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The relative pronoun “who”, in bold type, refers to

a) van driver
REVIEW 18 b) pedestrian
c) government
d) a 78-year-old man
Read the text and answer questions 1 to 5. e) incident

Mas car disease 6. Complete the sentence:

It was ___ the summer of 1992 that Britain’s two main motoring organizations, the “Most __________ and __________ are afraid of _________.”
RAC (Royal Automobile Club) and the AA (Automobile Association), started to issue a) woman / childs / mouses
warnings about an increase in aggressive behavior ___ the roads. b) women’s / children’s / mousen
The RAC noted that more and more drivers were losing their temper behind the c) woman / child / micen
wheel, and there were reports of fights between motorists. d) women / children / mice
In Wakefield, West Yorkshire, a 78-year-old man died after he had been punched e) women / child / mices
by a driver half his age during a dispute at a set of traffic lights. In another incident
a pedestrian who forced a van driver to brake suddenly was beaten senseless by a Read the text and answer questions 7 to 12.
vehicle’s two occupants.
GLOSSARY A celebrity crusade
To issue warnings – divulger advertências The actress Kim Basinger has launched ___ crusade to help American’s circus
1. Choose the option that completes the blanks with the appropriated She complains that they are often badly treated and poorly looked after. “These
prepositions: animals are kept in horrific conditions. They’re dragged around cities suffering in
a) at / on b) in / in c) on / in d) in / on e) in / at ____ name of entertainment.” Basinger was mobilized into action following a
circus tragedy in Albuquerque. ____ African elephant named Heather was found
2. “78-year-old”, in bold type, is a/an dead inside a steamy, poorly ventilated trailer. She belonged to the King World
a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) verb e) number Circus. As a consequence, two circus handlers were charged with cruelty to
animals and the travelling circus was forced to hand over its two surviving
3. The text is about: elephants to ___ local zoo park.
a) Careless drivers. GLOSSARY
b) Reckless pedestrians. dragged around – arrastados
c) Constant traffic jams.
d) Motoring organizations. 7. Complete the text with the appropriated articles:
e) Increasing violence in the traffic. a) the / a / The / a
b) a / the / An / a
4. “… more and more drivers were losing their temper behind the wheel” means c) a / the / The / the
that drivers d) the / the / An / the
a) need control their temper. e) a / a / An / a
b) became bad-tempered while repairing their wheels.
c) were becoming so angry that they couldn’t control themselves while driving. 8. The verb in bold type is in the _____ tense
d) are losing their wheels. a) Simple Present b) Present Perfect c) Present Continuous
e) were lost because they didn’t know where they were. d) Simple Past e) Past Continuous
9. The text is focused on 14. Choose a relative pronoun to fill in the blank:
a) Circus a) whose b) when c) which d) who e) whom
b) Celebrities
c) Entertainment 15. Read the dialog and choose the correct answer.
d) Crusades A: Today is my birthday, Mary!
e) Animal Rights B: Oh Mike, I didn’t know your birthday was _____ September.
A: Yes, it is. It’s ______ September the 24th.
10. According to the text,
a) the handlers never take care of elephants a) on / in b) at / on c) in / on d) at / in e) on / at
b) Kim Basinger will be the new owner of the circus
c) Heather was struggling to survive inside the trailer
d) the local zoo park became responsible for the two surviving elephants after the
e) the travelling circus until has the two surviving elephants

11. In “… its two surviving elephants”, the underlined word expresses the idea of
possession related to
a) circus
b) handlers
c) zoo park
d) elephants
e) Heather

12. The personal pronoun “she”, underlined twice in the text refers respectively
a) a handler / Heather
b) Heather / an actress
c) a celebrity / an actress
d) an actress / Kim Basinger
e) Kim Basinger / Heather

Read the sentence and answer the questions below.

“Astronomers feel excited that humanity has entered a new era in ______ new
worlds are going to be subject to exploration.”

13. The underlined word in the sentence means

a) atônito
b) eufórico
c) atordoado
d) apreensivo
e) entediado

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