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EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

EESTI STANDARD 14i"t#§iiff.jll1ll:I


See Eesti standard EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 slsaldab This Estonian standard EVS-EN 1992-4:2018
Euroopa standard! EN 1992-4:2018 lngllskeelset consists of the English text of the European
tekstl. standard EN 1992-4:2018.

Standard on jBustunud sellekohase teate This standard has been endorsed with a
avaldamlsega EVS Teatajas. notification published In the official bulletin of the
Estonian Centre for Standardisation.

Euroopa standardlmisorganisatsloonld on telnud Date of AvallabllUy of the European standard Is

Euroopa standard! rahvusllkele lllkmetele 26.09.2018.
kilttesaadavaks 26.09.2018.

Standard on kattesaadav Eestl The standard ls available from the Estonian Centre
EUROKOODEKS 2: BETOONKONSTRUKTSIOONIDE Standardlkeskusest. for Standardisation.

Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - Part 4:

Design of fastenings for use in concrete

Tagaslsidet standard! sisu kohta on Vclimalik edastada, kasutades EVS-1 veebilehel asuvat tagaslside vorml
vol saates e-klrja melliaadresslle

ICS 91.010.30, 91.080.40

Standardite reprodut:seerimise ja Jev·i tamise Uigus kuulub Eest:i StandardikeskuseJe
Andmete paljundamine, taai.-Wkitamine, kopeerimina, .l."3.IV~'1:a:mine elektroonsasse susteemj vOi edast:a:mine UkskOik millises
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~ 11ID liliJ

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018
Contents Page
ICS 91.010.30; 91.080.4-0 Supersedes CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009,
CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009, CEN/TS 1992-4-3:2009, European foreword ..................... ,.. _ ............................................................... -......... - .... ,... _ .. ,, ...................... ,.. _ ... ,. 5
CEN/TS 1992·4-4:2009, CEN/TS 1992-4-5:2009
1 S(:ope.................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 General ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
English Version 1.2 Type of fasteners and fastening groups ................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Fastener dhnenslons and materials ...................................................................................................... 11
1.4 Fastener loading ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Eurocode 2 - Design of concrete structures - Part 4: Design 1.5 Concrete strength and type ... - ....... -......... - ........ - ........ _,,,,,,,,_ ... ,, ... _ .................. _.... ,, ...._...,, ... _ ... 12
of fastenings for use in concrete 1.6 Concrete member loadlng............................ - ........ - ........ _,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,_ ... ,.................................... - ... 12

Eu:rocode 2 - Calcul des structures e:n beton - Partie 4 : Eurocode 2 - Bemessu.og und Konstruktion von
2 Normative references ..................................................................... -.................... -.................................... 12
Conception et caJcuJ des etements de fixation pour Stahfbe-ll>n- und Spannbeton~>\verken -TeiJ 4: 3 Tenns, definitions, symbols and abbreviations ....... -.................... - ................................................ 13
beton der Verankerung von Befe~ti1:,>ungen in
3.1 Terms and definitions .................................................................... -.......................................................... 13
Be ton
3.2 Symbols and abbreviations ... - ........ -.................... - ........ - .................. - ................... -.......................... 20
3.2.1 Indices ............................................. -......... - ........................................ -.......................................... - ............ 20
Thi.S European Standard \vas approved by CEN on 9 t.iarc:h 2019. Superscripts,_..................................................................................... - ........................................ -.............. 21
CEN memberS are buund to comply \Yith the CEN/CENBLEC Internal ResuJations \Vhh:-h stipulate the conditions for giving thLti 3.2.3 Actions and resistances (listing In alphabetical order) ........................ -.................... - ................ 22
European Standard the l>iatus uf a national standard \¥ithout any alteration. Up-to·date lil>ts and referent:~ 3.2.4 Concrete and steel ............................................................................ -.......................................................... 27
concerning such national standards may be obbined on application to the CEN-CENELEC t.•fanagement Centre or to any CEN 3.2.5 Fasteners and fastenings, reinforcement ......................................... _,,,,,,, .. _ ..................................... 28
3.2.6 Units.,.,._,.,,. ............... - .................................................................................................................... -.............. 30
This E!utopean Standanl exists in three official versions (£.ngtish, French.. German}. Aversiun in any c)ther languag~ made by
tn.ns:lation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its o\vn language and notified to the CBN-CEN£LEC l-tanagement
4 Basis of design .............................................................. - ................... - ................................................... -.... 30
Centre has the same status as the offidal versions. 4.1 General ................................ -............................................................... -.................... -.................... - ............. 30
4.2 Required vertftcatlons ............. - ................................................................................................................. 31
CEN memberS are the national standards bodito.s of Austria, Belgium, D'ulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denn1ark, Estonia, 4.3 Design fonnat ......................................... - .............................. - ....................................... ,_.......................... 31
Finland, Fonner Yugoslav Republic of lo.tacedonia, Franl"e, Cennany, Greece, Hunboary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
4.4 Yertftcatlon by the partial factor method................................................... -....................................... 32
Luxembourg. Malta. Netherlands, Nor\v-.ty, Poland, Portugal. Romania, Serbia, Slovakia. Slovenia, Spajn, S~\•eden. StA•itzerland,
Tu.rltey and United Kingdom.
4.4.1 Partial factors for actions ............................................................................................. - .......................... 32
4.4.2 Partial factors for resistance ................................................................. -......... - ..................................... 32
4.5 Pro)ectspectftcatlon...... - ................................................................................... - ........ -.................... - .... 35
4.6 Installation of fasteners-......................................... - .................. -.................... - ........ - ........................ 36
4.7 Determination of concrete condition ................................................................................................... 36
5 Durability ............................. - ....................................................................................................................... _ .. 37
6 Dertvatlon of forces acting on fasteners - analysis.-......... - .................... - ...................................... 37
6.1 General ................................. - .............................. - ......................................................................... - ....... _. 37
6.2 Headed fasteners and post-Installed fasteners .................................................... - .......................... 38
6.2.1 Tenslon loa d·s -.............................................................................................................................. ,_,, ........... 3 8
6.2.2 Shear loads ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
6.3 Anchor channels ...............- ......................................................................................................................... 44
6.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 44
6.3.2 Tension loads-........ - ........ - ...............................................................-........................................ -......... - .. 45
6.3.3 Shear loads ... - ........ - ........ _ ...............................................................-................................................... - .. 46
COMIT~ EUROP~EN OE NORMALISATION 6.4 Forces assigned to supplementary reinforcement.-......... - .................. ,_..................................... 47
EUROPAISCHBS KOMITEE FOR NORMUNG 6.4.1 General................................. - .............................. - ..........................................................................-.......-. 47
6.4.2 Tension loads-........ - ........ - ...............................................................-........................................ -......... - .. 47
CEN·CENELEC Man.agoment Conln: Rue de la Science 23, 8·104-0 Bnlss<>ls 6.4.3 Shear loads ... - ........ - ........ _ ...............................................................-................................................... - .. 47
7 Vet1flcatlon of ultimate llmlt state.-..................................................................................................... 48
© 2018 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 1992-4:2018 E 7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................. 48
world\\tide tor CEN national Members.


EVS·EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

7.2 Headed and post-Installed fasteners ..................................................................................................... 49 D.4 Reslstance ........ - ................................................... - .............................. - ........ - .................. - ................... 117
7.2.1 Tension load ...................................................................................................... - .......................................... 49 D.4.1 General.. ............ - .................................................................................... - ........ - .................. - ................... 117
7.2.2 Shear load .......... - ......................................................................... - .................. - .......................................... 64 D.4.2 Tension load............................................... - ........ - ........................................ - ......................................... 117
7.2.3 Combined tension and shear loads ........................................................................................................ 76 D.4.3 Shear load ................................................... - ........ - ........................................ - ......................................... 119
7.3 Fasteners In redundantnon-strucrural systems ........................................................................... _, 77 D.4.4 Combined tension and shear load ..................................... - ............................. - ................... - .......... 120
7.4 Anchor channels ............................. - .................. - ................... - ......................................... - .................... 77 Annex E (normative) Characteristics for tfle design of fastenings to be provided by European
7.4.1 Tension load ..................................... - .................................................................................... - .................... 77 Technical Products Specification ...................................... - ................................................................121
7.4.2 Shear load ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
7.4.3 Combined tension and shear loads ......................................................................................................... 95 Annex F (normative) Assumptions for design provisions regarding execution of fastenlngs-... 124
Verification of ultimate limit state for fatigue loading .................................................................... 97 F.1 General... ...................................................... - ........ - .............................................................. - ................... 124
F.2 Post-Installed fasteners ............. - ................... - ............................. - ........ - ........ - ........ - ....... - ......... 124
8.1 General. .............................................. - .............................................................. - ................... - .................... 97
Derivation of forces acting on fasteners - analysis ........................................................................... 97 F.3 Headed fasteners..... - ........................................ - ......................................................................... - ......... 125
8.2 F.4 Anchor channels .......................................................................................................................................... 125
8.3 Resistance ............................... - ....... - .................. - ................... - ......................................... - .................... 98
8.3.1 Tension load .......................................................... - ...................................................................................... 98 Annex G (lnformatlve) Design of post-Installed fasteners- simplified methods .... - ........................ 126
8.3.2 Shear load ............................................................... - ................... - ................................................................ 99 G.1 General.. ....................................................... - ............................................................................................... 126
8.3.3 Combined tension and shear load ..................................... - .................................................................. 99 G.2 Method B..................... - ................... - ................... - ....... - ........ - ................... - ................... - ....... - ......... 126
G.3 Method C..................... - ................... - ................... - ....... - ........ - ................... - ................... - ....... - ......... 127
9 Verification for seismic loading.......................................... - ............................................................... 100
9.1 General ... - .................................................... - ........ - ........ - ........................................................................ 100 Bibliography......................................................................... - ...................- .............................................................. 128
9.2 Requirements.-........ - ........ - ........ - ........- ............................. - ........ - .................... - ................... - ....... 100
9.3 Derivation of forces acting on fasteners ..................................................................... - .................... 102
9.4 Resistance........ - ........ - ........ - ........ - ........- ............................. - ........ - .................... - ................... - ....... 102
10 Verification for fire resistance ............................................................................................................... 102
11 Verification of servlceablllty llmltstate ... - ........ - ........................................ - ........ - .................... 102
Annex A (normative) Additional rules for verltlcation of concrete elements due to loads
applied by fastenings.............................................................. - ............................................................... 103
A.1 General ............. - ................................................... - ................... - ................... - ........................................ 103
A.2 Verification of the shear resistance oftbe concrete member ................................................... 103
Annex B (Informative) Durablllty ................................. - ................................................................................... 105
B.1 General ........................................................................................... - ......................................... - ................ 105
B.2 Fasteners In dry, Internal conditions ................................................................ - ............................. 105
B.3 Fasteners In external atmospheric or In permanently damp Internal exposure
condition .................................................................................................................................... - ................ 105
B.4 Fasteners In high corrosion exposure by chloride and sulphur dioxide ....... - ..................... 105
Annex C (normative) Design offastenlngs under seismic actions .......................................................... 106
C.1 General .................................................................................................................................................. - ..... 106
C.2 Performance categories .............. - ................... - ................................................................................... 106
C.3 Design criteria ..................................................................................................... - ....................................... 107
C.4 Derivation of forces acting on fasteners - analysis ....................................................................... 109
C.4.1 General .................................... - ................................................................................................................... 109
C.4 .2 Addition to EN 1998-1:2004, 4.3.3.S .................................................................. - .............................. 110
C.4.3 Addition to EN 1998·1:2004, .................................................................................................... 110
C.4.4 Additions and alterations to EN 1998·1:2004, ................................................................. 110
C.4.5 Additions and alterations to EN 1998-1:2004, ................................................................. 112
C.5 Resistance ........................................................................... - ........ - ........ - .............................. - ................ 112
C.6 Displacements of fasteners .................................................................................................................... 115
Annex D (Informative) Exposure to fire -design metflod ........ - ............................................................... 116
D.1 General ..................................................................... - ................... - ......................................... - ................ 116
D.2 Partial factors ............. - ................... - ................................................... - .................................................. 116
D.3 Actions ........................... - ........................................ - ................... - .................. - ....................................... 116

0 ii ~ -8 - - I 132 l~H.i.· ,' x

EVS·EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

European foreword (2) and (2): For the verification of anchor channels for local Oexure of channel lips
under tension loads and shear loads without lever arm the Influence of closely spaced channel bolts
ls considered
This document (EN 1992-4:2018) bas been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 250 "Structural
Eurocodes•, the secretariat of which is held by BSI., Formula (7.69): For the verification of anchor channels for concrete blow-out failure the
factor \l'o>ib Is deleted.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an
Identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 2019 and conflicting national standards shall be and Table 7.5: For the verification of anchor channels subjected to shear forces without lever
withdrawn at the latest by March 2019. arm In case of steel failure the faUure modes 'anchor' and 'connection between anchor and channel'
are added.
Attention Is drawn to the posslblUty that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for Identifying any or aU such patent rights. 7.4.2.S (2): Formula (7.78) Is modified. The lnffuence of edge distance on the basic characteristic
4fl . 1.
resistance In case of concrete edge failure Is taken Into account with c; Instead with c, ~.
This document supersedes CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009, CEN/TS 1992-4-3:2009,
CEN/TS 1992-4-4:2009 and CEN/TS 1992-4·5:2009. 7.4.3 and Table 7.6: In case of Interaction of shear and tension loads acting on anchor channels
provisions are given for the different modes of steel failure and for failure modes other than steel
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the failure.
European Free Trade Association.
Clause 8: The values for the characteristic fatigue resistance In case of concrete related failure modes
This document differs from CEN/TS 1992-4-1:2009, CEN/TS 1992-4-2:2009, CEN/TS 1992·4·3:2009, for 2· IO'load cycles are reduced.
CEN/TS 1992-4·4:2009 and CEN/TS 1992-4-5:2009 as follows:
Clause 9 and Annex C: The verlflcatlons for seismic loading are completely revised.
The content of the CEN/TS 1992-4 series Is condensed and completely revised to be published as one
single standard covering the design of the different types of cast-In sltu and post-lnSL'3lled fustenlng Clause 10: Provisions for the verlflcaL1on for llre resistance are added. Informative Annex Dprovides
systems. a design method for cast-In-place headed fasteners, a nchor channels and post-Installed fasteners
exposed to tlre.
Normative references are updated. Some standards given In the CEN/TS 1992·4serles are moved to
an added Bibliography. Normative Annex E: Characteristics for the design of fastenings to be provided by European
1.2 (5) and Flg.1.2: Tbe contlguratlons of fastenings with headed or post· Installed fasteners covered Technical Product Specifications are added.
by EN 1992·4 are described In more detail. Annex F: Productspecltlc Sections of the CEN/TS 1992·4 series on assumptions for design provisions execution of fastenings are condensed In this normative Annex.
1.3 (1), 1.3(2) and 7.3: Provisions on fasteners for fastening l>'tatlcally lndetennlnate non-structural
systems are added Details of the design method are given In CEN/TR 17079, Desl{}n offasteners for Annex G: The design provisions of the C6N/TS 1992·4 series for post-Installed fasteners using
use In concrete - Redundant non·stroctural systems. simplified methods are moved to this Informative Annex. and Table 4.1: Partial material safety factors for accidental design situations are Introduced
Annex B of CEN/TS 1992-4:1"Plastlc design approach" Is moved to CEN/TR 17081, Design of
which are about 15% smaller than for permanent and transient design situations. fastenings for use In concrete - Plastic design offastenings with headed and post-Installed fasteners.
6.2.1 (2): More specific conditions to ensure a rigid fixture are given and provisions In case of an
EN 1992 ls composed of the following parts:
elastic, but Hexlble fixture are added
7 to 11: The verifications are based on the characteristic concrete cylinder strength and not cube EN 1992-1·1, Eurocode Z: Design of concrete structures- Pare 1·1: General rules ond rules for
strength and the factors k, for calculating the basic characteristic resistances for the different failure buildings;
modes are adjusted acconllngly. EN 1992· 1·2, Eurocode Z: Design of concrete structures - Port 1-Z: General rules - Structural fire (1). Formula (7.1) and (7): The factor \/fMJ< Is Introduced to take Into account the design;
favorable effect of a compression force between fixture and concrell! In case of bending moments
EN 1992·2, Eurocode Z - Desl{}n of concrete slTuclllres - Concrete bridges - Design and detblllng
with or without axial force on the concrete cone resistance.
roles; (2), Formula (7.14): The product dependent factor v _ls Introduced to take account of the
EN 1992-3, Eurocode Z - Design of concrete structures- Port 3: Liquid rel:blnlng and conl:blnment
lnOuence of sustained load on the bond strength of post-Installed bonded fasteners for the structures;
verification of combined pull·out and concrete failure
EN 1992-4, Eurocode z- Design of concrete stroctures- Part 4: Design of fastenings for use In (13) and Clause (7): The factor lf/«.V to take Into account the effect of edge concrete.
reinforcement and closely spaced stirrups or wlre mesh on the characteristic resistance for concrete
edge rallure Is limited to cracked concrete.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

The numerical values for partial factors and other rellabillty parameters are recommended values. The National Annex for EN 1992-4
recommended values apply when:
This EN gives values with Notes ind.Jcatlng where national choices may have to be made. When this EN Is
a) the fasteners comply with the requirements of 1.2 (3), and made available at national level it may be followed by a National Annex containing all Nationally
Determined Parameters to be used for the design of fastenings accordlngto this EN for use In the relevant
b) the Installation compiles with the requirements of 4.6. country.

According to the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the National choice of the partial factors and reliabtltty parameters Is allowed In design according to thls EN
following countries are bound to Implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, In the following sections:
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg. Malta, Netherlands, 4.4.1(2);
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serb1a, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, SWeden, Swit."terland, Turkey and
the United Klngdom.;;;







EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

1 Scope
1 .1 Gen eral
(1) This European Standard provldes a design method for fastenings (connection of structural elements t
and non-structural elements to structural components), which are used to transmit actions to the
concrete. This design method uses physical models which are based on a combination of tests and
numerlcal analysis consistent with EN 1990:2002, 5.2.
Additional rules for the transmission of the fastener loads wlthln the concrete member to Its supports
are given In EN 1992-1-1 and Annex A of this EN.
Inserts embedded Jn precast concrete elements durtng production, under Factory Production Control i:.::.::_
:.,:..:..:..:..:·;:.::.:·.::.:,:..:. :::·.:. :: ········ ····· :
i:.::·:; . ::.::.:.:.:.. :·.:·: ::: :..:..::: .. :..:.::::: .. ..... .
(FPC) conditions and with the due reinforcement, intended for use only during transient situations for
lifting and handling, are covered by CEN/TR 15728.
Figure 1.1- Fas tener design theory- Exam ple
(2) This EN Is lntended for safety related applications In which the failure of fastenings may result In
collapse or partial collapse of the structure, cause rtsk to human llfe or lead to significant economic loss. (4) This EN applies to single fasteners and groups of fasteners. In a group of fasteners, the loads are
In this context lt also covers non-structural elements. applied to the Individual fasteners of the group by means ofa common fixture. In a group of fasteners,
(3) The support of the tlxture can be either statically determinate or statically Indeterminate. Each this European Standard applies only If fasteners of the same type and size are used.
support can consist of one fastener or a group of fasteners.
(5) The configurations of fastenings with cast-In place headed fasteners and post-Installed fasteners
(4) This EN is valid for applications which fall within the scope of the EN 1992 series. In applications covered by this EN are shown in Figure 1.2.
where special considerations apply, e.g. nuclear power plants or civil defence structures, modifications
can be necessary. (6) For anchor channels, the number of anchors Is not limited.
(5) This BN does not cover the design of the fixture. Rules for the design of the fixture are gtven In the (7) Post-Installed ribbed reinforcing bars used to connect concrete members are covered by a European
appropriate Standards meeting the requirements on the fixture as given In this EN. Technical Product Specification.
(6) This document relies on characteristic resistances and distances which are stated In a European
Technical Product Specification (see Annex E). At least the characteristics of Annex E are given In a
European Technical Product Specification for the corresponding loading conditions providing a basis for
the design methods of this EN.
1.2 Type of faste ners and fastening groups
(1) This EN uses the fas tener design theory1l (see Figure 1.1) and applies to:
a) cast-In fasteners such as headed fasteners, anchor channels with rigid connection (e.g. welded,
forged) between anchor and channel;

b) post-Installed mechanical fasteners such as expansion fasteners, undercut fasteners and concrete

c) post -installed bonded fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners.

(2) For other types of fasteners, modltlcations of the design provisions can he necessary.

(3) This EN applies to fasteners with established sultabillty for the specified application In concrete
covered by provisions, which refer to this EN and provide data requlred by this EN. The sultabillty of the
fastener Is stated In the relevant European Technical Product Specification.

1) In fa~tener design theory the concrete tensile capadty is di.ret."t:ty used to transfer loads intt> th~ concrete Cc)mponent.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

1 2 1.4 Fastener loading

/ ''
<) Q (> (> cl
' (1) Loading on the fastenings covered by this document can be static, quasi-static, fatigue and seismic.
(> •'

The suitability of the fastener to resist fatigue and seismic loadings Is specifically stated In the relevant

l±l I+ +I + + + + + European Technical Product Specification. Anchor channels subjec'ted to fatigue loading or seismic
loading are not covered by this EN.
a) <) Q (> (> 0 Q
(2) The loading on the fastener resulting from the actions on the fixture (e.g. tension, shear, bending or
torsion moments or any combination thereof) will generally be axial tension and/or shear. When the
shear force Is applied with a lever arm a bending moment on the fastener will arise. EN 1992-4 considers
axial compression on the tlxture only when it Is transmitted to the concrete either directly to the concrete
i--- __......- -.....__ .------------- ----- , - surface wlthout acting on the embedded fastener load transfer mechanism or via fusteners suitable for
i-1- resisting compression.
(3) In case of anchor channels, shear In the direction of the longitudinal axis of the channel is not covered
by this EN.
+I NOTE Design rules for anchor channels \iVith loads acting in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the anchor
-' channel can be found in CEN/TR 17080, Design offasteningsfor use in concrete - Anchor channels -supplementary
o) roles.

Key (4) Design of fastenings under fire exposure Is covered by thls EN (see Informative Annex D).
1 fastener 1.5 Concr ete stre ngth and type
2 steel plate
This EN Is valid for fasteners Installed In members made of compacted normal weight concrete without
a) Fastenings lvithout hole clearance for all edge distances and for all load directions, and fastenings with hole fibres with strength classes In the range C12/15 to C90/105 all In accordance with EN 206. The range of
clearance according to Table 6.1 situated far fron1 edges (c 1 c: max {tohr:f; 60dnom }) for all load concrete strength classes In which particular fasteners may be used is given In the relevant European
directions and fastenings \vith hole clearance according to Table 6.1 situated near to an edge Technical Product Specification and may be more restrictive than stated above.
(c1 < max{tohet ;60dnom}) loaded in tension only 1.6 Concrete member loading
b) Fastenings with hole clearance according to Table 6.1 situated near to an edge ( c1 < lllAX{1oher ; GOdnom }) In general, fusteners are prequalifled for applications In concrete members under static loading. 1f the
for all load directions concrete member Is subjected to fatigue or seismic loading, prequaliflcatlon of the fastener specific to this
type of loading and a corresponding European Technical Product Specification are required.
Figure 1 .2 - Configur ation of fastenings with headed and post-Installed fasteners covered by
this EN 2 Normative refere nces
1.3 Fastener dimensions and materials The following documents are referred to in the text In such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of thls document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
(1) This EN applies to fasteners with a minimum diameter or a minimum thread slze of 6 mm (M6) or a
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
corresponding cross section. In case of fasteners for fastening statically indeterminate non-structural
systems as addressed In 7.3, the minimum thread size Is 5 mm (MS). The maximum diameter of the EN 206, Concrete -Specification, petformance, production and conformity
fastener Is not limited for tension loading butts limited to 60 mm for shear loading.
EN 1990:2002, Eurocode - Basis ofstructural design
(2) EN 1992-4 applies to fasteners with embedment depth h" 2: 40 mm. Only for fastening statically
indeterminate non-structural systems as addressed In 7.3 fasteners with effective emhedment depth of EN 1991 (all parts), Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
at least 30 mm are considered, which may be reduced to 25 mm in internal exposure conditions. For
fastenings with post-installed bonded fasteners, only fasteners with an embedment depth h",; 20d are EN 1992-1-1:2004, Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures · Part 1-1: General rules and rules for
covered. The actual value for a particular fastener may be found In the relevant European Technical buildings
Product Specification.
(3) This EN covers metal fasteners made of either carbon steel (EN ISO 898-1 and EN ISO 898·2, EN 1992-1-2, Eurocode 2: Design ofconcrete structures - Part 1-2: General rules -Structural fire design
EN 10025-1, EN 10080), stainless steel (EN 10088-2 and EN 10088-3, EN ISO 3506-1 and
EN ISO 3506-2) or malleable cast Iron (ISO 5922). The surface of the steel can be coated or uncoated. This EN 1998 (all parts), Eurocode 8: Design ofstructures for earthquake resistance
EN Is valid for fasteners with a nominal steel tensile strength fuk ,;; 1 ooo N/ mm 2 • This limit does not
apply to concrete screws.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations 3.1.9

cast-In fastener
3.1 Terms and definitions headed bolt, headed stud, Internal threaded socket with head at the embedded end or anchor channel
Installed before placing the concrete, see also headed fastener
For the purposes of this document, the following tenns and definitions apply.
ISO and !EC maintain terminological databases for use In standardization at the following addresses: 3.1.10
channel bolt
• !EC Electropedia: avallable at screw or bolt which connects the element to be fixed to the anchor channel {see Figure 3.2)

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at 3.1.11

chara cteristic edge distan ce
3.1.1 edge distance required to ensure that the edge does not Influence the characteristic resistance of a
anchor fastening
element made of steel or malleable Iron either cast Into concrete or post-Installed Into a hardened 3.1.12
concrete member and used to transmit applied loads {see Figures 3.1 to 3.3) chara cteris tic resistance
5 % fractlle of the resistance {value with a 95 % probability of being exceeded, with a confidence level of
Note 1 to entry: The tern1 anchor is used in the context of anchor channels. 90%)
3.1.2 3.1.13
anchor channel characteristic spacing
steel protlle with rigidly connected anchors (see Figure 3.2) Installed prior to concreting spacing required to ensure the characteristic resistance of a single fastener
Note 1 to entry: In the case ofanchor channels, nvo or more steel anchors are rigidly connected to the back of the 3.1.14
channel and en1bedded in concrete.
combined pull-out and concrete failu re of bonded fasteners
failure mode In which failure occurs at the Interface between the bonding material and the base material
or between the bonding material and the fastener element {bond faUure) and contains a concrete cone at
attached element
structural or non-structural component that Is connected to the attachment the top end

combined tension and shear loads
attachmen t
oblique load
tension and shear load applied simultaneously
assembly that transmits loads to the fastener or anchor channel
concrete blow-out failure
base material
spalllng of the concrete on the side face of the concrete element at the level of the embedMd head with
concrete member In which the fastener or anchor channel Is Installed
no major breakout at the top concrete s urface
3.1.6 Note 1 to entry: This is usuaUy associated wid1 fasteners \vith small side cover and deep ernbedment.
bending effect Induced by a shear load applied with a lever arm with respect to the surface of the concrete 3.1.17
member concrete breakout failure
failure that corresponds to a wedge or cone of concrete surrounding the fastener, group offasteners or
anchor of an anchor channel being separated from the base material
bonde d expansion faste ner
bonded fastener designed such that the fastener element can move relative to the hardened bonding 3.1.18
compound resulting in follow-up expansion {see Figure 3.3 h)) concrete pry-out failure
failure that corresponds to the formation of a concrete spall opposite to the loading direction under shear
bonded fas tener
fastener placed into a hole drilled In hardened concrete, which derives Its resistance from a bonding
compound placed between the wall of the hole in the concrete and the embedded portion of the fastener
(see Figure 3.3 g))


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

3.1.19 3.1.27
concrete related failure modes European Technical Product Specification
European Standard (EN), European Technical Assessment (ETA) for fastener or anchor channel based on a European Assessment Document (EAD) or a rransparent and reproducible assessment !hat complies
failure modes under tension loading with all requirements of tbe relevant EAD
pull-out faUure, combined pull-out and concrete failure (bonded fasteners), concrete cone failure,
concrete blow-out fallure, concrete splitting failure, anchorage fallure of supplementary reinforcement 3.1.28
fastening assembly of fixture and fasteners or anchor channel used to transmit loads to concrete
failure modes under shear loading
concrete pry-out failure, concrete edge failure d,
concrete screw
threaded fastener screwed Into a predrllled hole where threads create a mechanical interlock with the
concrete (see Figure 3.3 f))
t / / / /

....-? ..

-·. I
~/ / d/ i / / ~.

/ /'
3.1.21 / / / .' :. .J
concrete splitting failure
concrete failure mode In which the concrete fractures along a plane passing through the axis of the
/ ). r / ,,.. I- /d /

- Ii

/ / / / /
fastener or fasteners or anchors of an anchor channel 'v / v ..
b, I t
deformation-controlled expansion fastener
post-Installed fastener that derives Its tensile resistance by expansion against the side of the drllled hole a) b) c)
through movement ofan Internal plug In the sleeve (see Figure 3.3 c)) or through movement of the sleeve
over an expansion element (plug), and with which, once set, no further expansion can occur
a) without anchor plate
3.1.23 b) \Vith a large anchor plate at least in one direction. b1 > 0,5 hnom or t > 0~2 hnom
movement of the loaded end of the fastener relative to the concrete member Into which It Is Installed In c) \vith a small anchor plate in both directions1 b1 ~ 0,5 hnom and t ~ 0~2 hnom
the direction of the applied load; or, In the case of anchor channels, movement of a channel bolt
(see Figure 3.2) or !he anchor channel relative to the concrete element
Figure 3.1 - Definition of effective embedment depth h.r for headed fasteners
Note 1 to entry: In tension tests, displacement is measured paraUel to the axis of the fastener; in shear tests,
displacement is nleasured perpendicular to the axis of the fastener.

ductile steel element
elernentw1th sufflctent ductility

Note 1 to entry: The ductility conditions are given in the relevant subclauses.

edge distance
distance from the edge of the concrete member to the centre of the fastener or anchor of an anchor

effective embedment depth
overall depth through which the fastener or anchor of an anchor channel transfers force to the
surrounding concrete; see Figures 3.1to3.3


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

"! -t
,, I "/, ,, I "/,
/ ..1 _.,..
i i
/ / 1.-r :/
/ -·~·· i ..
\/ I ,l

... ( / I
/ /'
.:.-2 i i
"' I / • • ./.- /'\ i l
/ I T l
y I

I 1,.,1 ~·/~~·+·-
I y
~ y
~ • - ~'3 •/ a) b) c) d) e) f) 9) h)
I i "- I Key
4 I "'·4 4 •) torque-controlled fastener, sleeve type e) undercut fastener, type 2
-------- 5 b) torque-controlled fastener, \Yedge type t) concrete sere\\'
c) deformation-controlled fastener g) bonded fastener
a) b) d) undercut fastener, type 1 h) bonded expansion fastener
1 anchor Figure 3.3 - Definition of effective embedment depth h.r for p ost-Installed fasteners - Examples
2 connection benveen anchor and channel
3 channel 3.1.29
4 channel lip flexure
bending effect In the channel of an anchor channel Induced by a tension load
5 channel bolt
a) he1 for anchor channels (see (1) and (1) b)) group of fasteners
number of fasteners with Identical dimensions and characteristics acting together to support a common

b) he1 for anchor channels (see (1) a)) attachment, where the spacing of the fasteners does not exceed the characteristic spacing

Figure 3.2 - Definitions for anchor channels headed fastener
cast-Jn steel fastener with a head at the embedded end (see Figure 3.1) that derives Its tensile resistance
from mechanlcal Interlock at the head of the fastener

mechanical tnt.erlock
load transfer to a concrete member via Interlocking surfaces

minimum edge distance
smallest allowable distance to allow adequate placing and compaction of concrete (cast-In place
fasteners) and to avoid damage to the concrete during Installation {post-Installed fasteners), given in the
European Technical Product Speclflcation

minimum member thickness
smallest value for member thickness, In which a fastener or an anchor channel is allowed to be installed,
given In the European Technical Product Specification


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

3.1.35 3.1.45
minimum spacing undercut fastener
smallest value for distance between two fasteners to allow adequate placing and compaction of concrete post-Installed fastener that develops Its tensile resistance from the mechanical Interlock provided by
(cast-In fasteners) and to avoid damage to the concrete during lnstallatlon (post-Installed fasteners), undercutting of the concrete at the embedded end of the fastener
measured centreline to centrellne, given In the European Technical Product Specification
Note 1 to entry: The undercutting is achieved with a special drill before installing the fastener or alternatively by
3.1.36 the fastener itself during its installation, see Figure 3.3 d) and e)).
post-Installed fastener
fastener Installed 1n hardened concrete (see Figure 3.3) 3.2 Symbols and abbreviations

3.1.37 3.2.1 Indices

pull-out failure
both pull-out failure of mechanical fusteners and combined pull-out and concrete fullure of bonded a acceleration
fasteners adm admissible
3.1.38 b bond
pull-out fallure of mechanical fasteners
failure mode in which the fastener pulls out of the concrete without development of the full concrete c concrete
resistance or In case of post-Installed mechanical fusteners a failure mode in which the fastener body
pulls through the expansion sleeve without development of the full concrete resistance ea connection

cb b}0\\1-0Ut
shear load cbo channel bolt
load acting parallel to the concrete surface and transversely w1th respect to the longltudlnal axis of the
channel; load appUed perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a fastener eh channel

3.1.40 cp concrete pry-out

distance between the centre lines of fasteners; distance between centre lines of channel bolts as well as er cracked; characteristic
anchors of anchor channels
d design value
3.1.41 E action effects
steel failure of fastener
failure mode characterized by fracture of the steel fastener parts Ed design action
3.1.42 el elastic
supplementary reinforcement
anchor reinforcement eq seismic (earthquake)
reinforcement tying a potential concrete breakout body to the concrete member
F action
3.1.43 fat futigue
tension load
load applled perpendicular to the surface of the base material (for anchor channels) and along the axis of ll fire
a fastener
fix flitture
torque-controlled expansion fastener flex bending
post-Installed expansion fastener that derives Its tensile resistance from the expansion of one or more
sleeves or other components against the sides of the dr11led hole through the application of torque, which Ind Indirect
pulls the cone(s) Into the expansion sleeve(s) during Installation k characteristic value
Note 1 to entry: After setting. tensile loading larger than the existing pre-stressing force causes additional L load
expansion (follow-up eKpansion), see Figure 3.3 a) and b)).


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

local 3.2.3 Aclions and resistances (listing In alphabelical order)

M material NOTE Jn general. only those terms \Vhich are used in more than one section of this EN are defined. If a tem1 is
used only in one section, it niay be defined in that section only.
max maximum
design ground acceleration on type A ground
min minimum
vertical design ground acceleration on type A ground
N normal force
A, seismic amplification factor (see Formula (C.4) and Table C.2)
nom nominal
load bearing area of the head of a headed fastener
p pull-out
A'I ordinate of a triangle wtth the height 1 at the position of the load Ne• or Vs• and the base
pi plastic length 2 1, at the position of the anchor I of an anchor channel
pr prying a ratio of the design ground acceleration on type A ground, a., to the acceleration of gravity g
R resistance, restraint reduction factor to take Into account the Influence of large cracks and scatter of load
displacement curves under seismic loading
Rd design resistance
reduction factor to take Into account Inertia effects due to an annular gap between fastener
re reinforcement
and fixture in case of seismic shear loading, given in the relevant European Technical Product
s steel Specification

sp splitting ratio of the vertical design ground acceleration on type A ground, a.,., to the acceleration of
gravity g (see Formula (C.6))
u ultimate
av angle between design shear load v.. (single fastener) or v~ (group of fasteners) and a line
ucr uncracked
perpendicular to the edge verified for concrete edge failure, o• 5: a v 5: 90•, see Figure 7.12
v vertical and Formula (7.48)
v shear force aha2 lnlluenclng factors according to EN 1992- 1-1:2004, 8.4.4
y yield c. nominal value, e.g. limiting displacement

3.2.2 superscripts c,. resultant design compression force beneath the fixture (see Figure 6.2) and compression
resulting from bending (see Figure 6.8)
a anchor
c., prying force
cb channel bolt
E effect of action
eh channel
design value of effect of actions
g load on or resistance of a group of fasteners
F force In general
h highest loaded (most stressed) fastener In a group
vertical effects of the seismic action for non-structural elements
0 basic value
B acceleratlon of gravity
y partial factor

importance factor of the non-structural element


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

factor accounting for the sensltlvtty to installation of post-installed fasteners design value of steel resistance of the connection between anchor and channel of an anchor
channel under tension load
partial factor for material design resistance In case of steel failure in terms of local flexure of channel lip under tension
partial factor for concrete cone, concrete edge, concrete blow-out and concrete pry-out
failure modes NRd.sp design resistance In case of concrete spl!ttlng failure under tension load

partial factor for steel failure characteristic resistance in case of concrete cone failure under tension load

N....,, characteristic resistance In case of concrete blow-out failure under tension load
H building height, measured from the foundation or from the top of a rigid basement
NR><.p characteristic resistance In case of pull-out failure under tension load
M moment
NR><.r.• characteristic tension resistance In case of pull-out failure under fire exposure
design value of bending moment acting on the anchor channel due to tension loads N~~
characteristic resistance In case of steel failure of supplementary reinforcement
(see 6.3.2 (4))
characteristic value of steel resistance of a fastener or a channel bolt under tension load
design resistance In case of steel failure In terms of flexure of channel under tension load
characteristic value of steel resistance of one anchor of an anchor channel under tension load
M~,Oex characteristic resistance In case of steel faUure In terms of flexure of channel under tension
load NR}r.$,c characteristic value of steel resistance of the connection between anchor and cha·nnel of an
anchor channel under tension load
N axial force (positive = tension force, negative = compression force)
characteristic tension resistance In case of steel failure under fire exposure
resultant design tension force of the tensioned fastener
characteristic resistance In case of steel fullure In terms of local flexure of channel Up under
design value of tension load acting on an anchor ofan anchor channel tension load

resultant design tension force acting on a channel bolt characteristic resistance In case of concrete splitting fallure under tension load

mandrel diameter of reinforcing bar

design value of tensile load (shear load) acting on the most stressed fastener of a group
factor taking Into account the Influence of a corner on the concrete cone resistance for an
design value of the resultant tensile (shear) loads of the fasteners In a group effective In anchor channel
taking up tension (shear) loads factor taking Into account the Influence of a corner on the concrete blow-out resistance for
'II ch,c,Nb
design value of tension load acting on the supplementary reinforcement an anchor channel

design value of tension load acting on the supplementary reinforcement of one anchor of the factor taking Into account the Influence of a comer on the concrete edge resistance fur an
'JI cb,i:,V
anchor channel anchor channel

design resistance of supplementary reinforcement associated wlth anchorage fa!lure factor taking Into account the ln.fluence of an edge on the concrete cone resistance for an
anchor channel
NRd,c design resistance In case of concrete cone failure under tension load
factor taking into account the effect of the thickness of the concrete member on the concrete
'{/ ch,h,Nb
design resistance In case of concrete blow-out failure under tension load blow-out resistance for an anchor channel

NRtJ,p design resistance in case of pull-out failure under tension load factor taking Into account the Influence of the thickness of the concrete member on the
concrete edge resistance for an anchor channel
N.,,.~ design resistance In case of steel faUure of supplementary reinforcement
factor taking Into account the Influence of neighbouring anchors on the concrete cone
design value of steel resistance of a fastener or a channel bolt under tension load 4'' ch,.1,N
resistance for an anchor channel
N.,,,., design value of steel resistance of one anchor of an anchor channel under tension load


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

factor taking Into account the ln.tluence of neighbouring anchors on the concrete blow-out factor taking Into account the Influence of a shear load Inclined to the edge In case of concrete
'11 cft,s,Nb ~va .\'
resistance for an anchor channel edge failure

'II ch,s, V
factor taking Into account the Influence of neighbouring anchors on the concrete edge q behaviour factor
resistance for an anchor channel
q, behaviour factor for non-structural elements
factor taklng Into account the Influence of shear loads acting parallel to the edge on the
concrete edge resistance for an anchor channel indirect variable action

factor raking Into account the group effect when different tension loads are acting on the R resistance
'II ec,N
individual fasteners of a group In case of concrete cone failure
design value ofreslsrance
factor raking Into account the group effect when different tension loads are acting on the
characteristic value ofreslstance
Individual fasteners of a group ln case of concrete blow-out failure
displacement of fastener
factor raking Into account the group effect when different tension loads are acting on the
Iii ec,Np
lndMdual fasteners of a group In case of combined pull-out and concrete failure of bonded
s soil factor
S, horizontal seismic coefficient applicable to non-structural elernents
factor taking Into account the group effect when different shear loads are acting on the
'{/ ec,V
Individual fasteners of a group In case of concrete edge failure s~ vertical seismic coefficient applicable to non-structural elements
factor taking Into account a group effect of a number offasteners In a row parallel to the edge Sl,N characteristic spacing of channel bolts for channel lip failure under tension load
\II g,Nb
In case of concrete blow-out failure
Sl,v characteristic spacing of channel bolts for channel lip failure under shear load
factor taking Into account a group effec1: for closely spaced bonded fasteners
characteristic tension strength of a fastener In case of steel fallure under fire exposure
factor taking Into account the Influence of the actual member thickness on the splittlng
resistance T, fundarnental period of vibration of the non-structural element

factor taking into account the fact that concrete edge resistance does not increase design value ofapplled torsional moment on fixture (see Figure 6.4 and Figure 7,11)
proportionally to the member thickness
Ti fundamental period of vibration of the bulldlng in the relevant direction
factor taking Into account the effect of a compression force between the fixture and concrete
characteristic bond resistance of a post-Installed bonded fastener, depending on the
In case of bending moments with or without axial force
concrete strength class, In uncracked (rRl<,o") or cracked concrete (r Rl<.<r)
I' re.N
shell spalllng factor
rruc.s,fl characteristic shear strength of a fastener In case of steel failure under fire exposure
factor taking Into account the effect ofrelnforcement located on the edge in case of concrete
edge failure v shear force
factor taking Into account the disturbance of the distribution of stresses In the concrete due V, shear force on fastener (see Figure 6.4)
'I' s,N
to the proximity of an edge In the concrete member In case of concrete cone failure
v•• design shear force
factor taking Into account the disturbance of the distribution of stresses In the concrete due
¥' s,Nb
to the proximity of an edge In the concrete memher In case of concrete blow-out failure VRd,c: design resistance In case of concrete edge failure under shear load

factor taking Into account the dlsrurbance of the distribution of stresses in the concrete due VRd,cp design resistance In case of concrete pry-out failure under shear load
I{/ s,Np
to the proximity ofan edge In the concrete member In case of combined pull-out and concrete
failure of bonded fasteners design value of steel resistance of a fastener or a channel bolt under shear load

factor taking Into account the disturbance of the distribution of stresses In the concrete due design value of steel resistance of one anchor of an anchor channel under shear load
to the proximity of further edges In the concrete member In case of concrete edge failure
design value of steel resistance of the connection between anchor and channel of an anchor
channel under shear load


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

design resistance In case of steel failure with lever arm under shear load 3.2.S Fasteners and fastenings, reinforcement

design resistance In case of steel failure in terms of local flexure of channel lip under shear a spactng between outer fasteners In adjoining fastenings
spactng between outer fasteners In adjoining fustenlngs In direction 1 (direction 2)
characteristic resiscmce In case of concrete edge failure under shear load (see Figure 3.4)
characteristic resistance in case of concrete pry-out failure under shear load distance between concrete surfuce and point of assumed restraint of a fastener loaded by a characteristic resistance In case of concrete pry-out failure under shear load and flre shear force with lever arm (see Figure 6.6)
exposure « factor accounting for degree of restraint of the fastening
characteristic value of steel resistance of a fastener or a channel bolt under shear load width ofanchor plate (see Figure 3.1)
characteristic value of steel resistance of one anchor of an anchor channel under shear load
width of the channel (see Figure 3.2)
characteristic value of steel resistance of the connection between anchor and channel of an
width of fixture
anchor channel under shear load
v..,.• characteristic shear resistance In case of steel failure under fire exposnre c edge distance from the axis of a fastener or the aids of an anchor channel

characteristic resistance in case of steel failure In terms of local flexure of channel lip under c, edge distance In direction 1 (see Figure 3.4)
shear load
Cz edge distance In direction 2 (see Figure 3A), where direction 2 ls perpendicular to
characteristic resistance In case of steel failure with lever arm under shear load direction 1

w, weight of the non-structural element characteristic edge distance to ensure the characteristic resistance of a single fastener

z height of the non-structural element above the level of application of the seismic action characteristic edge distance for ensuring the transmission of the characteristic resistance of
a single fastener or anchor of an anchor channel tn case of concrete break-out under tension
3.2.4 Concrete and steel loading (concrete edge faUure under shear loading)

A, stressed cross section of a fastener characteristic edge distance for ensuring the transmission of the characteristic resistance of
a single bonded fastener under tension load in case of combined concrete and pull-out failure
A"" cross section of a relnforclng bar
minimum allowable edge distance
d diameter of fastener bolt or thread diameter, diameter of the stud or shank of headed studs,
design bond strength of supplementary reinforcement effective depth to supplementary reinforcement (see Figure 6.8)
fi• nominal characteristic compressive cylinder strength (150 mm diameter by 300 mm height) diameter of an anchor ofan anchor channel (round anchor)
/uk nominal characteristic steel ultimate tensile strength
a, diameter of clearance hole In the ll:xture
nominal characteristic steel yield strength
diameter ofthe head of a headed fastener (see Figure 3.1)
nominal characteristic steel yield sLTength of reinforcement
outside diameter of a fastener
radial moment of Inertia of the fastening
E modulus of elasticity
moment of Inertia of the channel relative to they-aids of the channel (see Figure 3.2)
<1 stress In the concrete (to determine cracked vs uncracked concrete state) distance between shear load and concrete surface (see Figure 6.6)

crack width eccentricity of resultant tension force of tenstoned fasteners In respect to the centre of
gravity of the tensioned fasteners (see Figure 6.3)
elastic section modulus calculated from the stressed cross sectlon
e, distance between the line of the shear load and the axis of the supplementary reinforcement
for shear (see Figure 6.8)


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

eccentricity of resultant shear force of sheared fasteners In respect to the centre of gravtty 3.2.6 Units
of the sheared fasteners (see Figure 7.15)
In this EN SI-units are used. Unless stated otherwise In the formulae, the following units are used:
h thickness of concrete member In which the fastener or anchor channel Is Installed dlmenslons are given In mm, cross sections in mm2, section modulus in mm'. moment of inertia In mm•,
(see Figure 3.4) forces and loads In N and stresses, strengths and moduli of elasticity In N/mm2•
h,. height ofthe channel (see Figure 3.2)
h,; effective embedment depth (see Figures 3.1 to 3.3)

hmu. minimum allowed thickness of concrete member

h.,~ nominal length of the headed fastener welded to the anchor plate

ft anchorage length of the reinforcing bar In the assumed concrete break-out body
(see Figures 7.2 and 7.10)
[, effective lever arm of the shear force acting on a fastener or on an anchor channel
(see Figure 6.6) used In the calculation

'•• design anchorage length of reinforcement

[; Influence length of an external load N.. or v•• along an anchor channel (see Figure 6.7 and a) b)
Formula (6.5)) Key
n number of fasteners In a group 1 indices 1 and 2: F'or fastenings close to an edge under tension loads, index 1: direction perpendicular to the
edge, index 2: direction parallel to the edge. For shear loads the indices depend on the edge for which the
number of legs of the supplementary reinforcement effective for one fastener verification of concrete edge failure is perforn1ed (index 1: direction perpendicular to the edge for v.•hich
verification is made; index 2: perpendicular to direction 1)
diameter of reinforcing bar a) fastenings subjected to tension load
b) fastenings subjected to load in the case of fastenings near an edge
s centre to centre spacing of fasteners In a group (see Figure 3.4) or anchors of an anchor
channel (see Figure 6.7) or spacing of reinforcing bars
Figure 3.4 - Deftnttlons related to concrete member dimensions, fastener spacing and edge
spacing of fasteners In a group In direction 1 (direction 2), (see Figure 3.4) dlstance

spacing of channel bolts of an anchor channel 4 Basis of design

characteristic spacing for ensuring the transmission of the characteristic resistance of a
4.1 General
single fastener or anchor of an anchor channel
(1) With appropriate degrees of retlablllty fasteners and anchor channels shall sustain all actions and
characteristic spacing of fasteners or anchors of anchor channels to ensure the characteristic
resistance of the Individual fasteners or anchors of an anchor channel In case of concrete Influences likely to occur during execution and use (ultimate limit state). They shall not deform to an
cone failure under tension load (concrete edge failure under shear load) Inadmissible degree (serviceability limit state) and remain flt for the use for which they are required
(durablllty). They shall not be damaged by accidental events to an extent disproportional to the original
Smin minimum allowable spacing cause.

t thickness of anchor plate (see Figure 3.1) (2) Fastening and anchor channel shall be designed according to the same principles and requirements
valid for structures given in EN 1990 Including load combl.natlons and EN 1992-1-1.
thickness of the fixture NOTE A design using the partial factors given in this EN and the partial factors given in the EN 1990 Annexes
is considered to lead to a structure associated \Vith reliability class RC2, i.e. a P·value of 3,8 for a 50 year reference
thickness of grout layer period. For further information, see EN 1990.
thickness of head of headed fastener (3) The design working life of the fasteners or anchor channels shall not be less than that of the fixture.
The partial factors for resistance and durability In this EN are based on a design working life of SO years
z Internal lever arm of a fastening calculated according to the theory of elasticity
(see Figure 6.2 and Formula (7.7)); Internal lever arm of concrete member (see Figure 6.8) for the fastening or anchor channel.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(4) Values of act1ons shall be obtained from the relevant parts of the EN 1991 series and EN 1998 series (5) In the serviceability limit state the value E., which is the design value of fastener or anchor channel
In the case of seismic act1ons (see Annex C). displacement, shall be evaluated from the Information given In the relevant European Technical Product
(5) If the fastening is subjected to fatigue or seismic actions, only fasteners suitable for this application Specification. Furthermore, cracking of the concrete for fastening with supplementary reinforcement and
for embedded base plates close to an edge loaded In shear shall be considered. For c,. see Clause 11.
shall be used (see relevant European Technical Product Specification).
4.4 Verification by the partial factor method
(6) The design of the concrete member to which the tlxture transfers loads shall comply with the
EN 1992-1 series and the requiremenrs of Annex A for safe transmission of loads to the supports of the
4.4.1 Partial factors for actions
(7) For the design and execution of fastenings and anchor channels the same quality requirements are (1) Partial factors shall be In accordance with EN 1990.
valid as for the design and execut1on of structures and the attachment:
(2) For the verification of Indirect and fatigue actions the values of the partial factors Y;nd and r'""' shall
the design of the fastening and of an anchor channel shall be performed lry qualified personnel;
be used.
the execution shall comply with the requirements stated In Annex F. NOTE The values of Yi.nd and YF,fat for use in a Country may be found in its National Annex. The recommended
values for ultimate limit state are r 1 d = 1 2 for concrete failure and y. d =1 O forothermodesoffa.Hure, and in case
4.2 Required verifications n ' m '
of fatigue loading r•,f>< = 1,0.
(1) Fasteners shall be \l'ertfied In accordance with EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1998-1 (where applicable).
(2) In the ultimate limit state, verifications are required for all appropriate load directions and all 4.4.Z Partial factors for resistance
relevant failure modes. General
(3) In the serviceability limit state, It shall be shown thatthe displacements occurring under the relevant
actions are not larger than the admissible displacement. The factor to account for the sensitivity to lnstallat1on of post-Installed fasteners, Y1nst• has been included
(4) The material of the fastener and the corrosion protection shall be selected and demonstrated taking
into account the environmental conditions at the place of Installation, and whether the fasteners are as part of YMc (see Table 4.1). It has its origin in the prequaliflcatlon of the product. The factor Y1nst ls
lnspectable, maintainable and replaceable. Information Is given In tnl'ormatlve Annex B. product dependent and Is given In the relevant European Technical Product Specification. Therefore l tnst
(5) Where applicable the fastening shall have an adequate tlre resistance. For the purpose of this EN it ls shall not be modified.
assumed that the ilre resistance of the ilxture Is adequate. Annex Ddescribes the principles, requirements
and rules for the design of fastenings exposed to tlre.
4.3 Design format

(1) At the ultimate Um it state It shall be shown that:

Ed~ Rd (4.1)

and atthe serviceability limit state It shall be shown that

Ed ~Cd (4.2)

(2) The forces In the fasteners shall be derived using appropriate combinations of actions on the fixture
In accordance with EN 1990. Forces Q;•• resulting from restraint to deformation, Intrinsic (e.g. shrinkage)
or emlnsic (e.g. temperature \tarlations), of the attached member shall be taken into account In the
design of fasteners. The design action shall be taken as 11, d ·Qmd.
(3) In general actions on the fixture may be calculated ignoring the displacement of the fasteners or of
the anchor channels. However, the effect of displacement of the fasteners or of the anchor channels
should be considered when a statically indeterminate stiff element ls fastened.
(4) In the ultimate limit state the value of the design resistance ls obtalned from the characteristic
resistance of the fastener, the group of fasteners or anchor channels as follows:



::;.;::;:.. !

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018
Table 4.1- Recommended values of partial factors •
Failure modes
Partial factor J,
- ~
Permanent and transient design situations Accidental design situation w
Steel failure- fasteners
--- [~J
Tension s 1.2·Jwf"'"1,4 =1.o5 -1w1,,.. .. 1,25

Shear with and without I )1>11 • 1,0·fwf>'<"1.25 when fuJtS aoo N/mm2 awi f,,../fuJ<S 0,8 I = 1,0 ·f,.i,lf,~ "1.25 when fuJ< :s; 800 N/mm2an.d. f,,../fuJ<S o.a
• 1,S whcn/uJt > 800 N/mm2 .w: fyt,/fult > 0,8 = 1,3 whenfuJt > 800 N/nun' .W: fYo./fuJ< > 0,8
Steel failure - anchor channels

Tension in andlors
and channel bolts -1.2-Jwf"'" 1.4 = 1.05 ·Jw;;~" 1,25

Shear with and without I )').t. • 1,0 -Jwf.,." 1,25 whcnfuJt s aoo N/mm2a.w;lf)i<//111<S 0,8 I = 1,0 -J.ilJ.,." 1,25 when /111< s aoo N/mm2an.d. f>i</f111<S 0,8
lever arm in channel
bolts • 1,5 when/111< > 800 N/mm2.w:_fyt,/fult > 0,8 = 1,3 when/111<> 800 N/mm2 .w: J>'<f/111<> 0,8

Connection between
anchor a_nd channel in I nu,. • 1,8 =1,6
tension and shear

Local failure of anchor

channel by bending of I y..., • 1,8 =1.6
lips in tension and shea r

Bending of channel I ni- • 1,15 =1,0

Steel failure - supplementary reinforcement

Tension )!>.... =1,15. =1,0


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Concrete related failure

Concrete cone failure, Yt.t• • Yc· Yin.t = Ye· Ywt

concrete edge failure, Ye • 1,S• = 1,2•
for seismic repair and strengthening of existing for seismic repair and strengthening of existing
concrete blow-out structures see the EN 1998 series structures seethe EN 1998 series
failure, concrete pry-out ·-
failure • 1,0 for headed fasteners and anchor channels satisfying the r equirements of 4.6 (in tension and shear)

r- :!: 1,0 for post-Installed fasteners in tension, see relevant European Technical Product Spedflcatlon

= 1,0 for post-instilled fasteners in shear

Concrete splitting failure )')lq "l'N<

Pull-out and
combined pull-out and
concrete failure
Y;c, =r"'
• The values are in accordance with EN 1992-1-1.




•' x
- I
EVS·EN 1992-4:2018 EVS·EN 1992-4:2018

4.4.:Z.:Z Ultimate limit state (static, quasi static and seismic loading) S) position of the attachment on the fixture Including tolerances;

(1) Partial factors for fastenings under static, quasi statlc and seismic loading shall be applied to 6) maximum thickness of a possible Intervening layer e.g. grout or Insulation between the fl=re
characterlstlc resistances. and surface of the concrete;
(2) The recommended values for the partial factors for fastenings under seismic loading are Identical to 7) (special) lnstallatlon Instructions (if applicable). These shall not contradlct the manufacturer's
the corresponding values for quasi static loading. For accidental loads the partial factors accon:llng to lnstallatlon Instructions.
Table 4.1 are recommended.
NOTE The wlue ora partial !'actor for use in a Counoy under S1'1DC, quasi S1'1dc, selsmk and accidental loading e) Reference to the manufucturer's Installation lnstrucllons.
may be found in its Nalional Annex, when the partial factor is not product dependent The recommended values are
given In Table 4.1. They take into account that the characteristic resistlance for .steel failure Is based onf• except{,. t) A note that the fasteners shall be Installed ensuring the specified embedment depth.
should be used for bending or the channel oranchor channels and steel f'ailure or supplementory reinforcement
(2) For additional quality assurance of the Installation project specification may call for proof loading of
4 .4.2.3 Ultimate limit state (fatigue loading) Installation on site.
4.6 Installation of fasteners
Partial fuc-rors for fastenings under fatigue loadlng r M•.b<' r M<.b<' r MS!>/:" and r Mp.ta• shall be applied to
characteristic resistances. The resistance and rellabllli:y of fastenings are slgnlllcantly lnlluenced by the manner In which the
NOTE The values of the partial fact ors for fastenings under fatigue loading for use In a Country may be found fasteners are Installed. The partial fuctors given In 4.4 are valld only when the conditions and the
assumptions given In Annex Fare f'ulfllled.
In its National Annex. For the partial factor for n1aterial, the follo\ving values arc recomn•ended: r MJJ.1t = 1,35
4. 7 Determination of concrete condition
(steel failure) and rMc.fat =yMp,fat =1, 5 • r 1nst (concrete related failure modes).
(1) In the region of the fastening the concrete may be cracked or uncracked. The condition of the concrete Servlceabtllty limit state for the service life of the fastening shall be determl.n ed by the designer.
NOTE In general, it is conservative t.o assume that the concrete is cracked over its service life.
The partial factor for resistance Is yM and shall be applied to characteristic resistances.

N01'E The value of the partial factor for serviceability lirnit state for use In n Country ntay be found in its (2) Untracked concrete may be assumed If It Is proven that under the characteristic combination of
loading at serviceability limit state the fastener with Its entire embedment depth Is located In uncracked
National Annex. For the partial factor YM the value YM ~ 1,0 Is recommended.
concrete. This will be satlsAed If Formula ( 4.4) Is observed (compressive stresses are negative):
4.5 Project specification (4.4)
(1) The project speclllcatlon shall typically Include the following.
a) Strength class of the concrete used In the design and tndlcatfon as to whether the concrete Is assumed
to be cracked or not cracked. Jfuncracked concrete Is assumed, verlflcatlon Is required (see 4.7). Is the stress Jn the concrete Induced by external loads Including fastener loads

b) Environmental exposure assumed In design (see EN 206). Is the stress In the concrete due to restraint of Intrinsic Imposed defonnatlons (e.g.
shrlnkage of concrete) or extrinsic Imposed deformations (e.g. due to dlsplacement of
c) A note Indicating that the number, manufacturer, type and geometry of the fasteners or support or temperature varlatlons). If no detailed analysis Is conducted, then
manufacturer, type and geometry of anchor channel or channel bolts shall not be changed unless "• • 3 N/mm2 should be assumed;
verified and approved by the responsible designer.
Is the admissible tenslle stress for the definition of uncracked concrete.
d) Construction drawings or supplementary design documents should Include:
The stresses "L and a2 should be calculated assuming that the concrete Is uncracked. For concrete
1) location of the fasteners or anchor channels In the structure, Including tolerances;
members which transmit loads In two directions (e.g. slabs, walls and shells) Formula (4.4) should be
fullllled for both directions.
2) number and type of fasteners (including embedment depth) or type of anchor channels and
channel bolts;
NOTE The value of t:1adm may be found In a Country's N:itional Annex. The recommended value is a 8 dm = 0

3) spacing and edge distance of the fastenings or anchor channels Including tolerances (normally and is based on the characteristic combination of loading at the serviceability limit state.
these should be specltled with positive toler.1nces only);

4) thickness ofllxture and diameter of the clearance holes (lfappllcable);


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

5 Durability N.,

Fasteners and fixtures shall be chosen to have adequate durab1llty taking Into account the environmental ,- .. _
conditions for the structure (such as exposure classes) as given In EN 1992-1-1.
! i
NOTE 1 Product specific information n1igbt be stated in the relevant European Technical Product Specification. 1.. I l_
·' 1 r
NOTE 2 Further information is given in informative Annex B. ; ~ 1-
6 Derivation of forces acting on fasteners - analysis
I c,.
6.1 Gen eral
(1) Clause 6 appUes to static and quasi static loading. The requirements for fatigue and seismic loading
are given In Clauses 8 and 9, respectively.
(2) The actions acting on a llxture shaU be transferred to the fasteners as statically equivalent tension
and shear forces. a) b)

(3) When a bending moment and/or a compression force act on a fixture, which Is In contact wlth Key
concrete or mortar, a friction force will develop. If a shear force 1s also acting on a flxture, this friction w111 1 eccentricity
reduce the shear force on the fastener. However, In this EN friction forces are neglected In the design of
Cpr prying force
the fastenings.
(4) Eccentricities and prying effects shall be explicitly considered In the design of the fastening a) NE.i.1 = Ns d + c",.
(see Figure 6.1). Pry1ngforces Cp, arlse with deformation of the fixture and displacement of the fasteners.
b) NFAl. 1 = NEd.2 o O,SNEd + Cpr
(5) Jn general, elastic analysis may be used for establishing the loads on Individual fasteners both at
ultimate and serviceability llmlt states.
Figure 6.1 - Eccentricity and prying action - Examples for amplltlcatlon of tension for ces acting
For ultimate Umlt states plastic analysis for headed and post-Installed fasteners may be used, If the on fastener a) d ue to e ccentrlclly and b) due t.o prying action
conditions of CEN/TR 17081, Design offastenings for use In concrete - Plastic design offastenings with
heoded and post-Installed fasteners, are observed.
6.2 Headed fasteners and post-installed fasteners

6.2.1 Tension loads

(1) The design value of tension loads acting on each fastener due to the design values of normal forces
and bending moments acting on a rigid fixture may be calculated assuming a llnear distribution of strains
as shown In Figure 6.2 and a linear relationship between strains and stresses. if the fixture bears on the
concrete with or without a grout layer, the compression forces are transmitted to the concrete by the
fixture. The load distribution to the fasteners may be calculated analogous to the elastic analysis of
reinforced concrete using the followlng assumptions (see Figure 6.2).
a) The fixture Is sufficiently rigid s uch that linear strain distribution will be valid (analogous to
Bernoulli hypothesis).

b) The a:xial stiffness of all fasteners ls equal. The stiffness should be determined on the basis of the
elastic steel strains Jn the fastener.

c) The modulus of elasticity of the concrete is taken from EN 1992-1-1. As a simplification, the modulus
of elasticity of concrete may be assumed as E, = 30 ooo N/mm 2. lfno specific Information Is available
In the relevant European Technical Product Specification, the modulus of elasticity of steel of the
fastener may, as a simplification, be assumed as Eis = 210 ooo N/mm 2 .

d) In the zone of compression under the flxture the fasteners do not take up normal forces.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

e) The assumption In 6.2.1 (1) a) may be considered to be satisfied If the base plate remains elastic
under design actions ("'Ed,; "'Rd) and Its deformation remains negligible In comparison with the axial Nrnt
displacement of the fasteners. If this requirement for the deformation Is not fulfllled the elastic
defonnatlon behavtour of the fixture shall be taken Into account adequately to determine the design value
of tension loads acting on each fastener.
f) For fastener groups with different levels of tension forces N•oU acting on the Individual fasteners of a •) N1, :!.NEd,I
group, the eccentricity eN of the tension force Nfd of the group with respect to the centre of gravity of the b
Nfoi: Ntd
tensioned fasteners Influences the concrete related resistances of the group (I.e. resistances In case of
concrete cone failure, combined pull-out and concrete fallure of bonded fasteners, concrete splitting
failure and concrete blow-out fallure). Therefore this eccentricity shall he calculated (see Figures 6.2 and 3 4 -+-+-""11''-1

6.3). If the tensioned fasteners do not form a rectangular pattern (see Figure 6.3 c)), for reasons of
simplicity the group of tensioned fasteners may be shaped Into a rectangular group to calculate the centre
of gravity. It may be assumed as point '5' In Figure 6.3 c). This simplification will lead to a larger 1···
eccentricity and a reduced concrete resistance.
----- --- ~)
0,5s1 o,ss,
N1, :!.NE,,I
s, s, '
NEd1 = NEil

5 3,,
1 con1pressed area

2 neutral axis
~/3 3 geomenic centre of gravity of tensioned fasteners
4 point of resultant tensile force of tensioned fasteners
5 centre of gravity In simplified approach
NEd, l = tts, l 'Es' As
a) eccentricity in one direction, all fasteners are loaded by a tension force
b) eccennicity in one direction, only a part of the fasteners of the group are loaded by a tension force
c) eccennicity in nvo directions, only a part of the fasteners of the group are loaded by a tension force
Figure 6.Z - Fastening with a rigid fixture bearing on the concrete loaded by a bending moment
and a normal force - Example
Figure 6.3 - Fastenings subjected to an eccentric tensile force N 8• - Examples


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

6.2.2 Shear loads General - 1¥
Only fastenings with no hole clearances or clearances In the direction of the shear load complying with
Table 6.1 are covered by this EN.
- Dlstrlbutton ofloads
• •
(1) The load distribution depends on the effectiveness of fasteners to resist shear loads which Is, e.g.
Influenced by the hole clearance and the edge distance. The following cases are distinguished.
a) All fasteners are considered to be effective for each of the fol101,~ng cases: Key

1) if the fastening Is located far from an edge (c1 ;,: ma.,{tohe( 60dnmn }) ;

2) for verification of steel failure and pry-out failure;

3) If the fastening Is loaded by a torsion moment (see Figure 6.4), or by a shear load parallel to the Ip ra s2I + s22
edge (see Figure 6.5 a)).

b) Only fasteners closest to the edge loaded In shear are assumed to be effective for the veritlcatlon of Figure 6.4- Determination of shear loads when all fasteners are effective In verification -
Example of torsion moment acting on a quadruple fastening
concrete edge failure If the fastening Is located close to the edge < (c umx
{tohef ·60d
}) and

loaded perpendicular to the edge (see Figure 6.5 b)).

(2) A fastener Is not considered to resist shear loads if the hole Is slotted In the direction of the shear
Table 6.1 - Hole clearance
Dimensions in millimetres


diameter of a) b) c)
1 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 27 30 >30
fastener d'
a) group with two fasteners close to an edge loaded parallel to the edge
dlameterdr b) group with four fasteners close to an edge loaded perpendicular to the edge
of clearance d + 3 or
2 7 9 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 33 c) quadruple fastening close to an edge loaded by an inclined shear load
hole In the dnnm + 3
Figure 6.5 - Determination of shear loads for verification of concrete edge failure; only the
' If bolt bears against die fixture. forces In the fasteners closest to the edge (solid lines) are considered In the verification -
b If sleeve bears against the fixture. Examples

NOTE 1 Applications \Vhere bolts are \Velded to the fixture or scret,_ied into the fixture, or in the cases tvhere any NOTE 2 In case of groups of fasteners 'INhere only tl1e fasteners closest to the edge are effective, the component
gap between the fastener and the fixture is filled with n1ortar of sufficient cotnpressive strength (2 40N/mm2) or of the load acting perpendicular to the edge is taken up by the fasteners closest to the edge, \Vhile the components
elinUnated by other suitable means may be considered to have no hole clearance. of the load acting parallel to the edge - due to reasons of equilibrium - are equally distributed to all fasteners of the
group (see Figure 6.5 c)).

Shear loads acting away from the edge do not significantly Influence the concrete edge resistance.
Therefore, the component of a shear load acting away from the verltled concrete edge may be neglected
in the calculation of the shear forces on the fasteners close to the verltled edge.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 Shear loads with and without lever arm a3 = 0,5 d0~
(1) Shear loads acting on fastenings may be assumed to act without a lever arm if all of the following = 0 If a washer and a nut are directly clampE.'d to the concrete surface or to the surface of
conditions are satistleci an anchor channel or if a levelling grout layer with a compressive strength "30 N/nun2
a) The fixture Is made out of stE.'el and is In contact with the fastener over a length ofat Jeast0,5 · t"". and a thickness tgrout s; d / 2 is present.

b) The fixture Is fixed: Is the factor accounting for the degree of restraint of the fastener at the side of the fixture of
the application in question. It should be determined according to good engineering practice.
1) either directly to the concrete without an Intermediate layer; or
No restraint (a M; 1,0) shall be assumed If the flxture can rotate freely.
2) using a levelling mortar with a thickness cl!l"•' sO,Sd under at least the full dimensions of the Full restraint ("M= z,o) may be assumed only if the fixture cannot rotate.
flxture on a rough concrete surface (see EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.5) as intermediate layer; the
strength of the mortar shall be at least that of the base concrete but not less than 30 N/mm>.

When the above conditions are not satlsfled, shear force on fastenings should be assumed to act with
l VEd

lever arm. 1 5 4
(2) If In (1) only condition b) Is not satisfied, a reduced steel shear capacity of the fasteners In :
accordance with (3) may be used for fastenings In uncracked concrete Instead of a design with
lever arm provided all the following condltlons are satlstled:
there are at least two fasteners In the direction ofthe shear forc.e; ---3
no bending moment or tension force Is acting on the base plate;

the fastener spacing In the direction of the shear force exceeds lOd (If Inclined shear forces are acting ..
this condition shall be fulfilled for both dlrectlons);
a) b)
the thickness of the mortar bed t"'oo' Is Jess than or equal to 40 mm and ~ Sd (fasteners without a Key
sleeve) or ssa.o,. (fasteners with a sleeve); 1 fastener
2 concrete element
a mortar bed ls applied at least to the full dimensions of the tlxture on a rough concrete surface 3 attachment
(see EN 1992-1-1:2004, 6.2.5); 4 channel bolt
5 special \Vasher
the strength of the mortar bed is at least that of the base concrete but not Jess than 30 N/mm2.
a) stand-offinstallation
(3) If the shear load acts with a lever arm, a bending moment acting on the fastener shall be accounted
for. The design bendlng moment acting on the fastener Is calculated accordlng to Formula (6.1): b) stand·off installation \Vith nut and \vasher to prevent concrete spalling
c) stand*offinstaUation with anchor channels
= Ii'.· -
Rd Cl '·
Figure 6.6 - Definition of the lever arm

where 6.3 Anchor channels

(6.2) 6.3.1 General

v.. Is the shear load acting on the fastener under consideration (see Figure 6.6) (1) The distribution of tension loads acting on the channel to the anchors of the anchor channel may be
calculated treating the channel as a beam on elastic support (anchors) with a partial restraint of the
channel ends as statical system. The resulting anchor forces depend signlllcantly on the assumed anchor
stiffness and degree of restraint. For shear loads the load distribution Is additionally Influenced by the
e, Is the distance between shear load and concrete surface neglecting the thickness of any pressure distribution in the contact zone between channel and concrete.
levelllnggrout (see Figure 6.6)
(2) As a simpliflcatlon for anchor channels with two anchors the loads on the anchors may be calculated
assuming a simply supported beam with a span length equal to the anchor spacing.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

(3) For anchor channels with two or more anchors as an alternative the triangular load distribution N{D
method to calculate the distribution of tension and shear loads to the anchors may be used (see 6.3.2 and e
( 4) In the case of shear loads, this EN covers only shear loads acting on the channel perpendicular to Its •
longitudinal axis. I I ,1
I J I ~ I J ' J
NOTE Shear loads acting in direction of the longitudinal axis of the anchor channel are covered in I '
CENfrR 17080, Design offastenings for use in concrete - Anchor c/Jannels - Supplementary rules. s s s s
6 .3.2 Tension loads
(1) The tension In each anchor caused by a tension load acting on the channel is calculated according to e
Formula (6.3), which assumes a linear load distribution over the influence length/; and takes Into account
the condition of equlllbrlum. The influence length /; shall be calculated according to Formula (6.5). An
example for the calculation of the forces acting on the anchors Is given In Figure 6.7.

A'I Is the ordinate at the position of the anchor I ofa triangle with the unit height at the
position ofload N~~ and the base length 21;
1 4 5
I; I,
K ey
a) anchor channel \.Vith 5 anchors
/. =l 3 . 1o.os . 5 o,s;;,: s
I y (6.5) b) on elastic support
c) triangular load d istribution method
n Is the number of anchors on the channel within the lnt1uence length/; to either side of the /. -e-s
applied load Ne• (Figure 6.7) A2 = I /. ;
N•Ed.2 -- A'2' k . Ncb

(2) If several tension loads are acting on the channel a linear superposition of the anchor forces for all /. -e
loads shall be assumed. A3 =-·,-. ;
(3) If the exact position of the load on the channel Is not known, the most unfavourable loading position
shall be assumed for each failure mode (e.g. load acting over an anchor for the case offallure of an anchor Ii - s+ e
by steel rupture or pull-out and load acting between anchors In the case of bending faJiu re of the channel). /.I '

(4) The design bending moment M~ in the channel due to tension loads N~~ acting on the channel bolts •
N lid,l is

N 8d,S = 0
maybe calculated assuming a simply supported single span beam with a span length equal to the anchor
spacing. Figure 6. 7 - calculation of anchor force s a ccording to the triangular load distribution method
The assumption of a simply supported beam to calculate the moments Is a simplification which neglects for an anchor chann el with five anch ors - Example
the lntluence of partial end restraints, continuous beam action for channels with more than two anchors
and catenary action alter yielding of the channel. The characteristic .-alues of the moments of the 6.3.3 Shear loads
resistance given In the European Technical Product Speclflcatlon take these effects into account. They
may be larger than the plastic moment, calculated with the dimensions of the channel and nominal yield (1) The provisions given In shall be used to determine whether a shear load acts with or without
strength of the steel. a lever arm on the channel bolt.
(2) The shear forces of each anchor due to a shear load acting on the channel perpendicular to its
longitudinal axis may be calculated in the same manner as described in 6.3.2.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

,_l ,_
NOTE Shear loads applied perpendicular to anchor channels are transferred as compression at the interface (4) For anchor channels the supplementary reinforcement of all anchors shall be designed for a force v••
bet\veen channel and concrete and by the anchors. Jn addition for reasons of equilibrium the anchors are stressed that ls the greater of the shear force on the most loaded anchor and on the most loaded channel bolt.
by tension forces. Generally, the percentage of the shear load taken up by the channel and the anchors may vary
depending on the geometry of the anchor channel In the approach presented above it is assumed that shear forces .. Ve• .,
are transferred by bending of the channel to the anchors and by the anchors in to the concrete. This shnplified
approach has been chosen to alloliv for simple interaction bet\veen tension and shear forces acting on the channel. • t ~
... ?Neo...
(3) For verification of concrete edge failure components of shear loads acting away from the edge may
... -- Ceo
-- Ceo
be neglected when calculating the anchor forces. 1

6.4 Forces assigned to supplementary r einforcement \ \

6 .4.1 General c, c,

The design tension forces acting In the supplementary reinforcement shall be establlshed using an a) b)
appropriate strut and tle model. Examples see Flgure 7.2 (tension load) and Figure 7.10 (shear load).
K ey
6.4.2 Tension loads
a) base plate with headed fastener
b) anchor channel
(1) The s upplementary reinforcement shall be designed for Ne• (single fastener) or N~d (group of
faste-ners). This reinforcement Is then applied to all fasteners. Figure 6.8 - Surface rein forcement to take up s hear forces - Forces In th e rein forcem ent
(2) For anchor channels the supplementary reinforcement of all anchors shall be designed for the force
N~d of the most loaded anchor. 7 Verification of ultimate limit state
6 .4.3 Shear loads 7.1 General
(1) When supplementary reinforcement Is placed In the direction of the design shear force, the design (1) Clause 7 applies to static loading. The requirements for fatigue and seismic loading are given In
tension force N.~, In the supplementary reinforcement caused by the design shear force v.. acting on a Clauses 8 and 9, respectively.
fixture perpendicular and towards to the edge shall be calculated according to Formula (6.6):
(2) In the design of fastenings the values of/,. used for calculation shall not exceed 60 N/mm2 even ifthe

NB; =(•; +t} vEd (6.6)

structure uses a higher strength class.
(3) It shall be demonstrated that Formula (4.1) is fulfilled for all loading directions (tension, shear,
combined tension and shear) as well as all failure modes for each load combination.
where (see Figure 6.8):
( 4) The verlflcatlon shall be perfonned for the fastener or group of fasteners considered effective for the
e, Is the distance between axis of reinforcement and line of shear force acting on the fixture; specltlc failure mode for the loads resulting from the applied actions on the fixture.

z "' 0,85· d with d not larger than mln{Z h.r, 2ct } (5) This section applies when forces on the fasteners have been calculated using elastic analysis.
(6) Both edge distance and spacing shall be specified only with positive tolerances.
NOTE In case of deep sections the intern.a] lever a11n \viii be much sn1al1er than the section. Therefore, the
effective depth is limited to min{2 h,r, 2 ei}. (7) The formulae to calculate the characteristic resistances for concrete failure modes under tension
loads as well as shear loads In case of pry-out failure are valid for a spacing between outer fasteners of
When die design shear force Is Inclined and towards the edge the s upplementary reinforcement may be adjoining groups or a distance between single fasteners or single fasteners and outer fasteners of
designed assuming that the total design shear force Is acting perpendicular and towards to the edge. adjoining groups of a ~ $")1 · For shear loads In case of concrete edge failure a "3c1 Is valid.
When the design shear force Is parallel to the edge or inclined and away from the edge the supplementary
reinforcement may conservatively be designed simply assuming that the component of die design shear (8) Aborted drill holes filled with non-shrinkage mortar with a strength at least equal to the base
force parallel to the edge ls acting perpendicular and towards to the edge. material and ;,: 40 N/mm 2 may be neglected In the design.
(2) In the case of different shear forces on the fasteners of a fixture, Formula (6.6) shall be solved for the
(9) The vertflcatlons given In 7.2 take Into account all directions of load and all failure modes. As an
shear load v;d of the most loaded fastener resulting In· This force Is then applied to the design of alternative simplified design methods are given In Informative Annex G.
the supplementary reinforcement of all fasteners. (10) In the calculation of the cross section area of supplementary reinforcement, the cross section
(3) Ifthe supplementary reinforcement Is not arranged In the direction of the shear force, this shall be area of any underutilized reinforcement provided In the member for other purposes may be Included
taken Into account In the calculation of the design tension force of the reinforcement to maintain provided such reinforcement meets the detailing requirements In this document.
equilibrium in the strut and lie model.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

7.2 Hea ded and post-installed fast eners b) Where supplementary reinforcement has been sized for the most loaded fastener, the same
reinforcement shall be provided around all fasteners.
7.2.1 Tension load
c) The supplementary reinforcement should be placed symmetrically as close to the fasteners as
7.2 .1.1 Required verifications practicable to minimize the effect of eccentricity associated with the angle of the failure cone.
Preferably, the supplementary reinforcement should enclose the surface reinforcement.
The verifications of Table 7.1 apply. The failure modes addressed are given In Figure 7.1.
reinforcement bars with a distance ,,;o,75h0r from the fastener shall be assumed as effective.

d) Only supplementary reinforcement with an anchorage length In the concrete failure cone of /1 l! 4f
(anchorage w1th bends, hooks or loops) or /1 ;;, 1~ (anchorage with straight bars with or without
welded transverse bars) shall be assumed as effective.

e) The supplementary reinforcement shall be anchored outside the assumed failure cone with an
a) b) c) anchorage length~ according to EN 1992-1-1 (see Figure 7.2 a)). Concrete cone failure assuming an
embedment length corresponding to the end of the supplementary reinforcement shall be verified
using Formula (7.1) for N..,, This verification may be omitted lfln reinforced structural elements the
t t t tension In the anchored reinforcing bar is transferred to the reinforcement In the structural element
by adequate lapping.

t) Surface reinforcement should be provided as shown ln Figure 7.2 designed to resist the forces arising
from the assumed strut and tie model and the splitting forces according to (2)b).

d) e)

•) steel failure
b) concrete cone failure
c) pull·out failure
d) combined putl ..out and concrete faiJure of bonded fasteners
•) concrete splitting failure a) b)
I) concrete blowMout failure
Figure 7.1 - Failure modes of headed or pos t-Installed fasteners under ten sion load 1 supplementary reinforcement
2 surface reinforcement
7.2 .1.2 Detailing of supp lementary rein forcement
Figure 7.2 - a) Fastening with s upplementary reinforcement to talce up tension loads;
(1) When the design relies on supplementary reinforcement', concrete cone failure according to b) Corresponding s trut and tie model - Example
Table 7.1 and need not be verified but the supplementary reinforcement shall be designed
according to to resist the total load.
(2) The supplementary reinforcement to take up tension loads shall comply with the following
requirements (see also Figure 7.2).
a) The reinforcement shall consist of ribbed reinforcing bars (!yf<.re s; 600 N/mm 2 ) with a diameter ~
not larger than 16 mm and shall be detailed as stirrups or loops with a mandrel diameter ~m
according to EN 1992-1-1.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Table 7.1- Required vertflcatlons for beaded and post-Installed fasteners In tension (7.2)
Falluremode Single fastener Group of fasteners
most loaded fastener group
kt = k,,,N for cracked concrete
1 Steel fallure of NRk.s h / N _ N Rk,s
fastener NE<!,; NRd,$ = - - N Ed::. Rd,s - - - = ku1:r.N for uncracked concrete
• Ms Y14, k,,,N and k""·" are given In the corresponding European Technical Product Specification.
2 Concrete cone NRk:c NOTE Indicative vaJues for ka,» and kucr.N are kcr.N = 7,7 aud kw:r,H = 11,0 for post-installed fasteners and
failure NEd ,; NRd,c =--· ko~ = 8,9 and kucr,rl = 12,7 for cast-in headed fasteners.

3 Pull-out failure of (3) The geometric effect of axial spacing and edge distance on the characteristic resistance Is taken Into
fastener• NEd .:NRd,p =-- account by the value A,w / A~
41Combined pull-out NRk,p
and concrete NEd ,;NRd
=- -
r Mp (7.3)
s Concrete spllttlng Nkk.sp is the reference projected area, see Figure 7.3.
failure NEd S:NRd,sp =--
YMsp A,w Is the actual projected area, limited by overlapping concrete cones of adjacent fasteners
6 I Concrete blow-out NRk,cb
(s ,; s«,N) as well as by edges of the concrete member ( c s. ccr,N ) • An example for the
fallure' NEd ,;NRdcb =-- calculation of A<,11 is given ln Figure 7.4.
. 1 Mc
I c".N Is given In the corresponding European Technical Product Specification and s,,,N = 2 <o,,N.
7 Steel failure of
N Ed.~ s; N =--
NIU:.... Nh s.N - NRk,,.
reinforcement - -r-- NOTE For headed and post-instaUed fasteners according to current experience SaJ4 = 2 Ca)J = 3 hef.

8 Anchorage failure N £<!,,. ,; N Rd,a

of reinforcement \ "
:i Not required for post~inst.alled bonded fasteners.
b Not required for headed and post·inst.aUed n1echanical fasteners.
' For cases v.•hich require verification see (1).


•; S:rtl \ Steel failure orfastener '1 J~ ~ I

·~'j·· ~1.i i
The characteristic resistance of a fastener In case of steel fallure N-.... ls given In the relevant European
Technical Product Specification. The characteristic resistance Is based onfu~ Concrete cone failure

(1) The characteristic resistance of a fastener, a group of fasteners and the tensioned fasteners of a group
; ~~ (
'·.--:_ __·_·:___-~ _____ _j
of fasteners In case of concrete cone failure shall be obtained as given In Fonnula (7.1):
1 concrete cone

Figure 7.3 - Idealized concrete cone and area A~N of concrete cone of an lndtvlduat fastener
The different factors of Formula (7.1) are given below.
(2) The characteristic resistance of a single fastener placed In concrete and not influenced by adjacent
fasteners or edges of the concrete member Is obtained as follows:


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

'l',.w - ( ) Sl (7.6)
I tJJ 1+ 2· ' N I 5 cr.N

Where there Is an eccentricity In two directions, 111 ec:.Jlf shall be determined separately for each direction
and the product of both factors shall be Inserted In Formula (7.1).

(7) The factor l'M)l takes Into account the effect of a compression force between fixture and concrete In
cases ofbendlng moments with or without axial force.

= 1 for the following cases:

- fastenings \\llth an edge distance c< 1,5 hef;
Ac.N a (c 1 +s 1 -t·O,Sscr,H) ·(c2 +s2 -1·0,Sscr,H)
- fastenings wlth c <! 1, S het' loaded by a bending moment and a tension force with
C6d I Ned< 0,8, where c.. 1s the resultant compression force between fixture and
concrete (taken as absolute value) and N.. Is the resultant tension force of the
When the fastening Is close to one edge only, the value of c1 (or cz) parallel to the edge should be replaced tensioned fasteners; or
by 0,5 s"·" and the expression for A<• should be modified accordingly. - fastenings with z / hcf 2 1,5
Figure 7.4 - Acrual area A,• of the Idealized concrete cone for a group of four fasteners - z
= 2 - - - ;, 1 for all other cases. (7.7)
Example 1,5 h,.

(4) The factor 'I' s,N takes account of the disturbance of the dlstrtbutlon of stresses In the concrete due to In case of bending In two directions z shall be determined for the combined action ofthe moments In two
directions and axial force.
the pro:ximlty of an edge of the concrete member. For fastenings with several edge distances (e.g.
fas tening In a comer of the concrete member or In a narrow member), the smallest edge distance c shall (8) For the case of fasteners In an appllcatlon with three or more edge distances less than c"·" from the
be Inserted In Formula (7.4). fasteners (see Figure 7.5) the calculation according to Formula (7.1) leads to conservative results. More
precise results are obtained If In the case of single fasteners the value h" Is substituted by
Y' s,N
. '
- - :>1 (7.4)
ccr.N I C mi~
• =-
c - ·hr
c (7.8)
(5) The shell spalllng factor \ifre,N applies when h,.. < 100 mm and accounts for the effect of dense
reinforcement between which the fastener Is Installed: or In !:he case of groups h,.. fs substll'Uted by

ljl = 0 5 + ...!!:._ ,; 1 (7.5) (7.9)
re,N ' 200

The factor \ifre,N may be taken as 1,0 In the following cases: where
a) reinforcement (any diameter) Is present at a spacing~ 150 mm, or
Is the maximum distance from centre of a fastener to the edge of concrete member ~ ccr,11"
b) reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm or smaller ls present at a spacing~ 100 mm.
= s2 ( ,; •cr,N) for applications l\1th three edges (see Figure 7.5 a));
The conditions a) orb) shall be fulfilled for both directions In case of reinforcement In two directions.
= max(s1;s2) :S:scr,N (see Figure 7.5 b)).
(6) The factor yl ec,N takes account of a group effect when different tension loads are acting on the
individual fasteners ofa group. For fastenings without hole clearance where three fasteners In a row close to an edge are allowed, Sm,, ls
the maximum centre to centre distance of outer fasteners :>: 2scr,N.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

' --

u:tt N


..s.I --
I c,, s, (12


a) (c,;c2,1;cz,2)!!i:ccr)f <J

b) ( C1,1; C1,z; Cz,1; cz,z} ~ ccr,.H I• ~ I 'I '' 0

G' "'
Figure 7.5- Fastenings In concrete memberswbere h~. s~,N and c;,.M may be used- Examples '
s r,
The value h~ ls Inserted in Formula (7.2). In Formulae (7.3), (7.4) and (7.6) and forthe determination of Key
" •

A<• according to Figure 7.4 the values s~,N and c~r)I defined as: Ct = 110 mm
C2 = 100 n1n1

Cl =120 n1n1 =Cina
s =210 n1n1
are Inserted for s".N and c"·"' respectively. hot =200 n1n1
NOTE An example for the calculation of h;r is given in Figure 7.6. ,,~ ~ tnHX {120 / 1.5; 210 /3} = BO mm .

Figure 7.6 - ruusttatlon of the calculation of h~ for a double fastening Influenced by 4 edges Pull-out failure of fastener

The characteristic resistance In case of pull-out failure N.._,

of post-Installed mechanical and headed
fasteners ls given In the relevant European Technical Product Speclflcal'lon.
For headed fasteners the characteristic resistance N.._., Js llmlted by the concrete pressure under the head
of the fastener accordlng to Formula (7.11):

NRk.p = k2 . Ah . f,k

A• Is the load bearing area of the head of the fastener

2 2) for circular shaped heads

= ff ( db -d 0 (7.12)


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

k• = 7,5 for fasteners In cracked concrete The ratio a,0, should be determined by the designer for the fastening to be designed. Guidance may be
= 10,5 for fasteners In uncracked concrete given In national documents.
{3) The geometric effect of axial spacing and edge distance on the characteristic resistance Is taken Into
In Formula {7.12) d. should riot be taken larger than 6 t•+ d.
account by the value ~.N / ~.1<, where Combined pull-out and concrete failure In case of post-Installed bonded fasteners
A~,N : •er.Np. •er.Np reference bond Influence area of an indJvldual fastener
{1) The characteristic resistance of a fastener, a group offasteners and the tensioned fasteners of a group
of fasteners In case of combined pull-out and concrete failure shall be obtained as given In Formula {7.13).
Ap)I is the actual bond Influence area, limited by overlapping areas of adjacent fasteners ( s ,;; s.,.,Np)
o Ap,N
NRl<.p = NRk,p ·- - ·l"g.Np ' 'I' s,Np ' 'l're,N "l"ec,Hp {7.13) as well as by edges of the concrete member c ~ «,..Np.

The different factors of Formula {7.13) are given below.
{2) The characteristic resistance of a single bonded fastener N~µ not Influenced by adjacent bonded
is the value r Rk,iia for uncracked concrete C20 /25
fasteners or edges of the concrete member Is calculated as:

{7.14) {7.16)

where NOTE A:.w and Ap,N" are ca)culated similar to the reference projected area A~N and the actual projected area
A(,r<in case of concrete cone failure (Figures 7.3 and 7.4). Ho\.vever, the values Ser,» and Cr:r,» are replaced by the values
\f/sus = 1 for a,05 S: v1~ {7.14a)
and Ccr.kP> respectively. The
Scr)Jp value Ser.Np ca)culated according to Formula {7.15) is valid for cracked and
uncracked concrete.
IJI sus ='JI ~us + 1- asus for a sus > fll ~us {7.14b)
{4) The factor 'I' g,Np takes account of a group effect for closely spaced bonded fasteners.
Is the product dependent factor that takes account of the Influence of sustained load on the
bond strength to be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Speclflcatlon;
Is the ratlo between the value of sustained actlons {comprising permanent actions and
permanent component of variable actions) and the value of total actions all considered at

= T ltk,cr for cracke-d concrete;

\V~,Np ; .fn-(.fn-t)·(«Rk )t,5 ~ 1 (7.18)
= r Rk,ucr for uncracked concrete; Rk~

r and rRk,ucr are given In the relevant European Technical Product Spec1flcatlon.
NOT£ The values r Rk,cr and rftk,.ua may depend on the concrete strength class.
k:. = 7,7 for cracked concrete
lfno value Is given In the European Product Speciflcatlon for the product a value vr~., =0,6 should be = 11,0 for uncracked concrete
used. The value I/I~" = 0,6 relates to sustained tension load being present during a design life of 50 years
In case of unequal spacing the mean value of the spacing should be used In Formula {7.17).
and a minimum of 10 years at a concrete temperature of 43 •c in the region of the fasteners. For
fastenlngs with a long term temperature other than 43 •c different values will apply and these should be {5) The factor I/I s,Np takes account of the disturbance of the dJstributlon of stresses 1n the concrete due
obtained by appropriate testing and assessment. In general, for a temperature In the concrete smaller to the proximity of an edge of the concrete member. For fastenlngs with several edge distances {e.g.
than 43 •c the factor \\'~will be larger than 0,6. fastening in a corner of the concrete member or In a narrow member), the smallest edge distance c shall
be Inserted In Formula {7.20).


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

\V s.Np = O, 7+ O, 3(-c-) ,; 1 (7.20) (7.22)


(6) For the shell spaJllng factor I',.,N the corresponding provisions of7.2.1.4(5) apply. where
= 2,0 deformation-controlled expansion fasteners
(7) The factor 'I' ec,Np takes account of a group effect when different tension loads are acting on the
= 1,5 torque-controlled expansion fasteners and bonded expansion fasteners
Individual fasteners of a group.
= 1,0 undercut fasteners and concrete screws
(7.21) = 0,5 bonded fasteners, headed fasteners
ls the sum of the design tensile force of the fasteners In tension under the design value
of the actions
Where there Is an eccentricity In two directions, ir ec,Np shall be determined separately for each direction
Is the nominal yield strength of the reinforcing steel ,;; 600 N/mm 2 •
and the product of both factors shall be Inserted In Formula (7.13).
(8) For the case of fasteners In applications with three or more edge distances less than c",N• from the It ls recommended that this reinforcement is placed symmetrically and close to the fastener or each
fastener (Figure 7.5), the calculatlon according to Formula (7.13) leads to conservative results. More fastener In case of a group.
precise results are obtained If h.,, Is substituted by h:.t, which ls determined according to Formulae (7.8)
c) If neither condition b) 1) orb) 2) Is fulfllled, the characteristic resistance of a fastener or a group of
or (7.9) replacing c,,,Nby c".N• and s,,,. bys"·"•· fasteners In case of concrete splitting fallure shall be calculated according to Formula (7.23).
The value h;r Is Inserted In Formulae (7.14) and (7.19). The value s;,.,Np Is calculated according to
Formula (7.15) replacing h.,, by h~f. (7.23)

The values s;,.,Np and c;, = 0,5 s;,.,Np are used to determine ~.• and Ap.N as well as in Formulae (7.17),
(7.20) and (7.21). where Concrete splltling failure Is given In the relevant European Technical Product Specitlcation

(1) Concrete splitting failure during Installation (e.g. when applying the Installation torque on a fastener) according to, however the values c".N and .S.O,,N shall be
Is avoided by complying with minimum llalues for edge distances Cmm, spaclngsm;,., member thickness hmm Ac,N, A~N' 'I' s,N1 lf're,N' 'I' ec:,N replaced by c,,,,. and s,,,,,. respectively, which correspond to the
and requirements for reinforcement as given In the relevant European Technical ProductSpecllkatlon. minimum member thickness hmw·
(2) Concrete splitting failure due to loading shall be taken Into account according to the following rules. takes Into account the influence of the actual member thickness h
a) The characteristic edge distance In the case of splitting under load, c""" Is given In the relevant on the splitting resistance (see Formula (7.24))
European Technical Product Specitlcatlon. The characteristic spacing Is defined ass,,,,.= 2 c,,,,P
b) No verification Is required If at least one of the following conditions Is fulfilled. \V h,sp =
( h: )
2/3 ,; ma,, 1; hef :~
{ ( c,
1 5 )2/ }
2 ,; (7.24)
1) The edge distance In all directions ls cl! 1,0 ca.sp for single fasteners and cl! 1,2 ca,sp for groups
of fasteners and the rnember thickness Is h l! hmtn In both cases, with hmm corresponding to c,,,,P d) If In the relevant European Technical Product Specification c,,,,. Is given for more than one mlnlmum
member thlckness hm1~ the minimum member thickness corresponding to c,,,,. used ln
2) The characteristic resistances for concrete cone fallure and pull-our failure (headed and post- Formula (7.23) shall be Inserted In Formula (7.24).
Installed mechanlcal fasteners) or combined pull-out and concrete failure (bonded fasteners)
are calculated for cracked concrete and reinforcement resists the spllttlng forces and limits the NOTH If is not available in the relevant European Technical Product Specification, this value can be.
crack width to wk ,;; 0,3 mm • conservatively calcu)ated as N~~P = min { NRk.p; N~k.c}, with N Rk,p according to 7.2.1.S in case of post·instaUed

n1echanical and cast·in fasteners or replaced by N~k.P according to in case of bonded fasteners. N~.c is
In the absence of better Information the cross-section of the reinforcement, LA,,,, ,to resist the splitting
forces can be determined as follows: calculated according to Formula (7.2).


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18 Concrete blow-out failure

(1) Verification of concrete blow-out faUurelsrequired In case of headed fasteners and for post-Installed
mechanical undercut fasteners acting as headed fasteners 1f the edge dlstance c $ 0,5 he<. Each edge shall
be considered In turn. The characteristic resistance in case of concrete blow-out failure ls calculated as •


For groups of fasteners perpendlcular to the edge verification Is only required for the fasteners closest to
the edge. The different factors of Formula (7.25) are given below. Figure 7.7 - Idealized concrete break-out body and area A~Nb ofan indMdual fastener In case of
(2) The characteristic resistance of a single fastener, not Influenced by adjacent fasteners or further concrete blow-out failure
edges is obtained as given 1n Formula (7.26):



ks = 8,7 for cracked concrete;

....:; I
= 12,2 for uncracked concrete.
as deAned In Formula (7.12) or given In the relevant European Technical Product
<i si 2(,
(3) The geometric effect of axial spacing and edge distance on the characteristic resistance Is taken Into
account by the value A,,llb/ A~Nb,

A~Nb Is the reference projected area for an Individual fustener with an edge dlstance c,, see
- A,,..
Figure 7.7 /I / ,/ /
' / /
/ "
',/" ,," / /
.I / , / , / .:;
,," /

A<'"' Is the actual projected area, limited by overlapping concrete break-out bodies of adjacent ., /
/ .....
fasteners (•,;; 4 c1 ) as well as by proximity of edges of the concrete member (c 2 .:2 ·<.)
or the member thickness. b)
2c 1 ~
~· ·-2<1

Examples for the calculation of A,,'"' are given In Figure 7.8.
a) Ac.Nb =4c1(c2 +s2 +2c1 ) b) Ac,Nb = (Z "1 + f)( 4 '1 + 52}
'2 ~ 2ct f <;2c1
s2 ,; 4 c1 '2 :S;4ct

Figure 7.8 - Examples of actual areas A,,Nh of the Idealized concrete break-out bodies for
different arrangements of headed fasteners In case of concrete blow-out failures


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(4) The factor V' s,Nb takes account of the disturbance of the distribution of stresses In the concrete due
0 1, ·tr·;·hd :o;A
-f,__ -- -
et · a s,re y...,e y (7.33)
to the proximity of a corner of the concrete member (see Figure 7.8 a)). For fastenings with several edge 1 2 t.ts,re
distances (e.g. fastening in a narrow concrete member), the smallest edge distance in direction 2, c,. shall
be Inserted in Formula (7.28).
It Is the anchorage length In the break-out body (see Figure 7.2); It shall be larger than the
<2 minimum anchorage length in (2)d);
l"s"" = 0,7+0,3· -
2 c, ,; 1 (7.28)
fi,., Is the design bond strength according to EN 1992-1-1:2004, 8.4.2;

(5) The factor 1• g,Nb accounts for the group effect of a number of fasteners n In a row parallel to the edge. are the intluencing factors according to EN 1992-1-1:2004, 8.4.4.

7.2.2 Shear load Required verifications

The verifications of Table 7.2 apply. The fallure modes addressed are given lo Figure 7.9:

(6) The factor \" «,Nb takes account of a group effect, when different loads are acting on the Individual
fasteners of a group.
I II I •
'ii ec,Nb = - - - -(,..-.,.) (7.30)
1 +2 ·eN / 4c1 a) b} Failure of supplementary reinforcement '

- failure
., ........ •

The characteristic yield resistance oftbe supplementary reinforcement NRI<.~ for one fastener is:

N Rk,.re :s
...LA s,re.1 ' f (7.31)
c) d)

a) steel failure \vi.thout lever am1

b) steel failure\,;th lever arm
where c) concrete pry· out failure
d) concrete edge failure
!,.., ,. :; 600 N/mm 2
Figure 7.9 - Failure modes of headed and post-Installed fasteners under shear load
n.. Is the number of bars of supplementary reinforcement effective for one fastener failure

The design resistance N... of the supplementary reinforcement provided for one fastener associated with
anchorage failure In the concrete cone Is:
NRd,a ="Nod
£...J R .a,1. (7.32)



EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Table 7.2 - Required vertftcatlons for beaded and post-Installed fasteners In shear d) The anchorage length !, In the concrete breakout body Is at least mln 11 =1op for straight bars with
Failure mode Single fastener Group of fasteners or without welded transverse bars and min 11 = 49' for bars with a hook, bend or loop. Exception
most loaded fastener group see (4).
1 Steel failure of
e) The breakout body assumed should be the same as that for calculating the resistance for concrete
fastener without
edge fallure (see and
lever arm
2 Steel failure of f) Reinforcement along the edge of the member Is provided and designed for the forces accordlngto an
b , V _ VRk,s.M
fastener with VEd ~ Rd,s).f - - - appropriate strut and tie model. As a simplification an angle of the compression struts of 45° may be
lever arm i'Ms assumed.
3 Concrete pry- • v
out fallure
=- -
y~fc I- -/ / -/ /7 /,.·"~'
. / ,
= vRk,c
4 Concrete edge
vg ,;v
Ed Rd.c y

." ' // /
,. /

/,/ )
- I
S Steel failure of /
/ .:.-., ,;'
/ /,
I) I
6 Anchorage / ,
h I
failure of
N £d,rv ,; N Rd,a N ~ N Ttd,3 //" // 2 ' / /',,·1 l {
supplementary / / / 4'_~L:..~~...:
.(' /
// /... ( . •••
' (

reinforcement b
' Exception see (4).
b The tension force acting on the reinforcement is calculated from YFil according to formula (6.6).
a) b) c)
Key Detailing of supplementary reinforcement a) surface reinforcen1ent to take up shear forces \vith simplified strut and tie n1odet to design edge
(1) When the design relies on supplementary reinforcement. concrete edge failure according to Table 7.2
b) supplementary reinforce1nent in the shape of stirrups
and need not to be verified but the supplementary reinforcement shall be designed according to to resist the total load. The supplementary reinforcement may be In the form of a surface c) supplementary reinforcement in the shape of loops
reinforcement (see Figure 7.10 a)) or in the shape of stirrups or loops (see Figure 7.10 b) and c)).
Figure 7.10 - Reinforcement to take up shear forces acting on a fastening
(2) The supplementary reinforcement shall be anchored outside the assumed failure body with an
anchorage length 1.,
according to EN 1992-1-1. In reinforced concrete members the tension In the
anchored reinforcing bar shall be transferred to the reinforcement In the member by adequate lapping. (4) If the shear forces are taken up by a supplementary reinforcement detailed In the shape of stirrups
Otherwise the load transfer from the supplementary reinforcement to the structural member shall be or loops (see Figure 7.10 b) and c)), the reinforcement shall enclose and be In contact with the shaft of
verified by an appropriate model, e.g. strut and tie model. the fastener and be positioned as closely as possible to the fixture, because direct force transfer from the
fastener to the supplementary reinforcement is assumed and therefore no verltlcatlon of the anchorage
(3) If the shear force Is taken up by a reinforcement according to Figure 7.10 a), the bars shall only be length In the breakout body Is required.
assumed to be effective If the following requirements are fu!Jllled. Steel failure of fastener
a) Where supplementary reinforcement has been sized for the most loaded fastener, the same
reinforcement is provided around all fasteners considered effective for concrete edge failure. Shear load without lever arm

b) The supplementary reinforcement consists of ribbed bars with fyk,; 600 N/mm 2 and the diameter (1) The characteristic resistance of a single fastener In case of steel failure v:X.• Is given In the relevant
European Technical Product Specification.
~ is not larger than 16 mm. The mandrel dlameter,~m• complies with EN 1992-1-1.
NOTE For a single fastener made out of carbon steel \vithout sleeve in the sheared section (threaded rod) and
c) Bars are within a distance of 0,75c1 from the fastener. 'Without significant reduction in cross-..s ection along its total length V~s can be calculated as follo!ovs:

0 ii ~ 70 . I 132 l~H.i.· ,' x

EVS·EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(7.34) The characteristic resistance under tension load In case of steel failure N.._., the partial factor r ~!s and
the characteristic bendlng resistance or a single fastener M~ are given In the relevant European
Technical Product Speclllcatlon where applicable.
1 Formula (7.38) can only be used for tension load N..; where NM ls a compression load the fastener should
= 0,6 for f.,,_ S 500 Nfmm be designed as a steel element according to EN 1993· 1·8.
2 2 Concrete pry-out failure
=o,S for 500 N/mm <f.,. s 1 OOO N/mm
(1) Fastenings may fall due to a concrete pry-out failure at the side opposite to load direction. Pull-out
For fasteners with a ratio h5 I d< 5 and a concrete compressive strength class < C20/25 the charactertstlc failure may also occur due to a tension force Introduced In the fasteners by the shear load. For reason of
0 slrnpUctty this effect ls not vertfied ex.pllcttly, but lmpllctdy accounted for In the vertftcatlon for pry-out
resistance VRk.s should be multiplied by a factor of 0,8. failure, wbere relevant
(2) The characteristic resistance of a fastener v..., accounting for ductility of the fastener In a group and NOTE The tension force is caused by the eccentricity betWeen the applied shear force and the resultant of the
resistance in dte concrete.
Including a possible grout layer with a thlckness t grout sdI2 Is:
{2) The corresponding characteristic resistance v....,. shall be calculated for fastenings with headed or
(7.35) mechanical post-Installed fasteners as follows:
for fastenings without supplementary reinforcement
for single fasteners k1 = 1; (7.39a)

for fasteners In a group k7 ls given in the relevant European Technical Product Speclflcatlon. for fastenings with supplementary reinforcement

NOTI! Por fas teners in a group the factor b for ductile steel con be assumed as b • 1. for steel with a rupture (7.39b)
elongation A5 ~ 8% a value la = 0,8 can be used.
(3) If the conditions given In (2) are fulfilled, the characteristic resistance of one fastener v..., In ka Is a factor to be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Speclllcatlon
uncracked concrete Is:
N""-' Is deto<rmlned according to for a single fastener or all fasteners In a group loaded In
shear. Shear load with lever arm (3) The charactertstlcreslstance V-shall be calculated for fastenings with bonded fasteners as follows:
for fastenings without supplementary reinforcement
The characteristic resistance In case of steel faUure v....,. shaU be obtained from Formula (7.37):

aM ·MRI<.< (7.39c)
VRJc.s.M = I (7.37)
a for fastenings with supplementary reinforcement
aM, /,see 6.2.23 (3)
MP.k.s =Mt.., ·(t-NEd I NRd.s) (7.38) N..,. Is determined according to for a single fastener or all fasteners in a group loaded In

( 4) For anchor groups of fasteners with shear forces (or components thereof) on the Individual fasteners
Jn opposing directions (e.g. fastening.. loaded predominantly by a torsion moment), the most
unfavourable fastener shall be verlfled. When calculallng the a·r eas A<• and Ap.M It shall be assumed that
there Is a virtual edge (c = O,Ss) In the dlrecc:lon of the neighbouring fastener(s) (see Figure 7.11).


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

S· --·-- ----.--------)

v£, Ve,"
-· r
: i·,
rn •

Vrr t --·· ------ -- ··---- -, ----------- ---- -)

c1 O,Ss,
0,5 Vu V'
" ........
«v / :'·
a) b)
! 'ov~d •.;

a) group of four fasteners without edge influence
,;;1 -~::!i,~
! -

b) group of two fasteners located in a corner b) c) T

o,sv:, ~ :~

Figure 7.11 - calculation of area A,,N for pryout failure for a group otrasteners with shear load
,, s,
(or components thereof) on fasteners acttngtn opposing directions- Examples, assuming Key
Sa,N= 3h.r
Ve 1 = VEd cos a
7.2.2.S Concrete edge failure Ve2 = VEd siua
a) applied action
(1) For embedded base plates with an edge distance In direction of the shear load c s: rui.x ( 10 h.1; 60 a}
b) verification for the left edge
the provisions are valid only If the thickness t of the base plate In contact with the concrete Is smaller c) verification for the bottom edge
than 0,25 h.,. For fastenings where the shear load acts "~th lever arm, the provisions are valld If • fastener in a); loaded fastener in b) and c)
c > max{10 h01 ;60 d}. 0 unloaded fus tenerin b) and c)

NOTE In case of fastenings located close to an edge and loaded by a shear load \vith lever arm the effect of au
Figure 7.12 - Verification for a quadruple fastening with hole clearance at a comer - Example
overturning moment on the concrete edge resistance is not considered in the follo\ving provisions.

(2) Only the fasteners located closest to the edge are used for the verification of concrete edge failure (5) The characteristic reslstance V""" of a fastener or a group of fasteners loaded towards the edge ls:
(see Figure 7.12). For load distribution see
o Aov
(3) For fastenings with more than one edge (see Figure 7.12), the verltlcatlon shall be carried out for all VR"·
..,,.. = VRk,c ·-
Ao- ' 'I' s.V , ' I"ec.V ' \"a-.V •If/ re.V
' 'l' hV (7.40)
edges. <,V

(4) The minimum spacing of fasteners In a group should bes... <: 4d00• • The different factors of Formula (7.40) are given below.
(6) The Initial value of the characteristic reslstance of a fastener loaded perpendicular to the edge ls
calculated as:

k• = 1,7 for cracked concrete
= 2,4 for uncracked concrete

a =0,1(~: r~ (7.42)


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(d )0,2
p =0,1 ·l ::m (7.43)

lr = h,; In case of a uniform diameter of the shank of the headed fastener and a uniform
diameter of the post-installed fastener

"12 dnom in case of dnom " 24 mm

S:mnx{8dn01n;300mm} lncaseofdnom >24mm

The values d_ and /rare given in the relevant European Technical Product Specification.
(7) The ratio Ac,v / A~v takes into account the geometrical effect of spacing as well as of further edge
distances and the effect of thickness of the concrete member on the characteristic resistance.
0 is the reference projected area, see Figure 7.13
a} Single fastener at a corner b) Group of fasteners at an edge In a thin concrete
= 4,5 c12 (7.44)
Figure 7.14 - Examples ofactual projected areasAov of the Idealized concrete break-out bodies
A.v is the area of the Idealized concrete break-out body, llmlted by the overlapping concrete for different fastener arrangements under shear loading
cones of adjacent fasteners ( s ;; 3 c1 ) as well as by edges parallel to the assumed loading direction
(8) Resistance calculated in accordance with Formula (7.40) may be unconservative for concrete edge
(c 2 ,; 1, 5 c 1 ) and by member thickness ( h < 1,s c1 ) • Examples for the calculation of A.v are given fallure in cases where the fastenings comprising two fasteners are subject to torsion resulting In shear In
opposite directions In the fasteners due to overlapping of the concrete breakout bodies. If the ratio
in Figure 7.14.
between the concrete edge breakout resistance (verified edge) to the concrete breakout resistance of the
second fastener (pry-out or edge fallure) Is larger than 0,7 and s2 ,; s<rit, V""" according to Formula (7.40)
should be multiplied by a factor of 0,8 which is assumed to be conservative. Herein, s,rn Is det'lned as
s,"' = 1,Sh,; + 1,Sc,, if the second fastener is governed by pry-out failure;
s,rn = 1,Sci, If the second fastener Is governed by concrete edge fallure with respect to a second edge
(perpendicular to theverltled edge).

(9) The factor 'I' ,,v takes account of the disturbance of the dlstrlbut1on of stresses In the concrete due to
further edges of the concrete member on the shear resistance. For fastenings with two edges parallel to
Figure 7.13 - Idealized concrete break-out body and area A~v for a single fastener the direction ofloadlng (e.g. In a narrow concrete member) the smaller value of these edge distances shall
he used for cz In Formula (7.45).

lfl,v = 0,7 + 0,3· - - !>1 (7.45)
. 1.5 ' 1

(10) The factor l"h,V takes account of the fact that the concrete edge resistance does not decrease
proportionally to the member thickness as assumed by the ratio A,v / A:v (Figure 7.14 b)).

l,Sc 1
lflh,v = -h- 2'1 (7.46)
( )


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(11) The factor 11,.v takes Into account a group effect when different shear loads are acting on the A factor Ifre,v > 1 for applications In cracked concrete shall only be applied, If the embedment depth h ...
Individual fasteners of a group (see Figure 7.15). of the fastener is at least 2,5 times the concrete cover of the edge reinforcement.
1 (14) Forfastenlngs in a narrow, thln member with c2• "'"" s 1,s c1 and h s 1,5 c1 (see Figure 7.16) tile
· 1+2·•v /(3c 1
)"1 (7.47)
calculation according to Formula (7.40) leads to conservative results. More precise results are achieved
lf Ct ls replaced by:

~ is the eccentricity of the resulting shear load acting on the fasteners relative to the centre of
<-1 = max{c 1,5
,m= .'1,5
..!!...} ln case ofsingle fasteners
gravity of the fasteners loaded in shear

,------ or

c' = max c 2,mDX ;_h ; s 2,inn.x } in case of groups (7.50)

1 { t ,S l ,S 3

c._..,. ls the larger of the two distances to the edges parallel to the direction of loading; and
s.__ Is the maximum spacing In dlrectlon 2 between fasteners wt thin a group.
The value of ci Instead of c1 Is used In Formulae (7.41) to (7.47) as well as In the determination of the
areas A;'•.v andA.vaccordlngto Figures 7.13 and 7.14.
// / / / , / n1't·
, , ,/
/ , /' // /
/ / / /
/ / / /

Figure 7.15 - Resolving unequal shear components Into an eccentric shear load resultant -


The factor 11a ,v takes account of the Influence of a shear load Inclined to the edge under
consideration on the concrete edge resistance.
- v ..,:.1
(7.48) ~ I
I Ii

i i i
I i I
where 1
av ls the angle between design shear load v•• (single fastener) or V/d (group of fasteners) and ' '\\\
a line perpendlcular to theverlfled edge, O" :!!: av :!!: 90°, see Figure 7.12. )
(13) The factor 11,.,1, takes account of the effect of the reinforcement located on the edge. a) h)

If/ re,v = 1,0 fastening In uncracked concrete and fastening In cracked concrete without edge
s = 100 mm, Ct = 200 mm, h = 120mm<1,5· 200 mm,
reinforcement or stirrups c2 ,1 =150mms1,5· 200 mm,c2•2 = 100 mm< 1,5·200 mm ,

'fl,.v = 1,4 fastening In cracked concrete with edge reinforc.e ment (see Figure 7.10) and closely
c; = max {150/1,5; 120/1,5; 100/3} = 100 mm
spaced stirrups or wire mesh with a spacing a,; 100 mm and as 2c1 •
Figure 7 .16 - Fasteners In thin, narrow members where tbe value ci may be used


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

7 .2.2.6 Failure of supplementary reinforcement where General 0 l1· JT ·,P·/bd 1

N Rd,a = a .a ,;A sµ ·f yk,re · - - (7.53)
1 2 Y Ms,re
When supplementary reinforcement comprises a mixture of su·r face reinforcement (see Figure 7.10 a)}
and loops In contact with the fastener (see Figures 7.10 b) and c)) their resistances shall not be added
unless the strain compatlblllty of the various failure modes (steel and anchorage failure) of the two types It Is the anchorage length In the break-out body (see Figure 7.10 a)); It shall be larger than
of reinforcements Is taken Into account the minimum anchorage length in (3) d);
7 . Steel fallure f.., Is the design bond strength according to EN 1992-1-1:2004, 8.4.2;
are the Influencing factors according to EN 1992-1-1:2004, 8.4.4.
The characteristic resistance of one fastener In case of steel fallure of the supplementary reinforcement
may be calculated according to Formula (7.51).
7.2.3 Combined tension and shear loads
N = k 10 L As,re,I . f yk,re (7.51) Fastenings without supplementary reinforcement

The required verifications are given In Table 7.3. Verltlcatlons for steel and concrete failure modes are
carried out separately. Both veriAcatlons shall be fultllled.
n~ Is the number of bars of supplementary reinforcement effective for one fastener Table 7.3 - Required verifications for headed and post-Installed fasteners without
supplementary reinforcement subjected to a combined tension and shear toad
/ao Is the efficiency factor
Failure mode Verlftcat!on
= 1,0 surface reinforcement according to Figure 7.10 a)

= 0,5 supplementary reinforcement In the shape of stirrups or loops enclosing the

fastener (see Figure 7.10 b) and c)) 1 Steel failure of fastener a r~r+r~r
Nlld,o VRd.• ,;t

If N.. and v.. are different for the individual fasteners of the
fyk.r. s 600 N/mm 2

( rs+
group, the Interaction shall be verified for all fasteners.

NOTE Where the contact bet\veen the supplementary reinforcement in the shape of stin"llps or loops and the
shaft of the fastener as \Vell as the position of this reinforcenlent \vith respect to the concrete surface cannot be
( rs
,;t (7.55)

ensured (see (4)) due to tolerances in ''1orlonanship the factor Jao = O~S accounts for the consequence-s on
the resistance.
Failure modes other failure
than steel failure [N
+ ~ s;l.2
VRd,i .

(1) For applications with supplementary reinforcement In the shape of stirrups or loops in contact with with N6d I NRd) ,;land VEd / VRd,; ~I
the fastener (see Figure 7.lOb) and c)) no proof of the anchorage capacity of tile supplementary
reinforcement In the assumed concrete break-out body Is necessary. The largest value of Ne• /NRd.; and v., /V.,,,; for the different failure
modes shall be taken.
(2) For applications according to Figure 7.10 a) the design resistance N.,,,, of the supplementary
This verification is not required in case of load with lever arn1 as Formula (7.37) accounts for the
reinforcement of one fastener In case of an anchorage fallure In the concrete edge break-out body ls given 'interaction.
by Formula (7.52):
NRd.. = LNti.. (7.52) Fastenings wldt supplementary reinforcement
(1) For fastenings with supplementary reinforcement for both tension and shear loads applies.
However, for the verlAcatlons according to Table 7.3, line 2 N•• / N.,,,; for concrete cone faUure mode
(tension) and v••;v.,,,; for concrete edge failure mode (shear) are both replaced by the corresponding
values for failure of supplementary reinforcement.


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(2) For fastenlngs with supplementary reinforcement to take up either tension or shear loads only,
Formula (7.57) shall be used with the largest value of N•• / N1«1,; and v•• / V1«1,; for the different failure
modes other than steel failure of the fastener.
,; 1 (7.57)

ku ls given in the relevant European Technical Product Specification

NEd / NRd,I ,; 1 and

a) b)
In case of fastenings with supplementary reinforcement to take up tension loads only, Nrw.; and V..,,;
represent the design resistances N""~· Nrw,., N""·'"' N""·"' N"""' and V""·" V""·'~· respecL1vely. If Key
supplementary reinforcement Is used to take up shear loads only, N1«1.; and V1«1.; represent the design 1 supplementary reinforcement
resistances NRd.p_, NRrJ,l:» NRrJ,,.fl# and VRd.c.,,, Nrw..., respect1vely. For NEd and VEd the actions 2 surface reinforcement
corresponding to the specific failure modes shall be used.
If no value for k11 ls given in the relevant European Technical Product Specification, k11 = 2/3 may be Figure 7.17 -Arrangement of supplementary reinforcement
assumed. This value is based on engineering considerations and Is considered as conservative. Steel failure
7.3 Fasteners in redundant non-structural systems
(1) The characteristic resistances N.._,,, (failure of anchor), N...,,, (failure of the connection between
(1) In redundant non-structural systems when excessive slip or failure of one fastener occurs, It Is
anchor and channel), N~'·' (basic value for local faUure by flexure of channel Ups), N..., (failure of the
assumed thatthe load can be transmitted to adjacentfastenerswlthoutvlolatlngthe requirements on the
fixture In the serviceablllty and ultimate limit state. channel bolt) and M...,.•~ (failure by Oexure of the channel) are given In the relevant European Technical
Product Specification.
(2) The definition of redundant non-structural systems Is given In the National Regulations.
(2) The characteristic resistance N...,.1 for tip failure Is:
NOTE Details on the design of fasteners in redundant non-structural systen1s can be found in CEN/TR 17079,
Design offastenings for use in concrete - Redundant non·structural systems. N =No
Rk.s. I Rk.s,I
l,N (7.58)
(3) Verification for fastenings In redundant non-structural systems shall be verified according to 7.1 and
7.2, and Annex G may be used. with
7.4 Anchor channels
"'1.N =O,s(1+s"'• )s1 S~N
7.4.1 Tension load
\vhere Required verifications
s,.. Is the spacing of channel bolts
The veriflcatlons of Table 7.4 apply. The failure modes addressed are shown In Table 7.4.
~.N Is the characteristic spacing for channel tip failure under tension, taken from the European Detailing of supplementary reinforcement Technical Product Specification.
(1) When the design relies on supplementary reinforcement, concrete cone failure according to
Formula (7.60) need not to be verified but the supplementary reinforcement shall be designed to resist As Indicative value s1,N = 2 b,h may be used.
the total load. The reinforcement shall be anchored adequately on both sides of the potential failure Pull-out failure
planes. applies.
(2) For anchor channels located parallel to the edge of a concrete member or In a narrow concrete
The characteristic resistance N.._, for pull-out failure of the anchor Is given In the relevant European
Technical Product Specification.
member, the plane of the supplementary reinforcement shall be located perpendicular to the longitudinal
axis of the channel (see Figure 7.17). The characteristic resistance N.._, should be limited by the concrete pressure under the head of the
anchor according to



::;.;::;:.. !

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018
Table 7.4 - Required verifications for anchor channels in tension •
Failure mode Channel
Most unfavourable anchor or channel


1 anchor N:d S NRd,s,. = NRJr.s.a

connection between anchor a nd
N~d S NM..., = N ru.,s..

local llelt\lre or channel Jtpa "'<N
= N&W
tallure NEd- 7Ms,J


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Failure mode Most unfavourable anchor or channel


4 channel bolt N"' <N N ...
Ed - Rd,s = - - -
l Ms:

M -x
s flexure of channel i11:., s MR<ls,llrx = YM<Jls

6 Pull out failure .._ <N = N --

N 64 - R<l,p YMp

7 Conaete cone failure• NaEd -< NRd,c = -~



•' x

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

... 7.4.1.S Concrete cone failure
-, . , ..-~ "'
"';t ,', ... ', "
- ' ' '' ' '' ' '·
' ' -
- (1) For anchor channels where hd> / hct s; 0, 4 and bet> / h.r s; 0, 7 the effective embedment depth Is
dt>termlned according to Figure 3.2 a). In case that hd< / h.r > 0, 4 and/or bdi / h.t > 0,7 the concrete cone
resistance may be calculated using one of the follow Ing options.

a) The effective embedment depth Is determined according to Figure 3.2 b1 hef = hef; or

'i b) the effective embedment depth h., Is de1ermlned according to Figure 3.2 a) with the value for Sa.Ii
j 0
-e taken from the relevant European Technical Product Specification. The value for Sa.Ii used In design
.. Ii
shall not be smaller than that for anchor channels with hdt / h.r s 0, 4 and bdo I h., s 0, 7 according

Ii .=
~&I to Formula (7.62).

.. .8
;; !I ~
::c ::.~ "'~1 ,_~ "'alJ 1... (2) The characteristic resistance of one anchor of an anchor channel In case of concrete cone faUure shall
be calculated according to Formula (7.60).

i N0Rk,c ·If! ch,s~N ·If! ch,e.N' 'I//ch,c,N' 'I// ~.N
~ s ~ .; NRk,c: = (7.60)
"'.,,"' "'"' "'
VI "'
The different factors In Formula (7.60) are given In the
.! -~ :f
::&: n"' ;,,'1'1.
(3) For the determination of the basic characteristic resistance N~k.c of one anchor not Influenced by
"' "' "' -8 .Q adjacent anchors, edges or corners of the concrete member located In cracked or uncracked concrete
l~ Fom1ula (7.2) applies.
NOTE The anchor channel may have an adverse effect on the concrete cone resistance. Tilis is recognized in
~ the values ka,N and kucr,"N given in the European Technical Product Specification. Usually these values are smaller
l .8 than for headed fasteners .
Ii j.,
a (4) The Influence of neighbouring anchors on the concrete cone resistance ls taken Into account by the

·f factor V cb,s,H according to Formula (7.61).

l 1
-.... '6
~ "i
t ii
e-s ..e
a -e"
-e .....
where (see Figure 7.18):
Sl Is the distance between the anchor under consideration and the neighbouring anchors
ia • " d',..
... 0

~ ~
~ ..s 8:Gi 'llll -c -e..
= ~1
... ~! lI!
~ ~
= ~
is ~~
.... 0


1 1..
0 (7.62)

., 0
t ..=
!! JS ..
G.g:: "i "
-eIii -e" ..,~ N; Is the tension force of an Influencing anchor;

.a .., 0 N0 Is the tension force of the anchor under consideration;
l!! ~ ,Q
8 8 j ~ ~= ti!-.ll
n,..,. ls the number ofanchors within a distances",. to both sides of the anchor under

::i: ... consideration.

°' ...
c ....
.... . ~


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(6) The lnAuence of a corner of the concrete member (see Figure 7.20) on the characteristic resistance
Is taken Into account by the factor \V ch.t,H according to Formula (7.64).

t VI cll,c.N = (~JO$ S: 1 (7.64)


1 where

Cz ls the corner distance of the anchor under consideration (see Figure 7.20).
N, N, ! N" N,
If an anchor ls Influenced by two corners (see Figure 7.20 c)), the factor \V cb,c,H shall be calculated for cz,1
I s;
I s2
l and cu and the product of the factors \V ch,c,N shall be Inserted In Formula (7.60).

J·~!-~----~, ~· .
Key I
1 anchor under consideration :: -'--+-111111 ·1 ~ I , 1
'-' 2 ··, .:· -''-+-!!Ill 2 '•1 2 1 2 3 I st
Figure 7.18 -Anchor channel with different anchor tension forces - Example 3
_ ·-- - - - --J
---- -- ·---J
\ ...;~
YI l ,,

-- -
(5) The lnAuence of an edge of the concrete member on the characteristic resistance is taken Into account c, c,
by the factor IVch,.,N according to Formula (7.63).


.. =(~
c ) St (7.63) a) b) c) d)
a) Resistance of anchor 1 is calcuJated
b) Resistance of anchor 2 is ca1culated
c1 Is the edge distance of the anchor channel (see Figure 7.19 a)) c) Resistance of anchor 2 is calculated
d) Resistance of anchor 1 is calculated
Figure 7.20 - Definition of the corner distance of an anchor channel In the corner of a concrete
With anchor charmels located In a narrow concrete member with different edge distances c.,1 and C1.2 member
(see Figures 7.19 b) and 7.20 d)) the minimum value of cu and c1.2 shall be Inserted for c, In
Formula (7.63). (7) The shell spalllng factor 'I' ...~ takes account of the effect of a dense reinforcement for embedment
depths her ~ 100 mm. (5) applies.

(8) For the case of anchor channels with her > 180 mm In a narrow member with Influence of
neighbouring anchors and 1nAuence of an edge and 2 comers (see Figure 7.20 c) and d)) with edge
distances less than''"" from the anchor under consideration the calculation according to Formula (7.60)
leads to conservative results. More precise results are obtained If the value h" ls substltuted by the larger
value of:

h~r = cm."Lk ·her ~ 180 mm and h~r = sn:u\X · hef ~ 180 mm (7.65)
c, ccr,N scr,N
Cmu ls the maximum distance from the centre of an anchor to the edge of the concrete member
a) b) s ccr,M. Jn the example given In Figure 7.20 c) a.,, Is the maximum value of ci, cz,1 and cu
Figure 7.19 -Anchor channel at an edge or In a narrow member Srnaic ls the maximum centre to centre spacing of anchors s scr,N


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

( )2/3 s; { (h h,,,1n , )2'~} s;

The value h~r Is Inserted In Formula (7.2) as well as in Formula (7.62). Theresultingvalue for s".N ls then
h ef + ccrN
inserted In Formula (7.63a). \II h~p = hmln Ill<'\.'< 1; 2 (7.68) Concrete splitting failure

(1) Concrete splitting failure during Installation (e.g. when applying the 1nstallat!on torque on a channel d) lfl.n the relevant European Technical Product Specification c""•ls given for more than one minimum
bolt) Is avoided by complying with minimum values for edge distances Cmu,, spacing Smr"' member member thickness hmr,,, the minimum member thickness corresponding to Ca,,p used In
thickness hmm and requirements for reinforcement as given In the relevant European Technical Product Formula (7.67) shall be Inserted in Formula (7.68).
Specification. Concrete blow-out failure
(2) Concrete splitting failure due to loading shall be taken into account according to the following rules.
a) The characteristic edge dlstance In the case of splitting under load, c,.,,,. Is given In the relevant (1) Verillcatlon of concrete blow-out failure Is not required with anchors if the edge distance is
European Technical Product Specification. The characteristic spacing Is defined ass""•= 2 c""P c lo O,S her. If verification Is required, the characteristic resistance of one anchor In case of blow-out is:

b) No verlllcatlon is required If at least one of the following conditions is fulfilled. 0

N> = N Rk.cb ''I' cll.>.Nb ' If/ cb.c.Nb 'I/Ich,h,l'lb

1) The edge distance in all directions is c 2: 1, 2 c cr,sp, and the member depth is h ~ h0 ,m with hm,, The different factors i.n Formula (7.69) are given in the following.
corre.sponding to C.:r,:(p· For anchor channels located perpendicular to the edge, verification is required only for the anchor closest
to the edge.
2) The characteristic resistances for concrete cone failure and pull-out failure are calculated for
cracked concrete and reinforcement resists the splitting forces and limits the crack wldth to (2) The characteristic resistance of a single anchor N~.cll ls calculated according to (2).
\Vk ~ 0>3 m1n.
(3) The Influence ofnelgnbourlng anchors on the blow-out resistance Is taken into account by the factor
VI chs Nb• which may be calculated analogous to Formula (7.61), however, with s,.,Nb = 4 et Instead of s,.,•.
In absence of better Information the cross-section of the reinforcement, ~A,..., to resist the splitting
forces can be determined as follows: ( 4) The Influence of a comer of the concrete member on the characteristic resistance is taken into
account by the factor VI cb.•c.Nb according to Formula (7.70):
'°' N~o
~A$,rc = 0,5 · - - - =-- (7.66)
/ I r,.,,re
VI ch.c:.Nb = ( -2_) ~t (7.70)

Is the design tensile force on the most loaded anchor under the design value of actions
N~d where

fyt.r< Is the nominal yield strength of the reinforcing steel s 600 N / mm 2

c, ls the corner distance of the anchor, for which the resistance is calculated (see Figure 7.20)

Ccr,Nb = Scr,Nb /2
It Is recommended that this reinforcement Is placed symrnetrlcally and close to each anchor of the
If an anchor is lntluenced by two corners - example see Figure 7.20 c)-then the factor I{! cb.c.Nb shall be
c) If the conditions b) 1) and b) 2) are not fulfilled, the characteristic resistance ofan anchor channel In
calculated for the values of C>,1 and C2,2 and the product of the factors shall be Inserted In Formula (7.69).
case of concrete splitting failure shall be calculated according to Formula (7.67).
(5) The effect of the thickness of the concrete member In case of a distance f s; 2 c1 , where fis defined In
Figure 7.21, ls taken into account by the factor \Vch,h.Nb according to Formula (7.71).
with h.,.+! 2c 1 + f
'/I hbNb =---S: s; l (7.71)
c,. 4c1 4c1

N Rk.p according to where

f is the distance between the anchor head and the lower surface of the concrete member
N~P \V,b,,M• \Vcb,c,li• ll'cb,.,M• l',.,N according to, however, the values c,.,. and s,.,. shall be (see Figure 7.21).
replaced by c,.,,.and s,.,,., respectively, which correspond to the minimum member thickness hm••·

'' x

EVS·EN 1992-4:2018

~l ....
Figure 7.21 -Anchor channel at the edge of a thin concrete member ..c
.. - ,
,..i ....i a 'l 11~
"' ~
i ~ Failure of supplementary reinforcement
.. 0
.c -
II "' II
I: .. failure il :I c
c ,."'~ ,.i ) =:!
.:! ~
> .. VI
In case of steel failure of the supplementary reinforcement the relevant provision of applies. al ...."' ..c... ,.
fl ill
c ,.
•ill ~
:I failure 0
t: 'S."'
!l 0
In case of anchorage failure of the supplementary reinforcement In the concrete cone the relevant
provision of7. applles. ~
7 .4.2 Sbear load ...

13 -.. ii ~
>. Required verifications Cl

...~ ""~
The verifications of Table 7.5 apply. The failure modes addressed are shown In this table. .E "' V1 Detailing of supplementary reinforcement :11 -ell
".cl ""
Supplementary reinforcement to take up shear loads shall only comprise surface reinforcement G
(see Figure 7.10 a)) and the corresponding provisions of7.2.2.2 apply. ~ "w c
~ Ill a c
a ~

j .5
g "8 -.. --
~ !>.

ii "B :
"'I -5 :!! 0 0: -5
"8 -5§ ;;
"'...:.. ,,.. u

!! a
., .... ..
8.. ......
...~ k! ~
~= .s
., 2.s
6l "i ... "i...
~ .c
"'~ "'
w "i~ ....~
(;j .... N co
"' co

'' x

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 Steel failure Shear force without lever arm

(1) The characteristic resistances v.... (failure of channel bolt), v...._. (failure of anchor), v...., (failure of
connectton anchor/channel) and v:u.i (basic value for failure due to local flexure of channel Ups) are
given In the relevant European Technical Product SpeclflcaUon.
(2) The character1st1c resistance v...... for lip failure Is:
vRW = v~ ·•1.v (7.72)


"'w =o,s(1+ '""').:1


s,.., Is the spacing of channel bolts
SJ.v Is the characteristic spacing for channel lip failure under shear, taken from the European
Technical Product Specltlcatlon.

As indicative value s1,v = 2 b,, may he u sed. Shear force with lever arw

The characteristic resistance of a channel bolt in case of steel fallure, v...,,., shall be obtained from
Formula (7.74).
aM • Mme.•
......,s,M =- - I - (7.74)


aN is determined according to


... M~ Is the characteristic bending resistance of the channel bolt, given In the relevant European
Technical Product Specification

NOTE The inftuen<e of the shear load with lever arm on lip failure is covered by the prequalification of the
anchor channel


EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

7 .4.2.4 Concrete pry-out failure •eor.v = 4 -c1 +2beh, where the conditions heh /her ~ 0, 4 and heh/ hef ~ 0, 7 are fulfilled (7.80)
The charactetistic resistance of the most unfavourable anchor for concrete pry-out failure shall be
calculated according to Formula (7.76): s,"v to be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Speclflcatfon If heh /her > 0, 4 and/or
for fastenings without supplementary reinforcement beh /her > 0,7. s".v used In design shall not be smaller than the value according to Formula (7.80)
(7.76a) If; Is the shear force on an Influencing anchor;
V0 Is the shear force on the anchor under conslderatlon;
n,~v ls the number of anchors within a distance s".vto both sides of the anchor under
ka Is a factor to be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Speciftcatlon; conslderatlon.
N°"" Is determined according to for the anchors loaded Jn shear. In Formula (7.79) It Is assumed that all shear forces acting on the anchors are directed towards the edge.
Shear forces on anchors actlng away from the edge may be neg·lected.
for fastenings wlth supplementary reinforcement


7.4.2.S Concrete edge failure

(1) The charactetistlc resistance of one anchor loaded perpendlcular to the edge Is calculated according 1----- --..._,_ v, v, v, v,
to Formula (7.77): I -e-- ~ --~ e- ~ ~


The different factors of Formula (7.77) are given below.

(2) The basic characteristic resistance of an anchor channel wlth one anchor loaded perpendicular to the
edge not Influenced by neighbouring anchors, member thickness or corner effects Is: I. I
(7.78) Key
1 anchor under consideration
Figure 7.22 -Anchor channel with different anchor shear forces- Example
ktz = k,"v for cracked concrete

= k.,,"v for uncracked concrete, (4) The Influence of a corner on the characteristic edge resistance Is taken Into account by the factor
k,"v and k.".v are given In the relevant European Technical Product Speclflcatlon.
NOTE An indicative value ka,v= 4,5 or lcucr,v= 6,3 can be used where h00 i he1 ~ 0,4 and bdl: / bet ~0,1 .
V' ch,c.V = (~) ,; l (7.81)
(3) The Influence of neighbouring anchors on the concrete edge resistance Is taken Into account by the
factor 1',h,,v according to Formula (7.79): w·here

1 (7.82)
V' ch,s,V -

i +
...... (
1--- s,
5 cr,V
rs .-1i

If an anchor Is Influenced by two corners (see Figure 7.23 b)), the factor l"cb.~v according to
Formula (7.81) shall be calculated for each corner and the product shall be inserted In Formula (7.77).

where (see Figure 7.22):

s Is the distance between the anchor under consideration and the neighbouring anchors ,; s cr,v

91 92

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

?J ,_ I '1
11 1-
v 2- 2- I
3- 'l 3-
- -------J ?f..


<1 ll
a) b) - - - - ---- ---~I
Figure 7.23 -Anchor channel with anchors Influenced by one (a) or two (b) corners, anchor 2 ls Figure 7.2S - Anchor channel loaded parallel to the edge
under consideration- Example
(7) The factor 1/1 re,V accounting for the type of reinforcement on the edge Is calculated according to
(5) The Influence of a member thickness h < hcr,V Is taken Into account by the factor I" ch.h.V. In case of presence of edge reinforcement for applications In cracked concrete a factor I/I ro v > 1
0,5 shall only be used, If the height of the channel Is h,• s 40 mm (see Figure 6.8 b)).
¥1 ch,h,V = _ h_ S 1 (7.83) (8) For an anchor channel In a narrow, thin member (see Figure 7.26) with cz.m.,, s <cr,v (c".v according
( hcrv )

to Formula (7.82)) and h <her v (h,,,v according to Formula (7.84)), the calculation according to
Formula (7.77) leads to conservative results. More precise results are achieved if the edge distance Ct is
h,,,v = 2 Ct + 2 h,. (see Figure 7.24) If h,h / he1 s0,4 and b,h I he1 s 0,7 are fulfilled (7.84) replaced by c ~ :

h,,,v to be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Specification If \b I h,r > 0,4 and/or (7.86)

b,b / h.i > 0,7. The value h,,,v used In design shall not be smaller than the value according to w1th
Formula (7.84).
c2,m,~ = wax{ c2, 1 ; <z.2 } , I.e. the largest of the two edge distances parallel to the direction of load
( I

The value c'1 is Inserted In Formulae (7.78), (7.80), and (7.84).

Figure 7.24 - Anchor channel Influenced by the member thickness - Example

(6) The factor I/I eh 90,

' .v takes Into account the lntluence of shear loads acting parallel to the edge
(see Figure 7.25).

\V ch,90',V = 2,5 (7.85)

93 94

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Table 7.6 - Required verifications for anchor channels without supplementary reinforcement
subjected to a combined tension and shear load
Failure mode Verification

i 1
( N~: )2 +[v: )2
NRd,s VRd.s
!>1 (7.87)

t NRd.» VRd,s of the channel bolt shall be calculated from the charactelisticvaJues given
in the relevant European Technical Product Specification.
c c
Jk" +( v;_;; Jk"
- ..........

-, -;;f max( N;!; . M;!;

M Rd~ftc:x
.......... '' N Rd,s..1 VRd.$,I
2hch u,
'l, l Cz.z
I 2
lips and

Im = 2,0 if VRd.s.I S NR.W

failure of =to be taken from the European Technical Product Specification if
channel VRd,s,1 >NRd,s,l
Figure 7.26 - Wustration of an anchor channel Influenced by two corners and member
thickness = l~O as a sin1plification
(cu Is decisive for the determination of c~ ) NRd,$.l• Ma~ and Vi::d.s.I shall be calculated from the characteristic values given in
,_ the relevant European Technical Product Specification. supplementary reinforcement failure
anchor (7.89)'
In case of steel failure of the supplementary reinforcement the relevant provision of applies. and \vith
connection Anchorage failure 3 bett.veen ku =2,0 if VRd,s.a ,; min(Nnd,s,a, NRd,,,c)
anchor = to be taken from the European Technical Product Specification if
In case of anchorage failure of the supplementary reinforcement in the concrete cone the relevant and
provision of (2) applies. channel VR~.a > tnin ( NRd.s,a ' NRd,s,c)
7.4.3 Combined tension and shear loads =1,0 as a sin1plification
NRll,J,a, NRd,J,i: and VRAA:i shall be calculated
fron1 the characteristic values given in the Anchor channels without supplementary reinforcement .relevant European Technical Product Specification.

The requlred verifications are given In Table 7.6. Verltlcatlons for steel failure of channel bolt, other steel
failure modes and failure modes other than steel failure are carried out separately. All verifications shall
be fulfllled.
Failure modes
4 other than steel
failure (7.91)
N:..i / NRd v;d / VRd ;; 1
,; 1 and

The largest value of N:..i / NRd,I and V{d / VRd,I for the different failure modes

shall be inse1~ed for N~d / NRd and v.;:. JVRd' respectively.

This verification LS not required in t.-ase of shear load with Jeverarm as FormuJa (7.75) accounts for the interaction.
Formula (7.89) is based on the.assumption that the ti.lsistance of the anchor and the connoction are identical

95 96

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

7 .4.3.2 Anchor channels with supplementary reinforcement 8.3 Resistance

(1) For anchor channels with supplementary reinforcement to take up both tension and shear loads 8.3.1 Tension load applies. However, for the verification according to Table 7.6, line 4 N8,/NRd,; for concrete cone
failure mode (tension) and v../VRd,; for concrete edge fa11ure mode (shear) are both replaced by the The required verifications for tension load are summarized In Table 8.1.
corresponding values for failure of supplementary reinforcement. Table 8.1- Required verifications -Tension loading
(2) In the case of anchor channels at the edge with supplementary reinforcement to take up tension or
shear loads, 7A.3.1 applies. However, Formula (7.92) shall be used Instead of Formula (7.90) or Group of fasteners
Failure mode Single fastener
Formula (7.91). most loaded fastener group
3 1 Steel failure ll.NRk,s y . l>N b ,;; V' F,N • i>NRk,s
N'Ed ) + ( VEd ) St (7.92) YF fut • ll.NEk ,;; F,fa.t Et y
( N Rd,l VRd.I ' Yt.fs,N',fat • M!!.N,.fut

2 Concrete ll.NRl:,c g J.NRl:,c

In case of fastenings with supplementary reinforcement to t'ake up tension loads only, Nrw,; and VRd,; cone failure YFr.t ·i>NEk s - - YF,fut ·J.NEk s - -
represent the design resistances NRd.p, Niw,,,. NRd"'' NRd,.., NRd., and VRd." VRd"'' respectively. If ' Y~fc,fut YMc,fut
supplementary reinforcement Is used to take up shear loads only, NRd,; and VRd,; represent the design
3 Pull-out
resistances NRd.p, NRd." N""'" Niw"' and VRd"'' NRd,.., N""~' respectively. J.NRk.p r .wh s 'I/ F,l'I • i>N n1:,p
fallure a YFrat·f}.NEks - F,fat Et r
, r~tp.tat l-lp,fat
8 Verification of ultimate limit state for fatigue loading
4 Concrete />NRk,sp g l:lNRk.sp
8.1 General splitting r F.fat • AN"Ek s 7 Ff3t · ANEk S
failure r ,..fc,.fat ' YMc::,Jat

(1) This EN covers appllcatlons with post-installed fasteners and headed fasteners under pulsating
5 Concrete ll.Ng S l>NRk_.cb
tension or shear load and alternating shear load and combinations thereof. blow-out YF fat · AN'Ek S
' YMc,.fut
YF,fat' Ek r
(2) Only fastenings with shear load without lever arm as defined In (1) are covered. failure McJ,u

(3) Fasteners only qualified for use In redundant non-structural systems (see 7.3) are not covered. YF,fut' YMc,fut' YMp,Jat according to 4.4
(4) Fatigue veritlcatlon shall be carried out when fasteners are subjected to !Tequently repeated load
cycles (e.g. fastening of cranes, reciprocating machinery, guide rails of elevators). r~bN'fat
., . . accordingto4.4.2.3
= Yri.tsfut
(5) Fasteners used ro resist fatigue loading shall be prequallfled by a European Technical Product V' F,N is the reduction factor applied to the tension resistance to account for the unequal distribution of the
Specification for this application. tension load acting on the fixture to the individual fasteners of a group
(6) Annular gaps are not allowed and loosening of the nut or screw shall be avoided. A permanent !5: 1, given in the European Technical Product Specification
prestresslng force on the fastener shall be present during the service life of the fastener. MIEk =ND,rnu.-Nmvniri. peak to peak amplitude of the fatigue tensile action
(7) The verification of the resistance under fatigue loading consists of both, the verification under static
and fatigue loading. Under static loading the fasteners shall be designed using the design methods given l>N Rl:,s is the fatigue resistance, tension, steel. given in the European Technical Product Specification
in Clause 7. The verifications under futlgue loading are given In 8.3.
MRl:,c = O~S · Nat,c, fatigue resistance, tension, concrete cone for Z· 106 load cycles
8.2 Derivation of forces acting on fasteners - analysis
!J.N Rk.l> is the fatigue resistance, tension, pull-out, given in the Technical Product Specification
6.1 and 6.2 apply. However, the restrictions given In 8.1 shall be observed
/'JNkk,sp =0:5. NRk,sp, fatigue resistance, tension, concrete splitting for 2 · 106 load cycles
ll.NRl:,cb = 0, 5 · NRt,cb• fatigue resistance, tension, concrete blotv·out for 2 · 106 load cycles
NP.If.<, NRtup, NRk.cb are calculated according to 7.2.1
• Pull-out failur~ addresses post-installed mechanical fastenc.>rS, headed fai.~ners and post-installed bonde-d expansion

97 98

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

8. 3.2 Shear load where

The required verifications for shear load are summarized in Table 8.2. l" F,N• l"F,V are defined In Tables 8.1and8.2
Table 8.2 - Required vertftcatlons - Shear loading
a =a, for verltlcatlon of steel fallure
Group of fasteners
Failure mode Single fastener
most loaded fastener group =ac for verltlcatlon of failure modes other than steel fail ure
1 Steel failure t1VRks h ~1F,V · t.VRk,s
without lever 1 F,fut ' t.VEk ,; ' 1Frat 't.VEk ,;; a, and a c are given In the European Technical Pl'oduct Specification
r Ms,V,fat • Yf\ll!,V,fat
2 Concrete pry- t.VRkcp t.VRkcp
ONEk, t.VEk• &NRk, t.VRk are defined in Tables 8.1 and 8.2.
out failure r F,fut · JIVEk s - -·- r F.rat -avf< s---
In Formula (8.1) the largest value of PN,rat and Pv,rat for the differentfalluremodes under consideration
3 Concrete edge 6.VRkc i>v..., shall be taken.
failure YF,fat . t.VEk ,; - - ' ff fat · ~Vl.t S - -
Y Mc,fat ' YMc,fat
9 Verification for seismic loading
YF,fat. according to 4.4
9.1 General
'lip,v is the reduction factor applied to the shear resistance to account for the unequal distribution of the
shear load acting on the fixture to the individual fasteners of a group (1) This Clause provides requirements for the design of post-Installed fasteners and cast-In headed
fasteners used to transmit seismic actions by means of tension, shear, or a combination of tension and
~ 1, given in the European Technical Product Specification. For groups with 2 fasteners under shear load
shear loads between connected structural elements or bet1veen non-structural attachments and
perpendicular to the axis of the fasteners \·\!hen die fixture is not restrained against in~plane rotation ipF,V = 1 .
structural elements.
Yfl,b,V,fst ; YMs,fat accordingto4.4.2.3 (2) In cases of very low selsmlctty according to EN 1998-1:2004, 3.2.1 (5), fasteners maybe designed as
for permanent and transient situations (see Clauses 4 to 7, 11).
6.VEk -, peak to peak amplitude of the fatigue shear action
(3) For the seismic design situation at the ultimate limit state where the selsmlc design tension load
&VRk.s is the fatigue resistance_. shear, steel, given in the European Technical Product Specification applied to a single fastener or a group offasteners Is equal to or less than 20 % of the total design tensile
load for the same load combination, the tension component acting on a single fastener or a group of
6 fasteners may be verified omitting the requ.l rements given In 9.2 (3).
t.VRk,cp = 01 5 · VRk,ql fatigue resistance, shear, concrete pry·out failure for 2 ·10 load cycles
(4) For the seismic design situation at the ultimate limit state where the seismic design shear component
i>VRk,c = 0: 5 · VRk,c• fatigue resistance, shear, concrete edge failure for 2 · 10 6 load cycles of the design load applied to a single fastener or a group of fasteners Is equal to or less than 20 % of the
VRk.qi.. VRic.c are calculated according to 7.2.2
total design shear load for the same load combination, the shear component acting on a single fastener
or a group of fasteners may be ver1tled omitting the requirements given In 9.2 (3).
(5) Fastenings In stand-off Installation or with a grout layer ~ 0,5 d as well as fasteners qualified for
8.3.3 Combined tension and shear load
multiple use only (see 7.3) are not covered.
For combined tension and shear loading the following formulae shall be satistled for steel fallure and
(6) Detailed Information on the design of fasteners under seismic actions Is given In normative Annex C.
fail ure modes other than steel failure separately:
9.2 Requirements
(1) Fasteners used to resist seismic actions shall meet all applicable requirements for non-seismic
(2) Only fasteners qualified for cracked concrete and seismic applications shall be used (see relevant
'I = 1 F,fat • ll.NEk European Technical Product Specification).
' ' N,fat JIN /
f'F,N ' Rk 1 M,fat (3) In the design of fastenings one of the following options al), a2) orb) shall be satisfied.
a) Design without requirements on the ductility of the fasteners. It shall be assumed that fasteners are
(8.3) non-dissipative elements and they are not able to dissipate energy by means of ductile hysteretlc
behaviour and that they do not contribute to the overall ductile behaviour of the structure.

99 100

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

al) Capacity design: The fastener or group offasteners Is designed for the maximum tension and/or 9.3 Derivation of forces acting on fasteners
shear load that can be transmitted to the fastening based on either the development of a ductile yield
mechanism In the tlxture or the attached element taking Into account strain hardening and material (1) The design value of the effect of seismic actions E2• acting on the flxrure shall be detennlned
over-strength or the capacity of a non-yielding attached element accordlng to EN 1998-1 and Its additional parts. Addltlonal provisions are given In Annex C.
NOTE National rules for the determination of seismic action effects for use in a Country or parts of a Country
a2) Elastic design: The fastening ls designed for the maximum load obtained from the design load may be found in its National Annex of EN 1998-1:2004.
combinations that Include seismic actions E2• corresponding to the ultimate limit state (see
EN 1998-1) assuming elastic behaviour of the fastening and the stnicture. Furthermore, (2) Distribution of forces to the indlvldual fasteners of a group shall be In accordance with Clause 6 If the
uncertainties In the model to derive seismic actions on the fastening shall be taken Into account. base plate remains elastic In the seismic design situation.
b) Design with requirements on the ductllityofthe fasteners: 9.4 Resistance

This option ls applicable only for the tension component of the load acting on the fastener. (1) The seismic characteristic resistance R~"' of a fastening shall be determined In accordance with
Annex C tak1ng Into account the seismic reduction factors a~P and a eq. The basic characteristic seismic
The fastener or group offasteners Is designed forthe design actions Including the seismic actions E•• resistances for steel, pull-out and combined pull-out and concrete failure under tension load and steel
correspondlng to the ultimate limit state (see EN 1998-1). The tension steel capacity of the fastening
failure under shear load are given in the relevant European Technical Product Specification. For all other
shall be smaller than the tension capacity governed by concrete related failure modes. Sufficient fallure modes Iii.,"' shall be detennlned based on the characteristic resistance obtained for the persistent
elongation capacity of the fasteners Is required.
and transient design situation according to Clause 7 as described In Annex C.
The fasteners should not be accounted for energy dissipation 1n the global structural analysts or In (2) The partial factors for resistance r M,eq shall be determined according to 4.4.2.
the analysis of a non-structural element The contribution of the fastening to the energy dissipation
capacity of the structure (see EN 1998-1:2004, 4.2.2) Is not addressed within this standard
10 Verification for fire resistance
Option b) should not be used for the fastening of primary seismic members (see EN 1998-1) due to the
possible large non-recoverable displacements of the fastener that may be expected. Unless shear loads (1) The verlflcatlon of fasteners under fire exposure shall Include all failure modes of the cold state
acting on the fastening are resisted by additional means, additional fasteners should be provided and (see Clause 7).
designed in accordance with option al) or a2). (2) The relevant requirements of EN 1992-1-2, e.g. partial factors and load combinations, shall be
In option b) the fastening may be accounted for energy dissipation If proper justification Is provided observed.
e.g. by a nonllneartlme history (dynamic) analysis (according to EN 1998-1) and the hysteretlc behaviour (3) Informative Annex D provides a design method for cast-In-place headed fasteners, anchor channels
of the fastener ls taken from a European Technical Product Specification. and post-Installed fasteners exposed to fire.
(4) The concrete in the region of the fastening shall be assumed to be cracked when determining design
resistances unless It Is demonstrated according to Formula ( 4.4) that the concrete remains uncracked 11 Verification of serviceability limit state
during the seismic event
(1) For the required verltlcations see 4.2 and 4.3.
(5) The provisions In this section do not apply to the design of fastenings In critical regions of concrete
elements where concrete spalllng or yielding of the reinforcement might occur during seismic events as (2) The admissible displacement c. shall be evaluated by the designer taking Into account the type of
e.g. In plastic hinge zones. application in question (e.g. the structural element to be fastened). It may be assumed that the
displacements C• are a linear function of the applied load. In case of combined tension and shear loads,
(6) Displacement of the fastening shall be accounted for In the design. This requirement needs not to be the displacements for the shear and tension components of the resultant load shall be added vectorlally.
applied to anchoring of non-structural elements of minor Importance. The displacement shall be limited
when a rigid connection In the analysis ls assumed or when the operability of the attached element during (3) The characteristic displacement of the fastener located in cracked oruncracked concrete under given
and after an earthquake shall be ensured. tension and shear loads shall be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Specification.
NOTE F'astener displacements for seismic applications at both danl.age limitation state and ultimate limit state (4) Loadlng on fastenings with supplementary reinforcement may Induce cracks locally at serviceability
are provided in the relevant European Technical Product Specification for fasteners \vith seismic performance limit state. However, the crack •vldths are generally acceptable as they are Implicitly accounted for In the
catego1y C2 as defined in Annex C. detailing requirements of the supplementary reinforcement.

(7) In general, an annular gap between a fastener and Its fixture should be avoided In seismic design
situations. With fastenings of non-structural elements in minor non-critical applications an annular gap
(dr s d1,1) Is allowed. The effect of the annular gap on the behaviour of fastenings shall be !>!ken into
account (see Annexe).
(8) Loosening of the nut or screw shall be prevented by appropriate measures.

101 102

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

Annex A with
(normative) Ns• [kN]

Additional rules for ve rification of concrete elements due to loads applied c) The fastener design loads are taken up by additional hanger reinforcement; which encloses the
tension reinforcement and is anchored at the opposite side of the concrete member. Its distance from
by fastenings an indMdual fastener or the outermost fasteners of a group shall be smaller than h". Hanger
reinforcement already present In the structure and underutilized may be used for this purpose.

d) The embedment depth of the fastener is II,, ;:: 0,B· h.

A.1 General
(1) Compliance with the design methods given In this document will result In satisfactory transmission A.2.3 If no condition of A2.2 is fulfllled, the design shear forces v•._. at the support caused by fastener
of the loads on the fixture to the concrete member. loads shall fulf111 the following condition.

(2) Safe transmlsslon of the fastener loads by the concrete member to its supports shall be demonstrated for a member without shear reinforcement (A4)
for the ultimate limit state and the servlceabliity limit state according to EN 1992-1-1. The provisions In
A2 clarify the methods of complying with EN 1992 -1-1:2004, 6.2.1 (9).
for a member with shear reinforcement (A.5)
(3) Loads applied to the underside of a precast element with added structural topping may be assumed
to be transferred to the whole of the composite construction only if
When calculating v•._. the fastener loads shall be assumed as point loads with a width of load application
a) adequate shear reinforcement Is provided at the Interface bet\veen the precast element and the In
sltu topping, In cases where the fasteners are attached only to the precast element; or t1 =s,1 +2hef and t2 = s12 +2h,1 with s., (S..) equal to the spacing between the outerfastenersofa group
in dlrectlon 1 (2). The active width over which the shear force Is transmitted shall be calculated according
b) h" Is assumed to be the depth of the fasteners embedded In the topping. to the theory of elasticity.

In other cases only light ceilings or slmllar construction (with unit loading not exceeding 1 kN/m') may A.2.4 If under the characteristic combination of act1ons on the fixture the resultant characteristic
be fastened to the precast elements. tension force N2• of the tensioned fasteners In a group Is Nrx :2' 60 kN, the conditions In A.2.2 c) or A.2.2 d)
shall be complied with.
A.2 Verification of the shear resistance of the concrete member
A.2.1 In the following It Is assumed that the fastener loads are applied to the tension face of a concrete

A.2.2 No additional verification for local transmission of loads Is required, if one of the following
conditions Is met.

a) The design shear force v,.at the support caused by the design actions Including the design fastener
loads Is

for a member without shear reinforcement (Al )

for a member with shear reinforcement (A.2)

v.... v..,, VR<J.m" are the shear resistances according to EN 1992 -1-1

b) Under the characteristic combination of actions on the fixture, the resultant characteristic tension
force N•• of the tensioned fasteners Is NEk ,,;30 kN and the spacing a bet\Veen the outermost fasteners
of adjacent groups or between the outer fasteners of a group and Individual fasteners satisfies
Formula (A.3):

a ;,.zooJNEk (A3)

103 104

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

Annex B Annexe
(informative) (normative)

Durability Design of fastenings under seismic actions

B.1 General C.1 General

(1) In the absence of better Information In National Regulations or In the relevant European Technical (1) This Annex provides detailed requirements for fastenings used to transmit seismic actlons In
Product Specification the provisions of this Annex may be used. These provisions are based on an addition to Clause 9.
assumed Intended working life of the fastener of 50 years.
(2) The following types of connections are dist1ngulshed:
(2) Electrolytic corrosion shall be prevented between dissimilar metals by suitable separation or by the
Type 'A' - Connectlon between structural elements of primary and/or secondary seismic members
choice of compatible materials. according to EN 1998-1.
B.2 Fasteners in dry, internal conditions Type '8' - Attachment of non-structural elements.
(1) These conditions are similar to exposure classes XO and XCl according to EN 1992-1-1 for dry
C.2 Performance categories
(2) Jn general, no special corrosion protection Is necessary for steel parts as coatings provided for (1) The seismic performance of fasteners subjected to seismic loading Is categorized by performance
preventing corrosion during storage prior to use and to ensure proper functlonlng are considered categories Cl and C2. Performance category Cl provides fastener capacities only In terms of resistances
sufficient. Malleable cast Iron parts In general do not require any protection. at ultimate limit state, while performance category C2 provides fastener capacities ln terms of both
resistances at ultimate limit state and displacements at damage limitation state and ultimate limit state.
B.3 Fasteners in external atmospheric or in permanently damp internal exposure The requirements for category C2 are more stringent compared to those for category Cl. The
condition performance category valid for a fastener Is given In the corresponding European Technical Product
(1) These conditions are similar to exposure classes XC2, XC3 and XC4 according to EN 1992-1-1.
(2) Table C.1 relates the seismic performance categories Cl and C2 to the seismlclty level and building
(2) Stal.niess steel fasteners of appropriate grade should be used. The grade of stainless steel suitable for importance class. The level of selsmicity Is defined as a function of the product "s ·S, where aR Is the
the various servlce environments (marine, Industrial, eK) should be in accordance with existing national
design ground acceleration on Type A ground and S the soil factor both In accordance with EN 1998-1.
rules. Jn general, austenlttc steels with at least 17 % chromium and 12 % nickel and addition of
molybdenum e.g. material 1.4401, 1.4404, 1.4571, 1.4578 and 1.4439 according to EN 10088-2, NOTE The recon1mended seismic pe rformance categories are given in Table C.1. The value of ag or that of the
EN 10088-3 or equivalent may be used.
product ag ·S used in a Country to define threshold values for the seismicity classes may be found in its National
B.4 Fasteners in high corrosion exposure by chloride and sulphur dioxide Annex of EN 1998-1. Furthermore the assignn1ent of the seismic perfon n.ance categories Cl and C2 to the seismicity
level and building importance classes in a Country may b e found in its National Annex to this EN.
(1) The conditions for chlorides are slmliar to exposure classes XO and XS according to EN 1992-1-1.
Examples Include perrnanenr, alternating Immersion in seawater or the splash zone of seawater, chloride
atmosphere of Indoor swimming pools, road tunnels or car park decks, where de-Icing materials are used.
(2) Examples for exposure to sulphur dioxide are atmosphere with extreme chemical pollution (e.g. In
desulphurlzation plants), where special considerations to corrosion resistance should be given.
(3) The metal parts of the fastener (bolt, screw, nut and washer) should be made of a stainless steel
suitable for the high corrosion exposure and shall be In accordance with national rules. Jn general
stainless steel with about 20 % chromium, 20 % nickel and 6 % molybdenum e.g. materials 1.4565,
1.4529 and 1.4547 according to EN 10088-2, EN 10088-3 or equivalent should be used under high
corrosion exposure.

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EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Table C.1 - Recommended seismic performance categortes for fasteners (2) For the design of fasteners accordlng to 9.2 (3), option a2) 'elastic design' the action effects for
Type 'A' connections shall be derived according to EN 1998-1 with a behaviour factorq = 1,0. For Type 'B'
Importance Class acc. to EN 1998-1:2004, 4.2.S connections the action effects shall be derived with qa = 1,0 for the attached element. qa is defined as
Selsmlclty level•
the behaviour factor for non-structural elements. If action effects are derived In accordance with the
Class a . s'
• u I Ill
I IV simplified approach given in C.4.4 with qa = 1, 0, they shall be multipiled by an ampllfkatlon factor equal
to 1,5. If the action effects are derived from a more precise model, this additional amplification may be
No seismic performance category required
Low• Cl Cl•or C2•
I C2 (3) For the design of fasteners according to 9.2 (3), option b) 'design \vith requirements on the ductility
of the fastener' the follow1ngaddltlonal conditions shall be observed.
> low Cl C2 a) The fas tener shall have a European Technical Product Specification that includes a qualification for
performance category C2.
The values defining the seismicity level~ are subject to a National Annex. The recommended va1ues are given
here. b) To ensure steel failure of the fastening, condition (bl) shall be satisfied for fastenings l\~th one
" Definition according to EN 1998- 1:2004, 3.2.1. fastener In tension and condltlon (b2) for groups \vith two and more tensioned fasteners. In addition
ag =design ground acceleration on type A ground (see EN 1998- 1:2004, 3.2.1), for groups with two and more tensioned headed fusteners or post-Installed mechanical fasteners
condition (b3) applies.
S =soil factor (see EN 1998- 1:2004, 3.2.2).
d Cl for fixing non·structural elements to structures (Type 18 ' connections). NOTE In case of fastenings \vith supplententary reinforcentent, in the verification the resistance for concrete
CZ for fixing structural elements to structures (Type 'A' connections). cone failure is replaced by the resistance oftbe supplementary reinforcement {minimum ofsteel and anchorage

bl) Fastenings with one fustener In tension:

C.3 Design criteria
(1) For the design of fasteners according to 9.2 (3), option al) 'capacity design', for both Type 'A' and R ,; 0 7 · k.<onc.eq (C.1)
k,s.eq '
Type 'B' connections, the fastening Is designed for the maximum load that can be transmitted to the Yinst
fastening based either on the development of a ductile yield mechanism in the attached steel component
(see Figure C.l a)) or in the steel base plate (see Figure C.l b)) taking Into account strain hardening and where
material overstrength effects, or on the capacity of a non-yielding attached component or structural
element (see Figure C.1 c)). is the minimum characteristic seismic resistance for steel failure calculated
The assumption of a plastic hinge In the fixture (see Figure C.l b)) requires to take Into account specific according to Formula (C.8)
aspects including e.g. the redistribution of loads tothe indMdual fasteners of a group, the redistribution Is the minimum characteristic seismic resistance for all concrete related failure
of the loads In the structure and the low cycle fatigue behaviour of the fixture. modes (concrete cone, pull-out (headed and post-Installed mechanical fas teners),
combined pull-out and concrete (bonded fasteners), concrete blow-out and
concrete splitting failure) calculated according to Formula (C.8)
ls the factor accounting for the sensitivity to Installation according to the relevant
- "t-,,.,_,._...!r..
r-,..__ European Technical Product Specification
b2) For groups of fasteners with two and more tensioned fasteners Formula (C.2) shall be satisfied
for the fasteners loaded In tension:

S O ? , k,conc,cq (C.2)
a) b) c) Eh
, E8
d ·Y in.;.t
a) yielding in attached element; where
b) yielding in baseplate;
c) capacity of attached element R'-"'"<"' Is the minimum characteristic seismic resistance for concrete cone, combined pull-
out and concrete (only bonded fasteners), concrete blow-out and concrete splitting
Figure C.1 - Seismic design by protection of the fastening failure calculated according to Formula (C.8)

107 108

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

b3) For a group of headed or post-installed mechanical fasteners wtth two and more tensioned C.4.2 Addition to EN 1998-1:2004,
fasteners the highest loaded fastener shall be verified for pull-out failure according to Formula (C.1),
where"""' is the seismic pull-out resistance of one fastener. For the design of the fasteners in Type 'A' connections the vertical component of the seismic action shall
be taken into account according to EN 1998-1:2004, (2) to (4) if the vertical design ground
c) Fasteners that transmit tensile loads shall be ductile and shall have a stretch length of at least 8d acceleration a,. is greater than 2,5 m/s•.
unless otherwise determined by analysis. Illustrations of stretch lengths are shown In Figure C.2 a)
C.4.3 Addition to EN 1998-1:2004,
and b).
Jn the design of fastenings for non-structural elements subjected to seismic actions, any beneficial effects
1) A fastener is considered as ductile If the nominal steel ultimate strength of the load transferring
of friction due to gl'ilvlty loads should be Ignored.
section does not exceed f.x = SOON/mm 2 , the ratio of nominal yield strength to nominal
C.4.4 Additions and alterations to EN 1998·1:2004,
ultimate strength does not exceed /yk / f ul< = 0,8, and the rupture elongation (measured over a
(1) In cases where EN 1998-1:2004, (3) applies, the horizontal effects of the seismic action ofnon-
length equal to Sd) is at least 12 %.
structural elements may be determined according to EN 1998-1:2004, Formula (4)). However, the
2) The characteristic steel resistance N.,
of fasteners that Incorporate a reduced section
behaviour factor q, may be taken from Table C.2.
(e.g. thread) over a length smaller than 8 d (d =fastener diameter of reduced section) shall be NOTE Table C.2 includes information in addition to the values q, given in EN 1998·1:2004, Table 4.4. The
greater than 1,3-thnes the characteristic yield resistance N,+. of the unreduced section. determination of the seismic action effects of non-structural elen1ents for use in a Country inay be found in its
National Annex to this EN. The recommended n~e is the application of Formula (4.24) of EN 1998-1:2004 in
combination with Formula (C.3).

- -
(2) Formula (4.25) of EN 1998-1:2004 may be rearranged as:

s. = a s{(1+~}A.-o,s] ~a s (C.3)

1· !
A =----- (C.4)

a) b) c)

1+ 1-r:
( 1· )

The seismic amplltlcatlon factor A, may be calculated according to Formula (C.4) or taken from Table C.2
1 stretch length
If one of the fundamental vibration periods Is not known.
a) illustration of stretch length - anchor chair;
NOTH When calculating the forces acting on non~structural elen1ents according to EN 1998-1:2004,
b) illustration of stretch le11gtl1 - sleeve or de bonded length;
Formula (4)), it can he difficult to establish with confidence the fundamental vibration petiod T, of the non-
c) fastening displacements and rotations structural element Table C.2 provides a pragmatic approach.

Figure C.Z - Seismic design by yielding of a ductile fastener

C.4 Derivation of forces acting on fasteners - analysis

C.4.1 General
(1) The design value of the effect of seismic actions E., acting on the fixture shall be determined
according to EN 1998-1 and 9.2 (3). Provlsions In addition to EN 1998-1 including vertical seismic actions
acting on non- structural elements are provided in this Clause.
(2) The maximum value of each action effect (tension and shear component of forces on a fastener) shall
be considered to act simultaneously unless a more accurate model Is used for the estimation of the
probable simultaneous V'.ilue of each action effect.

109 110
l;I !! ~ ~I 132 • :: x

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Table C.2 - Values of q, and A. for non-structural elements 5

Type of non-structural element q. A, I
1 Cantilevering parapets or ornamentations 3,0
~'~' '·'' ''' '''' V\.' '''·' '''' '''
v I/
2 I Signs and blllboards 3,0
I •
v !3
3 Chimneys, masts and tanks on legs acting as unbraced cantilevers along more
than one half of their total height
r -- 1 1 v

4 Hazardous material storage, hazardous fluid piping 3,0 4/ v 2 v~4

v ~
Exterior and Interior walls
Partitions and facades
• v
,,,,,,,,,, v


7 Chimneys, masts and tanks on legs acting as unbraced cantilevers along less "'' ' '' ' ' '' ' '' ' ''
than one half of their total height, or braced or guyed to the structure at or
above thelr centre of mass
1,5 I
8 Elevators 1,5 Key
9 Computer access floors, electrical and communication equipment 3,0 1 include Fva

10 Conveyors 2,0 3,0

2 neglect Fw if a,,. ,; 2,5 m / s2
11 Anchorage elements for permanent cabinets and book stacks supported by the 3 gravity force
1,5 4 wall
5 ceiling or floor
12 Anchorage elements for false (suspended) ceilings and light fixtures 1,5
13 High pressure piping. fire suppression piping 3,0 Figure C.3 - Vertical effects of the seismic action - Example
14 Fluid piping for non-hazardous materials 3,0
C.4.5 Additions and alterations to EN 1998-1:2004,
15 Computer, communication and storage racks 3,0
Upper values for the behaviour factor q, for non-structural elements may be selected from Table C.2.

(3) The vertical effects of the seismic action should be determined by applying a vertical force Fw to the C.5 Resistance
non- structural element acting at the centre of mass of the non-structural element which Is defined as
follows: (1) The seismic design resistance of a fastening is given by:
pva = (sva ·Ws r.)fq. (C.5)
R _ R k,eq
d,eq - (C.7)
with YM,eq

Sva =a.·Aa (C.6) with

q,. A, may be assumed to be equal to the values valid for horizontal forces. r M,eq in accordance with 4.4.2

NOTE The vertical effects of the seisn1ic action Fw for non ~structural elen1ents may be neglected for the
fastener \vtlen the vertical component of the design ground acceleration avg is less than 2,5 n1/si and the gravity
loads are transferred through direct bearing of the future on the structure (see fastening 2 in Figure C.3). The
determination of the vertical seismic action effects of non·structural elements for use iii a Country may be found in
its National Annex to this EN. The recommended rule is the application of Formula (C.5).

111 112

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

(2) The characteristic seismic resistance R~"" of a fastening shall be detennlned as follows: Table C.3 - Reduction factor a eq
Rk,eq =agap · aeq ·Rk,eq (C.8)
Loading Single Fastener
Failure mode
fasten er• group
Steel failure 1,0 1,0
is the reduction factor to take Into account Inertia effects due to an annular gap between
fastener and fixture In case of shear loading. given In the relevant European Technical Concrete cone failure
Product Speclllcation - Headed fastener and undercut fasteners with k1- 1,0 0,85
factor same as headed fastener
is the factor to take Into account the Influence of seismic actions and associated cracking on
- all other fasteners 0,85 0,75
a) concrete cone resistance and bond strength of supplementary reinforcement, and
.~ Pull-out fallure 1,0 0,85

b) resistance of groups due to uneven load transfer to the Individual fasteners In a group, Combined pull-out and concrete failure (bonded
1,0 0,85
see Table C.3; fastener)

is the basic characteristic seismic resistance for a given failure mode determined as follows: Concrete splitting failure 1,0 0,85
Concrete blow-out failure 1,0 0,85
For steel and pull-out failure under tension load and steel failure under shear load Rko,eq
Steel failure of reinforcement 1,0 1,0
shall be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Specification (I.e. N...,,.,,,
N.._,,.,,, V...,,"'). Anchorage failure of reinforcement 0,85 0,75

For combined pull-out and concrete failure In case of post-Installed bonded fasteners R~,q Steel failure 1,0 0,85
shall be detennlned according to (I.e. NR>.p), however, using the characteristic bond Concrete pry-out failure
- Headed fastener and undercut fasteners with k,- 1,0 0,85
resistance ( r Rk,eq) given in the relevant European Technical Product S)leclt'lcation.
factor same as headed fastener
For all other failure modes R~,q shall be detennlned as for the persistent and transient - au other fasteners 0,85 0,75
design situation according to Clause 7 (I.e. for tension load: N..,, N.._,., N._ N.._,,, Concrete edge failure 1,0 0,85
NRlr,3 =y, · NRd,a, and for shear load: V...., v._ N....,, NRk,a = y, · NRd,a)·
Steel failure of reinforcement 1,0 1,0

The forces on the fasteners are ampllfled In presence of an annular gap under shear loading due to a I Anchorage failure of reinforcement 0,85 0,75
hammer effect on the fastener. For reasons of simplicity this effect Is considered only In the resistance of ' This also applie,s \Vhere only one fastener in a group is subjected to tension load.
the fastening. In absence of lnfonnation In the European Technical Product Specification the following
values a gap may be used, which are based on a llmlted number of test~.
Shear loading:
agap = 1,0, no hole clearance benveen fastener and fixture (general case, see 9.2 (7))
= 0,5, connections with hole clearance according to Table 6.1 N.,. v.. are the design actions on the fasteners Including seismic effects for the corresponding
faUure modes.
(3) The verlftcation for Interaction between tension and shear forces shall be carried out analogously to and It shall be determined separately for steel failure and failure modes other than steel kis = 1 for steel failure
failure according to Formula (C.9). = 2/3 for fastenings with a supplementary reinforcement to take up tension or shear
loads only
= 1 In all other cases

NOTH More-precise values for kis may be taken from the relevant European Technical Product Specification.

113 114

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

The following values shall be used In Formula (C.9): AnnexD

In case of steel fallure: N"""'"' and V""""" for NR<J.;..,. and VRd.;,,~ respectively. (informative)
In case of failure modes other than steel failure: Largest ratios for N.JN"",;·'• and v,,/VRd.;,,•. Exposure to fire - design method
C.6 Displacements of fasteners

(1) The displacement of a fastener under tensUe and shear loads at damage llmltarlon state (DLS) shall D.1 General
be limited co a value oH,...,(oLs) and ov.""l(oLs) to meet requlremen~ regarding e.g. funct:lonality and
(1) The design method is valid for cast-in-place headed fasteners, anchor channels and post-Installed
assumed support conditlons. These values shall be selected based on the requirements of the specific
application. When assuming a rigid support In the analysis the designer shall establish the limltlng fasteners and it complemen~ EN 1992-1-2.
displacement comparlble to the requirement for the structural behaviour. (2) Fasteners under fire exposure should have a European Technical Product Specification for use In
NOTE In a nun1ber of cases, the acceptable displacen1ent associated \Yith a rigid support condition is cracked concrete.
considered to be in the range of 3 mm. (3) The characteristic resistances under tlre exposure should be taken from the relevant European
Technical Product Specification. In the absence of such data conservative values are given In 0.4.
(2) If deformarlons (dlsplacemen~ or rotations) are relevant for the design of the connection (such as, However, for anchor channels only concrete and pull-out fall ure modes should be verified with the given
for example, on secondary seismic members or fa1'3de elements) It shall be demonstrated that these approach, while the verification for steel failure should be based on the values given In the relevant
deformations can be accommodated by the fasteners. European Technical ProductSpecitlcatlon. In case of bonded fasteners under tension the verification for
The rotation of the connection BP (see Figure C.2 c)) Is defined by Formula (C.10): combined bond and concrete failure the value r Rl<.fi should be taken from the relevant European Technical
Product Specltlcarlon.
(4) The fire resistance is classified according to EN 13501-2 using the Standard ISO time-temperature
curve (STC).
(5) The design method covers fasteners with a fire exposure from one side only. For fire exposure from
off.«1 Is the displacement of the fastener under seismic loading; more than one side, the design method may be used only, if the edge distance of the fastener Is both,
c ;;, 300 mm and c :;, 2h,..
Sm~ Is the distance between the outermost row of fasteners and the opposite edge of the
baseplate. (6) In general, the design under fire exposure Is carried out according to the design method for ambient
temperature given In this EN. However, partial factors and characteristic resistances under tlre exposure
(3) If the fastener dlsplacemen~ 0 ( . under tension loading and/or ,~ ( ) under shear loading are used Instead of the corresponding values under ambient temperature.
N,t:q DL'i'. 1 V.i:q Dl.S

provided in the relevant European Technical Product Specificarlon are higher than the corresponding (7) Spalllng of concrete due to fire exposure shall be prevented by appropriate measures or taken Into
required values 8H,...,(oLs) and/or ov.req(oLs), the design resistance may be reduced accordlng to account In the design.

Formula (C.11). D.2 Partial factors

(C.lla) (1) The value of the factor accounting for the sensitivity to installation, fbJst, of post-installed fasteners
has Its origin In the prequallflcarlon of the product and Is product dependent Therefore It should not be

(C.llb) (2) Partial factors for materials rM,fi may be found In a Country's National Annex to this EN.

NOTE The recotnmended value is l'M,ft = 1,0 for steel failure and concrete related failure n1odes under shear
( 4) If fastenings and attached elements shall be operational after an earthquake, the relevant loading. For concrete related failure modes under tension y M,ft = 1,0 · l inst.
displacements have to be taken into account.
D.3 Actions
Actions on fastenings under fire exposure should be determined using the load combinations for
accidental loads given In EN 1990.

115 116

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

D.4 Resistance D.4.2.2 Concnte cone failure

D.4.1 General (1) The characteristic resistance for concrete cone fatlure should be determined according to
(headed and post-installed fasteners) or (anchor channels) wlth the following modifications.
If characteristic resistances under f'lre exposure are not available In a European Technical Product
(2) The characteristic resistance of a single fasten&r (anchor of anchor channels) not Influenced by
Speclflcatlon the conservative values g1ven below may be used.
neighbouring fasteners (anchors) or concrete edges Installed In concrete strength classes C20/25 to
D.4.2 Tension load CS0/60 may be obtained according to Formulae (D.2) and (D.3).

D.4.2.1 Steel failure NoRk,c,fi(

hel · No
o) = 200 Rk,c f. NoRk.c ~or fl re exposure up to 90 mt n (D .2)
The characteristic tension strength crRk, of a fastener In case of steel faUure under t'lre exposure given
In the following Tables D.1 and D.2 Is valid for the unprotected steel part of the fastener outside the
concrete and may be used In the design. The characteristic resistance N.._,,0 ls obtained as: N~(t20) = 0,8
:0 N~k.c ~ N~k.c for fire exposure between 90 mln and 120 mln (D.3)

N Rk,s,fi = v Rk,s)i ·As (D.1)

Table D.1 - Characteristic tension strength of a carbon steel fastener under fire exposure Is the effective embedment depth;

Characteristic tension strength v (N/mmz] of an

Is the characteristic resistance of a single fastener In cracked concrete C20/25 under

Embedment unprotected fastener made of carbon steel according to the I ambient temperature according to
bolt/thread depth EN 10025 series In case oft'lre exposure (3) The characteristic spacing Sa.N and edge distance c"·" should be taken as follows:
diameter h., (mm) 120 rnln
30mln 60 mln 90min s".N = 2 c",N = 4 h" (headed and post-Installed fasteners)
(R15 to R30) (R45 to R60) (R90) (,; R120)
= 2 c".N according to Formula (7.62) but not smaller than 4 h" (anchor channels).
!il6 230 10 9 7 5
D.4.2.3 Pull-out failure
!il8 230 10 9 7 5
The characteristic resistance of headed and post-Installed mechanical fasteners Installed In concrete
1110 240 15 13 10 8
classes C20/25 to C50/60 may be obtalned from Formulae (D.4) and (D.5):
1112 and
250 20 15 13 10 NR>.p.n(••) = 0,25 . N""• for flre exposure up to 90 minutes (D.4)

Table D.2 - Characteristic tension strength of a stainless steel fastener under fire exposure NRk,p,n(tio) = 0,20 . N•>.r for flre exposure between 90 minutes and 120 minutes (D.5)

Characteristic tension strength <7 Rk,s,fi (N/mm2] ofan I where

Fastener Embedment unprotected fastener made of stalnless steel of at least steel grade
A4 according to the EN ISO 3506 series in case offlre exposure
N..,, Is the characteristic resistance for pull-out failure given In the relevant European Technical
bolt/thread depth Product Specification In cracked concrete C20/25 under ambient temperature
diameter h.r[mm) 30mln 60 mln 90min 120 rnln
For bonded fastener and bonded expansion fastener the bond resistance under tlre exposure depends on
(RlS to R30) (R45 to R60) (R90) (,; R120) the speclflc product. Currently, no conservative lower bound Is avallable. The characteristic resistance
for pull-out failure shall be determined by fire tests.
1')6 230 10 9 7 5
D.4.2.4 Concrete splitting failure
!il8 230 20 16 12 10
2 40
The assessment of concrete spllttlng failure due to flre exposure Is not required because the splitting
1110 25 20 16 14
forces are assumed to be taken up by the reinforcement
1112 and D.4.2.S Concrete blow-out failure
250 30 25 20 16
The assessment of concrete blow-out failure Is not required because of the required edge distance.

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EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

D.4.3 Shear load (2) The charactertstlc resistance of a single fastener Installed in concrete classes C20/25 to C50/60
should be obtained using Formula (D.10) and (D.11):
D.4.3.1 Steel failure
vRk:,c,6( 1 = 0, 25 · Vi\\..c
for flre exposure up to 90 min (D.10)
(1) For the characteristic shear strength r Rl<,,.H of a fastener In the case of shear load without lever arm
and steel failure under flre exposure the values given in Tables D.1 and D.2 for the characteristic tension V~(l2o) = 0,20 · V~ for flre exposure between 90 mln and 120 mln (D.11)
strength may be used Rk.s.fl = <1Rk,.•.ft). These values apply for the unprotected steel part of the fastener
outside the concrete and may be used In the design. The characteristic resistance V""''·" Is obtained as where
vi\\," ls the Initial value of the characteristic resistance of a single fastener In cracked concrete
C20/25 under normal ambient temperature according to (for headed and post-Installed
fasteners) and according to 7.4.2.S (for anchor channels)
NOTE Lin1ited nu1nbers of tests have indicated, that the ratio of shear strength to tensile strength increases
under fire conditions above that for normal an1bient temperature design. Here it is assumed that this ratio is equal
to 1,0. This is a discrepancy to the behaviour in the cold state where the ratio is smaller than 1.
D.4.4 Combined t ension and shear load

(2) The characteristic shear resistance of a fastener In case of shear load with lever arm may be The verlflcatlons according to 7.2.3 for headed and post-installed fasteners and 7.4.3 for anchor channels
calculated according to However, the characteristic tension strength Is llmlted according to may be used. However, the design actions and design resistances used In these verifications should
correspond to flre exposure.
D.4.2.1 and the characteristic bending resistance of a single fastener under flre exposure, M~k s" , should
be obtained from Formula (D.7).

" Rk,.<.ft according to D.4.2.1.

NOTE Thi~ approach is based on assun1ptions.

D.4.3.2 Concrete pry-out failure

The characteristic resistance In case of fasteners installed In concrete classes C20/25 to C50/60 should
be obtained using Formulae (D.8) and (D.9).

VRk,cp.fl(l2o) = k8 • N Rk,.c.n(120) for fire exposure between 90 mln and 120 min (D.9)

ko is the factor to be taken from the relevant European Technical Product
Specification (amblenttemperature)
N-•c••l· N'""'oc120) are calculated according to D.4.2.2.

D.4.3.3 Concrete edge failure

(1) The characteristic resistance of a fastening with headed and post-installed fasteners should be
calculated according to 7.2.2.S and of one anchor of an anchor channel according to 7.4.2.S with the
following modlfical:lon.

119 120
0 II1 ~ rrn-1 II 132 ~
~ !!" x
J..c ...

EVS·EN 1992-4:2018 EVS·EN 1992-4:2018

AnnexE Cbaracterlsttc Referenced In Type of fastener

(normative) Post-Installed Cast-In

Characteristics for the design of fastenings to be provided by European Mechanical Bonded Headed Anchor I
fastener channel
Technlcal Products Specification
Rl<.s; x x x Jt
ka (2); x x x x
The charactertstlc values used for the design of fastenings shall be provided by ccrrespondlng European
Technical Product Specllkatlons. The characteristics ofTable E.1 shall be given for fastenings under static
loading. For the design of fastenings under fatigue loading the characteristics of Table E.2 and for dtaa; ,, (6)
- x
- ._ x x
fastenings under seismic actions the characteristics of Table E.3 are required In addition.
ku (2) x x x
Table E.1- Characterlsttcs used for the design of fastenings under static loading to be taken
NAA>.a; NP.k.s.c; (1) x
from a European TechnJcal Product Speclflcat1on
- Characteristic Referenced In Type of fastener
No ·N ·
Rk,1.I ' Rk.s1
Post-Installed Cast·ln
S\N (2) x
Mechanical Bonded Headed Anchor Scr,N (lb} x
fastener channel
VRJo:,.U Va4a; (1) x
range of
1.3 (2)
VRy,i:; v: k,.s,l

concrete S1,\1 (2) x

strength class
k.:r,\r; kuc:r,V (2) x x x
Yiost Scr,\f (3) x
E, (optional) 6.2.1 x x x x hcr,V (5} x
N.,,, x x x kn; ku x
kcr,Nik~.N (2); x x x x fastener Clause 11 (3} x x x x (3) displacement
c.,,. (3) x x x
- under given
tension and
N..,.; x x x shear load

0 • • (2) x N....,,.; V....,,.; D.l (3) x x x

"'ns ' r ' No
......... Rlt.t.11

N~ D.1 (3) x x
c..-..; s-.; h,... (1); x x x x
,_____ (1) t Rk,ft D.1 (3) x
Cct.sp (2); x x x pO. MO . G.2; G.3 x x x (2) Rlc' Rk,s'

NO (2) x x x y M; l Ms;Scr;

Rk.sp Cu; hmm
A• (2) (x) x G.2 x x x
I{/ c; Smin;; Cmin
1(0 (1) x x x
....... rci l MsJ ' x x x x
k1 (2) x x x '-
'- -~
- See Table 4.1 for recommended values; reference to• National Standard should be added.

121 122

0 ii ~ 126 . I 132 l~H.i·. ,' x

EVS·EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

Table E.2 - Additional characteristics used for the design of fastenings under fatigue loading to AnnexF
be laken from a European Technical Product Specification (normative)
Type of fastener
Post-Installed Cast-In
Assumptions for design provisions regarding execution of fastenings
Character1stlc Referenced
Headed Anchor
Mechanical Bonded
fastener channel
F.1 General
I' F.H; JNRl<.t; JNRlr.p 8.3.1 x x x
In this EN the following assumptions have been made In respect of Installation and execution or the
l'F,V; JVlll<.> 8.3.2 x x x relevant type or f.lstener and regarding welding design of headed fasteners. The Installation Instructions

8.3.3 x x
-- x
should reflect the assumptions stated below for the corresponding type of fastener.
a ,: ac
F.2 Post-inst.a.lied fasteners
maximum number of x
x x
load cycles a) Concrete has been compacted adequately In the area of the fastening. This should be checked prior
and during Installation, e.g. by visual Inspection.

Table E.3 - Additional characteristics used for the design of fastenings under seismic loading to b) Requirements for drllllng operation and bore hole are fulAlled when:
be taken from a European Technical Product Speclftcatlon
1) Holes are drilled perpendlcular to the surface of the concrete unless specifically required
Type orrastener otherwise by the manufacturer's Installation Instructions.
Referenced Post· lnstalled Cast-In
Characteristic 2) Dr!lllng Is carried out according to l'he manufacturer's Installation Instructions.
In Headed Anchor
Mechanical Bonded
fastener channel 3) Hammer-drill bits which comply with ISO (e.g. ISO 5468) or National Standards are used.
performance category C.2 (1) x x x
4) The diameter of the segments for diamond core drilling complies with the prescribed diameter.
rupture elongation (As) C.3 (3) c) x x x
5) Holes are cleaned according to the manufacturer's Installation Instructions which are typically
a g•P
c.s (2) x x x given In the European Technical Product SpeclAcatlons.
N...,,..;V......., 9.4 (1); 6) Aborted or unused drill holes are Aiied with non-shrinkage mortar with a strength at least equal
x x x
C.5 (2) to the base material and 2: 40 N/mm•.
N.._, 9.4 (1);

x x Many drill bits exhibit a mark Indicating that they are In accordance with ISO (e.g. ISO 5468) or
C.5 (2)
r R>;.oq 9.4 (1);
- National Standards. If the drill bits do not bear a conformity mark, evidence of suitability should be
c.s (2) c) Inspection and approval or the correct Installation or the fasteners Is carried out by appropriately
ku c.s (3) x x x qualified personnel.

c5N~U1.S) ; 6v.eq(01.S) 9.2 (6) x x x d) Reinforcement In dose proxlmtty to the hole position should not be damaged during dr!lllng. In
prestressed concrete elements the distance between the drill!ng hole and the prestressed
SN~DLS) ; Ov.eq (DLS) 9.2 (6);
x reinforcement shall be at least so mm; for determination or the position of the prestressed
x x
reinforcement In the structure a suitable device e.g. a reinforcement detector may be used.
C.6 (3)

123 124

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:20 18

F.3 Headed fasteners AnnexG

Fasteners are installed according to a quality system which shall at least Include the following Items:
The welding procedure for studs is done In accordance with the provisions given In the relevant Design of post-installed fasteners - simplified methods
European Technical Product Specification.

The fastener Is fixed In a way that no movement of the fastener wlll occur during placing of
reinforcement or during pouring and compactlng of the concrete. G.1 General
Requirements for adequate compaction particularly under the bead of the fastener and under the
G.1.1 This Annex applies when
fixture as well as proVislons for vent openings in fixtures are fulfilled. In general, fixtures
400 mm x400 mm or larger will require vent openings. forces on the fasteners have been calculated using elastic analysis,

Inspectlon and approval of the correct Installation of the fasteners Is carried out by appropriately the requlrements of 4.5 and An·nex Fare observed.
qualltled personnel.
G.1.2 For the design of post-Installed fasteners In the ultimate limit state, there are three different
The fasteners may be vibrated (not just punched) Into the wet concrete Immediately after pouring design methods available.
provided the following requirements are fulfilled:
The size of the fixture and the number of fasteners are such that the fastening can be placed The methods differ In the degree of simplification atthe expense of conservatism:
simultaneously during vibrating by the available personnel. In general fixtures 200 mm x 200 mm Increas ing Method A: Resistance Is established for all load dlrectlons and all modes
and smaller with up to 4 fasteners wUI fulfil the requirement. simplification and of failure, using actual values of edge distance c to the
cons ervatism fasteners and spacing s between fasteners in a group
The fastenings are not moved a Iler vibrating has been finished. (see 7.2).
Method B: A single value of resistance Is used for all load dlrectlons and
The concrete under the head of the headed fastener as well as under the base plate Is properly
modes of failure. This reslst'llnce Is related to the
characteristic values c" and s,,. It Is permitted to use smaller
values for c and s than these but the resist-ance should then
F.4 Anchor channels be modified as Indicated (see G.2).
a) The anchor channel Is fixed In a way that no movement of the anchor channel will occur during Method C: As method B but the values of c and s are not less than c" and
placing of reinforcement or during pouring and compactlng of the concrete. s" (see G.3).
Each method has further options with regard to:
b) The concrete in particular under the head of the anchor and under the channel Is properly compacted.
a) the use of fasteners In cracked and uncracked concrete or uncracked concrete only; and
c) Placing anchor channels by only pushing them Into the wet concrete Is not allowed.
b) the concrete strength class for which the resistance is valid.
d) Anchor channels might be Vibrated Into the wet concrete Immediately after pouring according to a
quality system which shall at least Include the following Items: The design meth.od to be applied and the corresponding data are gtven in the relevant European Technical
Product Specification. Each design method requires its own set of technical data. For design methods A,
1) The length of the anchor channel Is limited to 1 m if placed by one person, so thatttcan be placed Band C the requlred data are given in Table E.1 and Subclauses G.2 and G.3, respectively.
simultaneously during vibrating. Longer channels should be placed by at least two persons.
G.2 MethodB
2) The anchor channels are not moved after vibrating bas been finished.
Method B uses a single value of characteristic resistance F~k valid for all load directions and modes of
3) The concrete In the region of the anchor and the anchor channel is property compacted.
failure and for a given concrete compressive strength under the following conditions:
e) lnspectlon and approval of the correct Installation of the anchor channels Is performed by
appropriately quallfled personnel. a) The design resistance F.,, ls equal to the basic design resistance P~ according to Formula (G.1) If the
spacings" and the edge distance c" are observed.


125 126

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018 EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

b) If the actual values for spacing and edge distance are smaller than the values s" and c,,, the design Bibliography
resistance shall be calculated according to Formula (G.2).

1 Ac o
P.Rd = -n ·-·l/f .,, re " r" c ·P.Rd
Ao s "" (G.2) (1) EN 1992-2, Burocode 2 - Design ofconcrete stnJctures - Concrete bridges - Design and detul/lng
c rules
(2) EN 1992-3, Burocode 2 - Design ofconcrete structures - Part 3: Liquid retaining and containment
n ls the m1mberofloaded fasteners.
(3) EN 1993-1-8, Burocode 3: Design ofsteel structures - Part 1-8: Design ofjolnts
The eff~ of spacing and edge distance Is taken Into account by the factors A,/ A~ and lfl,. The
factors A, / A~ and 'JI, should be calculated according to replacing A<N• A~.N, s".N and «,,N by (4) EN 1998-2, Eurocode8 - Deslgn ofstructures for earthquake resfstance - Part2: Bridges

A, , A~, s" and c,,. respectively. The effect of a narrowly spaced reinforcement Is taken Into account (5) EN 1998-3, Eurocode 8: Design ofstructures for earthquake reslsttJnce -Part 3: Assessment and
retrofitting ofbuildings
by the factor I/I re. The factor I/I re Is calculated according to (5). The factor I/I, takes Into
account the influence of the concrete compressive strength on the resistance. The factor 'JI c Is given (6) EN 1998-4, Eurocode 8 - Design ofstructures for earthquake resistance -Part 4: Silos, ttJnks and
the European Technical Product SpecU'Jcatlon. pipelines

c) In case of fastener groups It shall be shown that the design load acting on the most loaded fastener (7) EN 1998-5, Burocode 8: Design ofstructures for earthquake resistance Part S: Foundations,
does not exceed the value In Formula (G.2). retaining structures and geotechnlcal aspects

d) In case of shear load with lever arm the characteristic fustener resistance V"""·" shall be calculated (8) EN 1998-6, Eurocode8: Design ofstructures for earthquake resistance - Part6: Towers, masts and
accordlngto Formula (7.37), replaclngNRd, ln Formula (7.38) by the design resistance P~d accordlng
to Formula (G.1). (9) EN 10025 (all parts), Hot rolled products ofstructural steels

e) The value vRJ<.s / r ~"' shall be limited to the value n.. according to Formula (G.2). (10] EN 10080, Steel for the reinforcement ofconcrete - Weldable reinforcing steel - General

(11) EN 10088-2, Stainless steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of
f) For bonded fasteners the value F~k shall be multlplled by lfl sas according to Formula (7.14). corrosion resisting steels for general purposes

(12} EN 10088-3, Stainless steels -Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, bars,
The values for F~k' M~k.s' yM, 1Ms ' 'I' c' Scr1 Ccl) Smin. Cmin and hmm are given In the relevant European
rods, wire, sections and bright products ofcorrosion resisting steels for general purposes
Technical Product Specification.
(13] EN 13501-2, Fire classification ofconstruction products and bu//dlng elements- Parez:
G.3 MethodC Classification using data from fire resistance tests, excluding ventilation services

Method C uses a single value of characteristic resistance FRk valld for all load directions and modes of (14] CEN/TR 15728, Design and use ofInserts for lifting and hand/Ing ofprecast concrete elements
failure. Method C Is valid only for values of c and snot less than c" and s.,., respectively. The design (15) CEN/TR 17079, Design offastenings for use In concrete -Redundant non-structural systems
resistance F.,, ls calculated as:
(16] CEN/TR 17080, Design offastenings for use In concrete -Anchor channels - Supplementary rules
(17) CEN/TR 17081, Design offastenings for use In concrete - Plastic design offastenings with headed
In case of shear load with lever arm the characteristic fastener resistance VIU\.<.M shall be calculated and post-Installed fasteners
according to Formula (7.37), replacing N.,,, In Formula (7.38) by the design resistance F.,,. The value
VRl<.s fr Ms shall be limited to F.,,. (18] EN ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties offasteners made ofcarbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1:
Bolts, screws and studs with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread {ISO
For bonded fasteners the value FRk shall be multiplied by \If sos according to Formula (7.14). 898-1)

The values FRk , M~k,s , YM, YMs- s"' c" and hmm are given In the relevant European Technical Product (19) EN ISO 898-2, Mechanical properties offasteners made ofcarbon steel and alloy steel - Part 2: Nuts
with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898-2)

12.7 12.8
,• x

EVS-EN 1992-4:2018

(20) EN ISO 3506 (all parts}, Mechanical properties ofcorrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners
{ISO 3S06, all parts)

(21) ISO 5468, Rotary and rotilry lmpaccmasonry drill bits with hardmeta/ tips - Dimensions

(22) ISO 5922, Malleable cast iron


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