p 2190.00 KN
Total number of cable 6.00 Nos. Eccentric Parabola
Eccentricity provided,e 1573.19 mm e2 0.958 m
Total prestressing force, P 13140.0 KN
upward deflection due to P 36.776 mm
Total Deflection including P 57.581 mm < L/400 100.00 assumed
Load Position dk=0.5L Ordinate
Lower Limit 17.715 0.00 0.01245
Upper Limit 22.285 8.82 0.01245
Sum 8.82

Span, L 40.00 m
Spacing of Cross Girder, S 10.00 m
Number of Main Girder, N 2.000 Nos
Number of Lanes, n 2.00 Nos
Grade of concrete 40.00 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete, Ec 33541.02 N/mm2
Moment of Inertia Main Girder, Ixx 3133342643464 mm4 SL+PG DL
For One Girder, Ixx 4
3.133342643 m Assummed
DL (Deck and Girder) 107.541 kN/m
Point load due to Cross Girder 28.088 kN
Dead Load due to WC, Foothpath, kerb and Hand rai 25.622 kN/m
Foothpath Pdedestrian Load, PL 0.413 kN/m
Number of Cross Girder 5.00 Nos
Total Load due to cross Girder 140.44 kN
Reaction due to cross girder 70.22 kN
ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000
ILD at, x 0.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.00000097
Slab and PG Dead θ 0.002729 Radian
CG Dead load θ 0.000067 Radian
Pavement, Kerb and HL θ 0.000650 Radian
Pedestrian Load θ 0.000010 Radian


Reaction Factor, RF 0.5000 FOS for G 1.00
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for SG 1.00
Impact Factor 0.0978 FOS for Q 1.00
Analysis result: RF for Beam 0.500
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG) θ 0.001398 Radian 0.001723
Without FOS Add. DL Load θ 0.000325 Radian
Without FOS Add. PL+LL+IL θ 0.000546 Radian
Design θ with FOS 0.002269 Radian
Calulation of Support Rotation by Prestressing force
Prestressing force/Cable, p 2190.00 kN
Total number of cable 6.00 Nos. Eccentric Parabola
Eccentricity provided,e 1573.19 mm e2 0.958 m
Total prestressing force, P 13140.0 kN
Negative rotation due to P 0.00342126 Radian
Total Rotation including P -0.0011526 Radian
Load Position θ Ordinate
27.00 8.549 0.00002056 0.00000076
27 00 9 65 0 00002205 0 00000082
114.0 12.85 0.00010588 0.00000093
114.0 14.05 0.00010867 0.00000095
68.00 18.35 0.00006603 0.00000097
68.00 21.35 0.00006296 0.00000093
68.00 24.35 0.00005718 0.00000084
68.00 27.35 0.00004911 0.00000072
Sum 0.00049245


ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000

ILD at, x 0.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.0000
Slab + MG dead load d 0.002729 Radian
CG dead load d 0.000067 Radian
WC and HR d 0.000650 Radian
Foothpath pedestrian load d 0.000010 Radian
Reaction Factor, RF 0.5900 FOS for G 1.00
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for SG 1.00
Impact Factor 0.0978 FOS for Q 1.00
Analysis result: RF for Beam 0.590
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), d 0.001398 Radian
Without FOS DL Load, d 0.000325 Radian
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, d 0.000611 Radian
Design d With FOS 0.002334 Radian
Calulation of Support Rotation by Prestressing force
Prestressing force/Cable, p 2190.00 kN
Total number of cable 6.00 Nos. Eccentric Parabola
Eccentricity provided,e 1573.19 mm e2 0.958 m
Total prestressing force, P 13140.0 kN
Negative rotation due to P 0.00342126 Radian
Total Rotation including P -0.0010876 Radian
Load Position θ Ordinate
170.0 12.12 0.0001546 0.00000091
170.0 13.49 0.0001603 0.00000094
170.0 16.54 0.0001660 0.00000098
170.0 17.91 0.0001656 0.00000097
120.0 20.04 0.0001141 0.00000095
120.0 21.56 0.0001105 0.00000092
80.0 25.52 0.0000638 0.00000080
Sum 0.0009349

ILD at, α = X/L 0.0000

ILD at, x 0.0000 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 0.0000
Slab + MG dead load d 0.002729 Radian
CG dead load d 0.000067 Radian
WC and HR d 0.000650 Radian
Foothpath pedestrian load d 0.000010 Radian
Reaction Factor, RF 0.578 FOS for G 1.000
Type of Bridge RCC FOS for SG 1.000
Impact Factor 0.1000 FOS for Q 1.000
Analysis result: RF for Beam 0.578
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG), d 0.001398 Radian
Without FOS DL Load, d 0.000325 Radian
Without FOS PL+LL+IL, d 0.000438 Radian mm <L/575 69.57
Design d With FOS 0.002160 Radian mm <L/375 106.67
Calulation of Support Rotation by Prestressing force
Prestressing force/Cable, p 2190.00 kN
Total number of cable 6.00 Nos. Eccentric Parabola
Eccentricity provided,e 1573.19 mm e2 0.958 m
Total prestressing force, P 13140.0 kN
Negative rotation due to P 0.00342126 Radian
Total Rotation including P -0.0012608 Radian
C 70R T Position θ Ordinate
Lower Li 14.659 0.00000096
Upper Li 19.229 0.0006803 0.00000096
Sum 0.0006803
Span, L 4.50 m
Grade of concrete 45.00 N/mm2
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete, Ec 3162.28 N/mm2
Grade of Concrete, fck 25.00 N/mm2
yield stress of steel, fy 500.00 N/mm2
Carriageway width 6.00 m
Width of foothpath 1.20 m
Moment of Inertia Plate Girder, Ixx 0.0037 m4
Spacing of Cross Girder, L 8.75 m
DL (Deck, Kerb & Girder) 50.000 kN/m
ILD at, α = X/L 0.6203
ILD at, x 2.7912 m
Maximum Positive Ordinate 1.0599
Slab and PG Dead Load Moment Mx 119.24 kNm

IRC A Position Mx Ordinate

57.00 0.12 2.66 0.047
57.00 1.92 41.62 0.730
57.00 3.62 31.01 0.544
Sum 75.29

Reaction Factor, RF 1.950

Type of Bridge RCC
Impact Factor 0.4286
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG) Mmax 95.39 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mmax 209.74 kNm
Without FOS DL Load Mmax 0.00 kNm
With FOS Total Moment Mmax 443.39 kNm

70R W Position Mx Ordinate

85.00 1.55 65.88 0.775
85.00 3.41 46.33 0.545
Sum 112.20

Reaction Factor, RF 2.800

Type of Bridge RCC
Impact Factor 0.2500
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG) Mmax 52.16 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mmax 392.70 kNm
Without FOS DL Load Mmax 0.00 kNm
With FOS Total Moment Mmax 659.47 kNm
70R Track Position Mx Ordinate
Lower Limit 1.130 0.00 0.565
Upper Limit 1.970 271.25 0.985
Lower Limit 4.03 0.00 0.235
Upper Limit 4.87 23.01 0.000
Sum 294.26

Reaction Factor, RF 1.000

Type of Bridge RCC
Impact Factor 0.2500
Without FOS DL(SL+PG+CG) Mmax 65.20500 kNm
Without FOS PL+LL+IL Mmax 367.83 kNm
Without FOS DL Load Mmax 0.00 kNm
With FOS Total Moment Mmax 639.765 kNm

Factored Bending Moment 664.37 kNm

Factored shear force 1200.00 kN
Grade of concrete 45.00 N/mm
Grade of reinforcement steel 500.00 N/mm
Width of cross Girder, b 200.00 mm
Depth of Cross Girder, D 1800.00 mm
Assumed bar for design 25.00 mm
Clear Cover assumed 40.00 mm
Effective depth, d 1747.5 mm
Required A st 922.706 mm2
Minimum percentage, 0.12% 419.400 mm
Minimum rqd A st = 0.85bd/fy 594.150 mm
Required 20 φ 2.937 Nos. Ast 922.71 mm
Provide 20 φ 3.000 Nos. Ast 942.48 mm
Provide both at top and bottom
If cross girder is assumed to T-Beam, the reinforcement will decreased
or size of cross girder can be decreased.
Check for shear
Percentage of reinforcement 0.270 %
α = 0.8*fck/6.89*pt 10.764
τc = 0.85*SQRT(0.8*fck)*(SQRT(1+5*α)-1)/6*α 0.3769 N/mm
Shear capacity of section 131.736 kN
Shear stress 3.433 N/mm < 3.1
Excess shear stress 1068.264 kN
Dia of bar for stirrups 10.00 Leg 2 Nos
Required Spacing of stirrups, S v 111.8 mm C/C
Provided Spacing of stirrups, S v 100.0 mm C/C

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